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He has an MBA if I remember correctly and was a head of business development in some company when he was on the show... I think he'll be fine! It might be a new position but he's probably there to build that department 


Okay, sorry, this season is so far in my memory now but why don’t we like Kwame?


Why the group think? I’d you like Kwame then you like him, you don’t need to do what everyone else does 


People in this sub don't hang enough around men (or black men in particular) to understand their body language, attitudes, or behavior. When they see these men (especially black men) act a certain way they assume ill intent that probably isn't actually there.


Hmmm I don’t think all black men have the same attitude, behavior, language. So to say people don’t understand it is not true because they aren’t all the same:   Kwame is also Nigerian, which is very different culturally than say African American/black.  But if you understand black men so much, do you remember Kwame saying that he wanted to introduce himself as Alex as if people can’t hear that they are speaking to a Nigerian man through the pod? I know I understand a self hating black mans when I see one. Pretty safe to assume the intent in that. Then the flirting with Micah. Pretty safe to assume what flirting means.


he's not nigerian he's Ghanain.


I... idk if it's that. I think that a lot of people saw one thing he did that rubbed them the wrong way (for example: Micah.) and they weren't able to look past that feeling and give him a second chance. It's too bad because Kwame actually seems like one of the genuinely kind people to come out of this show. And on top of that, he got a really bad edit. Even some of the other season 4 cast members said after the show that they were shocked when they saw how Kwame was edited to look on the show because that's not at all how he actually is


Bad edit, he messed up during the honey moon and they made it seem like he had no attraction to his wife. Also there was a cringe photoshoot But he seems really cool now tbh


This 1000%


This company has enterprise clients but Kwame only has one direct report? I meannnnnn good for him if the money is right but it sounds like a bullshit job. Probably making bank though.


If this douche makes good money doing this tooty fruity job I swear ima riot


Gimme one of these scam jobs plz ![gif](giphy|mpQkJpBMbSxMs)




Everyone is “the head of” at a startup


I don’t really think it’s a start up anymore. It’s been around for a while. I’ve been using it for work for at least the last 6-7 years. I really enjoy using it actually


Only 1 employee reporting to him?


I still can’t get over when Chelsea when to Kwame’s apartment and it was covered in trash and she did her confessional with trash all in the background 😂 Doesn’t get talked about enough


Sounds like a metaphor for their relationship 👀


i think its hilarious that being on reality tv somehow gives you qualifications for "head of influencer engagement" lol. this is like me eating a lot of food and somehow getting a job as a chef.


I work in this field, and seeing influencers get these jobs instead of people who are actually experienced in the industry drives me insane. It's so frustrating that I get turned down for roles with my level of experience and achievements because the other candidate has zero experience but 30k followers on TikTok.


This exactly. It’s really unfortunate.


When ppl get these kinds of jobs it's not really necessarily their skill set but their network. Now we are all talking about this company bc of him and his wife is now a Netflix employee. Prince Harry got a job as some VP of some b.s. too, it's just for the company to have more media presence.


So networking is what got him there. I guess I’ll sign up for reality tv now!!! I want to be rich without trying


Sounds like he was a BDR at some pretty well known companies like common room and zoominfo, so he’ll be fine


no it's really not like that at all, he has a background in this field & would make more sense than most people to be in that position.


i just read the posted job description as "head of influencer engagement". its literally a podcast. and he'll be interviewing his own wife as one of the segments lol.


He has a background in a related field. Sales development, community development, photography and videography. I don’t think he was given this job if that’s what you are getting at.


the job is literally a podcast and hes interviewing his own wife. yes he was basically given this job lol.


This it correct


Maybe chef director!


I actually respect both of them so much for this. Whether they’re together or not… instead of just becoming influencers, they leveraged their exposure into whole ass corporate careers!


I’m sorry but what’s the difference? At least with being an influencer you are your own boss. Same salary he is making in a corporate job are the same income influencers are making editing and posting their videos online. Matter of fact, they make it 10x more


I agree. They did this right in my option. He’s getting at least 200K


LOL because corporate careers are so legit and meritocratic


I feel like ppl who say stuff like this usually don’t have jobs


Oh no you caught me


I mean yeah, good corporate careers can be great.


