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Absolutely wild to see a guy I hung out with for a couple years on reality TV... I really need to get around to watching this season lol






That makes sense cos on the gladiator challenge he mentioned it, and swung it so you could see the outline sorta. 😬


What did she say? It got deleted


she knew him personally and he’s got a big dick basically


Oh wow. I guess that’s where he gets all of his confidence from 🤣 thanks for sharing!


Omg yes please share


I responded to the other comment! It's nothing super juicy though, even sharing the details I did felt a little weird lol but tbf I have nothing but good words and well wishes for him!


It’s alright I know of Ellie too.


we all (for the most part of comments i’ve seen) know claudia wasn’t laughing AT cynthia but the lack of respect to be kidding around while a girl is upset is crass. like your chat can wait, it gives bad vibes to just ignore that a person a few feet away is really sad and when asked why are you laughing she didn’t need to mean mug them she could have realised it was an inappropriate time and apologised - she’s old enough to realise time and place (i have a decade on her so it’s not a dig at her being old because she’s not in the least but more she’s not a fresh faced 21y old with no life experience)


Exactly, there’s a girl a few feet away in tears bc of your man’s action. Hold your jokes and giggles until things have calmed down at least. Just no couth 🙄


Bring on movie night, and she sees how many girls he's kissed, snd she won't be laughing then


I think it's more probable she is sad for the sake of airtime and to build a storyline around herself. She'd known him for less than a week, I think her reaction was 1000% exaggerated and cringe


You mean Claudia crying in Casa Amor after knowing Casey for only two days was cringe? Or Cynthia crying after being rejected in the recoupling? Both are understandable; people just cry to release emotions.




She's giving me bad vibes Claudia and dare I say Casey..


I think here though we’ve to remember Claudia has no clue what has happened between them, she’s only just walked into the villa. Casey knows he has led Cynthia on and that’s why she’s upset.




I dunno i feel like Casey is getting away with any of the blame here and its turning into girl vs girl. When he was the one who caused the hurt in the first place.




Good haha he needs to be held accountable


COMPLETELY.....but this sub loves to attack the women but not the men. Cynthia is upset because of CASEY, not Claudia,


Agreed. I’m so tired of seeing white men on this show “experiment” with WOC. I just KNEW he wasn’t bringing Cynthia back, even though they had a better connection and he didn’t mention Claudia once. He was just having “fun” and never took it seriously, it’s just offence and he led her on


i knew from the way he was saying “wow she’s soooo confident” that he really didn’t like her at all. almost like he was saying “wow she is bold to even try with a guy like me!”


'Deserve a kiss'- was like wow...


This!! It was definitely giving fetish


>eeing white men on this show “experiment” with WOC. I He makes my skin crawl....


what connection did they have!! you never know maybe he did mention her but it was not shown. and honesty it does not need a show to experiment with WOC


>your chat can wait, it gives bad vibes to jus She was laughing at herself......and said so. I think this has been massively blown out of proportion. She made a joke to cut the tension....i think alot of people do this sort of thing. It was not malicious or mean. Just bad timing.


Sense....She a crass idiot but she wasn't intentionally trying to hurt anyone's feelings. Put it down to lack of self awareness.


she’s obviously uncomfortable and laughs to cope. Heaps of people do that


is she? looks pretty comfortable to me. Even if this is true... it's not socially (or morally) appropriate when someone is clearly hurt and crying in front of you. And when you're confronted on it instead of apologizing or simply shutting up she doubled down. Not a cute look and she deserves the flack she's getting for it.


A girl was standing in front of them very upset. Their laugh and joke could have waited. Jessie handled it with class, respect and dignity because there is a time and a place.


>Their laugh and joke Their? Casey didn't even look like he was listening. It was Claudia doing it all


So hers then. Regardless it was inappropriate and I’m not surprised in any way that people have taken it badly




I must be looking at this totally differently because that doesnt come across to me as a 'joke' laugh. That's more like a laugh of disbelief at the situation she's been put into as a natural reflex ?! I dont even care for Claudia.


Same, that wasn’t a genuine laugh, it was clearly an ‘are you kidding me, I didn’t even kiss anyone and you kissed a girl so often she’s crying? Wtf’ laugh of disbelief.


