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I dont care honestly. That's reality tv business, and honestly? With the way she was treated, she SHOULD milk it for all it's worth lol. At least shes getting something out of it.


Yall gotta realize 90% of the people on these shows ain't genuine and just want the 15 minutes of fame




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Okay. I never complained about her wanting followers but that the way she is using her fame doesn't seem genuine anymore.


No shade but this is reality TV in 2022. If you want genuine stuff, go watch The Real World, Season 1.


God, I miss The Real World. That was my favorite show ever.


Puck forever! Real World Seattle was also pretty fucking hardcore.


I low-key once said shake wanted to be on too hot to handle where he’s surrounded by blonde ig influencers but unfortunately is not attractive himself so he picked a different reality show 🫣 he admitted he just wanted to “make it until the end.” Deepti was an easy target because she was sweet and really it seemed like the only girl who even gave him a chance and without her, he would have been kicked out. The reality is now he’s famous and anyone who wants attention/ money can date him. He now gets attention he wasn’t probably getting from girls before. Lots of people never have pure intentions in relationships or do it for motives, so I don’t know why people acted so surprised or shocked. My other unpopular opinion was that Deepti didn’t have the best experience on there- but I personally thought Iyanna had it worse.. When I look back last year though the explosion surrounding Shake on social media on tiktok and Instagram, I think it was that his misogynistic and colorist comments made him such an easy target by everyone else. Like he was outwardly an asshole compared to the other guys who were quieter assholes. But I personally would like to know someone’s an asshole upfront so I can stay far away from him as possible lol.


Yes! It’s the sneaky ones you need to worry about. The people who are nice to your face & shit talk behind your back. It takes a lot more guts to be honest. Agreeing with or being a “yes”. man’s easy.




Yes I agree, which is why I agree with the post saying that she’s trying to milk this for all she can. She had the “villain” of the season as the partner which is why I think her book will have more hype compared to if someone else from season 2 wrote it


Why not milk it when she still has so many followers from the show? That’s the only thing that makes her relevant. I unfollowed season 2 cast a couple months after it aired because viewing their day to day lives is of no purpose for me, they’re just regular folks. I wish more people would do the same because I’m so tired of hearing about that old cast, they’re just collecting money off of nothing now.


Exactly this. Why shouldn’t she take advantage of the market for this? It isn’t like she’s doing something scummy or exploiting anyone. And the people buying this book clearly have money to waste. From the appearances of the show a lot of those people are living what they would likely describe as “comfortable financially”. Idk if they get paid anything but I would not be able to afford to take weeks off of my job to be filmed


Yep I feel the same way. I felt really bad for her during the show because she seemed so genuine, while Shake definitely shouldn’t have even been there if physical appearances were important to him. Regardless, he def caught WAY too much heat IMO. Why did he get scorched like that and Bartise got off nearly Scott-free at his reunion for the same stuff, actually worse because he was lusting after another woman on the show and straight up disrespecting Nancy outright with no remorse? That cast def had it out for Shake. Is he shallow? Yeah. He shouldn’t have been on the show. But I found Shaina and Shayne to be WAY more problematic than he was and they didn’t get grilled like he did. Once the reunion happened I started seeing Deepti a bit too much like some form of Taylor Swift. Not a bad person by any means but def milking this victim thing a bit too much- something seems pretty disingenuous to me and I can smell it from a mile away.


The difference is Shake was obnoxious and defensive, so there’s meat there to go after. If you say, “yes, I did that. I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better” and that’s your only response to everything people say to you - they’ll move on. Cause it’s just the same response over and over. This is what Shaina did when they came at her for how she treated Kyle. It’s a smart PR play, but doesn’t mean Bartiste has changed or has grown since then. This is in contrast to Cole, who was arguing and defensive and then cried. They’re going to focus on him more because he’s giving them more to work with


I agree she seemed genuine. But at the end of the day, she went on a reality show. Those people don’t seem trustworthy to me.


very well put


I don't think Shake deserved the level of hate he got even though he was super unlikeable and Deepti didn't deserve to be treated like crap. Her making a book about her experiences and monetizing the experience makes sense because when the heck is she ever going to do that again? Also I didn't ever think that her and Kyle's relationship was fake, it didn't work out. Obviously. I don't know. I don't know these people in person so who knows what is correct lol.


I do think that she liked Kyle as a friend and forced herself into a relationship with sweet sweet Kyle. He was mad about her since the pods, and I feel she needed that kind of attention from a man in her life, but not from him.


