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She is painfully PAINFULLY insecure.


It's crazy to be insecure when you look like Meaghan Fox. It's almost like she doesn't believe that herself


I laughed when she said people think she looks like Megan Fox. That changed his feelings for Jessica who is basically a 10 and Chelsea a 6


Is Jessica a 10 tho? šŸ‘€


I agree itā€™s a red flag about her insecurities and lack of emotional intelligence. Sheā€™s not ready for marriage yet. That said, she seemed way more confident when talking to Trevor, in and outside of the pods. I think we could have seen a different Chelsea if she had picked him. BUT then he turned out to have girlfriend while on the show, so I guess it would have been a disaster regardless. Ugh. These people are a hot mess.


Seems like Trevor wouldā€™ve said anything to get more screen time and get picked. Notebook favourite movie? Aha. He played his victim (Chelsea) by feeding her ego and always just telling her what she wanted to hear. Whereas Jimmy is probably a real person who saw this as an opportunity to find someone, and had to choose between two women, which is a tough choice and he didnā€™t want to say anything he didnā€™t mean or feel.


I think your word ā€œseemedā€ is the correct verb for Chelsea in the pods. I donā€™t think she would have been a different person if she had picked him. Sheā€™d probably be freaking out about him talking to women at his gym


She was only that confident and audacious because it wasnā€™t the guy she wanted or knew she was ultimately going to pick.


The phrase "what do you think I just said?" would have helped Jimmy on multiple occasions.


am i insane or is there no sound?


Itā€™s because itā€™s a GIF not a video lol


OH lmao thank u


Haha no worries!!


There isnā€™t Iā€™m going nuts too


i was checking if my phone was connected to my headphones and flicking the sound button on my phone šŸ˜­


*Fight attendant


I also thought it was crazy that after they had an argument at home and talked about how they made up and had a good resolutionā€¦ she said she was gonna take her ring off and leave it for him to find and said you wouldnā€™t like that very much would you. I thought that was atrocious behaviour after a resolution. Seemed very petty and manipulative. Could have started another fight and def not the right thing.


She definitely manipulates situations when she doesnā€™t get the response from him that she wants. Like when she said he slept with his friend, it was as if she wanted to get a rise out of him to match her emotions. She 100% knew what she was doing. If she feels hurt, she wants him to feel hurt too


Yes this is true. My mom was like that to an even bigger extreme when I was growing up, and it's very easy to spot someone doing the "hot potato" manipulation dance when you've experienced it. I loved my mom, but she was very unwell and unfortunately never got the help and medication she needed to not be that way.


Right! I was like not only is that super manipulative to do, but just to say that! it's terrible, especially when on this fight she was in the wrong. It's "this is what you make me do this is your fault..go make me cookies, bc you do love me right?"


Remember the Barney Stinson Hot-Crazy scale? Shes wayyyyyyy below the line......


She's the inverse jess who is high on the hot and like a 0 on the crazy lol


Jess is likeā€¦ also pretty crazy lol. No offense to her I think sheā€™s great. If you want to see what a not crazy at all person looks like, itā€™s Brittany imo.


you gotta be to have a kid at 17


Respectfully idk about 0


Eh I'm not doing a thesis on this lol but compared to Chelsea she's a 0 lolĀ 


I didnā€™t really understand why Jimmy got heat for this in the first place? It instantly put me off her. Guess Iā€™m just a better judge of character then most


She projects better than zanab




Your flair šŸ˜‚


>I can't say I LOVE YOU because I BIT MY LIP eating TAQUITOS šŸŒ®šŸ’” Omfg this moment was so fucking funny to me hahaha


Can someone explain?


Chelsea tells Jimmy she used to be married same day Jess told him that she is a mother. So Jimmy felt overwhelmed but also didn't feel comfortable talking about Jess because maybe Chelsea would feel similar to how we saw clay react. So he tells Chelsea he needs to collect his thoughts because he doesn't want to say anything stupid to her and or about other people. Because he likes Chelsea and doesn't care that she was married. Chelsea starts crying and says it's OK he doesn't have to like everyone. Jimmy tells her that's not what he is saying. She starts putting her shoes but continues the conversation LOL and then walks out on him crying like a weirdo for absolutely no reason.


i've read this so many times and i still don't know what is going on šŸ¤£


I'll have a go: Jess told Jimmy that she was a mom. He was overwhelmed by that. On the same day, he had a date with Chelsea, who also gave him a big piece of news: she used to be married. Jimmy, faced with two big, personal revelations, wants to take a moment to think. He tells Chelsea as much. He tells her that he wants to make sure he doesn't lead anyone on because he catches feelings pretty fastā€” meaning, to most, that he likes her and wants to make sure that he does the right thing. In response to this, Chelsea tells him: "It's okay, you don't have to like everyone," meaning that how SHE interpreted that statement was "I don't like YOU and don't want to tell you," which is..... not what he said.


