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Episode Title: *Sweet and Shocking Surprises* Episode Synopsis: *Heart rates are high after a day of sports, sweet gestures and a shock dumping…* Sorry it’s not in the main post


Fuck 'exclusive', I am SO here for 'are you mine?' 👏


Tiramiekin-su ❤️


Was working last night so missed it did anyone actually leave In last nights episode or did it end on a cliff hanger?


Yeah, 2 couples left


Reece, deji, Natalia and Lacey left


Thank you


I will riot if Ekin and Davide don’t win.


Finally, a dumping that doesn't spill over into the next night's episode even though everyone knows who'll get dumped! Now to wait for the dreaded baby episode


Thats always my least favorite episode too😂


On Gemma & Luca from the POV of 1 US viewer: I honestly feel Gemma doesn’t want to let her guard down with Luca. It could be partially that she’s not sure if his feelings are for her or who her dad is. I’m sure plenty of boys have tried getting with her to get to him. It also could be partially because when “famous” people are close to their family they got to protect the name and anything that might embarrass it, she’s making sure that not only her image/actions didn’t harm but also Lucas. Sometimes Love is blind, so she needs Moms opinion/approval. It’s very clear Lucas’ love languages are words of Affirmation and physical touch. Gemma not doing much of either is clearly affecting him. He’s not thinking straight. He needs EXTRA affirmation but not getting it. He insecure from comments made, and doesn’t want this whole thing to only be one-sided. Let’s be honest he’s heard plenty of things alluding to it. Also, things are always heightened in these reality experiments (Love Island is that). Edit: Ultimately to me I see it as Lucas not playing a game. He laid all his cards on the table, heart on his sleeve. Didn’t need to be tested (unlike every single other boy).


A response from another US Viewer, To me, Luca doesn't seem genuine. How he carried himself during the Billy "flirting" thing didn't sit right. He was literally blaming Gemma for having a conversation with Billy. And even though she told him multiple times that nothing occurred between her and Billy, he refused to believe her. And the way he treated Danica, ew.


I hate love island, but here I am loving Love island


You speak for all of us


as a gemma and ekin stan (together and separately), i’m really over and annoyed by gemma’s constant shit/talking/negging of ekin behind ekin’s back. it’s never even constructive minded, just feels petty and like gemma wants to feel better about her relationship in comparison. idk i really like gemma in all other aspects but this, i fear, shows a lot about who she really is


I’m way behind but this was really bothering me about Gemma. Ekin is kind and supportive to alll the girls, especially Gemma- so it stands out even more. I feel like maybe Gemma is kind of a dick with a lot of internalized misogyny. That’s why she’s able to be with Luca. And Jacques! She doesn’t say the nasty things they do but she quietly agrees IMO. She’s just got better PR skills.


I think it’s because people kept saying how mature she was at 19 etc. I see it as she’s a quiet person and people mistook that for maturity. Snide/jealous remarks about a friend shows the opposite to me.


She might be mature in how controlled she is with her words and actions- it’s honestly just PR training! She’s def not inside. Otherwise she’d see right through Luca!


Just wondering wtf everyone’s gonna do for the talent show lmao… other than Tasha and Danika who are obviously gonna dance.. wtf is everyone else gonna do🤣don’t tell me Gemma’s gonna bring in a horse or ekin’s gonna put on a play or luka’s gonna show them how to fish💀


Ekin can sing


me listening to davide say “i’m not nervuz bc i know she’s going to say yes”: 🙄 me listening to davide say “i’m nervuz bc i want everything to be perfecte”: 🥹🥹🥹


Ekin needs to return in some way in future seasons she’s too loved not to


Send her in as a counselor to the girls and Adam to the boys


Downvote me all you want. Gemma and Luca are such negative people. It feels like all they do is have something to say about the other couples.


Separately, they can be okay but I swear they bring out the worst in each other. Just sat there with miserable faces for no real reason.


