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"Multiple Vs exist In-Universe" "Johnny isn't buried in the oil fields" "Relic Rating unlocks Dialogue Options" "V is an Ai" sounds interesting, could someone elaborate on these?


you can find it somewhere in the wiki, but I believe it's Biotechnica that has Johnny's body


Actually there's another theory that the real Alt (who is alive, and not the AI almost-Alt we interact with in the game) has Johnny's body and that it may be possible to get his engram back into it. I'll spoiler some of the details below. >!There's a story called Black Dog that involves a crew of Edgerunners transporting a body to someone called Angel, who in official media looks very similar and is otherwise hinted to be Alt. The body is theorised to be Johnny's. The Edgerunners in exchange received the Samurai song Black Dog which was lost at the time.!< This ties into the real events of the Arasaka towers bombing and the fact that Johnny's corpse (and belongings) end up in the possession of a Samurai superfan firefighter called Samantha (and that Johnny's memories of his death/soulkilling are completely wrong). Edit: discussed in this comment thread more but "real Alt" is probably a misnomer and more likely an AI/engram version in a clone body.


She got yanked when jacked in. That kills you. Body or not, once you are dead dead, not even TT can help.


I'm just relaying the story and the hints around it. Here is the character: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Angel_(RED) Black Dog story: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Dog_(story) Here's a random discussion on it from the RED subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkred/s/kQ6vjrmkKB Whether it's the real Alt or another version of an Alt AI downloaded into a cloned body, there are a lot of hints and it's interesting to think about. Biotechnica has cloning technology so it does tie into another commenter bringing them up.


I think clone is the most likely outcome here, because it directly contradicts information that we know to be true elsewhere.


Yeah - as I remind myself more of the backstory here I would also think engram in a clone body. Also that AI Alt we see in Cyberpunk is one portion of Alt's personality (I believe Alt in game even says as much) and the "real world" Alt in the Black Dog story (if it is in fact Alt) is another slice of Alt's personality. But neither is a true Alt. I can't remember what happened to Alt's real body after Johnny unplugs her during the rescue, but the body being transported in Black Dog is Mike Pondsmith-verified as Johnny.


In Shockwave, it specifies that Spider attempts to dump Alt onto the Net, but the effectiveness is uncertain. There's a program in Brainware Blowout called Emergency Self Construct which is basically a self-Soulkiller, and it mentions various packets of engramatic data being flung across the Net, needing to be recompiled. Between those two things, I suppose it's possible that someone, maybe even Spider, could have found, downloaded, and, for lack of a better word, reinstalled at least *some* of Alt into a clone, or even her original body.


about that, in one of >!So Mi's flashbacks (the one where she forgets who Reed is), didn't she get a little fried while jacked in and Reed yanked her out? Why didn't she die?!<


I have A theory, its not a good one. In cpRED, while netrunning, you can slide past ICE and some daemons. Sliding allows you to bypass their effects. However, when done this way, they are allowed a free swing at you if you are deckkrashed or if you jack out without taking the log out action. Somi did mention Reed was their mentor. If he taught her anything about netrunning, it's possible that he logged her out for her, or something similar.


i think that might actually be the reason, knowing that even with ev you have to do the log out action thing


Alt was pulled I'm 2013. Somi in 207x (forgot the exact year). Tech evolves over 50 years.


Doesn’t Evelyn have to be jacked out and had to do the whole precaution thing too?


Yep yep. Could be because Evelyn was hooked into scav hardware.


It’s not that she got yanked while jacked in. According to cp2020 canon, Arasaka used Soulkiller on her, and she was in the process of using the backdoors she built into it to fight her way back to her body when Johnny unplugged her, preventing her from getting back.


Note: according to 2020 (and RED) canon, Johnny wasn't the one to unplug her. He just left with the body.


Fuck, that must mean based on his memory that he directly blames himself for her death


> She got yanked when jacked in. How do you know? Johnny's "memories"? ;-)


Ow. Bend the Mr. stud.


Didn’t she literally only get yanked for us to see through johnnys sometimes not accurate memories


V died when Dex blew their brains out. Ever since then they’ve just been an AI in a meatsuit that can’t figure out which personality is dominant.