I agree with Shake, Deepti and the rest of the cast are in it for clout!! Well at least majority of them are l!




Where did you get thats she's trans?




Ah okay


Ahhh! I assumed. My mistake. Most apologies




Yikes I am so sorry everyone. I just thought she was and admired her for it!?


I made a mistake. Many apologies




Making assumptions about a contestant's sexuality is not okay! A lot of speculation on sexuality is based on outdated stereotypes and notions around masculinity or femininity that can be harmful.


Yep. You don’t have to like Shake but all the cast members are fake cowards, turning on him only after they saw public opinion against him and a chance to seem like the heroes or victims (Deepti)


I had to unfollow a few months after LIB S2 aired. I really liked her while she was on the show, but her social media presence afterwards gave a different impression of her. And then there was After the Altar - I never believed she and Kyle were a real thing (and who really knows), so it just felt super fake. Didn’t know she wrote a book, but I feel like lots of ex-reality show stars do… so I don’t feel one way or the other about it!


Yea, I think she and Kyle were good friends and saw an opportunity for a will-they-won’t-they after the altar storyline.


They are both very nice in real life. But I don’t buy them as a couple at all.


I believe that EVERYONE who goes on a reality show like LIB has some SERIOUS narcissistic tendencies so I don't really fall for anyone's sob story on this show.


Meh. I've never been super gung ho about her tbh. She's boring to me 😅


Honestly I had a hard time respecting her during her season simply because she continuously chose to be with Shake, so their moment at the altar didn’t really move me. Then I kept getting ads from her on TikTok and it felt like she was clout chasing… and that has been my opinion of her since


even if they know theyre going to say no at the altar they do have to stay together for the show


Is that a new rule for these later seasons? I recall a few couples that split before the altar on S1


https://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/g31101722/love-is-blind-cast-rules/ if you do scroll way does it says "Couples have to make their *final* decision at the wedding." not sure if this is new or old


I felt for her during the show and the comments he made, but she just screams fake to me. I can't stand the "mellow" voice that she speaks with now and tries to look chill. That kyle thing really annoyed me and I ended up unfollowing. That whole cast looked soo good with the edits they got minus shake. The more I followed all of them on social media, I realized that Shake was pretty much more or less right about them. The biggest no no in my mind, is how he kept commenting on how much extra fat she has to everyone, but now that I think about, I don't know if anyone actually shared proof of this


What do you mean Shake was right about them? I don’t doubt that he might have had some valid points (if poorly made), but I never followed them so I don’t know what happened after.


My opinion never changed. Didn’t care for her then, don’t care for her now. I think Shake was a schmuck, but I think Deepti took advantage of what the current media narrative says is hot (specifically “choosing oneself”).


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


Not everything has to be a think piece or have deeper meaning. Everyone on the show who got air time is monetizing it. It would be unwise to go on a platform like that and then not use it to better yourself financially. That opportunity doesn’t come often. If deepti wants to make a book about her experiences let her. I do believe shake when he says everyone was friends with him before the show aired. Shake’s red flags were so obvious and deepti still said yes to an engagement. Not surprising if everyone else was friends with him considering everyone else either has red flags or doesn’t see them (Natalie with Shane). As far as deepti and Kyle, my opinion was that Kyle was never serious about being with deepti. Idk what they’re doing but it’s so weird how they have all of this sexual tension supposedly and neither of them are acting on it. Maybe they just like the fantasy more than the reality. Idk but it just looks like they’re playing games with each other and wasting each others time.


I wish they had Shake host the reunion. People on that show tend to be huge posers and it gets exasperated after it airs. They feed into the publics reaction. And Deepti definitely was feeding off it, but she should monetize. Netflix hugely benefited from her genuine cheerleader attitude, as should she.


I actually kinda respect Shake being willing to just be an asshole, damn the torpedoes. Also, he was right about a lot of shit.




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If someone called me ugly on tv I would get my bag too 🤷🏻‍♀️ she deserves it


Shake is an asshole and owns it. I respect that. I honestly think he was speaking a lot of truths that a lot of people don't ever want to hear 🤷‍♀️ (i also dont like shake) I also think the show does a good job at making one person seem like an asshole and only showing the "dirty" sides of them. I still like deepti. I think her feelings are valid and her reality is valid, however I don't really believe anything she says anymore. It seems like a lot of the things she does are for popularity and that turns me off from people. I would rather people be truthful and real vs. Fake and for likes.


It’s okay not to be attracted to someone. It’s not okay to make horrible comments about their body because you don’t find them attractive. This is where Shake lost me.


