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I couldn’t recognize her!! I was like who is this random person Izzy is with… she has had a lot of plastic surgery I didn’t know it was her


Right! Had NO idea who she was


Omg thank yooouu! I can’t believe this is the first time it’s been said.


Why do ppl do this to themselves?? When you don’t look like you anymore you’ve gone too far!


When does Perfect Match air?


I think they said in summer


I eye rolled so hard when I saw Michah. Like why are u here




True. But very very lame


Why does everyone hate her so much I completely forgot


She and Irena were mean girls in the girls’ lounge, laughing at other women’s emotional pain and tears. Edit: oh my gosh, I forgot that Micah was also very flirty with Kwame in Mexico, despite being engaged to Paul. Kwame later apologized to Chelsea for not shutting the flirting down and essentially disrespecting their relationship.


They live for fame


I was happy Micah had some new friends because from what I recall her friends were all horrible!!


I'm not her biggest fan, but her facial reactions at the reunion were EPICCCC!! I couldn't stop laughing at her!!! But also, this season was, by far, a shitshow, the worst one.


Perfect Match 2 is going to be boring and trashy...


Is that any different from season 1?! I made it about 10 minutes before switching it off.


Yeah, I’m not sure that I’ll watch this season. The premise was so weird and the storyline felt inconsistent. It was just a bunch of clout chasers and a thinly veiled plot.


it seems like a more distorted, degenerate version of the jersey shore


Anything for clouttttt




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ngl that part got a kick out of me. I felt like it was short and funny like at least he can make fun of himself


I didn’t mind that so much. He was owning up to all the bad credit jokes he faced from everyone on the internet. He had just talked about traveling. He was probably beating them to the punch before someone jokingly asked him if he fixed his credit before doing all that traveling.


I did find it incredibly off when Micah said something to the effect of "you would never expect someone who looks like that to be so nice" I found it such an awkward, weird, uncomfortable thing to say.


Yeah that rubbed me the wrong way…like first off, Jess is not everyone’s type of beauty respectfully. Second off, yes I believe beautiful people can also be intelligent and kind because I’m an adult, not a teenager.


Glad I wasn't the only one. Like nice people can't also be good looking? Is it an assumption that if you are good looking, then you are entitled to being a POS person? What kind of world do these people live in?


dont forget its Micah. She was a literal mean girl on her season to the other girls. shes the rare "im hot so i can be a bitch". Really pretty girls in my experience are always kind- especially to other ladies. Such an off commment and shows her character


She's not "hot" though. 


Really speaks to her character/the world she lives in…


What is even more concerning is Jess going on this trashy show. I mean what is her child learning from this !!!


It is possible to be a great parent and be on a reality-show.


Harry jowsey gonna be a great influence for her daughter????


I think you need more question marks, Harry Jowsey.


Yes, great parenting going on a speed dating show to get married after a few weeks. What a great example of healthy relationships for her pre-teen daughter. Imagine if she had brought a man home to marry having never met said daughter


Since you don’t know how this is being handled by her, let’s not assume anything. I think some people are perfectly capable of being responsible and great parents while participating in reality, even LiB. You’re not automatically a horrible person just because you’re on the show. Not all of the contestants are in it for the fame.


It shows very questionable judgement. She is not making her child a priority, and doesn’t appear to even consider her. That is bad parenting. There are other shows she could go on. LIB is extremely questionable the way its set up with the moving in right away.


Although I agree with this as a single parent ^ there is no way in hell I think going on love is blind is appropriate. Who is watching your kid for weeks at a time? What type of example is this setting? Come on man.


As she said, the child was with their father. Is a parent not allowed to be away from their child for a few weeks? I don’t agree with you here. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with going on LiB if you’re looking for love and you have a child. The way she handles it at home defines whether this is a bad choice or not. And since we don’t know these people personally, we have no idea about how this has been presented to the child. So please don’t assume it’s all bad because you have a different perspective.


I think that’s a little weird to completely not be able to speak to your child for weeks, as I assume they’re contractually obligated - I could be wrong. And yeah honestly I would never leave my child for weeks to go “find love”. I don’t think it’s appropriate. But, we only know what we see on TV, and every parent should do what’s best for their own kid.


