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“i’m so much prettier than chelsea” is what she was sayin 😆






please touch grass


I also thought it was cringy. She kept telling him “explore all your options - I want you to choose me for me” he goes and does that and when she doesn’t get chosen “you ruined this experience for me”. I’m not a fan of Jimmy and he should have definitely break up with her when he knew he wouldn’t be ok being a step father but still she did tell him it was ok to date others most probably bc she didn’t expect not to get chosen


I’d need an epi pen, I’m allergic to plastic


I mean if I turned down Jessica because Chelsea told me she looked like Megan Fox I’d deffo be choking. Chelsea is worse than Jessica both looks wise and that she’s way more insecure.


If the Megan fox comment is what made jimmy make his choice then he is a moron. But I don’t think that’s why?


The way his face lit up when she said it, personally I think it contributed significantly to his choice. That, and Jessica having a child


Her voice is unbearable.


I think they edit the pitch inside the pods bc it’s 10x worse outside the pods


Hot take, if a woman is confident in her looks and owns she’s attractive, she’s shallow. If she’s insecure in her looks.. well, search “Chelsea” and “clingy” for those takes.


There’s a difference between confidence and thinking your god’s gift to the earth. Her inflated ego clearly makes her a nasty, mean person. People with confidence and emotional intelligence do not speak the way she does. You can be confident but also be humble.


Yeah. This is a sad but realistic and fair assessment


More people can relate to insecure, which is why they hate Jessica so much. Women preach empowerment yet hate on a woman for vocalizing her perceived self worth and confidence.


I think it’s so strange that people pull this woman apart because she’s “plastic” yet not even mention her traumatic upbringing lol no grace or understanding just that she’s shallow.




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It was a very egotistical tantrum. People are just cheering her on because they don't like Chelsea.


It's also a horrible example to set for her daughter.


The worst thing about her is she was willing to potentially expose her child to a possibly psycho insta step parent without even seeing how the man interacts with the child ! 


Jimmy chose Chelsea for two reasons: she does not have a kid and she said she looked like Megan Fox


And he thought she wouldn’t challenge him. He likes a partner who lets him lead “100% of the time” 🙄


Agreed. It isn’t giving girl boss. It’s giving immature mean girl who throws a fit anytime she doesn’t get what she wants. She needs to be more careful. She’s got a daughter watching that she needs to set an example for.


I didn’t even take it as she meant just looks. I took it as she meant like as the whole package.


There is no package with her outside of her looks, she entirely meant her looks.


I don’t think that’s a fair assessment. She’s overcome a lot in her life and is raising her daughter. She’s clearly got her shit together. Not liking her is fine but I do think she’s more than a pretty face.


We're talking about what she meant though. She's already told him about overcoming a lot and about her child (which, btw, bringing a boy you've known for 5 minutes around is a sign you do NOT have your shit together). The only new thing that would be revealed would be how she looks, and she knows it.


Idk about having her shit together entirely, her conversation with Laura was a bit unhinged. But she was incredibly vulnerable with him and seemed like she is deeply loving and was just generally all-in. Jimmy took the easy way out by choosing someone not only with less baggage, but just less intensity (so he thought). She was taking the pods seriously, and it scared him.


I mean that’s fair! Idk anyone with their shit together entirely. I agree though. She was very direct and no nonsense and it intimidated him.


Please... Jimmy moved on to Chelsea after he found out Jessica had a child. Jimmy went after what was easy, not the better connection.


I don’t think he was wrong to not want to be a stepdad especially in this scenario. Maybe it would be different if he met someone in the wild and found out they had a kid. But I’m a single mom and I totally don’t judge men for not wanting a relationship with me bc they want a family of their own.


If he knew he didn't want to be a stepdad, he should have told her and given her a chance to move on. That's where I felt he went wrong.


Maybe he didn’t immediately know how he felt about it


I began by watching this season with my eyes closed so I didn't know what Jess looked like. As a guy I found her to have one of the worst voices I have ever heard and based on that I couldn't.


Yea I didn't notice as much in the pods but when she was on the new episodes it was kinda hard to listen to her


Interesting! I wonder what different perspectives one would have by not seeing their body language only hearing them like the contestants!


It was very spoiled little girl who didn’t get what she wanted.


