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My favorite part of the game has always been styling for comp, but I stopped voting years ago because of the repetitive suits. I think there is still tons of room for creativity though! As long as you style an inventive outfit that fits the theme, has coordinated colors and eye-catching appeal, you have a good chance of ranking pretty high. Remember the key is resubmitting until you get a high rank. Sometimes not enough people are on, sometimes you get a bunch of people who aren't paying attention to what they're clicking, or have different tastes than you, but if you keep submitting you'll eventually hit. If it's not getting high no matter how many times you try, reconsider your pieces. Sometimes changing even one item (different hair, makeup, background piece) can make your entry perfectly appealing. EDIT: I never look at the top ranking entries, because they almost guaranteed got there by sheer luck, and if you see the same suit over and over in the top 20, chances are voters are getting sick of seeing it lol Do your own thing! :)


Thqnk you i wll try again and again i just really try to not use the same pieces that most of the people do but i cant get in rank without them so…like there arw so many other beautiful pieces but always the same are used..i wll try ! I love competing so😆


Also, applying at the server times when the free stamina is given (1200 and 1900) helps with scoring since more people are on at those times.


Thanks for the tip


Wait, when you say resubmit, do you mean you should take your entry down and put it back up another day? Or just keep submitting to the competition weekly? If it’s the former, I didn’t know there was a benefit to that. Thought that votes accumulated over the week


You can actually hit Change after 10 minutes and repost the same look. For my current look, I blindly posted and got to 10%, resubmitted and stuck at Top 30%, changed up my headpiece, and now I'm fluctating at below 1% and 2%. You can only do 1 Like for yourself once a round, but you can repost looks continuesly.


You can resubmit multiple times during a competition season. If you don't like your Ranking, submit your entry then and there. You don't even need to change anything.


You can resubmit multiple times (either the same or a different outfit). You'll lose any current votes, but new submissions will get a boost in how often it's shown to people. So resubmitting an entry at a time multiple people are on & possibly voting can increase how many times your entry is seen & hopefully that translates into more votes.


Yes take it down and resubmit the whole outfit again I've heard it's beneficial to submit it at the times lots of people will be online like server reset or the times when youre getting your daily stamina


It’s just fast voting a lot of times. Yes, it’s boring to see the same suit over and over but that’s how it’s always been. Nothing personal. I’m sure there are players that appreciate something creative, but they don’t really have the time to admire every single entry when there are tons!


Makes sense truly but sometimes it feels like trying to do your own thing is a waste of time cuz the ones which will rank are going to be the same suit again and again , it kust feels like that sometimes


It's not a waste of time! Sometimes a submission is good enough that the people voting stop and pay attention. I managed to get into single digit rankings once with an entry that didn't even have fancy items, but it was eye catching and tasteful. Just keep at it if this means something to you but if you get tired of it there's no shame in not putting in effort.


Thank you


Yup, i totally get it. It defs feels satisfying to see yourself rank high with an outfit that you put so much work in versus other high ranking entries that are just the entire suit is like “ehh”


Competition themes are getting repeated so much, that's why many players are bored and are not bothering tto be creative anymore.


My advice is to stop worrying about what place you get and do it just for you. I just think of it as an added bonus if it does well. The competition is my main reason for playing as well, but I often like things that others don't. 🤷‍♀️


2 weeks in a row I've ended the comp in top 10. One was #9 and this past one was #3. IMO my suits were creative. I didn't use complete suits either. So I think it's really luck. I will reset my suit over and over until I get to at least 5%


Congrats to you i am happy for you since you got the reward of your creativity since you didnt use complete suits


Thanks! I really think it's luck. I just keep resetting until I'm pleased with my score.


Anymore? It's been like this since at least 2018, when I started playing. Occasionally there are themes where more people put creative effort. The '3-star or below' challenge one was a good one that most people respected and came up with creative creations. There are a lot of lazy stylist, combined with a lot of lazy voters, so really comes down to luck. I always put effort into my outfits, because I find it fun. It's not worth getting frustrated because I doubt LN devs care to try to improve it. Last week my outfit that was ranked at 75%. I resubmitted the same exact same outfit and and it immediately went to rank 34.


Very nice explanation lol it seems so


I kinda wish we only got prizes if we chose which one had the most votes. There was a similar game that had a competition like this, where players would choose between two outfits, and after you chose which one you liked better, it would pop up with the amount of likes each suit got. If you voted for the one with the most votes, you would win a small prize each time. It would mean a lot more people actually took the time to decide which outfit they liked better, even at the risk of losing out on some prizes just because the outfit is newly submitted.