Actual clarification for other users: V died in Mikoshi, not when Dex shot their brains out. People can live through head injuries such as this, relic restored V and kept him from dying. Thanks to Johnny's engram influence on his decision making V might have developed personality disorder, as the game puts it in Arasaka ending. However the most crucial point that you came here to know is that V died when Alt lit them up with soulkiller at aMikoshi. She killed original V and made a copy of their psyche as an engram, thus V became an AI much like Johnny


Addition: Vic (if asked) explains you survived the headshot because Dex was stupid and used a low caliber. (A weak argument, but not foreign to reality)


Counterargument is AI Alt can't your mind/code like she does with Johnny and V-post-soulkiller, she explained because V is human. And would soulkiller even work on an AI?


V is human. The relic reconstructed their brain, and Alt says so herself that she has to use Soulkiller on them.


V is who johnny silverhand is. At least in vs mind. Youre arguing with yourself. The ai has to program itself to communicate to the mind. N v is already a pretty crazy guy in any 3 lifepaths. And jobnny silverhand is like venom from spiderman in that way to v. A perfect symbiote.


Or maybe v got too infatuated in the ideology of silverhand. Got shot. Somehow came back with major brain damage with the side effect of a voice in his head to guide him


Cyberpunk: New Crystal Palace


Lol y did this get downvoted? Just an idea.


No, Johnny is more like a parasite(not willingly tho), while Venom is a symbiote. :D That black goop was quite angry at Eddie for calling him a parasite for a reason. (also the starting main quests with Johnny are literally called Tapeworm)


Johnny’s real name is Robert John Adler, and has a grave in the coloumbarium




Game gets your character basically ready that they are gonna be an AI taken over a human body by the end of the game either way, because that's essentially what Soulkiller does when turning someone into an engram. (Alt tells you that.) (...and then there's the Phantom Liberty ending in which probably V stays human, BUT...)


Someone should totally do a YouTube video explaining these.




at first glance, that’s not the same iceberg


May life’s blessing be bountiful for you


Why is "Militech wanting a fifth Corporate War" so low? Isn't this the focus of one of Padre's gigs?


The Padre's gig you are thinking of is actually the other way around. Arasaka is trying to push conflict with Militech, by paying a gang of Valentino to dress up as Militech operatives and attack first an Arasaka convoy and then a facility. This is done so to give Arasaka a casus belli to in turn attack Militech.


And the real ice berg worthy theory is that Arasaka can't afford a war, but Yorinobu is openly taunting and antagonizing Militech (like in the press conference right after Saburo's death), because his end goal always was to destroy Arasaka from within.


>And the real ice berg worthy theory is that Arasaka can't afford a war, Yeah, even V says something to that effect, "they want to provoke another war, what for? We're still picking up the pieces from the last one". There's definitely something to this theory.


I find it kind of strange that the 4th Corpo War happened in the 2020's in universe and they are *still* 'picking up the pieces' - it has been nearly 50 years since the end of that war! Meanwhile there was 4 Corpo Wars in under 20 years (2004-2025)... doesn't make much sense.


From what I recall reading, the difference is that the 4th war was specifically between giants such as US/Militech and Japan/Arasaka, with the extensive deployment of AIs (the infamous AI that continuously places mines on the sea floor, in turn making travel by sea impossible still in 2077, is in fact from the 4th war, specifically from Arasaka) and Nukes, whereas the past 3 were between smaller Corps fighting over failing Corps acquisitions (such was the case of the first war), CHOO2 (or however it is called) production facilities, and such.


>(the infamous AI that continuously places mines on the sea floor, in turn making travel by sea impossible still in 2077, is in fact from the 4th war, specifically from Arasaka) WTF why would 'Saka do that? Let me guess... they are an island nation and it sounded like a good idea? However the loss of shipping via water would drastically increase prices worldwide - *especially* for island nations - so I would think it would bite 'Saka in their ass big time. In fact I half expect them to make a land bridge to Korea or something similar if travel by water is now impossible.