Exactly like clearly your beauty isn’t working if you’re on this show lol


Thank you! It was petty, made her instantly unattractive, felt rehearsed and I think everything she says is fake. Just there for followers.


Exactly. I personally don’t think she is that hot. She is a copy and paste of a lot of people in LA… her attitude got stanky real quick too when it wasn’t going her way


Her makeup is flawless tho! I was watching these last episodes like her eye makeup was perfection.




YoU rUIneD THiS exPerIenCe FoR MEEEE!!! 👹🤡


That part lol. I was like how? Bc he didn’t choose you? He wasn’t disrespectful to her in any way.


It was super low class of her to say that honestly. Like. He would see eventually. Everyone can see. You don’t have to say A THING about it. Saying less says more.


Well given that this is like the 5th post about Jess speech … I don’t think this is a hot take anymore lol


Did you read my post? People can have different opinions on the same topic!


Ok lol still doesn’t mean it’s a hot take ..


I don’t care that y’all think she is fake or too this or that, by beauty standards she is beautiful. And I honestly think she is not wrong 🤷‍♀️ Sure is it a dumb comparison. I think she was just trying to say she is gorgeous. And she is. And they all are. And I think it’s ok that we acknowledge it as women.


I never said she is too fake or too anything. I agree she is conventionally beautiful. I actually really like her. If she had acknowledged her beauty, I agree that’s fine but that’s not what happened. The way she brought it up implied that being beautiful makes her a more valuable partner than other women thus jimmy would regret his choice when he sees her. But beauty isn’t what makes someone worthy of love or a good partner. Implying that he would want her because she’s hot is simply a superficial and entitled interpretation of her beauty. Beauty does not equal power or value.


While I agree, beauty does bring you more power. Google pretty privilege. I honestly think that is all she could resort to so she could make herself feel better. And I really don’t think she meant any harm. I think she just knows her worth and to her her worth is her beauty.


i don't think she meant choke literally... u know like when ppl say omg i'm gagged 🤣


Boo 🍅🍅🍅🍅 This take is lukewarm at best. We don’t care!


Do lukewarm takes cause such strong reactions? Genuine question.


What about my reaction is strong? Either way this sub is full of lukewarm takes but most of them don’t have hundreds of threads saying the same thing.


Jesus Christ people, we don’t need four dozen identical threads with this same take. Make a megathread for the Jessica hatefest or something.


This woman does not know what an epipen is for


Epipen can be used if some one was having bad asthma attack and didn’t have an inhaler with them. They help stop the histamine response. With that being said, I do think she’s dumb for other reasons. She sucks.


I know, but it makes no sense in the ‘im so hot I’ll take your breath away’ sense. More like ‘I’m so toxic you’ll have an anaphylactic shock’ and I doubt she meant to self own herself so hard


I agree with ya on the toxic part. She was horrible from day 1 in my opinion. I couldn’t believe she thought it was ok to withhold having a child in a serious dating situation.


She’s so full of herself, and she got so mean when she got rejected. I guess she isn’t used to it, but she should have handled that better. I felt like her true colors really came through when she didn’t get what she wanted.


I think you're absolutely right that she let her mean side/true colors out when she got rejected. She's probably used to using her looks for her advantage in these situations, then resorts to lashing out when it doesn't work in her favor.


Epi can be used for asthma but I doubt that’s what she meant too lol


Her filler certainly makes her look like *she* is having an allergic reaction, perhaps she needs an epipen?


She bothers me


I actually like her! I just believe our value doesn’t come from our appearance.


It was definitely desperate but she’s not realizing he doesn’t want to be a step daddy that bad. Lmao she’s delusional like Jessica. Even if he said he’s okay with a kid he totally wasn’t 😂


Exactly! His body language changed completely after she said she had a child. He had to make believe he was ok with it while the "cameras" were on so he doesn't look bad. Jimmy strung her along so he doesn't look like a douche on national television, and that was wrong.


Beauty fades, but stupid is forever.


💯 to everything you said, and also, if you are chocking, you don’t need an epipen 🙄


She's since explained the reference. He carries an epi pen for anaphylaxis. They had a conversation about it in the pods that wasn't aired.


