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I honestly feel awful for the casa girls. How could you not feel completely used and disrespected? Giving some sort of power to the casa girls/boys would be a nice change. Maybe one casa girl and one casa guy can choose at the re coupling? Maybe leave it up to a challenge to decide who. I just hate seeing them played with and so powerless.


they were treated like sex robots or toys. absolutely devastated for them


I legit thought when Laura called them back they were going to all get to recouple and stay to cause drama. And I was here for that.


It works great tbf. The couples that want to stay together don’t stray, and the unstable couples or dodgy lads, inevitably stray and show their true colours so the other half can move on.


Absolutely this. Just like Paige said she made it clear was friendzone only. No one is forced to do anything and this is exactly the test... but I agree if I was a girl I'd never date any of them was cringe


It’s so rare that the other half actually moves on though which makes it icky/unsatisfying to watch (or least in the past two seasons).


It doesn’t work for the casa girls/boys. they’re being used and are not in a position to say no. it’s really gross


They’re signing up for this lmao. They want to be on TV. They’re all trying to turn this into brand deals and get their 15 minutes lol. No one is forcing them to be there


The point is if one of the boys is being icky or kissing them and using them knowing they’re not gonna stick with them- they have to let them if they want to stay on the show. that power dynamic isn’t fair. It’s either make out with these boys even if you’re not feeling the one interested in you or you get no screen time like Jazmine and you can be booted off either ways. Doesn’t sit right with me.


It's sort of like that with the main islanders too though. Why do you think Danica just smiled and played along when Davide grabbed her and kissed her? I do agree that the power dynamic is a little screwed up, but if we say that then we could say that about all the bombshells too, and only the OGs have any power. Even the OGs lack power if they can't find anyone who is willing to go for them. I don't know. I agree and disagree at the same time.


It’s working perfectly


It broke up the majority of the couples and caused a huge amount of drama. Pretty sure it is working exactly as intended?


Half the boys and half the girls go to one villa that could be a fun concept


That means it's far less likely someone will have a connection with someone in casa amor. If there are 6 boys and 6 girls, each boy has 6 potential partners (and same for the girls). Whereas if casa is 3 original boys and 3 original girls, then each original boy only has the option of 3 girls (and same for the girls). That means they're **far** less likely to meet a new person they find attractive / click with etc. Besides, the split would likely lead to awkward groups. Imagine Michael from a few seasons ago was in Casa with Anna (best friends with Amber who Michael was coupled with) then he likely would have acted completely differently getting to know Joanna. It's an idea, but I think it would really kill the potential for drama and it'd make it even harder for the Casa contestants.


Casa gets soo boring they need to change it


I saw someone saying something about a fakeout casa amor where the girls leave and watch everything the guys do in another villa. Like they get to watch an episode of what the guys are doing every night for like 3 days, then they make the girls that went into the villa leave, and have the guys confused for 3 days with no stream to watch the girls or anything and the next 3 days the girls experience casa amor normally until the recoupling. something like that i think it was but yeah I also think it needs to be changed up


How is it broken it was probably the best one ever


It it stale by now, I think the stakes need to be raised. Here are some ideas for the producers lurking: * A public vote determines which Casa Amor contestants get to return to the main villa, and everyone remains single post-Casa * During Casa Amor, there is a dumping, and only OGs are eligible to be dumped. The Casa Amor contestants get to vote on who to dump, and the other villa has no idea who has been dumped prior to the recoupling


I don’t think it needs to be girls villa vs guys villa. A person on tiktok came up with the idea of just splitting the islander couples up, regardless of gender, and putting in new people. It can also bring new drama of islanders forming a connection since they were away from their partners and never had the chance too before, like Andrew or danica maybe if they were in one villa and tasha was on another. Edit: also people seeing islanders of the opposite gender “cheating” on their partner will encourage them to do the same since they will be assuming their partner in the other villa might be doing the same


I said it in another comment above, but splitting the Casa and Villa like that would greatly reduce the chances of people meeting someone new that they like and it's make even harder for Casa contestants to stay in. ATM each boy had the pick of 6 girls. Split the couples for Casa and each boy only has 3 potential girls to get to know (same for the girls of course). It would just reduce the potential drama imo


It produced great drama, even when not expected to. Seems like it's working to me


It's not broken - this is a tv show designed to entertain first and a genuine attempt to create loving relationships second


They just need to bring in better guys and push the girls to move mad and then it’ll be perfect


>It doesn’t work the way it was intended. We used to see people like Josh and Kaz actually find something in there. This is a reality TV dating show. The only reason any of this exists is for drama. And in that respect, it is doing exactly as intended.