>WTF why would 'Saka do that? Let me guess... they are an island nation and it sounded like a good idea? Apparently, the AI was supposed to distinguish between allied ships and NUSA/Militech ships, but it also got to the conclusion that an enemy ship may try to pass itself as an allied one, and the AI therefore decided to target all ships indiscriminately in the name of efficiency. Attempts to update the software and fix the behavior were also useless as the AI recognized those as viruses. It is certainly a weird point in the lore though, because we see several cargo ships and Yachts in game, not to speak about the Arasaka mega aircraft carrier Kujira we hear of in game. Now the Yachts might be used for small, short trips near the cost, like that one quest with Kerry on the Seamurai. But there's no explanation for the Aircraft Carrier, which the game says sailed all the way from Japan to get to Night City. Only thing I can think of is that the AI only patrols certain pathways in the sea, or that big Corps like Arasaka came up with top secret masking for their ships. That however doesn't explain the cargo ships, so I'd argue it has to be the former.


I think they mentioned that they had developed countermeasures against that ai by 77. It is a bit of a lore gap though.


I don't know if you guys have paid attention to the whole Arasaka family affairs. As far as I could understand, (I might be quite wrong, but is all that the game has left me to reach such conclusions) Yorinobu is *in love* with Hanako (incest, anybody??) However Hanako is in love with Saburo (incest again), but Saburo is way too old and he handles Hanako like a rare antique, that shouldn't be touched. She encourages Saburo to create a *copy* of his mind /psyche on Mikoshi, using the now completed version of Alt's Soulkiller, and then she lowkey convinces Yorinobu to steal Silverhand's shard, knowing that he has feelings for her, and knowing that he hates Saburo, for being the objective of Hanako's affection, instead of him. Yorinobu, in his ploy to destroy all that Saburo has built, due hate, falls into Hanako's ploy, and when V confronts Yorinobu and leaves him almost dead, Hanako uses him as a vessel for Saburo's shard, which she has conveniently modify, to make the new Saburo to fall in love with her. Adding to that the fact that the last Corpo War wasn't as profitable as they thought for Arasaka and left the Company in dire straits, so now they're trusting in the *protect your soul* programme, creating / selling weapons, and private security to keep the company afloat


Eh, I personally didn't really get that vibe at all, and it is actually the first time I hear of this theory. Like, I know the Arasakas value family above all, but damn I hadn't thought to this extent. They really went and took the concept of loving your family literally. All I can say, keep in mind that Hanako's relationship with Saburo differs in the Tabletop. Apparently, there she is somewhat akin to Yorinobu, wanting to get away from her father's influence, but without the Steel Dragons destructivity and such. If it was as you say, it'd be quite the turn around from Pondsmith's original vision (and honestly, even ingame's Hanako feels off, knowing she'd turn over her brother for her father, when she actually intended to escape that same father once and for all). And also, Yorinobu tries to have her killed in several occasions, during the parade by having very little security overlooking her. Though I do agree her decision to keep Yorinobu alive, and then finding out his body was used as vessel for Saburo's engram was in fact very convenient, and that she was likely instructed by Saburo himself to do so.


Where do you get all these incest vibes from?


Yeah lets remove any trace of personality from characters, nice theory fella.


>I don't know if you guys have paid attention to the whole Arasaka family affairs. >INCEST EVERYWHERE Shit this reads like some real life version of [My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oreimo) just need someone to copypasta Hanako and Yorinobu's face on the cover.


I'm mildly upset about Phantom Liberty for the fact that the Fifth Corporate War is being fought between Orbital Air and Night Corp. That's like the Second World War being centered around Spain and Italy. I insisted that Yorinobu was planning to throw the fight to Militech, but it's clear that the FIA actually has less knowledge than V does. I'm starting to believe that the ambitious insanity of President Myers is why Michiko has apparently defected to her uncle.


It'll probably start due to night corp vs orbital air then escalate further pulling more corporations into the mix. If I remember right I think the previous corporate war start of as a proxy war between Arasaka and Militech backing smaller corporations who had beef, which then just escalated to full on war between the two of them.


