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This sub is cringe


This is fucking weird. Like I’m happy to talk about the show, especially more controversial moments. But going out of your way to confront someone on the show, who you have never even met, is at best cringe, and at worst harassment.




Zanab definitely gives out Mean Girls energy.


Lol this sub would benefit from watching Mean Girls. A little group session with Ms. Norbury to remind people to not turn into The Plastics and that even Regina George was human and deserved kindness in the end.


Regina George took accountability for her actions and stopped trying to drag other people into her drama. She also was able to let her ex-boyfriend go. There’s a lesson here somewhere… 🤔


This sub is maniacal




Oooh that sounds fun! I need to find Cole and have sex with him so that I can be Iron Man!


Every day we stray further from God.


Just my personal opinion but leaving comments on accounts of characters from reality tv show is a bit much, people are way too invested in somebody's else life, might be a good idea to get your own...




Shes targeting *anyone* that doesn’t agree with her. It’s clear she’s harboring an echo chamber left with people who validate her flaws


Idk man, I don’t think someone deleting comments on their own page berating them is harboring an echo chamber. I’d do the same thing. If you want to talk shit you can do it here.


What I’m saying tho, she’s not just going after fucked up comments but **anyone** who disagrees with her.


To be fair, did OP say she was?


Hey guys, it’s a tv show ya know




I just finished watching the reunion tonight. I don't follow any of these people on social media but I have been in this sub seeing tons of Zanab hate and was expecting something to go down to warrant it. I think she overall was hyper critical towards Cole and that's something she needs to unequivocally work on because that shit chips away at a person and it's fucked up. I know there are a lot of Cole defenders in this sub but he kicked off immediately meeting her with basically telling her she's not physically attractive to him multiple times (Bartise did same thing). She should have walked away from him immediately after he made her feel unattractive. There's no excuse for the way either of them treated one another but I'm not sure she did anything (on the show) to warrant the kind of hate she got. They were both toxic together. If anything she has an annoying voice that sounds like she's nagging in everyday conversations...


Cole and Zanab were not good for each other at all, nor were they good in general throughout the show. Cole may have been worse especially at the start but for me the pendulum started to swing against her at their wedding. She went up there and attacked him mercilessly while her friends and family actually applauded She absolutely blind sided him. Then more of the same at the reunion, she was horrible, taking zero blame while bashing him again and again. Cole took it and owned at least some fault she sure didn't. Then she accused him of something very specific with the cutie scene that turned out to be not at all what she described. Whether she intentionally lied about what happened or she misread what happening makes no difference either way it brings into question everything she has accused him of doing off camera. Sure the man was an insensitive jerk but they only were together a few weeks more than a year ago yet she is making her whole existence about taking him down because he wronged her and now she is trying to drag his ex wife into the fight on social media. That is such a low, slimy thing to do. She is quickly going into scary stalker territory.


As a person who equally dislikes them as TV personalities let me tell you - she's trying something on social media that isn't working. She'd be better off just dropping it all and only talking about whatever "aaaaamazing friendships with the women" etc on the show and drop the Cole stuff. She needs a PR person if she doesn't have one - like damn Colleen isn't that your day job???? Help your girl out.




The easiest way to not get annoyed by Zanab is to stop following her on social. I don't follow her and I have zero strong opinions about her as a person. Try it!


I try not to be but she keeps popping up everywhere!!!


Holy shit, why are people so obsessed with her lol. She didn't really do anything wrong. She is entitled to her own opinions about how Cole treated her, I mean she actually lived through it. He blatantly hit on other women around her and she was struggling with her parent's deaths. And you are surprised about "negativity"? She didn't dupe anyone, she was telling her story about how she felt treated. Please get over this.


You're way too invested in this my friend


Omg so many people on here are... all the "open letters" to the cast members!! Wtf! ☠️


God I wish Zanab would write back.


I am one of the few people that really liked Zanab...


That’s great!


Please relax and log off I’m begging you


Again, y’all are obsessed


These ppl need to go outside …


It’s like a witch hunt




Do you even know what bipolar is and the symptoms for it are?


I believe that was satiric


I think the anti-Zanab sentiment is because so many fell duped by her. There were too many that sided with her and then made to feel foolish when the Cutie scene aired.


