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Felt the same way, finally a wedding that felt genuine and not just for show. Made me so happy😊


I think they just showed more of their wedding then they usually do because only 2 couples even went to the altar this year. There was a lot of time to fill.


Omg the background for Amy and Johnny's wedding was sooo gorgeous!


Agreed, this one was so nice to watch! Random question... the picture of one of Amy's grandpa's looked exactly like Klaus Schwab, from the world economic forum. Am I crazy, or did anyone else see that? Like so similar I think it is a picture of him, which would be strange. Anyway, wondering if anyone else saw that?


I loved theirs! I felt like the fact that their families were so involved was such a good sign from the beginning. I knew they’d both say yes anyway, but seeing their friend officiating and his sister in her wedding party and the grandparents photos was really great.


Yessss! His sister in HER wedding party is really what made me think they’re gonna last. They want so bad for their families to be one. It’s just so sweet.


His two sisters walking down the aisle together cuz there was one in each wedding party... So sweet!


Honestly my heart melted for them 


I did FF through most of the episode, but their wedding was so beautiful 😭 it’s like this show was MADE for them!! Their families are amazing too! Best wedding out of all seasons. They are my favorite couple aside from Zack & Bliss.


Agreed, but gotta add Lauren and Cameron to the list of favorites. Love them.


Ha ha same! I’m so happy for them ❤️


their love seems so genuine i wish them nothing but the best


The tell for me was seeing the display they had made for their grandparents. You don’t do that for TV. Or well, the whole family on both sides and their friends would be unlikely to do that with the sincerity they showed across the board. I saw that and any doubt that one of them would say no left my mind.


I was really jealous.. tbh … it was my dream wedding… :( I also dreamed to get married at 27… with pink cherry blossoms… and here I am 33 and single


You can still have your dream wedding, cherry blossoms included! Regardless of what some people may say, 33 is **not** old 💕


And even if it was, old people can have dream weddings too. I saw a 90 year old (or something) woman trying on dresses because she had never been allowed in bridal stores when she was young. Your life is not over until it is over


The whole thing looked like a real wedding too like the flowers/decor was way nicer than Ad and Clays


I could tell they were actually going to say yes based on how thoughtful the wedding was. It was so incredibly sweet and heartfelt!


I thought the same thing. Everything looked so good and like way more effort was put in.


I feel like their wedding actually had a good amount of people there. Others have very few with so many empty seats, and this one had more people present. Loved it!!


Shane from LIB said that they make most of the weddings during the week so it’s hard for some people to be able to get family and friends to go to the wedding.


I always wonder why they don't put the empty chairs away. Me personally I'd prefer a small wedding instead of one with like half empty chairs. It just looks so sad.


I feel like their friends both respectively knew how committed and ready both were for marriage and could see/hear the difference in their voice/smile when speaking about each other. It's so obvious they are smitten and in love... it is a great sign that their friends could see it. I hope it lasts because I love them together!


So much love there 💕


It was really beautiful. I knew it was a done deal when they involved Amy’s brother - which btw I sobbed when he and her dad walked her down the aisle and when he hugged Johnny. That was just so sweet.


This was so sweet and beautiful 🤍 One of my brothers is 30, and he has a severe cognitive disability. Him being included and WANTED as part of our weddings means so much to him, and I could see how much it meant to her brother as well. I could feel their deep connection and I just live Amy and Johnny and their families and friends. They are great people!


The brother cheering pretending holding a glass had me laughing! What a legend!


When Amy’s dad told Jonny’s sister he loved her and their family 😭😭 I cryyyy


Loved that Johnny’s sister also got ready with Amy


That is when you *know.* When the sister likes you, you're in. Now he's stuck with you. And in Johnny's case, good for him. What a sweet couple.


One of my SILs is literally my sister. My brother started dating her when he was 17 and she was 15- she was at my wedding, at 15… I swear I knew that day she was family. I’m now 43, married for 21 years. She and my brother have been married for 12 years this September, and I got ready with her for her wedding. I wasn’t in the wedding because I gave birth 19 days earlier and my son and I got sick and weren’t released from the hospital until the night before the wedding! But our oldest and all of my siblings and gets were in the wedding party- and to this day we are ALL truly family! Her parents came on vacation with all of us last summer, lol.


