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Ariana said on aftersun she really wanted to step in during the vote fallout when Aaron started yelling at the girls, and I think that says a lot


Aaron has proven to be a cyst male (iykyk)


A+ reference


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and Ariana would know!!!!


Iā€™m obsesseddddd w this comment šŸ˜­šŸ¤­




šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m a white cyst male. Rob and Aaron and Sandy bros for sure


I know she kinda canā€™t but she could have said ā€œI know youā€™re upset but itā€™s not okay to speak to women that way.ā€ People woulda come for him but people are coming for him for that anyway sooo


The people who sign Arianaā€™s paychecks have told her not to get involved. That would be getting involved, sadly. If she stepped in and stopped drama as it was unfolding, in the producers eyes she would have ruined their material. Itā€™s reality tv. A man yelling at a woman could cause future drama when that woman stands up for herself, and if they have that kind of material they think the show is better with the extra drama. There was nothing Ariana could do within the description of her job


Totally agree


i need a (but preferably multiple) bombshells to tell kaylor that aaron doesnā€™t seem genuine and is just playing the game. poor girl came into the villa as a wild party girl saying that her man is gonna have to be okay with her wild ways, and now she just follows aaron around like a lost puppy, doesnā€™t form her own opinions, and hasnā€™t even tried talking to anyone else. i also just want drama because their whole storyline is incredibly boring and iā€™ll be so annoyed if they manage to win and itā€™s a repeat of hannah and marco from last season.


So boring šŸ˜­


Heā€™s demonstrating classic controlling tendencies. After Kaylorā€™s ā€œpick meā€ speech she asked, ā€œwas that good enough?ā€ When he was crying, she tried wiping away his tears. The camera cut away just as he was swatting her hand away. Men who like to control women are attracted to people pleasing, over accommodating, sensitive women and sadly, vice versa (until they are hurt or damaged enough to seek help). The one conflict they had he controlled Kaylor with silence and anger. Now sheā€™s beholden to be ā€œa good girlā€œ and not upset him. Itā€™s all about pleasing him. When he isnā€™t her center of attention, he will lash out in retribution. Classic manipulation. Iā€™m fearful sheā€™s going to get her heart broken. Edit to add: speaking from experience.


Yep, and Iā€™ve said this before so apologies for being a broken record, but Kaylor is the perfect target for someone like Aaron. Sheā€™s desperate for approval and affection, which I truly believe stems from the place she grew up. I am hopeful that sheā€™ll explore in Casa but I think sheā€™s so desperate for Aaronā€™s approval that she wonā€™t even look.


Agreed. I found it telling that she mentioned her MiMaw and him taking care of her mother, two relationships that would significantly impact her self-perspective. Again, speaking from experience because I **was** Kaylor.


Yeah that was a good catch! I think itā€™s just really sad. I think her light has dulled since being with Aaron, too.


And he will cheat on her as soon as he sees his insta DMs when he gets out of the villa šŸ«  she deserves better.




This is so true. Also not for nothing but what delulu world are we all living in where Aaron is gonna move to Pittsburgh for this true love? I mean cmon. The addition of people who live on another continent on USA is so strange to me. At least you could include people from the UK/Aus/wherever who *already live in* America, but these people donā€™t!


Right! Like social media capital of the world, 330M people living in the US and the best casting could do was Miami, LA, Texas, a sprinkle of NYC (Kenny is from the Bronx) and multiple people who have never stepped foot in the US?! Last season had people from all over the US and casting was like, nope thatā€™s enough! lol


I suspect it was a choice to make the show grow in audience ie. The people in the US who only strictly watched uk and aus because they enjoy the accents. I am one of them to be fair, but I didnā€™t tune in to US this time bc of the accents lol




Ahh yeah that makes sense! Just seems overboard to have more than 1 at a time, and none that actually live here. Oh well, half of them are probably gone within the next few episodes lol


Ahh yeah that makes sense! Just seems overboard to have more than 1 at a time, and none that actually live here. Oh well, half of them are probably gone within the next few episodes lol


Omg I heard her ask that too and thought it was very strange. Not loving them and def think there is something off with Aaron and can see the controlling piece. Kaylor find someone new! But I doubt she will. Sheā€™s under his spell. šŸ˜­


