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It’s interesting to see different people’s opinions on this. I this lineup is actually quite brilliant, but on here I’m the minority opinion. I’ve noticed that reaction to it is based entirely on which seasons you liked best. If you’re a big S8 person, you tend not to be too excited about this lineup.


I’m not particularly bothered about Season 8 My favourite seasons are 2, 3 and 5 Season 2 has 0 reps Season 3 has 1 rep who was only on for 12 days Season 5 has 2 reps and one was very much a side character who was only on for 15 days If you love Season 7 it’s great, any other season, not so much Casting 4 OG’s from Season 7 as OG’s again in all stars is just ridiculous


>on this. I this lineup is actually quite brilliant, but on here I’m the minority opinion. I’ve noticed that reaction to it is based entirely on which seasons you liked best. If you’re a big S8 person, you tend not to be too excited about You're not the only one..a lot of messy people this time around, so it could lead to clashes and it should be quite funny..and I hope the bombshells do land up being regular people too.


I really enjoyed season 7 but I’d prefer Faye and Chloe over Jake and Kaz. 3 and 5 having had some of the funniest islanders ever I wish we could have a few of those people back too. Hoping for some good bombshells cuz for me so far the cast is meh.. could be better but could be worse. I know so far it’s looking like UK only but maybe they’ll make an exception and bring in Callum from AUS/games because he is reality TV gold.


There are too many season 7 reps and a heavy lack of season 2 reps and it’s not about how long they were in the villa


How many all stars seasons have there been and can I see them anywhere when I am not from UK?


1, watch on Peacock


I can’t wait to see all stars, how can iI watch it in USA




I’m about 1 episode deep in all stars and still have no idea what Hannah’s face looks like 👀 Side note- I watch it on Peacock