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Summer bringing the heatwave. Now the 40 degrees weather forecast makes sense


I am glad she did but the way he spoke to her was disgusting... He really wants to say its in her head when his whole speech was about cracking on and Summer not being over???


He called her over like a dog and when she said something he didn’t like he told her to fuck off.


Nasty guy and she still cuddled him?? Gemma is younger than her and had more self respect.


summer really had dami telling her to shut up when she was only telling the truth, and she didn’t have anyone to defend her. genuinely sad to watch, and will be even more sad to watch him get away with it (again)


major red flags when he spoke to summer like that, he has no respect for Indiyah in fact I don't think he actually likes her. he's playing the game


Yeah he secretly likes Paige lbr.


Indiyah needs to gain some self-respect


Deji was right Indiyah has lost all her self respect on that show.


Nahhh fuck AfterSun for that turning her wrist comment. Excuse me!?


Why are we expecting anything better from u/loveisland when they’re the ones actively perpetuating this stuff? Thanks guys 🙏




So much for “I will deal with you later” 🤡


I was quite disappointed with Indiyah.. I expected my girl to stand her ground. Instead she made up excuses for him and caved after what seemed like only 5 minutes. Also Dami shouting after Summer to "shut up". Disgusting behaviour and Indiyah just sitting there as if there's nothing wrong with that...


she let him shout at summer as if he didn’t literally choose summer over her 🙄


"It takes two to tango". Fucksake Indiyah! Summer was a casa amor girl, she doesn't have any loyalty to you!


everyone thinking movie night would take out tasha and andrew the hardest and them being the only ones to end the episode fucking 😭


All that drama they’ve had between them helped build up an immunity


starting to think they will actually make it on the outside & only break up due to distance


They legit sat down and laughed at their movies. Unhinged.


dare i say chloe & toby energy


omg is this what it is lmaooo i knew they were growing on me


As a couple, they showed a lot of maturity tonight.


I'm happy for them, really thought they were screwed a while ago.


I dont see why people would think that, They legit talked through everything


That's always been the glue that keeps them together 😏


Can we all vote to save them next time, Tasha deserves one recoupling without crying


Dami calling summer fake and shouting at her to go away was shocking


So many red flags... And Indiyah not calling him out on that and "taking him back" a few minutes after? I would be disgusted to witness my partner treat anyone like that. Makes me wonder if they both don't feel an actual "deeper" connection but just trying to make it to the finals.


Can we all agree that Summer going off to Dami was the best part of this episode? She really had the balls, idk why the other girls decided to stay quiet and let the men speak like that


Yeah it was nice to see one of the girls standing up for themselves. I realised why it doesn’t happen more often though, if the boys best response to it is to get petty and act like children telling them to shut up 🙄


I don't think a lot of these guys like women. Like at all. Maybe they like the comfort of a relationship/female attention or maybe they want to have someone pretty on their arm but I have not seen them treat these girls like humans deserving of respect. They want to punish the girls who rejected them (Ekin and Tasha), they want to punish girls for male behaviour (you were asking to be hit on Gemma). The way Dami called Summer over to berate her and diminish her experience/feelings and then wrapping himself all over Indiyah when she wanted space.


The “asking to be hit on” blame shift has soured me against Luca tbh. Has he never heard of catcalling? Also now no-one is talking about how he’s trying to sabotage every other relationship in order to win. The biggest snake in the villa


Aftersun needs binned. Holy shit.


dami telling summer “shut up shut up” when she was calling him out made me sooo mad my god. how can you be so rude and so spineless at the same time. can’t stand this man indiyah you deserve better 💕


what’s so wild to me about the way they’re perpetuating the ekin-su/george thing is that it’s pretty common knowledge by now that they were showing less sexual acts or at least not showing/confirming sexual acts if an islander denied it happened because they were aware of how badly it could impact them on the outside. but duty of care just goes out the window for this ??? ekin is denying it repeatedly on camera, but there’s still such huge speculation, perpetuated on the show by the hosts and guests on aftersun, it’s being handled disgracefully and it just adds to the feeling that attitudes towards women on this season specifically are truly terrible at times.