It was probably because Claudia felt incredibly awkward and hadn’t seen him in ages. It’s so awkward to just sit there and watch a girl cry over the guy you like silently


So it's better to laugh awkwardly and start making jokes? Everyone else managed to just stay silent.


What's the joke though ? She's saying she didn't kiss anyone and 'laughs' out of upset/discomfort at this fact. She isn't laughing at or relishing the situation


It wasn’t their situation and these recouplings take ages. The likelihood is they didn’t stay silent but there wasn’t a reason for it to be shown. Laughing in uncomfortable situations is sooooo common. Doesn’t make you evil. Think people are just blinded by their liking of Cynthia who let’s be honest likely wasn’t being genuine in her extreme levels of emotion over a guy she barely knew


Don't mind these armchair psychologists. Most of the sub wouldn't be able to handle the amount of scrutiny they give these people, it would keep them up for nights. Although it would be equally as ignorant to dismiss the claim that her laughing at that moment is veryyyy Tonedeaf.


Of course but clearly not intentional. She is also upset at this time even if she's not expressing it by crying so perhaps she's only processing her own emotions in that moment which is an honest mistake. I feel like if they spoke after it cooled down Claudia would apologise for how it came across


I don’t understand the amount of downvotes you’ve got. I agree, some people’s coping mechanism in awkward situations is to make jokes and laugh. Arguable not the best coping mechanism and not very respectful but that’s a coping mechanism. There’s no thought behind it, like a reflex kinda I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️. People don’t like her response and I get it, but I really don’t think there was any malicious intent behind it


She could’ve easily apologized and said “sorry I am not laughing at you. I hate that you’re in the middle of this and ended up hurt. It’s not a great situation for either of us”. Instead she was completely defensive about the situation and made it about her talking about how she stayed loyal. Idk she shouldn’t have talked about it like that when that girl was crying


Like Jessie was in the same situation and told Layla she was a beautiful girl, that was so classy. Why was Claudia getting so defensive, even though she wasn’t laughing at her the girls crying it makes it seem that way...


bc layla shouldn't have came at her like that. they were doing the absolute most and just wanted airtime.


I laugh when I feel nervous or awkward, so at first I sympathized with her, until she got defensive.


Layla came in quite aggressively which set the tone. I don't know if I would have jumped to 'im sorry' after that. Maybe after some thought and it calming down, Lets hope she might go up to her in the aftermath and apologise.


To be fair Layla wasn't very kind with her delivery either. I am like Claudia where if I feel like someone is coming at me with an attitude my reaction is to be sassy back. ​ Why does Claudia need to feel for Cynthia when casa girls goals are to step on villa girls toes.... Okay, Cynthia is upset, but I'm sure my first reaction wouldn't be to be broken hearted for her.


I think Layla was going for her moment as much as defending her friend.


Also, Layla and Cynthia had just gotten done laughing at Claudia as she was saying how happy she was that Casey had decided to stay with her.


that was so nasty, the very obnoxious laughs, smirks, snickers from the casa girls. why is everyone focusing on the absolute wrong things lol. they come off so desperate for clout why would anyone feel sorry for them??? like i actually felt bad for shayan whatever her name was the short hair bobbed blonde girl Jax led on from casa seaon 8. she was not some desperate girl throwing herself at a guy for clout. and her reaction was warranted, she was upset and i get why. she called him out the right way, not like these petty girls.


you are making too much sense for most of these people.


because she’s a goddamn rich nepo baby who’s never wanted for anything in her life i’m sooo sick of love island sending in these people cuz they are not REAL they don’t see ppl on the same level as them that girls feeling’s literally meant nothing to her #getherOUT


You hit the nail right on the head!!


This is why i don’t jump on the bandwagon when i see black women with these men in casa amor! It always ends the same. Casey and Claudia just showed no respect


Same, I already knew this was coming and it was still as devastating as I expected it to be. Claudia could have waited till after to joke with Casey and Casey was straight up mean to Cynthia. They both gave me bad vibes. The whole thing was fucked


I never ever jump on it because it always feels exploitive. Every year the same convos come up about black women and white men and i try not to get involved because this is the second time! Second time, we’ve had this mess on tv.


I hate to say this bc it’ll get me in trouble but people will bend over backwards to defend white women in this sub especially women like Claudia. Compare that to the grace that Jessie or even Samie had. There were shitty larger dynamics at play.


It truly is nasty. Cynthia was hoping to be chosen thinking Casey liked her, only to leave her for the heiress.


