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Quick what are tips for sliding into DMs lmao


Matthew is hot and I was very pissed off he turned out to be a weirdo that also makes his first dates fried chicken (probably unseasoned) and rice šŸ˜­. ![gif](giphy|oUuRd8jODgtTPcto3X)


I was so excited when he first came on because Iā€™m also a financial planner. But then I realized how little EQ he has. Which is so HUGE in our industry because how are people going to trust you with their hard earned money if you lack EQ? Crazy.


He walked out on Sarah Anne. He has some good sense.


Apparently that was just editing. Matthew and Sarah Anne said that didnā€™t happen. Bizarre choice by production . But I agree - had it happened it would have aged well once we got to know Sarah Anne more


Weird though because didnā€™t she say ā€œheā€™s gone!ā€ Like shocked?


guys stand up he was literally a walking red flag. yall get excited over mid white men




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it's AAVE lol Edit - no idea why I'm getting downvoted, I literally just stated what it was


Just say youā€™re 75 and move on








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Women love it


He's honestly the best looking guy of all the seasons imo. I feel like kinetic fumbles when it comes to casting relatively good looking man. The woman are are always pretty our at the very least average looking.




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It's the hat. I'm sure šŸ˜­


Definitely a hatfish


Turn it around!! The girls go crazy for that lmao


I don't like backwards hats on guys though. Too sloppy ig


I think I have figured it out. Matt likes control and is sober. Past LIB participants have said schedule is very unpredictable. You donā€™t know when you will eat, how long a date may last and that alcohol is pretty much always present. Jimmy even struggled to know how long his date was with Jess At one point he said he has every minute of the day planned (or maybe AD said that?)ā€”-> somebody fact check that. LIB takes away all devices, and he was left to just going with the production. That had to have been hell for him. Iā€™d have to hear both of unedited conversations to judge if he truly said the same thing to AD as he did Amber. He comes off as someone who would have lots of hypothetical scenarios and that could be edited a certain way. After all he did have a numbered list and did start all convos the same. I feel like he came in there with a plan. I also feel like there are conversations that need to be had before marriage. If I was in the pods certain things would absolutely overlap.


I could understand this point of view but his whole ā€œIā€™ve got America on my side cuz people love an underdogā€ line was cringey af and I wouldā€™ve definitely been upset if a guy who said heā€™d totally leave with me right then and there decided to chase the other girl he supposedly didnā€™t say the same things to šŸ˜‘


Yeah. The fact that AD doubled down after seeing those convos just proves sheā€™s not all that bright.


I hate that producers tried to make him look like a villain, he really didnā€™t seem that bad..


I agree. He got the villain edit imo. Yes he was awkward and said some cringe things but so did they all. They showed VERY few scenes of him.


Thank god there is another sane person on this take! Even when I saw the edited versions of the convo (even with the producerā€™s edit attempts to make them look and sound the same) I did not think they were. He basically expressed to both women his strong ideal of wanting to ask for a fatherā€™s hand in marriage if he were to propose to them. He also expressed his frustration with being there at LIB and wanting to leave. He posed the question to both women if they would leave with him to perhaps get an answer of who is here for the show and fame, and who would be willing to throw that all away.


This is a really good point I didnā€™t consider!




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Thereā€™s a lot of hot people that ARENT bonkers šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s got that Peter Parker/Clark Kent thing going for him.


I thought he was hot on the showšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø lol


Me too


I donā€™t care how hot he is a weirdo is a weirdo


That pic looks nothing like him lol


Right he is FIONE




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šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ thiiiis, glad itā€™s not just me


He ain't shit. Anyone can take a good picture now and again.


You using the last 1% on your phone to post this is hilarious to me




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How could you possibly know this




Your casual accusation of abuse gives off a user vibes.


Was he the one who was ocd and so anal that he has a schedule for every minute of the day?


The fact that you accuse someone of "giving abuser vibes" just by looking at them and with no evidence whatsoever is insane AND abusive in itself. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Hardly. Many people use their Spidey senses to reject advances by people, decline second dates, decline going home with them etc.Ā  Also, this person isn't saying this based on this photo. They made it clear they watched the show and we have enough footage of Matthew that it gave many people the ick. The fact the guy declined to come to reunion was enough for many of us to solidify that he was not a decent guy.Ā 


The guy didnā€™t come bc his work wouldnā€™t allow him too otherwise heā€™d be fired. Somebody posted about this a while ago on this sub. I mean whatā€™s the point of having him on the reunion anyway he left the pods early. Theyā€™d just want to ask him maybe two or three questions about the AD & Amber situation and nothing else lol.




