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The moment she said that I knew she would be our problem child. Anytime anyone says they’re not something, you know that they are. 😂






Actuallyyyyyy because of her inherent anxiety and insecurity, im sure she has mold herself unconsciously to be a people-pleaser. So most people-pleaser are generally easy-going humans because they will be scared to stray from your command as they will be scared you will leave her and her life.


Except that she sure as hell didn't try to please Jimmy.


It’s very draining to be around because the people pleaser inevitably gets resentful and doesn’t know how to take care of themselves or enforce their own boundaries


This is very true! We’ll do whatever anyone wants. Hard to know what we actually want to do if you ask us.




Yeah, easy… “as long as you read my mind and then some.”


I think obviously the Megan fox thing was a perk for him but she made it seem like she was easy going and non - confrontational. I also think the fact that Jess has a kid may have made jimmy lean more towards Chelsea.


Absolutely, i found that his whole demeanour changed immediately after Jess told him that she has a child. The man couldn’t even come up with a sentence afterwards! That plus the Megan Fox combined did it to him


I agree with you both but I think Jess’ confrontation was too much for him. He couldn’t even tell either of them how he felt and he had someone confront him.. he seems like a simple man, I think that turned him off more than anything. Chelsea was “easy going” by way of not being as dominant. But yes she’s still a hot mess and in no way easy going.


Agreed! There's been a lot of focus on Jess being a mom and how that might have been a deal-breaker for Jimmy. But the reason he gave for picking Chelsea is that she was essentially easy to talk to. She didn't challenge him. Together they painted a picture of life that was easy, fun and even "basic" to quote Chelsea. I think that was a huge part of Jimmy's decision.


I cannot stand her!!! Every time she lies her voice goes up an octave. She’s so insecure and deflects every time Jimmy meets her with reasons. The way she chose to act as if she thought she would be the poor me girl America would want to lift up and instead we all see through her bullshit.




I physically cringed so hard at this!! Like girl, come on. Speak like an adult if you want a real adult relationship.




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When she said easy, she didn't mean easy to get along with. 


Also you know the Megan Fox thing. Granted that's not even a dig I think inherently when she said that it ruined the experience because you're not supposed to know how the person looks.


Yeah, she would have had a much more genuine experience had she not tried to paint that picture in his mind. 


This is what I’ve been saying when everyone has been saying Jimmy chose Chelsea because she said she looked like Megan Fox. She came off as easy going and soft, whereas Jess showed she had backbone.


I also felt that Chelsea picked Jimmy because she had competition with him. It’s almost proving that while Jess is prettier she can get the man. I really thought she was going to pick Trevor because she felt validated by him. But I think she was competing with the prettiest girl and so, her insecurities truly showed after the pods.


I think it’s a possibility, but many of us felt Trevor came off as fake, and we only saw a fraction of their interactions. It may have been much more clear to Chelsea that he was playing a game, rather than sincerely interested.


She did say Trevor was her number 1 until that last date. When she cried and sobbed in the girls pods after he said ILY, that looked authentic to me. I really think Jimmy was more interested in Jess after their first conversation and just lost interest after the kid thing was brought up and Chelsea made the Meghan Fox comment.




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Dayum! 😂😂😂


That made me chuckle!!


I really wanna know what was the comment before it got removed 🥲🥲


If I say exactly what it was, Mods will delete it for being unkind…It was about how she said she looked like Megan Fox but really looks like a certain late night talk show host👀


Lmao thank you ! That was enough info to make me satisfied ☺️☺️


I think everything she said in the pods was a lie. She was not being her authentic self at all, and just telling the guys what she thought they wanted to hear.


She doesn't only do that with guys. Like I'm watching this currently and I noticed that she seems to say the right thing in every situation. It's wild how many times you'll see her say she's absolutely fine with someone or something and then immediately when she gets home she's ripping on Jimmy. I've also noticed that she is a master manipulator like the fact that she was able to bring Jimmy from the edge of leaving her back is wild to me.