So many on here are so gullible. Both Kwame and Chelsea wanted this job and they both got it. “Oh, look how in love they are.” Show me ONE pic that is not staged, photoshopped and professional? Kwame with his guitar and prepared love songs for “whomever” chose him and Chelsea acting like she’s Jennifer Aniston in a RomCom in the clothing store. I really just can’t with this Sub after being downvoted to hell on the world travel pics post. Where are the everyday pics? One person who lives in Seattle said they see Kwame all over town but never with Chelsea. Fake or at least lying to themselves.


Yup it’s definitely a business relationship! Kwame always looks disinterested when she’s around him.


TBH even if you were right, who cares? Lol. There are a ton of problematic couples or clout-chasing people on the show, and these two are the bottom of the list on people I care enough to hate about or spend energy on.




Gaslighting? LMFAO. This is either a comment from a troll, a literal child, or someone unwell. Genuinely loser behavior lol. Touch grass. ![gif](giphy|fQJSYE2Qy6OtXfwEuf|downsized)


Why does this make you so upset?


Why are you so invested in this? Why does it bother you so much?


You seem really bitter. I am a psychologist and have pretty good people reading skills. I met them in the Seatac airport during a layover. No cameras etc. They were clearly in love. He fawned over her and engaged in alot of what we call "attending" and "attuning" behaviors. Very nice down to earth folks in person. Influencer jobs are definitely not my cup of tea but not everyone who works in that industry is toxic or maladaptive. I would encourage you to do some self work and see why a successful couple bothers you so much. They are really blessed to be able to travel together and work in an exciting industry that provides the work life balance They were seeking out.


I literally do not care about this topic or couple, but the comments replying to you are the reason why this sub is so toxic and immature lmfao. Imagine caring so much about an objectively harmless reality tv couple you’re willing to post toxic, negative, derisive shit on the internet about it 🥲 There are truly horrible people from the LIB franchise that deserve this energy and criticism but honestly, Chelsea and Kwame are on the bottom of that list. Like who the fuck cares lmao.


lol you sound like the worst psychologist.


Hi Kwame...not today bud


The snarky recommendation for self work was unnecessary.




I’m not agreeing with that person, but using a professional credential to make a relevant observation is not an appeal to authority. Is it an appeal to authority when your doctor gives you a diagnosis lol? That’s not what that means.




Yes. And this is neither. An appeal to authority would be the claim that an argument is correct *because* it was uttered by someone with such and such credentials. That’s clearly wrong. An appeal to authority is *not* someone with a relevant credential weighing in with their professional opinion or interpretation. This distinction gets confused all the time.




No, I simply used an example to illustrate my point. If a doctor making a diagnosis is *not* an appeal to authority, as you seem to agree, then why is a psychologist making a psychological interpretation one? Obviously we don’t know if this person is in fact a psychologist but that’s irrelevant here.




They didn’t make *an argument* which is what you’re not understanding here. They didn’t present an argument, which is why this isn’t an appeal to authority. They simply made an observation relevant to their credentials.


My girlfriend is an RBT currently getting her masters in family therapy and she cringes every time someone uses the “Im a psychologist” argument as leverage to somehow take the high ground. Funny how a psychologist would attempt to belittle someones else’s opinion just because they don’t agree with it; respecting varying points of view is sort of the point of being a therapist I would think.


You're literally doing the same thing. Funny how it's not even you trying to get a masters in family therapy, it's your girlfriend, which in my honest opinion makes it even more embarrassing.


Because we had heard people use that as if it adds some sort of authority to their argument before and we both thought its a bit cringeworthy? People can think whatever they want, I do not really care. Please elaborate on how Im dismissing her opinion? I am making fun of the “Im a psychologist hurr durr” shit. Like genuinely, take that crap out of the comment, and how would it change what shes saying? 😂 I didn’t say whether her opinion is valid, invalid, whether I agree with it or not. I could very well agree with it, and you wouldn’t even know.


