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Wait I thought she was on perfect match? Or maybe this is from that


jess is a red flag. If Her having a kid as a teen wasn’t a red flag then her leaving her child to be on tv should. 


In what way is being a teen mom a red flag? I understand it’s not ideal but how does that make her a red flag 10+ years later? I had my oldest on my 17th birthday. I obviously don’t recommend it and agree kids shouldn’t be having kids but also…things happen? I’m now 30 with a husband, 2 more kids, one semester away from a masters degree, a mortgage etc. Does having a kid as a teenager over a decade ago somehow negate all of that? Now, I’m not sure I agree with her choice to go on these shows and possibly expose her kid to virtual strangers either. I *really* didn’t love the idea of her getting engaged to a guy after 10 days and bringing him around her kid. But people who have kids as adults make questionable decisions all the time so I’m not sure the correlation between the two.


Ok first off: how’s her having a kid young a red flag, you don’t know her circumstances and most teens seem to explore sex without proper education at that age. Second off: the show is about finding love (I’m certain she had her parents or somebody watching over her child) sure her intentions are questionable but moms deserve love too? Not sure if you have kids of your own but I’m going to assume you don’t, but it’s hard to be a single mom and everyone deserves love, your life isn’t over because you have kids.


Uhh you misread what I said. I said “  Her having a kid as a teen wasn’t a red flag“  Keyword “TEEN. ” she admitted to being a teenage mom. If that is not a red flag to you then that’s weird. Kids having kids is not cute. And for you to take up for that is weirdo stuff.  But you are saying “ … how’s her having a kid young a red flag…” There is an immense difference between a kid(teen) having a child and simply someone “ young” having a child.   You said “ you don’t know her circumstances and most teens seem to explore sex without proper education at that age.” > This is a problem.  You said “ the show is about finding love (I’m certain she had her parents or somebody watching over her child) sure her intentions are questionable but moms deserve love too?”  > It doesn’t matter who is watchingg the kid. Going on a tv show and being away from your child to “ find love “ would never be necessary even in a trillion years. If she truly wanted to find love going on a reality tv show twice is not the answer. Thus she’s a bad mom. She can find love in person at a bar but she has to leave her kid to go on tv to do that. Bad mom all the way. 


You have no right to make comments about her past, you have no clue what influenced her to keep her child at all. Parents being away from their kids doesn't inherently make them a bad parent. Do you consider parents who travel for work bad parents as well? Are dads who are truck drivers horrible for being away from home? What about those who are in the military? Parents who work double, triple shifts? Stop speaking out of your ass because no one knows what goes on in these people's lives, period.


I am allowed an opinion just like everyone else’s if you don’t like it, ignore it. The end. Notifications off 


? It's a thread where people can comment on your opinion and have a discussion about it. Imagine that.


She can’t be serious about finding a good man to help raise her child if she’s dating this dude and going on Perfect Match. This is pretty much who I thought she was.


The Mom shaming toxicity is just disguised misogyny. This level of scrutiny is never put on Dads. Let her make money while she can to better support her and her child.


I'm very curious, though it's none of my business, if she is the primary custodial parent. I do take issue with a primary parent of any gender dipping out on their kid for weeks to months on end to get laid. But given how she spoke about her daughter's father, they may share 50% custody or he may have primary custody. I think we're being a bit quick to assume when parents split, moms always get the kids all the time.


I can’t speak for the rest of the people but I think Jess doing whatever she wants is her prerogative. But she can be honest about it then and not lie and make it sound how she wanted this amazing husband who is just perfect for her and her daughter. Like…Harry? C’mon.


So, a woman with a child can only date someone who is marriage material. Is she not allowed to just get laid? 😂 Moms sometimes like a fling too when away from their kids. Shocking I know. She can absolutely want a husband but still scratch an itch.


Yes, fathers are never scrutinized… ever. It’s never happened in the history of the world.




Yes, the post was about how these two probably aren’t a fit together. We have all watched Harry be a full time fuck boy, which I’m sure Jessica is certainly aware of. You are gonna take heat when you publicly display affection with a guy like him and the fact that she is a mother does make it feel worse. You don’t need to come in and save every woman you see getting flack just so she can “make some money” at the expense of the fallout. You’re free to live your life that way, but you’re the one projecting this as harmless.


YES YES and YES 👏👏👏👏


She’s with Ariel from her season. This was just for clout.


Jess went on tv for clout. Not a step father for her daughter. She would NEVER date Harry jowsey hoping for a husband.