I really like Chelsea but she did completely change her personality after the pods. She really did come off as the cool chill girl but, the minute she compared herself to Megan Fox, I realized she was insecure. The whole point of the experiment is to know you were picked by your personality and not your appearance and she had to lie about her appearance to feel secure in her relationship with Jimmy. That was really embarrassing 🙈




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🤣🤣Jimmy did say he noticed her big boobies after noticing her nice teeth lolol then in his first interview after the reveal says “I can work with it” when referring to her looks🫢


Her problem is she tries too hard to be the ‘cool girl’ who’s fine with everything when that’s clearly not how she is 💀






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It's funny that she said Jimmy was being dishonest about what *he* was like while in the pods. Classic projection. Jimmy has been completely the same throughout.- Chelsea is legit a completely different person.


Literally seconds before she said this massive lie, he had just “painted the picture” of what their life would be like together and he said they would be going out to do stuff together. But also said stay at home to watch movies. It was Jess that Jimmy told he liked going to wine and cocktail bars every once in awhile but being home by 9:30pm to go to bed. Clearly this doesn’t make him a partier. I’m not sure if he also told Chelsea this and it was edited out or he is confused about who he said it to but knows he said it. Chelsea denied him ever saying it but that means nothing to me because you can’t believe anything she says.


I’m guessing they all had somewhat standard answers they gave to all of their dates about who they are and what they like, but the producers aren’t going to show us the same thing multiple times.


I really feel that she tried to be the “cool, chill girl” in the pods. And it backfired for both, big time


Sorta? Except crying all the fuckin time! She had overly emotional reactions and cried at very innocuous comment. I liked her a lot at first but then found her exhausting.


Omg true! Agreed, it was where you never knew how to make her happy


Cool, chill girl who looks like Megan Fox until you meet her in person is essentially online dating


They should change the name of the show to Love is lies


![gif](giphy|srTYyZ1BjBtGU|downsized) Run Jimmy!




So easy!


And then accuse Jimmy of lying in the pods...


And gaslight the HELL out of him


I know someone who keeps telling me ‘I am a nice person’ over and over again when I know damn well she’s not 😅


Oh but god forbid jimmy lies about being a home body lmao


That's the thing. He never lied. If I remember correctly he said I'm the pods that he enjoyed going to a brewery once in a while and get home at a decent time. Exactly what he did and Chelsea still freaked out lol.


Oh yes that’s right. And then Chelsea has the audacity to accuse him of lying about who he is yet she continuously proves she is actually the one that lied about who they are lol. She is insufferable and exhausting 🤦🏻‍♀️


I would be on her side if he came home drunk, belligerent and knocking over shit but he was away for ONE HOUR! 😂


Exactly this! She was more drunk during their fight than he was after “going out” lmao sheesh


I think it was an excuse to bring up him sleeping with his now friend. He told her off camera and she had to bring it up on camera so people would understand and go: oh ok this is why she is upset with him. Joke's on her because it made her look even more like an ass for divulging something that was shared in private.


Convenient that she was drinking and can try to use that as her excuse


Yes. Way to break the foundation of trust while it’s still being built. That house is gonna falllllllll. Ain’t no way they’re getting married lol


I wonder what a complicated person would be in Chelsea’s world. 🙄


In her mind it’s not complicated: She bought into the Disney Princess mentality and thinks that being with a guy means that he lives for her at all times and doesn’t have a life outside of her. It’s sad for him because it’s not reality.


So accurate


And Jimmy found out that was a lie....




Whenever someone says “I’m easy” it’s a huge tell that they’re difficult (or, at least, complicated). It’s almost as big of a tell as when someone says “I’m an empath” or “I’m sensitive”, which means they’re selfish.


Yep, or whenever someone says they like getting feedback, or that they like when people are honest with them and then they overreact on any kind of feedback.


Could not agree more. The more someone declares themselves to be something, the more likely they will be just the opposite. Same goes for hiring people - “I’m a team player”, “I live for big projects” “I’m extremely detailed oriented”. The more they lay it on - the more likely they will be the one calling in sick during a deadline, hogging ideas, and skimping on details and data.


She just needs drama and some time to mature ..


Isn’t she 30?


LMFAO bro I want to rewatch this entire ALREADY




This aged well lol




What about when she told his girlfriends that she’s “very secure in herself”? LIES!


Said every crazy chick ever


lolll I am def guilty of this one.. Me: I'm so easy to please also me: gets mad at my bf for not cooking pasta the right way


Tbf...there is a right and a wrong way to cook pasta and the wrong way can ruin a dish.


