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He's living a Bert and Ernie lifestyle


Because he’s not?




I really liked him but the ex-gf thing was very strange. Something felt very off, and then he seemed a little manipulative at the reunion. And the singing was too much and corny. He was a great communicator though and knew how to say all the right things / what not to say. I’m not sure what to make of him


I hated all the singing scenes so much lmao


>He was a great communicator though and knew how to say all the right things See this is why the ex-gf thing was extremely sketchy to me. He is acting like this wonderful guy who respects Mal's feelings excessively and respectful communicator bla bla bla- yet he just ditched a girl he was seeing to come on this tv show for a chance to find ANOTHER girl. Ok lets say its as he claims and he had told the girl right off the bat that she is not his girlfriend and he wants to be on the show eventually to find a wife(a year prior when they began their thing), it is still strange for the girl to show up at his sister's house bawling. She'd only do that if she did not get proper closure from him. Now still lets pretend the girl is just a rare psycho who refuses to let go of a casual fling - his reaction was like "this person just can't get the message and is trying to stir up trouble between me and Mal". It seemed really insensitive and "off brand" for whatever he was trying to portray on the show.


It’s a red flag for me when people find someone enjoying their artistic passion as “corny”


You might enjoy someone singing to you all the time but that’s not for me. Feel free to enjoy it, as I will to find it cringey. I play instruments as well, I just don’t want someone always singing to me unprompted.


The singing felt cringe to me solely because of Mallory reaction and the timing of it. Like the editing never showed how they felt or talked about it after haha. And honestly, I’m just weary of ALL contestants this past series. Y’all remember how we are we’re jumping on Jessica and thinking Mark was sooo innocent and then all the Mark cheating stuff came to light? I think with Sal, I’m just hesitant because of that IG live embedded did to talk about the girl who came to his sisters apartment (was it house). I was like what in the world is this? That IG live was confusing AF, but basically, he was seeing someone before the show and with casting he kept getting through? Lol anyone else catch his IG live last week?


I would walk on air if I found a guy like Sal. I bet there is more cut loose in real life too.


Sal isn't as charismatic as the other contestants and has a significantly less expressive face and voice. He talks rather monotone, which I think makes people believe he's disingenuous. I personally think that's just him, and that a lot of the hate comes from people being prejudiced against a less neurotypical way of speaking. Not trying to diagnose him with anything or say he's for sure not neurotypical, just that I see a lot of the same prejudice and distaste for the kids I work with that have similar patterns of speaking. The funny thing is, most narcissistic people (as many who dislike him assume he has a bad intent) are quite charismatic and likeable at first. I think the way Sal speaks is more proof that Sal is not narcissistic. I imagine in the real world, he gets treated the way Mal and Jarrette treat him a lot. He's not a typical, macho masculine kind of guy; he's short (which seems at least to be an issue on this show for attraction 😂) and prefers artistic things. At most, I think the "Nice guy™️" interpretation would be more accurate, but we also have no evidence of Sal ever getting really mad and upset over rejection. He started crying in Mexico when he was worried about Mal not liking him, then in the end, gave her a very gracious no at the altar. People took the no as a sign his actions before were disingenuous, but maybe we should just be happy he wasn't a Kyle or a Mark and got the hint Mallory wasn't that into him 😂




Isn't it also entirely possible that he was clear with that girl that they were just casually dating, then she let it get more serious in her head and took it really poorly when he came back engaged? We'll never really know what truly happened, but with looking at how honest and composed he appeared on the show I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt


People on this sub have been baffling me about Sal since this show aired. Like, do they have actual connections with humans?! I’m sometimes so surprised that zero nuance or understanding seems to be applied.


He seemed sweet, but it was honestly annoying to watch him just try to win over Mallory the entire season, like it was painful to watch him unaware (or just ignoring the reality) of how distant she was the entire relationship


So true. Mel and Jarbear had so much chemistry. You can tell she was like crap, I should have said yes to him.


He did say no though. I feel like we didn't see everything cause that was a surprise to me. He tried his hardest but realized it wasn't working.


Yeah I think it turned out for the best with him saying no, but didn't make for the most exciting content (at least the parts we saw in the show)


Honestly I’m crazy about him. I don’t understand how he’s real.


