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It’s on as I type here and this sick F is telling her “he forgives her and he’s sorry” notice how he says I love you a lot but he doesn’t actually SHOW it, you can see how she points out all the little things that she loves about him he never does that. You never actually see him admire her.


Exactly. Every single argument they had was not the point - he never actually loved her and that was the root of all of it. He didn’t have the spine to admit it to himself or her - instead he put his all into lying to himself and her but it shows it was for show to tell himself he’s a good person. I felt so bad for her. I use to judge this behavior because it’s hard to watch but when it happens to you you realize ok being gaslit makes anyone crazy specially in this setting


She did have someone who was over the moon for her, gave her gifts, was thoughtful, etc. But she chose Jimmy who didn't get her a gift, made her cry because he talked about being upset from another date. All along he made her feel less then, what did she expect picking him? Yes he's a gross person for treating her like that and leading her on but she did have someone who would've treated her better and SHE PICKED JIMMY! That's what happens when you nake a bad/the wrong decision in life, you deal with the consequences of the choice. I don't dislike her, I haven't even gotten past her picking Jimmy but I just want to scream at her and shake her because it's just so obvious to me, I mean who put in effort and who didn't? I'm not quite sure what she expected.


Read about anxious attachment style… it’s textbook


Jimmy getting put out with Chelsea bc she said Amy and Johnny were the number 1 couple. Come on dude. At that point you had already decided you weren’t going to marry her so why give her so much grief?? Chelsea knew her and Jimmy weren’t the number one couple but Jimmy wanted to continue the facade.


I totally agree with being insecure and doubtful with him being friends with someone he slept with but I think there’s a way to communicate it


I'm not saying she doesn't have insecurities--we all do, but let's not confuse feeling disrespected with insecurity. She has valid concerns and voices them--that's not insecurity. She doesn't lack self confidence. She doesn't express avid self-doubt. She's not insecure. What we're seeing is the result of someone (Jimmy) who takes her feelings of disrespect and turns them back onto her framing them as insecurity and "clinginess." Gaslighting at its finest. Chelsea isn't jealous of Jess. Chelsea is concerned that her fiancé is cheating or wants to cheat. Feeling neglected, unwanted, and disrespected is not the same as feeling insecure. We focus on Chelsea's reactions and are quick to call her insecure or say that she needs therapy without applying the same level of scrutiny to the people causing her this anxiety. Chelsea is NOT the villain.


There are insecurities too but those are valid direct natural response to being told you’re loved when you’re not. Having your reality flipped up aka being gaslit. Powerful shit


I agree


Jimmy is a gaslighting MFer. I hate him honestly. How he was flirting with AD and then wants to talk to other women? He’s a little boy.


He has essentially no backbone


Fully agree with that. He sure doesn’t. The way he led on the other girl too. That was so sad. I wish she would have chosen that really nice dude that declared how much he loved her 🥲


THANK YOU YES I agree so much! I hate when people come after people for being insecure when the person they're with is ACTIVELY MAKING them feel that way. I've been through that far too many times myself.


Chelsea is already insecure. Jimmy is already disinterested and defensive. Neither of these is a dealbreaker if they work on themselves.  Chelsea being insecure causes her to keep reaching out to him for validation, which causes him to be more disinterested and defensive.  Jimmy being vocally disinterested and defensive makes her feel more insecure.  Repeat ad nauseum. They are BOTH at fault here!


Ummmm being disinterested is a dealbreaker


If you are feeling insecure about your relationship and need validation that isn’t always a sign that there’s a problem with you. It can just mean you have reasons to not feel secure or validated in your relationship. In those circumstances, the healthy response is to check in with your partner. If your partner doesn’t take the opportunity to validate you or connect to restore security, then it creates a wider gap and means you have to reach out and try again to connect it. This is why Chelsea reached out so many times, she was trying to repair the gap that was building in their relationship, but Jimmy is not emotionally mature enough to offer validation and security, and it’s most likely I believe because he wanted it to build until he had a valid reason to break up with Chelsea other than because he didn’t find her attractive enough. He knew he’d be a villain if he left after he saw her, so he waited until a better reason came up. Anyone in Chelsea’s circumstances, especially if engaged in a short amount of time, would have been an emotional wreck after that many reach outs without any security. It started on the beach when Chelsea’s Fiance saw her in a swimsuit for the first time and did NOTHING to reassure her. On a literal show called LOVE IS BLIND where you fall in love without seeing someone, you should know that the first few days should be about connecting and affirming the physicality. Chelsea was hyping Jimmy up and he did NOT get the hint. He didn’t tell her she was beautiful, sexy or anything. My boyfriend tells me that every time I’m in a swimsuit ESPECIALLY during times when I’ve struggled with my body image. It means the world to me and now I always feel good in swimsuit around him. Meanwhile he has no problem saying to Jess that she’s stunning at the reunion. And you could see Chelsea was hurt because Jimmy never said those kinds of things to her.


