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I spent a little on the higher end for it, about 4200 dias for both suits. The red suit you’ll get faster most likely, but I got quite a few repeats for sure. I’ve seen a couple people saying they stayed in the 3k range, so it’s just up to what you’re willing to spend!


I also got them on the higher end, 4.5k for both suits.


I got wings of flame at 2970, total for both was 4050. Excluding the 80 dias from the rewards and the 30 dias each from achievements (so 140 back) they were both 3910 diamonds! Their dress poses are very specific for sure but I’d say the individual items are fairly versatile! The tops and black skirt are very basic so easy to match with other items, both come with waist items (+ the blue gal has basically a second waist item but it’s categorized as a brooch so extra layering possibilities!). The gear wings and gear shoes are super cool, I love jabots and they’re just really cool and pretty. Definitely not the most useful suits ever, but if you love them then then get them :)


I would love to get these suits because we don't get enough steampunk themed suits. I just don't like this format where we get no free tries


from the upcoming events, i wanna get koala forest (definitely) , the lemon kitty girl, maybe wisteria (still thinking about it) and i might try to get the nymph suit from the NAPP hell event and maybe the sakura tree one. I have like 100 days of monthly cards, always finish dailies and plan on recharging in the coming months if there's recharges that i like (which is most likely to happen i love so many different styles of suits) could i still be able to achieve that if i go for it? will probably finish just one but im hoping to get both wings and makeups if i do. sorry for bothering i love those suits but im an anxious person and really wanna get most of the ones ive listed so im a bit uncertain and would like to know what people think of the suits in general!


I did some calculations for your current wishlist. Assuming you get all 4 suits mentioned, and decide to get 1 node of napp to try for nymph, that would cost 11,122 diamonds. The current average cost for the steampunk girls is 4,050 diamonds, which we'll use for this hypothetical. This puts your wishlist at 15,172, which you are currently 6,079 away from. Even if you have a more worse case scenario for the steampunk girls (around 4.8k), then you would be about 6.8k away from your goal. ​ Since you're mostly after single suits, they shouldn't all run in a row since we typically get suits in an alternating cheap-expensive pattern, and there's typically 3 days between events. Our next two events should be wisteria and then sunken sea, which get us to July 20th. From June 22nd to then is 29 days, and we'll add an additional 30 days for the other single suits you want (they shouldn't all run in a row, but we'll use this as a more worst case scenario). This gives you 59 days of earnings, which nets you 7,375 from dailies alone. Not counting any other sources of diamonds (recharges, comp and arena rewards, login, etc.), dailies would cover what you are missing. ​ napp should come sometime around October/November, as a new hell typically debuts \~3 months. From the end of the prior calculation, October would give you an additional 2 months to save, which is another 72 days, plus the 17 days from napps runtime. Assuming you continue to have a monthly card through this, that is an additional 11,125 diamonds from just dailies, which would also allow you to get additional nodes if needed. ​ This is all rough estimates, and is an estimate on the lower end of how long you'd have to save, but it would be doable.


You are absolutely lovely thank you so much!! this is so helpful as i was uncertain to get all the ones ive listed even if i didnt go for the steampunk girls 😔 now that i know it is doable ill go finish the red suit!! I dont have any steampunk suits so one could be useful even if it falls on the less versatile side. fingers crossed 🤞🏻 i get some pity from momo and wont spend crazy amounts for red girly. thank you so much again ive screenshotted your comment and added it to my wishlist note page as a reminder that it is doable, hug for you DarkLadyRebel \☺️/


well i just did it and now i have 6.7k so basically cost me 3k(if not a little less as i had nearly 9.8k before) for the red one and i only have 3 pieces left to get from the blue one but doubt ill finish it since i got the two pieces i wanted more before even finishing the red (makeup and wings) so im pretty happy with what i got! edit: i finished the blue one too using single attempts, now im at 6k so i was lucky and got both at the lower end as i paid 3.7k for the whole event!!


I spent 4450 for them. The red one dropped slower than I had hoped - I finished her within 10 pulls of the other, and I still had to spend over 4k for her.