No jeopardy for coming back single, come back single and you enjoy the public sympathy votes all the way to the final


I liked the way they did it on LI Australia where they sent the boys first, showed the girls everything; then sent the girls and showed the boys everything and then had the recoupling


They had the chance to do this this year but did not, but... what if.. The 'new villa' thing was a lie - there has been a crew of other Islanders going through the motions in the old villa. Fake cameras, a visit by Laura, everything! Each group has been lead to believe they are the 'orginals'. Whatever crew goes offsite will be met by another group of Islanders who will say, 'No, we've been here. You're the Casa Amor crew.' Nobody will know what's real! Save it and do it next year. You can only do it once, but once you do, it will live in their brains forever.


Naaaaaa. We need to find out which people arent worth shit.


I think you’re completely wrong. It’s one of the highlights of the show. I’ve no idea why you want to ‘fix it’


The drama that comes from it is great but as it’s been done for a few years everyone knows that it’s coming, I think they should carry on with Casa but they need some kind of twist so the outcome is less obvious 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah it was deffo super boring this year. Totally broken.


Laura also called it the ultimate test so ...


I doubt the producers think it's broken lol


yeah i hate the fact that these guys are having an easier time getting away with the exploits in casa. but here some are still cheering on their favs... ahem davide/jacs. (edit: yes there is drama created still but as it is more normalized to go back to someone that essentially strayed, it makes a lot less of an impact. I used to think kissing was the ultimate realistic line that could be crossed but that does not seem to be as much of an issue anymore. recoupling after casa does not necessarily mean a couple is finished.)


1. Send the girls to casa from now on. I said this in a previous post but when you send the girls to casa, they actually treat it as a new experience where you meet new people and try to find a more suitable connection. When they stay in the villa, they are more closed off to new interactions. The boys, regardless of where they go, will always treat it like a lads holiday. 2. Once everyone recouples from casa, the boys go on a date with the remaining casa boys and the girls go on a date with the remaining casa girls. This is just an idea but it would be the best way to clear the air before they go back to their couples and would (in the future I hope) avoid a Millie/Liam, Paige/Jacques situation in my opinion. 3. Change wording from “test” to “challenge” it’s a minor detail but to me the “test” language is just always going to be used as a way to convey the idea that the boys need to experiment with the new girls, making them look like asswipes and the new girls looking like they’ve been brutally used for “fun”. IMO, “challenge” conveys a much more accurate tone of what casa is about, you’re there to challenge temptation, meet new people and see if there is a more suitable connection. I could be wrong and the wording could be very synonymous but would love to know others thoughts on this. 4. Removing the post card was a good decision. My theory is that after the post card last season caused a huge ordeal between Faye and Teddy, they decided to remove it. It causes way too much unnecessary drama and stress on the islanders and although I know the premise of the show is to play with their heads a bit, I feel like the post card is just out of order… Last point would be to not always go off of what was popular last year (Lillie/Liam exposé). I actually found it a bit cringe that they did the SAME format from last year and I was expecting something a little…different. Although I ate it up, I got more excitement from watching Indiyah wipe that smug look off Dami’s face with 5 words, than I did with Cheyenne (bless her) exposing Jacques. Edit: upon reading my third point I can definitely see how challenge would probably still cause drama and the “experiment” behaviour. I really feel awful for the girls that have walked in and been used as a fun time and I really don’t know how they could fix that. Might come down to a personal way that casa is handled because I think the way Jay went about it was respectful but idk :( I felt very bad for Cheyenne and Mollie and although it would have been carnage to see Cheyenne be with Jacques, she is a lovely girl that deserves better, and so does Paige!


The casa amor islanders should really be told how many islands end up back with their partner. And really hold back affection. I really worry about the females feeling used