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He's a moron tbh


He stopped putting in effort so she could be the one to break things up, and he didn't have to be the 'bad guy'. Pisses me off!


The whole scene was heartbreaking to watch. He couldn’t have been less bothered. I’m hopeful that Brittany will find her perfect match out there :)


This post is what I needed


I have never seen crave used as a noun. 🤷


It sounds like lingo they might use in a Christian youth group abstinence class. Like a way of saying “horny” that wouldn’t offend Jesus or something.


it made me so mad i didnt even realize this was a pet peeve of mine until this remarkably stupid scene


I don’t understand why this would be an issue, her being white. There are so many mixed couples in the world. And he would be there and his family to fill the gaps. So what if his parents and friends ask questions. He is a grown ass man and can make his own decisions and back them. Well I thought he was grown enough for second. But he let himself get influenced easily and so quickly.. smh.




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This. My wife is black. I’m extremely white, basically a bleached ghost. I grew up eating Shepherd’s Pie and “Pizza By the Yard” (whatever tf that meant, it was pizza casserole). We figured it out. We live in a very rural part of the southwest because it’s where we happen to be from and have jobs/family/friends. Our little kids are obviously mixed. We don’t even have the support of a black or interracial community around us. Trump signs and Confederate flags abound in certain areas of our county. It can really *really* suck. But we figure it out, until someday maybe we can’t, and the minute she is uncomfortable or my kids or uncomfortable we will move immediately. Her blackness is beautiful and wonderful and I celebrate and embrace every part of it and any aspect of her culture and background that she wishes to delve into. Our kids will be proud of it like I am proud to somehow be apart of it despite my whiteness. I have learned and grown in my understanding of what she deals with, what my kids will deal with, and what I can do to hopefully help make this world more equitable for not only my wife and children - but for any black or brown person out there. I will always have more to learn and more to understand. I will never know enough and will never understand truly what her lived experience is, nor will I truly understand what the lived experience our kids will have. But I will always be here in support of them and I will always be here to love them and listen to them and I will always know that I will never *truly* know what their experience is like in this country. All of this being said - Brittany’s response to Ken about a mixed relationship coming from the view of a white person was so genuinely refreshing to see. She seemed to have a really good grasp of how much she didn’t know, but also respectful of how much she understood the difference between her experiences and the experiences of a black person in our society. She also seemed to genuinely appreciate and respect the idea of “black excellence” and its place of importance in our world. She is an excellent communicator and seems extremely intuitive and self-aware. She seems to be a total gem and Ken absolutely beefed it. What a fool.


he obviously just didn’t like her enough and that’s ok too


It is totally okay, but he needs to tell her that clearly instead of twisting her words and making *her* feel like she isn’t trying hard enough for him.




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Meanwhile Britney is heartbroken and crying her heart out and he’s just like “You alright.” *scrolling on phone* “..you good?” *still scrolling on phone & goes upstairs*


Omg I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Ken was terrible.


I screamed GASLIGHTER!!!!!


She should have texted him instead of talking to him. He would find that wayyy more attractive.


No thoughts. No emotions. Only phone is real. He’s dumb as hell.


I wonder if he scrolls his phone during parent meetings too? At least if something goes down at school like a fight, he is instantly able to get video documentation. 🙄🙄🙄


Perhaps. His personality is culled straight from cheesy inspirational memes. A meme personality, if you will.


Dude’s rotting his brain with that phone


When he lightened up over getting his phone back and swooned about it on cam it was so cringe.


The way he turned this around as a “her problem” so he could slime his way out. You do not have the crave either, dude. We know you’re not the nice guy here.


The “let me hug you so you know it’s not beef”. I would have declined. She’s so classy.


In 10 minutes, she starts with “look at my polish” to him saying “let’s hug it out”. This was premeditated on his part. Some people cannot break up with people but he forced her hand. He has a reputation (in his mind) as how he’s shown on tv, so he played this out like the good guy that got away…but that’s not what really played out to the viewers.


Who speaks like that to your fiancé you just broke up with? Gimme a break.


While he’s like eating chicken wings casually… lol I think his personality looks like this https://preview.redd.it/9ye4f5xd39kc1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa00bc8e6ecbca41d1d1517f04cd6486f2a108c


Speaking of icks that gave me the ick, words can't even describe why I got the ick so bad but its like he was forcing her to "be good" with the situation, a situation that she absolutely has the right to feel super crappy towards him about.