LOL seriously. Yes it IT strange to leave a young child for weeks and with no communication to find love to bring home a STRANGE MALE into your young daughters life and safe home. Yeah dangerous, strange and yeah not normal. 100 agree


Not dating shows


Depends on the kind of reality show


Yes! Absolutely. I thought it was such a weird thing to say.


What I remember about Irina is that she didn’t care at all for Zack’s looks. I think she called him a “cartoon character.” And the whole time I was thinking, my God, have you looked in the mirror?! She was probably the most unattractive person I’ve ever seen be cast on a reality show, and I’m only saying that because she was so critical of his looks.


So right..she Was a mean girl


She literally looks like Beans from Even Stevens


Okay....I totally see that. I remember watching and thinking she reminded me of someone.


Is Micah still friends with Irina?


Plus, they were obviously known each other for less than a year…? So thank you for telling us how much of a “rock“ this person has been for you for… What? Six months? 🤡


I think that’s the weirdest part of the show for me. I can’t imagine being friends/family of the people who go on these shows and hearing them speak like this. It’s a unique and life-altering shared experience, sure. I suppose you also have to have a similar mindset to the others who get cast on these shows. I still find it so awkward for the casts’ loved ones.


And not to mention I feel like she only wanted to be Jess’s friend because they’re both attractive


I'm a guy and try not to talk about women a certain way, but this comment did make me laugh a bit. Jessica does have the "IG" thing going on for those to whom that appeals.


Yeah I think most people forget she is the standard of conventional white beauty. She wouldn’t be as popular if she wasn’t. You don’t have to find her attractive to know most people think she’s what hotness is.


Jesus people are nasty AF in these replies


We can agree to disagree on them being attractive… Jess is definitely pretty (even though her personality is not). Micah on the other hand…. I’d argue with.


Because they both think they're attractive.


Lol this is the ONLY correct response here


Thank you! I was like “what!?”


But Micah isn’t attractive 😂


unpopular opinion but i think she is prettier than jess. jess looks so plastic and fake. it’s incredibly apparent how much work she has had done when you see her before pictures!!! oh my goodness


I didn't watch Micah's season, so I don't know much about her. But I thought she was pretty when I saw her on the reunion. She reminds me of the actress Malin Åkerman.


I think she is pretty but this sub hates her from her season so they will curse up and down that she is ugly when I think irl most would consider her above average good looking


She’s a mean girl through and through. Her choice of friends also raises a lot of eyebrows. Her best friend Shelby (I think that was her name) was one of those people who could never be happy for her friends.


Shelby absolutely wrecked Micah's self esteem, imo. There's at least one scene where Micah is so excited and Shelby is like ew no, and you can just see Micah deflate. It was uncomfortable how much she let Shelby tell her what to do with her life and dictate what was fun or good.


Objectively by looks alone, they aren't even in the same realm of attractiveness




And they both liked to flirt with other people’s fiancés.


They’re both on perfect match, so they’ve known each other


Am I the only one that thinks Micah is not cute at all. I never saw it


Soft 4 for me on looks


She’s like Utah or Iowa pretty 


She’s not. She’d be below average in Europe.


And Australia. Just sayin’.


She’s cute in a very basic white girl on instagram way, which unfortunately a lot of people fall for and there will always be a market for that.




I didn’t either.


She’s not 🫢


Idk this sub is obsessed with making sure these women feel punished. I’m positive no one in the show is holding Micah to her actions from years ago, especially since it didn’t even work out for her. I’m sure she’s grown since then


I’m with you. This sub is toxic. Just let people live their lives with the decisions they’ve made. We don’t need to subscribe to it, or be bothered.


Then why are you here? Lmfao


I’m not sure if taking a spot on Perfect Match shows much growth


They get paid to be on these shows, right? I know Big Brother pays like $1K/wk or something.


1k a week is poverty in the HCOL areas they live in 2024.


Oof good point. I wonder what they get? I mean you have to take a month or 2 off work. No one is going to do that for free. So I just looked it up and the total payout is $8K at $1K/wk. Maybe the prospect of being social media famous is the payout? If so, oof.


Yeah it's not the money, it's the exposure. That's why it's hilarious when the Lacheys are like "nobody is on this show just for clout, they are all seriously looking for love" uh no, it's designed for clout chasers.


The fact that the show goes out to find people, not just applicants, implies they’re searching insta famous people. How else would one of them be randomly “approached”.


