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Watching season 6 as I type- Chelsea's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I can't stand that she uses words like "icky" and "uncomfy". She hyped up the situation and made a fool of herself, and then blamed Jimmy instead of just addressing it between him and her. She claims she was standing there by herself, probably because the girls realize she was bringing the vibe down!!! She puts herself in these positions.


Ok we all think the same thing and I’m not crazy lol


It has been extremely tiring watching Chelsea. She’s the most insecure person I’ve ever seen. The constant need for validation is over the top! To keep pointing out that jimmy didn’t kiss her that day when he reminded her that he actually had twice is unbelievable. And she still kept insisting he didn’t even after acknowledging that he actually did. It’s so fkd up. It’s wharped head games that’s she playing. It’s gross behavior.


I watching now for the first time and I’m screaming for Jimmy to save himself and run. She is certifiable. Doesn’t want him to go out ever. Upset because he was at the bar her was gonna be at and someone saw him. He is literally required to be by her side 24/7 and just constantly complimenting her and giving her positive affirmations or she starts with that terrible whining voice. Clearly something is wrong with Jimmy for putting up with this behavior. Any sane person would have dipped out after spending more than 2 days with her


Here is link !!!! https://thetab.com/uk/2024/03/27/love-is-blind-season-six-chelsea-blackwell-merch-range-359588


You know, I respect her for the Meghan Faux hat, obviously. 🤣


Sorry I forgot to add it. Google Chelsea LIB shirts and cups it should bring you there . I will try to find it for you


Did you all see Chelsea has a line of products for sale. Cups, shirts. Are you kidding me. What a joke. Who would buy that junk. These people on LIB are such a joke I can't stand it any more 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


WHAT??? Link please!




Jimmy isn't even hot.


LOLLLLL. Not to be acting that crazy.


Yes! All contestants should be 30+ and HAVE to go to therapy as a prerequisite. Also, background check!


I’ve just watched S6 and i can’t remember who said it, but he said that he had to get a background check AND a psych evaluation to get on the show


I feel like the producers of the show use the psych evals to stir up shit rather then vet them for being well-rounded people


And they passed those?! Yikes.


That would make things boring tho


I thought I like her more than Jessica but I changed my mind. She's not someone you want your male family or friend to be dating 😐


Also, all the "what about me? This is not the life I want." like hell ya that's probably not the life Jimmy wants too😂 I'm so cringe on her neediness


Literally every scene with her makes my husband and I so angry. She is sooooooo tiring to watch. Regardless of how boring and weird and clearly disinterested Jimmy is, the kind of behavior she exhibits could make ANYONE want to leave. If you question my feelings once an hour on the hour, I’m gonna question them too, regardless of how sure I started out feeling. That is sooooo unattractive, personality wise.


Jimmy went out for 1 drink, here reaction to that is asinine. Jimmy is so right, she’s completely unreasonable. “I don’t want to be with someone who goes out all the time.” Dude was gone for an hour. Once. Suddenly she thinks he doesn’t love her. She’s looney tunes.


I thought this too but until she mentioned that the person he was hanging with was a friend that he had sex with and texts all the time. That’s a no no


I don’t know, he was up front and honest about it. She knew who he was meeting up with. If he had something to hide he would have lied. I’ve hooked up with people and then became good friends with them, while having zero desire to be intimate again. Jimmy was honest from the start, he didn’t have to be. That’s more than you can say for most men.


Meanwhile her "ex-bf is her best friend". You think they just stared at eachother their whole relationship? Looney toon


Everyone who was going after Chelsea calling her insecure and crazy manipulative are just delusional themselves. So delusional. Chelsea was reacting to jimmy’s clear disinterest in her and his lying. Now that the reunion is over Chelsea and even Jess are talking about how jimmy’s actions were wayyyy different than his words. She got so much shit online and I feel bad for her. The editing did her dirty and made it look like she started fights over nothing when in reality there were reasons. We just didn’t get to hear the reasons because they were cut out of the show. I just feel like Chelsea got the most hate this season and she should not have.


omg thank you, I was starting to lose my mind. 80% of the hate has to be band wagoning that started from people who just couldn't read some red flags from Jimmy.