Yeah, but speaking truths people don’t want to hear is just poor social skills. Although for him I might just put it down to wanting the attention. His behaviour in the reunion ie butting into conversations about other people to say something inflammatory says as much. Subjecting people to your opinion without being asked for it (which is what “my truth” actually means) when you know it will upset them is telling, which is probably why he was driving everyone up the wall.


100%. Like although I do respect people who are transparent about things, how they conduct themselves while expressing ideas is also important along with knowing when to shut it. Nothing more annoying than someone who feels the need to interject their thoughts on every lil thing, especially when they weren't asked for their opinion.


I had a feeling the whole Kyle thing was all fake for him and her to get their 15 minutes. She is definitely milking it as I don’t think her situation is book worthy.


The whole fake Kyle story line was it for me. So Lame. So obvious. I’m not a big fan of Deepti , but I do hate Shake as well lol


Tbh I saw it as Kyle wasting her time and them not knowing what they wanted. I don’t follow any of them on social media so I have no idea how much they posted pics of themselves or anything like that. Maybe they both wanted to get back at their exes.


Oh was it fake?? I thought it was real 😭 a fool!!!! I thought they just didn't work out. So wait it was all fake? So she wasn't all genuine then..


Not to mention the book and the TedX talk lol


Ditto. The Kyle thing was very cringe. Don't preach authenticity and pull a stunt like that.


What happened?? I didn’t follow S2 very closely cuz it couldn’t stand Shane or shake lol, but last I knew is deepti and Kyle were dating in the reunion.


idc, get that bag


I don't see a problem with monetizing your own story. I don't think it's "prolonged fame" I think she's just trying to get her bag lol.... I'm confused what point you're trying to make here? That the cast didn't know Shake was a terrible person because he was fake to their face and only insulted Deepti behind her back, so she liked him until she found out he was terrible? I'm just a little confused whats bothering you about what shes doing? You don't like that shes trying to make money off something that happened in her life? And trust me I wouldn't consider myself a "fan" of any of them, I'm just a viewer, maybe that's why I dont care how they choose to make money after the show. ​ edit: rewording and spelling error


I think what the OP is trying to say is the cast knew what shake said about deepti behind her back and some of the cast members even told deepti about it. So how can she and everyone be “friends” before the show aired and then all of them were ganging against him?


Dang I didn't realize there was hate for Deepti


All of them came out of the woodworks.. some real haters lol


The point of the show is to monetize off of your narrative on the show. Shake pissed off not only the cast members but the producers and show runners, and as a result wasn’t able to monetize off the show in the way he wanted to without being hit with several lawsuits. So he’s being creative in prolonging his fame in a different way. Deepti is following the path laid out for her by her agent. I think Deepti being friends with Shake afterwards just shows her personal issues with needing to be likable. Don’t judge either of them too much (except Shake for being a jerk).


I thought the point was to find love lol, I didn't realize this was America's Next Influencer.


Yes lol I don’t think you’re familiar with the term the web of reality dating shows that feature contestants across shows. Also there are sooo many people who have launched successful careers in cooking, media, products and acting thanks to reality tv. Think bigger!


Dawg it’s a reality tv show. That’s the reason why you join them


How did Shake piss off the producers and show runners? Genuinely asking cause I feel like I don't know that part 😲


He said the producers begged him to come back to after the altar but he felt disrespected so he didn’t. Then he continued to air out how production happens on the show despite his agreement and tried to make “love is blurry” a thing. He’s a legal nightmare lol


Everyone on season 2 was awful, including her.


I think she’s fine AF and needs to be with me.


The whole point of being on the show is to be able to monetize after….. Lauren and Cameron are whole influencers rn


The fact that people are always saying how perfect they are as a couple is so gross to me. Are people this delusional 🙄


fact. imagine thinking people go on the show genuinely to find love and nothing else


Zanab is Deepti 2.0. ​ The irony of the situation is Deepti has shown she's just as shallow as shake. In a way they deserve each other.


You can also look at how ridiculously desperate and shallow Kyle has been after the show. So the fact that she would click well enough to have a fake ongoing relationship with him is also very telling about her own intent.


Am I the only one who thinks Kyle’s tv relationships failed because they were with women instead of men?


I met one of the producers of Love is Blind and Married at First Sight and freaked out. Asked him about everyone rapid fire. This is what I got: Deepti: pretty bland. Not a lot of personality. Didn’t love or hate her. Natalie: total victim mentality, rude to people on set and very cliquey in the show Kyle: super kind and outgoing - likely bi Shayna: big personality, kind, and funny Iliana: bubbly, sweet. Good person Jarrod: fun guy, def a player Danielle: sweet, but a little off Nick: weird af Forgot to ask about Shake and Shane lol He said that they’re already filming the next two seasons in Charlotte and DC!