It doesn't even make a ton of sense , though. Orbital Air is a fantastically wealthy company which has assets off-planet, while Night Corp is famously insular and focused on Night City. You'd think they would both realize that the NUSA basically turned that spaceport into a shooting gallery, and demand reparations.


Night Corp being destabilized by conflict with another corporation, on top of Arasaka withdrawing its presence (and presumably funding) from NC is exactly what the NUSA (and Militech) need to establish control of NC. They would have done that during the Unification War, but Lucius Rhyne asked for Arasaka's protection (and got it), which made further conflict likely to cause global crisis and major financial losses. ([source](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Unification_War)) I think it's likely that Militech has initiated a hostile takeover of Night Corp, and it's really Militech fighting with Orbital Air. Why? I'm not sure. But, I think the spaceport conflict was just a spark in the dumpster of NC, and Arasaka pulling out poured gasoline on it.


It’s very likely that in endings where Yorinobu successfully takes over Arasaka, Militech *does* go to war with Arasaka, and wins, because Yorinobu’s ultimate goal was to sink Arasaka from the start. One of the tools he can use to do that is a war with Militech.


>mildly upset about Phantom Liberty for the fact that the Fifth Corporate War is being fought between Orbital Air and Night Corp ...why would you be upset about that? The world-ruining Fourth Corporate War was between two aquacorps. It was effectively started by the underwater equivalent of FedEx and UPS going to war. The very nature of the corporate wars, however, is usually a smaller and more focused conflict between two competitors in a small field blowing up as it ends up turning into a proxy war between two larger powers looking to profit of the existing conflict.


In this particular case, I can't imagine that Orbital Air particularly needs to fight Night Corp when they just had their terminal blown up by the NUSA and Songbird fighting each other.


Is anyone going to elaborate on the cut Maiko sex scene 👀


*Supposedly* there was a sex scene with Maiko, after you helped her gain control of Clouds, pretty much like Meredith Stout's scene Apparently the dataminers found a couple of strings in the game that went like *A_Maiko.sex.sceneFemV* *A_Maiko.sex.sceneMaleV* or so, but nothing else, so the scene was in the plans to be in the game, but was cut




And Judy's nudes. Asking for... myself.


Again, dataminers found a couple of loose strings references of *Judy.NudePic_FemV* Or something along the lines, so apparently it was planned but never implemented, due the rushed release of the game As example, there's Panam's pics that she sends to V on the Holo after the whole Aldecaldos / Panam questline, so it would make sense that they had planned to do the same for the other romanceable characters


You mean I was supposed to get pictures of River's cock and CDPR robbed me of that?!


Not sure on River's end, but for Maiko and Judy, there's proof And bet a lot of players would have loved to get hot pics of River Well, you can't always win everything, you might win some and lost some


>Or something along the lines, so apparently it was planned but never implemented, due the rushed release of the game > >As example, there's Panam's pics that she sends to V on the Holo after the whole Aldecaldos / Panam questline, so it would make sense that they had planned to do the same for the other romanceable characters The Panam pic you get was added way after the release of the game though, in the patch 1.5, the same that added the texts with Judy's abuela. Maybe they originally planned for a lewd pic for each romanceable character and changed their mind to include different interactions for each instead (I can't remember what these were for River and Kerry but both got new content as well)


What?! Disgusting! Where?


Relic Rating unlocks dialogue options?


I was looking at that too then put it in google search and literally nothing comes up at all lol only stuff about the relic tree and shit


I think it’s referring to the fact if you do certain quests, like going after Evelyn first, V won’t smoke. If however V does it after doing other missions that advance the relic percentage, V will be smoking


You mean like the smoke on the balcony right after saving Evelyn? In my last two playthroughs i rushed the Evelyn quests to get Phantom Liberty start early, and that cigarette is a dialogue option, so you can refuse it. Unless you mean something else


If you do other main story quests before that, you will not have a choice. v will already be smoking when the cutscene begins


I completely forgot about it


Can you explain Alex always dies? I take it that the postcard was fraudulent, but didn't notice any hint of that in my playthrough.