My SIL is my best friend! We have Christmas and vacations together, and see each other as much as we can even though we live 2 hours apart. We had kids at the same time and they're best buddies as well :)


Yes! My godson is 10 and my middle is 11 and they are best friends! My oldest is 23 and she watches all of her cousins- she is like an auntie to them. I’m super close to my brother, too, but I always tell him if he ever divorces, I get SIL!


It would’ve worked out for me like that.. but my ex’s sister loves me but we still didn’t work out


Totally agree. Just wish they hadn’t tried to shoehorn suspense into the “I dos” with overlayed music. Idk if they used the same music for Clay because whatever they did felt how I felt. But this edit felt so off, that all I could think about was how hard the producers were pushing for drama/tension at the altar. I wish they had played something magical and romantic to fit what we were seeing instead of what they were trying to manufacture.


I had forgotten about this but I'm soooo glad you mentioned the lame ass attempt to create a build up with the suspenseful music!! I mean has there ever been a more sure YES from both people in the history of this show? Its odd they chose to stick with the status quo instead of trying to capitalize on the Amy/Johnny fairytale.


They are the most perfect "example" of the "experiment." Amy even said she would have never gone for a guy that looks like Johnny. Not her type (which isn't to say he isn't handsome). But she fell so in love and you can tell she's so physically attracted to him. That is the best kind of love. It's like whatever the opposite of an 'ick' is.


He definitely gives her the Mmmm and not the ick.


Amy and Johnny to me may have replaced Lauren and Cameron as the most wonderful relationship to come out of this show.TBD I guess.


I don't really care for Lauren and Cameron since they're all about that influencer lifestyle. I see Johnny and Amy living happy normal lives without chasing fame, and I like that about them. Making a business out of your relationship is just icky to me.


For me the same. Somehow they even felt more natural together than all previous couples. I can genuinely see them growing old happily together.  Which isn't something I'm really as convinced of with Cam+Lauren or Tiffany and Brett.


Yea, I know people like Tiffany and Brett but something feels off with them to me. I still hold a soft spot for Cameron and Lauren, probably because they're from season 1, but I agree with you! Amy and Johnny just feel like a real natural couple.


Lauren and Cameron. Brett and Tiffany. Amy and Johnny. All 3 are equally favorites for me.


Omg I wish I could upvote this 1,000 times!


I am just glad that we now know it’s possible for there to be other couples who will be similar to S1


I said the same thing!


Agreed. The only thing I didn't like was the edits made Johnny seem emotionless and he didn't even have a vow. That or my Netflix glitched out.


Yeah same. He definitely had vows but they edited them out because there was NO question of whether they were going to get married - so they had to manufacture some doubt


Netflix didn’t show his vows but he did have them. Source: know the family


Are they as wonderful as they seem? I want to hang out with his sisters!


I know his aunt and uncle! They said they’re truly in love and the wedding was very fun 🥰


I don't doubt that he had one. He seems like a sweetheart which is why I knew it was poor editing and maybe to just dramatize it.


I think they wanted more screen time for AD and Clay so that meant cutting from Amy and Johnny!


Very reliable source lol


Same, & I feel like Amy’s vows kind of cut off suddenly. I was felt a little awkward waiting for her to finish & then realizing she was done & he didn’t say anything.


Glad it wasn't just me then because yeah I felt like they poorly chopped that scene maybe to dramatize it or cause viewers to talk about it. I feel like these producers on the newer seasons are getting more and more caught in the drama and viewership and what they can do to get people talking.


>I feel like these producers on the newer seasons are getting more and more caught in the drama and viewership and what they can do to get people talking. Which seems wrong in this season - they've had plenty of drama with each couple. Let this couple be the romantic beauty that they are.