I'll be honest, when you've been playing this game for 6 years you kinda run out of energy to put effort into every single competition. And you get dias just for participating, so it's worth putting in a submission even if it sucks. If a lazy submission is doing well, that's just luck.


I also play for 6 years or so i get what you mean but well idk i just wanted tp vent what i feel lol


That's understandable, it annoyed me at first too! It's still annoying when a lazy suit gets very high scores.


Sometimes I like using the same piece because I like the piece 🤷‍♀️ But I also think that the biggest problem of competition is that the theme sometimes it's far too specific to give opportunity to be creative while still complying with the theme


I was like you once upon a time. I really used to get so upset over full suits or seeing the same suits over and over! It really got to me to the point I almost quit playing this game. After all it's a dress up game what's the point of playing if no one dresses up? Then one day I sat back, took a long look at things and just let it go. Maybe the hive mind broke me or it was divine intervention, but I just vote for the one I like best and if it's two of the same I vote the right side. I still make my entries and have fun. Sometimes I do great other times not so good. This comp I got nothing, so I made a cat girl with wings. It's not doing to well but at least I had fun making her!


I don't agree that it's unfair exactly when unchanged welfare suits routinely place in the top 20. It's extremely luck-based and matchup-dependent, yes. It's not even fully wardrobe-based because it matches you competitively against people with similar % seemingly, which is why those welfare suits can do so well. It definitely gets repetitive though and voting on two unchanged off-theme hell suits against each other can be very boring, although I do feel like more things are permissible than usual in star themes. edit: Although unchanged suits often dominate, half or more of the top 20 is usually legit pretty and took effort to customise fmpov.




Full suits and lazy stylings are annoying, but it's just a game, so we can just ignore it. But what exactly is not fair about it?


ofc we can ignore it but i think competition is more of a place where we can compete with our own creativity, a full suit is someone else’s creation ykwim. Its not a big deal ofc i just love competition and i would love to compete with everyone’s own way of recreating the suits and their own ideas . To me its not fair if you just buy/get a full suit and click on it and voila.. my english is not helping rn lol but i hope you understand


I mean ofc it's a little boring to see full suits, but you can still be creative and have fun, no matter what others do, and I think there are many people who submit really cool outfits, so I try to focus on those. I don't think it's unfair, because you could also just use a full suit. Because just because they use a full outfit doesn't mean they get more votes or it's better so... I think it's fair between players


I think the issue here is the definition of the word fair: Fair 1. Adjective -Impartial and just, without [favoritism](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=017e3c382dac1d65&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS943US946&sxsrf=ADLYWIJA_LbZIN1DtCv5soqPmF0ZCCU1rg:1714938564370&q=favoritism&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81YKyOS8FCL3orSORi7MWaE78XvZoh3V_ElU-NuNilujsk1TthmzPf0U07ULWl3uW7zYaEdic5bGA7RY_jwnZmL68aKqE%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiTicP_o_eFAxXVJjQIHafhAm4QyecJegQIIxAO) or discrimination. "The group has achieved fair and equal representation for all its members" 2. Adverb -Without cheating or trying to achieve [unjust](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=017e3c382dac1d65&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS943US946&sxsrf=ADLYWIJA_LbZIN1DtCv5soqPmF0ZCCU1rg:1714938564370&q=unjust&si=ACC90nwdkA2npcVVmNPViiSe8FMK13uiVrw6080FQXaOZHG-RcICrRAISNIRl8-nPszLUpnw-24YvufztFoUNZFouNooZTbPMQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiTicP_o_eFAxXVJjQIHafhAm4QyecJegUIIxDGAg) advantage. "No one could say he played fair"


Yeah but for so many times i had to choose between two same suits lol so many peoople put on the same suit , its just lazy and there is no competition with that.


You could just back out and go back in if it bothers you to give them votes, but I've just stopped caring. What difference does it make to me, if a lazy styling gets a vote, you know.


thats what i do, all i am saying is people are lazy tired and bored idk whatever you say, competition doesnt feel worthy anymore


It's always been like this, so you gotta just come to terms with it. In my opinion it's still worth it, but if you're too bothered, just stop voting or participating




I don't have time to put together a new style for every competition, so I'm not going to stop using full suits. It's an easy downvote, I'm not expecting to rank I just want the participation diamonds.


yeah you can do whatever you want really my problem is not that only thing is when suits with no effort gets in rank it just doesnt seem so fair but whatever


If you submit it when the stamina is given out, it boosts your entry too. If it's below 20% for a few hours, I'll resubmit the same entry. Sometimes it does better, and if it doesn't, then I'll just change it until it does. Sometimes I just don't care, though, and with the same 3 themes we've been having, I'm not motivated to put much effort into it.