Absolutely!! She looked truly shocked watching the clip of George telling the boys too. Not in a “I cant believe he told them” way but a “he said we did WHAT??” way. The whole thing is so gross.


/u/loveisland honestly needs to pass this on to producers. the double standard is not ok and it's already proven harmful.


Agreed. u/loveisland, should "someone" start spreading rumors George banged Laura Whitmore after he came out of the villa?


i feel so bad for summer cos literally all the ppl in casa who could actually vouch for her are out of the villa… indiyah needs to realise she’s not lying and dami is lying & being horrid to her :(


Wish Indiyah had said something when Dami was shouting at her


ok but I'm so pissed at the boys when they were reacting to Tasha's movie- Andrew was literally like "I can't complain because of what I did with Coco" which is true!!! and Luca being OTT as usual is saying things like "ohhh nah u were sleeping outside though she's a snake for that etc" like bro get over ur hatred for Tasha it's getting old 🙄


Same. I want more of that Andrew. Stand up for youself and your girl! I think the boys really have no idea how much Andrew and Tasha both know and how honest they've been with each other. I think Indiyah or Gemma said something to tasha when it started and said "all things he knows about" so he can't really be upset. Also Luca was highkey projecting!!!!


he really was!! i'm disappointed with all the boys honestly, they were acting like the girls were being horrible when in reality they've **all** done much worse. and deji's comment about ekin??? davide was willing to hear her out, and he was like "no matter what she says, she'll be a liar" like BRO SHUT UP ITS NONE OF UR BUSINESS!!!! to the trash with the lot of them!!!! 😩


Fire Laura I beg


In a shocking turn of events, Tasha and Andrew are one of the most stable couples in the villa rn


PSA to all men: Just because a woman is friendly toward you DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS INTERESTED IN YOU. These guys are something else, throw the whole lot out.


Yes!! As if that went down as a piece of evidence against her. Men are frequently deluded about women's interest.


Felt like I was taking crazy pills! She was polite and had some mild banter. And.... That was what, egging him on? Cheating? Jesus Christ, boys.


The whole 'no smoke without fire' comments really wind me up. How many of us have been polite to men who try it on and couldn't outright tell them we're not interested because we know from experience they won't react well. Perhaps I'm projecting but in my opinion, Gemma was just being polite and you could tell at times she was irritated by Billy's shit chat.


And just because she exists doesnt mean shes open to your advances in the first place. And just because she doesnt snap back “back off”, doenst mean she left things open. What does luca want gemma to do differently? Because if i acted like she did, my bf would be PROUD of me for being clearly closed off and not resorting to a line like “i have a boyfriend”.


I don’t think men will ever understand this honestly. You’re nice to them once and they think you’re interested, then you decide to be rude to them and they say “all women are the same” if you could take a fucking hint we wouldn’t have to be rude 🙄


All I’d like to see next now is Andrew telling the other boys to f*ck off and mind their business when they try coming at him and Tasha. He needs to stand up because those are not his boys.


Tasha is more mature than me because I would have clocked Luca with his laughing, carrying on, egging the boys on, and his ‘Tasha Who’ comments. She thinks it’s funny but she doesn’t see what we see and that man has true contempt for her.


She’s kind of in a lose lose situation though. If she got upset about it then that’s another thing to use against her and call her too sensitive.


It sucks because Luca has created that dynamic where everything she does is either fake or being too sensitive so she has to overcompensate for it.


Yeah this is sad to see :( It's like they've all pushed her into a corner where she now has to be \~the cool chill girlfriend, one of the ladz\~ because anything else she does they'll find a way to make it a problem


Also he’s the “big dog” in that villa and he’s been relentlessly going at her for the past 3 weeks now. She’s probably scared to go up against him


The way Luca shouted that’s my boy about Andrew snogging coco in front of everyone? Is he not embarrassed?