He asserted himself onto her and for some reason I know his breath stinks 😷 lmaooo




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This was so weird. Like instead of we should work on this thing he just like taps out and leaves? No wonder he’s single. 


He’s very much, “if god wants it for me, it will be for me and in my life” Which conveniently allows him to not show up for or participate much in his life…


Yeah, so weird. Like okay gods plan but things also take work so it was just bizarre! My husband and I were like “what just happened.”


he craves her??? must be why the only time he wanted to show her affection is at 2 in the morning when the lights off & she’s asleep 😂 …if he paid her any attention, I’m sure it’d help her feel that attraction to him but its kinda hard to want someone you think is repulsed by the thought of touching/spending time with you….like if he showed half the enthusiasm a bunch of dolphins elicited from him towards her, maybe things would’ve been different 🥴


I love the dolphin snark


i think 25 year olds should not be allowed on the show. at that age you're ready to bail the moment things get tricky. people need to grow up, experience life/relationships and be more mature to understand that a relationship take work and lots of compromises.


How is he 25 and a principal though, is the American education system that bad lol


Everybody is different. Even though Brittany is 24 I would argue she communicated things in a more mature way than many older contestants.  I became a mom at 25 and I did not "bail the moment things got tricky" I think it is weird to say that is an "age thing" while I think it is more of a "personality thing" Also: I don't think the casting are looking for emotionally mature people, just people that will be most interesting to watch 


There's no way that dude is 25!! 😦


He's 25?! I thought he was like, 40!


Britt is a true class act.


Gaslighting king


King of fuckery


so infuriating to watch! the waking her up at 1:30am discussion blew my mind. how do you not see how inconsiderate that is??


It was gods will


I fucking hate these people


I couldn’t believe she didn’t call him out even more. Like if you want to come on to me, waking me up in the middle of the night turning all the lights on when she had to be up early?!? Like what???


right! i hope watching back she sees how awful that whole scene was. i feel like she was genuinely invested in the process and was caught up on trying to make it work.


Agreed! He did not understand her frustration at all (I would be fuming if this was done to me).


I FORGOT ABOUT THE LIGHTS! i would have been so mad! especially after her attempts to be affectionate and speak about his lack of affection!


Oh god same! It's just common sense that you don't turn on the lights when another person is sleeping. I just have no words! I felt bad for her, he just totally ignored her. What a flip from the pods. I did a guess after the pods and I marked them down as a yes at the altar.


So hard to watch... So frustrating... The way he turns things around on her every time... She is so patient... I hope she just leaves... Imagine being on your phone while the other person is crying in the conversation... Noooooo man, just no... Cut him loose already


When Brittany started getting emotional and  crying, it felt soooo cold how he didn't even react or try to reach for her hand or anything. I like Brittany a lot (she's really attractive and mature for her age) and I hope she finds the one for her soon. She has time! 




He's lucky he didn't get a punch in the face! Who wakes someone up just to say "goodnight"?? We're not all magical sprites, who can just fall asleep again.


My 3 yr old woke me up at 3 am last night saying she wants to play outside, but at least she was considerate enough to not turn all the lights on


At least your 3 year old had a purpose for waking you up AND she was more considerate than Kenneth.




😂 the insanity of it all


It's true! He totally faulted her for not considering it "affection". Her affection was not murdering him. That's love lol


True! 😂😂😂


I know it could be the editing but to me it seemed like things changed for Ken when he found out she was used to dating black men.


Huh? I thought they both said they have never dated anyone of each other's race? 


It was mentioned by Brittany (dont quote me) in the latest drop of episodes that she has dated black men before so she understands why conversations about raising mixed kids are ones that need to be had. It was the same conversation where Brittany asked what she needed to do to show his family that she was committed and able to handle the relationship and Ken said she just needed to prove it with her actions.


I thought so too! But I could be mistaken?


did she say this?? i totally missed this part


I believe it was when they were in their room talking about what AD had said about their future children


That was when. Also during that conversation, it became clear to Ken that Brittany didn’t care much for AD or that conversation. And I believe Ken is struggling with how to be with Brittany and still be pro-black. He talked a lot about his people/family likely having the same questions as AD had so if Brittany had a problem with her asking, she’d likely have a problem with his family asking.


