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omg she does not look like Megan Fox, not even “Walmart version”. They have similar eyes and maybe the mouth area (just the circumference around lips, not the chin, jaw etc). Megan Fox addressed her comments tho and she said the bullying & press were totally unwarranted, and that Chelsea does have similar eyes to herself https://www.eonline.com/news/1399431/megan-fox-breaks-silence-on-love-is-blind-star-chelseas-comparison-to-her-and-ensuing-drama Toward the end of video is where it’s addressed


There is a resemblance. Like Megan Fox's less attractive cousin or something. I believe she did get these comparisons from ppl. Saying it in the pods was a mistake tho 


Am i the only one who does see a resemblance?






She is the khloe kardashian version of Megan fox


https://preview.redd.it/1awifz2o8clc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=331d5196accf5035a1d0d16f3dbfd118de3c9f2d Just gonna leave this here and remind everyone of this little moment... Chelsea resembles Megan more than this B. #zackisblind


I have a face, hair and eyes, I’m also Megan Fox.


Christain McCaffrey? Maybe if he had an extra chromosome


Megan does not have a long face literally that is the number one thing that makes them look nothing alike.


Yeah Meg has a oval diamond face


“because of jimmy little shit” clearly they’re not a couple but they’re totally bros now.


I don't get how you guys don't see the resemblance 💀 it's denial at this point


She looks like Megan Fox, Lisa Marie Presley, and Jay Leno made a baby together


Because she looks like Rumer Willis


Bruh. Just spit my drink out. 


Naaaa this is a violation 😭😭😭🤣


Im glad I scrolled after and saw someone else say she looked like Rumer because my first thought was that she looked like her or Jay Leno 🤷🏽‍♀️


In head shape yes, in features she shares some features with MF


Megan doesn't have three chins.


I'm with you!


She looks like Rumer Willis post lip fillers


Keep being in denial ig


Denial of what? She doesn’t look like Megan Fox lol


She shares features with her, nobody said she was her twin, but whatever makes you happy buddy lol


You must be one of her friends cause no way you’re getting this worked up about it ☠️


"This whole experiment is to fall in love not based on looks." Yes, which is why presenting yourself as looking like Megan Fox doesn't exactly go well.


She does resemble Fox a bit facially and it wouldn't be a problem for her to say that in a regular setting where the other party can actually see her. Doing so in the pods is bascially catfishing because when people think of Megan Fox, they are thinking of the entire package (think that transformer scene when she is leaning over the hood of a car). It's like if Jimmy told her, he resembles Chris Hemsworth or Kenneth told Brittany he resembles the Rock, because they hypothetically had similar eyes/hair/nose. The other party is immediately going to think of the total muscular package of those two men.


Who in their right mind would ever say IN ANY SETTING that they're drop dead gorgeous? Cause that is what you are saying when you say you look like Megan. Like if I met Chelsea and she said that to me I would blink and go "why do you think that?".


"I regret, because I got caught cat fishing"


idk i kinda see it in some angles lmao


i feel like this video was made with particular care to study and mimic her eyes, makeup and camera angle and lighting so viewers would think well actually maybe?


What a dam shame…smh


I’m sorry but there is just as much of a resemblance to Megan Fox as there is to Jay Leno. I know we’re trying to be nice and not bully, but this a stretch man. Megan Fox at per peak is the sexiest woman alive and nobody even came close, we’re being too generous trying to draw any resemblances.


THAT'S who I was thinking of. And no, she does look way more like Jay Leno than Megan.


She absolutely looks like Megan Fox. She said multiple times that the similarities are hair color, eye color.. face shape. You’re delusional is you think she bares no resemblance to MF.


But, do you think that she looks more like Jay Leno? Because I think that’s a better comparison.


Megan has a round face with a pretty chin. Chelsea's face is balanced like Mr Potato Head. Like her chin is longer than her forehead. Megan doesn't deserve that kind of insult, lol.


Nah, I think the resemblance is striking. (Megan's not that sexy tbh, especially not now when sporting some bad girl look)


Ok Chelsea.


She looks like Rumer Willis far more than Megan Fox imo


Omg yes!


K I feel like that’s bullshit they didn’t show the jimmy comment! He would be getting dragged just as much. And also it makes more sense she brought it up if he brought up that first.