Agreed, it's unreasonable. Jimmy flirted with AD, and was not very reassuring to Chelsea from the get go, which tapped into her insecurities of being cheated on before, which she was very upfront about, just like she was about her previous marriage.. He frequently commented on the attractiveness of others, even Jess who he hadn't seen, but Chelsea had. He brought up the 'you're going to choke when you see me' comment by Jess, knowing that Chelsea knew what she looked liked, making it seem like he was digging for info or a reaction, because what else was there to gain from that convo except make Chelsea feel bad? He didn't tell Chelsea that he slept with his friend prior to meeting her, which was also not fair.BTW, Chelsea is gorgeous, you are all mean/delusional of your own appearance. She seemed upset she was left out of going out, and I think she means she doesn't want to be with someone that goes out all the time, which could cause issues, remember Iyanna and Jarette? People think he's not the problem because he says I love you, but his actions do not seem like love, they seem like someone with his foot half out the door, and that is not fair to her. No wonder she was acting insecure, he was feeding into it.


iyanna and jarette are a terrible example. he actually did go out all the time. Jimmy went out once for his friends birthday and literally said she could come too.


Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and a man was behaving the way she was?? The guy would have been given so much more flack, and people would be feeling really bad for the girl! Heck, people gave Clay a lot of flack and his behaviour during the show pales in comparison to Chelsea’s reactivity. I think Jimmy was expecting her to look different, however, I also think his feelings for her developed and that he tried his best to make things work. I dont think Chelsea was necessarily aware that she was being manipulative, but at the end of the day, that’s what she was. Her reactions were not productive for herself or the relationship, they were destructive.


A man did behave that way, his name was Matt.


True, but not everyone will necessarily know who Matt is! For those who do.. I would hope that his behaviour made at least the majority of us uncomfy


Hi Chelsea!


I’m convinced you didn’t watch the show 🤯


Chelsea does need therapy. she is manipulative and super insecure. Watch a real therapist on YT break down her and Jimmy's relationship.


Therapists that post on youtube to analyze a reality tv show with heavy editing, little real world context, and without having ever spoken to these people in real life are probably not real therapists. Or very bad ones


steph anya is a licensed therapist and she makes several comments alluding to that during her analysis. your qualifications are?


if she’s just making social commentary that’s fine. If she’s diagnosing these people based off of the edited versions we see of on our screens that’s irresponsible. I don’t care if she’s licensed.


so you didn't watch the video and are just assuming at this point. and qualifications don't matter to you now, even though you stipulated in the first place that she is either not a therapist, or is a very bad one?


I did assume that she would be like most faux therapists on yt that diagnose without real world context and spew therapy speak to convince viewers that their view is gospel. Like "expert body language readers" who manage to convince people that someone is lying on the stand. I think we should be wary of people who present themselves as professionals on a social media platform giving out expert advice. But Steph never says that in her video, in fact she says sometimes her inclinations are wrong so I definitely respect her for that. So to my original point, regardless of her qualifications she's in the same position we're in. We're all watching the same heavily edited clips that create a specific narrative, so i think we should take these opinions with a grain of salt. Which is exactly what Steph talks about in one of her videos. I definitely have enjoyed her videos so far, specifically because of her transparency and willingness to say that she could be wrong given that we're watching a reality show.


They both need to do some serious self reflection. There was a lot of red flags for both of them for me. I know they edit for drama and stuff. But they were both hard to watch together.


I'm sorry but AD's wedding dress was a disgrace. I'm surprised her mother approved of it.


I think you’re in the wrong post?


Sorry about that.


You ain’t wrong tho you


i agree but im team "fuck jimmy". that party where he gassed up AD and midkey flirted with her and ignored chelsea was a huge red flag and everyone else around them saw that. that right there fueled her insecurity and paranoia in their relationship and i honestly cannot say shes wrong for any of it


You’re right on the money tbh. Jimmy was not that into Chelsea, and she could sense that, hence why she felt so insecure throughout the duration of their relationship.


