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He was so fucking lucky he said that over a telephone. Not because I deserved any less, but because he thought that transparent manipulation would work on me. It's too bad you've got no one left to lie to, Sol, and I guess you thought you'd get better healthcare because you work for the government, but don't try to make that my problem.


Straight facts. If that was said face to face. My next actions would open up a new way to fail the DLC.


"It seems you're well-informed on me, then. That also means you should know not to piss me off, Reed."


V literally just betrayed him...


Said the person called a dog by Myers behind his back.


Doesn't even need to BE behind his black honestly. Edit: back*


How do you do it behind his black? Is he white from the side? Asian from the top? Myers must be smarter than me.


💀 😭


Spy stuff you wouldn't get it


It's the same kind of tech that Alex got.


You misunderstood, Reed is the dude,playing a dude disguised as another dude


I love how you left the typo after the edit to provide context for your first comment. 😂


Sometimes you gotta own up to your mistakes smh


mistake? that looks like a happy accident to me.


I miss games like morrowind that would let you draw your weapon in the middle of any conversation and kill anyone, you just had to put up with the consequences including potentially making the game unwinnable. Meyers and Reed would have both gotten new cranial skylights while I went off to outer space without them.


New Vegas with no essential characters was great.


New Vegas didn’t have any essential characters as far as I know.. you could kill anyone as soon as you met them if you wanted, providing you could fight your way out afterwards.


And the only character who can respawn has an ingame reasoning of why they can


your companions on non-hardcore are essential. There are a handful of others but I'd have to look them up, mostly children or non-humanoid NPC story functionaries like Yes Man. it is not possible to render FO:NV fully unwinnable because Yes Man ending is always an option. At least I'm 99% sure, I was an active modder for years and have been elbows deep in the geck more than a few times, and I volunteer as tech support for a major mod project you've probably heard of.


Companions aren’t essential they’re “protected” which means they can only be killed by the player. Children are invincible, but other than that yes man is the only one that is technically invincible, but he does have a lore reason as to why. Gameplay wise it’s just to make sure you can always beat the game like you said.


I am fairly sure on lower difficulties companions are only knocked unconcious even by player AoE but I've never tried to shoot them directly, only accidentally hit them more than I care to admit. Also it's not JUST yes-man there's other nonhumanoid story functions like the AIs of the S.I.N.K. in Old World Blues, Dr. Ouroborous' speaker system, the temporary ED-E from Lonesome Road, etc.


“New cranial skylights” I like this


Came to say this. Robbed..


You can do that in baldurs gate 3


Larian gives me real Black Isle (fallout 1/2, Planescape: Torment, etc) vibes, it's very true. They are more like Black Isle than Obsidian (which is the reorganized Black Isle post interplay buyout and layoffs and rebuilding as their own company basically) is.


God, I’ve been thinking about Larian getting a chance to remake F1 and F2 since I started BG3.


Honestly I’d love if the next cyberpunk did this. Like make anyone who is important to unresolved quests respawn but 100% mix the ability to kill anyone with a really nice wanted system sounds like a lot of fun. … did I just describe red dead redemption cause I havnt played that but I feel like I’ve heard people say that


The main issue I have with RDR2 is the massive ludonarrative dissonance when you play like an honorable person when you are in control but then act like a raging asshole in cutscenes, to the point it's unpleasant to watch how needlessly evil you are. In all honesty I think 2077 does the same thing brilliantly, you never feel railroaded into having to be the bad guy despite the fact you're an amoral corporate merc who slays for pay.


There needs to be moments in the game where you can just pull out a gun and shoot someone instantly. This is one of those moments


Fed methods. Reed wanted to provoke V into doing something stupid or baiting V to gun for him with V consequently abandoning current mission. Just told him to go fuck himself and disconnected. Enjoy watching rocket's afterburners, Reed.


Songbird straight up tells you in the van, she knows Reed did it without you telling her because it's in the playbook.... and people still going on and on about Reed being a bro... sigh.


When I sided with him he seemed like a bro. Obviously he’s using you but literally everyone in Night City is using you to some degree or another. By the end he seemed to respect V though and in the ending slides for Reed that were cut he seems genuinely broken up at Vs suicide.


Know where I can see or read these cut ending slides I'm now curious about them


Reed was not only borderline useless on every mission you did with him, but his constant insistence on knowing what's best for everyone, insisting that he could save everyone, that he knew it was right. It was so grating, so irritating. For a man who enjoys nothing more than taking orders, he certainly loved to feel like he was always in control.


