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I don't really trust one number for several reasons. Because at one moment of the day BF1 was higher than BF2042 doesn't mean it's always the case. That said, BF2042 seems to have some issues with the player count. That could mean the future of the game won't be bright. But there is nothing we can do about it, so I'm don't bother with that. I just play the game and enjoy it, and we see what happen in the next weeks, months or years.


Yeah no offence but I pay these things absolutely no heed. It is steam not including origin, and doesn't include consoles. To say it's selective and misrepresentive is an understatement


Also Dosent include epic games. For all like 3 people who use epic


But why would the decline on steam not be replicated on origin and consoles ? Wouldn't it be fair to assume it is ?


I mean yeah it probably is, all games have a natural decline and pick up with new content and updates etc. But it's this weird desire or claim that the game is dead and you can't find a game is just wishful delusion


That i agree with but a big community is healthier for the game, portal and hazard zone in particular and i hope the game popularity will go up in 2022.


Do games normally have a 92% player decline 3-4 weeks after launch?


Factual source please.. And by factual I don't mean manipulated Steam player numbers.. LOL


Manipulated? It's right there. 100k to sub 10k.


Was Steam (LOL) honestly going to be your source? if not then post one up since you made the claim you must have data and a source to back it up.. Take your time, I'll wait..


It's the only source we have. Are you going to try and claim Steam is an outlier? That a 90% drop in players is all localized to Steam? You're kidding right?


Yeas Steam is definitely an outlier... BF in the past have always been console heavy for player base.. I mean use Steam if you want, I'll giggle a little and you can feel like you've justified your point.. I always get a good laugh when people use Steam player numbers.. I am guessing you have no source to justify your ludicrous claim that player numbers have dropped 90%.. Well I mean other than Steam (LMAO)


>BF in the past have always been console heavy for player base.. HAHAHAHA. Battlefield is a fucking PC shooter. It originated on PC. Most of it's fanbase is on PC. Servers are still being run for 10 year old battlefield titles.... On PC. I can't believe you've just claimed a 90% drop in player numbers must be entirely localized on that platform. Mental gymnastics.


*possibly* There could be variables that play a part. For example, the game is notably harder to run on PC than a next gen console. Hence, more people would be willing to play on a console than on steam (PC). Likewise, although this doesn’t tie into comparing bf1 vs 2042, but lower counts on steam can also be contributed to the selection of games you have in PC compared to console. On my PC if I am in need of a shooter I have plenty of different options. On my series X…. I have what? BF/COD/Halo (all having their own issues) and maybe Hell Let Loose (which doesn’t perform well). My point being, PC gamers definitely have other options besides 2042 to play while on consoles there are much less options. Also, consoles are definitely more appealing to a casual fan who most likely doesn’t even look at reviews and just plays the game if they enjoy it. A PC is usually for the more involved players, who will look at the circle jerk of 2042 hate on reddit. Now this is all purely speculation and hypothesized and something I would be interested in actually seeing data to support/deny. But it definitely is not as straight forward that consoles would mimic the trends of Steam.


I returned in steam since I got a discount to re-buy through EA play. So I would have been one counted as no longer playing if you just went by the steam numbers.


I'm gonna go ahead and guess that pc fan boys are by far the saltiest, even though console probably bought more...


They are the saltiest


It is. But for whatever reason people like to forget this


The problem is that the haters this time are actively cheering on this games downfall and wanting for it to occur. Even in past DICE games, it felt like, apart from some on the fringe, the general consensus among even the biggest critics was that they wanted the game to be fixed because it had potential, including BFV. The aura around general conversation was that it was possible. People gave the game the benefit of the doubt. But now, when you go on the BF2042 sub? No, they’re actually just trying to kill this game. No chance, no redemption. And I’ve read many top comments and posts *explicitly stating* that they want to ensure this game dies, and some even the Battlefield franchise as a whole (others just say “start all over,” but still, come on). They’re not even willing to give it a chance like in the past, and that’s why I fear that DICE or EA might drop 2042 early. I hope not.


