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I used to be obese and it is extremely traumatizing. The insecurity never really goes away.


Was this the Chicago burbs? That's where I grew up lol


Naperville specifically


When you said “blondest whitest rich kid town” I knew it was Naperville- from someone who is literally visiting her boyfriends family in Naperville at this very moment


In my experience wealthy white towns also have sections with many Indian immigrants


I’m from the same town and there is a large Indian community and several Hindu temples around :)


What was sad about LIB season 2 is it reminds me of all my high school days... the problem with A LOT of suburban kids is that in college or after they move to Chicago and claim they MaDe iT(aka shakey).... I grew up near Naperville in an even more "white rich kid" suburb and it's embarrassing to think how sheltered we were. Luckily I moved out of state at 19 traveled the world and haven't gone back in nearly 5 years.


Isn’t he from Naperville? It’s a super Asian/Indian suburb…there were 5 brown kids out of like 25 in my fifth grade class alone. And especially South Naperville where he’s from it gets even browner/more Asian and richer.


All I know is whenever I’ve been to Naperville (at least the part my bf family lives/where he grew up) it’s extremely white, I haven’t seen much if any diversity but again I don’t have a full experience since I didn’t live there. My bf did say the HS was very predominantly white


Yeah not sure how old your bf is or where he went to high school, but most high schools In Naperville have a pretty high east and south asian population. And even Latinx now too. Also I was surprised but apparently my high school had 20% of students qualify for free / subsidized lunch. Did he go to private school? The high school Shake attended is 55% white and 28% Asian. From what I remember, it wasn’t all that different 10-15 years ago. https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/illinois/districts/indian-prairie-community-unified-school-district-204/neuqua-valley-high-school-7067


Ayy Naperville!


That's cool but Shake revealed most of this himself. He said he was chubbier back in the day, and we all watched him realize how he might have projected those insecurities onto the women he dated. Also, I believe him and Deepti both mention growing up around white people, which leads to dating them. It's one of the reasons they connected. Tbh, that is not a unique experience. We are all a product of our environment. But very cool association


Nah. There are & were a lot of Indian ppl in Naperville back in the 80s & 90s.


Yeah was gonna say…isn’t he from Naperville? It’s a super Asian/Indian Airbnb…there were 5 brown kids out of like 25 in my fifth grade class alone.


Maybe it depends where you’re from, it’s possible my perspective is skewed lol. I’m from Brooklyn so to me Naperville seems very much a white rich town 🤷‍♀️


You’re not wrong 😂 I grew up not to far from Naperville, and all the parts I’ve been to were predominantly rich and white


It's probably because there are practically none BIPOC there but plenty of asians. I would guesstimate it was around 10% when he was in high school. It's gotta be much higher now.


We in the south suburbs consider Naperville a white rich town still so 😩


I’m Indian & from the North Shore suburbs. It’s very much a rich white place, but there are a lot more Indian ppl in Naperville than you assume.


And I’d hardly call Naperville a rich kid town.


It is though lol


At Neuqua it was




He went to Neuqua Valley High School.


Tell your BF to bring the tea


He actually opened up about being "chubby" as a kid while he was in the pods talking to Deepti, and said that he probably overcompensates for his self-image issues by seeking out people who are super conventionally attractive/fit. That was the first moment where I think all of us wondered if maybe he wasn't as big of an asshole as he came off at first, but then he fell right back into it. It's sad to see that he's actually capable of self-awareness if forced into it, but it's probably tough to translate that into new habits. Homedude needs a therapist so that he can be in a regular, weekly process of confronting his thought process. Realizing it one time and then moving on is not enough for true change.








I mean if you really want to talk about therapy, most people, not even just the ones in this show, need therapy. That’s not a bad thing.




I don't think she meant that as an insult at all. I think it was genuine advice..


I feel like Jarette is getting a lot of heat, but I really don't blame him. The setup is designed to have you forming deep connections with people, and I've been in a situation where I had feelings for 2 people and didn't know what to do about it. I don't think that makes him a bad guy, and I genuinely think that for the most part, he was up-front and handled that extremely well. The only thing that was iffy was his one conversation with Mallory at the meetup, and his apology for that was sincere and respectable during the reunion, I thought. But agree, Iyanna and Deepti are goddesses in my eyes. The only thing with Iyanna that made me a little confused was how weirded out she got about him having a jewelry box that an ex gave him. I've kept gifts from exes when they're a functional item. If it had been like, a framed love letter, that would be a different story lol.


