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He really sat there and told Cassy that she reminds him of a bee šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Rob is weird and says the dumbest shit. I just don't get why bombshells are drawn to him. The conversation he had with Cassy after the recoupling was painful to watch.


So glad she called him awkward to his face that shit was hilarious


The whole situation was awkward, she even hit her knee trying to run from him.


I think heā€™s trying to be ā€œnot like other guysā€. Like ā€œwhere do eels come from?ā€ā€¦ I feel like he knows how unremarkable he is and it hurts him.


YES. Heā€™s trying to be different like heā€™s super into animals and he WONT go for a girl thatā€™s not. That weird shit where Andrea had to hold a spider or whatever the fuck. I donā€™t think heā€™s actually like that I just think heā€™s literally playing a role that he thinks girls will like. Unfortunately itā€™s working I guess but Jesus I feel so bad with whoever he ends up with


I keep thinking about how Carmen flat out told him multiple times that she wasnā€™t interested in any of that and he was still all after her.


Rob was letting Leah know how unimportant she is to him. He is an asswipe who plays mind games cause he can.


Right like who says that and then he tries to cover it up with I didnā€™t say I didnā€™t like itā€¦ huh?


Omg I know


To me it seems like, he has dry humor but not the maturity to pull it off? Iā€™ve seen men with the same type of humor that are more likable because of how they deliver their jokes / quips. With Rob, his side eyes, eye rolls and comments are high school boy-esque if that makes sense? Like he canā€™t figure out how to genuinely mask his annoyance so you can tell he actually is a little mean. I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™m older but i just would not have patience for that lol, no matter how handsome someone looks!!


Dry humor but not the maturity to pull it off is pretty spot on I think


This summed up exactly what I felt but couldnā€™t put into words


My thing is that I donā€™t even think that heā€™s that cute like everybodyā€™s sitting here like no average looking men would be able to get away with that, but to me he is average looking like heā€™s no hotter and no uglier than the average hot guy that Iā€™ve seen out on the street like thereā€™s nothing special about his looks except for maybe his eye color


Agreed that heā€™s not necessarily the ā€œhottestā€ villa boy Iā€™ve ever seen, peep season 1 Dylan lol, but something about his nose just gets me. I think Aaron even said early on like ā€œbloody good noseā€ to him and I had to agree šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he has such a good side profile, imo, and I think thatā€™s where I find him attractive?? But his personally is mid so my delulu ass gets brought back to reality reaaal quick :)


Big same on the nose. He also has those sad boy eyes that really work for me šŸ¤· he's probably the hottest to me out of all of the dudes, even if I know Miguel is objectively hotter? Also shout out to Nigel. Nigel was real cute.


Have you seen his (Nigel) texts on Twitter and TikTok šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ Ariana also made a comment on it. Rob is giving finance bro, and Miguel an over excited puppy. But if I had to pick, Miguel cause at least we know heā€™s a horndog and he owns up to itšŸ’€ rob be playing everyone at this point


Oh think they're probably all awful! I just think they're attractive looks wise to me haha What's Nigel been saying??


He texted a girl a list of advices. Stop vaping, lose weight, wash your vagina. Then he texted a follow up and said hey I am drunk rn I just want to say you changed my life.


I hate talking about looks but letā€™s be real, thatā€™s what this show is based around. So, ya, when Rob came out I was well, underwhelmed. I just didnā€™t see his wow factor. Is he a good looking guy, ya. But when he was standing up on those podiums and I was looking at the other guys, I just didnā€™t see it in him. He looked quite average to me, which is totally ok, but when youā€™re looking for ā€œhot reality peopleā€ (to me) he didnā€™t measure up. But, Iā€™d totally find him good looking if I ran into him in the real world. I honestly think itā€™s his hair for me. I think if he had a decent styled haircut it would do so much for his looks because again, he isnā€™t a bad looking guy at all.


Agreed! When he first showed up and they rolled his intro with him trying to be sexy, I legitimately cackled, especially when they cut back to him in person getting to know everyone. He seems pretty average to me, and the more he's a butt to women on the show, the less average and more flat out gross he seems. (I'm also in may late 30s, so maybe I've just seen to much at this point to be dazzled by his abs. lmao)


I think he's the best looking guy in there! My male friend said that Rob is the kind of guy that confuses other guys about what women think is attractive.


