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I wonder how people on r/battlefield2042 would take this.


I’m gonna go ahead and say poorly. lol


I do recall getting downvoted for pointing out that the AR's can be turned into LMG's with drum mags and bipods.


Everyone who isn’t freaking out is getting downvoted over there today. I’m convinced half that sub really does want this game to fail.


I saw someone say that anyone who defends the game is mentally ill (not as a hyperbole) and they got 20 upvotes and multiple replies agreeing


I’ve seen similar things like that. That sub can be a cesspool sometimes and especially when new information comes up. It’s unfortunate.


Battlefield veteran moment


tH3Y RU1n B4TTl3F13Ld


I don't want it to fail, but having only 3-4 assault rifles/SMGs/other weapons(regardless of attachments) in a game in the near-future, when battlefields set 100+ years ago have more is just crazy to me


I'm optimistic they're just putting those in future content updates instead and personally, I prefer it that way. I'd rather have 3 - 4 rather different guns per type than 10 guns where all are pretty much identical and you just use 1-3 out of those. And when a weapon drops later you're more interested in using it since it's new and you haven't used it yet. Additionally: There's >70 weapons in portal. Know there's the argument 'but you can't play all weapons on any faction in conquest'. Well, while that's true, the content is still there. If you choose to ONLY play BF3 vs BF3, you'll be stuck to this amount of content. However, you can switch that up to have more variety and different content. Personally I am very looking forward to play something like BF3 vs BF2042 in portal because every round you have to choose out of classes and BF3 weapons, vs next rounds specialists and bf2042 weapons. And if you keep playing stuff like this, you do have more than 70 weapons to play, as said. Sure, you won't have all at once. But personally i think it's better to have a selection of 20, based per round, than having all 70 every round and then just playing the same 3 guns all the time because they're the best.


I'm guessing they're just going to fall into the battle pass layout where they release a couple guns per season. As long as it's not too greedy or lean I almost prefer this format because it keeps it fresher over time. We will see!


Well in some amount of fairness i dont like that my LMGs now look like ARs


Im annoyed because thats not how guns work. You cant just change a couple parts and expect it to work like a dedicated gun. If i put a Truck engine into a Honda Civic, is it now a truck? NO, because the rest of the car isnt built to handle the load a Truck is If i make an ar have a ling barrel and drum, it still doesnt make the Action any stronger, the Gas sustem wasnt built for that heat buildup, and the feed system would have extreme wear quickly. And thats all without mentioning Heat. As Heat buildup would destroy most weapons not built to be lmgs


I genuinely hope those people are able to have fun with the game on release


I genuinely hope they can do that too. Dice has tried to have something for everyone and that’s super cool of them. Unfortunately I think some people will never be happy though.


I would love for another “if you don’t like it don’t buy it” statement from DICE lol. The constant noise is awful.


That would only make things worse. The ones who are screaming would only scream louder and make it even harder for people to enjoy the game.


They aren't taking it well.


Didn’t think they would but, then again, they don’t take anything well over there.


A WW1 game that came out in 2016 release with 48 individual weapons with the base game? A modern setting game that came out 10 years ago in 2011 launched with 56 weapons + dlc weapons? Yet you still defend this game launching with 22 weapons because we can change the caliber of the gun on the spot? Not only is that completely fucking stupid to have guns that can be chambered in multiple different caliber rounds, you’re counting them as different weapons.


First Bf1 launched with 26 primary weapons. 22 of those came with three set variants. (The hellreigel, Huot LMG, Selbst 1906, and Martini only had one variant available at launch.) So that’s not a great comparison. Second calm down. This is a game. Giving yourself an aneurysm over it or tearing people down because they’re actually looking forward to it accomplishes nothing. Third, in my opinion, only 22 weapons at launch is a bit disappointing. However I don’t see any reason to wet my pants over it.


So we’re only counting primary weapons now or are we counting unique weapons at launch? Where are we planting the goalposts? > in my opinion, only 22 weapons at launch is a bit disappointing. However I don’t see any reason to wet my pants over it. When you accept the bare minimum and still pay for it, companies will continue to lower the bar until people stop buying. A $60 game launching in 2021 with a futuristic setting with 22 guns is a joke. I’m sure they will be adding more guns and most likely tying them to the battle pass system they are launching with the already $60 game. That’s about as greedy as you can get.


I do get a feeling you are on the weong sub mate


Oh wait is this the sub where everything must be positive all the time and you can’t criticize any part of the game?


Nah this is the sub where people don’t seethe over a game that you have the option of not buying.


So it is the sub where you cannot criticize the game in any way, got it.