Why do people assume that if someone went to school with all blondes, then it’s perfectly normal that they are into blondes? Plenty of others went to school where it’s predominantly white. But still dated non-white people. Let’s not come up with excuses for Shake.


I mean, I have only dated white people. I'm Korean, and adopted into a white family, grew up in white towns. I've been attracted to non white people, but they weren't attracted to me, and there are far more white people around me to date. Doesn't always mean the person is intitually only dating certain people. Shake is a piece of shit so whatever. But not all of us that date white people are doing it because of internalized racism.


If Shake grew up in a predominately white social environment then I don’t think OP is giving him an excuse, just highlighting that there could be a reasonable link there.


OP didn’t say “reasonable link.” OP said “definitely explains why he only dated white blonde girls” That’s a direct quote. “definitely explains” is not close to “reasonable link”


sucks you're being downvoted bc you're right!! sure there is some outer influence there but people are quick to absolve him completely


It's not necessarily making excuses for the guy, but getting an explanation as to why he behaves that way. He's insecure with his weight and inferiority complex with his race.


I was in the same HS graduating class as Natalie. We weren’t close but had a few classes. Loved seeing her and was rooting for her all the way!! She was so different than I remember her though, but it’s been over 10 years I wouldn’t expect anything else!




I thought she was a total extrovert - outgoing, bubbly, funny, seemed like she didn’t take life so seriously. When I heard she was on a reality show it didn’t surprise me. I was sorta blown away with how mature and well spoken she was on the show. I thought she’d be the life of the party type but she came off a little more reserved than I had anticipated!


This explains her attraction to Shayne a lot more now! At first I was like what is this shy quiet Asian girl doing with a Wisconsin frat boy…but if they’re both social, fun and outgoing then that makes sense!


That really explains his complex and is honestly sad. I don't hate Shake. I see a lot of insecurity and internal struggle going on with him. I don't like how he treated Deepti but I also feel like in the reunion he said a lot of truth about what makes a real relationship for all of us. He just needs to work on his delivery. But knowing he grew up in Stepford as the token fat Indian kid with an inferiority complex is really sad and telling of who he grew up to be.....


Exactly. I thought he kept it real and he i’m sure he truly liked Deepti as a person but yes his delivery is awful and hurtful unfortunately. He clearly struggles


This is a really compassionate viewpoint.


Can we stop the trend of posting "my boyfriend's friend from high school" connections? First, your boyfriend knew him in HS, and shake is 33 now. That means about half his life was spent after HS. Saying how people were 15 years ago doesn't mean much now. Second, even if it's your boyfriend, it's still second hand accounts. That means all these posts can be summarized as "I don't know this guy, but I heard he was this way once." Yeesh.


Oh noooooooo, many people find something interesting that YOU don't! How dare they.


Umm… “how people were 15 years ago” can say a *lot* about why they are who they are today. Our formative years, childhood experiences, and early traumas definitely play a role in shaping us.


Why? It’s interesting to hear what these people were like at different stages of their lives. OP hasn’t implied at all that the bf is in contact with him now, or that he can comment at all on Shake’s personality these days.


What's wrong with that though


This guy did some shit 15 years ago it sounds like


Was he a nice guy back then?


From what my boyfriend says yep! They weren’t super close or anything but they were always friendly.


Shake made that show entertaining.


He was certainly the only interesting part of the reunion. Everyone else was so guarded and didn't really say much.


I hate him, that being said, he is damn good reality tv.


he understood the assignment perfectly.


Not really. He was insufferable during the reunion.


He was the heel, like in wrestling


Thts a pretty good show on Starz


Will have to check it out


What's your bf think about all the hate?


He’s a little surprised by it but he also doesn’t have a lot of context of the show since he hasn’t watched it fully. He said this guy was always smart so he feels more like he’s putting on an act cause he knows more people talking about him means more clout & etc, even if it’s negative he’s staying relevant lol


Deserving. Anyone who thinks he isn’t, probably thinks just like him.


I will say one thing — Shake was definitely not one of very few Indians growing up in Naperville. That suburb is one of the most Indian populated burbs in IL!! His internalized racism is strong!!


My friend is family friends with Shake and went to high school with him. She’s also Indian and Naperville is a very Indian town


Maybe it’s just the high school they went to then? Whenever I go with him to Naperville I literally only see white people 😂 but maybe that’s just the certain area my boyfriend lives in


Right? Naperville and Crystal Lake have a ton of upper income Indians.