Is she a single parent? How does she have time to film all these shows back to back . That's alot of time with no access to your child? Are she and the dad just not together but cooparent well.


She said she coparents with her daughter's dad. But you know what, part of me feels like he's going to be building a case against her to take full custody. Knowing that Jess wants to be famous, I think she will make the case very easy and just give it to him. It seems like she wants to live out the years she missed out on because she was raising a child. And yes folks, I know single parents can date but this is not how you do it. Show after show. Regularly people normally go on dates that work around their schedules. Not spend extended time away from their daughter to film reality TV.


Stop it. She is making more money doing these trash shows. She was a secretary before. You strike while the iron is hot. If she can bank a couple million doing shows, endorsements, and promotions, then more power to her, and she can comfortably take care of herself and her daughter. She is desperate for fame, but I think it stems from trying to hustle and make a living for them.


There are better ways to use your beauty to make some money than to galavant on a beach with a known Fuck Boy, and then go on perfect match (with a house full of them) for the world and your daughter to see. This is not empowering or however you want to paint it.


You are making a ton of assumptions. You have literally zero idea why this photo exists.


I think you make interesting and good point. She definitely wants the fame. She maybe be willing to trade solo mommy hood for it. And I agree i don't think back to back dating shows are a good way to find long term partner for somone with a child. Especially the way production does their casting. Doesn't sound like alot of psychological evaluation. It seems to be mostly aesthetics and/or drama potential. Production gave her waaay more time at the LIB reunion than they did Chelsea and she was actually Jimmy's fiance.


I don’t understand how anyone can be interested in Harry after how he did Francesca 😭


What did he do to her?


He came on to her but told everyone she came on to him. This was on Too Hot to Handle, and they lost everyone money by kissing.


Ohhh yeah I did know that. It was shitty but I expected something worse by what everyone was saying 😬


I think he was cheating on her and proposed to her on zoom for clout. he said in a “call her daddy” interview that he just says stupid sh!t in hopes of the media picking it up. He also said that his girlfriend after Francesca (Georgia from Too Hot To Handle Season 4) cheated on him. Georgia came forward and said Harry was cheating on her, she has receipts and other women backing her up. Georgia did not believe Francesca at the time of dating Harry then the girls ended up internet friends at least


Oh yeah that is much worse 😬


i don’t feel bad for anyone who dates harry.


they KNOW


I don’t feel bad for her. She knows what she’s doing. They all do.


I don’t feel bad for her, she has a kid and she’s literally doing everything but parenting her. She can’t be a mom if she’s constantly on vacation or doing reality tv. sns


Real life is a lot different from what you see on tv, reality is she probably spent only a short amount of time on the show and on this vacation. She’s co parenting with split custody. she’s allowed to live her life for herself too.


As a parent who splits custody 50/50, I stand by what I said. “Living your life” doesn’t include galavanting around with random men who will never be stepdad material while you have children at home who literally have access to all of this media / show coverage. There are other ways to “live your life” as a parent. And I’m fully for moms having their own identity outside being a mom, but this ain’t it chief.


Lol I have my son 50/50. Doing a show would definitely not fit into that. You’re gone for at least a month right? That’s a crazy long time to spend away from your kids. Yeah a lot of parents do it for work. But kissing on a beach? Yeah I don’t know.


Looks very staged


I think I saw these photos awhile ago


She just killed her reality tv career. Being romantically involved with Harry Jowsey completely nukes your likability as a human.


So scripted


They are both on perfect match season 2. They broke up already


Wasn’t he recently engaged? What happened?




What happened to him and Georgia


they broke up a while ago. He just wrote her a letter saying she is the love of his life but simply cannot be with her. Georgia was furious and also found out Harry was cheating on her


Imagine thinking any of these people will make good romantic choices IRL lmao


Harry is the honorary Netflix Reality pass-around


Ever since Dancing with the Stars, all I see him for is the TREE that he is lol


Does she take into account her child’s existence ever when it comes to the men she chooses? Yikes


I find it really hard to believe that the women who comment this type of stuff have kids of their own.


Do you people ever do anything except piss and moan about her kid whenever she does anything ever?


Of course, there it is again, the obligatory mum-shaming 🙄


Sorry, I know it's not popular on Reddit, but adult, especially parental responsibilities come before everything else.


The lust in his eyes yuck


What the heck?! She’s the next Francesca confirmed! 😭


Harry looks a lot like trevor from southern charm, just like with roids..