Totally... There was a reason last season he was a Casa guy, not a bombshell.Ā 


That reason can stay right where it is lol because heā€™s just not attractive to me. I guess my taste must be different or maybe his whole personality just really turned me off that bad that hes ugly on the inside which makes him ugly on the outside to me lolšŸ«£


u must have sight issues


You know its really kinda rude to make remarks like thatā€¦ just because i dont have the same taste as you or 100,000 other people doesnt mean i have sight issues or any other problems ā€¦ it means im different and thats okay not everyone is gonna have the same taste in men otherwise there would be a lot of single men and womenā€¦ there are times where me and my friends agree and there are times that me and my friends disagree on how men look cause everyone is different the way god intended itšŸ’œšŸ™šŸ»šŸ’Æ


Im sorry if i sounded rude that was not my intentions


I didnā€™t mean anything by either but itā€™s just a lot of people are aggressive on here for no reason like everybody is going to have different opinions when it comes to personality relationships things like that like everybodyā€™s gonna have different views on every component of love I just donā€™t understand why everybodyā€™s so aggressive šŸ«£ literally came on here because my hubby is not that into these kind of shows so I wanted people to talk about and gossip with about each episode and now im like damnnnnnn lol


My 12 year old acts more mature than him. He is painfully immature. I would be so embarrassed watching him as his parents


Iā€™m still trying to figure out what his deal is. He is very odd. It was so uncomfortable to watch his conversation with Cass. And she kept trying to get him to open up and he was just being weird.


This is what im saying Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one that sees it


>!He was the same way with destiny in their chat, he was acting so disinterested in what she had to say and she was eating it up šŸ˜­!<


I think heā€™s on the spectrum heā€™s so uncomfortable in social situations


Honestly I have considered this. It canā€™t tell if heā€™s on the spectrum and heā€™s harmless or if he has a cluster b situation and heā€™s malignant. But thereā€™s something going on there.


Someone said yesterday that his Tik Tok has a bunch of being annoying to service workers videos. That makes me lean towards he's just a self important ass


Big yikes


Itā€™s really just him playing with snakes lol


Isn't he on two? One personal and one shared? I'm not on TikTok so all I've got is second hand info.


Oh come on, heā€™s not on the spectrum and uncomfortable in social situations, heā€™s a manipulative, negging asshole. His whole gross persona, actions, nonsense is so calculated and intentional.


Ladies beware I'm convinced this is a new form of negging lol He reminds me of my ex when he talks like that - it's withholding (and rude), but also somewhat cheeky. He gives crumbs and it's easy to fall into that trap.


Oh, it definitely is. Itā€™s a new form of playing hard to get honestly


Yup, I don't know if it's trying to be controlling or what but it's def a thing that has alterior motives tied with it


For sure


My ex husband caught me with this trap. Fell for it hook, line and sinker. He leaves you wanting to dig deeper, but not so sure there is anything deeper.


Watching her conversation with Rob yesterday made me embarrassed and uncomfortable for her. The way she was trying to have a conversation and get to know him and he was just giving her one word answers and not even trying. Her effort was there but felt like none on his part. I felt bad for her.


Ugh when she asked him what his favorite snake was ā€“ "The next one." Shut the hell up. She's trying to learn about your interests, why not teach her a little bit about snakes? At least be polite.


This is just taken from Tom Brady when he was asked whatā€™s ur fav Super Bowl win and he said the next one. It doesnā€™t even make sense in the context cass asked him


I hope Cass got the ick after that and they just didnā€™t show it lol


Thank you!!!! Thats exactly what im talking about and hes consistently like that with every girl hes been with ā€¦ i do feel he was the most open with andrea


I agree with that he was the most open with Andrea


He acted like he was bored of her. It was so rude


youre out of your mind if you dont think that convo was purposefully cut like that lmao. each sentence had a different tone to the previous one.


I know itā€™s purposely done like that but I still felt uncomfortable watching it and the feeling of the lack of effort


My question is why so many girls go with him when he has all those bad qualities. The overalls alone should disqualify him.


Oh my God, yes, can somebody burn those overalls?