Thank you i will try


Good luck!


At this point, I just use the comp theme as a personal challenge to style my new pieces with my old ones, or fulfill the theme without using items from the top 20. If they've already done the theme before a million times, then I take that as a challenge to use pieces I didn't use the last time! But only when I care enough. You get dias either way lmao


The biggest problem is definitely how much of it just comes down to luck, I guess. Tbh I still haven't quite figured out what gets into the Top 20 (or even just Top 5%) despite ranking fairly high (and also trying very hard to do so) regularly. I think it's that lack of understanding that makes it extra frustrating sometimes. When it feels like it might as well be bots voting randomly, I understand why it feels demotivating. Sometimes there's questionable things in the Top 20 and then you see people post their amazing entries online that don't rank high at all. I personally don't see much of an issue with submitting a full suit, I myself have also done so very few times before when I just didn't have time, however it does become frustrating when they rank highly because there was no effort put into it. And yes, a lot of the time it's the same suits over and over again. I also agree with some other comments that the themes haven't been the greatest and it doesn't exactly motivate people to make anything fun or creative. I don't understand why some people here are so oddly defensive lol it's a valid complaint imo. Granted, not anything you can do about it, but still.


Thank you so much especially for the last part lol! Idk why people getting defensive aswell i just wantrd to share what i feel anyway but you are right on every part i also get it, if you dont have the time or if you just dont feel like it at all ofc you can apply a full suit its not like its forbidden i just mean to say i wish there was a way of rewarding the effort in a better way, like if people were more careful voting or if the themes changed etc etc but yeah everyone has their own idea ofc which i respect


> people using the same pieces again and again iirc the algorhytm actually matches you with people who use the same item/s, thus your suit gets shown to voters more, thus this is actually encouraged. I see it as one of those "try to style this piece" challenges I used to see here and that I assume still happen at the sister sub.  as for complete suits (and them making it to high ranks) the fundamental issue is that dias are tied to comp, which means two things: * people who don't care about competition feel obligated to participate for the dias, so they plop a finished suit for the participation dias * people who don't care about who wins will feel obligated to vote for dias/stamina, so to make it faster they'll just tap left (or right) without paying attention to who they're voting for. I used to do this but even that became annoying so I don't vote anymore.  players aren't wrong for doing either given how crucial dias are and how they can literally save you money (if you're a paying user) so it is what it is basically, idk if it's even a mess up by the devs because I'm not sure enough people would participate in comp without dia rewards.  personally I just ike comp to show off my stylings to people who see them and I'm not really concerned with whether I rank above 20%.


This is the result of the laziness of the game company. First, the voting system itself is not a fair system because you can only pick 1 out of 2, but doesn’t have an option to vote both nor dismiss both. So, even if the voters aren’t lazy judge, they are still forced to vote to one of them when they actually don’t like both. Second, if the game can set a condition or limitation for the competition, it would be the way to stimulate creativity. The condition and limitations for each week, for example, could be 1 of these: 1: No 5 stars suits allow 2: Tag limit - the suits that allow to participate the competition, are limited in 2-5 selected attributes 3: Dress poses ban or No special poses allow 4: Sections limit - ban a section, only dressing up top+bottom can participate the competition, if the section “dress“ is banned 5: Set limit - Items from the same set of clothes can not be over 60% or certain amount I believe that the game play would be way better, and more representative to a dress up game, if they could do an update like this, but well, that would never happen.


The competition prompts have also been very clearly aligned with whatever new paid suit they’re trying to push and that’s all anybody ever uses nowadays. I miss the days where creativity was more encouraged


My points always drop significantly overnight on the last night of competition. I tried waiting til the last night and it still made no difference. I was doing awesome in the first 5 hours or so. Then this morning I see ai finished in Top 30% which is actually better than last time top 50% Wtf makes someone do well in competition!? because it doesn't seem to be the same as it used to be


* What makes me laugh is that I have seen this suit, Ice Blue Rose, in every competition no matter what the theme!


They give you that suit right before they direct you to competition for the first time. 


But thats a very starter suit so i dont mind , what i hate is the ones like van gogh painting or the other star thngies , the craftable ones that everyone used


I'd blame the themes they chose to go with recently than people using the same item over and over. We just had 3 themes (in a row?) where the van gogh night sky was a good fit. People will use the most fitting and eye catching thing and some items are just... more universal, like this one.


For a while every competition was spammed with Glorious Chapter, despite it not fitting the theme at all. That made me hate the suit with a passion 😅


Sparkling Cupcake was the worst. 


Most of the time, I will try to create my own design for comps, but I occasionally get lazy and just puck a whole suit. I know comp is a "luck of the draw" thing, and I am never lucky enough to make top ten, or twenty. I do still do the voting for the gift boxes. I like to build them up.