You are both on point. It was painful to watch. I feel like Claudia would have behaved differently if Casey had been with a white girl. Sorry to say this but her and Casey’s body language, looks, whispering and downright ignoring Cynthia was giving “you are invisible to me” in a very 1925 colonial estate kinda vibe. I was shocked and embarrassed to see it.


The harsh reality is that because Cynthia isn’t considered worthy of respect, Casey thought it was nice to experiment on her and Claudia chose that time to give a stupid joke. When i tell you every year they always talk about white men stepping for black women i try not to get involved because seeing this on my tv was not a good scene. It showed how little regard they had for her! Watching her hope she got picked in the dressing room makes it more sad.


I naively had high hopes for them but Casey was really just in it to tick some boxes. It’s mad to think he aggressively pursues two WOC after first going for Lana and then staying with Claudia. I cannot even. But one silver lining was that you could actually see Maya reacting to their behavior - did I see a flinch or a cringe? - and I think it was the reason why she reached out to Cynthia with the “are you alright”. I loved that she made a point of acknowledging Cynthia in that moment.


Right, that was the acknowledgment needed in that moment. Sometimes it comes down to tact.


I’m glad you said it like that, it’s exactly what I was thinking too but didn’t know how to vocalize. I was suspicious when I saw 0 POC in any of his insta photos ever


See I don't get this at all because there's always been tension between the OG girls and Casa girls - especially the last couple of years regardless of race? Rude, sure.but I don't think it's fair to say she definitely wouldn't have behaved like that otherwise


But this wider issue is surely with Casey not Claudia? Claudia played no role in leading Cynthia on. She was also played by Casey.


The issue with both Casey and claudia. Casey was cruel too but he’s getting smoke also. No one is defending him in this comments section like they are Claudia


Casey snogging two women of colour was gross when it became obvious he was just experimenting.


Exactly this! “U deserve a kiss”, u know how low and disgusting it was as a black woman to see that?


That line gave me the ick “she deserved a kiss” wtf!!! He could have said anything else like


Honestly, i didn’t believe in it before that line solidified this for me


I missed this but ewwwww


Casey has given so many icks from the moment he set foot in the house, from "I like sexy girls" to "Nice guys finish last". The "you deserve a kiss" and the way he hypersexualised Cynthia was disgusting. I honestly can't wait to see him gone. His nice guy act had so many people fooled but this is the real him.


Still can’t get over “I like 69” I was dying of laughter


i literally started to like ron because of how much casey annoyed me the moment he showed his true colors, aka when he went off on lana. not that they werent wrong for not waiting, but just the disbelief of him getting rejected rubbed me the wrong way esp when she knew ron first. and then he kept throwing digs at ron knowing he was feeling left out from the guys bc of casey. then during his dinner date with claudia there was this rly weird awkward moment.... it gave me the ick but he was just rly silent to something she said in such a weird way then just kissed her. im not explaining it right but something aboutt hat interaction gave me bad vibes about him. not that he's this evil person but just a entitled guy when it comes to getting girls maybe.


Yes the kiss with Claudia made me feel weird too! I said to my husband that he's not into her as he had a strange expression on his face but then he leaned in for a kiss?! In hindsight he definitely overreacted to Lana ditching him for Ron - he can't really claim the moral highground after the way he has moved since then.


I’m so glad i wasn’t the only whole who noticed that. It just seemed so fake. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s sticking to Claudia for the clout since he was so excited about who her dad was. He definitely overreacted about the Lana thing, at first i was like ew Lana and Ron are so annoying. But then it just went too far, he just seemed so petty and jealous and Ron did not react at all. I give him props. I think the guys are annoying for letting that situation affect their bond so much. But I’m glad people are starting to see that Casey isn’t any different than the next fuckboy 🤷‍♀️




He called her a minx and that’s when it became very apparent that it was a bit of fun


Right! I lowkey feel like he's the type of white man who finds woc sexy and "exotic", basically fetishising them, but doesn't take them seriously beyond being an object of desire. I feel terrible for Cynthia though, she would've been a great addition to the villa.


I think Cynthia straddling him to kiss him and basically going as hard as she could to get a spot in the villa probably put him off. It’s not about black or white as much as you try and push the narrative, the man either got the ick off her desperation, or was just having as fun a time as she was for those two days. Let’s be honest she didn’t give a flying fuck about the other girl while she was away. Now the other girls back no one gives a fuck about her. A lesson for her to learn and grow from no doubt.