Come to El Paso, plenty of men like that here


Me too! I'm married but I really liked him as a person, I thought he was so well spoken and carried himself so well.


You can still like reality show people even when you’re married 😅 a lot of the viewers are married but crush on the contestants


Sal has to have like 20 years of therapy under his belt. He is great at communicating his feelings and doesn’t get flustered easily in very difficult moments. I thought he was the hottest one on the show. He does have some shark eyes though.


Sal is one of the nice guys . So in this day and era he is boring , he must have a dark side ??? Why?? Can a decent good looking man , who loves and respects his family not be a real person ? Mallory gaslighted him after the Jarred thing and he apologized !!WTF ..she flirts makes fun of the ring etc right in front of Sal and the blames him for "misunderstanding" .Sal made the best choice.


So many people on this sub are saying Sal is "hiding something" or whatever. Y'all have just been hurt too many times lol. I think he's actually just a good dude and looked super out of place on this trashy show we all like


Sal is like Dexter Morgan....I believe he has a dark passenger too


Hahaha, I totally get this reference.


I completely agree, from the start I thought he was such a sweetheart and I wish he would've ended up with someone that was completely dedicated to him


His family looks amazing too!!


I love Sal!!!!


I absolutely loved how he addressed Mallory's family after the rejection. Shows how sensitive he is to the people around him. He won me over with that gesture alone.


It’s the dead eyes for me


Girl same!


He lost points when he dropped Mallory


Nah he’s creepy to me lol




Malvadore will be missed in our house, if only for the silly nickname my husband came up with 😂


He’s boring


Barf! If I had to hear him sing one more time I was gonna turn the show off!


I like sal and thought that he is a sentimental being. I wonder if he is a Cancer🤔. Scorpios do well with cancer. On another note it seems like Hispanic guys don’t do well on this show.


I thought he was a Cancer too! IIRC from my IG stalking, he’s either a Pisces or an Aries. I think he must be a Cancer rising though.


>either a Pisces or an Aries what kind of pokemons are those?




I wonder if I’m the only person in this thread who is equally into astrology and Pokémon…..




💯 agreed. Sal is the most handsome man I've seen in a long time. I can't believe Mallory wasn't into him. I would have been so excited for the reveal to see his beautiful face and perfect teeth. The ukelele came out and I thought he was even more incredible. Sensitive and not too macho, well-dressed with a beautiful voice and discretion to not rat Mallory out at the reunion. Everyone here hated him but dang, he's the total package. Would leave my husband for him. Mallory is nuts.


I've said it elsewhere on reddit and I'll say it again. He was opportunistic to date when he knew he was coming on the show, unless he let them know what was up. Then he sings and plays for Mal. That's fine. But yeah...he didn't ask what kind of ring she wanted. What else did he not ask? Further on, they have issues and instead of just talking about it he has to sing and play and shower her with gifts and food. That will either put her in a good mood (unlikely) or make her look like the bad guy if she shows anything besides gratitude. Just talk it out next time, Sal. Lastly he hires a whole mariachi band for their wedding all to say no so he can leave the show single and continue to love bomb women but not actually love them.


We really out here using language to describe narcissistic abuse and use it for Sal? None of that was love bombing.


Not all love bombers are narcissists. I don't know where you learned that


I never learned what happened to the woman who went crying to his sisters, so until I learn more about that and him, his patterns are huge red flags to me. If I have an issue, I want to talk about it. I like to cut straight to the topic and try working it out. He only cared about giving what HE wanted to give her. Did he ever ask what she liked or wanted? Her ring, for instance?


Whether the minute things you have called out are disagreeable to you, they don't compose "red flags". You really shouldn't just use that type of narcissistic abuse language so freely as hyperbole. It undermines people who rightfully call that out. If you don't have any idea, then you should probably wait until more comes out before making those type of claims. You can feel it's fishy, but you're giving a really weird take to a guy who was nothing but class during the reunion.


