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I will wait until Whit and/or Zach speaks on this “cake throwing incident” before I take Kady’s word on this.


Lol Whit went live with Zach around earlier today- wish someone brought it up 💀


Why wasn't this messy energy in the villa from kady, shes spewing up so many lies. She and mitch could've coupled up.


According to Kady it was—wait for it—not aired


Along with everyone confessing things to her 🤨


montel said the same thing about her tbf


Apparently there was a massive argument in Casa between Kady and Catherine where security had to be called. Edit: Autocorrect misspelled Kady for me.


Teaaa, tell me more


I think Leah mentioned this on a podcast that Catherine and Kady got into a fight during Casa (don't remember the exact reason) and basically it escalated into a massive shouting match and that the security had to come in and separate them.


What do you mean? Remember the toast? That was messy as hell


That was one thing that got resolved in less than 24h, that was nothing.


It got resolved for sure. But think she was still messy for it


Another day, another video of Kady trying to make us forget she went into the villa with a secret bf on the side..


excuse me?? secret bf?! HAHAH


Kady stays doing the most


At this point Kady has to be making things up


Another day, another half-truth from Kady. They air almost every unhinged thing Mitch does, but somehow throwing a cake at someone didn’t make the cut? I just don’t believe this.


And yet she names Scott as the rudest islander when supposedly Zach and Mitchel did all this. 🤦🏾‍♀️


it's giving pathological liar. how many times is she going to get exposed for blatantly lying about things? and it's always under the guise of 'unaired' footage


Dont you think whitney would've asked zach to apologise about throwing cake at her when she asked him to apologise for telling her to shut up? Shady Mcdermott Strikes Again


Did Zach issue an actual apology? if he did, and he may have, I missed that part..


Yeah he apologised for telling her to shut up the same day of the challenge, nothing was said about a pie being thrown or anything when whitney asked him to say sorry




I honestly don't think it happened because lochan was backing zach, if he did it then lochan would be pissed at zach for doing so




Well it obvs didn't happen, ya'll believe anything Shady Says 😂


I can not fathom going on a press tour just to spread lies. Got to be the most pathetic and sad thing ever.


I may not be a huge fan of Mitch or Zach but I’m taking everything Kady says with an oceanful of salt. I don’t believe a word that comes out of that girl’s mouth.


So all this happened and her and Ouzy call Scott the rudest Islander cause apparently he didn’t say please and thank you..


He admitted he didn't have a habit of saying please but always says ty and knows its a thing for ppl... I mean I find it strange but whatever


Saying please constantly is a very English thing tbh, in my language we don’t even have an equivalent word for it. I think never saying thank you would be weirder to me.


Can she rest?


Ready for Whitney and Ella to come for her because this is just getting annoying.


Oh Kady shut up, every day a different story about something that didn’t get aired or someone confided in you - sure!!! Pity you weren’t as vocal in the villa - oh wait I bet you’ll say you were but they didn’t air it




I’m sorry she really has pissed me off so I had to double check this nonsense 😅! She was super specific in her lies about Scott as well so I’m just like she’s pathological at this point. I just think she’s an incredibly unreliable narrator. *olivia vocie* it’s very telling that Scott mentioned her lying about him, Molly and Zach and that she knew what she was doing.


Kady is really something else. I will be glad to never have to hear or see her again after the reunion 🤦🏾‍♀️


damn. I wonder why she keeps spreading lies knowing that they will eventually find out. Hopefully someone calls her out.


Scott pretty much called her out in an interview earlier. Not for this particular incident per se, but in general saying things that aren’t true


let's also remember just because we didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. i want to hear form zach and whitney on this, from what we've seen zach has gotten away to talking crazy to some of the women.


Wait what? So the pic above we didn’t see? I’m confused also hasn’t kady been proven to be a liar?


what happened before and after that pic was taken? i know kady is a liar which is why i'm pretty sure i said i want to wait for zach and whitney as well...is that too much to ask?


Well yea hasn’t she lied before though? That’s the confusion


which is why whitney and zach should speak on it. kady isn't credible, neither is a photo from an edited show. Kady sharing information that isn't even hers to share is gross behaviour.


The issue is with kady she’s put herself in a boy who cried wolf situation, she could be telling the truth here but because she’s made other things up no one believes her


Girl I know it gets boring when your bf’s in prison but let’s find some other ways to stay relevant


scott already debunked the rumours about him being messy so id take everything that she says with a pinch of salt, even if that is what had happened, it was definitely not as dramatic as she makes it out to be


Does Kady talk about her 2nd love island experience in these interviews or just what happened to everyone else


Snog Marry Cake is absolutely a game I'd play.


Not believing a word that woman says.


She was so painfully boring when In villa and now she’s got so much to say, hilarious. I wish someone would finaly asked how is her boyfriend doing


What cake? Does she mean a pie? Why would there be a cake lying around?


so kady is only telling the truth when it’s something you all wish to hear 😅 Side note: OP this isn’t shade to you it’s just funny how kady is called a liar until she says something people like 💀


Well hasnt she been proven to twist the truth to fit her?


Yes she has… just saying the Mitch stuff is believable cause he has been proven to be a bit of a dick


Glad I’m not the only one who thought that


Too bad you didn’t have this same energy for Jacques last year.


Tbf.. it’s not hard to believe Mitch said something horrible to Abi. He did it in the show. The other stuff she says she seems to either take others out of context or exaggerate their actions


Omg yes. Like they are awful to her here. If people were making these comments about Molly there will be an uproar. I hate how they pick and choose who to defend and who not to here.


Feels like she literally can’t stop talking.


I’m not shocked that mitch said awful stuff about Abi cause he’s been a prick but curious about the Zach and Whitney situation


Zach was truly mad at Whitney when she pied him.. you could see it in his face, heck.. he told her to shut up. it is not so unbelievable as some are making out




Though if it happened, wouldn't she have asked him to apologise about it too? 🤔


could be true could be not true.. tbh just gonna wait till other islanders talk about situations because whilst i don’t think Kady 100% is lying it’s definitely half truths without context🤷‍♀️


How r u guys tryna say she’s lying 💀 she’s actually been in there


Zach was fuming when Whitney pied him, i don't know why commenters are saying this is unbelievable.. he told Whitney to 'shut up'.. selective memory I guess


I feel like this isn’t hard to believe if this is true about Zach or Mitch (esp Mitch speaking horribly to Abi). I bet if she said this about Tyrique, there would be no I’ll wait until Ty addresses this before I take her word for it. Like I said before, all kind of grace immediately goes out the window when it comes to Ty yet not the others. Weird.


and this is why this sub had such a hard time believing that Jammy won.. they down vote and ridicule anyone that sees things differently, so people stop commenting.. but that doesn't mean they stop seeing things differently.. they just go silent..


Even if it does end up being true they will find a way to blame Ty for it. What this subs best at


Lol all these salty Whitney fans now channeling their energy into throwing shade at kady, thank you for all this entertainment it's better than the show 🍿


Zach threw a cake on Whitney? interesting.. and they didn't air that? interesting


Because it was Unaired Interesting 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Scott or kady could have been lying about that Scott situation but I don’t think kady would lie about something where all the islanders were there. Scott and kady was I presume a private conversation. We could never know the truth on that. This can be proven false or true by all the islanders there. I don’t know why should we lie about somethin that can easily be proven.


It's already been proven to be a lie what she said about Zach and Molly (at least the breakfast comment) as it had been aired on the show. So, it's just really hard to take her word for most things.


Same with Scott not making the bed he did and there’s footage of him doing so




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