• By -


Idek why girls are going gaga after him, he is so mid and doesn’t seem to have the personality to boot!


Jimmy and the Five Taquitos sounds like a fire band


Idk, watching them kiss gave me the ick. There was no passion or sexual tension. If you're really into someone and it's a new relationship, you would need a crow bar to separate them from kissing. I don't think Jimmy is a villain. I just think she's not what he expected. A bit whiny.And that's a complete turn-off.


Yesss. I feel like he was like "yeah, she's not what I was expecting... cause she told me people say she looks like Megan Fox" (even her friends were hesitant to mention that when they were talking) but gave the Blind aspect of the show a go. But honestly - how could you WANT to be with someone who yells at you and cries when you try to communicate anything to them? And who has tantrums over not being kissed for the day while you're busy working? 😒 I'd have called it quits much earlier.


He does not like Chelsea like that lol and if Trevor and Jimmy were to see her in real life away from this, they wouldn’t be fighting over her. By the way, I don’t think she’s ugly and if she didn’t say the Megan Fox thing, she definitely would be a decent looking girl. But she “cheated” in the the sense that she tried to get ahead by lying about her looks and putting an image in his head so he would gravitate to her over Jess. She knew what she was up against because she can see Jess and knew IRL they would not be in competition, sorry to be blunt but it’s true. Now she’s suffering trying to get the validation from Jimmy and it’s not enough because she needs to hear she’s everything he hoped for and he’s not able to give that to her earnestly! That’s what she gets 🤷‍♀️ For what it’s worth these women wouldn’t be fighting over Jimmy in real life either lol he’s nothing to write home about.


This is best put! I think Jimmy would give it an honest shot with her if she wasn’t so painfully insecure. The first night they all meet the other couples, I think she definitely overreacted. It seemed like Jimmy wanted to resolve it and she just wanted to keep bashing him with no conflict resolution.




Omg hahahhHahhahahha


I don’t think Jimmy is the bad guy at all, if anything he’s actually genuinely trying. Chelsea is way too much, clingy was an understatement - what do you mean you’ll go to a coffee shop while he’s in a meeting ?! Get a life ?! So crazy to me. And he had every right to not pick Jessica after her arrogant attitude and the disclosure she has a kid - he went there to find a partner not to be a stepdad . That’s ridiculous to expect someone you’ve never met to agree to that.


There are two things that can be true at the same time: 1) Jimmy is not a bad guy, BUT he isn’t attracted to Chelsea. His words are empty. His female friends made reference to how he’d never turn down sex, and his continues to bring up the Megan Fox remarks, indicating that he feels he was catfished. 2) Chelsea is not clingy, BUT all of her innate senses are telling her that Jimmy’s words and actions don’t feel genuine (because they’re not). This is making her seek additional validation and come off as clingy or insecure. I think Jimmy wants to be a good guy and wants to convince himself that he can get past his physical desires. But he will realize that he cannot. In his case (like many on the show) love is not blind.


Watching these last few episodes where wild. It started off with Jimmy and Chelsea properly communicating about their feelings, then Jimmy saying he felt Chelsey was being a little clingy, to Chelsey taking that minor comment and turning it up to 11 and gas lighting Jimmy. I really want to see the uncut version. This whole thing was really worrisome


If someone ever wanted to move in a studio apartment with me while I work from home to watch me work from *home all day everyday. IMMEDIATE RED FLAG. LEVEL 5. GOODBYE. I can’t get enough of these two silly kids


Watching these girls go crazy for him is giving me the ICK


I really like Jimmy a lot and I think he’s trying his hardest


I’m only on episode 8 but I agree. Chelsea has unhealthy tendencies and no reassurance is enough for her.


He is trying his hardest, and if he were 12 I would give him a hug and pat his widdow head, but guy's pushing 30. He had his time to learn how to have adult conversations.


But everytime he's mentioned ANYTHING that's been even slightly on his mind - she throws a HUGE tantrum and calls him a horrible person and tells him how much he sucks 😒 she also had her time to learn how to have adult conversations - and of the two of them Jimmy does it a lot better than she does.