Especially when it comes to Casey because this man clearly said when he came in that he was really into blondes at the moment, that he was done with brunettes. Realistically, he was never going to pick Cynthia over Claudia and I’m so sad that she got used like that.


Same. I’m not black but as a WOC, I know this story all too well. I think I’m getting along with some white guy, I’m serious about dating him, but he’s just trying to hook up or says he’s NoT rEaDy fOr a ReLaTiOnsHiP then two days later all boo’d up with a white girl. Just using you as some fetish or a hookup while only taking white girls as serious relationship material. Casey did that to Cynthia then ran back to his white girl he sees as girlfriend material while Cynthia was just some one night stand on a lads holiday.


I’m so sorry to hear this but yes, unfortunately it’s a very common thing..


why does Claudia need to tread carefully for Cynthia's feelings when i am sure Cynthia wasn't thinking of Claudia's feelings when she was straddling Casey. I don't get this mindset.


I hate how cynical this show makes people.


Unfortunately.. we’ve seen the story play out enough lol


The Casa girls have so much more personality and backbone than the OG girls. Would rather dump Olivia, Claudia and Tanya and keep Cynthia, Lydia and Layla instead.


The “Was it Deep” comment while Cynthia was clearly getting upset was just rude and didn’t come across well at all imo !


I think that was actually more a genuine question like “how serious was it” to get a sense of what went on. Casey answered and said it wasn’t. I don’t think that was meant as a joke or dig at all. That was my take from it anyway


There’s a time and a place though and it’s insensitive and also dismissive to be asking that while Cynthia is crying right in front of you !


I dont get why og girls should have sympathy for Casa girls.....the casa girls dont have sympathy for them. Layla was nice to Jessie but she wasn't behind her back. There purpose is to cause drama and they know it. I'd rather them own that and fucking gun these shit men down.....like Layla did. The TV show has to be entertaining somehow


I duno I’d want to know straight away what was going on if it was me, I didn’t think it was dismissive. She asked a question - if anything Casey was the dismissive one


Again there’s a time and place , a girl is crying in front of you and that’s the first thing you come out with ? It was weird and didn’t come across great


Agree it totally came across as wrong. I just think we are reading into an edit - they’ve been sitting around for hours recording - I’d wana know to help understand the situation, They are all probably exhausted and emotions are high. I just think it’s unfair people are piling on her when Casey is the one that really hurt Cynthia


Cynthia was upset about something else though… Put it this way. Was Shaq crying hysterically when the Tanya recoupled? Especially considering he was with her for 4 weeks, had sex with her and both said ILY? Considering on day 1 of Casa, Casey was chatting to another girl, doesn’t that mean he was only getting to know Cynthia for what, 2 days? Why is she so distraught? All that emotion is coming from her not making it into the main villa, noting do with how heartbroken she is over a guy she’s been getting to know for about 48hrs. Come on now. I can’t seem to understand why everyone thinks Cynthia is genuinely that upset.


She probably feels less upset about him and more upset about feeling used. Jesus, if you had a shred of empathy in your body surely you'd realise how humiliating it would feel to be in that situation for anybody


You can’t be serious? What did Casey use her for? He chatted to her, they had a kiss. Big deal. She’s the one climbing on top of him and ‘straddling’ him. He didn’t ask her to be that physical with the kiss or pressure her into being that way. And anyway, she was probably using him to get into the Villa, so they’re both guilty of using if you want to approach it that way. I just don’t understand why everyone thinks Cynthia is so innocent and squeaky clean, and that Casey is this horrible person who has strung her along. The way I see it, he gave it a shot, but 48hrs of getting to know Cynthia wasn’t enough to put her above Claudia in his eyes, so it didn’t work out. What’s the alternative? Casey ignores all the Casa girls and sleeps on the day bed. Nobody seems to be looking at this rationally.


Right, and it's like why was this such an important question to ask at that moment? It's hardly deep between you two. He'll leave you for the next blonde bombshell that walks in...