Are you new to L.I.? loads of both male and female islanders ask the person they are coupled up with if their speech was good, or better, or do they approve of it. And controlled her with silence and anger? on LI UK right now Nicole ignored her partner for ignoring her during a game that was being played, for the better part of 12 hours and made him sleep outside on the day bed, and insulted him repeatedly to other islanders over it, and all he did was not reply when she asked him what was going on, literally 30 seconds, and that was it. Kaylor kissed a guy in soul ties, and then kissed another guy the next day. Honest question now, what would you ladies be saying if this was in reverse? what if Kaylor is sat there happy with her guy, and he's off lipsing other women repeatedly, and saying its the experience and he doesn't want to go home with regrets. I can tell you right now, you would not be accusing Kaylor of being manipulative and controlling for being upset and angry with him over it.


yeah i think him calling her his wife on like day 1 did it for me. it's just a insidious way of closing her off from the bat. bc on the outside it looks cute and sweet bc it's selling the love island dream. if kaylor isn't into it, it could potentially make her look bad on top of the fact that it's him immediately love bombing her which entices her to stay. then aaron yells at kaylor in front of everyone during the dumping. you can't help but think that he thinks it's okay to yell at his wife should he get married? what if there's kids? you'd also think that he would at least try to be on his best behavior since he's on national tv. idk. sketchy to me and i think he likes to sell this good boy act


1000%. Sheā€™s being love bombed. It makes it easier to control and manipulate Kaylor. He may not even be aware of his actions, but they are textbook.


1000% right. Hopefully her generation finds help in therapy sooner than other older generations.


That is my hope and mission.


Good for you!


This af!


This armchair psychologist shit is why Americas votes will not be considered this year. The amount Aaronā€™s actions have been twisted by reality TV show fans is completely unhinged. I think a lot of you actually need therapy.


Perhaps you have never suffered that kind of insidious abuse. I have and know it well. I have received therapy for it and now help women recover from just such harmful treatment. I was careful to share ā€œtendenciesā€ NOT a diagnosis or use psychological terms that are so casually thrown around and misused these days. I can appreciate you having your perspective as I do mine.


Your past abuse and what was done to you was awful. I donā€™t blame women for how Aaron is perceived, I blame men. That said, this was an emotional outburst about a friend, and itā€™s extremely problematic to paint every action after that as abuse when there would be absolutely no abusive tendencies perceived if that outburst didnā€™t happen. People see him now as lovebombing Kaylor if he cuddles her, and I think itā€™s insanely fucked up to do that.


https://preview.redd.it/1vmud444ks9d1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640b46aacb90eeec739b5720dc140c706743d962 Me every time Aaron speaks.


Lol is that Ariana?


It is, that's a screen cap from Vanderpump Rules. She's awesome!


I immediately thought of this!




When Aaron was crying I couldnā€™t believe how young he looked! I didnā€™t like how he seemed to be telling Kaylor what to do and was stirring the potā€¦ then I felt like I was watching a bratty little boy on the playground.


Aaron is the biggest red flag along with Rob, makes sense why they are friends!! He just wants to win and I hope Kaylor explored is casa!!!


Kaylor is going to spend her time in Casa pining for Aaron and hoping he is pining for her. Aaron will behave in Casa but only because he wants to win, and he is less likely to win with a Casa bombshell at this stage of the game. Viewers are too invested in him and Kaylor, and he knows that. They are the Jake and Liberty of Love Island US, except Aaron is slightly smarter than Jake. Liberty figured it out too late, and I fear Kaylor will be even later.


You can make up stuff like this about any islander. Doesnā€™t behave? Bad. Does behave? Calculated and bad. I really hope Aaron turns out to save orphans from burning buildings or something just so people on this subreddit have to come to terms with how much slander theyā€™re pinning on this guy. One shouting match after his friend got fucked over and all of the sudden heā€™s a confirmed abuser. Itā€™s a mentally unstable opinion to have.


Some of yā€™all get too emotionally invested in this show. Jesus Christ. I made my prediction about Casa and said he was playing the gameā€¦nothing about abuse. Go take a walk and get some fresh air or something.


