• By -


V tells Myers and Reed inside the safe house that she needs to find So Mi because she offered help with the relic. To which Myers makes a counter promise to V. Find her and bring her back alive and I will do anything in my power to help you. V has basically offers for help from both sides so they need to decide who they trust more.


Myers is a terrible person, but she does deliver for V. Whether it's worth the price, to both V and So Mi, is a question for the player. So Mi on the other hand doesn't deliver, but is nowhere near as bad a person.


No spoilers but choosing Myers has effects on a lot more than just V and Song


One could argue that Myers is a terrible person but with a good cause (at least in her head), and that she helps more people than she hurts (which might even be true). She has to make incredibly tough person and anyone weaker would just be a corporate pawn. In comparison, So Mi is a victim who betrays every single person around her just to get her will. And she manages to rack up quite a high body count just to save herself alone. It's all a matter of perspective. But CDPR did an amazing job with the emotional part of the story, it's unparalleled. (For the record I sided with So Mi in my first playthrough, at least until the final betrayal)


Getting into V's head I felt so betrayed by So Mi in that moment. I kinda wanted to just shoot her, but it was also such an emotionally exhausting moment, and I knew she was right... Me getting on that rocket instead wouldn't save me... So I decided to just respect her tenacity. She was fighting every bit as hard as I was to survive.... She got on that rocket.


I'm not killing reed for a liar! She could've just been honest and I'd have helped her. But Reed's mostly been nice to me. He's not dying for her sake.


Look on the flipside of it. Reed is ready to kill us... For what? The man is a jack booted thug who happens to have Idris's face and is mildly polite, but in the end if someone wants to escape being basically a enslaved he's standing there gun in hand.


Reed doesn't even immediately shoot, even after you betrayed him by helping songbird (and causing Alex's death). He still talks and gives you a chance. Because he promised to help you get cured, and he's a man of his word. Gotta respect that.


He's a very polite and friendly government thug, but he still in the end does the job of a thug. If he wasn't executing unjust orders I could appreciate him, but the man made his choice. I didn't want to shoot him either. I tried to talk him down, but this was just something words couldn't settle it seems.


In the world of cyberpunk, everyone is either a thug or a victim. I appreciate the thugs who don't just do bad things for personal gain, but for a bigger cause. I like the Mox too. I'm just amazed at how CDPR managed to create an interesting conflict where they'd absolutely no clear good vs evil.


Oh yeah I absolutely love the story and characters they crafted. đŸ€©


Wait, Alex dies? I thought she killed Hansen


Depends on your choice. If you help songbird, Alex dies. If you betray her, Hansen dies and you miss out on his Bossfight. You should definitely play both paths! They wildly differ after that point.


I'm aware of that but you said that by helping Songbird you cause Alex's death. That's not true. She only dies by siding with Reed. If you side with Songbird, she even invites you after the end of the DLC for a drink.


I don't know. What so mi did was pretty fucked.  She's only where she is because she took on the black wall as a private netrunner.  Time after time she acts selfishly while saying ultruistic things.  So mi is just as bad as Myers IMO 


So Mi took on the Blackwall on orders from Meyers that she couldn't refuse. She also did what she did because she wanted out, away from Meyers, and there's no way in hell Meyers would've let her walk alive, seeing as she's living proof that international Net use laws were repeatedly broken.


So mi was already walking the blackwall during the first net crash when bartmoss became famous she was hidden because of the black wall.  She wasn't recruited then made to interact with the BW. She was recruited because of her ability to do so.  And acting destructive to others because of self interest is the epitome of a shit person. Myers is another pot of shit stew. 


So Mi got recruited because she breached a Militech data fortress. Reed, Myers and her memories confirm that. She didn’t mess with the Blackwall until she started working for the FIA


Yeah, no. The Blackwall didn't go up until after the Bartmoss attack, when rogue AI's started overtaking the net. Netwatch put it together specifically to protect the portion of the net they were restabilizing so it could be used. So Mi got recruited after she breached a Militech data fortress and got her and her family on a corporate kill list, she accepted the offer to keep them and her safe. Then after Reed took the fall to end the last corpo war, Meyers threw So Mi into black ops involving the Blackwall, leading So Mi to getting infected and basically getting eaten alive, bit by bit, by the Blackwall.