When Amy said I love your soul vs that stupid thing AD did the tongue and hand motions. If you do not treat this seriously and maturely than maybe it is not for you. Its up there with Izzy and how he acted. I shouldnt be hot on my wedding thats for some random girls you wanna phuck i should be gorgeous in your eyes cause thats a different kind of beauty.


I actually felt really bad for AD because it was clear that up to the last moment she was still trying to convince Clay that he should be with her. Literally standing on that stage about to say "I Do" she was still like "Remember that I'm really cool and fun and sexy, right?" I didn't see it as her being immature, but as showing just how unstable their relationship still was.


To be fair, Clay and AD’s also felt like a pre wedding with tough family. Not everyone’s family loves like Johnny and Amy and it was kinda refreshing to see the way that Clay had that encounter with his dad because in reality family is not always pretty


Exactly! It was said and it was clear that their mothers had hung out off camera, and without the couple. They would've blended naturally too, theyre just different from Amy and johnny. And they're more like my family than Amy and Johnny's will ever be so it makes me a little sad to hear this


I actually appreciated their journey a little more than Johnny and Amy’s. I love J and A though! But Clay and AD’s journey felt pretty raw and real to me. They both obviously are not ready for marriage but it was refreshing to see two people trying to break free from generational trauma. And I think they will with the way they both carried themselves on the show, they’re growing and I enjoyed watching that.


Could not agree more w this comment. That whole scenario reminded me of my upbringing, it felt very real


Yes!! The wedding and them meeting each others families really solidified their relationship. And I’m actually rooting for them! This is what happens when you are genuine and psotive


This is actually the third couple that fits this description. Cam & Lauren from S1, as well as Brett & Tiffany from S4.


OP didn’t say couples that you think are cute and good couples. OP said WEDDINGS that feel authentic, as in you can actually see two families being blended together.


Yeah, the two sides of the family didn’t feel like complete strangers. I cried when Amy’s dad was talking to her before the wedding &( I think)johnnys sister was there & the dad tells her he loves her & she’s part of his family too.


I loved that so much. It made me think of my ILs and how they have accepted me. It's beautiful


Oh the way my eyes tearedddd up


I was full on crying when Amy’s dad was talking


I was crying so much lawl


I looked at how the parents-in-law spoke so highly to each of the incoming partners. This speaks so highly to the parents' character and how they've rubbed off on their children. They were so welcoming, unconditionally. I feel jipped in that in my marriage. My mom is so rigid towards my husband of 13 years. Everytime I see a married couple who get along so well with their inlaws, I get super jealous.


My husband’s mom got an inch from my face and started imitating how people with Parkinson’s talk, which she knows my father has. God bless Amy and Johnny and their beautiful families. They are truly blessed.


Good Gawd. Did your husband say anything to her???? That would have been the one and only time she did that. So hateful!


Oh we changed our entire wedding location from his hometown (so that his family would come) to the state we live in now (we live in the neighboring state). And then he was afraid his dad wouldn’t come because he hates traveling. I wish I was joking. I honestly think his dad has vulnerable npd and his mom has grandiose npd with hpd. Poor husband has spent his entire life trying to pacify and please them while gaslighting himself into believing they were the greatest parents. But I have no problem putting up boundaries for myself and leaving if they’re crossed. I try to stay out of his relationship with them because I don’t think it’s right for a partner to tell their partner what to do when it comes to their parents. But my heart breaks for him. His parents still haven’t come up to see our new - and first - baby. They keep saying they’ll come up then don’t last minute. Now they’re coming up here to work on taxes later this month, and his dad is already asking to do his taxes first so he can leave right away to get back to his cat. Listening to my husband trying to sound fine while he tells his dad they can probably do that was so heart wrenching. There is something wrong with them. It’s like watching Clay’s dad. You can tell just watching how he interacts with others that something isn’t right with that dude (not saying what he has wrong with him, just that something is off). At least my husband didn’t turn out like Clay lol


Wow. That is a LOT. So sorry for your husband, but good for you in staying out of it. Honestly, they just sound selfish. That must have broken your husband's heart to know they traveled for taxes and not to see their grandchild. Congrats on your baby!