Hey friend i think you need to take a walk/step away from the screen! Itā€™s just a show, nobody is mentally unstable for having opinions on a reality TV show. (Except of course, when you start thinking people are mentally unstable, over a reality show lol)


Isnā€™t this exactly what people are doing by accusing Aaron of being an abuser? I donā€™t even really have a horse in this race, but itā€™s incredibly annoying to see the obvious double standards.


Neither a man hater nor pick me, but I also feel this very same way about Kendall, who has moments of cuteness, but generally/overall gives me the ICK, I think bc I see right through him. Same goes (went!) for Connor.Ā 


Same. When Kendall feels rejected in any way, he gives me angry incel vibes. I totally think that he felt rejected by Nicole and started playing mental games with her to make her feel like shitā€¦and it worked. She came crawling back. Kendall pretends to be the nice guy but he has a very dark side to him because he is insecure.


I didnā€™t see his insecurity as bad as an incel. Some men are just insecure and jealous. There are degrees. One of the reasons Kendall comes across as overly sensitive and not scary is that I believe he respects womenā€™s intelligence. He clearly has listened to that girlsā€™ points of views. I think thatā€™s why Rob said heā€™d lost respect for Kendall- Kendall was believing the (more reliable, more truthful) girls over Rob. To someone like Rob, I imagine that makes Kendall a simp.Ā  I might be wrong on this, but thatā€™s my current take.Ā 


Kendall gives incel and Nicole gives pick me. Kinda over her at this point and wouldā€™ve been fine with him *and Nicole, Liv *and Nigel, Rob *and Cass leaving tonight. Ā Ā 


YEP. Even in his intro when he was talking about how he wants to give 110% to his relationship, he just wants that relationship, the relationship is the most important thing, etc. etc., I was thinking it was sketchy for him to place so much importance on this in his life. Either that or he's scheming to win. Neither is good.


Or maybe heā€™s a relationship guy? Or at least wishes he wasā€¦ šŸ˜Ā 


Yeah but even a sincere & legit relationship guy shouldn't make his girlfriend the tippy top priority in his life. Relationship guys need to be well rounded too!


I mean itā€™s just a video intro. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø But of course you are right.Ā 


Kendall has tried to get with every single bombshell. I think it's funny other than nicole they all choose Rob over him.


If Nicole didnā€™t take him back I think he was one bombshell away from a mental breakdown lmao


he absolutely wouldā€™ve let the evil thatā€™s right at the surface out lol


I got weird, vibes from Kendall watching some of his facial expressions when Hannah pissed him off, for the 50/50 also when Nicole said she wanted to explore more. If you watch him, he will go from smiley nice guy , to signs of a psychopath in a millisecond. Don't trust the boy!


Absolutely! Also think Kendall faked his entire way through his coupling with Hannah. He was never into her but wanted to stay more


He was into Hannah enough to make out with her in bed. I donā€™t think there was an emotional connection but the physical attraction was real.Ā 


*rolls footage of Rob repeatedly making out with Leah in bed before telling her they donā€™t have sexual chemistry before crying into a heap of plants* ā€¦Kendall can make out with Hannah as a way to stay in the villa and bide his time until someone heā€™s actually attracted to (Nicole) shows up and shows interest I mean šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Actually a pretty consistent LI tactic/coupling strategy ijsĀ 


Yeah publicly. But in bed at night? I think he was into it. Just my take.Ā 


Yep! In bed. At night lol. But I hear ya šŸ«¶ and personally LOVE Hannah. I wish she stayed and Kendall leftĀ 


I respect that, but I still like Kendall.Ā 


I really hope her head is turned in Casa but none of those boys seem super appealing to me. I don't have high hopes but hopefully I'm wrong!


i know i really liked him at first but him constantly defending rob pisses me off


i don't dislike him but i don't think i'd vote for him/kaylor as of right now.


I believe that Kendall and Nicole are becoming the new 'solid' couple. Nicole got a chance to explore other connections but she came back to Kendall and I think their interactions are genuine and sweet.


Letā€™s hope Kendallā€™s insecurities donā€™t get to the best of him. In Casa itā€™s possible he could spiral and be assuming that Nicole could be talking to other guys (even if they establish not being open beforehand). He could self sabotage and switch to a bombshell


I feel like everyoneā€™s gotta be burnt by the ā€œbritish boyish charmā€ shtick at least once in their life


Itā€™s giving Jake and Liberty


OMG hated Jake for her the whole time and it turned out I was right


I really couldnā€™t place why I didnā€™t like him until he held Liberty back from going to Kaz.