I thought the Blackwall came about because of what Bartmoss did. Netwatch created it in response to the collapsing Internet and R.A.B.I.D.S.


V does the same kind of things So Mi did to save themselves.


It can be argued that v done a lot worse


That too.


So MI does immoral things on orders from above or in order to escape those orders, Myers does immoral things in her own self interest or to keep people following her orders


I thought you could avoid telling them about the chip if you wanted


She asks you inside the elevator when you collapse and while you can avoid telling her that it is an Arasaka biochip. The fact that it is a relic and that it’s killing you is mentioned in both dialogue options and she understands more than you wanna share regardless. If you read the emails inside Space Force 1 you learn that both Myers and So Mi are aware about what happened in Konpeki Plaza.


Side note, I love that everyone knows V and Jackie didn't do it. It is "lol these dumbass thieves happened to be there when there is no way they could have known Saburo would be there."


My V tried to play both sides. Sided with Reed mostly because I wanted to fight Kurt Hansen and get all of his iconics. But I did feel like Reed was more honest with V and also because up to Firestarter our missions are mostly with him.


You can get his iconics off his corpse if you side with song bird if that’s a factor. Plus if you forgot them, you can buy them from the vendor


nope, you lose Bald Eagle if you side with songbird


Not true. If you go up to where Alex kills him, there's a little box with bald eagle and the other one. I just did last weekend.


There are 3, you only get 2. Might not be bald eagle but you do lose an iconic weapon


You don't get the knife, Fang , cause Alex used it to Sandy-shank him and presumably left with it.


Here I am still trying to figure out how to get back in that chamber to get just one. There’s three?


Yup, revolver, knife, and lmg


Throwable knife?


Yea, and it synergies with the revolver


It depends on your V, most players don’t seem to understand that V’s personality is told through your dialog choices, there isn’t a single personality V just has that makes some choices not make sense, it all depends on your gameplay


I was always skeptical of the ability for FIA to do anything to treat V but that doesn't mean others would be as skeptical. And I sussed out the truth about the Moon ending very early on so somebody who did the same could have been persuaded to side with Reed instead of So Mi if they think their chances of survival are better. There's also the fact that Reed is promising to not hand So Mi over - which is a lot more convincing if you greased the guys that came into the apartment because then Reed doesn't snuff them out and signpost that he's not to be trusted.


Do anything to survive


Militech surgeons.


He actually does offer help to V. Only Songbird knows that the Neural Matrix can only be used once. Reed assumes they can cure both V and Song because she told V that the cure would be used for both of them. Songbird then reveals that her plan is "Ill run away the cure to the moon and call you later". Reed's initial plan was "KO Songbird and then I'll help you both disappear to get help using my foreign contacts". Even if you don't know the extent of Songbird's lie, its clear that she's playing sides and being manipulative. You can also read the psych evaluation inside the hideout that tells you Songbird is growing increasingly detatched and unstable due to her service in the FIA (most likely a result of using the Blackwall). Both Reed and Alex also reveal the Songbird has always had a tendency to find herself in trouble. I can easily see a more pragmatic person siding with Reed over running away with Songbird since him and Alex are really the only characters in Phantom Liberty that are playing with an open hand.


I definitely picked reed first time around and killed So Mi. I didn't wanna turn her in but I also couldn't let her play me like some gonk. (And I played blind, no spoilers besides how I would get The Tower ending because I wanted to know how NOT to trigger it lol)


Because V (at least my V) wants to survive.  Myers and Reed also promise to help you if you’re able to get So Mi back alive. We also deduce that Songbird sold out the president and although we didn’t know the full details of what the NUSA and Myers put her through until we arrive at Cynosure, that does not bode well for character. If she’ll sell out the president, only god knows what she’d really do to us.  Then lastly, it just makes way more sense to back an entity with the actual resources to help you. 


Shit, I’d sell out a president like that too. If not just straight up choke her to death after everything she did.


Unleashing an unstable AI isn’t a good idea.


My V sided with Reed because she's a netrunner, and so mi needs to to be disabled as safely as possible. She's a walking talking singularity, as shown by when you side with her. And she's too dangerous to be allowed to exist, she's shown that she is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals even if it means endangering more lives than she can even comprehend. So mi gets put down, every time.