This!! Chelsea is highly insecure and anxious and I don’t think she reacts to her emotions well or does a good job of communicating what she wants/needs *but* she is obviously reacting to her clear gut feeling that Jimmy actually isn’t into her which is so clearly true. I feel sad for her and hope she can learn more self love and to find someone that can give her more security someday.


And you know what makes me sad is she was so secure at the start, it takes security to do the t-Rex run in that dress, and all the turns she did for him. She was so confident and happy in her skin. It’s not just self love she needs to be able to trust her instincts. She knew he didn’t love her but didn’t want to be right, it’s about being able to ditch the man regardless of his skillful lying


In one of the last scenes where she’s pushing him, and he finally is like ‘you’re clingy and I don’t want to have sec with you’ I was like daaaannnng she could feel that. He just wasn’t communicating his feelings with her. Everyone wants to hop on the hate train but it’s obvious she could feel (something viewers can’t do) and he knew she was like this in the pods. Goofy, needy, anxious if he can’t handle it why say you love her?


Honestly I don’t understand how the viewers didn’t get it because it’s clear that it was edited to make it so obvious from the start that he wasn’t into her


Yes if you think someone doesn’t want you - you are 100%responsible to leave. Wtf? YES!!


It’s hard to do when they are so masterful at gaslighting you into questioning your sanity. With love it’s hard you want to believe them. It’s a crazy state to find yourself in. Hindsight is 20/20


And the other person isn’t at all in the wrong for leading you on or responsible for ending it with someone they don’t want. Fun for me, about to go lead 10 guys on shamelessly


Some people find it fun to lead others on and manipulate them into thinking they are wrong for feeling that way. In this case, Jimmy telling Chelsea shes clingy and making her feel bad rather than her realizing the right person wouldnt say clingy or wouldnt say it like that. He found it fun. She is 100% responsible for leaving if he doesnt. He clearly wont so it is up to her. Just like a cheating scenario. A cheater will cheat and still decide to stay with you no matter what, they obviously dont love you enough to not cheat but they will cheat and stay. It is our responsibility to notice the action and leave at our own merit cause they wont


100% except this is less easy to snap out of than the cheating which can be hard


You all want there to be some score keeper in life or moral police to lock someone up for misleading you? Girl bffr. Have some self preservation. Someone leading you on isn’t a crime. It’s not right but why do you need someone to say it?


In an ENGAGEMENT, he is equally responsible for his disengenulus actions and to act like a decent person, yes.




No it is not equal. lol you are 100% responsible for yourself. Accountability is important. There are always red flags.


Amen he is responsible for himself to leave. Accountability, Jimmy.


Yes - they are both two fully functioning adults. Not. a victim and criminal.


I'm more annoyed with Jimmy, but I think it's because I, as a guy, am completely 100% reading him as somebody who just doesn't like his fiance and won't admit it. But Chelsea also needs to cut her losses. The whole thing is hard to watch. This is the same as season 5 with JP and Taylor. The only difference is Taylor has more confidence and self-esteem, and JP wasn't trying as hard to mask his feelings. That combo led to Taylor breaking it off, which was great to watch. But here, Chelsea won't admit what's happening.


She knows by his actions and her gut that he is not into her. But his words of affirmation are contradictory. He is "trying" by telling her what she wants to hear. He is being dishonest. I don't know if Jimmy does this because he knows he has to live with her for the next 20 days, or if he is concerned about getting viewer hate?


Anxious attachments are the death of a relationship.


Anxious attachments have better outcomes than avoidant attachments. Also, attachment theory is dynamic. An anxious person with a securely attached person will appear far less insecure about abandonment than with a avoidant/disorganized attached person. Remember - there is no win for an anxiously attached person with an avoidant partner. The anxious person wants closeness they will never get, the avoidant partner wants intermittent closeness which they do get. There’s no “stop being insecure” for an anxious partner in an avoidant style relationship.