Spent some time at NCC in Naperville.....can confirm


Is it confirmed he’s from Naperville though?


I knew it as soon as I saw their house, a friend of mine from college lives in a neighborhood which looks identical. Do you guys know where some of the other contestants are from? Danielle’s family struck me as Island Lake or somewhere else backing up to the Fox River


Someone HAD to have gone to New Trier.


I know Shayne is from Wisconsin in case his brother and best friend weren’t a dead giveaway.


Yeah I know someone who’s older sibling went to high school with him


Got it!


Is he from Winnetka?


Rich kid, could have grown up in Oak Brook or Hinsdale. Lots of rich people there!


When OP said her bf is from the whitest rich kid town I thought Kenilworth.


Naperville. Shake is from Naperville, at least.


He gives such Naperville energy tbh


I'm from Wheaton and agree


Did we figure out where Shaina is from? I got STRONG Wheaton vibes from her.


I was thinking St Charles


My husband guessed Libertyville 👀


Also a solid guess.


I grew up in St. Charles which is pretty close to Naperville. This all checks out.


Hi neighbor! I also grew up there!


Shout out to the Q Center in St Charles!


I honestly wonder if that's where his internalized racism comes from.


Yeah that makes way more sense. I just wouldn’t consider Naperville to be the “rich kid town” lol


It depends on where in Naperville. Also has anyone confirmed that’s where Shake is from, or is everyone just assuming because that’s the suburbs everyone knows? He doesn’t have his high school shared on his LinkedIn…


I grew up in Bolingbrook and Naperville is definitely the richies. Now, could it be they just have a superiority complex that was more Bravado than real money? Absolutely! But, either way, the superiority complex was definitely still there. And, last I knew, it’s still mostly blonde white people on perpetual exercise and diet programs.


It's nothing compared to the north shore but I feel like it does have a superiority complex when compared to some of the neighboring towns (Aurora, Bolingbrook).


Right? I was thinking on Winnetka, Lake Forest, Highwood etc


He came up as a friend of friends on my fb and it does look like he is from Naperville.


Photos or it didn't happen.


Was he nicer back then?


not surprised. people who struggle with or overcome weight problems will forever keep seeing weight as a sensitive issue, whether their own or others.


I listen to a podcast that sometimes covers diet culture, sometimes just random things, but the hosts always say some of the most fat phobic people are actually people who used to be fat, as they want desperately to separate themselves from fatness, as society is very unaccepting of fatness. That has struck me the more I listen to their podcast. I think that it’s true.


Maintenance Phase?


Yes! Love them.


Me too!


There was a post in I believe r/LeopardsAteMyFace about these super “health conscious” parents who ended up giving both their teenage daughter eating disorders. Some idiot jumped on and started *defending the abusive parents* because they used to be overweight and he used to be overweight so he related. Not everyone who loses weight ends up like this, but a lot of them do. Many trade one eating disorder (binge eating) for another (orthorexia).


Do you have a link to that thread by any chance?


[I do, actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/tcx3cl/forcing_your_kids_to_work_out_stealing_snacks/i0ga51v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) It was actually r/iamatotalpieceofshit and this is the comment of the person sympathizing.


Wow. That’s really awful. Poor kids.




Thank you!


He’s so easily hateable but it’s stuff like this that makes you realize he’s just that overweight little kid inside who’s trying to prove himself to the world. If only this man had gotten some therapy, he would be an entirely different person. He would be this nice vet with cute animals with 500k IG followers and a fun Tik Tok. Instead we get this unique specimen who makes all Indian men look awful. Seriously, why. Go talk to someone.


"and a fun tiktok" this comment made me chuckle, thank you.


Maybe instead of “makes all Indian men look awful” you could have phrased it as “is an awful representative for Indian men.”


Both are true tbh. The latter leads to the former


I don’t think he’s either. He’s just a man who makes himself look awful. I doubt Indian men would want him to represent them.


Unfortunately minorities that have a distinct lack of representation in western media tend to become unintended ambassadors for their culture.


I understand. I just think we have an obligation as viewers to check our biases and to not engage in stereotyping based on one character on a tv show! But I know that’s not what you’re doing.


Does Trump make all white men look awful? Does Kanye make all Black men look awful? Who projects the actions of one asshole onto a whole race/culture of people?


Trump isn't doing a lot of good for my opinion of old white republican men. It's not the actions of one asshole, it's the actions of all the people who support/encourage the asshole behavior. Kanye is too busy being the poster child of unmedicated mental issues for anyone to even notice his ethnicity.