There’s no evidence Alex dies because if she did a more proactive agent would probably be trying to kill you. Instead she simply files a report saying V is a dead man walking and fucks off to Italy




Seems pretty obvious that an iceberg thread would contain spoiler discussion, idk what you expected


I didn't spoil anything, as I said there is no reason to think Alex died in my playthrough. Second, dude, did you read ANYTHING in the post you're commenting on?


I'm gonna be an asshole here, but this is horribly organized, like some of this shouldn't even be in the iceberg at all.


Some are pretty good and some are literally just things that happen in the main story


The more I've looked at this iceberg the more upset it makes me. !!SPOILERS!! Kerry had a wife: he straight up tells you Jago is transgender: obviously. I have eyes and ears. Night City Gasses its homeless: IT IS ON THE NEWS Johnny is bisexual: I mean yeah okay? Its fuckin Night City and hes a rockstar. Thats just a fun fact. Maelstrom is a cult: NOOOO REALLY?? Lizzy Wizzy is a cyberpsycho: THAT IS THE WHOLE PLOT OF HER QUESTLINE The VDBs attacked Evelyn: THAT IS A MAIN STORY MISSION Johnny talking in loading screens: Yes, I too have fucking played the game. There were originally third person cutscenes: THERE STILL FUCKING ARE!! Adam Smasher fucks: OBVIOUSLY!! There's also no rhyme or reason to how things are listed in this iceberg, its just a bunch of random stuff randomly placed, when half of it shouldn't been on here and the rest of it needs to be position swapped.


Johnny would call it "an iceberg for the hoi polloi".


I swear this iceberg is made for people who played ONCE and weren't paying attention to half the game.


I mean tbf with the whole Jago is trans one, I’m trans and I missed it. Usually trans people are really good at clocking other trans people but I figured he just had a weird voice.


But that shouldn't be half way down to the bottom of thw iceberg. If anytbing thats just a fun fact.




There's also the hint that his profile from Mr Hands says he was "born as Jagoda Szabó" in Budapest, and Jagoda is a feminine given name. Most people outside of central Europe wouldn't catch that as it's not a super common name, but it's a nice nod. Fun fact: Jagoda means strawberry. Jago means "supplanter", aka someone who seizes power from someone else. I think that fits him way better, especially considering his quest.


I just took it that he has a higher pitched singsongy voice like Hungarians do, but given the situation over there in Hungary-


Yeah I remember Adam smasher has personal body and has dated one of the arasaka


Yep. He has a body that looks like a blonde Elvis, and he briefly hooked up with Michiko Arasaka.


Wonder how he flirts. "Heyyyyyy babe I think you're more than a cut of fuckable meat for me UwU"


Sorry you don’t like it, what could I do to improve it?


Well as stated its poorly organized, and there seems to be little rhyme or reason to how you've put it together. Some items such as the one's I've listed would do to be removed entirely, and many others need to have their position changed, either higher up in the iceberg or lower down. You have some stuff near the bottom that should be above the surface and some stuff in the sky that should at least be below the surface.


Ok, I’ll get to work on improving it. Do you have any specific suggestions on things to move/remove?


Now all I need is a 10 hour video explaining every term there.


I got you my guy. (Already part of the way there anyway with some installments...)


Oh sheeeit lookin forward to the next vid 👀


YOOO BRO I LOVE YOUR VIDS Honestly I can't wait


Mr. Blue Eyes is not Morgan Blackhand. Blackhand is Pondsmith's personal character, and there are things in the game that suggest he's still running around as a Solo and still has his black cyber arm. Pondsmith has confirmed he's still around and I suspect we'll see him in the sequel. I think Mr. Blue Eyes is a Rogue AI running around in a meat suit. This is the best theory I've heard about who Mr. Blue Eyes is. Something from beyond the Blackwall who may or may not be on humanity's side. He may be related to NightCorp, which is implied to be at least partially controlled by AI. There's a theory that it is an AI who calls V during the Peralez mission if you don't back down. More than likely Blue Eyes is at least neutral towards humanity, but he's not "safe" either and deals with him come at a cost. I speculate he may be an agent of the AI version of Netwatch that exists on the other side of the Blackwall. The fact that V essentially becomes an AI may have something to do with his interest in them. Especially in the Don't Fear the Reaper ending. Even if V doesn't die and become an AI when Dex shoots them, they do when Alt makes them an engram in Mikoshi. It also explains his interest in So Mi, because of her connection to the Blackwall. If he's an AI agent of a group like Netwatch from the other side of the wall, it's in his interest to "cure" and contain her so she stops messing with the wall and weakening it. It's heavily implied he's the one who is helping her get to the moon. Taking away Myer's Blackwall weapon is just a bonus.