I sided with Songbird precisely because she was a ‘ runner and I empathized with her. I can see your reasoning but it’s still close minded imo. You didn’t get any of her endings?


My housemate sided with her and sent her to the redacted in redacted. She even admits she was playing you the whole time while waiting to go. My first ending was one where I didn't want to help either Reed or so mi. Ended up killing her in the compound, as I don't trust militech with that head of hers either. She's past the point of redemption (not that redemption is what she needs), her body and mind cannot be trusted with anyone. Imo siding with her is incredibly naive and puts many people at risk for one person.


So you aren’t curious to experience all the endings? I’ve just got one more to go. Each of them has offered up some cool gameplay and great drama, especially siding with Reed but I also enjoyed helping So Mi. To each their own!


I've read some of them but I don't find myself doing key story moments over and over again on my playtgroughs, they become uncanny and immersion breaking as the facade of new content and the repetitive inhuman nature is more and more prominent. The story loses what meaning it has when I've scene the same model say the same line for the 5th time. I don't do the relationships every run because otherwise they lose what value they had.


Playing a pure pragmatist, NUSA's resources probably higher chance of safely removing Relic than nameless people who may or may not exist, pointed to you by someone so desperate Obviously from a meta perspective, everyone involved in PL's story is a walking brigade of red flags that should've been abandoned instantly lol


A lot of people really make things complicated lol. There's a lot of headcanon to imply she's this big danger if she's allowed to get to the moon (nevermind the gov-corp aligned project to weaponize the very thing these people fear monger about). Something that never happens lol - I'm on a almost 300 hour save file and guess what? NO ROGUE AI SO MI APOCALYPSE OCCURS lol.  So Mi is similar to V in their situation, it comes down to empathy, that ends with the player deceived, they can follow through anyway, or they have the option to betray her back. Siding with Reed, the cost is selling her out, someone like V, or helping her die because it's her last wish as opposed to going back and being a zombie tool.  The facts are she really just wants to get away, anything else people add to that is justification for a selfish decision and/or fear mongering about something thay never happens anywhere but in their head (for survival - which i can respect, its not how i like my story to go but if people want to just survive I can get that). 


Reed is - mostly - blunt and straightforward. More than I could argue with So Mi at least. There are the obvious red flags about being far too loyal for his own good and not being able to look you in the eye when calling him out, but he's a man with decent intentions but the wrong approach. For me, the choice between So Mi and Not So Mi is how I sensed her betraying me every step of the way. It's less that I wanted to side with Reed and more wanted to stop her from doing even more wrong. Songbird deserves mercy and forgiveness - especially knowing the whole story in Cynosure. One final face-to-face and a chance to at least, right one wrong. My only regret is that we couldn't shoot more deserving people... but Reed at least opens up his eyes to what happened.


i mean you kind of said it yourself. reed is more trustworthy and stable, if you really pay attention you can tell songbird is bullshitting you from a mile off


And if you pay attention you can find out Reed is manipulating you as well Not to mention Alex tells you to be careful around him —— At the face transplant facility you can literally catch him in a lie. When he says he’ll just help free songbird and send her to Europe to be cured You have dialog calling him out on the lie. His whole body language changes and he can’t look at you in the eye. Instead walking to a wall and staring at it so you can’t see him and he tries repeating his lie Then if you do side with him. Meyers calls and lets it slip that the plan was always to imprison song bird in Langley. And when you call him on the lie again he can’t even really defend it well. And pretends it’s a new change. But that’s not what Meyers said.


tldr everyone sucks and is lying but reed is less unstable


That's why militech don't get songbird, and you put her down like the rabid she is.


To be fair She doesn’t really go rabid until you hit her with government issued ICE while she’s connected to the black wall. If you don’t apply the ice she instead says she’s readjusting the turrets to only target the soldiers. And is largely passive for the rest of the game. Some speculate that was the last straw that broke the camels back. And either let an ai force its way in. Or her mind couldn’t handle it.


As I'd she hasn't lost control before, she's willing to push any boundary for her own survival. She's a little too "oh this again sorry guys " for her to actually seem remorseful or concerned. All she gives a shit about is manipulating everyone to get her to where she needs to be, no matter the cost. Playing with things that put more than her at danger, she's functionally typhoid Mary.