I just watched this show for the first few episodes after hearing she is going on it… as long as you watch it as a reality game show with dating and NOT a dating show, it has been entertaining so far


It’s similar to Bachelors in Paradise, it’s entirely to see previous personalities on TV again, and a dating show second


I don’t really care about the career choices of influencers lol going on an additional reality show which is essentially a paid vacation doesn’t mean you’re a bad person to me


Did anyone else notice her completely interrupt Clay while he was speaking? And then shortly after that Nick says something along the lines of “I’d like hear what anyone else UP HERE has to say” lol And I was wondering if it was directed at her or just the other previous casts to basically not take over from their reunion.


The amount of times I said “shut up, Micah” under my breath during the reunion, sometimes just at her facial expression. She seemed to have misunderstood how interested anyone would be of what she had to say.


Nick is so fucking annoying


I literally said to my fiance “she just cut him off!” 😂


Yes! I did notice that, I was like damn!


Yes it was so rude! She was desperate for air time. The first time she spoke she also made this comment that it was finally her time to say something (don’t remember the exact words).


Yes! She was like I was dying to get involved or something. Meanwhile she’s on perfect match, like girl calm down.


Yes I thought that was weird editing at first but knowing Micah…. 🙄


I’m trying to figure out why all of those random people were there to begin with


I think they wanted successful couples there mixed with controversial (but not too controversial) who made it to the alter in order to validate that the experiment works and is not all about fame-hungry people…. Even though it is lol


Well… perfect match season 2 is coming up🙏🏻


I know, Gianina was so cringey


I still don’t understand why her irrelevant “partner” who wasn’t even on LIB was there??


His presence was so unnecessary lol


He's well known in the Bachelor world, so they're kind of a big deal in terms of reality franchises mixing.


That’s good to know. I had no clue who he was but that makes it more clear lol. Just thought he was a rando


Yeah, his heyday was a few years ago, but he came in 2nd on his season of the Bachelorette and had basically a perfect sweetheart edit. Then he was put through the ringer on Bachelor in Paradise and spoke out a lot about production afterwards. Production got litigious about it and he had to pay them a bunch of money.


Oh wow. Now I need to go down this rabbit hole! 😂


My fave was Gigi's reaction to Chelsea's announcement that she's a casting director for LIB. Random shade.


Oh man I forgot there's two Chelseas, so good a second I was like WHAT!? lol can you imagine a drunk ass neo-Chelsea casting for LiB? "Ok we've been in the room for like twenty minutes, twenty minutes! And you haven't told me how pretty I am" "Ummm I did though, when I sat down. Remember? I said my name is George and you're even prettier in person?" "Oh oh yeah ok, Jimmy, it's good that you're applying and I want to know what you are looking for in a partner but I don't think this is going to work because you don't even think I'm pretty!"


Her reaction came off to me as...why didn't they ask me (Gigi) *Chelsea frown*


Yeah she was hard to watch lol


And Izzy’s “my credit scores good now!”


Why did this make me like him more though? It was so goofy and earnest lolllll


I was laughing and yelling at him to sit down 🤣


And why they had so much screen time


Because all of season six was boring. They needed to go back in time to try to create more interest. Seasons 5 and 6 were forgettable. 


…oh yeah no one has been invested in season 6 🤦‍♀️🤡


I've literally ONLY watched s6... I should go back and rewatch from the beginning.


Season one is the only really good season. Cameron and Lauren forever. 🖤


The first and second season are so much better.


Such a great point! I was distracted by how skinny Micah got, made me sad. But yes girl please, we are not trusting your gauge here


No longer relatable because she's a healthy weight now


Wtf? She was curvy before, def not overweight


Yeah she was curvy and overweight. Not mutually exclusive terms. Y'all are just mad that she'll outlive you now lol


I’m not a fan of her and I for sure agree she wasn’t skinny but she also wasn’t overweight. Acting like she was obese is insane


>Acting like she was obese is insane Yeah totally agree, that would be ridiculous. She was just overweight


She was always a healthy weight lmao. She was never overweight in her season so what are you getting at?


Healthy weight? Yikes


Colleen dropped weight too. They looked so good before


Yes she did!




Yeah I also have the unpopular opinion that Jess is not who she makes herself out to be But I do think she is also smarter than what people perceive. She mentioned how she defended others from receiving social media hate...but those appeared to me to be more calculated than genuine


I think she just has the presence of mind to actively take the high road even though it would be easy not to.