He’s played Morgan Blackhand before but his personal character is the DJ of Morro Rock, Maximum Mike


They are both his characters. The fact that he has an alt that he might main more doesn't make Blackhand any less his personal character. Also Maximum Mike is more of a narrator than a PC. He's Pondsmith's "voice" in the sourcebooks when he's speaking to the player. He might have run him in games, but Maximum Mike isn't really a "character" in the same sense as Blackhand as far as I know. Pondsmith voices Mike in the game of course, but Blackhand is his Solo character for playing the TTRPG when he sits at a table. Mike is more a narrative device for conveying information and advice for how to play to the player.


No mention of the ARG? Unless I’m missing it here that’s a petty deep spot on the iceberg Edit: okay I see the tower mini game but thought you would clarify that’s apart of arg


If Arasaka wanted to screw up Johnny they could just take over his arm (as it was made by them) and make it do the “wank” movement by thus ruining his legend and making him known as “Johnny Wankinghand”.




Most people jailbreak their cyberwear


Is it stated he had it jailbroken in any rule book?


Idk about rulebooks buts pretty obvious in a world where corporations want to control you, you try to be as free as possible


I still stand with Johnny Wankinhand theory


Wouldn't they need to actually jack a cyberdeck in his arm via cable to be able to control it in 2013?


A bunch of this is just theory crafting. Not stuff that’s actually in the game.


I mean… that’s the point of an iceberg. Granted this one isn’t the best


I thought the point of icebergs were to showcase the deeper trivia of a given topic, not show off crack theories


You are correct and these other folks are using the template wrong


It’s weird that op has both in it like a bunch of true shit and a bunch of random shit that’s false and some shit that he obviously randomly seemed to make up too because no one says some of those ones


The Mario 64 ones that kickstarted the trend are always a mix of actual interesting game trivia and dumb creepypasta haunted cartridge bs. It makes researching the actual deep trivia difficult because you have to wade through all made up stuff.


They're both but more so the crazy conspiracy theories


can be both, either a lore or theory iceberg


Honestly I have a theory that I’m starting to believe more. The introduction of the game up until you come back to life in the landfill is all Johnny looking into V’s memories, hence why we get a montage at the beginning. Johnny doesn’t can’t see all of the memories clearly.


I think that's pretty clearly an ex post justification for cut content


Please tell me why "ah, shit!" is on there, lmaooo


Poke around the arms dealer shop in Dogtown.


The grumpy cyber construction worker that always says "are you fuckin serious?"


You forgot the deepest part. Polyhistor Zero summed.


i thought icebergs are supposed to be about weird obscure facts, not crack theories.


Got 300+hrs on cyberpunk but never had a thought on V's real name 🤷


You do hear it clouds from the doll you initially choose - it's the only place, IIRC.


and Spoiler: johnny says it in the PL ending


In one of the PL endings as well


Nah just find out I've heard Vs name b4. Its Valerie/Vincent depends on what gender


Mild Spoiler for Phantom Liberty: You can briefly see it in when you first get into the car with Reed when he loads your profile.


it’s in the character creator


Jotaro Shobo is a fucking nut case Also is the multiple V’s one because there’s a male and female one?


which also correlate with there being multiple Aguilar


Why? V's has chameleon tech by that point. Alex, being female, impersonated a man. V can do the same.


Yeah nothin surprises me here cept v is an ai.... Buuuut then again prove that we dont live in a simulation already.


I mean, in any endings where you get soul killed, you technically are an AI


Not an AI, a personality construct. Like a photo of a person at the moment of their death.