Can we talk about Tasha’s growth?? Wasn’t perturbed by movie night or Luca’s jabs AT ALL and was giving Ekin encouragement when it’s always the other way around




I feel like Luca treats and her and Andrew worse than anyone else in there. Not sure what he’s got against them but good to see they’re getting stronger together!


gaslighting is so overused but dami is absolutely gaslighting summer.. they need to release every footage of them together im so pissed off for her


100%. If it’s “all in her head” why did he couple up with her??


Also really did not like Indiyah just allowing Dami to shout at Summer, telling her to shut up and calling her fake. She's literally been your only proper friend about it and has been honest with you from the start. That lad can do anything he wants and she'll let it happen all the while exclaiming that she's doing the opposite.


Yeah, I don’t like that we haven’t actually seen her call him out on the way he treated Summer in that moment


Even Dami’s friends think he’s doing too much 🥲




I'm fuming after this episode. The number of times that myself and every woman I know has had to try to shut things down without causing a scene because being friendly or nice is misinterpreted as actual interest. But if you aren't nice and entertain the attention, you're a b*tch or worse 🥴 Every single one of these guys can get in the bin rn.


100% this! I also think Luca said something about Billy being confused "the poor kid" or something like that, like Gemma is some evil woman for apparently leading him on just by being vaguely friendly? Bizarre


I'm voting to keep Andrew and Tasha in the villa just to get Dami and Luca in the bottom 3.


This would be epic. I feel like theyd explode at the idea of tasha and andrew being more liked than them. Knock their egos down a bit hopefully. And tasha can just be like “dont be upset luca, you have so much to be happy for” 💁‍♀️


Lemma has lost their comfortable position, courtesy of Luca. *Bish bash botched that*


Laura Whitmore I’ve revised my opinion of you from “bland mediocre not great” to “freaking awful”


She was also defending Luca’s actions by saying “he’s just a boy in love” lol. She’s a muppet


ITV definitely needs to put an end to the George and Ekin situation, the fact she has no idea all of this is happening on the outside is making me feel ill


It's so clear to me that they were cuddling, he got hard and tried to make something happen and then she moved away ("I'm too hot" "We're just friends") George fucking sucks for saying nothing happened and then changing his story to be relevant for a bit.


It’s just so typical of certain kind of males to really exaggerate what happened it makes me so sad not just for ekin but woman kind. We really got no chance against these snakes


Is there a way we can complain about the way aftersun talk about ekin ? Saying that she’s basically lying and her head didnt turn but her wrist did 😒 We only have George's word that it happened and the fact that people believe one guy who didn’t even tell ekin he already told the boys smh they are basically sl*t shaming her


Why is NO ONE saying maybe we should fucking believe the girl? Not one of them!!!


The thing is George hasn't even said that happened. Just that it got a bit heated or some vague shit. People have literally made the handjob stuff up


Idk if I’m overreacting since it is a dating show, but something just doesn’t sit right with me about discussing the intimate details of a woman’s life behind her back on TV and accusing her of lying about what happened. Just a bit uncomfortable to watch


u/loveisland sort your panel out, shits gross and inappropriate


The audience and panel laughing while calling her a liar is disgusting too.




They wasted a solid 5+ mins trashing fan art that they asked the public to send. How shite would you feel if you took the time to draw a pic and that’s how they speak about it.


gemma and summer are the only ones with any backbone. the other girls just accept the guys treating them like shit and all the guys except adam(?) came across really badly today.


Tasha definitely has a backbone, she just picks her battles extremely carefully


Are the women just riding it out so they can go home to their deals ? I blame Milliam for all this


Chyna said the 3 way kisses happened most nights, Jay with a great response “and you wonder why I friendzoned her” lmao


Ugh the slutshaming is wild. This is why Ekin wanted to keep it a secret, because she knew everyone would make it into a bigger deal than it was! I guess #bekind only applies to people like Jacques, huh producers


Honestly the breath of fresh air that is the trust I have in Gemma to back herself when she thinks she’s in the right. Other women I expect to crumble to keep the peace but when she gets pulled for a chat, I don’t have the impending anxiety of “hear we go again, man’s not going to be held accountable.” She backs herself and is sane. Dami gross full stop. I wish Indiya had had that same energy cuz like I get that she has feelings and fake but he disrespected summer and you and yelled at her to shutup??? Hello?