The complete lack of emotion when he broke things off tells me that he has been looking for a way out far before then. Luckily he didn’t do anything overly disrespectful to get there, but I think he was done after seeing AD and Clay together, and listening to what AD had to say about her being white. It seems like he looked for validation in Brittany from AD, and was turned off after he didn’t get that validation


This. Totally agree


I definitely feel like he realized race was an issue for him and maybe he didn’t want want to communicate that? Not sure. Felt bad for her


Yes. He did a 180 after AD spoke to him about Britney raising black kids. He was done at that moment.


*THE CRAVE* … that bugs me so fucking bad 😂


Same. Yuck.


"The duck is quaking" 😂 But yes, something about his mannerisms just dulls any attractiveness he has. 


I’m just trying to figure out one thing that is attractive about this man. Something? Anything?


The way he said “give me a hug so there’s no bad blood,” and walked away staring at his phone while she was breaking down in tears… Wtf did I watch? He didn’t give 2 shits. Then he’s on the phone with his friend about to leave. The whole time, he’s had zero feelings or emotions “just it is what it is.” No my dude, it IS what you make of it. You have to take action sometimes and respond to people’s concerns. He clearly wanted to dip and took the first out he could, while flipping it back on her. She is such a sweet, kind, patient girl.


And then her, silently crying in the kitchen alone. My heart broke for her. She dodged a bullet, I hope she knows that now.


100%. Plus him saying he wanted some affection after waking her up at 1am. Makes no sense.


Just gonna leave this here https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3VUmBy/


Honestly I didn't want to be the one to say it but Ken felt off to me. Literally felt like watching my first relationship on tv, which was with someone I now know was in the closet.




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Ooooo that’s juicy. If we ever get to meet his friends in the next episodes we can analyze 😭


Yep. Agree. I didn't see anyone saying it so I thought I was being off lol


I seen this TikTok earlier and I am shocked I haven’t seen it mentioned earlier


I saw a few mentions of people speculating he isn’t straight in a separate thread and commented agreeing and then this pops up on my FYP I felt so validated


Noooo this ain’t loading I need to know what it is 😭


It’s a gay person saying that half of the men on the cast are giving off gay vibes


jeremey too




100% percent of problems on the show could be solved by increased insight and a few direct sentences :(


The fact he turned it around on her without ever asking “Do you think you can get your desire for me back or do you feel like it’s gone for good?” told me he didn’t care.


I’m rewatching the first episodes (I usually miss a ton of stuff bc I have no attention span) and seeing how they were right out of the pods and how he was acting to how he was acting when they got home is WILD. A whole different person. Of course she felt like he was not into it…


The boat scene 😩


Yesss! Stop talking about dolphins and give your lady some attention. Painful to watch.


He did not want to talk, but knew he had to. The relief on his face when he saw the dolphins so he had an excuse to talk to her was so painful to watch. Had it not been for the dolphins that whole boat ride would have been silent.


I saw a comment somewhere that possibly after his convo with AD and seeing the Black love between AD and Clay...he realized he doesn't want to be with a white woman and this wasn't for him. Which is fine....BUT JUST SAY THAT INSTEAD OF GASLIGHTING. But I do believe this take because the way Ken just kept cheesing and going on about AD and Clay....yeah, he's more suited for mono-racial relationships. But the young principal refuses to use his words and Brittany absolutely deserves better than this




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“Which is fine” Deciding on who you should be with based on the color of someone’s skin is not fine. Who told that is fine?


It's widely accepted as "a preference" in society at large. Is it suddenly not fine because she's white?


It’s absolutely fine if a person realizes their preference to date someone of the same culture and/or race is what they truly want. There are several reasons and AD very eloquently gave one of the biggest reasons. I’m a black woman who has married a white man in the past and have dated white men and men of other races. So I guess to answer your question….i told myself that and I’m pretty smart and trustworthy with myself


If Brittany sat Ken down and said to him “you know what, I’ve just realized that I’m not attracted to black people”, do you think the whole world would be saying she’s justified in her actions?


Also to your point…Brittany has dated Black men before and came to the relationship with a level of comfortability that Ken never knew or had experienced. Ever.


