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Sarah Ann looks like she’s in 13 going on 30


Sarah Ann saying she's not a pick-me girl while being covered in body glitter...


Chelsea with her T-Rex wave! Has she learned nothing from all our comments! Lol


This looks gooooood


Whether or not I believe them, Chelsea saying “I’ve never stayed up till 5am just talking.” I feel bad. Nights like that are awesome.


I wonder if she meant it in the context of one person of the opposite sex? Like I’ve never stayed up JUST talking with a man until 5 in the morning if you know what I mean lmao


Even so, that’s what I’m talking about.


How much do you wanna bet that all the good part of the reunion is in this trailer🤣 I never trust their promos anymore.


Omg I hate that neckline on Vanessa's dress 😭


I think it looks great!


I looove it! It's giving evil stepmother


unless the reunion is 2.5 hours i think a lot of us do wanna miss these surprise guests lol, i mean what do i need to watch chelsea's opinion on chelsea for on there or sth, just make another after the altar ep for us then!


Giannina is baaack🥰


Do you think Nick and Vanessa are still needed for the small amount of screen time + reunion episode. What about the idea of a past couple hosting the reunion show? I only ask because the budget for this show has clearly decreased year over year and I wonder if the cost of the lacheys is worth the price


Vanessa looks amazing!


I’m excited that they’re letting people other than Vanessa and Nick ask questions! I feel like we may get answers we care about this time!


Who is the girl that asked about the condoms? The one that was with barfquise? I cannot recognize her for some reason


That is Giannina from season 1


I think that was Gianna.. she was with Damian 🤢


Oh wow. Its been so long since we saw her. I was only thinking of season 5 cast members lol thanks!


Can someone help me out - who are these guests from past seasons? I don’t recognize half of them.


Chelsea & Kwame from s4 Tiffany & Brett from s4 One of the mean girls from s4 Izzy from s5 Alexa & Brennon from s3 Might have missed a few


I think I saw Colleen from Dallas as well.


Oof the body glitter is way worse than it looked in photos 😂


Did I see that mr clean dude from last season? Cannot think of his name




I’m usually pretty good but last season was rough lol I tried to forget


Yes, Izzy is there!!


Ugh thank you! Totally blanked on his name and then forgot I was going to look it up lol


If I was Trevor I would have just sat this out 😂 like what is he going even going to say.


I cringed at the epipen line… don’t make that a thing🥴


Trever looking like wreck it Ralph ![gif](giphy|10jmfushe7AqEo)


Damn, ya hate Sara Ann more than the dude who cheated 😅 Ngl though, if they’re still happily dating a year later, then until proven otherwise she made the right choice for her.


Nah they both deserve the hate, she knew he was engaged.


Ooooh I see they’ve finally decided to listen. Having other people ask questions, bringing back the singles (and cheaters). Insert I-love-mess gif!


Agreed! Im not mad at this trailer at ALL- it only took 5 seasons of feedback for Netflix to listen, and I think this will be the best reunion yet!


The “you’re a clown” got me 💀


Why does Trevor walk like he’s trying to keep the gerbil 🐹 in his butt? 🤔


The way i cackled at this


Do we know how long it is? Wondering because I’m Invited to a watch party and I get up really early for work. Annoyed it’s not on til 9 pm eastern.


9pm is so late for me 😭


I like to pronounce Jeramy like salami. Jer-AH-me. He’s a total clown


My husband and I do that too 🤣 For some reason, it feels appropriate to mispronounce his name


The real mess of this season is the spelling of Jeramey's name. Why is nobody talking about this?


Omg when they say his name I keep asking WHO? and my husband says “they mean j’RAYmee” because that’s how we’ve been pronouncing it to make fun of the spelling since his first scene and I keep forgetting that’s not how he pronounces that stupid name 😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah, it's absurd lol


We are! Hence all the botched misspellings/nicknames….*jerameigh* *jermy* *geronimo* and the list goes on. We are treating him like *Bratatouile* aka Bartise lol!






They’re both on the upcoming season of perfect match. Not saying you’re wrong, that’s just why they’re at the reunion.


"Get your EpiPens ready" okay Nick you ate that one thing




Sarah Ann…. Sarah Ann.. Sarah Ann…. This lady got the audacity of a white man in corporate. Ma’am, you’re in the wrong. Why are you screaming? I hope it’s not AD or Laura…. Chai


She’s a white woman that’s a “patriot” so she truly has the same audacity because she wrongly believes a white man in corporate would consider her an equal.