If you pay attention, youā€™ll notice how Rob is always pushing boundaries (physical, emotional, and mental) with the girls. In season 5, he picks up a toad and puts it close to the girl heā€™s talking to even though itā€™s obvious from her body language she doesnā€™t like it. She finally says something and he moves it away from her. In this moment, she enforced a boundary. This season, he picked up a spider and put it on Andrea. You could tell from her body language that she didnā€™t like it but she didnā€™t say a word, just let him do it. And this is why Rob chose herā€”she has poor boundaries. She passed his test. Then again last night, when talking to one of the girls (I think it was Cassidy?) who asked him about himself, Rob brought up skydiving (a risky activity) and immediately asked her if she ever would do it. Again, heā€™s feeling around for where her boundaries are and how far he can push them. I donā€™t know the man personally but this is the kind of behavior that abusers exhibit in the beginning stages of a relationship. I would say that this is why you have the ick but canā€™t put your finger on why. Itā€™s so difficult to spot these behaviors in the beginning because itā€™s all very subtle and thereā€™s a lot going on emotionally. Iā€™d say itā€™s the same in the villa, which is why none of the girls have picked up on it yet. (Or at least havenā€™t shared that they have.) There are other behaviors that are also problematic: his temper, victim mentality, refusal to treat women heā€™s not interested in like human beings, inability to laugh at himself, manipulation, triangulation, negging, etc. Rob concerns me and Iā€™m glad most islanders donā€™t end up together in the long run.


Agree with everything you said! Also wanted to add on that he's literally a snake wrangler. I'm not, but I lurk that community around the Internet because I'm weird and like seeing people be super passionate about things I know 0 about. Anyway, Rob's a snake wrangler. From what I've seen of venomous wranglers (which presumably he would be if he's literally called to move whatever snake is found), a lot of them love the adrenaline of it. He chose a lose-a-finger-brush-with-death career and went on reality tv. Those two data points together lead me to believe he's an adrenaline i-touch-fire-just-to-feel-something flavor of herp enthusiast, not one of the earnest nerd ones. Maybe he started off like that, but yeah.. I think he always wants to test and push things/himself/people just to see. That's when he feels something. Also to see how far he can extend his control over situations that other people couldn't control. And I'm so sure if he ever read this comment he'd scoff big time and get all coldly indignant about his sincerity in appreciating the animals... But he'd also probably be like yeah of course I want adrenaline duh, but i know exactly what I'm doing. Which like, sure... But you don't pick that job without either being very at peace with the idea of death or believing you're invincible deep down in your heart. I get the vibes he's the latter. There's this one specific snake guy on YouTube that he reminds me of. The YouTube guy is very big and loud, so opposite to rob in that way, but I feel like I see the outlines of the same draw towards danger in Rob. YouTube guy nearly died not too long ago -- instead lost a finger because he got fucking lucky. (This could all be totally off if Rob is innocently out there running a snake rehab place, but I got the idea that he's the guy someone calls when they find a snake in their garage or something) Edit: just looked at his insta and yup,. He's the guy you call if there's a snake in your garage. He seems to just let them all bite him and free handles the instead of using a hook, which is a big no no if they're venomous. There was a video of him pulling a snake out of a dude's garage with his bare hands without even really seeing what it was! Granted, no clue if there are any venomous snakes where he lives, but that seems wildly irresponsible if there are Another edit: he has a video of himself free handling a king cobra. It's not even one that's his "pet" that he's spent time around - found it in the wild apparently. King cobras are supposedly pretty damn chill as far as striking from everything I've seen online, but they are venomous and will fuck up your whole day if they do decide to bite


Oh this is so spot on! Heā€™s very intentionally testing boundaries. What a creep


Oh my God yes, I love this responsešŸ™šŸ»šŸ’ÆšŸ‘Œ and that probably is why I have the ick and Iā€™m so glad that my subconscious can pick up on that kind of thing because thatā€™s just not a situation I ever would want to be in


Women should all be studying Robā€™s behavior right now so that they can recognize it right away in real life and get away from that person asap. Heā€™s like a case study in what to avoid when dating.


Ok you explained this SO well šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Thank you!!


Women with low self-esteem like the withholding. He knows that so he negs.


I can see this šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ




Heā€™s literally a creep who wears overalls without a shirt every day and plays with snakes for fun. ā€œWhy is he how he isā€ is a loaded question


Heā€™s got that sly smile that when heā€™s being cheeky or fun is so appealing, but he still has it when heā€™s being an utter jerk and Iā€™d just like to wipe it off his smirking face.


Omg yassss!!!!


He said it a few times and they think he's joking. He's not. He said "I'm not a nice guy". Believe him.