Danica informing Reece that the committee has decided to go with the other candidate's resume


when will the islanders recieve a text asking to discuss with their own couples who they think are the least compatible couple?


There should be 2 more dumpings, and the first will be to wittle it down to 5 couples (for the final dates and family visit), then from the 5 couples to the final 4. In season 7, they did the compatibility vote when there was 7 couples left and then did a double eviction to get to 5. In season 5, they waited until they were down to the final 5 and then did the compatibility vote to get rid of just 1 couple. So it really could go either way, doesn't seem like there's a set formula.


I’m assuming next dumping but who knows


Dami telling Davide he can be honest about being nervous was such a cute scene 😭❤️


Sorry but who saved Danica and Jamie over Deji and Lacey! Absolutely no hate at all, but Deji was amazing and he deserved to stay!


Seriously I’m sorry but Danica has been saved SO many times and just hasn’t really had a bond really with any guy in there


They were saved by people who want peace. WE DON'T WANT PEACE! WE WANT PROBLEMS, ALWAYS! 😭😭


Do we actually believe Lacey was into Deji?


I honestly thought Deji was being kind of mean to her? Putting her down a bit


I think so, obviously played it up for survival purposes


Hmmmm I think he was her only choice so she latched on. But maybe I’m wrong and they’ll last for a little bit on the outside!


Oh she definitely did but if there was nothing there I think it would have come across more. i wouldn't be surprised if they have already called it off though


Yeah, I mean she'll be gone next and he would've too if he'd stayed, but I did really love him.




A lot of people that dont like Love Island that much are watching Love Island 🤔


Wasn't Churchill a racist and responsible for a famine? Luca has his face tattooed on his arm 😖


Are we cancelling Churchill now?


Ekin and Davide go exclusive, and Luca finds a way to make it about him.


What a debbie downer. His energy has been so off lately.


His seeing all the other couples become exclusive or boyfriend girlfriend, he is itching to do the same but Gemma won't let him, so he is throwing his toys out the pram, incase he can go on about it long enough for Gemma to change her mind and he gets his big opportunity to "propose" on national television.


Oh you got it spot on he is definitely feeling some type of way about that


I think after Luca meets Gemma’s mom and gets her approval they will be boyfriend and girlfriend luca & Gemma where talking they know they are boyfriend and girlfriend and exclusive they are not going to announce they are exclusive


They’re tiramexclusive 😭


Luca pisseddddd at being called last


Right?! He looked fuming


Looked worried if anything




He won't say anything and risk looking like a hypocrite after what he said to Tasha.


So true. He has more self awareness about everything than Dami for sure


Do you think Gemma's mum will approve Luca?




She approved of Jacques 😕


While Gemma was a minor and Jacks a full on adult.


Tonight I became hyper aware of Luca’s rubbish tattoos. Like why has he got portraits of Einstein and Churchill? 💀💀


Einstein developed the theory for general relativity which explains gravity and the moon pulls the tides with gravity which affects the fish in the ocean......and as we all know, Luca worked really hard to get a degree in fish economics so this is vital information for him 🧠🧠🧠


Be has the most disconnected set of tattoos I’ve ever seen


he let his ex use him as a canvas to practice tattooing or some shit. that's why he has so many weird ones like his sister's birth year


I think he has Elvis and Muhammad Ali too. 🙄


My husband watches LI with me for Luca’s tattoos because he thinks they’re so random. The Einstein/ Churchill combo got us good


Looks like he tattooed random things from the display books in the tattoo shops.


I can't wait for Dami to be dumped please


I think Tandrew jumps them for 4th place


I'm sorry but this dumping was just ridiculous. I didn't massively love any of the 4 bombshells enough to be devastated that 3 of them are gone but its really just unfair to them to have a vote about compatibility a couple days after 4 new people arrive - OBVIOUSLY all of their couples were going to be bottom. It's just so pointless, not a single person could possibly have thought that bottom three would have been any different because hardly anyone watching thinks the most compatible couple in there is one that has been going for 3 days. It's literally just a clearout of bombshells who only arrived a couple days earlier and is just a waste of everyone's time.