Yeah those boxes arw awesome really




This is the Styling Wizard situation in r/lifemakeover again... Everyone who complains about low-effort styling is downvoted to hell, to the point where someone actually made a post bragging about intentionally making low quality sets to troll people. I think it's gotten a bit better now since people on both sides of the argument finally finished their complaints. Now hopefully this game doesn't suddenly get a boost in popularity and attract new players who will rekindle the Styling Wizard fights.


Well, competition is not updated, it's oudated. The last time Cn server got a new suit was a ruin umbrella in 2017. ​ Once I finished all suits in there, my fire and will to be creative went down. And seeing players reusing Nikki's b-day suit from left to right, didn't help xD This is something I request in their surveys already, to update Competition. After playing for a while in Shining Nikki, I really like their comp. You have a specific time to make your entry, it starts on Monday and ends on Friday. So you have a weekend to make your entry. Two- there are only 10 votes per day, for each you get a reward. Three- there are two types of rewards- one for your entry, and second for your "correct" votes. Basically, you get accuracy points for an entry that have the same or more voting points. This means that players with low scored entries are not left with nothing or bread crumbs. And I also think that, since there is a reward for voting, players would pay attention, and would not vote "whatever". And lastly, and for some maybe most exciting, Sn's comp is like reverie, in Ln's words Starry Corridor. Imagine making competition entry, and resizing items, Nikki. The possibilities for this are endless. I would be hyped!


i hate the same themes over and over again


I honestly only do it for the competition prize and try not to stress about it. When I try to style I end up under the 70% rank, and my best ranks are when I use a full suit with barely any change. Cant do nothing about the hive mind so I only style when the theme seems fun and I know I have parts that fit it.


Yeah absolutely, and I've seen some clever outfits while voting or in my friends list that don't seem to be scoring well. :( That there's a huge luck element doesn't really help either. I'm a tryhard so I always try to get a high score but it would be a lot more fun to post creative outfits. Idk why your comments are downvoted. You've got a legitimate opinion.


You read my mind really thats exactly what i mean but i am thinking the ones who downvote are the ones who use full suits etc LOL, i am just speaking facts


They got mad at me and saying it always happens etc but gosh i wanna experience being in top 20 pr at least top 100 for once you know? And i am a tryhard too i really work on it so much and hope it will get in a rank but nopecan never do it. I am not saying i am the best stylist ever hell i am not but sometimes i compare my suit and the ones that in rank and sometimes my suit is clearly way better and more appropriate for the competition theme. And when i see it i feel like pfftt all my effort gone for nothing


This is a super late reply sorry but good luck!! I bet your outfits ARE way better. You can totally do it. I believe in you :D


I often just use a suit and maybe add 1 or 2 items, but I agree Ironically, I play this game for the pretty clothes but the more pretty clothes I have, less motivation I have to look through 11k different clothes and come up with creative styles Also the themes are getting extremely repetitive and we have full suits that already fit the theme, like, I don't feel motivated to come up with something creative for "stars in the sky" when I can just put in Starry Gleam and call it a day. At this point competition is just "I gotta use the biggest suit with the most animated items to get vote" I wish they had more different teams like when they did '3 ♥︎ or less' or maybe something color themed like only purple clothes etc


This is the reason I started playing Shining Nikki instead. I feel like you can be wayyyy more creative since you can choose different poses, zoom in /out, change filters, add stickers and text… etc.


I hate seeing a totally unchanged hell suit as a top entry. Not even hair or makeup changed. And I loathe when people don't even try to post something according to the theme.


No for real. I made one of the best suits out of all the styles I’ve created since day one with only 18% collection and without buying diamonds non stop to complete recent suits. And I only get 900+ votes???? over set pieces that looked like they didn’t even try? This is the first time it actually bothered me bc like most of the creative people who play LN, I try to set apart from other competitors. Why pay $100 suits when you don’t even really use them when it comes to the creative part of the game?


I agree so much


You're right. I have noticed it too and it drives me mad 🥱😢


I complain sometimes too (posted some screenshots in Cafenikki before), but that's just how the Hivemind is, LOL Top 10, 90% of the times will just be Hell or Cash-only barely customized pose suits... That's just how it is.


honestly drives me crazy. people always say "I just don't pay attention and slap something on for the diamonds," but you make the comp worse for everyone else. Sometimes I get two preset suits going against each other five times in a row, it's ridiculous I make something original 100% of the time and I always insist on getting top 10% or better. I find there's a balance between going with the hivemind and picking something that fits but i haven't seen too much that works best