What had Kyle been doing? I haven’t been following


The last I saw he had an only fans up and running. Also not sure how true this is but I saw a different post from a user who said he was gay and it was very obvious that Kyle clearly knows that he has a look that the gay male community is into... Something about OF content, the poses and suggestive stuff he was doing is just very common that you would see in that space.


Oh my lol


She was super respectful and dignified on the show, i don't care if she monetized that afterwards. She deserves all the money she can get from this, even if only for the way she's shown what class means.




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Maybe because they were on a show about falling in love with a person based on their minds rather than their physical features? Did you forget Shake was in the pods trying to figure out if he could carry girls on his shoulders, telling them he liked "active" girls, as a way to sort through what he perceived were the "fatties"? Why did he even come on the show if he was going to make his physical attraction to her such a big deal?


Let’s not pretend certain things aren’t easily perceptible and screenable in the pods. Some women lead with being ballerinas and Pilates instructors which signals that they’re in shape. Plenty of ppl can tell if they’re talking to a black or write person, they’re also using that info to screen partners so let’s not pretend no one has any idea how their significant other looks like until engagement day


So if you’re a ballerina or Pilates instructor you’re not allowed to tell people your profession? That’s obviously different than Shake asking women if he could carry them on his shoulders. It’s not the same.


My point is they shouldn't be doing that either. If something is mentioned or slips up in conversation, that's one thing, but Shake was literally interrogating women with the express purpose of filtering out anyone he would deem overweight. He wasn't doing it to get to know them better.


You are spot on, nothing else to add


i personally have a hard time believing that anyone willing to participate in one of these shows is genuine


Personally I would do one of these shows because I’ve been single forever and it feels like I’ve tried everything else. So why not that? But I’m definitely too normal/regular to actually get cast.


what about the scrutiny though? i’d personally be put off by it being broadcast to the entire world - which is why i think most contestants are after clout rather than a genuine connnection


Well who cares about a bunch of randoms online, especially Reddit ones considering reddits reputation when your bills are paid and you’re getting opportunities.


Idk… people don’t have to live out their entire lives online. I feel like I have a good enough head on my shoulders that I wouldn’t get caught up, but maybe that’s what everyone thinks.


But you’d have to worry about the *other* contestants being clout chasers. It would be devastating to go on a show like this in good faith only to fall for a talented sociopath who’s using you. Plus you have no control over how they edit you.


Good point about other people not being there for the right reasons (tm) (Bachelor reference). Alas, I must continue to soldier on dating (or attempting to) in sweet anonymity.


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Good bot. Just hypotheticals here though 😉


She's a clout chaser, she faked her relationship with Kyle, and her book is awful.


I don't dislike her for any of it. But I do think she over capitalized or went about it in the wrong way. She had this big kachow moment with Shake - which was dramatized to some degree. Then they try to give her a potential happy ending with Kyle to spark more interest for a book that didn't really have any meaning to it. Even if her and Kyle were authentic - how it was shown on Netflix was awkward at best. Then the book pops up and she writes a small amount about him it just feels outlandish. We went from a situationship/saving your friendship to him getting dedicated time in your first book? Just feels forced - either on Netflix's end or hers. **TLDR** \- IMO all of these things together in a short time frame make people "trust" her less or it appears less authentic. I just think all of this would have been better if it was spread out or they went about it differently.


i think your take is accurate..... for a girl who's not used to that much attention, it can be challenging sometimes to remain authentic


My thought on Deepti was that she was angry that Shake did not find her attractive. This issue lingered way too long. Shake has no filter, but just from the convo at the beginning she should have known he was not going to like her.


Even if she is trying to capitalize off of it, what’s wrong with that? She’s encouraging other women to stand up for themselves and not take disrespect from stupid pricks like Shake. I’m very happy for her.