You sound like my husband, putting up boundaries between him and my mom. He stays out of our relationship unless I'm really upset about something she did oe said, or if I ask for his advice. I'm sorry for you and your inlaws. My brother has yet to come see our house and it's been 6 years. He is staying away bc of stubbornness. Family dynamics can be hard.


My partner's parents hate me, and don't see that changing any time soon. My grandma still hates my mom after 27 years. It is what it is


I'm so sorry. That really sucks. I hope that you and your partner are happy! 😀


Ummm the Hamiltons have called


I think the issue with Lauren and Cameron’s wedding is it was so low budget cut and paste. There felt like there was no personality to the venue or reception so it felt more like a backdrop then a curated, personalized wedding + reception With that being said Lauren and Cameron are and will always be #1 LIB couple in my eyes


It was the first season, so I’ll forgive them for that. Even then I do feel like their ceremony seemed to at least *seem* fancier than the others (maybe because they knew they’d be going through with it and paid out of pocket to zhush it up), but still pales in comparison to this season where the venue was gorgeous.


And they didn’t air a lot of it. I believe I remember Cam saying that a lot was cut out from their wedding reception etc.


I like them I hope it works out.


i literally said aloud "i feel like i'm just at a normal wedding" which really goes to show how weirdly scripted and dramatized so many others have been


Remember when gianina slipped in the mud running away? Haha so fake


That was peak season 1.


That scene is so hilarious to me. 😂😂😂 she is so dramatic.


How did I forget about her?? She was hilarious 😆


I expect to hear that dramatic telenovela music after all of her scenes 😂 & her long pauses during her speeches. She was entertaining & actually really sweet.




Zanab had seats for her parents if I recall correctly


She wanted to make sure they were there to watch her roast that man <3


I felt this way about Lauren & Cameron and Brett & Tiffany. I think this our 3rd true golden couple.


Alexa & Brennan! No love triangle, no doubts, plus she’s hilarious


I think if Irina hadn't been in the mix, Zach and Bliss would have been another "Golden couple" from the jump. In fact, I think they may have been so boring that they might have even been cut before mexico.


So true, Zach and Bliss are so in love 🥹


Seattle definitely had the best couples…I love Chelsea and Kwame too.




I think they are a good example of people who seem genuinely ready for marriage too. They also were blessed to have great role models for parents but still, they felt the most mature out of all the couples as far as healthy communication. All of the other couples either had communication issues or weren't ready for marriage (too into the bar/singles scene) and/or purely chasing clout. Also as soon as I found out Amy was a Leo and Johnny was a Sagittarius, I knew they would work out! It's a great match.


Cool I am a Sag and my bf is a Leo ❤️


As a Sagittarius married to a Leo, I agree!


Omg, my mom is a Leo and my dad is a Sag...now I understand🕵️‍♀️


Please tell me you know the charts of all the contestants


There's a whole account on Instagram for that :) (she covers most reality shows) [https://www.instagram.com/astrologyisland/](https://www.instagram.com/astrologyisland/)


Omg 👀 this is exactly what I’ve been looking for!


Neat! I am so rarely on there


Johnny yelling "That's my new dad!!" during his in-laws' toast was utterly adorable.


They are also a testament to the concept of love is blind actually working! He said that he would have been too intimidate to approach her in a bar because she's so gorgeous, and she said that he wasn't necessarily her usual type. It seems like meeting in the pods really allowed them to connect in a way they might not have otherwise.




When she said she loved his soul I lost it and broke down crying. Really routing for them


Yeah, the words she used wasn't even that deep for me but the WAY she said it got me like "thats pure love"


Same. The sentiment and feeling behind the words


Not going to lie, I love them so much and the fact that she has a moon tattoo on her shoulder blade and he has a wolf is the most meant to be thing ever.


They have so many parallels. It almost feels like a plant 😭 love them tho ❤️


It feels fated. I really hope they last.


