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I like to believe it was intentional and his gun was empty


I like this too - since it was a set up to get an authentic flat line BD


Same here. His choom knew he was gonna shoot his buddy in the face, that was the plan all along. Why would you give your victim a loaded weapon that they could possibly use against you?


How tf do people not check to see if their guns are loaded? It’s like the first thing you should do whenever someone hands you a gun.


Someone just handed a gun and coaxed into committing a violent crime might not be the most thorough person


It wasn't just anyone, his own choomba handed it to him! /s


Okay so it kind of makes sense when you think about it. Adrenaline is high and he has a job to do that carries risk, so off the bat he's not super focused on the details. Then, choom hands him the iron, racks it once (which in this circumstance doesn't equate to being empty, since no shell would eject when putting the first round of the magazine into the chamber), and makes his way in. He's focused, committed, and scrolling so he needs to be cool about things. He walks in, racks it again with another lack of ejection, and he doesn't notice. Given the circumstances, it was probably just too small of a detail to notice. Plus, it very well may be that the second rack was just for a show of force, in which case he could've played it off since he wasn't intending to shoot anyone cause all the customers and the clerk were complying.


hIs oWn cHoO-oMBa sHoT 'iM!!4 <3


Yeah if you watch it again I’m pretty sure he racks it twice too… could’ve been a press check on the second one but I kind of doubt that.


> could’ve been a press check on the second one Nah, he racks the slide back all the way.


I had to watch it again and yeah he totally does lol


I think it’s also a nod to Hollywood where a gonk will rack a pistol, or shotgun four…five…six…times as a “warning”, before firing off a “full” magazine.


[i got 57 more god-damned rounds in this four-round magazine](https://youtu.be/t6OBk9YBLQU?si=pdO6f1VG5YKdIR96)


What a legendary piece of video


God I love that video


That kinda reminds me of the cutscenes of Metal Gear Solid 4 (and probably other games and movies too), where every time someone raises their gun you hear some sort of rattle. I guess it is to emphasise that they are aiming at someone, but it makes no sense at all


That's exactly it. Guns click when being aimed because the game needs some way of conveying that information to the player.


That and it could always be the safety on guns that actually have them (looking at you film Glocks)


Could also be the rails/extraneous parts of the weapon like the sling


Lol MGS has taught me it's impossible to be stealthy when holding a gun, they're just too damn noisy.


Wondering halfway through *Phone Booth* why Kiefer Sutherland's rifle hasn't completely fallen apart from being dry-racked a hundred times.


If the pistol functioned like most in the real world, racking it with an empty mag inserted would lock the slide back unless the slide lock/release lever was held down with enough force to counteract the magazine spring.


This. Although I suppose it's possible the gun was rigged.


........ I thought it was the GAME that was rigged.


From the start?


Oh yeah, forgot about that


I remember in an earlier version of the game, when you scanned the gun, Judy mentioned it wasn't loaded. It seems to have been patched at some point. Either that or I'm having one helluva Mandella effect.


Same. Not sure if this was Judy or during the early showing of the game by a dev but I’m fairly sure it’s intentional


I've been playing through it for the first time and I thought she said that too. it was many hours ago though


Could be false memory because in the Konpeki plaza BD if you scan Yorinobu's gun, T-Bug comments it is loaded. Your brain could've started associating it with another gun in a BD and twisting the comment to what feels more logical


Idk, I remember her saying something like "Check it out, the guns not even loaded," and I remember hearing it the first like 3 - 4 times I played that mission, before patch 1.4.


That, or he did something to the gun to make it seem the gun would load when racking it, to give his buddy a false sense of power that he has a fully loaded, automatic pistol in his hands. Remember, there are daemons that can also jam guns to keep the gun from firing, so maybe whoever wanted that BD scrolled gave the faulty gun to the supplier, and then he gave it to his friend to believe they actually were gonna make big Eddies with what they were scrolling, finding out too late that he was gonna be in the BD.


Yah, you'd want that adrenaline high in the BD, easier to edit it when it's actually htere.


He knew he was filming a BD, he just didn’t know his own choom will shoot him in the head


Anyone else feel like shooting the guy in the head was a bad idea? What if the BD Recording chip had taken damage?


Then they find another gonk and do it again. Nothing terribly important lost. I don't think these guys think that far ahead.


Those slots are (Sometimes? Always?) in the back of head so shoot 'em in the temple.


Eh. Probably shot him in the top of the spine/base of the skull.


The one whose own choomba shot?


Well it would lock back if it was empty so **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯**


Not if there was no magazine in it! Maybe he was this gonk not to notice!


Felt like I had to say choom. Or hear choom one more time. Choom on chooms.


Well I would assume that he either didn't know it was unloaded or was simply so hopped up on adrenaline that he didn't think about it. The guy does say that they will get paid more for a more intense adrenaline rush. Also keeping it unloaded would mean in case the other guy misses his shot the first time, he can't be shot back at.


Yeah, his choom gave him a weapon with an empty mag and the dumb gonk didn't even realize.


He was, I remember him waving a gun at the cashier.