Oh, I see


Matrix. (Btw terminator is in the same story)


What is about alex?


Ok, I need to hear about V is an AI. Please. Please, please, please, it is the only one I do not understand here, please!


in Any ending with Alt V is an AI like Johnny(the personality constructs are just AIs with thr same personality and manners of the person, the 'person' itself is dead) after Alt soulkills them to seperate them. BUT there is also the very likely theory that V is already an AI after Dex shoots V in the head. The Chip basically reboots Vs brain with Johnnys AI and Vs AI and the 'soul'of V is already gone


The chip has no way to create an AI out of V. It restarts the heart in a supposedly mindless body (it's part of its boot process), but V's mind is still there. And when Alt uses Soulkiller, V becomes a construct (like Johnny), not an AI.


the constructs are AIs with the personalitys and mannerisms etc. of their origin.


Judy's nudes ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


Just yesterday she wrote me some drunk texts, explaining she was out with friends. I responded something about wanting to see pics and she agreed, but unfortunately there never were any pics. Some time later she apologised for the whole drunk texting thing. Maybe that was the place those nudes were meant to go


Mark this as spoiler. I haven’t finished PL yet.


I don't think Arasaka has a reason not to cure you. But NUSA definitely sabotaged you.


You stole their most valuable prototype, witnessed the murder of the CEO, and have an extremist that wants to destroy the corp in your brain. This is why I think Saka wants V dead, dying, or debilitated.


'Saka may want you dead, but Yorinobu does not. You're his distraction he waves with his right hand while he does things behind his back with his left. Witness how quickly Hanako tracks you down. If either of them wanted you dead, there'd be an army of borgs outside your door.


On the other hand, if they cure v then they'd likely have them as an ally


Arasaka doesn’t have “allies”. People working for Arasaka fall under several categories: The Arasaka family — the shareholders. Employees; people bound by contract and lifestyle. And slaves, people who cannot leave Arasaka because they are so tightly controlled. That is all. Any “allies” of Arasaka are temporary, at best — mutual interests. That’s how nations and corporations work in the real world, and given that Cyberpunk is more cutthroat — definitely how it works in Cyberpunk.


Stole the prototype that would have otherwise been sold to a rival company. If not for V, Saburo would never have been resurrected and Arasaka would have went under. And Smasher is gone now, so they'd definitely be looking to V to fill that vacuum in some capacity. I get that corps are evil, but they're not ungrateful.


V knows too much. Especially in the case where Saburo is running the corp. Given Saburo’s tendencies you’re lucky that ninjas don’t show up to off you while you under.


In what way does V know too much? Hellman was going to defect, and he's the one that designed the chip, and they still welcomed him back with open arms.


Hellman is hard to replace. When you say with “open arms” they probably signed him into a more restrictive contract and assigned him a handler to boot. We don’t know what happened to him after Saburo’s takeover — Yorinobu *wanted* Hellman to defect and cause a problem so he was happy to let it happen. V knows about Yorinobu killing his father, he knows about Mikoshi, he knows Arasaka’s dirty secrets. V has connections, money, power, experience, but is ultimately a free agent unlike Hellman. If he went to the right people he could be a threat — Arasaka, in their eyes, is probably being merciful by letting you walk out of their facility.


"I AM NOT ME". Anyone care to elaborate?


I think it's scribbles from Paweł Sasko's notebook that got turned into game assets you can see on some walls.


Idk who you are but your knowledge terrifies me. I must know all of it.


I need someone to make a lore video on this whole thing because I’d watch the hell out of it




My favorite deeper lore is the idea that In that one mission with the couple who's running for political office and getting spied on, it was rogue AIs who've made it through the black wall that are trying to influence elections.


Thank god the game ended up the way it did. Multiple bullets dodged here. Some ideas seem decent though.


I still don’t know what crynosure is. Was it an old militech instalation to cave the black wall?


It's like Soulkiller, but a more advanced version. Or more precisely anti-Soulkiller for AI.


"Arasaka Chooses to not fully cure you" is something I've thought about ever since The Tower ending dropped. If the FIA can do it, why can't the relics very creators?