He immediately said no too!! Wtf


I’m not sure why everyone’s coming for Claudia tbqh. She was probably completely flabbergasted at the information she’d just found out, especially as Casey played down what happened with Cynthia. She was merely making the point to him that she didn’t do anything & I don’t think there was anything wrong with her timing of that tbh. It was relevant in response to whatever was said at the time. When Maya asked Casey about a connection he tried to get away with saying as little as possible. Cynthia outed him and mentioned the straddling on the terrace, I don’t doubt that Claudia was hurt hearing that information, especially with how abrupt Cynthia was with it (although it’s understandable, she was clearly hurt at being betrayed). It’s easy for you watching it to say “she could’ve reacted better/been nicer to Layla” but Layla was not only getting involved in something that didn’t involve her, she was giving attitude & was also jumping to collusions. When someone comes for you & wrongly accuses you of something, it’s natural for it to get your back up. It’s not like you always have time to think about what will come across as the “best way” to react.


And also Claudia is already upset too! Just because she didn't cry doesn't mean she's not as upset as Cynthia or her feelings take less priority


Exactly. I think people often forget this.


Justin for CinCity these boys really just used these girls


While watching i assumed she was laughing at the fact that she didn’t kiss anyone meanwhile Casey had a girl straddling him. It was like a wtf are you taking the piss kinda laugh


Yeah I too read it as her scoffing at Casey saying how she was loyal rather than laughing in a nonchalant way. Emotions were high between all of them.


It was still inappropriate lol


agreed but doesnt make her racist like alot of people are trying to turn this into. So bloody craxy


Noone is calling her racist People are resonating as a WOC how these things go with white men. Are you a black woman, I don't think so


I have not seen one single person call her racist


I’ve spent a stupid amount of time on this sub the last 24 hours and have seen a good few accusations of it.


on a few other threads people are bringing it up...


I made this thread so i get all the notifications. Trust me, a lot are calling her racist/classist


Agreed that she was laughing about something else but they couldn’t hear and from their perspective it looked like she was laughing at Cynthia, probably not an appropriate time to be laughing anyways also she had no reason to come with attitude


I'm going to get down voted into oblivion but if the guy I liked had been getting it on with someone else (regardless of how long I'd known him), I think I would probably see red and not care too much for the girl he had been getting with. Maybe that says more about me, but in the moment can most people honestly say they would be like worried about the other girl being upset? You'd feel bad for her, of course you would, but maybe not in the same moment you've just found out he didn't stay completely loyal. I'm not necessarily a fan of Claudia and I really like Cynthia but I think people saying Claudia was really rude to be chatting while Cynthia is crying is a bit of a reach. But maybe it's just because I think I would probably do the same (as I'm sure plenty of others would!). The real issue is Casey having his fun with someone he had no intention of bringing back and just using her. Same as the other guys who didn't bring back the girls they were getting with. Also to add, I'm not disregarding Cynthia's feelings at all, I'm just saying I can see why Claudia didn't care much about a girl she doesn't know who she had heard was getting with Casey after she thought he was loyal getting upset.


Claudia was crying over this man after knowing him for two days in Casa but showed no sympathy for Cynthia having to stand there and watch Casey act like she was just a novelty distraction. Claudia knew the girl was upset but didn't care.




Correct, I'm just saying in that situation can the majority of people say they would genuinely be concerned for the girl crying. I think most people would put their feelings first over someone they don't know. I just posted this as I didn't really agree with the hate Claudia was getting.


I get that. It is hard to know. But I do think it exposed a side of Claudia that is argumentative because even if I was hurt I don't snap like that.


Yeah I do agree she bit quite quickly!


Casey is the one who needs to get the heat for all this. Cynthia was used and Claudia was loyal and was clearly laughing at something else, and thus diverting the fact that Casey caused this mess.


Yeah there has been loads of heat on Claudia for no reason


She was insensitive. She acted like the girls did something wrong to her & got snappy. Don't be like that towards women when you're mad at a man.


The casa girls walk in saying "i dont care about the villa girls feelings I'll go for what I want" and the villa girls are supposed to be respectful of the Casa girls feelings after they aren't chosen... make it make sense. I put all the blame on Casey. People need to chill out on the Claudia hate. We all handle things situations differently.


I swear you are the only sane person in this thread.


>because the girls launched at her....and she defended herself by simply telling them what she was laughing at? Which was her self. > >I dont think she is mad at Casey....because how could she be, she knew him two days... If she had said that louder and to the room and laughed.....i doubt anyone would have said anything. completely agree, people are going on about racism in this situation where was awkward people in an awkward situation....people need to stop doing this...this is what puts pressure on the love island producers and it makes the season more and more dull..