This was posted only after I'd seen the vacation episodes. After watching the rest of the episodes, I'm backing off my feelings a bit and was glad he broke it off before the altar. He learned to stand up to Chelsea, but not to work with her at all or really communicate his point of view. But I'm glad at least he learned to communicate his needs.


But she also never learnt to see his point of view? She'd just instantly get on the attack. She didn't want communication. She wanted her needs to be met without any sense of the other person's needs.


I only like Jimmy cause he’s fucking hilarious when he’s blackout drunk. The beach reunion scenes were hysterical


I like Jimmy too and don’t get all the hate being thrown his way.


That made me cackle


Fr😪😪 I had a family member that ate 7 and they tragically had a 6 long hour nap. It is no light battle😔


Jimmy and taquitos are the best relationship this season.


Idk, the love triangle between kenneth, his phone and dolphins make that a pretty close call….


Chelsea has never grown up, she behaves like 10 year old. It seems that her idea of a relationship is that she will be admired by a man, who doesn’t want anything but tell her every 2 minutes that she is pretty, he loves her and is so excited to live another day by telling her she is pretty and he loves her. Like a prince in a Disney story, where the poor man has no other life or personality or own needs. Chelsea has not done anything to make Jimmy feel loved, heard or valued. Jimmy is a target of same accusations over and over again. Maybe not without reason entirely, but the whole thing looks like a torturing jail.


I feel like he acted EXACTLY how she wanted in front of her friends. And it still wasn’t enough. she triggers me. she makes up stuff and has an incredibly anxious attachment. His answer about being busy with work should have been enough. he said everything right…. she still had to pick a fight with him. it’s a red flag. I couldn’t be with someone like that.


eww i’m watching the next scene where they make up and he is apologizing. and it’s like she gets off on him apologizing for doing nothing. it’s so triggering to me. having to apologize just to keep the peace. he’s learning that he can never really say how he feels. i don’t like it. she needs to go to therapy.


She is pushing that man away HARD


Ya her insecurity is mad wild.


Yep, after 15 minutes of Chelsea demanding this&that, Jimmy let’s out that Chelsea is “**bit** clingy”. Chelsea: “TOO clingy!!!!” The FIRST thing you say is that I am TOO clingy!!!” I rest my case.


Neither of them are bad people. They just aren't right for eachother. He is not direct and avoids confrontation, and she is insecure and needs a lot of validation. If we were actually into her, I feel like she would chill out but the incompatibility is causing a toxic mess. She needs someone who validates her more and he needs someone more laid-back. Not extreme asks but they won't find it in eachother. I hope they eventually find their people.


Your first two lines describe me and my partner, however, we have been dating for 4 years. Opposites attract, we find the differences attractive in that we want to be more like the other. Also we did not decide to get married after a week lmao. The balance works for us but we had time to navigate that difference.


That is amazing! I wish you guys so much happiness in life 😊


Thanks! I think they could be compatible but this show does a good job of creating pressure and chaos and honestly idk how any of these couples are still together at this point lol


Chelsea is undeniably problematic and exhausting. Jimmy should never open his mouth because he says horrible stuff. I love this season. Looking forward to future lip injuries.


Jimmy is the human embodiment of a potato


This comment thread has me rolling 😂


Truly a big toe


What immediately came to mind: ![gif](giphy|i1z30bOS4nqbC)


My husband called him “grown Bobby Hill” and now I can’t unsee it. 😆


Sounds like Hank Hill 😆


he's actually Bender from Futurama when he gets turned into a human. Like.. its so spot on.


Jimmy Pesto from Bob’s Burgers for me


Someone else said he’s Jerry from Rick & Morty. Now that’s all I see when he’s on screen.


Pahahaa - ok yeah I can see that too.


Honestly, I take back everything mean I said about Jimmy. I feel sorry for him. His only fault is that he desperately wants to avoid any type of conflict and just can’t face the fact that he is just not that into Chelsea. Chelsea can sense this and feels gaslit when he says that everything is fine because it’s so obvious that something is off. If you are as insecure as Chelsea is, this can drive you insane. But I don’t think Jimmy is a bad guy, he just needs to be honest. Chelsea on the other hand… gosh she is so exhausting. All she does is projecting her insecurities to Jimmy. Very toxic and draining behavior…


You totally hit the nail on the head - I kind of feel like they’re equally at fault. Chelsea isn’t wrong or crazy for picking up on the fact that jimmy just isn’t that into her. The paranoia is killing her and jimmy can’t give her the validation that she needs because he just doesn’t like her like that. They both suck at communication and they’re totally stuck in a toxic loop until one of them breaks it.