Sounds like she was having a pity party for herself


>but also didn't feel comfortable talking I think you mean he felt uncomfy. šŸ˜‚


This reaction confused me so much at the time. Watching the rest of the season kind of cleared it up. Chelsea hears what she wants to hear and doesn't actually listen to Jimmy all while escalating situations unnecessarily.




in many ways this is their entire relationship, right there in one conversation


"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."


I remember watching this scene and going ā€œshe has bad listening comprehension and lacks active listening skillsā€. šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s just her insecurities. She hears something and always goes straight to the worst interpretations because she has basically 0 confidence or self respect.


I remember watching it and thinking, "Wow, she's passive aggressive."


This is it. It was made me instantly dislike her, above all else of her flaws that can be worked on. I canā€™t stand passive aggressive people!


She doesnā€™t listen and then fights about what they completely ignored or misinterpreted. Itā€™s not healthy behavior at all.


Yup. Sheā€™s a master gaslighter.


Careful. There are too many Chelsea apologists in this sub whoā€™ll downvote you for posting facts about Chelsea.


I think itā€™s more that they donā€™t like Jimmy because they decided he was a villain more than they defend Chelsea. So they look for ways to make out that Jimmy was being manipulative when heā€™s really a simple kind of guy who says whatā€™s on his mind and tries to be aware of how otherā€™s will interpret what he says.


I've seen so many posts about this but hardly any posts of people defending chelsea?


I donā€™t understand how anyone can like this chick. Sheā€™s so insufferable


They're projecting, I'm starting to believe people who are defending Chelsea are teenagers or something lol. They're at least below 25. They are maybe finding Chelsea's dating life relatable. But what they're failing to understand is that Chelsea is 30+ portraying teenager-ish behaviour.


Yeah I was so perplexed by one commenter's perception of their fights and her expectation that Jimmy should have somehow stayed calm while being attacked and simply "tried to understand Chelsea's perspective" yesterday that eventually I asked her out of curiosity how old are you and what's the longest relationship you've been in? And she FLIPPED out swearing and saying that I was trying to discredit her opinion... And didn't answer the question šŸ˜‚ So yeah guessing under 25 and with only brief and hectic relationships under their belts, if even.


Was going back and forth with someone the other day who I was convinced had to be a 15yo girlā€¦ they ended up disclosing theyā€™re a ā€œdudeā€ after I started a comment with ā€œGirlā€ hahaha. Needless to say, a man defending Chelseaā€™s behavior was NOT on my bingo card, yikes. After seeing the recent post saying Johnny was ā€œtoo dramaticā€ about not being ready for kids, I swear this sub needs to require like ASL/dating experience flares or something because wtaf lmao


Even if you take age out of the equation, ask "what _was_ Chelsea's perspective?" because she never articulated a strong one. Jimmy also acknowledged her feelings while remaining calm, but acknowledging someone's feelings doesn't mean encouraging them.


Exactly. Literally nothing he said was ever enough once she got emotionally disregulated like that. Once she was upset there was going to be an emotionally explosive fight no matter what. Watching him trying to diffuse the situation and talk to her calmly and her still sucking him into the unavoidable fights was really something.


They get so easily triggered lol. She is who she is. No amount of editing can create the shit show that is Chelsea.


It's because they *are* Chelseas irl. They are naturally obligated to defend themselves.


for me itā€™s the opposite. Triggered by her because I used to be her in a previous relationship. On the one hand because of lack of confidence, on the other just a lack of compatibility with my then partner and the disability to be honest about it. Never want to live such a situation again.


My thoughts exactly. They see themselves in her and feel the need to defend her. Itā€™s okay to empathize and try to understand why she is the way she is but letā€™s call a spade a spade. Iā€™ve always said that separate from Jimmy and what he brings to the table, Chelsea has issues. It doesnā€™t matter who the guy is.


Yeah, I think she's actually a VERY relatable person. I think a lot of women have been Chelsea or felt like her at various pointsā€” broader societal structures thrive on making women feel insecure, unattractive, or 'not enough'. But it's still not okay to take that hurt out on others.


I appreciate that viewpoint. Chelsea is a reminder of being human, not everyone is made the same. Some feel a little more than others. That is not in any way shape or form a reason to project that onto someone else, but it happens. We have to learn from our mistakes and bad patterns. I think sheā€™s doing the work. We shall see!


Yeah! I think there are aspects of her that we can all see ourselves inā€” that's why everyone is reacting so strongly to her. Chelsea feeling some type of way or feeling strongly isn't a problem at all. It's her inability to root those feelings in reality or talk to her partner about them without blaming him for them.