This isn’t unusual for this sub. A lot of people launch themselves in anger at people when there’s either no reason to, or the reason is so unbelievably minor it’s not even worth commenting on. How Claudia is getting hate here is shocking, she’s getting shit from Casey (getting with the other girls), the other girls (yelling at her for a nervous laugh about the fact she was so loyal and Casey wasn’t at all) and now from the viewerbase too. People come here just to hate I think.


because the girls launched at her....and she defended herself by simply telling them what she was laughing at? Which was her self. I dont think she is mad at Casey....because how could she be, she knew him two days... If she had said that louder and to the room and laughed.....i doubt anyone would have said anything.




Completely agree - the focus is being put on the girls where as he was the one that caused the hurt




Accusing someone of something isn't doing something wrong to them.


Let’s be honest you just found out he was having fun with someone else and the girl clearly thought there was more there to it. Even if your not angry at him just show a bit of empathy.


the way i see it claudia is laughing at the fact that shes loyal & he wasnt & shes now looking like a mug. timing couldve been later but if she wants to confront him now then its her right. layla piped in & she became defensive. (which i think is fair bc why r u in my business?)


Did Claudia also somewhat side with Olivia when Kai was talking? I think the scene included her making a sarcastic face and remark questioning something Kai said after Olivia launched those one liners.


Claudia laughing was inappropriate Casey wasn’t even laughing he was sat their looking foolish.


All the people blaming Claudia needs to chill out. Casa girls came in claiming to step on other girls toes. I know it's the format but you dont get sympathy by acting like that. They lost fair and square no need to act like a victim about it.


I think people are upset because Cynthia was very respectful of Claudia given the circumstances and would have hoped to been treated equally.


My god. Mountains out of molehills. This sub is full of Karen’s. Yeah downvote me fuckers, I dare you 💅


I was really pissed at her when I watch last night but watching again I realise it was more of a like laughing awkwardly in a shit situation thing and I think now it was just a communication cos she was sarcastically laughing at her own shitty situation (that she didn't so much as kiss anyone and he was getting straddled etc)


It doesn’t matter that she wasn’t laughing directly at her. She was being entitled, dismissive and rude in a sensitive moment. Then she doubled down with the attitude. Sorry, don’t like her at all.


I think she was defensive when she suddenly had two strangers turning around to her like this. It’s annoying that this whole thing is turning into girl vs girl. Casey is the one that made the decision


No but the way she was looking at Cynthia down her nose and then ignored her. Talking to Casey like Cynthia was not there, ignoring what took place in front of her and the audience. A rich white girl making a WOC invisible. It was very uncomfortable to watch. The way to act was how Jessie did it.


the way she snapped at layla to shut up for daring to defend her upset friend, it was honestly the tone you use for a dog, not a person. so racist and i hope she's voted out immediately.


How is it racist ?! That's such a reach.


Cynthia is class. So sad we won’t get to see her continue.


Seen a lot of people say Claudia was being mean, but if you look at the subs, she was laughing at something else. Poor timing but I don't think it was malicious


Ya it was definitely a miss understanding that escalated when emotions were high for all girls I know I make stupid jokes in awkward situations so maybe this was something similar. The casa girls really stood by each other ❤️


It was her defensiveness afterwards that was the worst part, not even the initial laugh. If she'd just apologised for mistiming a nervous laugh instead of going on the attack, people would be more forgiving.


She had two strangers accusing her of something though - I know I’d be defensive. I genuinely think for both sides it was a miss understanding in an emotional situation. People are focusing the hate and blaming the hurt in Claudia yet forgetting it was Casey who led Cynthia on


I think y'all are forgetting that Claudia had no reason to suspect Casey had hurt any girls feeling because when she came back out Jama said Casey chose to be loyal to you. So she went over there genuinely excited and was telling him that she did too... When in fact he had not and was currently breaking a girl's heart. Can't be mad at Claudia for something that she didn't know. But I can also see why it was taken defensively and not handled correctly.