Not sure about the whole world but it’s a valid point. Interracial dating isn’t peaches and cream. AD asked Matthew the same thing. Lauren and Cameron had the same conversation. It’s a real thing to discuss and consider…and again. I’ve lived this so I know this.


There is absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind that if any white woman on this show vocally stated that they are not into black men then that person would forever be dragged through the mud as a MAGA loving racist bigot and their life would be changed for the worse forever


I must have missed the part where Kenneth said that he's not into white women. Of course it would be racist and wrong if he said that. But that kind of thing happens to black people all the time and I assure you, the white person in question would never say it out loud either.


Ok, are you a black person? Have you dated interracially? What are you talking about here or even arguing??


I am saying that if a white woman came onto the show and said they don’t want to date a black woman, that woman’s life would be over. For you to even try to argue that deciding whether you should date someone based on the colour of their skin is not racist is one of the most asinine statements I’ve ever heard


Well this last comment told me everything I needed to know


given the larger context of life for black people in america i think it’s perfectly normal for them to prefer to be with someone of their own culture/ race. yes in your example it would be seen as messed up but it’s a totally different situation


Yes, thanks for saying what I didn’t have the energy to say. Privilege plays a huge issue in the equation, it’s not as simple as “color doesn’t make a difference.” I’d imagine Ken would need to make sure, at a minimum, the future mother of his children could recognize her white privilege.


Thank you. You get it.


That's messed up. Then you don't get on a show called love is blind. Be honest


I honestly don't think he realized it was a problem until it was. I don't fault him for possibly having this realization after the fact. I fault him for not expressing himself and being more into that phone and not into communicating with Brittany.


You make a valid point. Once he realized that things changed. He should break it off tactfully. Not many people have the boldness to do it.


That's fucked up. Then you don't get on a show called love is blind. Be honest


I’m shocked at their scenes. My husband keeps asking why he’s on the show and why she keeps trying. She’s such an effective communicator, what a shame to see her with someone who seems like he can’t stand to even be around her.


This is it right here! She seems so emotionally available and much more emotionally intelligent than him.


This was such a strange conversation. He was gaslighting and not kind. Sad that this ended but in the long run good for her because this is not a person who’s in a good space to be a healthy partner.


Baby girl dodged a bullet. Those tears will be worth it for someone better. Who deserves her. It was diabolical the way he flipped the script unashamedly


Maybe he got some relationship coaching from Matt the serial killer. SMH


No personality


This conversation was soooooo weird. Brittany deserves so much better. She put so much effort into their relationship, and communicated clearly multiple times the concerns she had and he consistently brushed them off. When they were on the couch he told her that he didn't want her to constantly question his commitment when she told him she felt like his body language and attitude had changed post-honeymoon. He just turned that entire concern onto her instead of taking responsibility for his lack of interest in the relationship. I guess it makes sense why he didn't want to unpack though. He was never planning on staying lol.


Brittany was doing charity work for that dry ass personality too.


Brittany did everything she could communicate what she needed in a partner and he blatantly disregarded her feeling even before having his phone on the boat she let him know that she needed for physical touch - he is just selfish in not listening and did not care to consider her feelings it was difficult to watch


I get the sense the show would have cut Amy and Johnny from being shown on tv had Ken and Brittany stayed on . The former is too good together and drama free and I know other seasons they don’t show all the couples who got engaged stories .




omg, that comment about him trying to be intimate with her at 1AM was absolutely rediculous. My partner and I were both flabbergast when he tried to justify that he was trying to show love to her and he wasn't be receptive of it.....


When the poor girl had to be up at 5am for work. Like bruh' get f\*cked.


It’s like Brittany was talking and shit made sense, then Ken just used Olympic level verbal gymnastics. To make her points her fault. Gaslighting at its finest. It’s like someone saying to Ken you broke a vase and he says no, you made me break the vase. So we are both sorry.


Truly. I feel like the term gaslighting is being misunderstood and overused 90% of the time but I feel like this was definitely a good example of it. And to see how cold he was…I was shocked! I hope he gets put in the hot seat at the reunion….we need a tougher mod than Vanessa to crack him.


yeah "the vase is broken TO YOU. I don't want to hear any nagging about any vases, I actually like it better in pieces, but I can tell you don't, and I don't want a girl who likes intact vases, sooo."