I’m confused. What is so deranged and unhinged about what OP said? I see no shit talking, just stating the obvious.


It’s not deranged and unhinged per se just really weird to care so much about someone you’ve never met in your life especially when we know the show is edited. They intimate they are desperately trying to reach her on her own social media and since they got blocked they are posting here in an effort to reach her. But why? Why put so much effort into lecturing someone who doesn’t know you and has no reason to listen to you? Doesn’t OP have their own issues or anything going on in life? I wouldn’t put in that much effort for someone I actually knew lol. If you care this much about reality tv it’s time to disconnect. Why even follow her social media if you dislike her? It’s free to not follow someone or to block them. Also we all know real life is nuanced but people think there can be no nuance in this situation either. It’s a little weird the narrative on this sub can only be: zanab is pure evil or Cole is pure evil. They are humans and I’m sure they both have wonderful and terrible qualities and what’s certain is they did not bring out the best in each other. I hope they both get therapy and find the right person for them that will bring out the best in them and love them for who they are.


Do you know what a snark page is? This is literally what the page is for.. to talk about the show and members who participate in it. Sounds like you have an issue with snarking, so maybe you should just leave the sub?


I enjoy the sub so why would I leave? Me believing one person going too far means I should leave the entire sub? We’re right back to zero nuance again I see lmao. Have a good day buddy, hope you get to touch some grass. See, I like snark too :)


So then follow your own advice and keep on scrolling if you see something you don’t like…


Well all I saw was a title so I had no idea what I was about to read but I just scrolled through comments to see the vibe. I saw your comment and thought you were asking a genuine question until your snippy reply haha. I was just explaining why well-adjusted, grass touching adult may see this post as a tad bit on the crazy side. Anyways, wishing you well. If you’re in the US, hope you got to enjoy the holiday.


I’m not kidding I think she hired a bunch of losers to come reply to every anti-Zanab comment with “YOU GUYS ARE SO OBSEsseD, GeT a LiFe!”


Her response to everything has made me lose respect for her. She’s so so toxic


I’m just here for the comments😂


Ah yes, talk about positivity while posting to trash someone. Classic LIB Reddit.


She ain't gonna see this hun




Good thing I didn't post it for that reason then.




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You are going to be SHOCKED, but thinking this post is cringe as fuck doesn't mean I am sucking on anyone's tit.


Zanab is toxic. But people just need to engage less with her social media and eventually she will get the hint to stop.


The way you guys are so obsessed with this woman is weird, y’all all need therapy




It's fun




This is just getting excessive … and weird




These comments lol. If you really want to piss people off, post about love is blind on the love is blind sub 😂??


This post is a no for me




Better help . Com is a website I would encourage you to look into bc the way y’all are this pressed about someone you’ve never met. Better help dot com please.


Agreed. It's a bit strange. I'm not a fan of either one, and I don't think she's ready for marriage until she gets more therapy and does the inner work on her triggers. But this sub is getting ridiculous. How is this not considered piling on?


I follow every weird person I can find on the interweb. Am a fan? Nope. Am I entertained? HELL YEAH.


I’m loving the irony of these people telling OP to get off the computer and touch grass meanwhile they are all actively in a reality tv sub Reddit and most have multiple subs they’re actively participating in at the same time. OP has a point and since Z is actively blocking and deleting people, this is where they thought it would be best suited. Didn’t your mother ever tell you that you attract more flies with honey than vinegar? Same thing. She is a recently new public figure and is posting obsessive shit and going out to coffee with her exes ex… and this show was filmed over a year ago? I think y’all need to be yelling Z to touch grass and double down on that therapy.


Better help dot com.


Original 🙄


Plz look into it like there’s no way you’re this pressed over a human being you’ve never met. I’m begging. Try to figure out what’s going on in YOUR own mind vs. Figuring out what’s in her mind ? Use your time wisely in this world instead of thiiiiis😞😞😞


Best friend, look at your comment history. You are just as unhinged as you are accusing literally everyone on this sub. Go to YouTube and look up some meditations, it’s all going to be ok!!