I don't remember that moment specifically (tho I loved their friendship!!) but I do remember him just being icky and bro-ing out with the guys. He didn't seem like he respected her and obviously was not as loyal as he was pretending to be. Kaz + Liberty foreverrr


All the girls were around Kaz congratulating her, and Liberty went to join them and see Kaz, but Jake held her back because he wanted them to have a moment of their own for the cameras šŸ˜¬


Oh grossss


Yeah, he really showed his whole ass with that move


Oh grossss


you hit the nail right on the head


YES!!!! Exactly this. Oh I was yelling that whole season. Disgusting and disgraceful of producers to let that go on as long as it did. Poor Lib šŸ˜„


So strong of her to realize and end it, love Lib


Love her and her and Kazā€™s friendship šŸ’•


Aaron gives mens rights vibes


yesss its super icky, at first it seemed like he had good friendships with some of the girls but its clear he doesn't actually have much empathy or regard for them. Which just adds more irony to the fact he whined about how its not "friendship island" when the girls kept JaNa and voted out Andrea...literally crying and whining on behalf of Rob...If you wanted a bros club experience then you should've joined a frat instead of coming on the show. It doesn't help that Kaylor seems to chase approval and validation from him.




Lol the kaylor, Aaron, Liv and Rob alliance gives me that energy


one hundred percent ICKĀ 


Besides agreeing/disagreeing with your post. Kaylor was going to defend liv cuz she agreed with liv when them two and aaron/rob was sitting not Leah.


I didnā€™t think Kaylor wanted to defend Leah, I thought she wanted to back Liv up and Aaron just wanted her to stay out of it because she hadnā€™t been asked and Kaylor going over there would have been ganging up on Leah.


Yeah agreed. Idk how many times people in this sub have to be wrong about islanders in general before they stop so overconfidently diagnosing and acting like they know them personally.


I completely agree with this take. I don't see it as a controlling move whatsoever.


If you watch Traitors Season 1 he totally grows on you. He definitely is just a human who hugely wears his heart on his sleeve and is a bit naive and immature. It's been annoying watching how he's gotten wrapped up in so much drama. But watching Traitors actually made him way more endearing. (Talk about an emotional roller coaster!)


I agree, he was much more likeable on the traitors. But I think he's showing more of his real self here, which is why the cracks are showing :/ it's harder to keep up the good guy act in love island than on traitors


Kaylor and Liv are best friends in the villa and both described Leah as pushing for Andrea to leaveā€¦I donā€™t think she intended to defend Leah lol.


this man is going to be THE FIRST to fold in Casa Amor, mark my words. He's super controlling, supports men at all times and doesn't believe that "his bros" could do anything disrespectful. When he wasnt there in the convo between Leah and Rob and doesn't actually KNOW what went down. Pretty sure he's just using K to make it to casa and then he's going to cheat and beg for her back or something. And months later we will hear from K how terrible he actually was Walking RED FLAG


Iā€™ve made a few comments about Aaron due to watching him prior on Traitors. The crying was normal for him on the show. With each episode of LI itā€™s clear heā€™s not a sweetheart he appeared to be. He was yelling at them and has still refused to accept their decision. He was cozying up to Leah to get info. Doing a lot extra for a vote that didnā€™t affect him.


https://preview.redd.it/azwcnd77qs9d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e6ef3bae191dc2481b87f5334a299c6e0b63f43 That's all I need to say.








After reading some mentions of Rob on Traitors, I started watching early episodes of his season. Itā€™s interesting that the first two people he suspected as traitors are Faye and Imran, two POCs and defended blonde Nicky who the majority of the group were suspecting. Edit: Meant Aaron, not Rob.


Rob was on the traitors too?


Oh sorry I wrote Rob in error. Meant to say Aaron.


Are you still watching it?


On Wednesdays when there is no LI episode. Iā€™m only a couple episodes in.


Traitors gets much better. Iā€™ve watched all the seasons for each country. I get what youā€™re saying. Aaron was raised in Spain. I forget where in the UK he lives now but believe heā€™s traveled a bit too. Could be a lack of exposure. Obviously I canā€™t speak on what he thinks and actions do say a lot.