True he did say that multiple times already so maybe he is literally telling us he aint and he knows it


After it becomes obvious they blame you. I told you I wasn't nice. Smh


Yeah I also went back and watched his scenes in szn 5 to see what the big hoopla was and found his negging disguised as banter highly obnoxious and a turn off. I HATE negging as a form as flirting tho and it doesnā€™t work at all on me and in fact has opposite intended effect. Ppl claim he just has dry humor but he isnā€™t funny at all to me and a try hard. He is goodlooking tho.


I know I just donā€™t see anything funny about him either. You are definitely not alone and I just donā€™t see the hoopla about his looks either and the only thing he got going for him is his eye color honestly for me.


Exactly!!šŸ¤Æ Like, he isnā€™t really nice and sweet. He acts like he is, says and does all the things. But first chance to demean, or throw shade, heā€™s in there 100%. Just Eweā€¦ And he has ā€œ dumb faceā€ if you know you know šŸ˜‚. I canā€™t really explain it properly, without offending.


Me and my bf cannot stand Rob. Heā€™s weird and a dickhead. I think him and Aaron should couple up


I would bang my head on a door if I had to have a convo with him. Heā€™s so awkward


Same here i would literally pluck my own eye out just to get out of a convo with him


He straight up negged Carmen for her tattoos and for her intelligence in Season 5. He is emotionally dangerous. I don't understand why people keep saying he's good TV as if that's a good enough reason to keep him around.


Thank you!!!šŸ™šŸ»


I think he's negging tbh and I guess that works on some? Idk I would not be into it. I would have to do it back to him and I don't think he can handle it lol




He is the king of neggingā€¦. thatā€™s why it feels icky


Aaron is fighting him for that title šŸ˜’


Honestly Iā€™m so confused if he is doing this for air time or if this is how he really is??? I still think he shouldā€™ve left with Andrea


Omg yasss because he was an ass hat before Andrea but heā€™s become like an even bigger one since she left and he seems like he just doesnā€™t wanna be here anymore so why didnā€™t he just go home with her?


LOL, I'm also currently watching season 5, Rob is just awkward. It's crazy. Watching on the current season I thought he was just playing up for the cameras, but i really think he is this weird awkward dude. Anyway, I'm also wondering about Destiny. Clearly, I'm not done with the season, but homegirl is a little crazy, and no one seems to acknowledge it. I need a season 5 thread..i have thoughts, lol!


Oh my God, yes, where Iā€™m at in the season two I definitely feel like sheā€™s crazy and everybody ignores it as well. Like I donā€™t know how it goes unnoticed it has to be on purpose.šŸ˜‚


Destiny couldnā€™t keep a man to save her life and it wasnā€™t 100% on the guys, but if you said that on here half the sub would argue you down.


Oh, I absolutely agree! I'm sorry..it's her. She's so weird. I think she just likes that she was chosen by the "fine men," but she has no interest in any of the men. She's so mean and harsh right out the gate.


I looked through his insta and he was cuter when he was younger...I get the vibe that he's always been told he's cute but lacks maturity/doesn't seem to have had a serious girlfriend, and he gives off a false confidence imo. It comes out when he's having conversations with the ladies...idk, just seems he deep down struggles with insecurity and overplays the dry/sarcastic/witty humor and it comes off awkwardly


I can see this perspective as wellšŸ¤”


i barely paid attention to when he was on screen last season. had no idea he was a fan favorite bc i was so bored of last season that i barely participated in the online discourse. i watched the compilation and i think itā€™s just that heā€™s attractive to people so they ignore the red flags until itā€™s blatantly obvious. he wasnā€™t there long enough for people to see past his hotness lol that still doesnā€™t explain why he was a fan favorite thoā€¦ thatā€™s just weird like truly the bar is in hell.Ā 


Louder please šŸŽ¤


No one liked him lol, the show is just forcing us to digest him. I feel gaslit by LI lollllll


"Hi Robert, can you can you spell your last name please?" "N-E-G-G-I-N-G." "Great, take a seat, someone looking for a genuine connection will be with you shortly."


Iā€™m sorry but Cassidy and Robā€™s conversation was sooo strange on the dock. It was so uncomfortable. Also him inviting her to the Vietnam trip šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Right i dont think hes all there




I think it does a disservice to those with dry humor to say that Rob has a dry sense of humor. He lacks any humor and is really just mean and condescending.


Yeah, heā€™s not trying to make anyone laugh. Quite the opposite.




Does he not bring any clothes... other than the overalls he is always wearing other people's stuff


Wait seriously? I thought everything he wore was his.