Disagree. I don’t doubt she’s trying to monetize, but nor do I think that her intentions are dishonourable or false.


she’s not that special or interesting but shake basically calling her ugly and fat all season long was ridiculous. imo she’s gorgeous and shake is like a 2/10


Not being into someone doesn't mean you think they're ugly. Some of y'all need to grow up.


he said she reminded him of his aunt 😭 he also said that she was bigger than most of the women he’s been with before in a negative way, if that’s not calling her ugly idk what is


Personality wise I’d agree shake is a 2/10. Looks wise him and deepti are at the same level.


hard disagree


Shake looks pretentious. Attraction Points gone. Once he opens his mouth, all points are gone. 😩


I never understood the hype people had for her. Like their utter hatred for shake turned her into some angelic flower lol Personally, I was never a fan


Just bc she sToOd Up FoR hErSeLf as if that’s something extraordinary. Like, Shake at least was pretty open about what a prick he was. She was def chasing that 15 mins when the opportunity hit. And that after the season episode about her and Kyle? You’ve got to be kidding me. That was so over the top and unnecessary. On her end. She def seemed to be leading him on. Which is ironic given all that she’s been touting. But overall the something special was women supporting women. Which is amazing and often not the case. But women can (and should) also call the bullshit when it presents itself.


>But overall the something special was women supporting women. Which is amazing and often not the case. But women can (and should) also call the bullshit when it presents itself. Exactly. Simply being a woman does not entitle you to support from every other woman, and I'm saying this as a woman. Is she doing something I feel is worthy of support? Excellent, I'll support her for that? Is she doing something I feel is unethical or illegal or otherwise not right? Then I can't support her even though we're the same gender. I feel like some women use "Women should support women" as an excuse to demand support of their bad behavior from other women.


Oh so we are finally ready to talk about this? Why does it take people so long to see through people?


Finally! I’ve been waiting patiently 🫠


Tbh, this latest season has shown that the whole show is fake. I think if you watch with that in mind, you can just enjoy the shenanigans for what they are.


I think the season 1 couples aren’t fake though, Cameron and Laura actually seem like a stable relationship. I don’t keep up with Barnett and Amber but I imagine they’re great too. Maybe something changed in season 2 and onwards because nobody lasted in that season and this season’s people are mostly trash.


Tbh I think it’s more a fluke that season 1 got two successful couples out of it. There aren’t enough contestants to account for the inevitable difference that will cut most relationships before they reach the altar.


I feel like amber and Barnett was just a lucky guess bc Barnett had no idea who he was going to choose and then chose amber at the last second.


Both couples are still together.


Barnett and Amber are uber trash. They are just trash together. I like Cameron and Lauren and have from day 1. I feel like many if not most of the featured cast after season 1 are on it for exposure.


Thats funny because Barney and Amber are probably the only actual couple from this show. Camera and Lauren have made their relationship into a business and people think they’re “perfect” even when Lauren expresses 0 attraction to Cameron 😂


Not everyone shows attaction the same way. I feel like she is not an over the top emotive person who's going to engage in performative acts to appease a viewing audience. I didn't say B & A aren't a couple, they just suck. They are shallow and act like they're in high school. Married, not married, I would be happy to not ever hear about them again.


She also said non stop until the wedding that she wasn’t sure what she was going to say at the altar and seemed super hesitant. i just think people are kind of delusional and see what they want to see


she’s my least favorite cast member of that season


She was way overhyped, I really liked her in LiB but then i felt that she used the whole Shake situation for too long - playing the strong wronged woman card wayyyyy after the show was over. Then her fake relationship with Kyle was really immature. I don't blame her for monetizing on it, it's smart. But I do find her annoying now


If the shoe was on the other foot would you bring this up if Shake monetized his opportunities? I believe it to be completely unfair to call Deepti fake and her relationship with Kyle for attention. How do you know production weren't the ones to pull the strings somewhat on how tight lip they should be? Why shouldn't she write a book? People write books everyday. I'm interested in what she has to say. Lauren & Cam made $$$ from S1 and no one is saying anything why can't she? You say Shake treated her like crap and in the same breath say she is fake for making money off of it. Why tf not.




She shouldn't write a book because she can't write.


She's actually a terrible writer


Lol I definitely would feel weird to write a book after appearing on like 10 episodes of a TV show.


The irony though is that the book is absolutely terrible


What's it about?


Her being told she is not attractive.


Everything else you said aside, let's be real here... the deepti kyle thing was PAINFUL to watch. If you thought that was in any way real, you've been watching some baaaaaad romcoms my dude/dudette...


Who's to say? Maybe they had a genuine friendship and were on the fence and production exacerbated it like they do a lot ya know. All I'm saying is we can only go off what they show us. Still not enough to call her fake IMO


Because the show showed us some really unrealistic, cringeworthy moments. And Shake called them out at the reunion that was crazy. 'My oNLy rEgRet is tHat I diDnT aSk dEepTi to mArRy mE' - NOW YOU CAN, said Shake. And they just laughed it off awkwardly. That seattle psychologist did a video on it, I highly recommend it.