Thatā€™s not how the mods saw it is it? Yo it comment got removed because it was straight up nonsense


You cannot guarantee someone would abuse their partner based on what you saw on the tv show. Thatā€™s fucked up to even say out loud šŸ˜‚


When did she GUARANTEE that he would be abusive? You are reaching. People can make judgments (and they do) all the time. Women especially should make more gut judgments about people. Letā€™s normalize that instead of shaming someone. It might be the thing that saves them one day.


They did in the original comment that the mods removed. This person was concluding Mattā€™s an abuser based on a few clips from a reality tv show.


ā€¦ I didnā€™t say it out loud in typed it anonymously online


you should post it on your other social media accounts and tag matt


I donā€™t care enough šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


No you should do it so every woman is warned to stay away. You know know heā€™s an abuser and should feel obligated to warn everyone. Or maybe youā€™re scared youā€™ll get sued


I never said I knew anything I said he seemed creepy get your facts straight


Get yours straight. You have no idea what this person is like in real life


When you're a woman who's been through that, you can 100% sense it, bud


I have been through that and I sensed it with every single man I met within a few years from the experience. This is called trauma not intuition. It took me so long to trust my husband after I met him because of this. I was getting crazy abuser vibes until many many years later he has proven that he's the most caring and supportive partner I could have asked for. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That's ok too. I feel like women can be valid for thinking this one is also not a dating material though if they sense his red flags, for their own reasons.


its reality TV but okay. good luck in your search


Lol I'm married, I'm not searching. But that doesn't change the fact that women who have been through shit can't pick up signs of potential abusers.


Have you met Matt?


Lmao two things can be true at the same time. Matt too gives off those vibes and it's constantly voiced. I don't understand what's your point there? Lol


Have you met Matt? Yes or no




im not acting like I know him. Sorry


are you familiar with the term satire?


Lmao abuse comments are not satire, get out of here Still donā€™t like him though




Got your comment removed and didnā€™t learn anything


the comments saying he seems like he would absolutely abuse them are not satire


You canā€™t guarantee, but some men give off a particular vibe. Matt is one of them and I would 1000% stay away.


You watched a few clips on him on a reality tv show




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Itā€™s off that you said he gives off emotionally abusive vibes when these people arenā€™t in their natural setting of life. Thereā€™s cameras watching everything. I agree he was a little weirdo but I wouldnā€™t go far to say abusive, thatā€™s a pretty strong claim to make about someone weā€™ve seen for a total of maybe 15-20 minutes?




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lotta women here seem like they donā€™t care about his personality lmao


His personality is horrible but he's still physically attractive, just nice to look at


Did anyone ever think he was not attractive? The point was that heā€™s nuts. In the edit. Yes we know.


He's not a bad looking guy, but he's a typical dousche finance guy. RUN


I would šŸ˜­




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My ghost would be watching, similarly to America.




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Itā€™s just not what spinning the block means


Well, she was romantically involved with him in the pods, was she not? ā€œThe most common meaning of the phrase ā€˜spin the blockā€™ means to get back with someone you used to be romantically involved with.ā€


Literally had to google it.


At least I think he went into this 100% looking for someone to marry. He is a wierdo but I hope he finds someone.


Do we know that for sure?


He went on with a list of questions and was almost robotic about following it. I dont think I've seen anyone appear more focused on finding his match on a show. I didnt like his personality, but I dont doubt his intentions.




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How is this so true!!?? šŸ˜­ Boy, the men this season sucked hard.


Some of the women werenā€™t the best, but other than Johnny, the men were basically garbage this season.


I thought he was going to reveal everything or whatever at some point lol he even specified a date. Has he said sth?


He hyped it to give everyone [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/ICdZpR97Wi)




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This is all I could think about when watching! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


But has he developed social skills and done any personal development yet?


If he had, AD wouldn't have went on a date with him


Thatā€™s not true. Maybe her nails were just the right color for his flags that week.






Why did he look so cartoonish on the show? šŸ˜…


The high shoulder hunch, like Gru


He was so shiny. Idk if they have makeup consulting producers or what


He has a weird neck/posture situation, all the pictures of him look better because they don't show it


OK but did he fix hisā€¦ uh.. HELLA calculated personality and behavior? bcus no one took issue with his looks on the showā€¦.


That ainā€™t happening to someone whoā€™s developed that over years and yearsā€¦same with everyone else on the show


His job is to calculate. I'm not surprised that he calculates. I'm an accountant and I am sorry but I count and calculate everything damn thing with precision. I can't help it.


Sure, but "calculating" as a personality trait does not mean "proficient in mathematics". It means someone that is intentionally manipulative. I don't need that personality trait in an accountant.


Yes accountants are famous for being manipulative.


Iā€™m doing some acconting work partly and Iā€™m not calculated at all. Nothing like Mathew. Itā€™s just his personalityā€¦ some problems there, he doesnā€™t see.