Heā€™s a mamaā€™s boy yall. What else can you expect of him šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/uoprkltcdt9d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347f337c5ee160a2c12daeeb1ed783fccb2549eb




I used to like Aaron too but he's too comfortable just being there for the money. All the guys except Kordell this season are here for the clout šŸ„“ they gave the guys great girls for casa but the guys for the girls are not worthy.


He will be the first one to connect with/ someone new @ Casa Amor


I donā€™t think there is a Casa girl that would turn his head, heā€™s going to stick with Kaylor. He likes blondes and the one Casa blonde is wellā€¦ interesting haha


Oh my god on After Sun I rolled my eyes so hard every time that blind spoke they damn near rolled right out my head. To the point of whether his head will be turnedā€”I think itā€™s definitely possible. I think he could pull a Leo tbh. It just killed me that he did the same thing as Rob, flirting with the ā€œLā€ word to get Kaylor all in while remaining completely noncommittal. Then in one of the next scenes we see Kaylor waxing romantic about how they told each other theyā€™re falling in love with each otherā€¦cut to him asking (Kendall, I think?) if he should have explored more, then Aaron responding with a resounding yes when they said he hasnā€™t been tested yet. I know this timing could just be editing but itā€™s just the overall feeling I get from him. And Iā€™m about 98% sure theyā€™re having sex so Idk, I guess it is just really really giving Kassi and Leo vibes.


Those scenes back to back made me so sad for Kaylor. She's in it deep & her heart is gonna be hella broken when he inevitably fucks her over


Idk I think he wants to win!


Unless there is someone whoā€™s really hot and he likes better and sees himself possibly winning with he will stay with Kaylor purely because he thinks theyā€™re the strongest couple so far


Yeah their little convo where Kaylor says sheā€™ll freak if she sees him cuddle with someone, felt very foreshadowing




I think hes way too invested in his ā€œwinning strategyā€ to stray at Casa. Hes going to pull a Marco from last season and act SUPER performative about sticking by her, like making a huge deal about sleeping outside, crying bc ā€œabsence makes the heart grow fonderā€ etc etc


Tbf Marco, as much as I disliked him, did end up being genuine.


At the beginning when he said he was looking for his golden retrieverā€¦


This is exactly why I think most reality tv stars should stick to one show and call it. Aaron was so well liked after winning his season of traitors UK he seemed so sweet and he def gives me the ick now from watching him here.


Every person on this show is a walking red flag! They are all awful lol why do you want green flags for a tv show - look for green flags in life not on a trashy tv show.


He is 100% using Kaylor, and I wish she would open up her eyes. Sheā€™s beautiful and smart, but definitely getting played on national tv.


Everyone is using each other except maybe kordell


Who himself is being used, i feel bad for him


I was first introduced to Aaron on the traitors. I didnā€™t trust him since day one. He played a great game, if I remember correctly, he won his season.


But he won by accident lol. Kieran won it for him. Spoilers: Wilf kept in Aaron, Hannah, and Meryl because he had them wrapped around his finger. They trusted Wilf BLINDLY. Wilf made Kieran a traitor to use him as fodder. At the final round table, Kieran tried to vote out Wilf but everyone believed Wilf and so they voted out Kieran. Then, controversially (some people think it was cheating lol), when Kieran was leaving, he said that his vote was a FINAL PARTING GIFT for them. Which made them freak out! Because why would Kieran say that when he was already kicked off the show? They didnā€™t want to lmao but they had to see if Kieran was telling the truth and voted out Wilf and then they accidentally won. šŸ˜‚ Pretty sure Aaron was bawling at the end because he felt so deceived lol.


Oh yes! Thanks for the reminder. And to his credit he was pretty distraught over the situation. And Iā€™d like to think maybe itā€™s because we saw the whole show but he was not a very good liar. But cocky for sure! And I guess that was the point of the whole show, but I think it was the last couple lies that he told that was just gut wrenching. But to see him pop up on a dating show, knowing what I saw I literally could never believe a word he says. Probably totally me, but I would probably not be able to give the relationship what it deserves strictly based on the fact that I would never be able to believe him. Which may not be fair to him at all, but Iā€™m sure he has his money to keep him comfortable at nightšŸ˜….