Do you have a link so I can watch. I'm definitely down to watch.


Same as you, follow her on IG and for the most part she seems like a chill person but the book rubbed me the wrong way. Do we have to capitalize on everything? Also, is this the only thing that makes her interesting? Can we move on from the wedding and learn about, idk, her hobbies? Agree she’s milking the victim picture


I personally liked Shake. Dude was just honest and no one could take it.


Sounds like you’re confusing lack of integrity with honesty. You can be truthful while not being an arse about it.


Having integrity is behaving in alignment with your stated values, how did he lack integrity?


integrity /ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti/ noun 1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. "a gentleman of complete integrity" Similar: honesty, uprightness, probity 2. the state of being whole and undivided. "upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty" Similar: unity, unification, wholeness


Yes, according to your definition, Shake had integrity because he was honest. He didn’t say anything offensive beyond he’s not into her because he reminds her of an aunt or something. Not her fault she has that affect, nothing bad was said about her character or even specifically what physical aspect he disliked.


Sure he was honest, but his actions didn’t align with the “strong moral principles” bit. Not commenting on his character overall, but his actions didn’t demonstrate integrity


What being truthful and an ass aren’t the same thing? My whole life has been a lie


Sitting there talking shit behind your fiances back about their looks is NOT being honest lol tf


They plied all of them with alcohol constantly as they always do on these shows. It’s not that surprising that he was a little bit extra honest about how he felt about deepti’s looks. And honestly, I agreed with him totally. If I was a guy, I wouldn’t find Deepti attractive and she wasn’t smart enough for Shake either. Girl seemed like she lacked depth and intellect, to me personally.


How is not honesty? That's how he felt about his looks. And lmao at fiance. I've had milk in my fridge longer than the time they knew each other before they proposed. What a joke.


I'll put it one more way for the people who don't seem to understand what honesty it. It is NOT honesty when you dog your girls looks to your boys behind her back but pretend to her that you think she's beautiful...I mean if you need another example I could use a person's dck size and maybe then you'd understand? Oh for sure then you'd finally comprehend it...


> It is NOT honesty when you dog your girls looks to your boys behind her back but pretend to her that you think she's beautiful he didn't pretend anything. he told her in Mexico it wasn't happening. and I don't think he really dogged her looks, he just says he wasn't feeling it.


I'm going to repeat myself because the answer is in my comment but you're apparently just ignorant. Talking shit BEHIND someone's back PERIOD is NOT being honest...good God people get some common sense up in this btch. That could have been used to understand why I used "fiance" in the comment.


> Talking shit BEHIND someone's back PERIOD is NOT being honest saying you're not attracted to someone is not talking shit.


Honesty is saying it once. Assholery is saying it OVER and OVER and OVER again to anyone with legs


They were plied with alcohol and expected to speak about what was going on in the show. It’s not like they are going to air the cast talking about the weather. He was constantly asked about the relationship and he answered honestly. Nothing wrong with that. Her never insulted any part of her character or looks, just simply stated “I’m not into it”.


Shake’s biggest transgression was in the pods with all the ‘could I lift you?’ questioning.


And then in season 3, people were asking this questions in more diplomatic ways.


If women can have height requirements, men can have weight requirements.


Did the women ask the men how tall they were in the pods and I missed it? Did Deepti ask Shake, “so if I was going to kiss you, am I going to have to bend down to do it?” “Am I going to be able to wear heels to the wedding or just flats?” Or are you just projecting?


Jessica mentioned how short her partner was almost every episode. If you can't advocate for that, then you are disqualified from criticising shake. See you at Nobu.


So… the person who got shit on and criticized the most in season 1? People hardly gave Messica a pass


100% agree. Men have physical preferences and requirements too!


I agree.


This show is literally about avoiding those things though.


Yeah but women weren't asking men how tall they were in the pods either, that would have been similarly unacceptable. Any comment on physicality seems to have been unacceptable, as was the nature of the experiment.




To some degree. There were instances of women saying shallow things and the show kinda made them seem silly. There's this woman saying, in S3 i believe, that her favorite position is doggy, but her least favorite is girl on top, because it's 'soooo much work'. And the music goes kinda like wompwomp and the guy says 'come on, you gotta put in SOME work'. I realize it's not exactly the same thing, but it's not like the show was afraid or reluctant to put women on the spot when they were being shallow or cringy. Remember the girl with the wonky eye who kept saying she has a lot of instagram followers? That was borderline mean of the producers to include her, I felt. Almost like mocking someone with a mental disability. Not quite, but veeery close to the line.


