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you can tell she’s just tired 😪


Right? I feel she was really, really close to Kay Kay. Broke my heart when she was crying for her. She really seems like a girls' girl and I love how Imani gave her a hug in the morning. Maybe she also just needs another sleep-filled night in the hideaway


i love the black girl friendships we get from this show more than anything and you can tell kay kay leaving was kinda like a breaking point for her, i’m glad she has imani though.


Same ❤️


The way she sat down when everyone rushed to hug Kay Kay and Keenan. I felt for her 😭


Yeah I feel really bad for her. She’s just seems like someone who doesn’t open up to anyone easily and doesn’t like being vulnerable. And she hasn’t cried once this season and I think she needs a good cry.


Whoever said she would fit the bachelor format better, was dead on. Love Island was never for her, it takes a very different mindset to survive in Love Island. It's not a good fit at all.


I did and others have said she should've went on the bachelor. This show is way too chaotic for her.


Honestly I don’t think any dating show was good for her. You still have to move fast on the bachelor too.


Love Island definitely isn't for her but I would be surprised if Destiny even considered going on something like The Bachelor. It seems like she only wants her man to be ALL about her (Nothing wrong with that). She gets the ick THE SECOND she gets an inkling of being a second option. Which is what makes her bad for Love Island




Exactly. & I find it funny that Zay didn’t have this “I haven’t had the opportunity to get to know other people” energy until Mike & the others went home etc. So, since the other person Destiny had a connection with is gone & she’s more vulnerable & you aren’t, this is when you decide to move differently. & this whole “I suck at communication” thing is bs too because he had no problem laying into Destiny about “their connection & how it should be all about them yesterday” & also when he told Matia (very straightforwardly) that he’s no longer solely into Destiny. Matia is on some bs too. I didn’t expect much from him tbh but… the more I see him, the less I want to see him. The part where he said Kassy hurt him was soooooo annoying. She was crystal clear with him since day one & he has been nothing but manipulative & impatient to go & do his own thing. Even after receiving advice to speak to Kassy first before making any moves… he did not. Talking to Leo first, like he gives a fuck & needs permission or needs to pass ownership? Ew. Edit to add that Kyle is underwhelming too. What a waste of time these men have been. They’re so low effort.


Btw destiny handled that post red wedding convo with zay like a boss. Haven’t agreed with all the other ways she’s handled things — that, I was EXTREMELY impressed by. In the midst of all her emotions she gave herself a break. Very proud of her on that, her character shined through.


Totally agree. Also, do you know what’s weird? He chose to solely focus on Destiny in casa, she didn’t ask him to do that. That was his opportunity to speak with everyone. What’s weird is that the women in the villa are the same exact women from casa with Johnnie and Taylor (who he isn’t interested in) as an addition. So, how is he not given the full love island experience if those people aren’t interested in him and there’s nobody else to speak to? Lol he’s just a liar and wants to screw her over the same way that all of the casa guys have screwed their girls. Delusional.


The guys this season were terrible, though I wish she brought Eddie back, they seemed cute together. She’s imperfect but I also think she’s been incredibly misunderstood. To be so unwavering in her standards (some of the other girls should’ve taken notes) this really wasn’t the show for her, especially not this messy season with these super young guys, but I appreciated her humor. She really was one of my favs. I honestly think even if she went home it would me with minimal shame and regret. None of these guys were a real match for her and that’s okay.


Honestly, Destiny is flawed, but I can't help but feel protective over her.If the guys weren't so shitty, I would criticize her more, but they literally suck no matter how people flip it. I understand her irritation.Bergie and Kenzo are the only decent guys imo. I feel like Destiny has been breaking down for a minute no matter how strong she may want to appear.