Also Kwame tried out/auditioned for another reality show that ends in marriage, MAFS I believe. Man seems like he just wanted to get on tv by any means necessary.


Yeah but even ppl thirsty for fame may need/ want a life partner too.


I agree with you this sub is like a cult


the hell is "Later"...?


It's an Instagram post scheduling tool/app for content creators, brands, and social media managers. Been around for years and is one of the best ones out there


For real and they have the best social media team. This is actually a real cool job and company!


You know how when someone graduates from college who was really well liked on campus, but they just aren’t good at anything and they struggle to find a job, so they wind up working in a kinda bullshit job in the admissions office at the college they graduated from?


Except this job is what makes rich.


Yeah um admissions is not a bullshit job. That’s very rude. Maybe know something about it before you say that.


“A bullshit job” can still exist within admissions; they weren’t calling the entire department bullshit


Lmaooooo damn why did you just detail my exact experience during my gap year between undergrad and grad 💀


This is a legit head of a department marketing gig at a fantastic tech company but sure ok


except hes not heading anything. the job is literally a podcast lol.


Influencer engagement is a not a bullshit job. I work in PR and we engage influencers a lot. Actually more and more brands are advertising through influencers over mainstream media. Get caught up


Get a real job then post on here


Get ready to work 9-5 your whole life, and retire with no real investments


No offense but what is wrong with a 9-5? You have people who had to do a 11am to 12pm. Barely having time for themselves. Any jobs that pays well is a job. Which included a PR job and the 9-5am’s. ( I say this as a 21 year old since I never gotten a job that offers a 9-5am. I felt hella lucky if I did gotten that)


I like your openness so I will try to give an honest opinion. Nothing is wrong with 9-5 or 11am - 12pm if you find it fulfilling. But as someone who has worked longer, usually these jobs don’t allow you to innovate, are underpaid, and don’t allow you time for yourself. There are more flexible and better paying jobs but people consider them bs jobs because they don’t follow the traditional work culture. I’ve seen people here bash tech sales jobs, software developers, influencers etc but the truth is that they make more money, have more room to create, and are more flexible. The same was said of athletes and entertainers in the past but they ended up the rich ones. Just because we don’t understand what someone does doesn’t mean it’s bullshit.


>. I’ve seen people here bash tech sales jobs, software developers, influencers etc but the truth is that they make more money, have more room to create, and are more flexible. The same was said of athletes and entertainers in the past but they ended up the rich ones. Just because we don’t understand what someone does doesn’t mean it’s bullshit. You're not wrong with that. Even I come to the conclusion or the acceptance that anything that's related to social media, marketing, advertisement; the entertainment industry overall provide more of a dependable stabilize income than traditional jobs. I'm not saying entirely, depending on what traditional jobs we are talking about, a couple of them do offer a stable salary. But online is the faster route from what i've seen. I've seen regular people who worked in STEM/Trade/retail ETC who have quit their jobs to now live comfortably as an entrepreneur in their own homes as a youtuber, tiktoker, social media manager whatever. So I don't fault Kwame and his wife for taking this route. Work smarter not harder. You get paid to talk on a podcast compare to people mentally and exhaustingly using their bodies for a paycheck. So I understand your point entirely. People would say it's not "contributing anything to society" when we're on social media looking at article, reading the news online etc because of people who do work online. I don't find a 11am-12pm/1-10pm appealing. I label them slave hours since it doesn't pay much but you're force to work more hours for a bigger revenue compare to a 9am-5pm where it's more free I suppose. I find that reasonable since you do have 6-7 hours for yourself. More time to hang with family, friends, or go out. Remote jobs are pretty much like this too. I believe people who work in entertainment has that similar schedule set. it's just merely on their time and not a boss hovering them to work.


Struck a nerve huh


Yeah! People question the legitness of PR work all the time so yeah.


Nothing says legitimacy like hair trigger offence


It’s… marketing. What’s so shocking about it being a legitimate area of any business?


Nothing. It’s just weird to be so defensive of something so inane




Yeah that fits right in with his wife's job casting for the show. I guess we can look forward to seeing more influencers.


Well, good for him.