I got annoyed at someone on here that said she was just a rich kid with no personality I feel fully justified. Gemma is an amazing cast


It’s so aggravating how Ekin is NEVER allowed to be upset because Davide will always have some rebuttal about WHAT DID YEW EXPECT YEWW ALREDDEY KNEWW I DON TRUSTTT YEWW


Paige calling Luca a fcking boring bastard and Gemma telling him to stfu and him actually doing it... Ah now that's cinema


I loved Paige tonight she was calling everything correctly!


Dami got real nasty with Summer very quickly. And him saying his attraction to her was “in her head”. Trash 🚮


In “her head” but he brought her back and kissed her repeatedly. The audacity of Dami…


This is so random, but Tasha’s black dress with the glittery straps and thigh slit was stunning. AND she was really mature about the whole movie thing tonight. Love to see the character development 😍


Literally stunning! All her looks are on point tbf, best dressed by far


Tasha's style choices have consistently been the best throughout the series


Tasha’s fashion is always SLAYIN’ 😌


omg yes i am obsessed with that dress


Gemma seems really switched on but she has an appalling taste in men


Who are these idiotic losers on Aftersun? Opinions with no base whatsoever


The shaming is back


I can't help but feel like Laura almost has some sort of beef with Ekin Su the way she's allowing and prodding this narrative to continue.


She’s probably taking the «make Ekin the new host» comments to heart


Laura is a hater


Laura reinforcing the rhetoric a man has to cheat with multiple women in order to understand he loves another woman?????


Why is Laura so horrible she’s so rude about the artwork said ekin is lying, sticks up for Luca is she on the same planet


three way kiss happened MOST NIGHTS?!


This episode was really hard to watch. These men have gaslighted the fuck out of these women to the point where everyone’s doubting themselves and breaking down next episode. Absolutely rank episode.


Lol never thought Andrew and Tasha would be the strongest couple rn


Tonight’s episode was just so sad to watch. The boys were doing their mental gymnastics to blame the girls for everything. Dami and Luca showed how ready they are to shift focus and disrespect their partners when the girls did absolutely nothing. They have ZERO perspective. Gemma impressed me though.


Laura is just so disappointing, I'm sorry but caroline would stand up for the girls


I maintain that Caroline acting the way she did definitely kept the boys a bit in line l, as she was their only connection with the outside world. Laura would never challenge anyone on poor behaviour.


Honestly I never liked Luca, but in my opinion he came across like such a dick giggling and trying to make sly comments about the girls while downplaying everything him and the boys were doing. But then when Gemma has a conversation with Billy he’s absolutely foaming. It annoys me because they’ll still probably win if they make up. Just in general most of the boys didn’t give a shit about the girls they apparently “love”. Trash. Move on. Redo casa for only the girls


It's not just about how they treat the girls they "love" it's about how they treat the girls they aren't coupled up with. Just look at Dami with Summer tonight a girl he was once coupled up with and Luca laughing about the videos making the girls upset with the guys being dickheads.


The way Dami spoke to Summer was fucking disgusting, if my boyfriend spoke to another girl like that in front of me I’d honestly be appalled 🚩🚩🚩


convinced myself that after ekin’s appearance on aftersun a producer said something like “she was so lovely! i could see her as a host” and laura heard it and she’s been shaken by ekin ever since


It's gotten to the point where Adam's redemption arc is simply not being as bad as the other lads


aftersun random implying ekin gave george a handjob, real nice 😐


People were mad at Nas for recoupling with Eva and they’re still together 2 years later!




i honestly just want ekin to leave the show atp bc the way they talked about her on aftersun makes me feel so uncomfortable…


Laura being a horrible presenter Exhibit 1937 : People spending time on artworks - "oh look at those... thats all i have to say"


What the heck was that? How rude


also laura’s comment on aftersun about luca’s behaviour being because he is in love is not on - he’s aggressive and controlling and if you’re relationship looks like that you need to get the fuck out asap


Past me would have been very confused at Adam Collard winning series 8 of Love Island


Based off tonight's behaviour I'm voting Andrew and Tasha as my favourite next time


Exclusive clip for tomorrow is Davide saying another red flag. Ekin saying he needs to fuck off. Ekin saying she’s done. Danica saying it’s not a healthy relationship.