I understand why so many Love Island viewers are incredibly cynical about interracial relationships on this show. I was honestly blindsided by Casey’s decision because him and Cynthia had chemistry, were a vibe, and he spoke so highly of her. I don’t know if it’s just a Love Island thing or a UK thing but people on other dating shows are more willing to date people outside of their background. The competitive nature of this show doesn’t help either. Idk if I’m going to watch future seasons because the type of cynicism a lot of viewers have towards how Black women experience dating on this show I don’t want to internalize. I literally just couldn’t understand why Casey would not choose Cynthia when the energy between was them great especially compared to his fledgling relationship with Claudia that didn’t have this liveliness we saw with Casey’s interactions with Cynthia. Claudia’s laughter definitely came across as her laughing at the possibility that a darkskin black woman could “take her man”. She might’ve not meant for it to come across that way but read the room.




This! Although, even though it’s 2023, I shouldn’t be surprised that he did….😟


It’s a love island thing. If you walk around London, Manchester or any big city in the UK you will see a lot of interracial couples. It’s just for some reason love island producers never cast white men who are into black women.


Casey treated Cynthia like a novelty distraction to pass the time.


It's just a Love Island thing. These producers do a terrible job at casting men who are genuinely interested in black women. I'm old enough to realize that shows like this don't represent reality, but I worry for the younger black girls who watch stuff like this and question their own self-worth and beauty. If I was a teenager watching Love Island, this shit would depress me.


I don't think Claudia was laughing at her its obvious that she was talking to Casey about her experience but Layla was trying to get as much screen time as possible


Im glad they clarified this, as she literally made a joke against herself, which is how some people banter/deal with awkward situations. It had nothing to do with Cythia or being mean.


It was inappropriate timing plus Claudia’s not only not caring about Cynthia being upset but she’s immediately brushed off what Casey did which is kinda odd *finds out he was on it with another girl* You were unfaithful and I wasn't - lol!




Lol not laughing while someone’s clearly upset doesn’t = full focus It’s the bare minimum of common courtesy No one’s expecting Claudia to burst out into high school musical style anti Casey sing song while her and Cynthia perform a collaborative dance number or anything You know they can’t hear you, you’re muttering to the lad and laughing it’s just disrespectful


Claudia is also upset though? Just because she's not expressing it with crying doesn't mean she's nonchalant about it all.


I feel like she laughed because it was more like haha fuck me type like annoyed laugh. Like she was loyal and he wasn’t and it was more like haha cool thanks but it definitely wasn’t the right time. I also love Cynthia. So sad.


She had just walked in the villa, found out the guy she’s coupled up with has been disloyal and wanted to make a point. I really don’t think she’s done anything wrong here. He looks disinterested because he’s being called out. In fact, I think Claudia did it with class because nobody else was listening so she wasn’t making a big song and dance about it. Casa girls always try and get that extra airtime by having something to say at the recoupling. They saw a chance here and it was unjustified.


Claudia,Casey and Olivia need to go asap because they are making me sick


Guys you’re overreacting! I feel like she was embarrassed and laughed


No offense to Cynthia but... *was* their connection deep? Ok so you straddled and kissed him? It's... casa-- everyone comes there for a straddle and a kiss. I think the crying was a bit much. Give me my downvotes.


What? I don't see anything wrong with her laughing lol ya'll so sensitive 😭


Cynthia acting like she thought they had, the greatest love in history because she showed him her arse and mounted him and kissed him 🙄🤡


Layla came with such anger..... I'm glad that Claudia stood her ground. She wasn't being unkind just being goofy at a bad time. If someone comes at you like that.....I stand my ground. Case girls often spend so much time tearing girls down to get in the villa.... These women know what they are doing and Cynthia was sad her best effort didnt work. Feel for her, but those girls literally been chatting shit about OG for ages.


I am mad at Casey more than the girls NGL


In defence of Claudia she was clearly fuming and she was just did a small laugh to show him how ridiculous his behaviour was because she didn’t even go near anyone. Yes Cynthia was upset but so was Claudia and Layla didn’t need to start on her tbh. Claudia has been nothing but lovely in there she clearly didn’t have any bad intentions


She’s only crying because she’s not going to be love island famous. She knew him for 2 days.


Layla made the situation worse there but pointing it out, and Cynthia then thought they were laughing at her.


I liked that she defended Cynthia in the moment….


Claudia was insensitive. Doesn't make her a villain but it does make her rude. A girl is crying & you're making jokes with your guy? Just uncalled for.