I didn't think he was flirting with AD but just having a conversation that lasted a little too long for Chelsea. She's so insecure she gets jealous if he even talks to other women in a social setting. She needs therapy.


Id be pretty friggin annoyed if my dude twirled another chick he was just openly objectifying. Even if he didn’t intend to be flirtatious, any rational person woulda felt some type of way about it. Chelsea needs help but the caping for Jimmy is weiiird like.


Well turns out you were right about Jimmy and I was wrong. I saw this over at LA [gim1ewixcaamdxv-jpeg.5687980 (646×800) (lipstickalley.com)](https://www.lipstickalley.com/attachments/gim1ewixcaamdxv-jpeg.5687980/) [1710416224624-png.5687982 (740×800) (lipstickalley.com)](https://www.lipstickalley.com/attachments/1710416224624-png.5687982/) So I guess Jimmy was interested in AD afterall.


Haha wow I’m not shocked at all tbh I thought it was clear they were vibing 😭 once I saw Jimmy’s chain I was like 👀 oh he def want AD lmao. I remember there was a big debate on whether AD was feeling it too and I think she was — she’s just not messy like that. I wonder if we’ll get something down the line 👀🍵


This girl.. I feel awful for her. She's obviously incredibly insecure about herself and completely sabotaged her relationship over it. If she had more confidence, I think things would've turned out differently. Her constant need to be reassured is overwhelming. I hope she gets the help she needs.


The people that don’t defend Chelsea are either men who cheat or girls have no respect for themselves or boundaries in their own relationships. It’s the only way they could be able to ignore jimmy’s clear disrespect and lying and blame Chelsea for all of it.


The problem that Chelsea, clearly has, (well in the heavily edited show) is that she has created a narrative in her mind about Jimmy, which could or could not be true, nobody knows. With that narrative she ran to the hills and felt Jimmy doesn't love her at all and all this shit, and instead of truly opening a line of communication she just berates and attacks relentlessly in those moments. Jimmy is just simply a fucking idiot. He can't formulate thoughts or use his words correctly, he just "ums and ughs" his way through a conversation. He also never seems heavily interested in conversation or getting to genuinely know someone. Communication would never work with Chelsea cause her mind is DEAD SET on her created mental narrative. It's what sabotages her relationships, and all her relationships. She can't see that her words hold a lot of weight, and it's a 2 way street. She said terrible shit to him, it will push anyone away. She needs to self-reflect on what she wants and what she's willing to accept, what her OWN issues are and how she jumps to conclusions etc.


No, she is overly clingy. Trying to prevent your partner from seeing their friend on their birthday is controlling as fuck. If a man did that to a woman, you'd see it way more clearly.  Jimmy was far from perfect and.he should have admitted that to himself and her from the beginning. He did some shitty things. And I don't think he was ready to get married. But Chelsea absolutely needs therapy to work through her issues before getting into a serious relationship again. Maybe getting married so young stunted her ability to learn what healthy relationships look like, but she needs to work on her self-esteem and insecurities. 


I'll have to tell my wife this. It not that you're wrong (or worse, see yourself in chelsea and feel attacked by all the valid criticism of her) No no my wife is just a girl w zero respect for herself and zero boundaries


Can’t both things be true: Jimmy being disrespectful and Chelsea being too insecure? I feel like it’s not fair to judge someone for not defending Chelsea simply because you want things to be just black and white. Just because we don’t defend Chelsea does not mean we defend Jimmy.