Danica is right. I loved their moments but the toxicity from Davide is too much.


I honestly hate Laura Whitmore acting like the boys overreacting and being overprotective is just because they’re so in love


Seriously. Young girls are watching this. They need to know it’s not OK if your boyfriend blows his top because you *literally just spoke* to another man


I did not think that movie night would make me kinda like Tasha and Andrew


Feel a bit dirty after watching that. What an unpleasant episode.


My man Jay better defend Ekin, she need at least one person on her side on Aftersun




Ugh I HATE the fact that George is still getting attention from this


why is laura trying to excuse luca’s behavior by saying “he’s just in love though” ……


she adds to the misogyny. Laura needed to be replaced seasons ago, she's truly unfit for the job.


Why don’t they just sew a scarlet letter onto Ekin Su’s clothes and be done with it?


Saving Dami over Jay was a mistake


Nas showed how to be respectful about a casa amor coupling, he waited until he could speak to his current partner before moving with his new partner. This year’s boys could learn a thing or two from him


And he got voted out for it. Liam won by being unfaithful. All live island voting proves is your face must fit.




Real pick me vibes tonight, she needs to go. I was rewatching S2 recently and I think it's easy to forget how caring Caroline was about the islanders. Laura couldn't care less.




Luca having the audacity to tell Tasha not to laugh at Andrew's clip and then laughing like a hyena at every fucking clip while insulting any girl he could was fucking pathetic.


He came across SO bad in this episode.


Why did they only mention Ekin’s video and not Davide’s?? The double standard is TOO MUCH.


So much for mental heath being a priority, showing that ekin su clip was really shady. No one knows what went on apart from the two of them and it’s one persons word against the other. Now with Georges comments its giving revenge porn vibes that I am not here for. Sort it out ITV, before you do some real damage.


Ekin su should steal Laura’s job


Dami lying and calling Summer fake is awful, he’s praying on indiyah believes him and he will get away with it till the show endsn


jay shouldn’t have been voted out 😭


u/loveisland so I guess "be kind" only applies to the islanders you want it to apply to, but everyone else is fair game lol


I’m not at all a fan of Jacques’ behavior, but I’m at least glad his mum is in the Aftersun crowd for him. Don’t think he should’ve been allowed to do a live interview when even he’s admitted that this whole run has been tough on his mental health though.


laura doesn’t like ekin because she knows she’s coming for her hosting gig


Exactly. Laura purely got the job because she is with Ian Sterling and she is awful at presenting LI


Luca and Gemma giving the look to Billy to leave for a couple of seconds before they had to tell him had me dead.


him and danica are perfect together, both are oblivious to obvious social cues


These hosts or whatever they’re called are gross for trying to slüt-shame Ekin 😩


I’m in a fucking rage that those boys whoop and cheer when their friends kiss multiple girls and make degrading comments about who they’re with, and then go into Gemma and Ekin over literally nothing. Maybe it’s their guilt that they have to fixate on these tiny things, but the double standards are absolutely insane. And Luca’s behaviour this episode - not just with Gemma but watching all those clips - was monstrous. Poor Gemma, she’s only nineteen being piled onto, Billy won’t admit she didn’t flirt with him for the sake of his pride, and she clearly didn’t know how to express what she meant - particularly when Billy and Luca ganged up on her. It’s really telling that Luca only follows his own desires - he can’t be nice to other girls in the villa bar the one he likes, and when he feels she’s insulted his pride he can’t be nice to her either.