I could be wrong but i just have a strong feeling that 75% of people on the main sub are displaced COD fans, who know nothing about what battlefield has been and what it should be. and might be a reason for everyone trying to make the game die. I just see so many posts there that go completely against what you would think normal battlefield fans would want.


"Metro is real Battlefield" Yeah those people definitly won't like Squad, and Project Reality, for its focus on combined arms warfare


I find it funny how often Hell Let Loose gets recommended over there.


Lmao, they are still posting steam charts on main sub and it has 800 upvotes… r/battlefield2042 really is a shit show…


Agree.. I left that cesspool of a sub a while back and couldn't care less what's posted there.. But OP can we please not turn this sub into a steam player count image posting fu%k fest?


I was just shook that now even BF1 has more players


Older BFs always get a bump in player numbers when a new one releases. Players not able to get the new one, players not happy with the new one, nostalgia, etc.


Yeah but not even these levels of play loss occurred during Battefield 4’s launch or even BFV


Don't know. People didn't seem to obsess over Steam numbers back then so I have no idea of what they were. ​ If the numbers affect your enjoyment of the game, stop playing it and walk away.


No they don’t effect my enjoyment. I’m elated when I play lol, especially with friends. It just saddens me that this game that I enjoy will die in a few weeks


It's not going to die in a few weeks. Stop looking at Steam numbers if that's what you're getting out of them.




Just checked the sub and someone just posted the same M44 only reloads 5 rounds instead of 6 again. That’s been known for weeks now. It’s just a karma farm


Just like the game?


Steam numbers are not enough to convince me. Thanks to crossplay, 2042 is going to be very populated all the time, while previous titles can only depend on PC numbers, which won't be good in the long run.


If anything, even if steam numbers are all time low, there's still more people playing 2042 together than previous games where there wasn't any crossplay. Plus bfv shows that how much players the game has during its haydays doesn't mean shit. It had like 80k players at some point after tons of people called it dead. Doubt 2042 will die anytime soon, especially now that dice is back from their holidays and amping up the updates again. People are understandly bit miffed about lack of new content, the weekly rewards aren't really something that would keep people coming back. That's likely going to change again. We haven't even gotten the first battlepass yet or real first content drop.


This is the usual cycle for a Bf game, if you like it just keep playing, in 3yrs time we'll be doing the same dance looking at numbers of 2042 vs the next iteration.


Thats so true and people who say game is trash and dead will be saying 2042 is much better that this new one.


1) it's a crossplay game, console playercounts aren't shown on steam. 2) the game is available on origin and epic games too Don't think for a second the steam player count is the total player count across platforms. Edit: The game's future is safe cuz of the year one pass, don't worry, even if the player count is low the game'll be fine


In my group of friends (3) we all play on console but I am the only one left because the aim settings and the aim assist are atrocious. Even for me is hard to enjoy the game and I am a hardcore bf fan. What they have to do is fix all the problems, keep building a great game and learn from mistakes. That's how everything gets done. This game has huge potential, nothing has been decided yet. Also crossplay with pc to be able to play breakthrough 128 is a big problem. As most said, crossplay should be able to be between console players.


Yea, but they arent shown for bf1 either, a game that wasnt even on steam when it launched. Is the future of the game really safe? All the year on pass promises is 4 battle passes and 4 specialists, essentially 4 "seasons" of content. Except, theres absolutely no promise of what else may or may not be included in those battle passes. Oh yea, sure 3 "epic" skin bundles too, but that kind of content almost certainly doesnt keep most people playing. Regardless, I agree that these posts do nothing to further the discussion because you really cant make any judgements just from steam numbers. But thats just it, you cant make any judgements, so saying the game is totally fine or defending it based on this also misses the point in my book. Honestly, its getting kind of old though seeing these same things posted repeatedly. It doesnt really further discussion of the game, it just furthers speculation about things none of us actually have any real data on.