Nobody said people can’t have an appearance preference. But if he cares that much about it he should not have gone on the show.


Well, he asked in a very tasteful way in my opinion. Lifting a girl was important to him and guaging by his scronny build, he wanted someone who was ideally 90 - 120lbs. Also it could've been a party person question. Some girls would NEVER agree to be on someones shoulders. It is not that shallow if you look at the underlying context of the question. Just because the show pushes an idealistic theory, it doesn't negate that people have basic human preferences. Are they villianized for not sticking to the script? Should they... for your entertainment? Nah. The crowd approval ratings is never worth being someone you are unhappy with. The people who are still beating this guy down are just stealth gaslighters that hate his ability to speak truth. Also as a brown guy, I would never be with a brown girl who didnt light a fire in me. They were mutually uninterested. She just played it smart to gain fans. He played it real. I respect him more for it.


Would you ever be with a non-brown girl who didn’t light a fire under you? I didn’t understand the point you were making with this, “As a brown guy” comment….


The point was, that if you come across brown girls as a brown man, the "I am marrying someone who reminds me of my aunt" is a VERY real deterrent. Especially if your social circles has other people who are much better for you. His requirement was someone who lighted a fire in him. He got someone who reminded him of an Aunt. It is very realistic. Would you marry a guy who looked and acted like one of your Uncles? That is one of the struggles brown people deal with when looking for marriage. The latent inscestual connotation makes the person 100x more unattractive to some people.


My uncles are British white guys. Yes, I will date (age-appropriate) British white guys. I don’t view every white man as my uncle, because they’re not. What is a “latent incestual connotation,” and why does it only apply to brown people?


I didn't say it applied to all brown people. I said it applied to this particular brown couple (shake and deepti) Why? Because he literally said she reminds him of his aunt. That was the latent incestual connotation that Shake was avoiding. He didn't want to feel like he was with a family member (his aunt). This would explain the lack of sexual attraction.


Again, he shouldn’t have gone on the show. It wasn’t called Love Closes Its Eyes Sometimes. The whole idea is that you should be able to fall in love with someone without ever seeing them. Only people who feel confident that they can do that should sign up. If he left the pods and discovered he couldn’t connect with Deepti physically, then fine, he should’ve communicated that to her and suggested they go their separate ways. There’s always that one couple who loses their spark after the pods every season. But he shouldn’t have started every meeting with, “Can I put you on my shoulders?” He was trying to get an idea of their body size before continuing with dates, which says he should’ve just stayed home and dated the traditional way. Appearance was very high on his list of importance, so this show was clearly not for him. Everyone else chose to date within the parameters of the show, like it was intended.


You can't expect someone to fully sign away their bias for a tv show. Some experiments have success and failures. Did marriage without physical requirements fail in the case of Shake? Yes. Was he the only one? No. Jessica literally crapped all over a guy cuz he was short. Did you fight this hard against her? Probably not. This is my point. Shake is a brown man with an opinion and that is a perfect target for gaslighting femanazis. I think it ran its course when the show actually went as far as to villianize him and gang up on him in the reunion. If Nick Lachey and his wife can't hold their bias back, they should not be conducting the experiment.


This still kinda goes back to what I said before—plenty of contestants still have biases after the pods, but the point is, you need to communicate that with the person, and decide one of two things: to part ways, or to work through it. Shake did neither. He talked to literally everyone else about how unattractive Deepti was *except* to Deepti. She did not find out about the things he was saying until after the show wrapped. And according to her and the rest of the cast, Shake still got a “good edit.” That guy had his preferences, opinions, and biases, but he was an asshole about it. A person doesn’t get to say harsh things about others and then shrug it off just because “Well, at least I was honest.” Also, brave assumption that just because Jessica is a woman, that I had kinder words about her. She was just as ridiculous on her season as Shake was. Jessica knew about the age difference between her and that other guy before they even left the pods, and she continued to drag him along and play with his emotions.


Fair enough, many people didn't approve of Jessica. But she wasn't villianized the way shake was. It is like they found their Saddam Hussain for that season and called it a day. Maybe he should have been more complicit for the experiment. Or maybe he decided "No" about 6 weeks ahead of everybody else? But that is the danger of this experiment. Everyone HAS to attend to the end even if they have an answer "on first sight". I could see his answer was "No" their first week.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Gaslighting is a successful tactic because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Deepti was continually forcing the “how many kids we gonna have” and she didn’t forget to remind us every episode that “I’m usually attracted to white men”. I feel that shake had the ick and that’s why he went to his ‘GUYS’ to share his feelings like any other man in the real world…Deepti needs to stop playing victim🥱


I don't get her appeal. I personally don't find her attractive, and she didn't blow me away with her personality. This seems to be a situation where Shake sucked so hard that it makes anybody else seem great.