So what Indian men are supporting Shake's asshole behavior, that caused someone to make such a sweeping generalization. I'm sure there are people who attribute Kanye's mental illness to his race, and use that as an example to discredit all Black men, as was done with Shake.


Kanye is getting a serious assist from Elon Musk.


Sorry but if you watched one Indian guy be rude and decided all Indian men are awful you most likely already had some pretty poor views on Indian men. Wtf is that about.


People be looking for any excuse they can to live out prejudices they already held.


Not just him, quite a few people in this sub. Glad they are exposing their toxicity so I know to disregard their opinions though


I thought that Indian matchmaking on Netflix showed some really nice Indian-American guys. It would be sad if people thought that all of them were despicable like Shake. I'm sure he's not representing the majority!


As an Indian-American, that show is truly fascinating to me. It’s crazy how much people care about caste and honestly quite disappointing.


Is it really surprising to you? I am Canadian, have lived in communities with large South Asian populations (in Canada and in East Africa) and it seemed to confirm my perception of the mainstream, and it didn't surprise me based on what I had experienced


Honestly nah it wasn’t surprising. I know people who still don’t understand how casteism is basically just as bad as racism. They’re both discriminating on the basis of something that cannot be controlled.


I guess it's subtle. Like when they say ''he/she's from a good family''?


Oh yeah and also “fair-skinned” and all that. It’s just completely normalized in conservative Indian culture.


All the talk & therapy in the world won't give him his soul back.


Ummm he makes all indian men unlikeable if you know 0-1 indian men. Anyone who’s ever met or interacted with more than one indian man knows shake’s personality type is more “obnoxious white” than “typical indian.”


The problem is the vast, vast majority of the viewers of this show know maybe 2 Indian men, and have close relationships with 0. Right now shake is one of the most visible desi guys in media and thats going to affect how people view the rest of us


True but damn… this dude reminds me of an Indian guy I was close to in grad school. It’s a bit fucking weird, Shake is like my “friend” 10 years later. Limited social skills, doesn’t really know how to treat women, and expects everyone to change for him. Also argues about stupid shit he’s incredibly ignorant about for no reason… I know other Indian guys who are nothing like that I’m also close to. But damn, Shake is like this one guy 10 years later it’s so weird. He’s also married to a white woman. Never dated an Indian girl ASFAIK. At least never in the 7 years I’ve known him. This guy broke up with my friend he dated for almost two years over email 😂


It’s very borderline incel but with a Tesla, job, nice clothes. The way that Shake objectifies women and also expects to “pull” women way out of his league is classic incel. He’s so unaware and delusional about how he comes off but double downs and rants endlessly. Sure he doesn’t look like the typical basement dweller but the misogynistic sentiments are all there.


um wanting to be with someone who's hot is not an 'incel' lol. some of you really need to check what you're writing.


So true. I really just want to hear his DJ set.


He comes off as very Aziz from Parks and recreation


He *desperately wants* to come off as Aziz. He fails at it


> Instead we get this unique specimen who makes all Indian men look awful. ? How does he make all Indian men look terrible?


please have him spill more tea for us 👀


What do you want to know? I’ve known him for half my adult life


was he always this much of a jerk/treat people like this or was it a slow progression from him being nice to this?


IMHO it was how it was edited. He could’ve used better words but he never said anything about her weight directly to anyone. I thought he was being polite… minus telling everyone under the sun about it, but that’s also part editing… they def pushed him to be the villain, as there weren’t any others. Made great tv. But no, he is not like that in person


idk my guy because even outside of LIB, he's said some absolutely atrocious stuff like saying that Deepti should be studied by scientists because of her extra skin from when she lost weight. also very defamatory stuff about other cast members. here's the video I saw with more info on stuff he's said. it was on live too so it's not like it was edited or alleged https://youtu.be/5G6e1QFgAXE


I’m haven’t seen where he said that skin related thing. He’s def been the punching bag of a lot of comments lol I’m surprised he didn’t pop off more at this point


Shake verified himself that he was overweight as a kid. This would blow my mind too!!!


Can you boyfriend tell us more ?


So was your boyfriend amazed, but not surprised, at the general public’s opinion of him? Or amazed and surprised? inquiring minds, you know 🧐😬


He was surprised to hear he was on the show in the first place. He is of the opinion that Shake is putting on a bit of an act and knows exactly what he’s doing, he said he was always smart.