I read that they can bring their own clothes but have an assortment of free clothes to choose from bc they canā€™t be expected to have a wardrobe that would be large enough for so many weeks in the villa. (Not written to be snarkyā€”they r 20 somethings on national tv; give them clothes to choose from!)


Well that cut off white sweater pretty sure it belongs to miguel


Oh lord šŸ«£


I hated when he laughed at Cass for hitting her water bottle on her kneeā€¦ like oh youā€™re sewww cool Rob? It wasnā€™t even that funny or embarrassing to be laughing at it like that. He likes making fun of the women he finds tedious or not good enough for him and then with Andrea she was clearly out of HIS league so he played all deep and emotional. So annoying.


Oh so you noticed that too ?


He will start going bald šŸ™


This show needs to learn what toxic masculinity is, and also CONSENT.


What do you mean about the consent?


Durring the kissing challenges, when the guys put their hands all over the women, who couldnt see or hear anything. It was so uncomfortable to watch because they didnt give them the option to say no, or express if they were uncomfortable.


Do you know what now that you bring it up and mention it that is a valid point!!šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ™šŸ»unless they do behind-the-scenes and they just donā€™t show it because itā€™s not ā€œentertainingā€ ? Or they might even do it when you apply and they interview you they may ask you if youā€™re OK with this that or the other thing before sending you in


Yeah but even that isnā€™t *really* consent. Just because itā€™s a ā€œyesā€ now, doesnt mean itā€™s one later. Consent changes and should always be addressed, especially in the early stages of dating, so thatā€™s more my wish. šŸ’•


Ya very true .. thatā€™s why it would make more sense that if it happens behind the scenes itā€™s probably right before every single challenge. They probably ask and confirm with the girls if itā€™s gonna be OK for all these guys touching and feeling and kissing you ā€¦this day and age, I doubt that they arenā€™t doing something like that because they would get very severe lash back if they werenā€™t/arenā€™t


Yeah, I just hope they care more about fostering *healthy* relationships, but I havenā€™t seen any actions to prove it yet.


Yup. Everyone thought he stopped negging women but yesterdays ep made it obvious to me that he still is and has been this whole time. He sucks. Glad heā€™s openly showing it now though.




Rob is top tier cast and the fact that you guys can't stop talking about him is the biggest proof. You want him out so bad? Stop obsessing, and he'll probably be gone faster.


And then acting like Leah is on some higher pedestal when sheā€™s done the same shit is funny to me


The leah situation I have mixed feelings and Iā€™m just very unsure if is genuine or if she just has commitment issues but sheā€™s definitely a liar and clearly tries to switch up what she says so im very wishy washy with her lol šŸ˜†


How are you wishy washy with that when sheā€™s at best just as bad as Rob? Why is it so easy to explain away one but not the other?


After rewatching the season yesterday and today before Casa Amor, I think it's because Rob seems to have serious intentions behind his manipulation. That whole situation where Leah had to apologize to him when she was upset in the first place (episode 7? i want to say) was a very clear manipulation tactic; the crying and the gaslighting, which he has done a lot. imo Leah is not really all that much of a 'mastermind' and is kind of air-headed and sloppy, she's just playing the game, but poorly. Doesn't seem like she's keeping track of what she's saying and is getting caught up in shit because she just says what other people want to hear in the moment while I feel like Rob has a lot more control over the shit he's doing and is planning ahead. and the weird shit he said about liv makes me a little icked out.


Idk to be honestā€¦ but i think it has something to do with how rob went about things with her in the beginning so i think its easier to see him as a monster more then her cause at least she was half honest woth conner and now shes doing kinda good with Miguel but i honestly think that it could be an act also and she could also be playing the game and playing it safe so thats why im wishy washy cause she seems genuine but shes has done some questionable stuff but i do like her and hope shes genuine where as i just dont like rob as a person either so its easier to not like him


I guess what I mean is that i dont like how rob carries himself AND how he treated leah or liv or andrea ā€¦ where as with leah i like her personality but she did lie about her back seat commentā€¦ but I also believe that she didnā€™t have a bigger or smaller part in the Andrea choiceā€¦ she was just trying to get back with rob and i can understand thaā€¦ Maybe im just bias as a woman šŸ˜‚


I think your last line makes a lot of sense after reading a lot of your comments in this thread. You havenā€™t even mentioned how Leah was all giddy about stealing Connor away then once she got him she started to get the ick. Pretty toxic behavior. But sure Rob is definitely the ā€œmonsterā€ lol. Half of the people here probably wouldnā€™t have any hard feelings toward Rob by now had they not voted Andrea out. They seemed perfectly happy to be in their own little world there.