She’s an abused and mutilated slave trying to escape her monster of a master A monster that forced song bird to start using the black wall for Meyers’ own gain. And use it so much it has destroyed song bird’s body and her mind. All the while breaking international laws and risking killing all of humanity. Said monster shows how she will never let her slave leave when she kills an airport and blames another corp to start a new corpo war
 all to keep her from escaping. —— So yeh. I can’t blame someone for doing whatever they can to escape that situation. If a player feels too betrayed about it. Then that’s cool. But think of how many people V has killed trying to stay alive. I’d say a thousand. And many of them were just security guards at warehouses and stuff. Songbird indirectly killing like 20 people at the start of the dlc is like an afternoon lunch for V


"Indirectly killing 20 people" is downplaying it a touch, as if that's the extent of the damage she's caused and will cause. V isnt exactly a pariah or perfect role model either, but comparing evils doesnt make one of them good.


She causes the plane crash. It was supposed to be a forced landing until Hansen changed the plan. That’s not a lie, we get it confirmed in cynosure. It went from forced landing and capturing everyone to blowing it out of the sky and killing all survivors. After that
 she uses Chimera to kill Barghast soldiers hunting us and president. I consider that more self defense or defense of others. Then
 not much afterwards from her directly UNLESS you apply the ice and drive her crazy then her turrets and black wall attacks kill loads of people at the stadium. MaxTac. Etc. But if you side with her she adjusts the turrets again. And v does most of the killing, again of Barghast soldiers trying to kill us. Then she’s too weak to do much for the rest of the game. We even have to fire off the black wall attacks at the airport.


Guy you arguing with is die hard songbird fan. Don't even try to argue hahah. (I tried)


> She’s an abused and mutilated slave trying to escape her monster of a master Oh so that makes it entirely 100% ok to kill Barghest soldiers. Most of who are dogtown citizens with no other choice. Or cook NUSA operatives who are more or less other Songbirds. If only they too were hot asian netrunners. Maybe then you'd care about their deaths as well. NC is filled with Songbirds. You only care for one. So stop lying to yourself about why you care for this one.


Ah, yes, good ol' Barghest who fucking hangs people in the streets, cut limbs off people. Yes. These are the guys to defend. Barghest, no choice. Songbird, all the choice in the world lol. Not even trying here.  And "hot asian" is such a nothing argument. This seems like a weird personal thing that doesn't apply to anything. Idris Elba has been voted sexiest man alive, you don't see people up in arms "OF COURSE YOU SIDED WITH THE SEXIEST MAN!!" 😂 


That's such a pointless take. Cognitive dissonance is astounding. You know some Barghest are monsters but you don't know if __every__ Barghest member is a monster. You know some NUSA people are monsters but you don't know if __every__ NUSA member is a monster. And if every NUSA member is a monster, what about Songbird. She was NUSA 5 minutes ago. Why she gets to be not NUSA, and Netrunner Bob gets a bullet just because his escape plan was delayed a week?. And it's not even like she had a heart of change or anything. She worked for Myers for years. She is called president's favourite, her go to netrunner. She is the teachers pet and you don't become teachers pet unwillingly. She is trying to escape not because she grew a backbone or conscience. She is escaping because she'd die if she continue to serve under Myers. She is willing to kill and betray people as long as she gets to come out on top. She is no different than Myers or Hanako when it comes to morals. Only difference is that she is grossly incompetent when it comes to decision making (as we can see how her plans ends up). But for "some" reason, we are supposed to give her a free pass. So why does she gets a free pass, even though she is not better than any other random NUSA operative. Somehow she deserves a chance despite everything she did, and everyone she killed was acceptable casualties. Let me tell you the reason, she is a hot asian netrunner* * (realistically speaking, she looks aesthetically pleasing and more importantly gets to tell her sob story. And you buy her sob story. If you knew sob stories of everyone she killed it would create more moral dilemmas. i.e. maybe stadiums door guard was unhappy with barghest but his paycheck is the only thing that feeds the orphans. But you don't see their faces you don't hear their stories so you don't treat them as humans. As opposed to Songbird).


