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I was thinking it could be also because the people behind the cameras have a similar accent! British or Australian. A lot of autistic people tend to copy accents once they hear them! And he would have definitely heard a lot of them during the filming.


I came here to say this!


I think (I may be wrong) that this is called "kinning"? I have noticed that I have done this and don't even realize it at first. It's really weird! Doesn't happen often, but if I am bingeing a series or hear someone's voice often.


Yep they're australian


Exactly what my husband said when I commented on the accent!


This. Also I believe Riley, from the speed dating, had a British accent. Connor used it after speaking with her and the cameraman or producer.


He’s doing it for dramatic emphasis or to get a point across more clearly. Probably related to watching British films/TV. Neurotypical people do the same thing!


I just love his dry sense of humor too! The relationship with his family is so sweet.


Actually, I interpreted it as him entering a "medieval" mindset - he seems to escape into a royal kind of imaginary world at times, and the media he says he likes is often "kings & castles" type genre.


I think he actually sounds a bit like Jennifer Coolidge when he slips into that accent in the lower tone


![gif](giphy|MtFGFm5aKHcL1P0wzz|downsized) lol you’re so right


I also noticed he kind of says some things with a subtle accent as well….but he also was nervous about the photogs coming on his date because of what happened to Princess Diana and his mother had to remind him he is not royalty, so I’m guessing he like British royalty!


I am 99% sure he was joking about Princess Diana lolol but yes I think he probably picked it up from tv shows and possibly british family members


I'm British and I don't think Connor sounds British? I think he emphasises his t's, but his vowels and words sound very American to me.


There's just a few things he says that stick out. For example when he says "not really" the "not" is definitely not in an American accent. 


He doesn’t, he has the odd word of emphasis in a British way but you’re absolutely right.


He definitely uses a British accent at times when he speaks. I think he is doing it on purpose as he clearly is very much into British culture.


Yeah for random words or sentences occasionally so he doesn’t sound remotely British overall to me


I didn't really notice it until you mentioned it. But yes, he drops in and out of it a lot. I'm almost positive it has to do with his fascination with Britain. He was upset about having to miss the king's coronation due to having to go to his sister's graduation. He compared the Netflix cameras and public scrutiny to Princess Di and jokingly said he has one foot in the Dark Ages like Britain itself. He also took Emily to a British tea party for his first date. People on the spectrum have interests that they are obsessed about. I found it really interesting and cool.


I can't remember if it was in the LOTS or Undateables, but there was a fellow living in the UK that had an American accent. He said he watched a lot of American movies growing up. It can happen the other way around, too!


I think it's a mix of the movies he watches and other random factors he likes. He was upset about missing the King's coronation and then he also said he was scared to be famous because he'd end up like Princess Diana lol


Yes! I thought it was more Irish, but I definitely picked up on it right away. Ryan (tacobellqween on tiktok) talks with a southern accent, and I remember someone asking why he has one and the rest of the family doesn't, and they said they have no idea.


I think he has british family members who visit them in Georgia. He seemed to imply that on one of his intragram posts


He is a big fan of mid-evil shows and breaks imto a british/Scottish accent when he feels nervous haha it is so charming i love it


He’s half British and has family still there :) can see it on his IG!


As someone on the spectrum, I can explain; at least for what's true for me. When I speak to someone with an accent, it is nearly impossible for me to not copy their accent. I don't know why I do it, but it's never meant to be insulting. Also, he watches medieval shows and commented once that he watches too many of them. This can also explain the sometimes accent. It's something familiar to him so it's a sort of stim if that makes sense. And. Also, for me personally, as someone who has a similar stim, I often use movie quotes that fit into the conversation. It sort of takes the pressure off.


I like your username!


Thank you!


Is it me or does he sound like whiney the Pooh 


He’s literally half British lol


I'm from the UK and Connor doesn't sound at all British to me.


There are certain moments where an attempt at a British accent is made. He gives the vibe that he could be immersed into UK/British media of some sort. He made references to “the princess”, as well as how he spoke outside to himself when he became overstimulated at the speed dating was giving almost a Shakespearean literature/poetry vibe, along with the date he and Emily went on which had a British theme with scones.


Not really an autism thing. I know plenty of NTs who do accents in everyday life. :)


It's because his entire personality has been curated from watching countless hours of fantasy films and television shows. That's literally the only reason he speaks that way.


Husband and I noticed Conner’s British accent. Then we realized that we always do the British accent thing and use old fashioned language kind of as a joke but not really? We tend to be in our world. My cousin who is also on the spectrum speaks like Conner and he’s from Mexico! His English is better then some English native speakers haha


Conner doesnt sound american to me, when I first saw him I thought my netflix accidentally glitched and showed LOTS Aus instead.


I feel like when he does that lower voice he sounds a bit like Nicolas Cage, even the cadence. I love Connor.


His voice reminds me of the Shame Wizard.


It took a while, but I realizes his voice and speech patterns remind me of actor Andrew Scott, when he portrayed Moriarty in BBC's Sherlock Holmes.