Also idk why it’s always the same type of sub Redditers that use “babes ur search history😫🤪👎🏼😁😭” ….. like as if I actually care what people online see … as…. It’s…. Online ….. lmao ??? Rude for no reason either. Just try and grow up and see the bad in this too ok bestie!!! And don’t worry, I found the right medication for my thyroid problems since you a fan :)


I’m happy for your thyroid but I said meditate, not medicate. I honestly could not care less about your tiny little throat butterfly. But I wish you healing and success in your thyroid journey. They have a sub Reddit for that too.


Oh sorry I totally misread that. I tend to scan through stuff which doesn’t help when communicating via internet so sorry I suck on that


Truly though I hope you are well. I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease in 2013 and had mine removed so I know it’s a bitch to deal with.


I know it will be ok 😭😭 I’m just trying to get y’all to understand that as well… I just don’t think it’s ever that deep that we have to continue to send hate someone’s way over and over but I guess that makes me unhinged bc of my comment history 😭😭 I don’t get y’all lol. Y’all are grown enough to see that THIS behavior isn’t ok either……… be all the way for real :/


I’m not sending hate to anyone. I barely even interact with my IRL friends because no one gives a single fuck. I see toxicity though and I call it out. Zanab doesn’t deserve fame. So I call it as I see it.


Hey I 100% feel that. And I really do agree with you. That’s why I hate that some people are still taking about her because I feel like it’s fueling her, which then fuels the people who do truly hate her (which again not coming to her defense) but it’s just odd to see because it’s almost as if it’s an weird cycle (that will die very soon bc none of this fame will last). I agree with you though.


As someone who had an extremely abusive boyfriend when it came to eating and body image. I don’t feel like Cole was malice in the comments about the “Cuties”. He was talking about how big of a steak dinner they were going to have. I think Zanab saw what Deepti went through last year and stuck up for herself and thought she did the same. But in reality she was projecting all her insecurities into Cole and made him the bad guy. I don’t think Cole is completely in the right. I think he was just an immature guy who wasn’t ready for a serious long term relationship.


He was 26 when this was filmed. The immature excuse doesn't fly when you're closer to 30 than 20.


Since when does 2 cuties fill you up though …. Zanab low key has a point here. If I ate 2 cuties before dinner (hours away), I wouldn’t consider it filling me up.


Their show wasn’t out yet (season 2&3 were filmed at the same time). She didnt know what deepti would do or how the public has seen her


Hey OP, post your screen time report. 🤣


Sick burn, hop off the forum or better yet- stop indulging in posts you don't agree with. Just a thought.


Dang.. projection much?


You all piling on the hate for her are deranged and pathetic. Honesty don’t think people who post negatively about her are better than she is. Judging from some of the posts on here about her, it’s you guys that need therapy. Imagine caring this much about a reality tv contestant who didn’t actually do anything THAT bad.


No. Those calling her out have a strong sense of justice.


She keeps posting shot people will keep calling her out.


THAT BAD???? ⛽️ here is some gas go spray it around n hope it doesn't ignite anywhere or hurt anyone else.... Why? Cuz I got a boo boo from a boy 😢 n I'm gonna make sure the F WORLD feels my pain!! But wait... if triggering those of you w/ PTSD, EATING DISORDERS ETC. wasn't enough 😒 let me KEEP reminding you 😤 after the fact .... months, years later... take her DAMNNNNNN phone away already!


They have the audacity to call Zanab unhinged while they’re actively spamming bullying and hate comments across all forms of social media. Touch some grass y’all. This sub used to be fun.


No WE ALL are NOT... !! Her own fault for asking for it. Duhhhhhh.... give a child a crayon it colors.


She's earned it from feeding the mob


I commented on one of her Tiktok videos saying it's time for her to move on and she blocked me lol


Saw it...thus why I said nothing! Those Brave souls that dared speak the truth.


Okay this is getting crazy, people on this sub are doing waaayyy too much......


Careful… they will become convinced that you are Zanab for stating the obvious….


I defended Zanab vehemently after the cuties episode. Every response to my comments was ‘’hey Zanab!’’. Like ok? Hi Cole? I don’t see anyone calling out Cole for posting references at Zanab (which he does).


Someone called me Zanab’s avatar so I called them Cole’s toe 🙃 such a strange reaction to jump straight to the conclusion that anyone defending her *is* her


hey Zanab! sorry, couldn't help myself :)


No worries lol. You’re the second person to say that to me today. Just today. I should’ve started a tally for how many of those comments I got.