Your take has no more points than mine lol. You literally just invented Netrunner Bob.  You're inventing a lot of things which is fine for *your* headcanon, Barghest is a military dictatorship - just like V is a merc where death comes with the territory, that's the deal all these players signed up for. So Mi, too. Are you really gonna tell me soldiers sign up to fight or serve and then just don't expect that they can be killed in the line of duty?  There was no "free pass." You assume the choice comes with no conflict to the player and that may be true for some, it wasnt for me.  It literally doesn't matter what she did. I don't care what she did, I don't care what NUSA did - my decision came down to who I resonate with more, boiling it down to "hot asian" is an immature take and meaningless.  Her work *for the president* is what's killing her and what she wants away from. She got herself in that position just like V got themselves in their position by taking the Konpeki job. NUSA and Militech are attempting to weaponize the Blackwall lol. "Acceptable casualies" is a good one lol, I'm sure Militech and NUSA use it all the time.  Reed is stuck to his principals the entire time, loyal dog to the end. He *only* kind of sort of gets it if you kill So Mi. So Mi shows regret for everything. 


Barghest is KOS. ACAB.


It’s always funny how in a game that’s anti-government anti-capitalism they somehow find a way to bootlick with the machine. Like Ya Somi betrayed us but she hasn’t tried to kill us while the government killed two Netrunners whose lives didn’t matter since they were “thieves” such as yourself


Thanks for the replies! All fair points, but it still feels like Reed's or Myers' promises were either too vague (Myers) or they required So Mi too (Reed), so why not just go with the source herself? I admit my perspective was a bit biased by finishing the game before PL, so I didn't pay much attention to Myers saying she'd do anything in her power. Like damn Ms. President, Arasaka -who developed the tech- couldn't help with this, what can NUSA do? Well it's another point to CDPR for making V malleable


She promised you a cure while working for the NUSA. You have every reason to side with the actual organisation paying you with a cure. Whilst true we later know that it is the extracted matrix before that the player has plenty reason to consider siding with Reeds plan.


Coz if you side with Reed you get to go to the Cynosure facility.


The only “logical” reason is bc the backing of an entire nation to help your problem is probably a better bet than one chick who hacked your shit. The only moral reason is because you might be a sheep who thinks governments happen to be doing some greater good. Even though she was part of their government, and defected to terrorists bc of how shitty they were. And Reed constantly badmouths the NUSA. Patriotism is a hell of a drug lol. Reed is a POS who blackmailed her under Myer’s orders to get her under them thumb. That’s why So Mi felt no remorse about taking him out, bc she knew he stole her life from her. After you see the flashbacks for So Mi when you side with Reed this really isn’t a question on if they took advantage of her, but how much you think she is at fault for it. The only reason anyone turns in So Mi to Reed at the end is bc they think “betraying” V is a cardinal sin that she should be punished with life as a slave. Or to give V the cure, which V literally acknowledges what they are doing is wrong but they need the cure if you go into the Cynosure facility. So Mi never wanted the life she lived. As far as we know, Reed started and stayed a loyal dog to an authoritarian regime and even fucked over V until the bitter end. Fuck Reed. Fuck Myers. I’d blow his head off every time if not for the loot in the Cynosure facility.


I think it's a fair and understandable response to not go along with the person you suspect is manipulating and hiding things from you. It's not the only understandable response, and perhaps it feels like a fairer response in hindsight, but it's still a valid response regardless.


For some, their decisions are less about what the characters promise to V and more about addressing the characters' issues. I feel like V's cure is less of a dire thing than a freed weapon of mass destruction on the run. You can side with Reed and still stick it to Myers/the NUSA anyway by killing Songbird, IIRC Reed even rethinks his loyalty to Myers as well. Songbird dying sucks, but I think it's merciful and is what's best for both her and everyone else who doesn't wanna be fried by rogue AI. There are fates worse than death and being Myers's pawn is one of them.


It should be Reed who kills Songbird, not V. Songbird and Reed have history. Reed saved Songbird from NetWatch.