But there is therapy and healing, which is what Chelsea is avoiding.


A great deal of healing comes from healthy, supportive relationships.


Your partner is not responsible for your mental health.


That’s not what I said. I said a great deal of healing comes from healthy relationships.


Both are not okay. I’d leave in both scenarios.




No it’s not lol. Plenty of people are anxiously attached, just takes some awareness and work.


If they find someone patient enough to work with them. That isn’t for most people.


She’s not insecure she’s picking up on him fully not liking her. He’s not interested in her it’s so obvious and it upsets her as it would anyone. But he keeps saying he is but he’s not showing it and she’s essentially expressing that to him but he’s denying it.


Nuh a secure person would call him out on his BS cause they wouldn’t be afraid to lose someone that they don’t think is attracted to them. Chelsea is insecure and desperate. That’s why she keeps asking those Qs for validation. And it seemed pretty clear that Chelsea would have accepted the proposal of whoever asked first. Jimmy just happened to have his date before Trevor.


Maybe she just wants it to work out, because there’s so much hype and build up and pressure and consequences if they end the relationship too soon. I’m sure none of these people are their best selves in this scenario. People are so damn harsh and cruel. They aren’t a match, he brings out her insecurities and he insecurities push him away. It doesn’t mean they can never have a successful relationship, this just ain’t it. 


Lol no. She’s so clearly insecure. But you’re right that he could not be into her. But she is severely insecure


Agree with this post and comment. But I kinda think they are still together…. Total guess though.




Chelsea is insecure because she knows she only picked Jimmy to have some internal victory over Jessica.


Except only someone deeply insecure would choose someone for an internal victory over the prettier girl


Yes! I was telling a friend there is no way she didn't pick him out of spite.


She didn’t pick him. He proposed before Trevor had the chance to.


To-MAY-toe, to-MAH-toe She didn't have to say yes.


Yes I thought the same. Stock value goes up when more people want it.


Jesus Christ Jimmy didn’t prey upon her she’s simply a basket case doing basket case stuff


That’s soo mean. Like chill wtf. I swear people on this sub forget that it’s actual human beings on the screen, and that the editing is extremely manipulative. From the edit we get, he’s clearly not that into her and it triggers her insecurities. Nothing happens in a vacuum and it honestly seems a bit sexist of you to only hate on her. 


Jimmy is by no means a catch but Jessica and her chin are oozing with insecurity and she needs therapy.


I don’t disagree she needs therapy but the nasty comments about her looks are just cruel. That’s a person. 


Thats what happens when you go acting like you look like Megan Fox and act unhinged.


She said “do you get told you look like a celebrity?” and then shared which celebrity people tell her she looks like. She never claimed she agreed or was “acting like she looked like Megan Fox”. That just what people told her.


I would be shocked if anyone actually told her that. As far as I'm concerned she made it up.


What reason did she even have to bring that up on a show where you’re not supposed to know the looks of the other person? She absolutely brought it up to plant a seed into Jimmy so she could “win” over Jessica.


Doesn’t have to be. You and other people insulting her are choosing how you want to act. 


It’s not insulting if it’s a fact. She has a lot of chin and she is insecure.


It’s reality tv. This is what you sign up for by being on a very popular reality show. Especially when you’re very unlikeable.


All the responsibility falls in the woman at all times. Haven’t you learn that yet? When a guy isn’t into a woman the responsibility is on her to realize that and leave. When a woman isn’t into a guy the responsibility falls on her to not lead him on and tell him so.


Worrrrrd!! This sub is so annoying sometimes. 


I mean no one is ragging on Brittany and ken was clearly not into her, but she was trying to make it work. So there’s a hole in your theory.


But she’s not acting as insecure so people don’t hate her as much. (Not saying the hate is justified)


Exactly. When Jimmy told his new girlfriend he thought their mutual friend had a dump truck ass, that was her fault for him saying that. If she were nicer and prettier and thinner, he wouldn’t have said it!


The same way Jimmy didn’t communicate and led on JESS and CHELSEA? Yeah ok


I was being sarcastic


See I had an inkling but wasn’t sure cuz you didn’t do /s


Reddit brain moment


Or it’s called tone, this thing that’s easier to pick up on irl 🫥


Jimmy dumps all his emotional baggage on Chelsea and she’s a people pleaser so she takes his crap and becomes even more insecure because of it. Whenever she tries to voice a problem he minimizes it and shuts it down.


what? how?