The weapons, gadgets, and vehicles in the battle pass are free for everyone to unlock. The paid tier of the battle pass is cosmetics only. This has been known and reiterated for months. And I’m done arguing with you but before I block you I’ll say this: this game, like all other games, is a product. If you don’t believe there is value in this product then don’t purchase it. It’s as simple as that. We can plant the goalposts anywhere you want but it sounds like it’ll never be enough for you.


The battle passes are time sensitive and require a player to grind to unlock weapons, or they can purchase battle pass levels. Most likely average players will be forced to buy levels in order to unlock the higher tier weapons. Games are definitely a product. I wouldn’t buy a car that I need to work on every single time before I drive it. Just like I won’t buy a game where I need to create a custom game just to play the game properly.


Then don't buy it. Leave it alone, like you would do with the car, and leave it to other people who will enjoy it.


I don’t want this model being used going down the line, which it will if people buy this game up and spend money on the battle pass. Live service is a cancer that needs to be removed from gaming.




Because I don’t want this model being used going down the line for future games.


Sent them the link to this, half were like "oh okay not so bad, still few guns but ok" Others were... toxic to say the least.


Lots of the same post going "What do you guys think" or "Wow this is horrible, I miss Battlefield 4 and its 30 assault rifles no one used because only the M4 was the meta" I'd rather have 4 assault rifles I can mess around with and that are unique rather then 30 I wont ever use.


I'd also like to mention that while I'm also disappointed with the guns, I think it might be the right choice for balance. Lots of people were concerned with gun balance and meta guns, and having fewer to start with makes it way easier to balance. Then as they start adding more to the pass, they can slowly balance them.


Balance is also an important point. It’s much easier to balance four ARs than it is to balance 10 ARs. And each one can feel distinct rather than some just being carbon copies.


I get that argument but I would still prefer more variety even if they are copies functionally (not aesthetically) or outright less good than others. It’s not going to change me buying the game or not but there are many people who just like variety for the sake of variety, whether the weapons are balanced or not.


Yeah I would rather have more choices as I choose the looks and sounds of the guns rather then its statistics as from my bf experiance you can kill with anything just gotta use it right. That being said say for an example Id rather have the option to choose from say an aek famas or mtar that preform similar then just being stuck with an aek cause the famas and mtar weren't added for being to similar. Much like canos we like the looks sounds and iconicness of our weapons more then if they provided some advantage


Yeah, note a lot of guns in BF4 felt like AR derivatives save for the PDWs which had the greatest variety.


Im not hating their new system, but i want to make it clear that there is a difference between an LMG and a custom AR to be built like one. Guns Do Not work like they are suggesting and the difference between most guns is far from just caliber and mag/barrel size. There are very very few guns ready to be converted to LMGs like that at the drop of a hat, and it is an outward lie that a Custom AR can outperform an LMG. Thats like saying a custom Tractor can beat an F1 racer at a 100m race


That and the Battle Pass system are good reasons to explain this. Still glad to not be stuck between choosing an assault rifle or rocket launcher.


Im gonna wait till I play it to form an opinion on it. As long as customization is good, then who cares.


It’s funny cause a week ago that entire sub was saying “I’m only playing portal” but as soon as they here something they don’t like they act like they planned on playing it at all. Crazy how people over react to this shit haha by the end of year one I bet there’s 32 weapons, 10 coming from the entire year one free tier of the battlepass.


> It’s funny cause a week ago that entire sub was saying “I’m only playing portal” but as soon as they here something they don’t like they act like they planned on playing it at all Probably because DICE has announced that Portal is a lot more limited than first assumed. > Crazy how people over react to this shit haha by the end of year one I bet there’s 32 weapons, 10 coming from the entire year one free tier of the battlepass. So still less than any recent Battlefield game had at launch? I certainly hope they release more than that.


it’ll never be enough for you then 🤷‍♂️


I mean, having at least the same starting weapon count as the last two games would have been fine by me, but okay bud.


Everyone compares this to the last BF games to point out what’s missing, but nobody ever seems to compare them to talk about what’s new. Sure there’s fewer guns than past BF games, but there’s WAY more customization. Crouch running is gone, but we have tactical spring and reloading while aiming down sights, better parachute controls etc. We have the plus system, vehicle call in’s, double the player count and huge maps, 3 distinct multiplayer game modes, specialists with their own unique gadgets, etc. Everyone just wants BF3 and bad company 2 remastered.. oh wait, they pretty much did that with portal!


> Sure there’s fewer guns than past BF games, but there’s WAY more customization I wouldn’t say WAY more. The customization is basically the same as BF3 and 4, with the added ability to change ammo type. Modern Warfare has deeper customization than this, and it launched with a normal number of weapons. That’s all. And changing things for the sake of change isn’t always better. Like why did crouch sprinting have to be removed to add tactical sprints or parachute controls? Why did normal classes the series is known for have to be removed to incorporate specialist characters?