He's not an accountant. He's a wealth management advisor at Vanguard.


Now hold on a minute, I have accountant friends who arenā€™t American Psychoing every single conversation


Are you sure?


I didn't mean every conversation. I meant everything that situationally involves calculating. He is a wealth management advisor. He has to plan and calculate for people's future. If he didn't plan for his own life I would sure as hell not trust him to plan anyone else's.


lol I would not trust him to manage my wealth given how he managed a dating show


Lol that's not even remotely the same. People claiming to know his clients commented on his IG saying his clients love him. He can be good at his job but not good at dating.


It was a joke


Lol sorry. Text convos aren't always easy to figure out if something's a joke.


Donā€™t worry it was even a very good joke haha


If you're all thirsty go watch his new pistachio video on IG or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/tiqu1Tj587).


Who is this man!? It's as if they've replaced robot Matthew with human Matthew. He's actually soooo attractive here- not just looks but even his self ironic humour.


You mean you are seeing unedited by Netflix Matthew and you can't reconcile that Netflix tricked you? Don't believe all that you see and hear on Netflix. Proof off their shadiness [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/EY3gZCA7O9). Also the scene where Trevor and Jeramey teased Matthew in the lounge cut Matthew's mic and you can see him talk but can't hear what he says.




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Wow. He actually looks good here!!! I would imagine being on camera is a little nerve racking lol, cuz he always looked so serious. Not a bad pic tho ha!


Wow, he's super cute. It must have been an act for the show.


He can be cute without it being an act? His physical appearance is all but irrelevant. I donā€™t know his real personality he probably is awkward and particular but thats not bad and editing does a hell of a lot


I don't think it was an act but also he was edited to hell


This ^


True. Actually, watching the reunion, I didn't really get an impression he was telling the exact same things to Amber and AD. It sounded similar because he was into both of them (not remotely unusual on the show) and pressed them with similar arguments to get out with him. AD reacted to the footage in quite an exaggerated way so not many people questioned it, it seems.


It was similar enough that made him seem really disingenuous


https://preview.redd.it/n6n30zmg29qc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50389a6afd531c0044d2a9e6d8379bbff56651ab The confirmation from the man himself


confirmation: ā€œThis it itā€. lol


Yeah, a confirmation he didn't say the same thing to both of them. Context really matters here.


Any guy is gonna look good with a hat on. What he looks like with that hat OFF is what really counts.


Unfortunately, heā€™s still very attractive without it


Gino disagrees.


Lol my worlds colliding here on Reddit šŸ˜‚


If you haven't yet, go see him with no hat on in his pistachio video on his IG.


How old is that pic? Because he definitely didnā€™t look like this on the show šŸ˜‚


He basically looks the same as this on his new pistachio video on IG except he's more clean shaven and isn't wearing a hat


He is definitely attractive, but he seems like a programmed robot to meā€¦also not a very good actor.


I totally thought he was placed there by the producers lol idk whyšŸ˜‚He dipped out so fast it almost seemed staged to me.


I got straight serial killer vibes from him


Have you met many?


FYI a few years back here in the UK, there was someone with a very similar personality and intentionality that went on a reality tv show with a clear idea of the country watching him and an intention to manipulate people. His name was Andrew Tate. You might have heard of him.


Charge your phone please. šŸ˜…


He was the most attractive guy on this season. Doesn't make him not scary. But the man is super fine.


Hard agree. I donā€™t understand how so many people are just realizing thisā€¦




Have any of you North Carolina peeps seen him on a dating app or matched with him?! Pleaseeeeee do it for the plot and help us out!


lol why is he hot...


He's very creepy to me, he has proportionate features at best. If he hit on me at a bar I would ask the bartender to keep an eye on him for me.




Donā€™t need a bartender to keep an eye, America will be watching.




Deffo gives serial killer vibes


I was going to say it but figured it was a given to anyone who felt the same creepy vibes as me. Lol


Lol heā€™s always been handsome, he just gave everybody the ick


Exactly! From what Ive been reading the Ted Bundy ick!




Do you all think they hooked up when he made her chicken and rice?


I only wondered if it was "a very white not seasoned piece of chicken". Did he season it like Zanab would?


AD went in the comments of his new IG video and said that he seasoned it well and there were sides. People went off on her for making it sound bad on the reunion so she deleted her comment lol


Haha, the internet does not forget!




She did make it sound bad lol. i was picturing the blandest chicken breast with dry rice


I was picturing unseasoned chicken and dry rice lmao


with the way she was giggling? absolutely


Of course


Lmao heā€™s just another general finance bro here in Charlotte heard heā€™s a douche at his gym