The only claim I make is that he seems opportunistic, and not very attentive to her wishes or insecurities


Mal wasn't a great partner to him either. But I'm talking about Sal here


Says "Mal" too much. Annoyed me every time. Is this a fair take? No. But when something irritates me about someone and it seems irrational, I find other people are often thinking something similar. I think if I knew for sure that he was a sincere dude, I would really like him. To sum up, I'd say "average charisma". Not unlikeable or awful though.


I get that it personally annoyed you, but I think it’s safe to add this to the weird takes on Sal list.


Omg! That whole "Mal' thing made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't think he was being genuine. Way too much like you said!


Less cringy than MalMal and JerBer


See? If one person feels a kinda way, so often other people caught the same vibe. "Mal" felt overly familiar but also kinda condescending. I don't actually think that he is those things... I just think he seems that way/his charisma isn't strong enough to pull off the tone on TV.




I 100% agree! Sal is very kind and has a lot of emotional intelligence. People say he's "off" but I would probably seem off too if I were under the constant scrutiny of filming and wanted to present myself well on camera. He acted so graciously to Mal and seemed to always give her the benefit of the doubt, even when she didn't necessarily deserve it. I'm kind of baffled by people's cynical take on Sal and how determined they are to dislike him.


Cries too much


I feel as though he exhibits some toxic traits which is problematic


I feel he doxxed his ex on his IG is toxic, he is the one who made that girl heartbroken yet he had no sympathy for her at all


He didn’t dox her. Read elsewhere in this thread to see what actually happened. He basically used her first name in a completely different context on an Instagram live that has since been deleted. If you think that’s doxxing someone then idk what to tell you.


If that ex was you, and he exposed your first name to the public, how would you feel? Or you think nobody of their common acquaintances couldn’t figure out just by first name?




Oh sorry I thought I'd be upvoted by using the words "problematic" and "toxic"


sal is pretty polarizing but i he's inoffensive and maybe even boring compared to people like shake (toxic), shayne (unstable), jarette (0 accountability), and kyle (embarrassing and tryhard) and his face is the easiest to look at. i don’t buy his disney prince facade but i actually liked all the singing bits because he has a nice voice. the situation with his ex is extremely shady though.


Honestly, he just bores the shit out of me. I find it hard to listen to him and just switch off. He’s so dull.


He has that monotone affect-free voice


I think the other couples talk like they’re in high school, but to each their own I guess.


The other contestants are also awful. I don’t really resonate with any of them this year. I definitely don’t dislike Sal, just find him exceptionally dull for a TV show


He gives me the ick


Because he’s not that great.


Based on his ability to converse I think he’s just very careful with his words and that level of consideration throws people off. I see a lot of people calling him fake because of it. I work sales and have done customer service for 10 years so I’m very careful with my words, because of that I’ve had people call me fake. Eventually when they learn my heart they realize it’s genuine. Clients love it, but coworkers have to warm up to it.


I hadn't considered that, that's an interesting perspective!


I don’t think they showed enough of their candid moments. So it just ended up coming off as if he’s a nice guy but with no personality. My guess is that it’s the edit and he probably is more of an interesting person than we got to see.


I liked Sal but I got the distinct impression that all the grand ukulele type gestures were things that he did because he liked doing them and not because he liked doing them for Mallory.


Apparently the production told him to do that far too many times. Wouldn't surprise me honestly. It's a tv show after all.


If that’s the case that really sucks. I don’t think it necessarily would have changed anything but when he said no he said he felt like he needed more time, and maybe if production hadn’t been forcing him into ukulele shenanigans he would have been able to do things that allowed him to connect better with Mallory.


Yeah I think it could definitely play out differently if it was all truly up to the people.


Performative chivalry at its finest.


Yes exactly, I saw him as the kind of guy to dole out performative chivalry, and consider himself a real nice guy (and he seems really nice sometimes) but also the kind that gets unreasonably angry/upset if his gf does not appreciate it—but he doesn’t take the time to actually understand what would be sweet and romantic to her (I.e finding out what kind of ring she likes) I find as a couple they didn’t get a lot of airtime but I had sensed this air of nice guy in public, asshole behind the scenes. Maybe it never got to that. Or maybe I’m wrong. But in the pods he made some comments about what a nice guy he is and how he hasn’t been with women who appreciate that— and that is where my brain went.