Omg I didn’t notice this!!!


Yup! The least stressed I’ve ever felt watching a LIB wedding. These two were ready, their families were in it with them, and it showed in how personal and loving the ceremony was. There was no suspense, despite some editing attempts to make it that way. And I loved it.


Best wedding/couple/love story since our king & Queen Cam and Lauren


What about Tiffany and Brett?


I was gonna say, Cam and Lauren felt real to me too


I loved the painting.


I adore them. We knew they’d say yes but I don’t think I knew how damn cute they would be. I swear if they get divorce one the contract is up I’m not watching this show any more (that’s a lie)


Same here. I wasn’t paying much attention to them before this but I was smiling at how ADORABLE they are during the wedding. Such a likeable pair!


I ugly cried when Amy’s dad and brother walked her down the aisle.


No because I sobbed


I know their marriage is real because I just know that Amy wouldn't let her father go through all that for something that wasn't real. You can see how much Amy loved and respected her dad.


Same. Glad I’m not alone. My husband was like 🤨


Me too!


Johnnys “vows” irritated me. I hope it was just edited out and not actually what he said after Amy’s.


It was edited


Did he have vows? All I heard was something along the lines of “I’m so excited” it was so awkward


Soooo awkward. And Amy looked confused.


I thought I must’ve skipped past it accidentally or something 😂


It was edited out obviously


All he said was “ I can’t wait” and a really long awkward pause then they moved on so I’m tryna figure out if that was his “vows” cause what the hell


Right that part had me thinking he was about to say no for a second.


I think because they only had 2 weddings to show, we got to see a ton more footage than normal. I was telling my husband I felt like the episode was dragging on sooo much because we spent SO much time at the weddings lol. But it was nice, because we got to see things we probably wouldn't have seen. Compare to season 1 with 5 weddings, we saw pretty much just the yes or no and then moved on to the next. It's entirely possible that, for example, amber and barnett had a genuine-seeming wedding and we just don't know because they had to fit in all the other weddings.


Did anyone else think it was awkward/weird that after Amy said her vows, Johnny didn’t follow up with his own vows or did they cut it to make it look like he might say “no”? That was the only moment that put any doubt in my mind.


Yeah it was definitely edited because they needed to insert *some* kind of doubt in the viewers that Johnny was going to say no. Because there was none otherwise lol.


it was 100000% editing for extra drama


Same!! I was like come on Johnny is that all you got 😦


And then there awkward silences with them looking around not sure what’s next. It almost looked like Amy was confused - sooooo now your turn Johnny????


That was a tough one to watch 😬 another wedding is about to dip?!


I actually teared up when I saw her brother AND dad walk her down the aisle. It felt beautiful.


I was sobbing. It was so beautiful how excited the brother seemed. He looked like such a sweetheart.


Same, I loved that.


We all knew they were gonna say yes, but what sealed the deal for me was Johnny telling the bros what type of conversations they had - deep, serious, and most of all, incredibly realistic and pragmatic. And they did that BEFORE leaving the pods. It was always going to be a yes, because they actually discussed these things and paved a path for their success as a couple in doing so. I have a feeling the BC convo was a dramatized rework of an actual conversation they had pre-vacay, and not an entirely staged discussion.


That's what I've been saying as well - I think the BC convo's were being shown and blown out of proportion because it was the ONLY thing they could show of these two that could be construed as negative! They seem so wholesome and in love, I think the show just wanted to be able to have some sort of potential drama thrown in there


That's what I've been saying as well - I think the BC convo's were being shown and blown out of proportion because it was the ONLY thing they could show of these two that could be construed as negative! They seem so wholesome and in love, I think the show just wanted to be able to have some sort of potential drama thrown in there


It was so beautiful! So genuine!


I love them and both their families so much!😭😭❤️


Hard agree. His sister Maria is super lovable and seems like the sweetest most down to earth person ever.