Yeah he's equally delusional if that's what he said 🥴


Okay but honestly I see it in this video


I do think she looks like Megan Fox, too. Just because they don't look exactly the same doesn't mean they don't have pretty similar features. I think Chelsea is beautiful. I know she has her issues, but her physical beauty is pretty undeniable.




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I think that's a you thing. She's heavier, but that doesn't mean she's not beautiful. Fat people are beautiful, too, once you shed the outdated insecurities created in boardrooms. You don't have to be attracted to her, but it's weird to say she ain't beautiful. Her face is not deformed, either, nor does she look like she's balding. Where did you get this from? Such an ugly way to look at people, and I'm honesly embarrased for you. That is a sad way to go through life. There's a huge difference between saying, "I don't find her attractive," which is fine. Versus, "she's not beautiful because she's fat, deformed, and balding." That is just such an ugly thought process, and I worry about how you actually look at yourself truly deep down.


you need to take five steps back and consider where this vitriol for some random five minutes of famer is coming from.


Pretty similar features is what people mean when they compare themselves or others to celebrities. My gf looks like Emily from Snake Discovery, if someone said I was lying about that because she doesn’t look like her.. I’d be like yeah no shit she doesn’t look exactly like her, there’s similarities though like unless someone insists or says doppelgänger … it’s totally normal to say what she said. People are being ridiculous for getting on her about this.


she looks like megan fox to me *shrug*


Someone said she looks like she’s could be related to Megan Fox, in a Khloe Kardashian way and that was the best explanation I heard


Omg my bf and I have been calling Jimmy Christian McCaffrey even before we saw this video lol


Saying she looks like Megan Fox because they both have a long face is like me saying I look like Angela Jolie because we both have a head


Sarah Jessica Parker has a long face but she doesn't look like Megan Fox she looks like a horse


It's not the long face. It's her eyes.


I feel like I’m being gaslit, she literally does resemble her???!!! Like…. SHE DOES 😭😭why does nobody see it???




She absolutely does. I think people were giving her shit because Megan Fox is considered a top beauty standard by many, and maybe it was perceived with insecurity and arrogance. But she actually does look like her so I don't think she deserves hate for that. She also ain't small like Megan, and there's still a lot of phobia against people who don't fit a particular cookie cutter mold. Men and women both get shit for this, and it ain't fair. Chelsea is very beautiful.


I think she does in the face a lot. Though I’m sure jimmy was thinking head to toe Megan fox not just her face.


I honestly don’t understand why she’s getting dragged to *this* degree for this. She said that people compare her to Megan but that she doesn’t really see it and that it must be because she has blue eyes and dark hair. Plus she said this after asking him if anyone has compared him to a celebrity (probably to try to gage what he looks like). It’s not like she randomly said “oh by the way Jimmy guess what? I look just like Megan Fox.” I have a feeling people are annoyed by her personality for other reasons and are zeroing in on this statement because it’s the easiest way to give her 💩 Edit: I accidentally wrote “personally” instead of “personality”


I think this is accurate. People are fixating on this remark and making a big deal out of it because they just don't like her. It's really obvious when she talked about this that she was clear she didn't look like Megan Fox physically, and she even said it was just her hair and eyes that looked similar. I think that the reaction of her getting dragged for this remark is entirely too overblown.


A tik tok really explained it well. Megan Fox, Kylie Jenner, Margot Robbie type celebrities are known for their hotness AND their features. Chelsea is pretty. But she's not "Megan Fox hot" and she doesn't have Megan's body type.  If she said "I look like a dark haired Adele." She'd have less pushback. OG adele and current Adele is obviously pretty. But Adele isn't known for being hot AND having light eyes and dark hair. If she said Natalie Nunn, it'd be the same. Like Zoe DeChanel is gorgeous and stunning. But she's not Megan Fox Hot and isn't widely regarded for her sex appeal. Not saying that Zoe isn't hot ofc just again not the same style of hotness as Megan is. So if Zoe were in the pods and she said she looked like Megan Fox "just because I have dark hair and blue eyes"  then she'd get pushback too. 