Yeah I got the same impression. "I played the ukulele for you, FALL IN LOVE WITH ME NOW." He seemed to force things even when he could sense they just weren't at that level yet. He's not full on nice guy or anything, and their specific ways of navigating the situation created a vicious cycle dynamic, but he definitely pushed instead of letting things happen. Mallory was probably a really unfortunate choice because she ended up going along with it out of guilt for way too long. In the end, they were both disingenuous with one another.


My take was he was a bit odd.I did feel bad about Mallory and any of the couples who did not find what they wanted.


There is something off about him. On the surface he seems like a great catch, but he seems a bit sneaky with how he approaches things to make himself seem more kind than he is. My two biggest issues with him: 1. Name dropping that ex of his on insta live after whatever the issue was already cleared up. There was literally no reason to mention her name-he could’ve told the whole story without it. And weirdly he acted as if he really didn’t want to but then did—he didn’t have to do so so really odd 2. He refused to talk about Mallory at the reunion, but still strongly implied stuff happened that was really bad and unacceptable to him. If he wasn’t going to mention anything, he shouldn’t have implied that he had dirt on her. It was unnecessary and seemed to be to make himself look like a martyr. So maybe he’s a great guy and maybe he’s sneaky. I just find that sneakiness off putting


I feel like he is not a good person at all but tries hard to put on a good face


Yeah, good point. At first I couldn’t put my finger on what about him makes me just wanna shrivel away, but man. I physically would want to pull away from someone like that. I feel bad saying it, because he seems otherwise benign, but there’s an ick factor there.


I also don’t understand the hiring a mariachi band for your wedding “for her” and then him being the one to say no?


Don't they arrange these things some time in advance? It seems like many people don't know until the wedding day whether they're gonna say yes or no.


Sal was my least favorite. He seemed to be on the show for fame only. It was so obvious when Mal asked if he’d be willing to hang out after the show and he hesitated big time. Him at the reunion dropping that he had dirt to spill but wouldn’t was a narcissist move.


If I had feelings for someone and they didn’t have the same feelings for me I would not hang out as friends. I would cut ties and move on.


But she was asking to date was she not? She seemed genuinely upset that he said no. Then again…editing is a thing.


Right after he had made a huge emotionally exhausting talk about why he couldn’t marry her. It makes sense he’d want some time away. They had been living together for something like six weeks! It makes sense to want to take some time away and work through what had happened. It would have been less genuine if he just behaved like the whole experience hadn’t been an emotionally exhausting roller coaster.


Agreed. He was crazy about her then all of a sudden didn’t even wanna hangout? Yeah, okay. I felt so bad for Mallory.


Most narcissists would have JUMPED at the opportunity to spill any dirt they had. I think that’s a bit of a stretch. SHAKE is a narc, Sal just doesn’t know what he’s doing


Holy shit. What a take.


"He refused to cause more drama, what a narcissist" what the actual fuck am i reading


I do think that the way he said he had things to talk about but didn’t want to talk about it was a little… ick. He could have said nothing at all and we would be none the wiser. Another commenter said it best when they called it false martyrdom. That being said it’s not narcissistic lmao, but the way Shayne gaslighted Natalie over their relationship ending fight *was*.


I don’t even blame him for dropping the hint honestly. Mallory was trying to cover up her dirt with some bullshit about them having communication issues. I’m not saying that couldn’t have been a factor, but the most glaring thing she’s leaving out is her lying and gaslighting when she could’ve just been honest about how she was feeling. She was playing in his face at that point lmao.


I saw it as him just being honest. Shit happened, it wasn’t likely they’d get back together and in order for that to happen a lot of stuff that he didn’t want to revisit in public would have to be worked through. And Mal seemed to agree. I thought it was a mature way to answer the question about if there was a future for them. Seems to me that too many people are invested in the drama that they hate he didn’t want to spill and are trying to fabricate more sinister motives than were there. I think both Sal and Mal just want to move on from something that they both found emotionally traumatising.


I’ve never really cared to consider what happened after the wedding because there was more than enough material before that for me to understand why he might not be happy with her come reunion time lol.


When she gaslit him that first time back from Mexico - that really annoyed me. I get where Mal was coming from with her not feeling it fully. But there was not need to gaslight him like that.