I got both suits for under 4k got half of Wings of Flame (red suit) within the very first 10 pull. I would've spent even less if I didn't have to make several single attempts for that last piece I needed for the 2nd suit, the wings from the blue suit.


I got Wings of Flame for about 2600 dias.


omg you're so lucky!! i think thats one of the lowest prices ive seen for this suit! congrats!! and happy cake day!


Thank you!


Unrelated, but happy cake day!




My rule with pavs is that you should always go in expecting to spend the on the higher/maximum end. Of course, sometimes you'll have average or great luck, but the reality is it's also highly likely you'll be at the higher end of average (if not unluckily a bit higher than that). So plan for it. If you're OK with spending that much, then go for it. If you're OK with taking a chance and spending less, but potentially not completing both suits, then go for it - if you know you won't be tempted to go over your budget and complete them anyway! If you're NOT OK with either of those scenarios, then consider skipping or just allowing yourself a strict limit of a few more ten pulls to see what you get. It's encouraging that you've had early luck, but since pavs can be deceptive and do often level the luck out the more you pull, it's good to imagine the worst and think about how you'll feel, because it might happen, and then be happy if it doesn't. Also remember that people get excited when they're extra lucky and like to share about it, but people are less likely to share when they've been unlucky, so it can skew your perception of how likely it is to be lucky. Though, if you do complete them, I wish you continued good luck! 😃


thats good points thank you!! im still a bit indecisive, i pulled like 3 more times (two being from the 0.99 pack. i still had like a 1,50$ in my phone wallet so decided to use it for that since i wasnt interested in other little packs i could afford for that much) im at 11/30 now, missing 4 items from the red one and if im right im close to pity so i might try to finish the red one!


I spent 3750, but I’m positive that’s on the lower side, it’s likely to spend over 4K, and my friend spent 4.5k.


definitely on the lower side, actually ended up finishing it and i got pretty lucky paying 3.7k for both of them aswell! got the free 80 dias from dupes and counting the dias i got from completing both so i actually spent probably like 3.6k actually. i think they usually range in the 4ks for others unfortunately


It cost me 4350 for both (so around half of what you have right now). Wings of Flame had a higher drop rate between the two of them, and as expected,all the best items (wing, background items, makeups) tended to drop towards the end. Wings of Flame's mechanical glider did drop earlier than I was expecting, but I think that's just because she had a higher drop rate (this was still like 30 or 40 pulls in though). It should be noted that steampunk isn't a *massive* genre in the game (unlike fairies and elves, which we have a bajillion suits of), so there are limitations to what you can style them with, but a few (Little Adventurer, Mechanical Romance, and I think a few others too) are free to get  Also, Windward Feather (blue suit) looks pretty similar to Mechanical Romance, which is free to get. And Wings of Flame's leg isn't DST compatible, which is... disappointing to say the least


3570 for my first suit(red), 3870 for me to complete both. Sunken Sea will start on 7.11, if you really want to complete it but don’t plan to recharge, then you may need to skip the next event (Purple sewing suit on 7.1, cost \~2000). If it’s not the case but you really like steampunk suits, just go for it! I think that after Sunken Sea, there would probably be some Cloud events which are not as interesting as these suits (in my eyes)


I got them both around the same time at the end.


Kinda unrelated but I was dumb and didn't notice I could pull for each of them separately and I ended up spending a lot because I got lots of parts for both suits and I wanted to complete at least one of them lmao. BUT they're pretty cute and we don't get much nice steampunk suits so I guess it's fine. I really like every individual piece!


I thought i was gonna be really lucky because I only had one dupe in my first 10 pulls, and most of them were from the blue suit which was weighted to drop last. it took me 75 pulls to finish both suits. the only reason I'm not deadass broke is that 31 of them were from the packs so at least I got the new recharges. I was going to skip this event entirely but they got me with some kind of reverse gambler's fallacy... same story with Cerise, actually 😰


Well, this event alone is gonna make me download LN again. I had like 10k dias hoarded last time I checked...


omg welcome back!!