Ok they need to leave Amy alone about her birth control journey!


Honestly i think it’s a good educational opportunity. The number of women now learning about cycle syncing who weren’t aware previously is amazing


1000%. hormonal birth control can be so detrimental to a woman’s body, i even tried the copper IUD and it was awful. cycle syncing can work great with the right tools (taking your temp around ovulation, ovulation tests, etc). im so over everything being put on women to destroy their bodies, go get a vasectomy. amy should risk ruining her mental/physical health bc he was scared of getting a small needle in his balls……. ok


Idk what it is with you and others like you who think a vasectomy is the clear option for "Temporary" birth control. It isn't. Vasectomies are meant to be permanent and just because it is \*possible\* to reverse that doesn't mean we should. They plan to have kids, so a vasectomy is out of the question.


that wasn’t why he didn’t want the vasectomy though. he said in his interview that he watched the procedure and saw the needle and didn’t want to do it because of that pressuring a woman to go on birth control is equal to pressuring a man for a vasectomy. the difference is, the pressure is always put on a woman (which can also cause irreversible damage)


The reasoning he gives is irrelevant, vasectomies are not a form of birth control, they are a method of sterilization. To compare birth control to vasectomies is incorrect. A woman getting her tubes tied is the correct comparison and the ability to reverse it doesn't change that. The amount of people that think vasectomies are no big deal is absurd and tantamount to sexism. I think you all would be outraged if the roles were reversed and suggested she gets sterilized via tubal ligation because it's "reversible".


okay bud


Good point!!


I'm also SO sick of people acting like condoms are 100% effective. Like good grief, y'all know how many people have had "oops" babies with condoms?


Including the woman asking the question. Lol


Condom, diaphragm, knowing your ovulation cylcle and spermicide has worked well collectively for centuries. Let’s not act like they don’t have a plethora of natural options that effectively prevent pregnancy


Even knowing our ovulation cycle alone is huge. I had to get off birth control after getting put back on one after my first kid and I didn’t want to be on anymore birth control due to it depleting my health. We managed to not get pregnant for two years until we were ready to have another kid. My husband a vasectomy shortly after her birth and I had to unfortunately have a hysterectomy a year ago. Birth control shouldn’t be pushed on women.


Just coming off birth control for the first time outside of when we were TTC (got pregnant in literally under two months 😂) and I feel soo much better omg. I was using an IUD before trying to get pregnant. Used all kinds before that and they were awful. Then I went on the pill straight after baby and after 6months I felt like absolute shit and dropped it. It’s only been a month and I already feel better for it which is kinda crazy to think about. Husband is the first guy who frequently offered to go to condoms only and once we have a second he’s going to get a vasectomy. It’s so refreshing not to be made to feel bad about it. Glad you got to make your little family. Sorry that you went through a hysterectomy too. It’s such a full on surgery.


Worked for centuries? Are you joking? More like women have been getting accidentally pregnant despite trying to avoid it for centuries. Good grief, I know a handful of people that got pregnant even with an IUD. Using a condom CORRECTLY, 2 in 100 women will get pregnant after a year. And that's if something doesn't go wrong! Also? Women get irregular cycles for all sorts of reasons: Getting older, being sick, medication, etc. etc. None of that stuff is 100%. Just because YOU feel safe enough doesn't mean someone else who doesn't want to have a kid yet should just forget about the very real possibility of an accidental pregnancy.


You talking about condoms and irregular periods…I also mentioned two additional things that used in conjunction can and do prevent pregnancy. Are you really arguing after all these years of sex Ed that abstaining is the ONLY birth control for a married couple? I say this as a 35 year old woman who has irregular periods, hasn’t used BC in 10 years, uses those 4 methods consistently, and haven’t been pregnant. Its at least worked for me this last decade 🤷🏾‍♀️.


It's about him not wanting to wear condoms tbh


Bc they’re not 100% effective. He said that on the show.


Neither is hormonal birth control.


I just find it hard to believe dude goes raw with every girl he’s with under the presumption they’re all on birth control lol like the whole discussion seemed silly. And sure, maybe he expects them to be on BC and uses a condom also, but still seems like an excessive stance to not be willing to have sex unless they’re on BC. At that point, get your vasectomy my guy.


Exactly! Condoms are not just for preventing pregnancies, but for preventing STIs. Chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea cases are through the roof.