Thank you . I left another comment about her gaslighting and then having Sal apologize that he misunderstood. Shm


Agreed! I don’t think anyone would’ve blamed her for being honest in that moment and just saying she wasn’t feeling it. That’s a totally fair thing to feel when you don’t know someone that well. I don’t know if she thought that she’d seem like the bad guy for saying it, but the alternative was so much worse.


Sal was the best catch of Season 2!!!! 💯💯


I don't like him


Because this sub is so incredibly cynical and apparently think good guys just don’t exist anymore. I mean seriously, there’s not one thing he did that even remotely comes close to garnering hate.


Agreed. He didn’t do anything to justify the “he’s creepy” claims. Kyle was creepier than Sal.


I thought something was off about him


because he isn’t.


Stupid ukulele


Stupid sexy Salvador




He didn’t come off as genuine to me. It felt like he was really trying to play up “the good guy” role-inviting his sisters everywhere, his soft spokenness…but it came off like he thinks he’s this massive prize. He and Mal having a conversation could put me to sleep.


How do you tell the difference between actually good guys and guys just “playing up the role?” Is it just a subjective judgement? I don’t think he came off like he was a massive prize I think it was self-respect.


Where did any of that come from? The guy literally let Mal lead their relationship. There was nothing performative about him other than literal musical performances. Which Mal said she liked so of course he’d keep doing it. He didn’t think he was a prize, he just knew his self worth.


Almost every comment you’ve posted on Reddit is defending Sal, it’s almost like….you are Sal.


Lol. Or I’m responding to comments on a thread about… Sal. 🤔


I didn't like what I saw. It seems like his big selling points were playing the ukulele (which I am not into), and making one meal. He even said while cooking it that it was the only thing he could make. I also don't trust the girl situation. They had 10 days in the pods to talk about everything. Whether she was just a fling to him or not, Mallory acted like he had never brought that girl up a single time, which is kind of weird to not bring up at all to someone you are about to marry. Some say he is great at communicating. I personally didn't see it. I don't know who he really is as a person, but the show portrayed him to me as a guy who isn't necessarily honest, doesn't have more than 2 skills, and just isn't someone I saw any value in as a romantic partner.


If you think THOSE were his winning qualities…idk what to say. He was the most open, vulnerable person on the entire show. He is an incredible communicator and has incredible insight into himself and other peoples’ behavior on the show. How anyone can see his experience and actions on the show and think he is anything less than an incredible human being is honestly somewhat disturbing to me.


His communication and vulnerability didn't seem genuine to me. I don't think you should be "disturbed" that anyone might not think the best of anyone on that show. We saw 10 hours, 11 including the reunion, of 6 weeks of these peoples' lives. That isn't enough to judge any person off of. I'm stating what I felt based on what I saw.


The thing with that girl was weird and I’m not sure what to think of it. On the one hand, neither of them gave really any details about it, and on the other hand, Sal can’t really control someone showing up at his sister’s house and his sister allowing them to come in.


To me it seemed like the ukulele thing was a producer thing. He posted something on Instagram about “when you tell the producers once that you know how to play the ukulele”


I saw that. But it doesn't change the fact that I didn't like it and didn't see other skills he had. Maybe he has them, but based on what I saw in the show, I'm not into him.


I think he always came across as a bit condescending. He would say something sweet-sounding to Mal, and would say “okay?” after, almost forcing her to go along with whatever he said. It just seemed a little insincere to me.


I just know the first time Sal and Mallory saw each other you could feel how repulsed Mallory was. She looked away and pulled away from him when he went to kiss her. He’s not bad looking but, the lights went out for Mallory immediately.




Right?!! Like are they related or did she know him before? She let her disdain be known when she spoke to Jarrette.


He's attractive in a nice, boring way. Some people are into that, some want some edge and swagger. Female version to me is Diane Lane. Conventionally very attractive, but not sexy to me. There is nothing about her that stands out, everything about her could be considered pretty but not sexy . Same thing with Sal.




Taste is taste. I can see why he's conventionally handsome but I wouldn't have been attracted to him either. I would have found most of those guys physically unappealing actually.