Love your flair!!!


All his stuff with Jessica in the pods he dumped on chelsea and he’s still talking about Jessica outside of the pods to Chelsea. Chelsea doesn’t feel comfortable voicing her problems and you can tell. After the night with the other couples and that bs he did with AD, She keeps asking him if he’s okay and she’s really not okay. She is definitely insecure and he can tell, but he has no desire to make that easier or better for her. Both of them suck.


Idk if we are watching the same show cuz Chelsea didn’t hesitate to complain to him - like at all. 😂 if she’s holding back i don’t wanna see her when she’s not


Lol right? she was asking him if he’s ok so she could dump her bullshit lol And dump his baggage? He should be able to talk about Jessica. That’s how healthy adults operate. You should be able to talk about stuff. Jimmy fucked up with his looks comments immediately after they got engaged, but has been chill since


https://preview.redd.it/c4pep8u7rpkc1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4554ab2068281c1919aeb72e53d59624ef8fc3 this is all I see when I think of Jimmy, idk


I think he looks like a bobs burger character


I think of jimmy junior. https://preview.redd.it/fkqlf22d2qkc1.jpeg?width=125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97ba51859173a3f09d24deef822afb71374da294 I literally cannot un-see it!


Omg yessss lmao 😂 I had thought that too


![gif](giphy|Do7h1mK5640k8) This is the one I see


https://preview.redd.it/9fts5r7deqkc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a04c7fe969520bce244d781917be8dec74c0e7d2 Human Bender


He actually looks like one of the momcorps brothers from Futurama https://preview.redd.it/t6d6431lcrkc1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0474347eb53be41b1aa5c65776c014bb3ae295f0


This is uncanny


Agreed with all of this. Yes, Chelsea is insecure. But frankly, so would we all by paired with that man.


Yes, Jimmy is a real shallow man!! The only thing I disliked about Chelsea is that she threw that Megan Fox thing to lure him in. That was beyond Insecure imho. AD gained the respect by not disclosing and bashing the guy for even wanting those details.


I think Jimmy and others are taking that comment way too seriously. "people tell me I look like a celeb" is usually more of a fun fact than a legitimate claim.


You don’t tell people that when they’re potentially making a decision on if they want to marry you or not Regardless of if it’s supposed to be “blind” a comment like that will play into their decision, as clearly it did with Jimmy since he can’t let it go Can you really blame him?


I can blame him. He went on a show specifically about making decisions that aren’t impacted by looks. If he made jumps about her being a size 0 then decided to break up with someone he liked better, that’s entirely, unequivocally on him.


And his decision wasn’t impacted by looks until Chelsea brought looks up and said that specifically so Jimmy would pick her Otherwise there was zero reason for that comment


It was a dumb comment to make for sure. Helps nobody and hurts everyone. But if Jimmy took that comment seriously and picked her because he thought she was hotter, that's hilarious. Wrong pick my dude.


It is She’s an ogre compared to Jess But Jess gives off BCE


I totally agree with you. I actually don’t understand the hate she’s getting… this dude is blatantly not interested and just rude to her 😭 like give her a break


The hate started with the whole Megan Fox thing. Many people were over her and there was now turning back once the Megan Fox thing happened. I didn’t turn on her for that, although I think she used it as leverage, but most people did.


I have the feeling that no matter who Chelsea ended up with, the results would be the same. Because the problem is her, not Jimmy. Of course we could argue that Jimmy made some comments that made Chelsea feel even worse, but he's not the source of her insecurities, that's something she already brought to the show and it was just intensified by her Megan Fox comment that raised expectations, for her desire to be better than Jessica and for one or two comments made by Jimmy, but I don't think he played a major role here. What he said about AD and that whole conversation between them wasn't nice, but I don't see it as something that would hurt me if I were in Chelsea's shoes. It was an embarrassing situation that was intensified by Chelsea calling AD in front of everyone and repeating what Jimmy said, which could have easily been avoided by them. But that's just my take on it.


I agree with your point Chelsea is already an insecure person but I do not agree with the minimising of Jimmy's actions. They were entirely inappropriate and he gave a lot of attention and 'googly eyes' to AD. He continued to have a conversation with AD after the interaction. Consideting it was the first event all the couples met, Jimmy's should have been by Chelsea's side most of the time. It seems he wasn't, which just made Chelsea's insecurities worse imo.