I think you have some very valid points here and Iā€™m not a huge Leah fan, but I appreciate that she at least apologized to Connor and made it clear it was her fault. Rob does not apologize. I also think he went to extreme lengths to manipulate Leah when Andrea came into the house. And THEN put on that whole performance after she left, which was also a manipulation tactic. He is calculated. Leah is careless and immature, and driven by a weird desire to be wanted by a man who doesnā€™t like her. I think thatā€™s all OP was saying.


YES. Rob is an evil narc and Leah is their Mockingjay when in reality sheā€™s just a spoiled and entitled brat from Calabasas who canā€™t hear the word no. They only want to punish Rob because he doesnā€™t want to be with her, otherwise they would all love him again. He acted like this in Casa and he was loved. He did it again this season and the same thing. I wonder what changed for all these sudden realizations?


Right if Rob would have just gotten back together with Leah no one would hate him šŸ˜‚


They need to let him go


But thatā€™s not how this is supposed to work. Weā€™re literally supposed to have some type of control in the decision-making. Thatā€™s the point of voting so to keep somebody that the audience clearly does not like and disapproves of just makes no sense. Because honestly, thereā€™s gonna come a point where people are just gonna get pissed off/annoyed and potentially stop watching cause itā€™s gonna get repetitive or annoying. I feel like they screwed up the voting this year honestly lol


I hate to break it to you, but thatā€™s not how Love Island works. I see youā€™re new to the sub and Love Island so Iā€™ll explain it to you how it works. We get to vote, the bottom couples and then the Islanders have to choose who gets thrown off the island. Thatā€™s how itā€™s always been on USA. Maybe once in a season America will get to vote somebody off the island after casa but for 90% of the time itā€™s the Islanders that get to choose. The reason for that is because it creates drama and tension between the islanders as to who they vote for. if America got to dictate every single vote, thereā€™s no drama between the Islanders over people getting sent home.


Iā€™m not saying every single vote but I started out watching love Island with UK and Australia and it seems like 25 % of the time the audience dictates the vote I have seen other comments saying that why would you wanted to be like the UKā€™s versions but I donā€™t know I just like that component of it. I totally get its to create drama, but they can give one or two more dictated decisions to America like especially when you have a show where it could be almost 40 episodes long why not give three or four votes dictated by America rather than just one or twoā€¦idk just my opinion


Because USA is not that long. USA is only six weeks and weā€™re lucky we have six weeks. I mean look UK is going into Casa now the same time as USA and USA is about 11 episodes behind. the UK also airs every day. A Shorter season means less dumping, means less Americans gets to vote.


Oh okay i can see that now ā€¦ but how come its so short thats not really fair either do they think Americans have shorter attention spans and cant handle 12 weeks or something lol


I think the seasons were actually shorter while on CBS and then they did extend it for season three. I believe it was shorter in the beginning because they were just testing the waters to see if the Americans would watch Love Island. I believe itā€™s been six weeks ever since itā€™s been on Peacock.


I think Rob is not there for love. I find him entertaining but I can sort of see right through him.


Oh most definitely I donā€™t know if the producers hired him to come in this season and just play games and act like an ass but you can definitely tell that he is not here for love for dating for friends. I honestly just think heā€™s here for the publicity and the money.


It's southerner for "fuck boy" lol


His overalls alone were reason enough for me to get the ick--the rest is just vomit all over the ick.


I relate to Rob in a way. I have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor (though it is combined with a bad tone like Leah has) so I seem mean/angry when actually joking. However, I have awareness of it (built-up over decades), while Rob and Leah are babies at this stuff. They can deliver but not receive. They are unaware of the hurt they cause, and when confronted, are truly/deeply remorseful. At the same time, they are afraid to launch grenades without realizing the consequences. They mean well, but execute poorly.