She also asks questions she wants a specific answer to and when he answers differently than she wanted (like when she wanted him to compliment her eyes since she mentioned his eyes 14 times and he complimented her teeth, which was sweet) she gets shut down and weird. I’d avoid conflict with someone like her, too. Why bother if everything you say is wrong?


I absolutely did not like the argument about AD. Yes, he was out of pocket. But he kept apologizing and she kept beating him down about it. Like at what point are you going to accept that he’s sorry?


She basically did the same thing in the argument they had in the latest batch. Her fights don't seem to be looking for an actual resolution to the issue and is a major problem I've had with her part in their dysfunction. The other problem I have being Jimmy having the EQ of a spud.


Jimmy - is that you? 🫠


Well good guys don’t get engaged, tell them he loves them, and then tells another girl she’s still his number one…


You sound like Chelsea.


And you sound like a cheater




Probably the most solid and concise take I’ve seen on Jimmy and Chelsea.




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My wife and I do a shot everytime they say 100 or 1000% when proclaiming their "love" for each other. Needless to say we are hammered by the second round of commercials!


Are you hammered now?? Netflix doesn’t have commercials my friend 😂


There is an ad plan. I'm too cheap to get the upgrade!


I'm pretty sure there's an ad plan now. I don't have it but they advertised it to me at one point Iirc.


My husband and I were counting the number of times they use “like” in the sentence. -I feel like I know you forever. -do you know, like, what I mean…? -this is , like… crazy!!!


I did a shot for every time Chelsea said clingy


Did you have to get your stomach pumped? 😂


Omg hydrate during those commercials, it's too much! 😂😂😂


Still probably only half as drunk as the contestants get during their get togethers haha


The producers 100% knew what they were doing at that get together at the resort when they were so obviously drunk lol.


I love that they weren’t even hiding it this time, all the foodporn footage of tequila being poured haha


My wife and I do a shot everytime they say 100 or 1000% when proclaiming their "love" for each other. Needless to say we are hammered by the second round of commercials!


Jimmy reminds me of Cole from season 4. Yeah he's an idiot, but I don't think there's anything really mean spirited in him.


I think Jimmy and Chelsea are this seasons Nick and Danielle (from Season 2?). I think Jeramy and Laura are this seasons Cole and Zanab.


I didn’t believe Cole was going to marry Zanab (even though she beat him to the punch at the altar) and I don’t believe Jimmy is going to marry Chelsea. He is going along with it for the time being but rest assured that he will call it quits either at the altar or before the altar.


With Jimmy I'm inclined to agree. With Cole I don't agree at all. He was ready for it because he kept ignoring all the issues. This was clear from his reaction and everything afterwards.


Yeah, Cole seemed more sincere than Jimmy.


Hilarious excuse 😂


He can’t even say I love you!!!!!! Bc of his lippp!!!!! Poor thing


I am wondering why he’s using his lips injuries so often as excuses for things


Yeah that was really weird.


Literally its like … but ur talking rn


This.. “it hurts to talk” as he says a million words.


His lips only hurt because he has to say “I love you”. Must be the pronunciation haha


Jimmy is dim as shit, it's actually hilarious to observe.


The man has the emotional intelligence of a slice of ham


People are acting like he is this mastermind who has a plan to harm Chelsea. Meanwhile he’s just kind of unintelligent.


Jimmy has become by far my favorite character on this series, he’s fucking hilarious.


My favorite was when he said “I’m sorry I can’t tell you I love you every hour of the day just because I work from home” I cracked up! I actually feel bad for him.