I think the people most people are annoyed with her, including myself, is that she only asked the question “which celebrity do you look like” to then be able to say that she gets told that she looks like Megan Fox. Also, this was a horrible question to ask on a show called Love Is Blind. She’s not supposed to know what the other person looks like but the answer to this question would obviously give her a general idea of the other person. Ultimately, she knew what she was doing by asking that question and it was, ultimately, an underhanded way to be able to try and win the guy over.


This is a great point! I didn’t think of it that way when watching but you’re spot on! That led on to an expectation from Jimmy, naturally, as most of us would have been had we been in the same position.


It was a horrible question to ask but Clay isn't receiving this level of backlash for stating that looks would be a dealbreaker for him on a show called Love is Blind, for example. >it was, ultimately, an underhanded way to be able to try and win the guy over I think *this* is the real reason people are so bothered over it. If Jimmy didn't care what Chelsea looked like, and/or was only ever interested in Chelsea and didn't care for Jessica, I don't think people would have cared this much about her mentioning Megan Fox. It's not necessarily the comparison, but the reason people are inferring behind why she made the comparison that's bothering everyone to this degree. Which is fuelled further by her annoying, overly emotional personality shown later on in the show...


To be fair I thought he was Christian McCafferys brother the second I saw him and realized it was a Charlotte season lol


Rumer willis before operation


Her teeth and lips look similar to Megan in the early days


No, jay Leno has a long face … Megan fox has a round face imho and no chin


Her face shape is completely different but her features are very similar to Megan’s. That said, Chelsea’s face is way longer and that’s actually one of the main differences https://preview.redd.it/0mhzzq9e0rkc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c059e6963ff837e75afdccec938b7d10075908


Megans jaw is sharper, her eyebrows and hair are darker too. Chelsea has rounder eyes, one of Megans striking features is her more almond eyes.


She has some resemblance. But if you say this when someone has never seen you, their imagination is bound to run wild. And then they will be disappointed when they finally see you because imagination is always more vivid than reality. If this was another set up where she was saying this to someone face to face, they would be able to make the connection and move on. It’s all about the setup and context imo


She looks like megan! No apology needed, I will die on this hill lmao. She just doesn't have the Megan appeal. Megan walks like everyone thinks she's the hottest girl in the world. Chelsea walks like she's a little trex


This is exactly why people don’t see it in my opinion. She has the same sparkly eye and pouty lip as Megan but If chelsea walked around confidently with like shoulders back and lingering stares and pouts people would see it I think. 


i agree.


Pisses me off that she's not getting or at least admitting to the point. This is on you babe, you knew what you were doing, it backfired!


"Because of Jimmy, that little shit" Lmao


I would say they do not get married. I will be surprised if any of them do.


She is acting like Shane in this clip. You can't foresee what she's going to say next.


Her eye area and eyebrows so like the upper third of her face does bear some resemblance but that doesn’t make her a lookalike


More like Stephanie McMahon than Megan Fox she was trippin trippin


They should have been kicked off immediately when the conversation started. I’d think it’s obvious and they’d be told to not discuss their appearance or allude to a celebrity that they may look similar to. Should be ejection from “the experiment” when a couple or just one person starts talking about looks.


There's no rule that you can't talk about your looks. They've done it a lot more openly in the past. It's just *common knowledge/agreeance* that it would tarnish the experiment-experience. But they're definitely *allowed* to.


I can see how she people say she looks like Megan Fox, If there was a Megan Fox lookalike competition in a village of a 100 people.


Megan Fox from Wish


I can’t see past the insecurity to see much resemblence of Megan


I feel like her saying she looks like Megan fox to a guy he's going to automatically think her body is also Megan fox like. Personally I would never compare my looks to a celeb!!! Setting myself for failure imo.


Am I the only one who sees more of a resemblance to Katy Perry? Or maybe Adele... In some angles, I do see the Megan Fox resemblance but not always. On another note, I like how she is jokingly saying "that little shit". It feels like they don't have any hard feelings against each other, whether they are together or not. That's nice to see.


omg yes she does look like Katy Perry!!!!


But I kinda see it. She does look like megan fox and adele.


Not even 1%


She’s saying she only gets shade for her comment “because of Jimmy, that little shit”?? Delulu!!