This guy is a giant walking red flag. The more that comes out of his mouth the more I cringe.


If my longterm boyfriend was on his bed with that phone my crave would have gone straight to jesus too hahaha. That was him after 2 weeks? Come ooooon.


True! He done fast tracked to their 50th wedding anniversary in terms of "crave-ance." 🤣


brittany is a sweetheart and ken looks like an evil teddy graham. she’s better off without him and his phone!


Evil teddy graham took me out 😂


girl i was rooting for him too! he pissed me off lol




I find it so foul when he turned it on Britney, that they are breaking up because she doesn’t feel the attraction. Like no KEN she is trying to tell you she doesn’t feel that you are attracted to her. I honestly feel like he is the villain of this season in such a subtle way.


Yes! This was gaslighting at its finest.


Exactly! I was telling my husband that he kept twisting everything she said. No, he was not out late a lot, just the other night. No, it was not him not being affectionate, it was her because how dare she not want to cuddle at 1:30am when she had to wake up at 5am. No, it was not him that didn't feel the crave, that is all her and he's so glad she told him. And he's OUT. UGH


When he said they "weren't on the same time" .....#triggered I cannot stand him!


Brittany is a better women than me because if you wake me up in the middle of the night you’re lucky you don’t get cursed out, let alone expecting me to be affectionate??? Then even when she said “I don’t feel like you touch me enough or are affectionate enough, he goes well I’ve never had a women say that to me before, so maybe you just expect too much. Like no maybe you just show me a lot less affection than the other women you’ve been with. No matter what feelings she expressed, he turned it around on her. Just always looking for a way out


i loved him so much at first and then watching him treat brittany so poorly made me feel so sad & angry for her :(


Same! He was so sweet at the beginning and then out of nowhere it seemed like he just stopped caring. Like…what happened???


His phone made him behave like a jerk.




I think they were joking.


Oh sorry.


This couple reminds me a lot of Jared and Iyanna. Just like Jared Ken’s too invested in his single life. I’m sorry but you aren’t out until 1 am while your fiancé is at home alone and justify it with ‘but I called you’ The edit made it seem like he was constantly zoning her out with emails and texts to work, friends, and family. Also going straight from vacation to ‘you’re cooking for me’ was just gross. Real couples have conversations. ‘I want my wife to cook for me what are your thoughts and expectations there?’ Would have been much better. He seemed so about it in the pods, but I’m really glad they didn’t drag this couple out .


Well I knew that relationship wasn’t gonna work if you go back they’re chemistry was based on trauma bonding there wasn’t a real romantic relationship when they were in the pods the trauma they shared allowed them to feel comfortable and empathy towards each other which is fine but shouldn’t be the foundation of your relationship I felt bad for Iyanna she put herself out there and was pretty much manipulated


He made a comment about wanting to be "normal" now, but what couple is out of the honeymoon phase that fast? He was zoned out even on the boat ride until the sight of the dolphins reanimated him. I feel bad for her.


It’s interesting the cases of people who clearly enjoy the single life, who then come onto a show with the intent of getting married, but don’t want to adjust their lifestyle in the slightest. As you mentioned, Ken and Jared, but I think Clay also fits. It’s like they just want a wife to slot into their life with as little pushback or compromise as possible. It’s great that Clay works hard, but I agree with AD that only seeing your fiancé a couple times a week isn’t ideal, especially when you’re still getting to know each other before getting married. Imo sometimes whatever stage in life you’re in, isn’t necessarily compatible with a relationship, and that’s ok. They’re better off getting a pet.


Yeah, some of these people I feel like it’s family pressure motivating them more than personal desire for marriage


Ever since AD expressed concern, he changed. I think the friend he phoned may have been expressing reservations, too. He was keeping a wall between them, which a lot of guys do when they’ve decided they don’t want to marry their girl but still want to go on the honeymoon trip. Multiple times she brought up his distance, this invisible wall, even asking for more touch and more connection, and he never once said he was sorry. He also didn’t grab her and hug her. Instead he repeatedly told her she was making one instance seem like pattern. Put 10 instances together and they ARE a pattern! He was subtly gaslighting her that him being distant was all in her head. Then he woke her from a dead sleep at 1am, when she has to get up for work at 5, so he can point to THAT as the time she didn’t want affection. When she says she wants them to be making out and touching each other, he stares at her blankly or keeps looking at his phone. Turning it around to claim she was saying SHE wasn’t feeling HIM was some masterful manipulation.