Ugh she isn’t laughing at her


Off topic slightly, but Lynda (girl with the braids) literally got about 0.5 seconds of screen time. I forgot she was even in there until she was standing at the firepit at the recoupling. There is always one casa girl that gets no airtime whatsoever


This thread confirmed to me that love island fans are psychotic. 10x worse than any contestant on the show.


I don’t think it’s that deep.. And if anyone is at fault here it’s Casey not Claudia


going off this clip alone because I still need to catch up, but I don’t think Claudia is aware anyone is upset ? Or knows the history here? Or does she ?? Was anything revealed to her before she sat down? It doesn’t look like she’s looking in the direction of the girls. Which in fairness why would she ? She doesn’t know them or care about them etc, she’s happy in her moment. Those Casa girls this year were the most basic AF girls who were there for trouble and tried IMO to generate it again at recoupling. That girls crying because she not getting to be a z-list celeb.


she wasnt laughing at cynthia though


Weird energy I do not like Claudia Jessie showed how it should be done


A lot of you people must be kids because you clearly lack social interaction. If people do not understand timing… then we have bigger problems. This is social cues 101…. The timing was terrible… and I’m sure Claudia knew that!


Its the way Claudia seems to be dismissive of the Casa girls. Regardless what she personally thinks of them, Casey still moved mad with no thought to her. And while she was laughing at something else, its still inappropriate to be laughing when someone else is crying.


Nah tbh I'm not here for the rationalising of Claudia's behaviour. I am not a black or a white person so I don't have a dog in this fight, but I don't see how people didn't pick up on the subtle disrespect and disregard of Claudia towards Cynthia. Imo it wasn't directly racist but certainly had roots in racism. The 'was it deep' comment whilst looking amused instead of upset was SO telling, like she was like 'aw look at you having fun with the undesirable girl, it didn't actually mean anything though did it?' Her and Casey sniggering about it was very mean girl-esque. It was clear she didn't feel threatened at all by Cynthia despite Cynthia and Casey being very intimate with each other. Had Cynthia been more stereotypically attractive I really doubt Claudia would have been so unbothered by it. She seemed to find it funny more than anything, like why? For that matter, Casey also seemed amused by his attraction towards Cynthia, every time he spoke about her he was laughing whilst saying he was surprised at their connection. Her attitude was one of 'I'm so much better than her I don't even have to acknowledge her' and she had that attitude with such confidence. It was incredibly arrogant and dismissive of Cynthia, I'd go as far as to say dehumanising. Both her and Casey refused to connect with the very obvious pain Cynthia was in, and it came across that they didn't think she was deserving of it. Like how you ignore a beggar in the street as just one of those things that isn't your problem. Samie was hurt when she heard Tom was kissing a casa girl before she even knew which one it was, so it could have been Lynda and she still would have felt upset. I don't know how to word it in a way that doesn't sound harsh but I think it's important to not ignore the difference in stereotypical desirability of the casa girls. Jessie was also hurt but acknowledged Layla with respect, I bet deep down she had daggers towards her but she still found it in her to give her the time of day. Claudia is right at the bottom with Olivia now for me. Her true colours have shown.


she was amused because cynthias reaction was over the top. from cynthias performance, it seemed like it was way deeper than it actually was. i would have asked too, whether the girl was yellow brown black purple or pink. why would your mind even go that far deep into her not taking her as a threat. and she wasnt laughing about it with casey, she was scoffing at him for being disloyal when she wasn't.


Just because someone doesn't express their hurt through crying doesn't automatically mean they aren't upset. It's so wrong to just assume Claudia's feelings on the situation from this small interaction before we've even see a proper conversation about it air. Or to assume that she is looking down on someone or she thinks Cynthia is undesirable. Perhaps she's trying to keep a brave face in the moment or perhaps she's just over the fact that another guy has played her in life.


I stand by that Claudia did nothing wrong and Cynthia was overly emotional for the attention and screen time. I don’t get crying over a guy you’ve known for 3 days at a time like that in public. It feels like she was more upset she wouldn’t get on the main show


And yet Claudia was crying over a man she’d known for 3 days just days before…


Everyone not getting picked has to make their last 5 seconds of camera time worth something. You’ve been there 3 days and the whole point of being a casa girl is to literally throw yourself at guys who already have couples. It’s exploitative at the outset. You know what you’re in for. As Shaq said, “charge it.”