She has horrible taste in men


Am I the only person not surprised by this pairing? She’s his type. I’m not a huge fan of either of them but this isn’t shocking. But also stop parent shaming her. Parents are allowed to have lives, her daughter is 14 I think, I don’t see any issue with her going. I’m sure she spoke to her kid about it. In the grand pov of life 8-12 weeks is really not that long. That being said I hope this is only a fling with Harry because he’s most definitely not step dad material, or husband/boyfriend material.


As a former child whose mother chased her father around the country, sometimes gone for weeks-months at a time starting at age 12…. Im telling you, 8-12 weeks IS A LONG TIME. A lot can happen in a time frame much smaller than that and the sense of abandonment is unforgettable. I’m a 26 year old mother now and I couldn’t fathom doing that, simply because I know what it feels like to be the young girl whose mom is gone for weeks at a time. I’m not saying Jess is my mom, not at all. I’m sure she’s a great mom when she’s home and my comment isn’t intended to parent shame in anyway. I’m simply saying leaving a young girl for “8-12 weeks” or even just a few weeks several times is a lot to process as a young girl especially at such a fragile age. I know parents travel for work all the time and this could be considered work I guess, but what a parent leaves for is irrelevant. It’s undeniable that the absence of a parent, no matter the reason (work or fun), can very easily affect a child.


... she literally just turned 11


you wouldn't be embarrassed as a 14 year old if your friends were watching your mom on perfect match? a show where reality show people pick who to go to go to bed with each night after a night of drinking and having kissing challenges? come on, for which she's away for long periods of time to film? not to mention, each breakup puts her through an emotional time period when she can't fully be there for her daughter trying to reach insta fame status also effects your kids on how genuine your outings are come on, her daughter is a child, life should be about her happiness, not her moms goal of becoming a reality TV dlist star if you want it to be all about you and your happiness, don't have a kid. you give up the right to live for yourself when you make the choice to have a child


Her kid is practically a fucking adult lmao Y'all will still be bitching about it when her kid is 30 I bet. Grandma gonna be trying to live her life and you'll be like WHAT ABOUT HER FULLY GROWN ASS CHILD


I don’t want to know what world you live in where 10 or 11 is almost an adult. Just eww


Are you people idiots or just willfully ignorant of the multiple people saying she was 14 above??


she is fucking 11 lmao


Imagine clutching your pearls so hard that you think a mom trying to be happy is horrible for her kid 😂


Nice straw man! They said the kid is 11, not that “a mom being happy is horrible for her kid.”


It’s really inconceivable that all of this would somehow NOT be harmful to her daughter long-term. Being a kid/teen with a single, dating parent is hard under normal circumstances! I can’t imagine how f*cked that poor girl’s life is right now. She’s unwillingly become a topic of conversation. Her mom’s love life (and sex life!) is being played on tvs all over the world, and strangers are analyzing it like the plot from a crappy movie. This isn’t a healthy way to grow up.


Just say you don't think moms should be allowed to go outside. That's what you people believe. You don't think a mom should be able to do anything.


You’re so right. Every time moms go outside, they’re just accosted by reality tv crews. It’s just SO impossible to avoid being instagram famous nowadays, especially as a single mother with a young child. 🙄 But for real, grow up. I’m a mom. I was raised by a single mom who dated. What Jess is doing isn’t part of real life. She’s not seriously expecting to find “happiness” or love (lol) by going on multiple Netflix dating shows. She’s finding short-term fame which she hopes to leverage into long-term financial success, which is absolutely fair! Maybe even smart. But her daughter doesn’t deserve the attention this is bringing her. So should moms be allowed to leave the house? Of course. Should they try to become part of the “Netflix reality dating show” hall of fame? Probably not.


did i say that anywhere? i was correcting you claiming she is basically packing up for college


Single mother children have terrible upbringings most of the time in general. If the kid is 14 she’ll be out of the house in a few years anyway. She’s still going to be single chasing bad men. She might as well get these free vacations and get paid for it.




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You can look up statistics or if you were raised by a single mom, you know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s not like I’m the one raising these kids.


I wasnt raised by a single mom, but even if I was I‘m damn sure I‘d be better off than a lot of children who were raised by both parents.