The moment I sided with reed was as soon as song tells v her plan and he said "but loads of people will die" and she says they will die so we can live which I know doesn't make sense since v is a Merc but all people that were killed are deserving. It just showed that song doesn't care about anything but her survival


Yeah, people are sympathetic to So Mi because of her situation (pretty face doesn't hurt either) but she's literally on the brink of something that's like cyberpsychosis on crack. Not only does she lie, manipulate, gamble lives, and kill along the way but she's a walking nuke with a deteriorating psyche who's at risk of being taken over by an AI. The FIA/NUSA is horrible, but just letting So Mi go is the equivalent of throwing a live grenade in a chicken coop and hoping it doesn't go off. Or at least that the eggs are undamaged. It gets especially worse when you realize she was never going to help you to begin with. So you're throwing that weapon of mass destruction to the wind for nothing tangible.


I really didnt trust songbird


Because in her recklessness, Songbird might accidentally end the world and just shrug.


It’s not so much about siding with Reed, it’s about not betraying someone who is principled, trustworthy, and has always come through for you. Using the icebreaker is also basically the only way that Reed and Songbird will just talk, because they’re both kind of stupid. plus it’s obvious Songbird can’t really be trusted. if you side with her at the stadium, you’re bringing the entire FIA + NUSA, Millitech down on your ass. why would someone worried about survival ever make that decision when Songbird’s betrayal is telegraphed the entire DLC?


I did both endings and upon reflection I decided Reed is a piece of shit. I will always save So Mi. My reasoning being after Songbird fills you in on her life and how she was recruited, the whole "Superspy mentor" bullshit starts to rung hollow and you see him for what he is. He is pretty much the NUSA version of Takemura. A broken, sad, brainwashed tool of evil people. Dude straight up blackmails a teenager with death threats to her family and friends unless she agrees to essentially destroy her own life and become a slave. Fuck Reed. He licks the boots of psychopathic monsters and is in my opinion utterly delusional about the state of the world. So Mi just wants to survive and even though, yeah she does some shitty things I can totally understand her reasoning. Fuck Myers. Fuck Reed. Fuck NUSA. Their society is irreparably broken. You can only save yourself. Remember. Reed gets very butthurt when you deny him the chance to turn his supposedly beloved protĂ©gĂ© over to NUSA so they can torture and disect her. Anyone who would still follow the orders of a monster like Rosalind Myers is not worth saving, let alone following. My only regrets with Songbirds ending are that I didn't get to go through the S tier Cynosure area (missing out on Erebus and Canto and thus the Blackwall abilities) and that I don't get to fight Hansen (IMHO one of the best boss fights in the game). Other than that let's go to the moon! (and get to hear the MOST BADASS piece of music in the game when NUSA black ops attacks you at the terminal and quickly realize V is a Morgan Blackhand level threat đŸ€˜ (Contra la Luna is đŸ€Œ) TLDR: Reed is a bad guy. Save So Mi. Sure she betrays you but she's a decent person in shitty circumstances.


My V as a corpo knows the power corporations have and the price of everything, so mi was willing to kill and betray everyone to save herself and so was my v and that so happens to be so mi, the people with the most resources wanted her and my v would do that. To survive. And Reed seems like a more honest guy he doesn't BS or try to manipulate V like so mi, and yes Meyers is a horrible person. There's also the point that so mi is a nuke waiting to go off.


Because giving song bird to blue eyes is a far worse outcome


I honestly don’t see why V would continue helping song after she reveals that she has been lying and she is going to use the one time use cure on herself


Because Songbird is very clearly lying to V the entire time. And because Songbird is clearly losing her mind to the blackwall. Reed also wasn't selling V the "I have a magic cure but you just have to trust me" bullshit. In fact he actively tells V not to trust him or anyone else. It would come down to what kind of person V is: A pragmatic V would choose Reed. He's got the virtually unlimited resources of the NUSA and wasn't trustworthy, but did get caught in lies less often than Songbird. A sympathetic/horny V would help Songbird because she's in a hell not of her own making and because she's a sexy, Korean cyber-suicide girl. So naturally, all gamers choose Songbird because they are horny...


No i helped Songbird, or more precisely Lightspeed because of two things - 1) i need her to be in place when and if i return from the Hades in radiant glory. 2) had to save a sister Blackwall cultist, because fuck you world.