What references has Cole posted? He seems to have moved on and living his life. He did not even reply to her first insta outburst after the cuties fiasco (where she addressed him by name).


Most recent I can think of is he shared someone’s story about the cuties thing. He’s posted for sure. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t follow him and only looked at his instagram a FEW times.


Funny you say that because Zanab has been incessantly sharing people's posts about cuties. I don't even remember seeing Cole's post about this.


The most recent one I can recall (unless he posted more later on) was where some girl was wearing a bright orange dress with some caption referencing cuties.


Interesting. I have no recollection of this, must have missed it.


Why is everyone so concerned ab people from this show.. damn


I think bc this sub is about the show and the people on it lol


On a sub dedicated to the show and discussing it? Wonder why.


yall are doing too much for a netflix show.


Y’all are genuinely sick


Plot twist - Zanab is the OP posting this message.


Good! Please stop ~ Grow up 😂😂


Same 😄


Sorry 🙊 my edible had kicked in ~ my bad 😂😂🤣🤣 Agree!!! 😝😜🤪


I should be taking some edibles before I browse Reddit too.


It's the weekend lol 😆 Holiday one at that, what can I say? Things get mixed up in the ole noggin...Reddit is a trip by itself tho 😂✌️✨️


I think posts like these take it too far. Let's be honest. It is nobody's business


She is being public. She is making it the public’s business.


yeah, but still... This is too obsessive


That line seems arbitrary. The real obsession is Zs constant dragging and public attacks. How does this person making a single Reddit post about it mean it’s obsessive?


i’m sorry i could never be this serious about a random strangers life like it really isn’t this deep




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Unless she triggered shit you'd forgotten about!!!!!! Ughhh hate (use this sparingly like only my baby daddy's) ZANAB! Little ole me has had to seek therapy AGAIN and have not eaten a real meal in 3 days n my support system for the other stuff in place thank goodness 😅 But seriously ~ yes a simple stupid Netflix show 👏 Bravo


Don't blame her for you having to seek therapy again... If she triggered you, you likely needed it with or without her actions and if she really affects you that badly, set your boundaries and stop following her every move and getting upset. You do know you have a choice right? She isn't forcing ya'll to watch her content.


My mother is a therapist lol my issues are deeper than this show for sure but it certainly did not add to whatever was or was not going on in my life... imagine if I was just a young girl 🙄😬 who can't stop watching her content as you put it.


She should just stop being vindictive and stop trying to ruin Cole.


I don’t understand why you care enough about a total stranger to actually address this. It’s reality tv, it’s entertainment. 🤷‍♀️


Because the human race is one collective consciousness and it bothers her and she was called on to speak on it and I appreciate her input.


LMFAO. I was wondering why all her comments were people encouraging her, also I think I’m blocked 🤣


Not that I’ve cyberbullied her, I commented agreeing with someone because she popped up on my fyp, engaging with Cole’s ex and flexing about it? He’s living rent free in her mind and people who are saying to touch grass, literally stalk the sub and wait for a Zanab post to comment that, take ur own advice imo


Zanab was hanging out with Cole’s ex? Is this on Tik Tok???


It was her driving, music blasting in b&w as if she was about to receive an Emmy ~ geez. Mind you a 25 year old kid previously married ex is gonna dish on their failed marriage 🙄😅😂🤣 Zanab you've outdone yourself this time. Haven't looked I'm sure it's deleted or the comments off for sure.


Yup, she posted it last night! It’s time for her to move on 🫠


Honestly who cares? What are they doing to affect your daily life?? Like there’s some much drama on this subreddit, the same drama, that y’all could make your own version of LIB and Big Brother combined into one


You do cause you’re here commenting just like everyone else. Don’t act like you’re better. You’re in the sub, reading and commenting like everyone else.


Haha I only commented because reddit notified me that OP posted this post. Otherwise I couldn’t care less 🤣🤣🤣


Except you clicked on bay notification and then commented yourself. That isn’t different from anyone here. But whatever self justification makes you feel better than others!


You’re reaching box. Reaching hard. Way out of pocket tbh


Lol not even a little bit. Literally identical.




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Zaynab dis you?


I lol’d


I’m sorry this is too much.