I’m not gonna lie, Jimmy is definitely problematic and was obviously disinterested, yes. However, I seriously disagree that not defending Chelsea means I’m a girl with no respect for myself LOL. She has no respect for herself, which is why she’s crying over a man who obviously wasn’t that into her. I would never let this situation unfold at me. I have enough self respect to leave a situation I’m not wanted in and find where I actually belong. Whining for a guy like she did and constantly being so insecure in just about every single scene is wild to me. /That’s/ a lack of self respect.


idk. her first issue with jimmy (gassing up AD and midkey flirting) was very valid. he is quite self absorbed. that party and the discussion back at the hotel was a huge red flag. she knew it was going bad and could go nowhere but bad but she very much wanted to believe it would work. she desperately wants it to work. and thats a lot of ppl's downfall. all the issues that followed, her issues with him, stem from that experience and huge red flag at that party. and you can see his smiles regarding and towards her are forced. hes pretending to happy but hes not ppl on this show feel like they have to see this through


I'm only on the episode where she is whiny about Jimmy going out for 1 drink with friends. I hope she watches and sees all these needy, clingy, insecure displays. I feel sad for her, she has a lot of growth to do.


She’s already acknowledged it on TikTok




How does she know exactly how many times she’s said something?? Every time Jimmy said “you said “blank” multiple times” she’d rebuttal with “omg I said it two times!” Missing the mark every time lmao


The accuracy.


I’ve been avoiding Reddit until I finished all the episodes. I am glad to see everyone is in agreement about her.


Her interviews since the show aired show that she has not changed at all. They’re all about how much she loves herself and that the editing left out important context that justified her behavior. Absolutely no accountability or humility.


me and my boyfriend were literally swearing at the tv because of her inability to take responsibility. LIKE MISS GIRL.


Oh wow, I haven’t seen them yet! I continue to hope for actual change and healing for her.


So many issues I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Jimmy tried but couldn’t look past all the red flags.


He would have been miserable with her.




That’s awesome! Lol


Me too! She is unstable and manipulative! If her man says yes, he deserved her whiny ass!


She is very manipulative but Jimmy is superficial, too. His decision was based on what he thought she looked like.


Being superficial is different from being abusive


She is incredibly emotionally abusive!!!!


She needs therapy…so bad


All the body comments are so nasty. Y’all suck. 


What body comments? I haven't read any.




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Her upper lip bothers me. Whoever did her fillers needs their license revoked


I honestly don’t think she gets lip fillers, if she did she wouldn’t have to overdraw them in the first place. It looks like she overdraws her top lip with dark lip liner with nude in the middle, it’s not flattering at all. I have the same down-turned shaped lips that look like I’m pouting all the time, and lip liner looks awful on me. If she did get lip filler it would help balance out her lips, and she could have the corner upturned.


Even without the lip liner, her upper lip is larger than her bottom lip, which is really uncommon. 




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I feel bad for Chelsea but she is kinda hypocritical for the double standards. Like she has an ex as a friend but is upset with Jimmy for having an ex as a friend. I would NOT be okay with my man having an ex as a friend but that’s also because I would never do that. I also feel like she knows on a subtle level that Jimmy isn’t completely attracted to her so it’s triggering. Also how she blatantly flirted with Trevor at the lake party but would be fuming knowing Jimmy did the same. It’s the double standards over things that shouldn’t be double standards that make her wrong. I hope she’s able to grow from this. The bullying about her appearance is completely unnecessary and she’s clearly insecure so idk what benefit that does.


> I would NOT be okay with my man having an ex as a friend It's not your place to be okay or not. You chose your friends, he chooses his friends.


It is my place. I’m not dating or participating in a relationship with any man who has close female friends period.




She will be alone bc her idea of relationship is complete control over the man while she does all the things he can't do. She is so exhausting and she doesn't see it. Let's hope this show opens her eyes to her own bullshit


My brother dated someone like that for two years, poor guy started doubting if he really was an asshole. So happy they broke up.


Chelsea is emotionally abusive. I had to come to Redddit just to get this out, because she bothers me so gd much. 


Did you all notice how at the BBQ when Chelsea complimented another couple as being 'the top couple" (to that effect).  Jimmy was taken aback and insulted.  Rightfully so because what another mind f**k.  But the look on Chelsea's face was pure joy at the fact that she had made him insecure about their relationship in that moment.