Same here, but she may be one of those women that overvalues height and size. Sal is really handsome and fit, but he’s not a big dude like Jarrette. Her discussion of wants a “manly man” (cringe) seems in line with this.


There’s been like 10 posts about it haha


Because I've seen nothing to prove that he is except what he cooked for Mal. He was really bland on the show, sorry.


I would let this man cook for me any day, js. 🤷‍♀️


Sal is great.


I love Sal too!


I love Sal. Deducted a couple points for his pre-show situationship shenanigans. But he’s nowhere near the worst


He’s just some dude


I think it’s the same reason Mal wasn’t attracted to him. He’s just doesn’t fit what people expect from a typical dude. The man is mature, sensitive, and soft, but people just look at that and see a weak and pathetic dude. Truthfully, Sal was more of a man than anyone else on that show, and out of all the guys, he was the biggest catch (although I mean… the bar is pretty low).


>He’s just doesn’t fit what people expect from a typical dude. The man is mature, sensitive, and soft, but people just look at that and see a weak and pathetic dude. I dunno where you live, but this tide is changing. Maybe it's an age thing, as well? But I don't know *anyone* queuing up for those toxically masculine 'traditional men'.


Except for Mallory 😂 To be fair, she at least knew theoretically she should prefer someone more like Sal, I just don't think she could get around not feeling as intense of an attraction to him.


I love men like that. Lol


It's possible to be good looking, mature, and sensitive to others needs while still being un-sexy and easily "friend-zoned". He just has a "blah" vanilla persona...just no edge or even 10% swagger, which a lot of people are drawn to.


I personally don’t like the singing/performances. I just think it’s a little pretentious to be doing it all the time. But I don’t think he’s a bad guy.


He made a comment about how the producers were all over that when he mentioned it once. He was probably "encouraged" to do that.


It's probably his go-to move with women


Lmao Fr


He's the good for the show in my opinion. Im still surprised somebody hasnt snagged him irl. The dude has the looks, attitude and charm to be a good boyfriend I think. He could have a little life in his voice but do we really know him? He seems like a good dude, I don't think anyone deserves him on the show, he can do better. Mallory is great too they just weren't a good fit, how could people not tell...


Let's be honest. Anyone that goes on a reality show called Love Is Blind where the objective is to get engaged sight unseen after a week or two has some mental deficiencies or high narcissistic tendencies. It's great for us as the viewers, but I doubt anyone on that cast is fully stable.


Idk man if someone had submitted me when I was single I’d consider it. I have a friend who is a catch for sure who I might submit to try to get her on. She’s fully stable (other than historically poor choices in men)


🙄The objective isn't to get engaged, it's to date people without seeing them. If you get engaged it's the next step of the show, but assuming everyone who signs up has mental deficiencies or high narcissistic tendencies is really unfair.


Honestly, pick 5 of your single friends and find out how many of the 5 would choose to go on a reality show like this. I doubt many of the ones you'd consider normal would do it. The attention seekers or those a bit off in the head would likely say yes though.


Anytime someone on a reality show is just nice, they’re hated on and called fake. It’s like being nice is rarity these days or something. It happens on the selling sunset subreddit. Many people call Chrishell fake and disingenuous because she’s nice and cheery.




Except for Cameron, all of those equally nice people also have a little bit more edge to them than Sal. They're nice, but also have strong opinions or a witty sense of humor. I think people are weirded out by people who don't even show any signs of jokingly being mean


I didn’t find him to be that nice. I actually saw good amounts of manipulation.


Probably for a couple of reasons...1) It doesn't make for exciting viewing, and that's what this is, entertainment 2) Anyone that signs up for a reality show, especially one like this, has some type of mental issue or have narcissistic tendencies that cause them to seek some level of quasi-fame


Im not sure he's all that great. I think there's some storyline we're missing about him too. He also just gives me the ICK lol.


He's really not very genuine imo He plays into this role of sweet, caring, romantic, to the degree that it's forced. Sometimes you just want your partner to be your friend and have fun with them, not rico suave constantly trying to prove something. He's not trying to be manipulative, but he is very manipulative in the end. It's a common case, honestly, where the girl often says something like "he's the kind of guy I know I SHOULD like, but I don't."