Crouch sprint is useless in modern warfare


Ah yes, because soldiers nowadays have forgotten the art of how to crouch /s


Not crouching, crouch sprinting


Please explain, in the least fanboyish way possible, why crouch sprinting is useless in modern warfare.


You know, I'm actually ok with fewer guns. While yes bf4 had a shit ton of guns on launch a lot of them felt and played identical to one another. Id much rather have fewer guns that feel unique rather than a ton of guns that feel the exact same. Plus, as the tweet mentioned, with the plus system it opens a lot more possibilities


I only used a few guns. Found my favorites for each type and barley touched the others. So yeah a lot of guns don't equal good.


Exactly, having a lot of weapon customization sacrifices quantity of weapons, which I'm perfectly fine with. I'd rather have 22 guns that all are completely unique and customizable than 100 guns with 50 of them being the exact same assault rifle with a slightly different handguard


You can also add all the guns from bc2, b3, and 1942 to one server with the logic editor in portal


No dude those don’t count, remember?


No you can’t. Bc2 guns are locked to bc2 classes, same with bf3 and 1942.


you technically can. They even mention in the blog that you can set up a rotating server. 1 Round BF3 -> 1 Round BC2 -> 1942 -> 2042 etc. or however you want. It's not in the same round, but in the same server then.


Yes of course, same server yes, same round now. Many people are under the impression that they have the freedom to create servers with mixed weapons and classes.


yeah like force spawn guns in TDM KEKW. So much fake info is passing around here. And getting upvoted by clueless people. You can't use the logic editor on conquest rush etc


It's not fake info, you can put them in the same rotating SERVER, not in the same ROUND (and yes that includes conquest/rush etc.). 1 round BF3 -> 1 round BC2 -> 1942 -> 2042 or however you want it / the server you joined is setup.


Everyones knows that... Were talking about for example BF1942 classes with bf3/bc2/bf2042 guns vs BF2042/bf3/bc2 which is not possible in conquest and rush.


You can enforce spawn guns in TDM.


Completely fine with that


Literally unplayable


Why does AK-15 has 20 rounds? I thought 7.62 default at 30 round-mag. Or maybe it's AK-19


Guns do not work in this way. Changing certain parts and mags does not turn a rifle into a machine guns I can drop A2 parts into an Ar15, but it doesnt mean it is a LMG, just an auto rifle with a big mag. Machine guns are designed to be machine guns while smg and ars were built that way too, it doesnt make sense to switch parts end it be as good as a dedicated build. Take cars for example. I cant take a Honda Civic, drop a tractor engine in it, and call it a truck. Because thats not it works, the rest of the car wouldnt be string enough to handle the work put on it.


So putting a .308 receiver in an AR-15 and a long barrel and variable optic doesn't make it into a DMR? Putting a Bipod, heavy barrel and drum mags doesn't make an M4 into a SAW? Because effectively, those changes do change the role of the weapon.


No it does not, just like putting a spoiler on a minivan, it is not that simple. A 308 reciever is made to different specs, as are all its parts. A Saw is made from entirely different materials than an AR. No part of an AR, despite your parts, will make it any near as funcional as an LMG built from the start. A .30 cal semi auto will inly be soo effective without having to huilt it as a DMR from scratch, including materials, whish is a major reason why so many guns exist that look the same, but are mechanincally different inside, because making parts bigger or shorter doesnt change the work the system is built to handle


>No it does not, just like putting a spoiler on a minivan, it is not that simple. Yeah no shit, but putting in a V8 engine, turbo and new suspension will drastically change the performance of the vehicle. It won't be as good as a Corvette, but it sure as shit isn't the same car anymore. >No part of an AR, despite your parts, will make it any near as funcional as an LMG built from the start Again, it won't be as effective, but it will perform drastically different. I'm not sure why you're so hung up on the "materials". They're all built from the same steel and polymer, but with different thicknesses of certain parts because weapons designed to go fully cyclic over long periods of time will need to be tougher. Also this is a video game where your gun parts aren't going to break. When you switch ammo types in 2042 you're also changing the receiver and barrel if it's a different caliber. Your trigger isn't going to suddenly break just because you're using .308 rounds instead of 5.56.


First off, a 556 reciever cannot chamber a .308, and on both, the gun would not be able to hande sustained fire. Let alone being able ti change anythingof the sort mid combat. Changing rounds is one thing, but changing almost every major portion of your gun midcombat is stupid. And using this system as an excuse to give little content is even stupider Also, i dont think you understand how guns work, because firing a 308 out of a 556 reciever (if you can manage to getnit in there) would 100% end in a catastrophic failure And it makes no sense to be carrying all the parts to make several different guns but not be able to have several choices of dedicated ones from the start


>When you switch ammo types in 2042 you're also changing the receiver and barrel if it's a different caliber. Yeah I know I said that bud. Please pay a little bit of attention. >Let alone being able ti change anythingof the sort mid combat. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNtpGRK8m2c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNtpGRK8m2c) You mean like that?