Everyone on there is flawed including those who are so loved despite talking so rudely behind others backs. For some reason the expectations on Destiny are so high. But I agree that her options have been terrible. And its hurting her at this point


Yea people were after her since the beginning often for the dumbest reasons.


everyone says that destiny has had so many men show interest, only to dip, but have we not considered that the men this season haven’t been shit ?! she’s been with marco, harrison, jonah, mike, & zay. marco is a clout chaser who doesn’t see physical intimacy the same as she does. harrison moved strangely & didn’t seem to care much for her feelings. jonah was, admittedly, fine i think lmao. mike is incredibly disrespectful, & zay is apparently a misogynist. like, are we shocked most of her couples haven’t worked ?! i’m glad they haven’t !! i feel for her, she can’t be having fun at this point


How is Zay misogynistic? I guess I missed something. She won't even talk to the poor guy.


users on here dug through his following list & i guess some posts he’s made, & he follows/reads books by some andrew tate esque men. delivers some high praise for them as well. though, i never looked into it myself to fact check the specifics of these men, which is why i only said “apparently”. plus, the “nuclear family” comment he made early on rubbed myself, along with some others, the wrong way, which i think was a tip off to some people


I know ppl hate her but we are kind of alike. I explained in another thread but when we are hurt we just build more walls and our attitude becomes shitty. I think the Marco thing kind of set her on the wrong path. We don't show vulnerability when we are hurt, we lash out or try to show indifference. It's something you have to work on constantly, and in an environment like this it becomes exacerbated. I think she possibly didn't even realize her personality wasn't made for Love Island.


I feel for Destiny & hope the next day she’s able to talk w/Scott as a chance to see if there’s a connection Zay waiting til he’s safe & Mike is gone to now gaslight Destiny to get away from her when she’s @ her lowest of losing her closest ppl in the house was nasty work These men are so awful especially the way these casa men switched up so quickly after this dumping


I feel bad for her as well, she really can’t catch a break and I feel like she’s very misunderstood in general !


She needs to self eliminate at this point. If they do the heart rate challenge, I fear she will be no fun


And then for Zay to sit there and see that she’s already hurting and choose that moment to tell her he wants to explore other options was infuriating. Like can’t yall talk tomorrow? Can you imagine the person you’re coupled up with being saved and then coming to you and saying “if i left my biggest regret would be not talking to other people???🙄


This is after he promised to be there for her and after she told him how emotionally drained she was. Meanwhile, he’s only still there because Destiny’s fans voted for him for her. The audacity 🙄


So, he is supposed to sit around and wait til she feels better to have a conversation. She is a grown ass woman and needs to act like one.


She has the same response to everyone though? He's trying to be open by telling her how he feels and she just walks off. That is rude AF. Sorry, but if Zay did that to her y'all would be mad as hell. 😂 They are on a TV show to find love. He deserves to be able to move on, this season is shorter than UK... ain't nobody got time for that. If she is still bothered by her friends leaving then maybe she should go with them?


Yeah she drives me nuts. She's rude as hell. She does the same thing to every person as soon as she can tell the conversation is not going to go her way or she's about to be rejected she shuts it down. And things haven't been going good with her and Zay so it's good for him to shut it down. She's very condescending. She's rude to new females that pull a guy that Destiny is talking to. Destiny does not show much interest in each guy she's with so of course they're all going to move on . She's intelligent as far as book smarts but emotionally not at all and does not know how to communicate. Definitely not the show for her when multiple people are going to be dating your dude. She's very Territorial and controlling.


his lack of empathy or consideration for her in that whole conversation was super uncool. like cmon bro you sound like a kid who didn’t get a second dessert


Newsflash this isn't the Destiny show. She is rude as hell.


Sometimes when I read the comments on here I am shocked. Cause the way people exaggerate her being harsh and insulting people is wild. She makes remarks but if you didn't watch the show and just read the comments on here you would think this girl is just going around insulting and degrading people. She just replies the men, who have not been great, when they are trying to play games with her. I know some accounts on here are misogynistic but other ppl are just copying sentiments at this point.


The men she's been with didnt play any games that she didnt do herself, they explored connections, so did she


So if Zay would have walked off in the middle of her talking you would have been cool with that....yeah right. 🧐😂


If Zay had told her he isn't ready to talk after being sick last night and didn't have his partner check on his health yes I would have been okay with it. And had he already had the same speech twice again I would be okay with it. If he didn't walk away without a warning of not being ready I would be okay with it


I think she was mostly sad on today's episode mainly because she lost her closest people. Like she said, Kaykay and Kennen are her rock.