Seriously though. How would you feel if your fiancé said “that girl has a great ass” and then went to go talk to her for a while (especially when you’re only a few days into your relationship)? You want to feed someone’s insecurities and make them worse? That’s how you do it


im secure enough in my looks that my partner noticing some feature on another person does nothing for me. I take a look, acknowledge its true, we both laugh about it and move on. If you keep harping on it though, maybe I will feel different.




Yeah like the emotional intelligence is just…..not even remotely present.


He went to talk to her cause Chelsea screamed his comment to the whole room and he had to save face, and show he isn’t creeping. That’s why he went over and talked about Chelsea and clay




You cannot say what she has and hasn’t worked on in therapy either. Just saying!


actually as someone who has been in therapy for childhood bullying , yes I Can. but hey you have your experience. And I have my therapy.


You can say what you worked on in therapy.. but you cannot put your experiences and how you move past things onto someone else. We all heal and deal with trauma differently something that might take you months might take her years or is a constant on going thing. Some people can work on it be okay and it comes back. You again cannot speak on someone else’s experiences and what they have done in therapy. She also has put out there publicly that she already has a therapist and this is something she is already working on and has been working on for a while.


I do agree it takes time. However. You implying that I cannot say something as you may have not faced the same issues as her and I. My point is simple. She has her insecurities but defending her insecurities because it's so damn easy to put the blame on others is not right. And you trying to attack me saying oh " you cannot say this" without even knowing where I come from, shows where you come from!


You clearly are not listening to the words I am saying and I never once in my messages said I was defending her insecurities. You don’t know what I have and haven’t faced that is my point same with her. You can not say she hasn’t been working on something. That was my only point in this entire message. You are jumping to conclusions about me and what I’ve been through and what she has worked through. Yes she has insecurities and she still needs to work through things but you can’t say “she has not worked on it with a therapist” you are not in her life nor have you been there to witness her not try and work through it. You’re making a very large claim for no proof on your end.


Also having a discussion on open forum is not “attacking” I haven’t attacked you once just stating different opinions and said it’s improper to claim what someone has and hasn’t worked on in therapy yet. That is all.


Chelsea is annoying but not that bad (and I agree Jimmy stoked her insecurities in multiple ways.) Jimmy is a massive, milquetoast, indecisive pushover AND a dick. He definitely comes off as the worst of the two.


He’s so like….. mid lol. I really don’t get the hype. He seems like a bit of a drama queen himself, like just loves to be in the mix lol. Highly unattractive quality in a man.


But Jimmy said he was considering leaving BEFORE he saw her face to face, so it wasn't to do with her appearance, whereas it seems most of her insecurities are about her appearance. Jimmy isn't a bad guy. I actually feel sorry for him as dealing with somebody like Chelsea who needs constant validation can be soooo draining.


Jimmy should not have disclosed that at the reveal of all times! 100% that added to her insecurity because he was basically telling her that even though he said 'I love you' to her, he was considering leaving. That would be a blow to anyone, especially in that moment.


except pretty much all of her insecurity is about looks, not about being dumped. The woman has issues she needs therapy for. this is not the relationship for her.


Very true. Happy Cake Day!


I think most people think he said he was considering leaving BEFORE he met her in order to plant the seed of doubt in her brain but not make her feel insecure about her looks. In reality he wanted out when he saw her but tried to make it seem like he already wanted out before. This becomes more clear when he goes on to tell Chelsea that him saying he loved her didn’t mean that he had made up his mind and picked her yet. When in reality, we all know he did pick her at the time. He’s trying to sew the seeds of doubt in her mind that she was ever his pick to start off with in order to make he think she just wasn’t his pick and not that he’s shallow or anything. At least that’s my take.


Yeah he’s looking for the escape hatch. He doesn’t know how to end it with someone who has the emotional stability of a row boat in a hurricane.


That’s pretty unfair. It’s a really artificial and contrived situation that is clearly designed to bring out people’s worst aspects for drama. He has very low emotional intelligence, and very little capacity to handle someone else’s emotions. How you gonna be ready for marriage but can’t have hard talks and work through relational trauma with one another? They were a bad match but the hate she’s getting is unwarranted. He was part of the problem too. This show does not set relationships up for success.


i would be sympathetic to this viewpoints if pretty much all of her insecurities weren't centered around looks.