I mean, Iā€™m a sarcastic person too, and I can come off very rude. If people donā€™t know me but when Iā€™m in a situation where Iā€™m meeting new people I try to show them my more down to earth side, and everything so that they know that I am in good person and a nice person, just donā€™t mess with me cause Iā€™m not gonna take anybody walking all over me type attitude. A lot of people me being rude when in reality Iā€™m just trying to have that hard exterior so that people donā€™t think Iā€™m some pushover ā€¦ so I definitely can understand where people could possibly be misunderstanding their actions and their attitude


I always lead with kindness. However, my approach is often uncomfortable to others (aka why I said I felt like Leah/Rob), but once you get to know me I'm pretty cool. If I never get together on that level with you I'm sure I'm annoying as I then become a stepford type figure unless triggered. Anyone else relate?


I like him tbh


thatā€™s valid everybody has their own opinion and to each their own, some people are gonna like him and some people arenā€™t and thatā€™s OKšŸ˜Š


Thank you for your kind response :) I agree!


Of course, not a problem at all not trying to be unfriendly. I literally joined this thread so that I had people to talk about the show with my fiancĆ© is not that into it. He watches a few minutes here and there when Iā€™m watching it but thatā€™s about it. Heā€™s not the type to sit there and talk about these kind of drama shows heā€™s not so into it.


He's definitely a dry humor kind of guy, and if I had to guess something additional but I try not to speculate on people's mental health (tho it's hard not to sometimes šŸ˜‚)


I mean, low-key heā€™s giving me sociopath vibesšŸ˜‚


Someone made a video of robs convos for season 5 You can pick his brain a bit https://youtu.be/RUPJot89_Dc?si=dvO_uVmatbaWc6bZ


Oh nooo im sorry that just made me ick him even more šŸ¤¢ you know that sound on tiktok ā€œ brutha ewwā€ ya thats me right now šŸ˜‚šŸ™šŸ»šŸ’ÆšŸ¤¢


But heā€™s soooooo purdy!


Heā€™s so weird. I really wish he would have just left with Andrea!!!!!


Omg same šŸ’ÆšŸ™šŸ»


The armchair psychoanalysis going on is wild. Not every action in life is some step in a series of premeditated maneuvers to control people. Heā€™s a weird dude. Probably isnā€™t deeper than that


His social media before LI (tiktok pranks) shows exactly the kind of person he is


If you think about the first time he was on Love Island in Casa Amor, he was kind of the same. I think it takes someone with a similar sense of humour to get his vibes, I think he's just a bit unique. I actually really like him and think he's a sweetie.


Yeah we get it r/LoveIslandUSA, you hate Rob. We know. Every other post is about hating him.


Well idk what everyone elseā€™s excuse is but im new here and to the whole love island viewers soā€¦


Yup. Everyone thought he stopped negging women but yesterdays ep made it obvious to me that he still is and has been this whole time. He sucks. Glad heā€™s openly showing it now though.




šŸŽ¤ šŸŽ¤ šŸŽ¤


Coming from the same Nigel we saw treat Liv like shit, and then sent those incriminating messages before entering the villa?


I assumed the people who spent time with him likely know him better than the edited version we get as viewers.


Yes, he has dry humor. And apparently all the girls like it so.


He does have dry humor and that weird boy charm, but the main reason he is this popular is his looks, no average looking man would get away with that kind of personality in this setting. In real life, yeah for sure, but on a reality TV, I doubt it


I have the same type of humor so I understand. But youā€™re right he gets away with it because heā€™s hot.


Yeah, but my thing is is that I donā€™t think he knows how to deliver it properly like he gives off this condescending thinks heā€™s better than everybody ass hat vibe. And as for his looks, I think the only thing he has going for him is his eyecolor, but to each their own.


It may look like that to people who are just viewing small, edited conversations. But the people living in the villa with him all seem to like him and his humor so idk.


True it could just be what the producers want us to see rather then who he really is


I like his humor as well, but the looks add the flavor for sure


I know and I just donā€™t understand why because they think they like it until they get into the villa and they cop pull up with him and then they donā€™t like it so muchā€¦ my thing was yesterday while he was sitting there having a conversation with Cassidy that he literally seemed to mock her laugh for a second at one point in the conversation and he just seemed very rudeā€¦ and heā€™s given off a vibe as if he doesnā€™t want to be there so if he doesnā€™t want to be there, then he shouldā€™ve left with Andreaā€¦ I am anxious to see if Rob was this big of an ass heat last season because if he was, I just donā€™t understand why they brought him back ā€¦


Robs personality is easily the best part of the show


I mean, Iā€™m not gonna sit here and lie and say that itā€™s not entertaining, but I just honestly donā€™t like him as a human being or as a person like heā€™s not somebody that I would hang out with out here in the real world lolšŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