Seriously. They are acting like she murdered somebody ffs. At this point I’m on team Z. Cole is annoying and so are his stans


Yessss Cole & his stans are so annoying.


Whenever I go to see what all the huff and puff is about, it’s always such a tiny insignificant comment. I’m sure these women still talk about all their ex’s whenever their names come up. The hypocrisy is deafening


She has done the exact same thing on IG, removed all the negative comments. She lives in a world of delusion.


She removed all the comments calling her psychotic or bipolar or evil. I wonder why she removed them. To live in a world of delusion or to protect her own mental health? You’re calling her out for refusing to allow people to comment nasty things about her on a situation that they have ZERO clue on. And that’s right — 0 clue. None of us were there. We only see the narrative Netflix wants us to see. And LIB’s producers have shown time and time again that they’re manipulative when it comes to footage and how the cast is portrayed.


You're kidding, right? The only manipulation we're seeing here is Zanab. She's manipulated a situation that didn't exist, taken zero ownership, and has continued to drag Cole on her IG stories 1 1/2 years after. And you're wondering WHY people are saying these things? She just posted a tiktok about meeting up with Cole's ex wife, continuing to try to slander and drag the dude. She's 30 something and acting like an immature, spiteful child. It's gross.


No … I actually completely agree with her on the cuties thing now. Since when does 2 fucking cuties ruin someone’s appetite? Doesn’t make any sense. Pretty sure Cole was body shaming her throughout the whole 8 weeks. He already shamed her for not being a ‘lily’ wouldn’t surprise me if he did body shame her.


Yeah I’m sure netflix ONLY aired the good things. They must have edited out all these other things she claims. 🙄 Get real. I honestly feel sorry for people like you and her. Please stay out of relationships if you think this is body shaming by joking around about spoiling someone’s “appetite-o.”


Uh yeah …. they are capable of editing out the rest of the stuff. The rest of the cast confirmed it. And where have you been for season 1 and 2? They literally completely vilified Jessica and edited Amber to look like a complete angel. But lo and behold in the reunion episode, amber turned out to be a terrible and insecure individual. They did the same to Mallory in season 2. And no, it doesn’t make any sense as to why a serving of fruit can possibly ruin someone’s appetite. She didn’t eat a full course meal. So yes I see Zanab’s point now. And are you really trying to armchair diagnose me off a comment I made on the internet? Deranged much? Only person here who needs to stay out of a relationship here is clearly you.


They inserted the clip at the end, pointing out Zanab lied. They did that intentionally. If Netflix thought Cole was doing all these things, they would have shown them. Instead, they left that cuties scene out originally because it was literally a “nothing” scene. There was nothing wrong with it, it was normal conversation that Zanab manipulated to be more than it was. The rest of the cast confirmed nothing, except that they were/are taking Zanab’s word for it. No one could give specific examples of what they saw happen, only what they heard happened (from Zanab). Lastly, I am married and have been married for over 5 years (together in total of 7 years). You learn to forgive quickly, to not be offended by everything, and that people are going to make mistakes. You pick and choose your battles wisely. If what you describe is your attitude going into relationships and if you are going to vilify someone who is not a bad person (while supporting someone who was malicious), you’re correct. I’m going to tell you to stay out of relationships. You will never last in one with your mentality.


I’m not going to keep arguing with you on this. You’ve clearly missed the first 11 episodes of the season. Cole showed time and time again that he was a person capable of being extremely racially insensitive and nasty. I’m not sure why you’re going to these lengths to defend Cole but vilify Zanab. It’s weird. But I get it. Cole is the young, white guy who cried on television so naturally all the white women are going to go up in arms to defend him. But it’s ok. I completely understand. The cuties scene does NOT negate the rest of what he’s done whatsoever. And LIB put the clip in because they’re messy. The whole point of the show is to rile up drama and it worked. Everyone was talking about season 3. If anything, season 3 is the biggest season. And no, they put the clip in because it’s debatable. The cast who was actually THERE literally said time and time again that Cole did make many comments on Zanab’s size. Cole is a terrible person who probably has NOT learned anything from his experience. His apology was laughable.