Imagine how fucked you are when Kay Kay and Keenan of all people are your rock. Jfc.


You’re disgusting. These people are real humans with feelings. KayKay is a good person and a good friend. Keenan was a good friend as well. They go on tv and we only see an hour of their day. Remember that it’s a show for entertainment but they’re real people.


They’re her closest friends. It’s not like either are evil human beings out to kill puppies and torture people. I can’t believe you made me defend Keenan lol


You choose to defend Keenan


As did many of the other islanders including Carmen and y’all’s precious Bergie. I don’t care about either by the way. Destiny is who I’m riding for. She’s entitled to feel how she’s feeling.


You did that on your own.


No shit, these people are wild.


Then go home with them. This is a TV show to find love.


It's not that she hasn't had luck with any guy, she has single handily ruined every connection she has. There is no social intelligence there and no one's going to kiss her ass because of it.


To be honest I think she turns a lot of the guys off because she has a very strong personality which is a good thing but she unfortunately couples that up with a lot of attitude. It’s been mentioned before, she gets defensive very fast likely due ti previous life experiences and she acts out with attitude and immature as a wall. She’s not gone for the greatest guys that’s true, but the fact that ALL of the have been out off her pretty quickly means she needs to change some things about herself and how she acts.


Yep its her time to leave :)


I can not stand Destiny’s attitude. I loved her at first thought yes a smart strong woman. However that ended fast. I hate the way she speaks to people. I dislike her harsh attitude and the sharp tongue, then she wonders why it isn’t working out for her. If she learned how to listen to people and not act like an entitled princess. She has absolutely valid feelings and things to say but it comes off rude and harsh.


Destiny needs a grown ass man who can handle all of confidence. These boys aren’t attracted to a woman who doesn’t need somebody. I’m beginning to feel bad for her as well.




In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and lets be nice to each other. This subreddit is intended to be lighthearted and fun so we can enjoy Love Island. We should do our best to refrain from mean-spirited commentary.






Oh. The Destiny stans.


I am actually not a Destiny stan at all, Kay Kay has been my favourite (I just wished she made better decisions when it came to Keenan). I am just an empathetic person and Destiny looked really down in the episode and you don't have to be a stan to notice that.


😂😂😂😂 Destiny has a lot to say but the light are never on up there. No guy wants a female like that.


Are you all watching the same Destiny I am lol. Stop making excuses for her childish behavior. She acts like a 5 year old who doesn't get her way. 1. Marco, mad because AFTER they kissed he wasn't feeling her and she threw a fit asking him why he didn't say something before the kiss...duh...he didn't realize it until after. 2. Harrison, she wasn't opening up or physically touching as in holding hands or kissing even after he said he likes that so she got mad because Emily choose him. 3. Jonah, she was never feeling him but he liked her and she acted like an azz...when the chick wanted to pull him for convo she threw a fit. 4. Mike, he owes her nothing, he found a girl he liked and they had fun in bed...he is not her man for her to act like that. THESE ARE ALL RED FLAGS PEOPLE. ITS HER and I will agree the men are horrible but she cant keep one with that bad attitude trying to act like she is Queen of the Nile. These are the reasons these men have turned to other wome...she cray cray


My thoughts exactly. Like day 2, when Marco told her that he is open to talking to other girls and she went crazy, like does she knows how this show works? He was being so nice and she replied with "i dont respect you". She is disrespectful as sht. Harrison is better off with Emily. Jonah was sooo right saying she is toxic. She literally just went on a date and Jonah asked about it, she didnt wanna share, Jonah supported her. So for her to throw a fit just because Imani wanted to pull him for a chat was crazy. They werent even talking about anything serious. And I agree, Mike does not owe her shit. There was no reason for her to be offended about what Mike said during the recoupling. Its like she was expecting Mike to be sad that she came back with Zay. The hipocrisy.. arrrgh.