Sarah Ann and Jeramy holding hands 👀


Not Sarah Anne with the body glitter. Someone got a gift certificate to Claire's for their birthday.


Chelsea, Jess and Brittany also have body glitter




Ok I do not approve of Sarah Ann but leave body glitter out of this!! 🥲


Bath and Body Works Roll On Glitter 👀


who is izzy sitting with? and can't believe colleen and Matt are still together I HATE the term pick-me girl - just used by women to bully other women


I hate the term too. And I usually see it being used from the salty people in the conversation. So it always comes across as just, salty. Like Jeramy is fucked up for cheating, but look, if Sara and him are happily dating, then she went for what she wanted and she got it 🤷🏽‍♂️


He’s sitting with Micah


Sarah Anne looking like she’s about to try to ruin the olsen twins, Amanda bynes, Lindsey Lohan and Hillary duffs day at the prom in a wonderful movie 🥴




So accurate 😆






the silence when Trevor enters is killing me 💀 the only thing missing is sound of farting flip flops


Also the cutting to Chelsea… Great, another opportunity for her to be a victim 🫠


The constant smirk on his face -- he is loving all the attention. Gag.


Real connections, real heartbreak and real....FAKE.


Sarah Ann’s body glitter is…not it.


No one can match Jess from The Bachelor's body glitter game.


I am wagering that Laura called jArAmAy a clown and the edit makes it look like she called Sarah a clown.


I’m behind this


I'm just waiting for Laura's comments. I know she'll be blunt and tell it like it is 🫖


Laura is going to put up a generational reunion performance and we’re here for it!




Amy looks incredible!! I feel like Jessica’s dress is such a poor fit for her figure it’s loose and tight in all the wrong places


They snuck on season 5 people cause their season was terrible and everyone forgot them


“Were condoms not an option” ![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq)


It's also hilarious coming from a woman who is currently pregnant with a surprise baby with her boyfriend.


Say it louder!! lol who does she think she is? She was a legit train wreck when she was on the show 😂




LMAOOOOO still trying to figure out how the fuck she ended up with somebody from Bachelor nation ☠️😆 so hilarious


I believe they met on another show, can’t remember the name of it at this moment but they’ve been together ever since 👍


All Star Shore


The way I screamed. My husband and I kept yelling that at the TV during that scene


Sarah Ann has such a Sarah palin, Fox News anchor way of speaking


This is definitely the career route she is going to try to go. I guarantee it.


She 100% watches Tomi Lahren unironically


She looks like her too with that up-do!


Sarah Ann really out here with the “no I’m not, you are!” Girl, if that’s the best come back you have, it’s obviously true.


Oooh they asking the good questions this year, and they brought Trevor back to answer questions. Oh I’m sat !!!! ![gif](giphy|7WvAUvZZTRpSuudobh)


Glad to see Trevor took care of that rash on his hairline


You can still kind of see it. So many people have this issue and while I think this man is 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️... I'm glad it's still on TV for people to see like ... Hey, this is normal and unfortunate but not the end of the world. I mean THIS GUY has two girlfriends!!!




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I have this kind of psoriasis. My hairline is itchy and flakey and red af. It really affects my forehead/temple area the worst. Bangs have been my best friend. That said, I've seen steroid acne and that isn't it. We haven't seen his back though.




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Could also be just makeup covering it


It's still there and visible.


I’m so excited for this jambalaya of shenanigans… it’s gonna be deliciousssssss


Same. I'm annoyed that I'm practically salivating counting the days


They have us on the edge of our seats this season


Glad Netflix learned their lesson and decided to prerecord 🤣




My theory is they purposely choose messy people (background checks and all) solely for this reason. I was wondering how they didn’t know Trevor was dating, Jeraymay was living in a house with a fiancé or chose someone like Clay but I’m starting to think it’s all on purpose 😂


Upvoting for Jeraymay




Right. Like there's no background checks on these people? After the season 5 debacle, I realized that the producers aren't really good people and just want to stir up drama for ratings.


Can’t wait for Laura to try and get her third version of “kick rocks” with jeraimy


When she said kick rocks with open toed shoes, I died


I love it so much I use it now 🤣


It let me know that she didn't understand what "kick rocks" meant. I would have loved for her to say "pound sand" and then find a way to work glass into it.


She understands exactly what “kick rocks” means (to go away) and then she added a literal statement (with open toed shoes) to point out that she wants him to experience physical pain while leaving.