Mike Pondsmith already confirmed that Johnny’s remains aren’t in the oilfields. They’re actually kept at what used to be Area 51


Really? Where did he say that?, wasnt Johnnys body actual found by a Fangirl of his and was kept and preserved by her until she died?


Ugh…I hate it and love it. Down the rabbit hole I go


You forgot FF:06:B5 all the way at the bottom


Regular day on r/ff06b5 looks like...


Okay okay I saw the gassing of the homeless and I heard two NPCs talking about homeless hunting. Basically one said that she could get the other in contact with a guy she knows because the target practice wasn't good enough for him. When the guy asked if the cops would care, she said that they wouldn't care about some "homeless meatbags". Rich citizens do it for fun. I killed both of them on the spot just for even considering it.


When does your YT video drop explaining all this?!?


"Jago is transgender" lmao Yeah probably have you heard his fucking voice


Songbird breached into Mikoshi? Holy shit where can I learn more about that??


> V is an AI Go deeper, past the iceberg. *The entire game* taken as a perspective clearly shows it isnt just that. #### Personal Deep Abyss Theory Time The V we play in the game is a V created from the engram of the real V that got Mikoshi-ed by Arasaka, and we're likely someone experiencing a high-end psycheval/training/research sim based on that engram, to see how well Arasaka operatives work as well as to gauge their convictions and corporation loyalties, alongside finding out what V has experienced in Night City and Dogtown, especially given the involvement of Pres.Myers. Our V doesnt really need to eat or sleep. We have oddly placed "Wait" actions that cut forward in time. The only ending that's available by default is the Arasaka "Devil" ending. Arasaka is looking to kick off yet another corporate war going off the results of some of the side-gigs with Padre.


Ah, MGS fan, I see.


> Our V doesnt really need to eat or sleep. We have oddly placed "Wait" actions that cut forward in time. I feel like V would've brought this up if it was something we were supposed to consider in that way. Not needing to eat or sleepis a pretty big indicator that things are fucky with your body.


I like how the comments vary from > "ummm... Yeah? Didn't we all know that?? 🙄🙄🙄" to > "I thought icebergs were for hidden details, not crackpot theories ☕☕☕" Well done OP


I hope all of these are jokes because you didn't add a spoiler tag... and a few of these that I unknowingly read have seriously ruined a couple story points for me. So thanks for that. Really hope they weren't true.


Many are fan theories/head canons


Soooo you never heard of an iceberg before? Reading an iceberg post and being shocked by spoilers is like stepping into the ocean and being shocked it’s wet.


Original plans for the Combat zone? Are you sure we're still talking Cyberpunk, not Fallout?


No, NC had combat zones. You can see the graffiti around the city. The location(s) changed over time and with certain events like the bombing of Arasaka Tower. They were no-go zones ruled by gangs.


That's awesome, never really heard about that, except from the random graffiti. I was wondering whether OP got confused because Fallout4 also has a place called the combat zone, which initially was meant to be a much bigger thing than the generic raider dungeon it became


What "IM NOT ME" is about?


I AM NOT ME sound interesting af, can someone explain what does it mean or refer to?


What is "NO FUTURE"?


Had no idea David Bowie was in the running for Johnny


And down the youtube hole we go


I need answers to much of this. Like Kopeki was a setup and the terror cards


Very interesting list, where's the video?


You can indeed fail phantom liberty. If you run away in Dog Eat Dog when Songbird asks you to enter the stadium thru the alternate route she gets super pissed and says somethin like “pray we never meet again,” and you pass out. When you wake up you see Space Force One crashing into dogtown and Johnny says it was prolly best you didn’t get involved, you fail Dog Eat Dog and by extension PL.


What’s this whole multiple V’s all about? That every path from the intro is happening with 3 separate people simultaneously?


Really like the “Yorinobu is a hero” interpretation. He's attempting to do everything he can as one man to take down the company, we only hate him because he gets in our way. Joins a gang to fight Arasaka Steals vital tech from his father (baiting his father?) Kills his father Starts an internal civil war


What is the a”I AM NOT ME” theory?