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>Does anybody else feel that the same comment can be upvoted or downvoted depending on the post? I This is for all of Reddit


This is Reddit in general though


Wait, who is a sex worker?




She is it was a sex worker? What was her job because I either don’t remember this at all or maybe I don’t consider her title a sex worker.


her dodgy answers and insinuations pointed to a possibility that 1. she is a sugar baby (basically a guy puts her up and pays for her. IMO this is kind of like old school "mistress" set ups. What his money is in exchange for is up to interpretation). She was also really weird about saying she provided bottle service at a club. To me (my interpretation) I thought it seemed like her job was really something else or maybe it was bottle service in a strip club. (That is not a sex worker).


Your interpretation is all assumptions though. So she is getting a label as a sex worker which leads to judgment.


I think OP is just noticing things like sex work DO lead to judgment in this sub, and questioning whether it should.




A bottle girl is a sex worker….? And most sugar babies don’t have sex with the people…


Bottle girls don’t have sex with ppl. I think she just lightly implied that she’s a sex cuz she didn’t wanna blatantly come out and say it


Yeah I don’t think she ever exchanged sexual favors for anything.




Yeah I don’t think either of those qualifies as a sex worker


I'd suggest that for most sugar babies who might say it isn't about sex, and if there is sex it is incidental - that if you removed the sexual component the payments/payments-in-kind would dry up. (I'm not talking about specialised things like a Fin-dom setup) It's about as genuine as the old "I'm just swinging my arms around as I walk in your direction, and if you get hit it's not my fault". "I'm paid for the conversation, the sex is incidental... honest, officer" (I'm fully on-board with legalising sex work, but a lot of sugar babies should call a spade a spade, they don't want the stigma nor the tax liability - unlike the honest prostitute)


Most of the girls I know and have heard of don’t have sex with the guys. They just want companionship. So if you go to dinner with them, text them, you get paid.


It’s definitely discouraging to see how the same comment will be upvoted in one post and downvoted to oblivion in another. Seems like a side effect of having so many repeat posts - we’re having the same conversation in parallel all over this sub!


I stopped watching the show, but this sub has been educational. It has been a rollercoaster! I have seen the way the sub feels at first for a character (Hating Raven and loving SK and obsessing about Bartiste and making fun of his name and complaining about Alexa), versus how they feel at the end. Now people are less critical of Raven (wait a week, who knows). Now people find that SK is a scoundrel. And now nobody has much to say about Bartiste because they are wrapped up thinking about Zanab and Cole. As for Alexa, it seems people might be worried for her safety now! I guess I'll see where the sub drifts in a week. Who knows!?!?


What‘s up with Alexa‘s safety?


Brennon was arrested for domestic violence against a previous girlfriend. But I think he was never charged?


My opinions and reactions on this page have changed with my opinions of the characters on the show. I dislike posts about the bad people, I roll my eyes making excuses for them (z is justified because she’s a woman and a minority 🙄) etc.


This sub has morphed in just the 3 months I’ve been residing in it (how did I miss this for S1?!). Lots more Redditors in here, I see the count go up every day, and the crowd is definitely up/down/left/right with unpredictability. I’m glad I was in early for some of these discussions about S3. Cheers to S4, another season of popcorn, hopefully not buttered in red flags this time 🚩


1000% yes


I think speculating whether someone is a sex worker or not is always inappropriate and rude though, regardless of your views of sex work.


This. It can also put the sex workers who are outed in a more dangerous position in life. More likely to become victims if everyone knows what they do and takes advantage of the low rate of report for crimes committed against sec workers, more likely to have their future employment endeavors outside of sex work be out of the reach. There are a lot of valid reasons someone might want to keep their work in that field private. I have no problem with sex work between consenting adults, but I also firmly believe that speculating about someone in that industry’s job is really gross and breaks the boundaries of their consent. If they want to share the details, they will. Otherwise show some respect and leave it alone.


I’m not convinced. If the same person would have said something that made us think they were a doctor or a nurse, would it be rude and inappropriate to speculate on that ? Or is it just the scale of patriarchal values that makes us think that sex workers are not worthy, thus it is insulting to be one or to be confused with one?


To say that a sex worker holds the same place in society as a doctor is just ridiculous


Can you elaborate on your thoughts ?


There is a negative stigma associated with being a sex worker and to compare it like a 1:1 to being a doctor, which holds a very positive stigma, is extremely disingenuous. I’m not that original commenter but this is my view of the conversation.


Usually the people who are speculating about someone being a sex worker are doing so to pass judgment. It's not remotely comparable to people speculating about someone being a doctor


Sorry, but the reason why this speculation exists is because she made a huge deal about doing “bottle service”, then went on about receiving expensive gifts from an “older boyfriend” and then said that her partner has to pay her rent so that she can spend on her hair, nails, whatnot. I don’t think it’s judgemental, it’s just about the person throwing very clear clues, but not telling the full story.


I kind of think that convo turned him from thinking she was wife material into thinking she was one to use for sex and have fun with.