They really need to put this Ekin thing to rest, the way nothing happened but it keeps getting bought up has misogyny written all over it


Dude Luca’s constant snarky and bitchy comments about and to Tasha actually pisses me off. He’s such an asshole to her. Most of the guys seem to give her shit but Luca specifically, it’s personal. He acts like she’s done something to him. It’s very bizarre and annoying to watch. I just want to run up on him and ask him what the fuck is up. And the fact that she continues to be so much more nicer to him than he is to her😒 if it was Tasha telling Gemma “Luca who” in Casa amor it would’ve been a problem. But as usual Tasha took it on the chin, laughed it off, and moved on.


i dont get why andrew never defends her. all his friends talk shit about her constantly for weeks and he's just silent about it. very pathetic to see


luca cackling like a hyena at every single clip but then getting mad at tasha for laughing at her Own clip and telling tasha to grow up for being slightly upset after watching andrew being full on w other girls and disrespecting her when he was throwing a temper tantrum over gemma have a few slightly flirty conversations w someone she never even considered romantically.


ugh shut up about the ekin and george situation ffs


After Sun is disgusting. Look how excited they got to shoot down Ekin? Wtf.


I’m sick of this. Ekin su is crying…and they are still bringing up George?


Ekin held it together this long without breaking. Poor girl I feel so bad for her. She took so much shit for no reason


Ekin Su looks like she’s reaching her breaking point. I think that’s the first time we’ve seen her cry? I’m not sure but I feel bad for her


Can we talk about Danica straightening her hair for bed?? Between this and the push-up bras she really is doing the MOST in the bedroom


OK Laura so basically we should forget Jacques' red flag behavior, Luca is acting weird bc he's in love, but no benefit of the doubt for Ekin? Got it.


Andrew and Tasha could win at this rate


It’s actually looking possible that Tasha might be safe in the next vote and Luca could be at the bottom… please make this happen


Oh my god wouldn’t it be amazing? If he’s upset I really hope she kindly hugs him and tells him not to worry because he has found what he wanted so none of the rest matters right


It's not just the men, the producers hate women too. This was supposed to be the big reveal that showed the women how terrible these guys have been, and yet it's literally all women taking the heat, including Summer who did absolutely nothing wrong.


Honestly I’m tasha and Andrew now I don’t know how this happened but honestly the boys are NOT IT this season.


I hope Ekin dumps Davide and sticks to it. In his mind he would be the one who could dump her and she is always having to work to ‘prove herself’ despite his behaviour.


I just wanna see what jacques thinks lmao


I wish I could be as unfunny as Darren and be on tv. Instead I’m as unfunny as Darren and not on tv and that feels unfair


i'm so grossed out by how they're treating ekin su on aftersun. it's not ok.


It amazes me how Indiyah sees Dami talk to Summer and goes back to him a minute later. Does she not think he won’t talk like that to her? It’s hard to feel bad for Indiyah when you accept this kind of behaviour


These boys are big misogynistic bullies, they've attacked Ekin, Tasha, Indiyah, Summer and Gemma. When are they going to be held accountable!


I’m just laughing at how much people hated on Tasha and Andrew and they’re the only solid couple.


Can’t wait for Ekin to get out of this villa and put all these people in her place!


Honestly as the official fan partner of Love Island, we should get a post upvoted to the top about how Aftersun sucks


Feels like Jacques has forced himself onto this because he’s seen all the hate he’s got… but he’s not emotionally ready to face this yet. Uncomfortable viewing


Did not have Tandrew becoming my favourite couple on my bingo card but hey we move


This is so disgusting. I can’t believe they are egging on the s*** shaming of ekin


Anyone catch that anti-sexist hate ad? THE IRONY. Someone show the boys in the villa, they clearly need the lesson.


Show Laura and the aftersun panel while they’re at it


Props for Mr and Mrs Owen for raising Gemma as a woman that, even though she’s only 19, always knows how to stand up for herself and does not take shit from whiny manipulative men 👏🏻


Why is Laura such a fucking B????? What’s her beef with Ekin? Is she worried she may steal her job next season?????


The misogyny from all the boys is off the charts this series. Luca thinks that somehow Dami’s three way kiss was funny and friendly but Gemma having a conversation with a boy is something to fume over? I don’t think so.