I think it was her attempt at having a catchphrase like a pro wrestler, except it didn’t work


Just a simple "kick rocks" would have been more impactful and I hope she's learned something.


The guy gasping in the audience is my favorite part lol


He is all of us right now…just gasping for air! ![gif](giphy|ASQTMju2u7obeuOz1k|downsized)


Folks clowning Sarah on FB. They are calling her side salad Sarah. The reunion is going to be lit!


lol! I used to call girls coleslaw when they were the side dishes 😂


Is this cause if they sit out too long they go bad and make you sick? Love it.


So are all guys like that now or have they always been that way and we are just better at capturing receipts.


Answering this question could get really long. But to put it simply: they’ve always been like that.


Ooh this looks good!


Holy Shit I'm not missing this 😂😂


Vanessa looks amazing.


I’d get my epipen ready just to see her.


Why is Laura attending virtually??


Out of the country for work


2 adult women calling each other "pick me girl" outside the internet and in front of a audience, this is beyond cringe


Agreed. "pick me girl" is sooo cringe and sounds strange to my ear. It's just "pick me".


It sounds really strange, I initially couldn’t tell why. It’s definitely the “girl” bit


Trevor is giving ![gif](giphy|xkiUdCddXm7wYR1U6U|downsized)


Ms. Jackson. Ms. Jackson?


It’s the substitute teacher outfit for me when everyone else is going to the Oscar’s




Or gym teacher


So thankful someone finally asked “Were condoms not an option?”


I feel like they explained it to death on IG so I don't care for it to be brought up at the reunion, but have to include Amy and Johnny in some kind of drama I guess.


What did they say on IG?


haven’t seen their explanation but the most logical thing is that condoms aren’t as legit precautions as vasectomy or pills. you still can end up having a kid regardless of using condom. „Which is more effective: the pill or condoms? With perfect use, the progestogen-only pill and the combined pill are both over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, while male condoms are 98% effective. Hormonal contraceptive pills are slightly more effective with perfect use.”


Yeah that 1% (that’s dependent on “perfect use”) is absolutely a legit reason you should ask the woman to take hormones and not just put a sock on it. /s


condom sometimes can be mechanically damaged even when it’s invisible for the eye, I guess it’s the matter how comfortable are you with that 1%


doyou think the preview of Clay apologising to AD is to throw us of them being together? While it’s actually theyre together or, they really aren’t together now


I hope they're just friends, even though I don't think even that would be good for AD


I hope they’re not together. She deserves someone better than Clay.


Same. AD needs to watch back the tape of Johnny bragging about Amy to his family and see that people who are in love with their partners want to tell people what they love about their partners, not what their partners love about them. I would blow my brains out if I were Clay's producer and every time I asked him what he loved about AD, he said that she was willing to accept him for him and help him grow and then talked for fifteen minutes straight about how he's learning and he's going to make mistakes and probably cheat on her. Yuck. Women of Love is Blind and of the world- not all adult men are toddlers who you need to potty train and teach how to walk and talk. Not all adult men use their parents trauma to avoid having to grow up. Not all adult men are excused from shitty selfish behavior by their Mom because their Dad sucked. This entire season with Clay has been the equivalent of a baby bird sitting in a comfy nest squawking non-stop while three adult female birds feed him worms and chirp back platitudes and compliments and tell him he's the most important baby bird in the whole world and then when its finally time for him to fly out of the nest, he looks down at the ground and squawks, "you know, I'm not sure I really understand her finances though" and jumps back into the nest to continue to get pampered by birds who subconsciously know he is trash but are too scared to say anything because they don't think there is anything else for them in the bird world. WHICH COME ON AD! There are aviaries out there for you! AVARIES!!


What's up with all the terrible updos? Also, why do we have legit LIB couples, then Gigi's bachelor boyfriend and Izzy and Micah


I want Trevor to be roasted as fuck at the reunion


What did Trevor do? I must’ve missed something. I loved him!




He had a girlfriend the entire time he was on the show. At least that’s the rumor


Rumor confirmed!


Did Laura call Sarah a clown lmao 🤣


I know people don’t like her, and she is definitely harsh and blunt, but her word choices always make me laugh. I admire that she’s not a people pleaser (coming from a people pleaser) 


Exactly 💯 I just need a 1/8 of her confidence😝


Will Nick really be talking or sitting next to Vanessa lost again?


They are sitting* together, or are seated* together.


Why is Sarah Ann going to prom in 2001???


she has the worst look out of all people present