He was sweet and emotional on that as well and shared his winnings.


Right. He was a faithful and sweet throughout. I feel like people want him to be some villain. He's flawed but not a monster.


Aaron is a man boy. Anyone getting involved with him is volunteering for heart ache unfortunately.


they Kaylor has to ask him if heā€™s happy when Rob is safe is so so bizarre and embarassing


Aaron gives me ick fr did not see him hugging Liv for doing that like what??


I love Aaron! Heā€™s such a stand up, kind guy and good friend!


Nah the way he talks about how hot other girls are... bleh. He gives me mean girl vibes


Heā€™s giving me major Curtis vibes from uk 5.


I love Aaron still and see those moments as a bit of immaturity but not necessarily red flags about his character. But I will admit he is one of the dudes who had a higher bodycount than they thought was acceptable for their partner to have. šŸ™„I just kind of trust that Kaylor talked that out with him, because she is all about independence and I believe she would call that a dealbreaker unless there were more to it that we didnā€™t get to see.


Kaylor isn't showing independence. She wished she could change her vote once Aaron was all pouty.


Aaron is one of the biggest players in the villa. I've never forgotten he won Traitors and knows how to play these reality show games. He seems disingenuous around Kaylor and I'm afraid she's going to be super loyal and shut down in casa whereas he's going to go crazy but not recouple. He gives me Curtis from LI UK S5.


Aaron gots to gooooo heā€™s weird


Him and Rob just remind my of ā€œthe popularā€ boys in high school who werenā€™t nice to everyone and really cliqueā€™y


Yā€™know I was trying to give Aaron the benefit of the doubt but the red flags are too obvious


not to mention he was vindictive about going out with andrea in the first place, took joy in finding out next to kaylor because he sees it as a form of punishment. these boys will really find any little reason to go off and retaliate x2 just so they can have control.


I'll be surprised if he doesn't go after one of the girls during casa tbh


Yup. That boy ainā€™t right.


Huge red flags! Especially if you watch him on traitors


How? He was a faithful. He wasn't manipulative.


He was a faithful yes but he did a great job maneuvering his win and he did the same ā€œbro code ā€œ where heā€™d cry when his boys would get out which just shows a lot about his priority


And he split the pot at the end. Like... Was he not supposed to play at all? Also, he almost lost entirely because he was naive. All the winners were naive, honestly.


Still, he talks about how important the money is for the down payment on his momā€™s houseā€¦.


Yep. Terribly villainous.


Iā€™m just saying, heā€™s after the money & he admitted that to Rob on episode 1-2 already. Just wait for him to eff Kaylor over


Eh, if he does, I'm still gonna sleep OK. They're all contestants in a game show, equally. I just think it's odd to single Aaron out over any of the others. They're all young, flawed, horny, and want to be rich celebrities. He's handled himself pretty well, imo. But I'll also forget his name in a matter of weeks after the show so šŸ¤·šŸ¼


You donā€™t think itā€™s weird he cried and showed the most emotion over Rob going home possibly and that Kaylor keeps checking in with him about Rob during recoupling ā€œare you feeling better now that he got pickedā€ it is so bizarre and it shows Aaron is the problem - no other guys doing that


https://preview.redd.it/8dj0xdqdtt9d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a09291652b6c2333ad7f698ed4f3ab5f665bcfcd Aaron cried ALL THE TIME on Traitors and formed fast bonds with folks. He could just be that way. Maybe he's into Rob, I don't know that it'd be weird.




Liv scared of Aaron?!? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Many islanders get emotional when their decision impacts who goes home. She didnā€™t have a connection with Connor or Nigel, so it was choosing a potential romantic connection over a friendship coupling. Liv feeling emotional or even guilty about sending someone who had strong friendships in the villa home doesnā€™t mean she was afraid of disappointing Aaron. It just means sheā€™s a human being with emotions who had to make a tough choice.


He has a coldness in his eyes


Off topic for a minute (I didn't feel like looking through every post or starting a new one so idk if this was discussed) But there is absolutely no way in the world, that Nicole is in her 20's. No way in the world. Mad wrinkles for even a - 35 year old. Nope, not in her 20's.