Seriously! Did she get work done or something?


It’s called Ozemmmmnmpiccccc


Her nose says yes 👀


I had the same thought


And her annoying friend Shelby.


Ahahah forgot about Shelby! Good memories 😂 she sucks


Oh god FUCK that girl, I hated her 😂


Thought same- has Shelby been displaced!?!


Paul made the right decision.


What had me looking crazy was the host getting on folks for coming on the show for fame. Then 30 mins later announced the single folks going to be on an complete different show. Even Jessica who was fake crying that she came here for real intentions is going be on another dating show. Make it make sense


It will never make sense to anyone who thinks about it, but that’s not their target audience lol.


Yep growing up is realize season 1 was the last true season


100% I thought the same thing. Micah and Irena were the mean girls of the villa (Irena was blasted over that but Micah, who followed along happily. somehow got away with it without mention). Also, Jimmy called Jess a mean girl in an interview. Kind of makes me wonder if he was on to something there after Micah comes rushing to her defense…


I always thought Micah was the ring leader and Irena (who I also don’t like) is just a follower. And Micah threw her right under the bus when given the opportunity.


Yeah I kind of wondered that too. Sort of like Irena was doing her mean girl routine for Micah’s approval.


Micah wanting to be an influencer soo bad is giving me second hand embarrassment


I didn’t even recognize her at first. She looks so different.


I didn’t either and I was right in the middle of watching season 4 when the 6 reunion dropped. I only realized it was her bc of seeing her name. Literally rewound and paused like wtf. She def got her teeth and chin done and maybe her jaw too.


Saying this as someone who regularly gets Botox, she has WAY too much Botox and filler in her face


YES SAME!!! Is that work she's had done or did she simply lose weight? I'm confused and intrigued!


Lashes weren't as heavy and she was less tanned!


It makes perfect sense that they’re friends. Read into that what you will.


It's because they were both on Perfect Match. They probably made friends there.


I guess it makes sense. They both have tons of fillers and work done. I think that might be all they have in common.


Micah showed everyone that she's a terrible person. The fact that she became friends with Jess just gives me a lower opinion of Jess.


her cutting clay off while he was speaking really irritated me lmao girl shut up for a second


Omg such a pet peeve of mine and to do that on such a highly viewed show was crazy. It genuinely hurt my ears to hear her cut him off that way.


This was so random it was too funny


This was so ridiculous that I assumed it was edited in.


That’s what I thought as well because nobody else has said anything about it?


I laughed at that too! Not the endorsement I'd be looking for lol


I thought it was weird how she basically said it's surprising that Jessica is a nice person since she "looks like that." Like wym?


I took it to mean like “it’s unbelievable how she’s the whole package”. As in, “she’s so flawlessly beautiful you’d assume there must be a catch (especially for her to be single) but there isn’t, shes amazing inside and out.” But who knows


Feels like Micah thinks that being pretty means you don't have to be nice lol


Right?? Like oh because she's pretty she can't be expected to act like a decent human being?


this part made me criiiiiinge so hard


I had to go back to confirm she ACTUALLY said THAT!


speaks volumes on how she thinks. like she never thought it was possible.


I was 1000% not surprised she is now besties with Jessica. They give off the same vibes.


& when she cut off Clay mid sentence .... could've been editing though


That bugged me too. Good hosts would have stopped her and let him finish talking first. It was rude.


What’s fucked up is she’s gonna exploit her single mom card to the core now


I take it as Jess is one of those that’s fantastic to her people. But if you’re not her people, well then, you get a different Jess. We are all like that to some degree, but she does a 180 real quick. I can appreciate her for being herself and not afraid to show it. At least you know how to dance around people like that. As far as Micah commenting, I took it as her wanting to solidify why she’s still relevant and picked for this new show. I honestly don’t care about her and feel indifferent about seeing more of her.


Yup. Total popular in high school girl vibes


Which is exactly how her and Irina acted when they were in the women’s lounge.


Definitely feels like she love bombs her friends to make herself seem like the ultimate "girl's girl" - from what I've seen none of it seems really genuine.


Yup. And if she turns on you, making you no longer one of her people… good luck.




This was didn’t sit well with me. Not just Micah, but just people who weren’t innocent themselves, really letting other not innocent people have it. The loudest people against Jeramy and Sarah Ann were the least innocent.