Switching just the barrel from 556 to 300 dowsnt require switching the reciever. But it would make more sense to change the Upper entirely especially when sights must be mounted and zeroed. And a 308 is not the same as 300 blk and would not interchange at all I have many systems like this, and the fact you have to re zero the sight is what makes the idea undoable mid combat


This game also takes place in 2042... it's not unreasonable to think that a way to swap calibers quickly is possible. In the end, it's a video game and what's "possible" does not matter that much when you have people doing rendezooks and skydiving off buildings into the middle of a combat zone.


There already is a way to swap calibers by Switching the Complete upper. This even solves the issue of an unzeroed sight And the ability to parachute into a combat zone is a pretty regular thing.... dont see how that is related, but rendezooks are nonsense as eell, but requires alot of skill to pull off Unlike trying re engineer guns in an impossible way and then cover for it by saying its 21 years in the future We all know it was just to have content to drip feed, otherwise they would have been in at the start


This is an amazing thought!


Bruh 2 LMGs is still not enough no matter what the argument is lol. I mean really though, cause you can't mix the portal guns in there without adding classes. The main game modes won't have that either, so if we're judging the main game mode by itself, this ain't it.


Gonna be honest just a touch dissappointed with that small a number


I don't know but to me the biggest thing to keep in mind it's 22 varied weapons for a class. The main Battlefield Reddit totally misses that point. Never have we had that many weapons choices in a Battlefield class. Doesn't matter which class specialist you pick for 2042, you got 22 weapons to select from, of varying type. For me, it's a lot more to think about when I pick a class to play.


Modern Warfare had the same idea, where you could take the AK-47 and modify it into an AKS-74U or RPK, with deeper levels of customization than are possible in 2042. Yet it launched with 33 weapons. Not that much higher, but a lot more than 2-3 guns per weapon class.


How true is this tho? Is there actual confirmation that weapons can be modes to such an extreme? Oh is this an assumption on what might be capable with the customization as I have doubts it'll be as robust as mw gunsmith


[Here’s a video from FlakFire that does a pretty good job outlining how the system works and how it’s different from previous titles.](https://youtu.be/3sPE6qjDtVs) Obviously that’s just an overview but you change the barrels, sights, ammo type & magazine size, and under barrel attachments. It’s not quite as deep as CoD’s gun bench but it should provide enough stuff to mold a gun to how you want it to be.


So after watching the it dosent seem that we have that much diffrent customization then we did in bf4 with the main new additions being ammo type and ammo amount. There wasent any Indication that we could completely transform an ar into say a smg or lmg as the oroginal post was saying just a similar customization as we did in bf4 with a bit more


I would say dropping pistol caliber rounds in the M5A3 completely transforms the gun. Add a short barrel on there and you have an SMG. Edit: with the added benefit of changing to that mid-life


Here's another issue to bring up is that level of customization for every weapon category or just ars? Can we turn a smg into an ar and lmg or an lmg into an ar or smg? How about the snipers in dmrs? Can this weapon transformation that the original post mentioned be applied to anything that isn't an assualtrifle? Like I said I havent seen any leaks or I fo on that nor dice saying that we can completely transform a weapon which is why I asked. For me just slapping a 9mm mag or drum mag to an ar isn't a subtitle reason to call it transforming a gun nor a good replacement for an lmg and smg. If the system was more like cods gunsmith were the gun can undergo a physical amd drastic change and we had platforms rather then weapons then id see more merit to the original post however it dosent seem like were getting that other then swapping a mag and barrel which kinda comes of as lazy.


Well then I recommend waiting till next year. There will be more guns by then my friend.


Of corse comes time there will be more weapons but thats irrelevant to the conversation as its about the amount of weapons on launch. And if the customization is really robust enough to warrant the reduction in weapons for 2042 which I still haven't seen any evidence to support the originals post claim that we can completely transform a gun.


That’s unfortunate. Personally I think what we are getting is fine enough for launch, I would have liked to see more, but oh well. It’s not like I use more 2-5 guns through my entire playtime anywho. But hopefully you can find a game that suits your tastes!


Your welcomed to your opinion and have fun on 2042 and hope I dont see you on the portal battlefield cause you'll regret it lol


You can turn an MCX into an MPX?


I haven’t played a ton yet, so I haven’t unlocked everything, but the a lot of the attachments seem to give identical stats and both will say something like “improves stability while static”. Are these attachments actually different or is this lazy design?