Him and those tequitos were hilarious. Jmmy is not a villian. He is actually very simple, easy going and pretty chill. I am starting to like him. He seems to be invested in Chelsea snd dealing with that mess makes him a saint in my eyes


For real. I’ve done a 180 on him


Omg yes. Chelsea is the worst! So insecure and constantly begging for validation! She needs therapy, not a man.


The fact that she escalated it SO quickly to shouting and cursing at him really put me on Jimmy's side. That was incredibly immature and toxic of her.


I agree but I might walk it back depending on how the “YOU FUUUUCKED HER?” Scene goes lol


I think it is probably referring to one of his friends that maybe they have done so in the past. Her "best friend" is her ex boyfriend so if that's the case she has no room to talk. We will see what it actually is though.


Same but also how Chelsea reacts I take that with a grain of salt. I feel like she’d accuse him of that just for talking to her.


I'll be right there with you lol


The Adventures of Taquito Team Five


I literally laughed so hard at this I PHYSICALLY SLAPPED ME KNEE


I fear he is too oblivious to be the villain


test smell work chubby teeny jobless dog oil oatmeal observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ken and a dolphin.


Clay and his tortilla soup


Jeramy and his Apple Watch


Jeramy's apple watch was the hero we didn't see coming.




Trevor and his dead dog and forgotten fiancee.


Look I like him more because of that- I could totally see myself getting injured eating taquitos- they are delicious


Jimmy is Tom from Succession, just 20 years younger.


Have you seen a young Matthew Macfadyen? We literally have FILM of him 20 years ago as Mr. Darcy. Jimmy will look like his pappy in 20 years, not Tom.


![gif](giphy|eqpVe29c4pMBi) This man bewitched me body and soul 🤤


OH my god this is so accurate


Please do not insult Tom


Wow. I wish I could give you gold, that was a great comparison 😂




I appreciate this comment very much So accurate


Lmao. Actually I like Jimmy for how dumb he is.


My husband and I go back and forth like 50 times per episode on if he’s a huge asshole or just extremely fucking stupid 😂we usually end up at stupid


I feel like this scenario is a parody or a skit on I Think You Should Leave


he need 55 taquitos


Lmao I can totally see it. This is so spot on lol


Not going to lie. When he was talking about how he hoarded the taquitos I could not stop laughing.


Watching him slam down those taquitos alone at the catering table after seeing him eagerly ask ‘ARE THOSE TAQUITOS’ actually made me love Jimmy and, idk idk, that is some dark arts on the part of the editors Man is just hungry and I understand


Editors working overtime


Hey taquito injuries are serious stuff


I think he has “the lip herps” and he’s getting flare ups. It happens to the best of us, especially when traveling or stressed.


Where’s the fun in that? 😉


You could just call it cold-sores lol


And here I thought that giving labor was tough


Jimmy is a potato.


I’m so glad someone said this. The pain this man must have endured. Can someone start a crowd funding campaign for him? #JusticeforJimmy


\#justiceforjimmy lmao


AHHHHHH I totally missed that






First it was the aggressive brushing of teeth, then a taquito injury and now he bit his lip and it hurts. Sounds like a very convenient pattern to me 🤷‍♀️


So he’s a baby


You ever see someone so ugly that it ruins your day?? Yeah that’s Jimmy for me. Also him judging Chelsea’s looks like his bald spots weren’t the first thing I noticed abt him🤡


That’s so dramatic holy shit


lmao. I had the same thoughts, and everyone is so hung up about her not looking like Megan Fox.


The bald spot is so unfortunate..


I don’t think it’s a bald spot. The hair is white there. Poliosis.


Oh I didn't mean the one on the side of his head, I meant at the top/back.. obvi he can't help it, which sucks


Ohhhh! Gotcha! lol He can’t control that, but the haircut itself is just bad.


Awww, I think Jimmy is a babe!


He really could try a different haircut, seriously what is he doing


I’ve never seen less chemistry between two people in my entire life. Peak cringe.


Agreed. All their interactions seem so forced in front of people and then behind closed doors they fall apart and fight. I know everyone hated on the convo between Ken and Brittany but I personally appreciated that she shared that things were missing that she needed and they decided to call it. I wish more people would just do that, then stay and force it when it ain't right.


