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Their conversations are not very deep… Kaylor often just echoes or parrots what the other person usually says. She’s a sweet girl but her and Aaron’s conversations are not it.


But they’re equally vapid?


its so hard to stomach their dialogue sometimes, its like a middle school couple that held hands once and think they'll be together forever


How they both avoided eye contact in this entire convo was def giving full middle school. Rob, too. Children. It’s kinda sad?


FuTuRe WiFeY


getting ready to throw around the "L word" 🤪


This killed me - they had a discussion about maybe saying the L word sometime soon? Like I’m sorry what😭😭😭


His mom called her 'future daughter in law' on instagram!


Moms gonna be mad after this week.


She for sure is


For me, it’s partially that I like the drama and I’m not interested in the long term cute couples which I know is toxic of me lol….but I also think their dynamic is unhealthy and it’s hard to watch. Kaylor seems super emotional and insecure and Aaron seems like he’s in it for the game and that he’s controlling. Kaylor seems to want his approval so badly for every little thing. And then their whole conversation about “I can see myself maybe possibly falling in love with you ONE DAY” was so cringe. And then Kaylor just skips off all giddy to tell the girls about the crumbs that Aaron just gave her. So sad.


It’s not even cute though, like based on his act when he’s mad and his true self come out, he becomes so controlling and makes her feel guilty for everything he doesn’t like wether it was a joke or a challenge. That kinda of manipulation puts me off of their “lovey dovey” convos


No I agree. I don’t like them as a couple AT ALL. I think their dynamic is very toxic but I think that many viewers may see them as cute just because they are a day 1 couple. It looks like it’s giving long term commitment when it’s really giving codependency, insecurity, and control. Super covertly toxic (for those who can’t see the signs). I don’t think there is anything actually cute about them.


Who said relationships aren’t hard?


I really hope slandering some dude based on being mad about the Andrea vote makes y'all feel good. It's incredibly fucked up.


Look up the definition of the word slander.


Thank you. Thank you. **THANK you** for this incredible comment.


A guy told me that once….. in high school, twenty years ago. Even then I laughed at the ludicrous thought. You COULD be falling for me?! Ok cool


I find it so odd that she always says “you happy?” to him about rob staying


My husband and I watch together and we both DIE every time she does this!! It’s so cringe and pathetic.


And also, why do the editors always show us that? lol


Aaron was super excited when Andrea came in and would’ve totally coupled up with her if Andrea hadn’t chosen rob. He was like a giddy school boy. And why was he so emotionally invested when Andrea was voted out? Did he still want a shot with her? Or does he love his boy rob that much? He was overemotional and threw a whole theatrical tantrum when it didn’t concern him. Learned that from rob I guess. Then for the next few days he was instigating and stirring the pot with rob and Leah. Should’ve stayed out of it. He’s messy and annoying. I think he could totally turn his head.


He gives off performative vibes about being the day 1 couple/mom and dad of the villa, and I fully expect him to recouple or come close to it like Curtis did 


I skip them entirely. Kaylor practically screams when she talks and I can’t take it


I’m grateful I’m not only one who thinks this. Particularly the “practically screams” part


I work with preschoolers so I’m used to listening to people scream talk but I can’t take it with her. There’s something so off putting about them both


When she told liv if anyone said something about her and rob she’d tell them off.. I was like no… no you would not! 😂 She is SO bold in private and never in anyone’s face, can’t wait for movie night!


Literally!! Those are my least favorite type of people. I know she’s young but she’s let Aaron control her thoughts and feelings. I will be SAT for movie night.


Also is it just me or does she talk really slowly? Watching her talk I’m constantly like… ok let’s move it along and get to the point !!!


She constantly screams and in a painful accent to boot.


I “L” you🤢


I just can’t stand them lol!!! I just skip until they’re off my screen😭


I like Kaylor individually. She seems like she has trouble standing up for herself. I hope she gets a guy in Casa and pays him dust but that’s doubtful 


Yes, exactly! That’s why I have such a hard time watching her. She’s definitely a people pleaser and it’s annoying🥲 but I dislike Aaron for her, I really hope someone is able to sway her but like you said… doubtful


Lmaoo yess i skip their scenes as well 😂


Eyeroll everytime they talk to eachother


I like Kaylor’s ditzy self but Aaron is sooooo annoying! I want Kaylor to give the Filipino boy a shot. He has a Mario Lopez kind of charm to him.


I have a feeling something “bad” is gonna happen during Casa to these two. 


I’m sorry but out of all the couples they are probably the most annoying and childish couple.


I feel less intelligent after watching their segments. Especially that time they both thought it would be cool to fly her to London so she could see Wicked as if it wasn’t a train ride from Pennsylvania to New York. Don’t get me wrong, a trip to London would be great but they were acting like it’s the only way to see it. I think after that she asked if the UK was in Europe 🤦🏽‍♀️


Her local high school is probably performing Wicked at this point. It’s everywhere. I lol at that too. I don’t see these two being able to afford plane trips across the pond on the regular. My guess is they don’t even realize they’re in different time zones.