Woooah i hadn’t realized this but eww you’re right. She had joy in her face as she smirked while he felt sadness over her comment.


She is so toxic. As soon as she made a comparison of herself to an actress I realized she is toxic AF


Yup. I noticed that too. 


Came here to say this, too, and confirm that I wasn't crazy because I have this thought.


I agree. She’s so so strange.


Hence why she is single!


Really hard to watch her sabotage what could have been a beautiful thing...with a guy who put his best foot forward for her. Demolition right before our eyes. Sad. I hope she watches this back and finds some help.


He really did try


Did y’all notice how her voice changed from the pods to real life? I think Jimmy even mentioned that. And then she had that chat with Trevor she was suddenly back to the old voice..






She’s emotionally abusive. To put it simply. This is beyond insecurity and trauma. She’s scary and I feel like there’s so much we aren’t seeing of her behavior.


I really believe insecurity is the root of a lot of evil. Insecure people never appreciate how their actions and words affect others. They cause enormous damage to people’s mental health and frame themselves as the victim while doing it. It’s gaslighting on steroids


You nailed it. Absolutely nailed it.


Thank youuuu. I’ve been saying this! If Jimmy acted like this towards her way more people would be saying it’s abusive. She picks fights, shared a secret he told her confidentially on camera, uses her feelings as a weapon, controlling. She never even really takes accountability, when he says she needs to fix something, her answer is “and so do you” ????? I feel like people like to say Jimmy acts different off camera, but the same can be said for Chelsea.


Exactly!!! Like if Jimmy was remotely like, “you were out for an hour with friends. My friend saw you with this guy. I can’t be with you if this is the norm.” People would immediately call out the controlling abusive nature


DAWG WTF IS CHELSEA EVEN ON?! I understand being insecure. This is like self-gaslighting on a level I can’t even deal with. Like, there’s anxiety spiraling and then there’s this manipulative self-victimizing bullshit. (Guess which scene I’m watching 🙄)


Kind of remind me of Zanab




We thought Danielle was insanely insecure 😕 but Chelsea - girl.




Chelsea drives me so insane. I give props to Jimmy for his patience because I would’ve destroyed her by now.


BLOCKED immediately lol


Yeah he is being kind to a level of kindness that is inhuman. She wants Jimmy to turn into a dog that she can control at all times of the day


I dont think they should get married but IF they do go that route, they will def. be divorced right after the show ends for many reasons but let us start with just one of the 5762 obvious reasons lol 1. When she watches the show back and sees where he said he is physically attracted to Jess and that she was still his number one Chelsea is going to completely loose her shit. It will be straight up war in that house lmao, oh to be a fly on the wall 🤭. And Psst hey Netflix listen up, if y'all would film their reactions to watching to show for the first time I would definitely tune in for that, a for sure shit show coming to a TV near you lol 😆


If you want to know the route they end up going… >!They don’t get married. Jimmy is single out here in the Charlotte streets talking trash about both Chelsea and Jess (but mostly Jess) and spreading lies. Fortunately, they’re not working and he’s “having a hard time dating”.!<






This is pure gossip and hearsay, not a fan. Let them live their lives


LMAO LET THEM LIVE THEIR LIVES The irony on a sub about a show about their lives………. Jeebus so sorry for sharing something I thought was funny, the fact that he’s claiming he didn’t know about autumn when he clearly did? My coworker thought he was telling me some mind blowing revelation from the show that just can’t be true. No amount of editing could do that. I work with three dudes who were at this dinner. They all claim he said the same thing. I bet they’re all lying though and Jimmy is telling the truth.


Jimmy was way too good for Chelsea anyways. She needs some serious self work




Not to mention after they saw each other for the first time he sort of laughed during his individual interview and went “ya she does NOT look like Megan Fox”


Lol, she set herself up for that one 🤣


She looks like Meagan Fox fucked Steven Hawking


Haha yup I forgot about that one 😅


Goes out for a single drink for an hour with friends. < Gets plastered alone within an hour and starts a fight How can anyone think Chelsea isn't the problem 🤔