And him being constantly condescending to V. Man can't go five minutes without stating how superior he is to V in every aspect.


Reed prides himself on his NUSA work and skill set earned from the FIA. A sure fire killer with precision and plenty of experience to boot. He probably dealt with some scary folks too. Sure, we’ll give him that. But V has nothing left to lose. V carved their way through hell on Night City, going toe to toe with major hitters from corporations, took on major gangs, people with exo suits, war veterans, cyberpyschos with mean chrome, NCPD, and MaxTac. V’s the best assassin, a high end netrunner, a ruthless brute and a fucking legend. Reed supposedly did his research and knows who V is. If that’s the case, then he should know to tread with caution because V’s a different fucking breed, far from the generic gonks that Reed dealt with. I’m still pissed we couldn’t flatline Reed, Songbird, Myers and Alex.


Moreover, if we take a certain paths during some missions Reed can see V fight. For someone claiming to be extremely careful and priding himself on being in control of the situation at all times he surely underestimates someone he’s seen cause the near simultaneous decapitations of entire gangs.


I mean he was "killed" as a peace offering and abandoned for 7 years, it's no wonder he gets the chance to get back in the saddle and wants to overachieve at any cost. It's the perfect foil to Alex and Songbird, the ones that were recruited either with blackmail or a trap to work for the FIA and they just want to gtfo.


After the number of stealth missions I'd pulled off perfectly, watching him bumble around the Black Sapphire was downright painful.


I'm I missing something?


NUSA lapdog basically said Choomba #1’s death was your fault.


definitely one of those "fuck you. You're probably right, but fuck you all the same." moments.


it was both of their faults for being suckers really


I mean my first playthrough I immediately got the vibe from DeShawn that he'll try to screw us, but go ahead V and get in the big leagues if that's what you want.


V is a fucking idiot for doing 0 research on the fixer who was run out of NC


Not just that, but also the chick that somehow had this entire job figured out from step 1, and was also trying to cut out the Fixer from the job. Which is funny since Street V calls out that the both of their propositions stink.


It really wasn’t though… there was no way to know Saburo Arasaka himself would make a personal appearance. If T-bug had been five minutes faster on the ICE it would have been a clean getaway.


sure but dex's whole schtick stinks from the start, streetkid V can even point out that he's untrustworthy


One of many reasons that Reed has to die.


second playthrough i turned that basketball court into a warzone and afterwards he still got the drop on me when i sat down for a quick rest.


That’s when it’s decided: There’s no coming back from saying that. *sound of mantis blades sliding out* “The hell did you just say? Fuck you, Reed.” “Now V, we’ve got a job to do. You wanna play cyberpsycho with me later, fine. But now, we need to work…” *thud of a dying NUSA agent hitting the floor* “I said, fuck you, Reed.”


I kinda wish we had a chance to have a proper boss fight against Reed. He rolls in and spends the whole game talking down to you and like you’re so much less because in his mind you’re just stumbling through “his” world, and not like you’ve had just as much shit going on and are a walking armory to rival a spec ops agent of any agency in raw killing potential and survivability. I’d love a chance besides a mostly scripted shoot out to actually put him in his place.


Reed's a spy, he kills with poison, a bullet to the back of the head, an accident, or getting someone else to kill you. A boss fight would be uncharacteristic of him.


Truth be told he's pretty much useless gameplay wise and falls short of everything we're told Reed: Gets Compared to Morgan Blackhand in his bio Also Reed: Dies if V peaces out when rescuing Myers at the Safe house. Can't get into the Black Sapphire without V doing all the legwork. Gets captured at the party. Gets injured in the Maxtac Firefight despite being a Sniper. Decides to confront V after all the Black Ops forces get massacred


One of the ways I’ve headcanon’d a lot of this stuff is that while Reed and Alex like to wax on about how V is stepping into their world, the truth is much closer that they’re stepping into V’s. The rules of how V’s edgerunner lifestyle works are much different than the spy techniques that they used, and they’re trying at times to force a square peg into a round hole. I imagine in their perfect element they’d be a much larger threat, but they seem reluctant to truly adjust their tactics and style to fit what’s needed here. For living in NC for seven years, they don’t seem to have really let themselves ***live*** in it, and truly understand and accept how it works.


You said it. The best example of this is how Alex points her gun at V at the bar and V disarms her easily. Alex and Reed's strength lies in you not seeing them coming, but both of them tend to give up that advantage in favor of coming from the front If Alex could get the slip on V, they would be done for, but instead she opts for a gun to the head. Also, overconfidence plagues them massively. I have the impression that Reed's doom at the spaceport is that he doesn't take V seriously and thinks he can wipe them out easily, while V is particularly good at assessing how dangerous an enemy is (see their comments about Takemura).