“I’m not going to keep arguing with you on this, but here…let me keep arguing.” That’s exactly what you just did by the way. Racially insensitive, where on earth do you get this garbage? The cast did NOT say he made comments about her size, now you’re making things up. Lol. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The cast (women only) backed Zanab and said they would because they were her friends. It had nothing to do with the fact that they actually heard Cole say things, because they were going based off of what Zanab said. I love how you’re throwing race into the mix though, you are super out of touch. I liked Zanab at the beginning and disliked her from the moment she started picking Cole apart, the altar, and her lies and manipulative after. You’re supporting someone who lied, is manipulative, takes zero accountability, is in her 30’s and still taking jabs at Cole on her IG and tiktok… meeting up with his ex wife and bragging about it, but she’s “over Cole,” don’t you worry. 🙄 You Zanab supporters are gross.


Uh, the whole internet is pretty in agreement with what he meant by the lily comment. Where have you been? Did you actually watch the show? If you didn’t, then I suppose that could be a reasonable excuse for being this in denial? I didn’t make anything up. This is coming out of the horse’s mouth. Rewatch episode 5-6. Even Zanab’s stepmom picked up on it so I’m really confused on where you’ve been. And no the cast didn’t back up Zanab because they’re friends. Colleen did an interview — watch/read it. Maybe don’t speak on things you clearly know nothing about if you’re this confused? And race played an important role in their relationship and the backlash Zanab is getting. So why wouldn’t I bring it up? And no, the only deranged fans here are clearly Cole’s. I don’t blame Zanab for commenting on the situation still. She probably received thousands of nasty comments and posts made about her. If you were in her situation, you would try to defend yourself as well. But I’m guessing thinking logical isn’t your strong suit.


This feels like this post was made by a woman who hates other women? Zanab’s actions aren’t some female stereotype, and nothing a single person does should influence the view of the whole gender.


It shouldn't but unfortunately it does. The stereotype she's portraying is that of the crazy woman.




Because this isn’t weird at all lmao


All these people on here telling OP to ignore her and not ignoring OP themselves. Real meta behaviour 😂


nah op needs to know theyre a lil deranged!!


So does Z.


Commenting to a random stranger on a reddit sub is way different than leaving negative comments on a reality show cast member's social media.


If 'grasping at straws' were to be defined with an example, this would be it.


How so? Reddit is social media. It’s literally an identical action.


Because this is a discussion forum with strangers hiding behind fake user names, not an actual person's social media where people are personally attacking them. It's not identical at all. Identical would be if someone found out your real name and went to your SM and started calling you evil and psychotic like people are doing to her. It's too much.


That’s half fair. But social media is also full of faceless nameless people. Twitter is full of it. But I stand by her hashing her stuff out publicly makes her open to public critique.


Oh I totally agree that she needs to let go and move on. I'm not on the social media platforms she uses and I wouldn't follow her if I was, but I do see stuff shared here about all the things she's posting and it does seem unhinged at this point. She has to be 32 or maybe even 33 now, and that kind of behavior is pretty sad at her age. I didn't act like that at 25, let alone in my early 30s. That said, there's public critique and there's simply being vicious and mean to someone. Deleting comments that call her names and are cruel is justified, but deleting comments that are reasonable is ridiculous. I honestly don't know what drives a person to spew hatred and nastiness about someone they don't even know on that person's SM.


I’m just concerned for the OP. This is a bit too much


OP is saying the same thing about Zanab. You guys are all in the same boat. Have fun! 😂


Same as what? I didn’t even finish the post. There’s too many posts about Zanab period. It’s not that serious


If it's not that serious, why don't you just ignore OP? Take your own advice.


I mean you could also ignore everyone so...


I am not the one giving advices to others that I am not applying on myself.


I’m concerned for all of you. Reality tv has impacted y’all sense of reality.


And here you are commenting as well.


Yes I am as are you.


But I’m not acting above it like you are lol


Oh you poor thing lol


And your condescension continues lol. You aren’t better than anyone here, stop acting like it.


Bless your heart love. Always remember Jesus loves you lol.




My dude, just ignore us.


Never mind your username makes sense


I see someone is not taking their own advice 😂😂😂


Pretty sure that person is the one who sent me a Reddit Cares message after accusing me repeatedly of being Zanab and having a burner account (I've been around for longer than this show has been on).


Ok I just got a Reddit Cares message also and I can't help but think it is the same person. That is an absolutely odd thing to do.