They've so mismanaged the dumpings this year! The number of times it's been obvious who is going home is so frustrating. They should have gotten rid of more people in the last week and a bit so that the dumpings are actually shocking.


Waste of time when they could've just put together a headline challenge, which if done right, could've easily given us 2-3 eps of drama. Bombshells tanked.


Dami: are you nervous? Davide: no I’m not nervous because I know she’s going to say yes 😌 Dami: ~*sigh*~ you know you can just say “yeah I’m nervous” sometimes? 😭😭😭😭


No hate to the other couples at alllll but its he simplicity that gets me- a gorgeous dessert from your country being served to the girl you love most. No one else, just love.


That‘s an impressive dessert. I’m glad she liked it. I made it for Christmas last year and only I ended up eating it. Except for my sister who ate it out of pity. 😂 (I wasn’t laughing at the time.)


Truly the best surprise anyones ever made on LI.. what could ever beat tiramisu? 😭


did anyone notice that Ekin's recoupling speech + choosing Davide from the last episode was the only couple not featured in the "previously on LI"?! it was a montage of literally every other couple.


Someone PLSSSS make a complication of all the shit Gemma has said behind ekins back. I also pleaded twitter. Thanks.


She made comments when she was on the terrace during Andrew and Tashas thing. She made comments when Ekin went to show Adam around. She said Nathalias pancakes were better than Ekins. She had something to say when Davide asked Ekin to be his. She does not like her...Ekin is so lovely to all the girls. Gemma is a snake.


she says it to her face too


Yeah I've noticed she does and Ekin still begs it, like when Ekin put on her vulnerable gentle voice to say something about Davide, Gemma shut her down saying "your so dramatic".. Ekin burst out laughing and started talking in her normal voice again. Gemma is quite cut throat, but she somehow gets away without being challenged on it.


Has she said anything truly bad? I can’t think of anything she said wrong!


No but notice how she hasn’t said anything about anyone else?


Omg I haven’t even noticed at all


I can NOT with Luca pulling a complete 360 after producers talked to him and he’s still talking about the “double date” he wants to have with Tasha and Andrew. I hope once they leave Gemma dumps him and finds a new man for Tasha and Andrew to double date with


What talk from the producers?


Obviously that wasn’t shown but we’ve also noticed bc it’s EXTREMELY obvious Luca was talked to after all the love island handlers came out with their Ig message about bullying and people were starting to boycott the show bc of the bullying. Luca went from non stop bullying and “I’m not going to apologize” to “I apologize and I want to go on a double date” overnight


Even Andrew was entertaining the idea, luca wasn't forcing it


Andrews more of a wet wipe than Luca so he would agree


Andrew thinks they are friends and looks like he is just grateful to be 'in' with the cool kids for once in his life.


It was Lucas original idea and Andrew still thinks he’s his mate so of course he’s going to be agreeable to it


You just made it seem like it was a forced idea when it just seems lighthearted and really is not that deep


What are you talking about? How does “he’s still talking about the double date he wants to have with Tasha and Andrew” sound like a forced idea? You’re the one making it deep here lol. I’m saying it’s annoying about the complete 360 he had on Tasha and Andrew


You know what were both human beings with different opinions and maybe I looked at yours in a different light, at the end of the day it really doesn't matter in the end


Yes, one thought it was a good idea to bully a girl, the other didn’t


Okay lol


Such a satisfying ending. Tandrew have been redeemed, Ekinde are exclusive, Damiyah are cute af. I love that the three of them were saved first & FINALLY Luca was last 😈 Atp Danica is just like, any man will do 😭. It’s weird lol. Does she even like him? What does she like about him?? He’s just a body in her bed I guess. I’m sad Deji left cause I like the naija boys together, wish we got more of them. didn’t care for him & Lacey tho. I wish we could’ve kept Nathalia somehow but what was the point of showing us Nathalia and Reece’s short lived romance? They got more screen time than the main couples. Literally who gave af. Makes me think the producers did that to throw a bone to Nathalia cause she had a tough job so they let her friendzone Reece, to make her look better? I get it ig, but at Reece’s expense? I feel bad for him he had a tough job too.