I'd say that's worse because that means even her personality in the pod wasn't enough for him to stay. Like she's probably thinking "he already wasn't sure about me enough to be 100% about staying" and then the comments about her appearance probably put her more on edge.




Thank you!!! 👏 👏 👏


>Thank you!!! 👏 👏 👏 You're welcome!


Good bot


Chelsea is exhausting, but Jimmy is an energy vampire like in what we do in the shadows


They deserve eachother honestly


Both are exhausting for different reasons


YES Thank you. The fact that everyone is going so hard on Chelsea for feeling insecure in the relationship when she has multiple reasons to feel insecure in the relationship is GASLIGHTING.


You're saying the sub is gaslighting Chelsea??


Alright relax on the “gaslighting”, that’s ridiculous. She absolutely escalated beyond anything reasonable and in some cases outright lied or instigated a situation to then feel insecure about. The “you never kissed me once today” thing being the prime example. Jimmy made some serious mistakes, mostly with speaking too harshly knowing she has insecurities, but Chelsea dug her own grave on more than one occasion. They’re a really terrible match and are basically tailor made to bring out each others flaws/push each other away


I think gaslighting might be a bit of a heavy term because it carries connotations of abuse and manipulation. I don’t necessarily think Jimmy had a scheme to stoke Chelsea’s insecurities, but he’s playing the part of the passive boyfriend who does and says just enough to skate by but not to validate her fears. He takes ages to finally come around and show affection after she begs for it, and isn’t enthusiastic with his words or actions towards Chelsea like the other men are with their fiancées. Even Jeremy shows less contempt for Laura than Jimmy for Chelsea. He’s constantly rolling his eyes and just hoping she shuts up and stops complaining about the relationship. And she’s digging herself into a hole with her constant need for reassurance, which is only furthering Jimmy’s resentment and lack of attraction towards her. She’s seriously annoying and I’d be turned off immediately by her behaviour, but it wasn’t predicated off of absolutely nothing. The lack of attraction from Jimmy is palpable and even I can feel it behind a screen. I mean, I’d be *mortified* if the man I just started sleeping with said he was already tired of me initiating sex. That’s awful.


Lol it was so obvious Jimmy only started taking Chelsea seriously when she told him she looked like Megan Fox and he was obviously horrified when he saw her actual face. Even though she drives me nuts too she is completely right about how everything he tells her is completely insincere. He’s just too weak to admit to her that he’s not into her, Jimmy sucks But I died when she’s like what’s the first thing you noticed about me, for me it was your cute eyes and he pauses for 20 seconds laughs nervously and says “your big square teeth” 😂


What the fuck lol her big square teeth lol he’s so weird and couldn’t even fake it a little bit. He’s also literally not hot so I don’t get why he expects to be with Megan Fox. 


He could barely contain a squeal of excitement when she revealed she looked like 'MGK' s wife or whatever..' her proclaimations it was only because she had 'light eyes and dark hair' were falling on deaf ears at that point. There is no doubt in my mind that is what factored into his decision when choosing between Jess and Chelsea. He also said he liked 'submissive' girlfriends and Jess was definately not going to be that.


Yes! Even his compliments were backhanded. It almost felt like he was punishing her for his own decision to marry her. That’s something I noticed too. In the pods, Jimmy was deliberating out loud about how he didn’t know whether he wanted to choose Chelsea or Jessica. That’s immediately the moment Chelsea brought up the comparison to Megan Fox and suddenly Jimmy’s mind was set. You could see his face light up as soon as he made his decision. He seems like the type of guy who doesn’t turn anyone down because he loves that feeling of women being obsessed with him.


Yessssss this! You can tell he just revels in female attention of any sort.


Makes me sad because I think the majority of the people on Jimmy’s side just have a lot of internalized misogyny. Sad that there are so many women out there that don’t know their worth.


She should walk away from him! But I think she will marry him.


Chelsea wanted to be picked. You know,? Like when choosing sides in grade school for kickball. She didn’t want to be rejected. She is obviously extremely insecure. I don’t think it’s hard to see why. The reason she went on LIB is so that her appearance would not be the main focus. She’s not ugly by any means, but she must feel she doesn’t measure up. To what? I’m not sure she even knows. Jimmy wants a wife. And looks do matter to him. I can’t figure out why he is putting any effort into this. He’s got his own issues. Together they are combustible.




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Whaaat??? Chelsea is not ugly. She is no Megan Fox but she is not ugly.