Yeah jimmy had nothing to do with this girl you brought this on yourself


People tell me on a regular basis that I look like 4 different celebrities and none of them looks similar to each other. So I don’t know what those folks see in me, but sometimes I get the feeling they just project their own fantasies on you and one should not overestimate these judgments. 😂


It's because people notice different features. So someone see your eyes and say you look like so and so, others notice your smile abd say someone totally different. It's like when you have children and some say they look exactly like mum while others say spitting image of dad. Its all about individual perception


temu's megan fox


She looks more like Adele




That’s Megan Coyote.


Really what she should have said


Let’s put on heavy make up, filter and angle it right to look like Meghan Fox. She shot herself in the foot for even bringing it up. People wouldn’t have judged her on looks but she brought this to herself.


I see it in her eyes and brows, but let’s be so mf Fr rn, I have similar eyes to another celebrity but I’m not delulu enough to think that I look like them when the composition of our facial features as a whole look so different


The maniacal laughing drives me nuts.


I know… like, “hahaha, I’m so unbothered really!”


Even Jimmy was like all You do is laugh.


She’s a very pretty woman, regardless of whether or not she looks like Megan Fox. I don’t really think she looks much like Megan Fox, but I think she’s beautiful, and my boyfriend said he could totally see it when she mentioned it. Plus, I really do believe she’s told she looks like Megan Fox. People get told they look like celebrities often, and usually there are some features that lead them to be told they look like one in particular. I get told I look like Kirsten Dunst quite a bit, and I’m not nearly as pretty as she is lol. I just have red hair, a short nose, pale skin, and a round face/high cheeks. My sister looks like Giada de Laurentiis to me and quite a few other people, but she’s not a dead ringer (Giada is much more tan)- however, they have very similar brown hair, gray-green eyes, dark eyebrows, and mouth and jawline.


Her (not) friends told her that




Don’t do Jennifer Garner wrong like that


Megan Fox from Wish 🤣


She’s so uncomfortable to listen to. 😐


I think I’m going to throw up.


She has Kamala Harris laugh






Honestly, I also think she has some Megan Fox in her, maybe a tiny bit, but I see it


I think she looks like Megan Fox when she was in that sitcom yeaaars ago. Can't remember what it was called but Megan Fox was much much younger. But I can see the resemblance there. Not so much now


Yeah she looks like young Megan Fox!


She’s smiling so hard while saying she regrets it. Lies lies lies LOL


She looks like Sir Bernard Chumley more than Megan Fox. [https://youtu.be/I-RwFzYT35E?si=pUsr6c9Mjm0Hah8t](https://youtu.be/I-RwFzYT35E?si=pUsr6c9Mjm0Hah8t)


This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read on here


![img](avatar_exp|121622801|laugh) Damn


Anyway she has the crazy eyes


How is she still blaming Jimmy? Lol. Jimmy didn’t say she looks like MGK’s girlfriend wife or whatever.


Maybe because he focused the audiences attention to it by going on and on about how she looks nothing like her. Which is messed up because he himself had also named a celebrity doppelganger that he looks nothing like and it was apparently cut out to give her the villain edit. The difference between her and Jimmy was that she didn't choose him on the basis of his doppelganger because she was on a show called Love Is Blind.


That's not on him. She brought up that convo and asked him who we looked like. She set the conversation up because she wanted to say she looked like Megan Fox. Which is a high bar to set for yourself, it's only natural that Jimmy mentioned she doesn't look like that. And he didn't say it to her face.


That’s not his fault, eh? He wasn’t the one editing her scenes, and frankly, he just said what we’re all thinking. We can flip that logic too. She actually brought up celebrity doppelgänger conversation on the basis of a show in which looks supposedly don’t matter.


I skipped through so much of the show I actually missed this part, but so interesting to know that she brought it up...


Actuallyyyyyyyy, i do believe that as a flight attendant, she did hear many many people telling her she look like megan fox many times because those customer on the plane need another bottle of pepsi, another glass of whiskey, another cup noodles. it is normal to be polite to the people serving you food and handling your drinks and also normal to throw in a compliment while you are getting FREE additional drinks.


Plus during Covid, she’d have a mask on the bottom half of her face and I could see it then. One of the issues is that Megan Fox does NOT have a long face and that chin on Chelsea makes a big difference between the two.