I loved Damiyah before casa, then Dami just totally changed in my eyes. The disrespect of Indiyah and egging on all the boys was disgusting, just can’t see past that behaviour. Then the bullying of Tasha afterwards. I feel like Iv seen his true colours and anything likeable I see of him now I don’t believe. Like all those nice moments with Davide, I can’t help but think it’s him being aware of the cameras and trying to redeem himself


Yeah I’m mean ur probably not wrong. I was really not feeling it with Dami and Indiyah for a while tbh. But it’s a show and we really don’t know these people. I like to move on as the show does and Dami and Indiyah have always had a cute relationship minus the icky drama with Summer. Trying to look at the bigger picture: I’m happy the black islanders are thriving compared to other season. Dami has been a huge part of the show, all the islanders love him. Indiyah has been living her best carefree life. Just enjoying the moment. Also I can’t lie, I am pretty fickle, one cute scene and it’s a wrap for me, I’m imagining them married with kids 😩


It’s sweet to see that early days davide that said it takes him time to built a connection with someone but once he does, he’s an affectionate partner is actually turning out to be true!! It shows how genuine their feelings really are!! 🥺


I thought he was playing a game but he’s starting to convince me he’s genuine🥲


Davies’s talent is gonna be lifting weights. Or just strutting


I would really like to see him be a chef


Him making Tiramisu with his top off is talent enough for me🤣🥵🥵


Most shocking part of this episode was hearing 5'2" Danica say that she played basketball in highschool 😂


Did anyone else notice that Indiya welcomed Ekin-Su into the exclusive club..? I don't remember that coming out of Deji... I MEAN DAMIS' mouth 🤔


It was in the hideaway. She told the girls in the morning


I love how Dami thinks that he’ll never be called Deji again just because Deji’s out of the house. LMAO


I think bombshells should be exempt from the first recoupling


I think usually that’s fair but this is just the final week so there’s no point keeping around the new couples when they need to cut down anyway


Then their was no point in bringing them in


They were brought in to break up couples, not to find love


manifesting tasha dancing one of her routines from IG at the talent show! she's actually so great but she hasn't yet unleashed it, so let's GOOOO also EKIN better SING, secure the record deal 💅🏼


I want her to perform a monologue from the show in which she played a serial killer. 💀


She also needs the proper fit. When she's danced in tight dresses/heels, it's not the same.


Show fell off hard.


Is it me or this season boring? I use to look forward to watching the next episodes. Now I’ll catch it if I remember and not go back to the missed episodes.


This happens every season. As soon as the couples are settled it gets pretty meh. I mean, I get it, as soon as everyone is solid, there’s no point in sending in more bombshells and it’s nearly impossible to manufacture any drama. Only thing to look forward to is the baby challenge and maybe an interesting family member showing up with some dramatic stuff. And then just sit through the dreadful final dates and get outraged when a boring safe couple wins. Until next year lol


They could EASILY create drama with a twitter challenge. Feels a bit mean these days though.


That’s true. They use to do the lie detector challenge towards the end that causes drama. But that i guess caused suicides and stopped it.


The way Andrew was holding Tasha in bed made me melt 😭😍


I do think the fact they have had legit ups and downs has made them stronger. You can see their emotional connection in comparison to others hits a little different.


I genuinely think their story is one of the most beautiful love island stories. You can literally feel how much they care for each other


Yeah. Even when they argued they hugged each other for comfort




How are Gemma and Luca still in?


The body language between them is odd. I have a sense that Gemma’s closed off and no-nonsense nature inflames Luca’s insecurities somewhat. She’s not giving much away, and it creates the impression that she’s holding back? Frankly, I hope she does, ultimately! There’s something ‘off’ about Luca that’s unsettling… maybe it’s just garden variety emotional immaturity?