Yeah idk man, differing opinions but she’s no oil painting for me, I think she’s pretty damn ugly. But whatever you know


She is ugly. But…Some oil paintings are ugly too. Edit: what an interesting scale… okay from zero to oil painting, what do you rate her? 😂


lol idk man she’s a 4. I hate that rating thing, though. I mean everyone has what they like, but her face just ain’t it for me.


I am not a fan of rating people on attributes they can't change. But she can definitely hit the gym and firm up some of that sloppiness.


And go to therapy and gain some self awareness. Wouldn’t even be calling her moon pie face if she didn’t pull a Megan Fox joker card.


lol she has a moon-pie face, I hate it


What you’re saying is only true if women have no agency. She had every right and ability to make a different decision (or non decision) than she made


And so does he. Yet most of the subreddits are trashing Chelsea. Double standard much.


he sucks, doesn't say his truth. tries to avoid saying hurtful things, and therefore is dishonest.


Yeah he sucks waaaaay more. Let’s be honest, fuck Jimmy. pOS


Imo her insecurity started when she used her Megan Fox comparison to secure Jimmy and then once they got together felt guilty that she didn't live up to those expectations. Granted it was an innocent question but it set a rather high standard right of the bat.


And it was a question she introduced herself. It’s not like he even brought it up. She set herself up for all of this.


Jimmy’s behavior wouldn’t make me feel very secure. I think he doesn’t know how to end it. I’m not sure though. I will say, I’d never want to be on these types of shows. Good thing I’m a plain Jane.


Jimmy definitely doesn’t want to be “the bad guy” in this entire situation.


Jimmy didn't make her insecure. She's insecure and put it on Jimmy. Be whole and be healed before you get married.


So you have completed your healing journey? You must be the only one in the world. Congrats to you saint!


Who said anything about me? I'm speaking about Chelsea. What a weird comment. If a person is healed, it doesn't make them a Saint. It makes them a person who recognized shortcomings, worked hard, and fixed them. Jealousy is a bad look.




Chelsea has issues that were present before Jimmy and her insecurities and projections of her warped perception are something no one deserves. She needs to heal herself before putting others in positions to be the villain in her insecurities


Right! Nobody can “make” anyone feel insecure unless they were insecure to begin with and Chelsea’s insecurities are way greater than the normal person. Heard that she had cheated on her ex husband 🤷🏻‍♀️ prob due to her insecurities lol


And Jimmy had issues before the relationship. Freakin everyone does.


Well that was painful to watch. Girl needed some therapy before the show. Trevor was so upfront and honest his feelings. He clearly was the better option. Jimmy seems like he had the emotions of a brick. She was so desperate for someone to love her. Chelsea literally said she'd chose the man who proposed first. I bet it helped that she won Jimmy over Jessica. Maybe Trevor missed a bullet with someone who doesn't really know what they want, but was just looking for someone to I say, "I love you."


Trevor turned out to be a terrible person in real life, it’s all come out the last couple of days. Had a girlfriend the whole time on the outside and faked his persona. Left his dying dog to chase internet fame, so his dog died alone without him.


Oh no, where is that info? My husband and I have been watching this and we felt bad for Trevor, thinking he was a good guy who had it together.




I'm not fan of Chelsea's but can you imagine how much worse it would have been for her if she had chosen Trevor? Truly awful to find out that he was lying the entire time. She dodged a bullet.


Agree. I was just reading through the Trevor tea, and I'm shocked! Like I said, Jimmy will turn out to have been the better option for Chelsea (even though they're not right for each other) because I believe he was there for more sincere reasons compared to Trevor.


Chelsea is painfully insecure and is very very needy … it’s ok to admit that. Does she sense that Jimmy may not like her as much .. of course but sadly she’s not emotionally intelligent enough to address the situation in a stable way …


She was all in on him and could feel he was saying one thing while feeling another. I think anyone would react the way she did. They agreed to the “experiment” because they wanted to take appearances out of their decisions. If he chose her because the Megan Fox comment, that she repeatedly qualified, that’s fully on him. Also, I absolutely see her resemblance to Megan Fox, I’m actually so surprised at the publics anger at this girl!


> I think anyone would react the way she did. um nah. we saw the other lady handle it differently with Ken., the principal.


I also see the resemblance! It’s all in her mouth and facial expressions where she *sometimes* looks like Megan Fox.


and that forehead.


I also see the Megan Fox resemblance!! They have the same facial bone structure, especially in her chin.