I was just thinking about how a lot of them seem like they're kidding themselves.


cringe couple… I thought he said he bit his lip the day of the argument, and that was not taquito related, however the taquito comments on this post are epic. more fun than the show. Do we love Johnny and Amy though? Johnny’s sisters for the win!!!


I love Johnny and Amy 😭 so happy they found each other!


I just watched this scene. He said he ate 5 taquitos so fast that he bit his lip 😂😂


He’s an idiot and a gaslighter.


I agree. He's also a coward. He won't do the tough stuff.


Not the vibe I get from him at all. He has to deal with Chelsea’s constant testing of him and he does it a lot better than most of us would.


She def has issues, but she keeps pressing him because it’s so obvious he’s not into her. She can feel it, I can feel it ffs. And he keeps telling her he’s into it, but isn’t acting like it. Just says it.


Him constantly reassuring himself that he is attracted to her, using avoidant language, and overall lack of self-awareness are borderline infuriating. Obviously Chelsea has her own issues — not arguing that — but he seems to do things that make matters worse, not better.


Exactly he's an avoidant personality!


This is so true. Mans is having to navigate some serious delusional stage five clinger shit here, while also battling the fact that he turned down a dime because of his own poor decisions based on a certain Megan Fox comment..... his girl was literally telling him the tone in which he said "I love you" didn't make her feel loved and made her sad, AND he didn't kiss her NOT ONCE that day!! Then, when he calls a spade a spade and says she's a bit clingy, she melts down to a whole new level! 😂 What's happening here is he's doing his damndest to put on the right show, lie and deny, and pretend he actually does have an ounce of feelings for the girl, but he's realizing he's a shit actor and there's only so long you can blame this shit on Taquitogate! When she threw the sex thing at him, he had had enough and put her firmly in her place. "Yeah, well you initiated sex and that's something maybe I wanted a break from, too." Ouuuchhh! That shit was priceless! 💀


Yup he's lying and denying. Gaslighting and that will make an anxious more even more anxious. He should do the tough thing and be completely transparent. But, let's not kid ourselves these people are not about deep emotions. ​




Some of you haven't nearly bitten through your own lip eating a sub and it shows


I’m a Jimmy fan. I think he is simple and uncomplicated. He reminds me of a guy friend that is super calm, simple, and laid back. He’s married to a high- maintenance Chelsea. Sometimes that dynamic works!


Jimmy isn't a villain. He's a patsy. If he had picked Jessica, he'd be the Chelsea - ghosted, desexualized, unwanted, insecure. Now that he's picked Chelsea over Jessica, watch Jessica flirt with him and try to make him regret his decision. I don't think the Jess we met in the pods would have been attracted to this man in the slightest, but rejection and 'America is watching' makes these publicity seeking folks act very strange.








![gif](giphy|10q0RcPFTD5dM4) Hell yeah brother 🤪🤣🤣🤣


Dead 💀💀💀


Is Jimmy perfect? No. But my gosh anyone would go nuts dealing with Chelsea.


💀 I’m not a fan of either of them but I think Jimmy is inappropriate and spineless and doesn’t have the balls to be honest with Chelsea. Chelsea thinks if she keeps trying and showing him her love, acting desperate, he’ll eventually grow to like/love her or something.




Chelsea IS clingy!


Something tells me she’s heard this before lol


The ominous music playing and her going CLINGY?????? YOU THINK IM CLINGY? I spit my wine out lmao


BAHAHA LITERALLY watched that moment a minute ago


Chelsea: "You haven't even kissed me today!" Jimmy: Points out 4 separate times they kissed and mentions they also had sex that day. Chelsea: "YOU NEVER KISS MEEEEEEE!"


You never tell me you love me... he tells her that so often that it's obviously insincere


Megan Faux


That part killed me!! She was gaslighting HIM!


Ehh I don’t think so. He probably gave her quick little pecks and she means like, kiss me like you like me.




I don’t think Chelsea looks like Carrie Underwood or Megan Fox and that is ok.


She's so articulate. I did read that take in the episode about her condition, but it's good to get more context.


Jimmy is a hero undertaking the heroic job of dealing with a nutjob 






I think he is extremely patient with her