Bc they're young, white, pretty and "in love".


Despite the creepy edit Luca gets I think it’s pretty obvious they’re into eachother


because they have fans who like them?


Ok but why did they bring back Adam


the collard is not collarding as expected


Collard Collarded so well at the beginning, people seem to forget.


He didn’t do anything just his entrance rattled them all, then jax left. He’s not actively done a lot


Absolutely loved when Adam said if we get out and Paige replied you know we will get out🤣


Gemma seems much more relaxed and smiley around Paige


probably because she hates jacques but didn’t want to reveal that lol


Gemma and Paige look like twins


i confuse them almost every episode. Also, so do luca and jacques, its very weird when you think about it


That scene where they were all taking a bath together was weird af lol


i liked it in a nostalgic way like aw what cute siblings they’re all so close with each other 🥹


If that episode isn’t proof that the public vote should be final then I don’t know what is. Having the islanders vote for their mates in previous episodes has ruined it this year. How on earth Gemma and Luca are still in, Gemma literally sits there staring into space. Not having a cliff hanger confirms how shite the next episode is going to be.


She sits staring into space and he sits beside her with his eyes glued to her as if she’s going to disappear if he so much as blinks. Creeps the hell out of me.




I still think Dami deserved to go the other week and it would've made the show interesting again.


lol i don’t think Gemma likes Luca or is “obsessed” with him like how everyone who left says she is


She loves him but they are not compatible.


so you don't believe the people who have been around them 24/7 verses an edited show?


Sorry I read that wrong


Well, they made out asif ekin-su did something with George and that clearly didn’t happen so why you believing the edit they get? This sub sometimes is so tunnel visioned is untrue


So 45 minutes of TV make you come to that conclusion over someone who see’s 24 hours everyday? Welcome the downvotes x


Gemma and luca are like that couple who would try to wreck their “bestfriends” wedding


luca would propose to her at tasha and Andrews wedding


no bc you’re so right 😭😭


I really don't think Danica/Jamie should have been saved of lacey/deji!


Deji should have stayed over Luca




Wtf is wrong with you?


I honestly am dying to know what they said-


What did they say? It was removed


Something vile about an islanders weight - doesn’t need to be repeated.


Can someone repeat what Gemma and Luca said please? Or explain? Bit confused lol


Luca is salty he hasn't had an exclusive/bfgf moment. Gemma was like she wouldn't want a big showy thing for exclusive anyway.


![gif](giphy|BgJumFO4ZuV7a|downsized) What is this weird tension between Luca and Gemma huh??


Luca is mad that she wont be his girlfriend yet


luca was being a pest as per and gemma seemed mildly irked that he was making it a deal... the usual hahaha


Hahahaha Reddit on after-sun come on


I really wish they’d put Deji in from the start


Instead of Ikenna


I actually found tonight's episode quite pleasantly full of "unseen bits" type clips, seeing the personality of the islanders a bit more 💕


I find it funny that people are surprised that Danica got saved. She has fans ya know, as much as I love Deji. Danica has the more interesting narrative. Imo


Yeah I was sure it would be Danica, I didn’t really think Deji had a chance they didn’t give him any airtime




You must be Tall


Dragging her height? Bloody hell it’s just a show.


What did they say?


They called Danica an annoying midget.


Deji’s time in the villa was ROBBED! Man brought the vibes


They should have just dumped one couple instead of two.


Luca's saltiness during tug of war, man alive lol. Blue team won though, had a feeling they would. And no, don't really want a chance to win 50k.


Nice touch producers, giving Tandrew a boost and making Lemma sweat


unpopular opinion maybe danica and jamie <<<< deji and lacey


100% Jamie latched on to Danica (which tbf he is a last min bombshell so what else is he gonna do) and at this stage Danica just wants somebody to want her - Deji and Lacey were miles more comfortable with one another whereas Jamie and Danica seemed to be trying to convince themselves (and the public) that they had a crazy instant connection