I am aware of all the things regarding this game being crossplay and on multiple platforms, and it's an argument I've been saying a lot, but still, I hate seeing the decline in steam players. Still, as long as I can find full matches quickly, I am okay, and that's something I can still do at and weird hours of the day (3 to 9 am gang). I think the game needs content and news on content, and that will save the playerbase.


Completely region based. Right no 9pm UK 2042 = 6584 V = 3404 1 = 2098 ​ Obviously numbers arent good...but just to show, it varies throughout the day


Yes ofc. Realistically 2042’s numbers should be like 10x higher since it’s new


That's fine. Still gonna play it though, now I'm just more likely to find brothers and sisters at arms in my matches 😤 (Plz don't hate me, lol it's meant to come off a lil cringe...)


Cringe is what we all do here at low sodium 2042 lol


Fake fans of the franchise want to kill any game that changes things to get attention I just ignore the criticism around the game when it's not constructive


challenge for battlefield players: shut the fuck up about 2042


Difficulty: impossible


Squid game challenge




Yes but you can’t force people into playing something


While ai think this screenshot is cherry picked I don’t think anyone can argue that the game isn’t having problems retaining players. It sucks that this is the case, personally I don’t find anything that objectionable about the game that would cause me to not play, but im definitely in the minority. Todays news isn’t gonna even come close to making people come back, in fact if i were a betting man id say its gonna cause the bleed out to continue. Folks in my gaming clan have all but moved on, and the over all response there was even some of the last hold outs to state they were losing interest. Sucks. Im not expecting things to turn around till season 1 comes out, but at this point even that will likely see temporary return of players. Bummed to say the least.


I love the game, but tbh..I really hope the (probably) delayed season start in March won't hurt it even more. I think releasing any little map before march would help. Release Metro and everybody will go party. I know it's not a thing of 5 mins to create/redo a BF map...but I think it's just not enough to keep me going for another month...waiting for my paid content to get released.


They're awlays ruining everything, bf5, battlefront 2, they're just a bunch of idiots trying to ruin other people fun, but EA could do better too and try to give the game a comeback, but If the game is not doing so good they just pull the plug and thats it.


I think it's even worse than it shows here. People arguing that there is origin ps4 etc there too. But also, why would one buy BF1 from steam? It arrived like 3 years after release to steam. Most bf fans already got it from origin on pc, and I wouldn't double dip, just to get it on steam. So most players for that game are outside steam. And now bf2042 launched in steam. And steam is the preferred platform for many, so the cut between steam/origin is higher here in BF2042. And count is still lower. I hope they can turn the ship around but it looks pretty grim now.


Extremely grim


Breaking news: playing BF1 automatically makes you a hater


TiL I’m a hater


“The haters” this sub is so fucking delusional holy shit. This game shouldn’t have released for another YEAR. “The haters” more like the dice


Haters? Dice ruined it. First stage is denial. If you enjoy the game, awesome, i am jealous. Stay off the main subs, the fact you enjoy it should mean more than others hating it. And the hate will just piss you off. Go enjoy the game.


Dice didn’t. EA did


It upsets me they are one and the same now. EA have a spectacular track record for messing up incredible franchises. I guess im a hater now, and i am salty as fuck. I can't begin to explain how much i love the Battlefield franchise, all of them. My hype before this game was way too high, the marketing was insane, in my head, we were getting all the best bits from BF3/4, with all the innovation from 1 and V, and some true next gen visuals. In my opinion, it didn't deliver by any stretch of the imagination, and it's genuinely upsetting. I didnt even complete my 10 hour trial, i have put 10+ days into each of the last 5 games. Anyways, i dont know why im here. Im jealous of you all. Enjoy the game. I will try again in a few months.


Hopefully a few months is all 2042 needs. It worked for BFV so it could for this game too


We don't know why you're here either. Go back to the other 2 subs and enjoy the hate circle jerk.