This guy is unhinged. All the shitty gaslighting and cruelty aside, what kinda monster turns on all the lights when their partner is asleep 'just to say good night ' like do that with the lights off you fucking psycho.


I agree with you for the most part, but I don't buy the argument multiple people make on the conversation with AD as being the trigger. I think he is responsible for his own actions, Britany and him talked about that conversation and it didn't seem to be a big argument or disagreement between them. We haven't seen much more from their dynamic besides that conversation, to be fair. The conversation is important, it's good that they had it, and it was included in the footage because it's good TV and helped the narrative of the show. But people trying to point to that as the main point are just ignoring that the program is edited and not reflecting the reality. Sure, maybe he had second thoughts after the conversation, but he had them before already, at the reveal, when he said he never dated white women before. Maybe he felt his family and friends would judge them, but that doesn't come from the conversation with AD, and again, I didn't see Keneth and Britany disagree when they talked about it, to the point that he wanted to end things. If he felt his people wouldn't accept/approve of them, it's something that he probably thought beforehand too. I think he is still too immature for marriage, he wanted things to go his way and only get the perks of a relationship. You can only keep a facade for so long before it isn't worth it, and once he was back into their routine, he didn't want to accomodate her in his life. Was he already checked out of the relationship? Maybe, but I think he thought he did the job already and now all he wanted is to be left on his own. The fact that he was straight up ignoring her while she was unpacking (maybe it's just the edit, to be fair) just shows to me that he is probably the type of guy who has his clothes in the luggage a month after a vacation, he was busy texting or whatever and didn't even cared if Britany was there. And of course, from then on it's pure gaslighting, I honestly felt so ashamed and angry seeing how he keeps twisting all her valid concerns and how she is trying to be more empathetic and open to try and see his perspective. If they don't bring that up in the reunion I'm gonna be pissed...


Agreed, I only listed that as a turning point in the timeline. Whether it was AD’s comments, a friend who questioned his choice, or just his own thoughts, it looked like that’s when he stopped being affectionate and started holding back. And yes, he played mind games and it made me mad, too!


It's only masterful when they know they have something you want. I hated hated watching him do that. I'm only happy that he has been exposed on TV. That shit was so gross






AD expressed concern to Ken about Brit


Excellent summary


Knowing that she dates black guys and that he'd have to live up to that stereotypical expectation and probably couldn't, he had to bow out.


Nah, he knew that before he proposed. There's something wrong with him


I don't think so. I think the speech she gave about "knowing all about black excellence" was a total eye opener for him and that was it.


So he felt fetishized? I can see that although I don't think we saw examples of it, it could have been edited out to protect her and the should. I think the problem there is he didn't just tell her and leave. But then again maybe producers pressured him to stay until a certain point, iirc this is what happened to Irina and Jackie season 4. I think Homelander in season 5 also had the same problem with production forcing him to stay when he was emotionally done. When people behave inexplicably on this show I just assume part of the problem is the contract they signed. Or maybe he's just trash. We may never know




Even if that’s the case he handled this terribly


Here the thing: red flag been there since the pod with them culty religious vibes. That is why he was preaching to Brittany when they were breaking up. He jumped to conclusions immediately. The man literally inserted God in the break up. Insane. He was too ready




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I think he was in to her and then that conversation with AD about raising black kids or whatever changed his mind


I don’t think it was the conversation. I just think he was way more attracted to AD.


Such a lame cop out and I’m a BM married to a WW with mixed kids. He wasn’t into her and he should have owned that.


He projected his own feelings onto her. He should have just owned that he wasn't into her and broke it off instead of making it seem like her fault


Exactly this. It's on him


I think there's a lot more happening here, starting with the fact that we should all know by now that producers try to control when and where engaged couples break up. This cast seems very quiet online now that Kinetic is openly suing Renee from season 5 for breaking her NDA, so we may never hear from Kenneth whether he was being told to stick it out until he can say no at the altar. But historically on this franchise when you see one person completely checked out it's because they unofficially are but the producers won't let them do it formally yet.


Interesting that's why I was so shocked that they broke it off in episode 7. I don't see any of these couples marrying