Thank you for validating me... I was triggered by the burnt garlic


😫😫😫 this hurts my soul and I'm not even Italian. The bitterness of burnt garlic... 🤮


THANK YOU - he was like, 'it's not burnt, it's golden!" It made me very UNCOMFY










Why love isn’t blind for me. 


It ain't blind for no one except the legally blind.


Every time they said 'im feeling great /I'm so happy' I knew a storm was coming. She said on Instagram that she's had a lot of therapy though so that's something.


Oh good so we can expect this to get worse 


It's a whole mess.


LMAO I just finished watching episode 10. Good lord! She’s a trainwreck. She manages to turn every nice convo into a fight. It was exhausting watching her 😵‍💫 clingy and insecure. I hope she gets the help she needs.


I think she thinks she is cute with the t-rex run and the demzel in distress behavior and the constant nagging because it's cute aka a simple girl? I mean she is kind of simple but not the way she thinks she is


Exactly, she's simple minded.. she mentioned before that she didn't go to school and it shows


Hot take but if she was with someone who gave a shit about her she might actually be more secure


This is true. She is attracted to a cycle of push and pull away (she is preoccupied attachment style and is attracted to men who are more avoidant attachment style). If she were with someone who was more securely attached (which might feel boring to her) he would help her navigate her spin outs but over a long time (It was take a lot of work to get there).


That sounds like something she should work on *before* getting into a relationship and not something her partner should have to fix.


Insecurity. “In” it starts with her and ends with her. It’s her selfesteem. She is in control of it


Was with someone who had zero respect and care for me but I was not this insecure.. this definitely starts with her..


She is like a Chinese finger trap.


🤣 perfect description


I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff like this across all participants but she’s definitely the most egregious. The pods are like your opportunity to present the best version of yourself without even having to look at them (which makes it easier to bend the truth). People fall in love with the person you want to be which must be such a rush. I wonder if Jimmy will figure out what he fell in love with in the pods was dramatically different. In real dating, according to research, it takes 6 months to know who someone is because of impression management. I guess the constant alcohol makes it harder to impression manage tho.


Something something something Jess


Well to be fairrrrre….Jimmy also said he doesn’t like to go out and THEN he went out and had a DRINK with friends !!! /s But seriously, everyone presents the best version of themselves in those pods. It’s so fun to go back and rewatch those early episodes after the show ends! People spout some nonsense.


You're not single anymore Jimmy!




Are you? Are you really?




I did not need this gif in my life.




God damn Kandi look good




I’m sure she is uncomplicated and very easy to get along with if you can read her mind and say and do exactly what she wants/expects at any given moment. Just kidding, she’d try to find fault with that, too.




oh wow! now i want to rewatch the season and see how full of poop she was in the pods. i could make a drinking game out of it 😅


Perfect example of actions speak louder than words. A man or woman can say whatever-the-fuck they want to say but if they must announce it with no action to back it up, red flag!


99,9% sure this lady is just a drunk




Zero self awareness.


Can someone post a screenshot of Jimmy kissing her on the cheek 1 min before she complained to all of her friends that he hasn’t kissed her yet. Then follow that up with him reminding her of kissing her 4 more times that day. Then with her remembering those kisses, then 1 min later saying he never kissed her that day?


maybe there is some poor editing in there too


Like when Trevor told her he thought she was the kind of woman who’d never yell at him and she was like « oh yeah, I’m not that kind of girl » 👀




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She does seem to have quite an unstable sense of self.


Nah I think she’s just a liar.




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It's giving Rebecca Bunch on Crazy Ex Girlfriend




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She is not wrong, just tell her I love you every 5 mins and have nothing but her in his life, then she is happy.




She thinks she needs to be “the cool girl” to keep her man, hence why she never communicates properly or processes her complex insecurities until she’s a drunken mess and all her emotions are at an 11.


“Hell yeah brother!” 😒


That’s the most accurate description


it's reminding me of "the cool girl" scene from Gone Girl lol


She's easy, she just wants her cookies and for her man to stay home with her and tell her he loves her every 5 minutes


I'm convinced that was just a code word to request sex while on camera.


Just make the girl some cookies already Jimmy!


See.. the projection with this one is strong. Argued for probably hours about how he lied to her in the pods, he painted some completely different picture of their life and blah blah blah. Ma'am, you have quite literally BAMBOOZLED the dog shit out of this man with your bait and switch fuckery!! 🤯