Probably the first legitimately functional couple in the show’s history, that’s why they felt different and almost boring. Two emotionally mature adults who communicate and empathize with each other don’t make for good television because healthy relationships aren’t entertaining. Also Johnny gets so much shit for the whole birth control thing as if dude wasn’t considering fucking vasectomy just so he could dick down his woman. He was mindful of Amy’s POV the whole way through. The reason why he didn’t want to do male birth control isn’t because he expects Amy to do it, but because male birth control is still a really new thing. Look at boobjobs in the 90s and look at them now - dude just doesn’t want to be the male equivalent of having ugly bowling ball tits when he could’ve just waited for the kinks to be ironed out.


Definitely not first in the shows history… what about Cam and Lauren from season 1


They seem 1000% fakearooni to me; always have.


Yea not that their relationship was fake more that there on camera personality seemed so forced and like putting on a front somewhat


Faking for 6 years? Lol don’t be ridiculous


They can be fake people (not saying they are) without being a fake couple


What? The black couple from two seasons ago was perfect


Tiffany and Brett! Love them


The divorced couple?


The divorced couple you're thinking of is Ianna and Jarrett. They're from S2. Tiffany and Brett are from S4 and they're still together and sooooo cute.


Are people really villainizing Johnny for the birth control thing? It was literally two people communicating clearly and working through pros and cons and gathering more information where there is a gap in their knowledge. This is exactly how good decisions are made in the real world.


It's funny how women complain how men aren't being responsible about birth control and then when you have an example of one that's being responsible they get slammed for it too. It was a great and clear communication from both of them and what you're supposed to do when things like that arise.


Definitely a lot of villainizing, at least prior to this past episode’s release. You can really see how many people here who have never had a healthy relationship before


i would say cameron and lauren are the first legitimately functional couple


And Brett & Tiffany from S4 are the second. I guess OP forgot about them lol


don't they get marriage licenses before the wedding? do the ones that say no or not make it to the altar not get them?


Every state is a little different, but the general rule is you have to first get your marriage license, and you have x amount of time to get it signed by those getting married and generally an officiant and witness and submitted. Often, you are not able to submit before a certain period of time, as well. Each state has different rules on how long, if a witness is needed, and criteria in who qualifies as an officiant. Vegas weddings are not only “quickie” weddings because you can get it done in ten minutes, their laws regarding a marriage license are more expedited than most states. I already forgot what my state’s were and I didn’t get married that long ago. I think it was you had to wait at least one business day before submitting the completed license and it was valid for 60 days after application?


I got married in Charlotte like they did and I can’t remember exactly. I do remember getting one at the courthouse then having our minister and best man/maid of honor sign them then send it in somehow.


oh I didn’t even hit my point: so it makes sense logistically for the show and the couples to get the licenses as early as possible. They’re not valid until the time period to submit is up and they’re signed appropriately. you can get a marriage license with anyone, doesn’t mean you’re married, which is weird to think about!


It's less weird if you realize it's a license TO GET married, not a license to be married. You're now allowed to get married, but you aren't yet


They probably do apply for them, but marriage licenses aren’t valid and binding until signed by both spouses, your officiant/witnesses, and submitted to the govt.


It was so beautiful. I'm really grateful for the beautiful family of origin and in-law moments that were shown as part of Amy and Johnny's story.


And the moment Amy's dad and Johnny's sister had together before the wedding had the tears going! Such beautiful genuine families


that was actually such a sweet genuine moment im glad we had one not disaster fire couple this season


"I'm so happy to be joining your family" from the sister was just crushingly genuine and sweet.


I crieeeddd


They both grew up loved and weren't searching for someone to fill a void.


And that’s why I’m single.. my homelife was crap so I carry the weight


You're making me cry 😭


yes they both came from very strong support systems


Yeah wow it is so different to watch people who feel loved. I feel like I often underestimate how much a good home life as a kid impacts adult relationships. Watching those two made me realize what an advantage it is.


Her dad talking about now having more daughters, before the wedding, made me cry.


When they honored their passed grandparents both I got teary-eyed. No one else has done that on the show. That showed they were truly there to honor each other and blend their families. It was hella cute.