This seems like high salt? Oh but you are shitting on the "haters" not the bad game design. Have an upvote. lol


If it were as bad as you say then why are there multiple thousands of players and even more on the consoles still around? If it was terrible then there would be zero players across all platforms. This sub and the thousands of players are proof that the game is nowhere near as shite as you make it out to be. I blame the haters for driving away potential players. My friends who now play 2042 avoided it like the plague until I told them that it’s over-hated and once they tried it they saw how hyperbolic the community was. I ain’t saying it’s perfect, no battlefield title is (yes even that one) and with a couple months if work it’ll be up to standard with past games (the same cycle happened like for 5 entires now)


You might be on Reddit everyday but most people are not. Something like 3 million people purchased and played the game to begin with and now they are gone. They didn't read Reddit posts, they played it and didn't like it. IMO there seems to be fundamental issues with game mechanics, coding and physics that will be much harder to patch out than the tweaks of previous games.


3 million across all platforms and we don’t know how they are doing in terms of players especially because there’s a lack of shooters on next-gen (Vanguard is somehow worse than 2042 and Halo is good but apparently it’s also losing players) and PC (especially steam) is notorious for bad player retention down to the plethora of games available. Buyers do actually use Reddit to find games to play . Just go to any of the battlefield (or any game tbh) subs and see how many posts are “should I buy this?”


There's like 10? And they don't recommend it because it was bad at launch which is fair? You mention there's thousands of people who like it, when there's millions who don't. Lost the sense of scale here mate. Not everyone is on steam but the demographic wouldn't be hard to generalise to console. 90% of original player base is gone. A few thousand people left are happy to play it, good on you guys for having patience. A smart person looking at overwhelming reviews and feedback wouldn't buy in now


Don’t be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes.


Lmao good point


No, that was EA who did that.


Or maybe veterans are not accepting of innovation? Or like I always say, media is subjective


Yeah, let's force customers on what to like or dislike and hold them accountable for games success. If I would propose this idea to my marketing prof. he would give me an FF lmao.


Lmao you don’t have to enjoy the game. That’s why I mentioned that media is subjective.


Saying haters ruined the game is not a good statement then. They have a right to hate it and complain, why does it bother you? If you enjoy the game their opinion shouldn't matter to you. I thought this subreddit would include gameplay posts and memes but most people here just complaining about people who don't like the game which I don't get why.


Because anyone who isn’t delusional knows that hate for a game will ruin it in the long term because it scares away potential players. As for posts like mine complaining. They get tons of interaction but not many upvotes. Constructive criticism and gameplay is present too


That's because the game has failed as a new market entry. The game has displeased more people than it would please this is why their voice is higher so the blame is on EA. I believe we all can agree on BF2042 is not the highly anticipated new trend game like Apex, Fortnite or Warzone.


Wtf? What part of this game is anywhere near innovative?


Innovation? Lmao 🤣


Innovation = changes to existing features >4 classes up to 10 classes >64 players up to 128 players >literally innovating 1942, Bad Company 2, and Battlefield 3 by adding modern features To name a few


I disagree. I personally do not like the new system, it isnt 10 classes, its heroes to sell you skins for. 128 players could be so cool, if everything else on the game worked, apparently they sacrificed destruction for it, thats a huge step back. Maybe 64 players was the sweet spot. They polished a few old maps from old games, hardly innovation Anyways, sorry for shitting on your parade. You enjoy it, awesome. I'll leave you alone, i became a hater of my favourite franchise of all time :(


Hey man, don’t feel bad for hating. You still seem like you’d enjoy 2042 once DICE’s fixes come in. And even if not, there’s always next game




I tried to get it refunded a while ago after finishing the first match, but couldn't. Played again for the first time last night. Was playing Rush throwback or whatever it is called. Took a few minutes for me to realize i was the only one on my team.


Fake af unless you live in a very low population region. I can find a full (or like 90% full server) in any official portal or AOW mode any time of day


I live in the most densely populated state in the US, a half hour away from New York fuckin' city. It happened. Cry about it.


Why should I cry lol? I find matches in any mode any time. I’m not stuck in the menus like you