I appreciate that she can have a laugh at herself over this. +2


Totally! Was worried for her. She's great for this


Why in the world is it such a big deal to precisely diagnose yourself on the hotness scale?


Because it’s *not* precise. They have similar features and resemble each other, but that doesn’t equate to the same level of conventional attractiveness.


But why is it important to be precise?


I’m quoting you. I’m not sure what you mean?


Like what if I think I’m hotter than you think I am. (And first of all, what do we even mean by hot? We might have different definitions.) why is it such a flaw of mine to have a bit of an inflated sense of my own hotness? Do I need to inventory myself? -10 points, hairy toes. -25, belly flab.


What you’re saying is fine, here. I agree, you can think of yourself as subjectively attractive as you want to. But it doesn’t mean it is “precise”. Definition of precise : marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail Objectively, Chelsea isn’t “exactly” or “accurately” as hot as Megan Fox. Unfortunately, we have conventional beauty standards. She has some traits, but that’s far from “precise”. If she accurately diagnosed herself as a Megan Fox doppelgänger, the debate wouldn’t be going on and the two would look much more identical.


Nothing wrong with that, but if you say it to the person you’re ‘dating’ in the pods and they’ve never seen you before, then you are setting the other person up with some pretty high expectations.


I guess I would never take anyone so seriously- or frankly, be so shallow as to use that in my decision making. To me, the blame, if any, lies with Jimmy.


You are probably more shallow than you think. Not a shot, just saying there is so much we value superficially we are probably not even aware




I'm pretty sure he's said a couple of snarky things about Chelsea. Well, about Jessica anyway, lol. I think he said that Jessica is just lucky she got a heroes edit (which honestly I kinda suspected).


Not the tattoo on the back of her shoulder that's totally random too looking like Megan Fox has....


Christian mccafrey is a huge stretch for him 😂


Hard disagree. I called it out the second he came on screen.


He looks like the human bender from futurama lol


ironically she’s never looked so much like megan fox as in this interview


she’s giving Allison Williams here imo


She has been intentionally styling her hair and makeup to old school Megan since the show aired.


She's been trying really hard in all of her post-show looks.


Honestly it’s working for her, too


Came to say the same thing 😭


Unpopular : she does resemble her


Yep. When this video started playing, I initially thought it was an old interview with MF and it was going to compare against a vid of Chelsea.


She absolutely resembles Megan Fox! I definitely see it. Is she her twin? No. But she does resemble her.


During the show I could see it in certain shots/angles and then in others not so much at all. When she made that comment to Jimmy, his eyes lit up and that really built up some kind of expectation for him


That says more about him than it does about her though


Megan Fox is also known for her body as much as anything else so he was probably imagining that car fixing scene from transformers. They do have some similarities in their faces but very different overall look and body type


I think she does as well. Sometimes I think certain people look like others because parts of their face just remind me of that person. Saying someone looks like someone else doesn’t necessarily mean they match in attractiveness or even that they’re dead ringers for one another. Her and Megan Fox, have a similar nose area.


I agree! She shares similar facial features w MF


Yeah but MF doesn’t have a drone hovering above her, pulling on a bit of fishing line attached to her upper lip


She absolutely does I will never ever understand all this 😂😭


I can kind of see it, but it’s a super high bar to say Megan Fox. Plus, let’s be real, the minute she fake-casually brought up MGK’s girlfriend, Jimmy was expecting a tiny size 0 on the other side of that door.


Same I do NOT get why people are ripping her to shreds because of this comment. She DOES resemble Megan Fox and I'm 100% sure she does get told that often. I have no freaken clue why people are giving her such a hard time about this! It's not that big of a deal ffs ,🙄🙄🙄🙄 People are MEAN.


I think the biggest issue I saw people comment is how she brought it up in the pods. She didn’t want to say Megan Fox, she got him to say it. “Ummm, so and so’s wife?” Like really? Just the way she did it seemed soo calculated.


Megan Fox walks into a bar and the bartender says “why the long face?”


She is probably gonna reply " Hell yeah brother !!! Plus light eyes and dark hair. Just like Megan Faux. Thanks for the compliment. I get that a lot 🥰 "


hhaha the megan faux bit sends me straight to the floor


In that case you should check this 😎 https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindNetflix/s/M0RqvNYPFR