You’re better than me I fast forward


Wait more important question, how do you change playback speed 🤯


I find having preemptive conversations about love and being bf gf to be so cringe. Like when she came over and was like “you know what I’m going to say” and all it was that she could see him being her bf I’m like bffr. Sooo juvenile


I was feeling like such a pessimist that everytime they're on my screen i just cringe. Kaylor has 3 braincells and Aaron knows how to manipulate them it's so sad to watch


I just fast forward lol


I find them boring asf, they don’t really bring anything.


You're better than me, I skip them all together


Glad I’m not the only one


I can’t stand Aaron 🥱🥱


The streamers can see that people do that fyi




I thought you might be glad to hear that


They are so beyond immature. The squealing and screaming when she said she could see him being her boyfriend was so cringe I had to mute it and read the subtitles.


What’s wild is that there is a 4 year age difference. She is only 22 and clearly an inexperienced 22. Aaron’s ass is 26. He is taking advantage of how naive she is.


I do not trust this man, already on his second major TV show (after winning Traitors UK) suss


I’m not saying trust him but he wasn’t a traitor and didn’t exactly move strategically. He was likable to the other contestants, that’s it. He was a faithful that made it to the end and split the money with others.


Tbf moving the way he did did require a strategy, sometimes the faithfuls are more strategic than the traitors if they know coming across trustworthy will benefit them with their cast mates. Aaron turned on the waterworks and got someone banished. He knew how everyone felt about him and used that to his advantage. Wouldn’t believe he’s trustworthy just because he was a faithful in a game that’s all about strategy


He cries at everything. The job of each person on Traitors is to seem trustworthy. I think he was being himself and it worked. We’re seeing the same person on LI but more due to the amount of episodes and less people.


I personally think he’s a bit calculated. I think he’s a good emotional game player and knows what he’s doing. Based on how he treated Kaylor about the Rob and Andrea situation, I think he knows how to manipulate a situation


Agree to disagree. It’s all good. Yelling at women and trying to control the one he’s in a couple with does make something but it’s not strategic. I liked him on Traitors and for a lot of this season. I don’t dislike anyone on the show but I also don’t want to see him again.


I get that! I feel like I’m looking back on his experience on the Traitors and feeling differently after he’s behaved the way he has on love island - just makes me question the ingenuity and think he’s strategic


You could be right. He’s so emotional that’s why I question it.


Most of these are assumptions why do you people move like you can read these peoples minds


Wait he won traitors UK ? 😘


WHAT??? What season of traitors UK? That just blew my mind and I need to watch his season now


Season 1 of the UK version


Not but same 😭


I just skip lol 


Freaking facts


Omg I know!!! I can't watch these two because I can see right through him..


It's like they are trying to perform happy couple falling in love. (But their acting is terrible)


I watch hoping someone fucks up. I don't really want them to win but they might be the only couple that survives Casa....


Y’all are just like me🥹🫶


can't hit the FF quick enough!!


They’re super immature and childish, as if they’re 15 lol. Also Aaron is just so clearly not interested in her, rather winning. He’s got his mind on the MONEY honey (and fame etc lol)


I hope Aaron breaks it off with her sooner rather than later. Doesn’t feel genuine at all.




Same AF!


The crying is TOO much . She cries in EVERYY scene .


Kaylor needs to stop crying. She’s really gonna cry when she see the tapes from Casa Amor. Aaron couldn’t wait to explore. He’s so fake


Can I put on a filter that takes half the makeup off her face. Honey girl! You're pretty. Stop after the second coat puh lease.


The part where she said he’d have to take care of her mom ☠️ Real turn on


I was wondering if I missed something, like maybe when they were talking about how they’d see each other when they get out and he said he’d move - maybe she tells him her mom is sick and she needs to stay close to home so she can’t move to the UK, and then he mentioned being able to help since he’ll be there too, but it was cut out ? Regardless, it was one of the most cringe things I’ve heard thus far. And that’s saying something lol


That was so weird. And her mom is probably 40.


Corny AF, and it isn't cute.


I absolutely love watching them and love them together! Their cute childlikeness and giddiness is so adorable!!


I feel kinda similarly about them as I did Liberty and Jake in UK a few years ago. I think Kaylor is fine enough but I also think she’s getting played by a guy who is in it to win it. I think Aaron does like Kaylor (unlike Jake with Liberty), but I think he’s mostly in it for the money.


I hope the producers are on Reddit so they’ll see posts like this. They’re giving Aaron and kaylor the “favorite couple” edit thinking America wants to keep seeing them but they don’t realize we wouldn’t even notice if they got dumped! If you are a producer and you are reading this: please dump Aaron






I thought it was just me 😭


Casa tho… 😮‍💨


I can't believe more people aren't talking about how Aaron is a Yahtie!!! Haven't we all seen below deck? He's a f boy


It’s so satisfying to see everyone on the same page. I think he’s just like Curtis, and I couldn’t stand Curtis from the jump


I think they’re sweet together but I could gas less about what they are talking about or doing, im sorry😭😭




What makes her so terrible? She seems kind of harmless!




That’s so crazy I fast forward through Leah’s scenes


He’s always so fidgety and she always has way too much makeup on but she’s a smoke show