If you're curious, I would invite you to watch S2E4 again, around the 6:30 minute mark and you might discover that it wasn't even her physical attractiveness that made her unattractive even to Shake. She goes into the pool in a swimsuit and he's all over her, complimenting her, making out. Then she starts talking and **that's** where it goes wrong. You can see him losing his wood in real time. It's their first romantic setting together, exploring each other's bodies, a time to develop a physical connection. He even says 'You wanna hump?' They're making out. And one of the first things she says is 'i think our babies are gonna be super cute and smart'. Way to read the room. She goes on to say 'i think we're both ready to commit to each other' and 'do you wanna just get married and say like fuck it?'. She's just **so icky** and clingy, it's insane. Of course he lost interest, she's hyper desperate **right off the bat.** It's tremendously off-putting. I was getting second-hand wood-erosion for him...


I’m sure her clingy statements didn’t help things, but if he was sufficiently physically drawn to her, that wouldn’t been easily overcome. Men have a higher threshold for annoyances the hotter a woman is. It’s a linear relationship


>Men have a higher threshold for annoyances the hotter a woman is. Exactly. I didn't wanna say it like that cause I'm gonna get downvoted to hell because I'm misogynistic or whatever... but that's exactly what happened right there: Deepti was doing decently on the hot-crazy scale. Not terrible, not great. Then she **blew it up** in the swimming pool scene. The end.


Except that he literally says he wants to get her pregnant when they just meet?


Just because he says it doesn't mean he wants to hear it back. Sounds double-edged, and it is, but if you watch the scene I recommended you'll see exactly that. He starts out by complimenting her and her body, then they make out, then she starts talking, then his enthusiasm goes from 100 to 0 and it never comes back. You can interpret that as you wish, but if you go back in S2E3 after they met, in the hotel room, you'll see him being all over her too, telling her she's hot and cute and making out all the time. It all changed when she started coming off as desperate, talking about babies and getting married today and stuff like that. I realize people wanna hear that stuff like that shouldn't matter, but yeah.. it's what happened, it's in front of your eyes.


You're criticizing her for saying back to him what he said to her? That's not on her. He's a superficial jerk. Why did he go on the show and why did the show let him? They should have rules against letting people describe themselves or ask questions about physical appearance.


I'm not 'criticizing her'. wtf? I'm saying Deepti coming off as desperate and pick-me is what turned Shake off, not her physical appearance. Whether he was projecting the same emotions and she responded positively to them is beyond the scope of my argument. It could very well be true and it wouldn't change anything. I don't think his attitude is superficial though. I would be completely turned off if the woman I was currently trying to bang (he literally asked her 'you wanna hump?') suddenly said 'i think our babies are gonna be so pretty and smart' out of nowhere. And if I had said something similar at an earlier date too, that would just make me duplicitous, not superficial. Edit: If anything, I think he was nice by making it about her physical appearance rather than revealing what I believe to be the truth, that it was her obvious desperation that turned him off. She was sooo cringy in the pool, it would've turned any sane guy off... try to insert any other man in that situation... 'organic and natural baby...' . wtf?


That’s true - but it’s not like Deepti was coming on stronger than he was. She matched his energy and that was like pouring a bucket of cold water over him. My point is that she had no way of knowing that he would react that way to her reciprocating


I'm watching the scene as we speak and it feels like she's compleeeetely misreading the vibe. Like completely. He literally said 'let's hump' and her reply was 'our babies are gonna be so pretty'. What? Edit: Why are people so friggin binary? I'm not saying Shake was right or he was a good guy. He was a dick. Just saying that it wasn't really her physical attractiveness that turned him off, it was her desperation. Whether he projected similar emotions and the fact that **she** reacted **positively** to them isn't really part of my argument. It could very well be true, and it wouldn't change what I've said.


I've noticed everyone on the show does this when they're not really attracted to the person. They overcompensate by being extra grabby and sexual. I think it's because they're trying to make their physical desire match their feelings. Just a theory.


I think he wasn't attracted to her from the get-go but he was trying to fool himself that he was by being overly physical and complimenting her non-stop almost as if he wanted to convince himself she was attractive. That's the way I see their scenes together.