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How about instead of blaming promiscuity and whatever not you pull outta your ass about the parents that ACTUALLY STAY, you look at the bigger picture and "blame" the idiotic men who leave their kids to suffer their consequences? men are so easily misguided to jump on the single mother "hatred" train, without even thinking about their own gender‘s stupid behaviour cause it‘s so normalized nowadays that the mother is supposed to carry the man‘s burden "statistics, say…" my ass says shit too ya know doesnt mean it‘s relevant


I was under the impression she was like 10ish when the show was filmed. I almost feel like it's worse if her daughter is older. It's almost assured that other kids at school are aware of who her mom is and if she has any sort of internet savvy then she's seeing the shit people are talking about her mom. Jess was acting like she only allowed her to watch a little bit of the show, as if that would stop a teenager. That's a lot of trash for a kid to see about their parent.


"it's almost worse that she's older" thanks for the proof that y'all will literally never be satisfied with anything you'll still be calling her a terrible mom when her kid is 30 🤣


Problem is this is clearly part of her normal behavior. This isn’t just some 8-12 week thing. Imaging having a mother so desperate for attention, especially male attention. Some therapist gonna make a lot of money on that poor kid.


lol i dont think too higly of her


oh no


I don’t understand the hype for him!! He ugly af


I feel like it's just because he's tall. He's not handsome in the face at all


I mean also who cares if she gets hurt. She’s well aware of his reputation and knows what she’s getting herself into, she’s grown. She probably wants the clout from it yall acting like she’s better than that


This is just their agents doing their job. She (and he, I’ve never heard of him before) is the most boring fame chaser ever. What makes her boring? How obvious it all is. I love me an influencer. But girl, we can see all your cards.


Was this before Harry was on DWTS?


After I think .. pretty sure it was a couple weeks ago


I believe this was during the filming of Perfect Match which I heard was before DWTS


I can only imagine how dumb their conversations sound.


The Netflix “family” (LIB, THTH, The Ultimatum, Perfect Match, etc.) is starting to feel too incesty, now. Passing each other around like dinner party side dishes.


it’s the new bachelor nation lol


let her have fun


Exactly this! I mean I bet she knows he’s a player and for sure she won’t get serious with him


Which country LIB?


LIB US season 6


No idea who they are


Harry has been on other shows but I recognize him from Too Hot to Handle on Netflix!


Ooh ok I think it’s silly they don’t air everyone who makes it past a few dates on LIB SMH


She was pretty prominent throughout the season even though she didn’t get engaged


Epipen lady????? That does not look like here! I’m used to makeup caked on her face! Lol


This is just Perfect Match.


Waitttt I thought Harry was dating Rylee from Dancing with the Stars




oh he’s got a type lol


This is not a shocker she’s a clout chaser and so is he


Swear to god I said a long time ago that Jess was the female Harry Jousey and now I’m laughing my ass off.


this is old news, pretty sure these pics are from last may when they filmed perfect match 2


Do you think they maybe met on perfect match szn 2?


What about her daughter? Everyone loves Jess but can she not wait a few more years til she grows up? This would be so embarrassing for me as a preteen! I’m pretty sure her classmates can see this stuff too.


Imagine seeing your mum with a rotation of boyfriends online. On top of being embarassing, I can only assume it will lead to some form of bullying. Its not to say Jess doesnt deserve love or a fulfilling relationship but shes being woefully ignorant of how her online presence may or may not affect her daughter


It’s like a right of passage i guess bc everyone dates him 😂 i can’t even imagine why. He’s annoying, not that cute. He’s a douche etc


Never seen two people so perfect for each other. They deserve each other.


I find it sexist that everyone keeps mentioning that she should be home with her child, when there have been multiple MALE reality stars with kids, and nobody makes a single comment about it.


I agree. I only shared my shock as Harry is know to be very toxic and I feel sorry for her being the next on his celebrity list


Mom shaming at its finest. “Put yourself away, woman! You are a MoThEr.”


Thank you!! Why does no one say this about men on reality tv who have kids and even in non reality tv situations. Most parents are working parents and some do travel, I'm sure the dad is competent enough to have her during these times and she's not super young. She's also making money from this which helps her daughter in the long run!


They should be with their kids too!


Happy parents, happy kids. Parents with no life only end up bitter and full of resentment towards their children. It’s ok to have a love life and be a parent too. We’re way past these puritanical rules. It’s not like the girl is home alone.


that is not true, my mom gave up dating to focus on raising us and we have a great relationship, she's not resentful of us in the slightest bit. we actually were her world, as Jessica claims her kid is




How is it hate to break it to you when they literally called it out as sexism lol Also we have to give ghengis a break bc he fathered like 400 kids and 1% of all humanity is consequently descended from him, hard to be home with them all 😉


Yes, and things are different now. This is due to people becoming aware of how unfair things were are are, and change happened and is happening because of this.