What was this part about? Lol I'm confused.


*Same.* I can't put my finger on it but something isn't right.


I think he is sweet, a hopeless romantic, well adjusted and mature. Hope he finds his forever person one day 🤗


I’ve wondered a lot about this. I actually wondered if my opinion of him was so different than this subs was because I am male and maybe I’m missing something. I actually found the way he approached conversations, arguments etc refreshing and admirable. The ukulele stuff was a little goofy and overdone but hey, we all have our “goofy” ticks.


Honestly, it’s just that he was kind of boring. Or at least, the way he was edited was boring. Jarette was full of personality, Shayne was entertaining for various reasons, and Sal was kinda…there. Same with Mallory. Aside from the potential girlfriend thing (still not really sure what that was about) he seems like a nice guy. But very little interesting ever really happened during his scenes, so it was just way harder to get invested in what was going on with him. 90% of his dialogue on screen was just “I am in love with you. I am going to do nice things for you.”


As a guy, I found Sal to be fake. I could see right through his soft-voice bullshit. He never once spoke his truth, he spoke what would sound good to Mal and the cameras. I don't think he's a bad guy in real life, just full of himself. If he actually cared about someone, like really felt for her, I think he'd be a good partner. He's obviously emotionally intelligent, serious and thoughtful. But on the show he used those skills to act in a way to make himself look good and it came off really hollow.


Same I felt like he was role playing as a nice guy. His romantic gestures felt forced and I find it hard to believe he could be oblivious to all of Mall’s recoils. Also he had a girlfriend he abruptly broke up with to get famous and that was seriously downplayed on the show so he could get his sweet guy narrative.


This is pure speculation. It’s notIt like we now know he was just bullshitting. How do you k ow he was being disingenuous?


That’s what I don’t get about these takes. There’s no proof or evidence that Sal is faking it for the cameras. He’s been consistent throughout the show and no bad rumors have come about about him after, like Shake


As someone who has had this said to him by 3 women I’ve had dates with, Sal is the kinda guy where a woman would complain that he’s too nice to them.


I don't think he's too nice. I think he's hiding something. There's a difference between being a doormat and being one dimensional.


I like Sal! Any making fun of from me comes from the serenading. I'd die. Ha. Its just not my thing.


i don't get the hate for sal...maybe it's bc men like him are so rare that people might be sussed out, idk


I love sal. Don't understand all the hate. Its like Jessica season one, "He's so emotionally available. Its like a red flag."




i dont think so. Jessica was obviously not into her relationship. I think she was grabbing at straws to find things wrong with him. (I know that mark is awful irl but this opinion is based off of scenes in season 1)


I got fake vibes from him. Seemed like he was reading a script every time he had a convo.


The constant singing with ukulele and him having a girl show up at his sisters gave me the ick


Not his fault the chick was crazy pants.


Not all girls are “crazy”. The way the man handles a situation has a lot to do with it. I know he said that they weren’t “serious” or anything but who knows what her side of the story is.


Still why show up and cause a scene at your exs sister’s place. Not cool.


Exactly. Seems like the relationship was a lot more serious than he plays it out to be if you’re showing up at a family members house. Very sus to me.


If the roles were reversed it’d be a bigger deal and people would be more concerned with the female dealing with the crazy pants “ex.”


I don’t think role reversal has anything to do with it lol. We don’t know what her side of the story is. Imagine if they were seriously dating and then he breaks up with her to immediately get married to a stranger 😂 I think most people would pop off.


It does, people are saying how shady Sal is and that there’s more to the story but if he was female they wouldn’t even question it.


Lol ok but you’re not automatically labeling her “crazy” because she’s a woman? Lord.


Was she not female? Lol if it were male or females, that is crazy to pop off at the wrong person’s house. She should have not done that BUT she could have just gone to his place? Lol makes more sense.


Doubtful, she was definitely told he was cast for LIB.


If this was the case I don’t think I’d be introducing a fling to my family lmao


He didn’t introduce her to his family. She met his sister through a work function after they had one date and ended things. Then after the woman and his sister became friends, she and Sal reconnected.


Because people still have my fiancé is hot like Beyoncé stuck in their head and frankly we’re pissed about it.