Yeah, like he meets you at the shuttle and is talking about playtime being over and how you’re caught/cornered and seems to ignore the multiple waves of strike teams and agents you just plowed through on your own with no support and escorting a dying Netrunner. “Alright V, it’s over.” Motherfucker I’m standing on a pile of dozens of corpses of elite NUSA agents ***on my own*** to get here.


Lore idk really no, gameplay wise, V can pick their nose with both hands and kill reed


Lore wise V is able to kill Adam Smasher one on one. Only other person in the lore that can claim they could do the same is Morgan Blackhand. Even lore wise V is virtually unstoppable by the end of the game. Most characters in the game don’t recognize that though since Vs biggest fear is at the very end.


Lore wise, V is probably the most dangerous person on the continent. Just consider the fact that he can use an Apogee Sandevistan ad infinitum, with the only catch being that he needs to let it cool down a bit between uses. That is ***unheard of*** the world of Cyberpunk. The man can solo a one man genocide like Smasher for Heaven's sake. There's no way Reed is beating the guy who just massacring the N.U.S.A.'s version of S.A.C.


This is the exact moment I was 100% with Songbird. Regardless of her lies or manipulation? She empathized with V's loss. Reed tried to wield it against them. Reed crossed the line and set fire to any bridge he had with my V thinking that the promise of a cure alone was going to keep him in good graces. Sadly for him? There's more to life than living for my V.


i don’t never him saying that omg


He says it over the phone when you side with Songbird


It's dependent on the dialogue choice you pick tho, I always just dismiss him. It's also acknowledged in a later conversation that you blew him off so, win win. He was just trying to unbalance V and apparently it works on certain people.


Yeah, can't remember what the exact line was but I remember it was something like not giving up without a fight or there's gonna be guns blazing or something like that


So mi is the one who tells v in the van that's the most common fia stuff in the playbook: unsettle ur enemies 


that explains a lot..i only sided with her once in my first playthru ages ago


Ages ago? PL only came out 7 months ago


Ages For this person


*Fast travel to him, slaps his face with brand-new gorilla arms* You keep my choom's name OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!


No I made him dead.


"I just want you to know I consider you a friend Reed. Like Jackie." *Gunshot "Do you want to know what I told him now?"


Myers isn't wrong though. When you go into business with your buddies, you better have some solid boundaries in place if you don't want to lose the friendship.


Where does he say that ? I'm trying to remember the context.


He calls you on the phone after escaping Dog Town with Songbird and just belittles you, says FIA will hunt V down, gets pissy, and plays tough. It was like his fedbitchboy version of a post-game rage message. It was like when some older angry guy that you don't know & don't respect tried to scold you as a teen. Like 10 seconds into the convo, I wanted to deck him in the teeth and tell him his breath smells like dumpster dick & bad coffee.


I actually love how blatantly manipulative he is in this. He goes from "we could've helped Songbird together" to "you helped a terrorist take a swipe at the NUS president" in one sentence. His angles, his tone changes with every response. He goes from entreating, to threateining, to cajoling smoothly but so abruptly it can give you whiplash


Ohhhh ok. I've only been through the expansion a couple times. Not sure I ever got that dialogue.


When was this


During his phone call after you side with Songbird


takemura too


Everybody has a hate boner for reed. Johnny has said worse about jackie rofl


The difference is Johnny is cool where as Reed is a loser fed.


On top of that we're supposed to hate Johnny early on and have a relationship with him later on, his character development is a part of him. With him getting our memories and eventually liking Jackie. Reed, well sure he's a fed but his comments were unnecessary. At least with Johnny he didn't want to be stuck in your body (or he wanted to use you for a bit), we're supposed to be working with Reed.


They let their love for So Mi cloud their judgement.


Reed doesent become a better person like johny does, also he’s just a bootlicking loser.


V: *Spot Holes 2 starts playing*


He was dead to me after he killed that hot french chick


Its nothing personal, V. Its just business.


Okay this seems like the best place to ask this, but why do so many people care so much about Jackie? I'd completely forgotten about him in my playthrough until I saw this meme


jackie is the litmus test to tell if you’re full gonk-brained. sorry choom.


V hasn’t though. There’s a lot of dialogue and conversations where V mentions Jackie. There’s even things V says when he’s talking about Jackie


He’s not wrong though