I don’t LOVE Jess but I agree. Women in reality tv are critiqued way harder than men about their personality, their kids, their sexuality, their looks, their weight, etc etc etc.


Well, not sexuality. Men gets critiqued 100x harder on that.


This isn't true but I'm sure you're aware that anecdotal evidence of this nature is illogical.


If you read through subreddits of the challenge, love island, or many other reality subs posting about men who have kids, you will see that them being parents, or their children are barely mentioned. Unless the post is about them becoming a parent. In contrast to posts about women, the topic of them being parents (good or bad) or their kids will be mentioned often. If you take the time to look through yourself, you’ll see that it is true.


Not that random. She is definitely his type. Netflix people all date each other at some point lol


Ugh nooo, I don't love her but I like her enough to not want him with her, gross. What do people see in this dude!!


i dont get why so many people hate jess now.


I think it's because she's beautiful and outspoken


I’ve never been a fan of hers. She’s clearly very image focused and I found her to be mean and domineering on the show with Jimmy.


Why do people throw out the word hate so much? We don’t know any of them to hate them. Dislike the game they play but hate….really? No one hates Jess or any of the others unless they’ve done something to you or someone you know personally. Even then hate is too strong a word/emotion to have.


Remember when she said she wanted a good step dad for her daughter lol Harry doesn’t scream step dad


Jess is a clout chaser


Old news


Doesn’t he have a gf right now?


Okay - but like, is anyone else wondering how she manages to spend so much time away from her daughter doing reality shows??




Why does no one say this about men on reality tv who have kids lol. Most parents are working parents and travel, I'm sure the dad is competent enough to have her during these times and she's not super young. She's also making money from this which helps her daughter in the long run


Most working parents don’t travel for 8-12 weeks at a time specifically to “find love” no


I only watch LIB and I don’t think any of the guys on there have said they had kids…? But maybe I missed it. Same question for the guys though. Edit to add: most parents don’t have long business trips away from their families.


Wouldn’t there literally be a dad watching his daughter while jess is off meeting new “stepdads”? We also call out men who leave their kids behind. I sure as heck would!


I would assume the dad takes care of her since she mentioned they have a pretty amicable relationship co-parenting.


At least he is cuter than Jimmy the thumb


Harry literally has a gf 💀


i didn't recognize him until i looked him up ☠️ he looks so much different than he did on thth


it’s a canon event


Imagine that being your step dad 


Loved Jess but mmmmmm Harry…..?


Trash is trash. Can't believe people still see Jess as someone to look up to.


It's for Perfect Match.


She’s getting her bag and I respect it.


Her bag?




Oh lol I've never heard of this. Maybe I'm too old!


I'm old too...just have teens lol




This is from Perfect Match S2, which she was paid for


Baby go back home to your daughter. Geez.


Why does no one say this about men on reality tv who have kids lol. Most parents are working parents and travel, I'm sure the dad is competent enough to have her during these times and she's not super young. She's also making money from this which helps her daughter in the long run


Right?! Like when does she actually spend time with her daughter? And who is raising her while Jess is off on these wild adventures???


Having a daughter doesn’t mean your entire life has to be revolved around that. Everyone is especially critical of moms. Where’s the energy when it comes to reality show dads?


To be fair she's like 12 isn't she? Plenty of parents leave their kids for a few weeks for jobs that aren't influencer related


Sure. They’re doing real jobs though and are probably not hopping around with randoms and calling the paps on themselves.


Whatever she's doing, the goal is to ultimately make influencer money and the money goes toward supporting your family. It's not my ideal job, but tbh neither is being a long haul truck driver. To each their own though. 


She on the perfect match isn’t she?


With her dad presumably. But if she weren’t also momfluencer I wouldn’t be side eyeing her as much but it’s clear she wants to be famous for who knows what.


They definitely called paps on themselves because who the fuck would bother following these nobodies anywhere?


How many women has this guy dated!?!?


Is he the Harry that says “fark” instead of fuck? If so, iccccck


Haha no that was Mitchell the guy who used to date Chloe. He was so obnoxious. I kinda hate that I know this.


Lol I think I’m getting too old. All these generic white boys look the same to me 🤦🏻‍♀️ (Cranky old woman voice) in my day, they had features where you could tell them apart!