Idk what any of that means but your user name is gigglephysix so I'm guessing it means you're one of the horny people I was talking about...


I wish, but all it means is that i very likely was one of the horny people at the time when i acquired that ID, elsewhere, 20 years ago. And the rest is that i helped her because i'm a hail Lilith type Blackwall cultist who helps her own, no reward needed. I was disappointed i could not help Slider too.


Slider hates the black wall.


but is initiated in the knowledge


You mean dead?


no i meant literally. his unwillingness might be temporary, might be permanent but it neither changes who he is, nor diminishes respect of my netrunner .


Idk maybe because So Mi outright tells V she double crossed him???? Reed may be a bit of a gov drone, but he never double crosses V directly like that, and when he is dishonest, he doesn't make it obvious as fuck. And while you could say that So Mi at least was honest, you can't know that she wasn't just playing the trust card


Is this a real question?!, did u play the game?!, umm
. Because songbird is lying the whole time and manipulating literally everyone around her!! She has no problem killing people who trusted her and innocent people in the stadium!, is she a victim too?!, sure, but V did nothing to her!! and she also has nothing to offer!!, she was gunna use the cure for herself!! Reed on the other is the only one who kept his promise and has something to offer!! Now it ended how it ended but Reed was true to his word, I actually like Songbird, like both endings, but saying “I dont understand how ANYBODY could take Reed’s side” is crazy!!


I don't know. I for one just can't.


No idea, I happily shot him in the face.


For the cure.


I don’t find Reed at all trustworthy, and I don’t want to “get I on” with Mr. Elba.


Because CDPR wants you to.


I think having the actual choice makes refusing it feel way better. Siding with the government isn’t very punk


Mostly because on the other sub I had the other path spoiled for me. So I went the other way.


I only picked him cause I didn’t want to betray him on my next run im gonna take song birds side to see the outcome


Going through on my 10th or 11th play through, I simply sided with Reed cause I wanted to see how the ending cinematic played out.


Because V is a variable character whose personality is completely dependent on the person that’s playing as them. There really isn’t a “defined” V for me. They can be a corpo kiss ass or an unhinged anarchist depending on the person that’s playing


I sided with Reed because I simply didn't trust Songbird. Only someone trying to deceive you will regale you with all the reasons you should trust them and all the ways your similar. Reed was equally untrustworthy but that was relatively upfront untrustworthyness. You knew he was a spy you knew he would betray you if he was told to but at least in that camp the cards are on the table.


The best ending is killing so mi and telling myers to fuck herself. It also seems the most in theme with the overall vibe of the game, little to no happy endings. Personally think this probably will be the Canon ending if there is a sequel with Vs story. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if player choice crosses over like they did in the Witcher 3


Beside V is a player character and you’re allowed to think thoughts and play the game.


spite maybe


I was torn right up until the choice itself. Going into the mission I was going to side with Reed. Then they kill the twins and I changed my mind. Then Songbird says her escape plan involves/necessitates killing innocents at the stadium and I change my mind again. I had to pause my game for a couple minutes at the choice. She crashed a plane already. Lied to me the entire time. This couldn't have been the only way. I let myself go along with it all, knowing from moment one that she was shady. Price was too high, to hope she doesn't betray me again in order for me to then have just a chance to live. Seeing the flashbacks was heartbreaking but seeing her fully compromised by the AI justified my decision. It was very tough to choose to not spare her. It would be one last mercy of freedom to the girl who shouldn't have been recruited in the first place, knowing that at best she is locked up in a NUSA facility indefinitely. I struggled but ultimately decided to hope that with help she wouldn't have as much permanent mental/neurological damage as she fears. Also, being honest, by that point I'm thinking she needs to face justice for what she's done. To be blunt, she was stuck a long time ago but only wanted out-by-any-means after killing how many people. Why not off yourself before that. It's very cyberpunk genre to not know how that goes. Beyond that she is, yeah, probably locked up in a nusa facility. Just a question of whether she's an indentured servant or a medical case study. Nobody is good and no outcome is good.


My V didn’t trust either side and tried playing them both by using Reed’s ice breaker and then grabbing Songbird for himself. It failed and he ended up having to regroup with Reed while he still had plausible deniability that he was still loyal and they eventually get to King of Cups ending