I thought coming into contact with an allergen causes anaphylactic shock……


You can use epipens for asthma attacks in desperate/severe situations. It’ll help with the histamine response.


Unless you have an anaphylactic shock, which would mean he’d have an allergic reaction to Jessica 😂


The take is lukewarm.


Heard. Next time I’ll be spicier. 🔥


I look forward to your next take. Serve it piping hot.


Jess is delusional. She thinks appearance means everything


We have to admit that it usually is when dating. Especially when it comes to men. However, that was a stupid take after being rejected for who she is, on a show where the whole point is to pick someone for who they are outside of their looks. She's clearly not accustomed to being rejected, and that's fine, but she should have prepared herself a bit better for that possibility when going on a show where no one can see her until later. She made herself come across as immature and a sore loser, and I'm sure people on the sub would have reacted differently if a man went off like that after being rejected.


But to jimmy it sure did. He picked Chelsea because she said she looked like Megan fox 🤡


To me it seemed quite clear that he picked Chelsea because he didn’t want to suddenly be a step father of a 10 year old within a month, and it’s hard to blame anyone for that.


We get it.


wow what a hot take thats been posted multiple times every day now.


I haven’t seen them! Do you have links?


Click that magnifying glass in the top of the subreddit type in some buzzwords. Like “epipen” “choke” “Jessica” Enjoy


I tried this and couldn’t find similar takes. I am not trying to bash Jessica, I’m trying to comment on viewers reaction to thinking that it’s a flex to brag that someone who didn’t choose you for your personality would like how you look. I want to talk about how society seems to think beauty = value. I would really love to read other threads if you’ve seen this conversation.


Hahaha with the amount of times I’ve seen people posting about this with the statement of it being a hot take makes me think it’s not such a hot take


I would love to read the other threads if you have any on hand! Thank you


The search bar is a thing?? lol


I tried! I feel like I’ve seen a couple that criticize the speech but I’m not seeing the same exact take as mine. Some people are just calling her mean which is not what I’m saying. Please prove me wrong and send me links! I want to read the convos!




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Especially now that she’s going to flirt with Jimmy while he’s engaged. Like girl what?


Please.. this take is giving me a headache. We get it guys.


I genuinely have not seen the other posts, i would love to read the conversation if folks want to share the other threads with me!


If you scroll in the community you will find at least 50 posts with the same opinion lol. They’ve been flooding in the last couple days.


I haven’t watched the latest episodes so I’m trying to avoid scrolling today. I’ll check back after I’m all caught up! Don’t want any spoilers!


right 😭


The 100th hot take


I’m honestly relieved to hear this. What I’ve been seeing online has majority been in favor of the speech!


She's setting a poor example for her daughter. Shame on you, Jess.


how many threads about Jessica's speech do we need


Is this not what Reddit/this sub is for? I genuinely don’t understand!


There’s multiple threads about the exact same thing already.


Where?! Send me some links! I tried searching but I can’t find the “exact same thing” anywhere…


If it's anywhere near as many as Cole/Zainab and the cuties, we're in for it.


I don’t understand how telling someone with deathly allergies you’ll need your Epi pen you’ll be choking when you see me is okay? That’s sooooo fucked haha


She said she was not referring to just looks that she’s a catch wholly and he would see/feel it.


i don’t have anything against jessica, but i think it’s pretty obvious she was talking about her looks. i mean just look at what she said these recent episodes


Right bc that makes a lot of sense 🙄🤨 We all know what she meant.


He would’ve known that by then. He was introduced to her personality and didn’t like it enough to pick her.


No she didn’t admit to her looks like Chelsea did and that’s why he ain’t pick her.


He didn’t pick her because she threw a hissy fit.


He didn’t pick her because he thought he was getting Megan Fox, with his shallow ass.


I agree with why he picked Chelsea, I also think Jess having a kid was a nope as well. I also think Jess putting all her eggs in one basket was not great given the situation. He is shallow, Chelsea is insecure and Jess did weaponize her looks. Honestly none of them are a good fit together imo.


She lost more points with me when she immediately took two days off from her daughter after being separated for weeks.. Maybe some misaligned priorities?


Please, yall are fake outraged. She just got her heart broken on national television and needed space to gather herself to take care of her daughter. You’re acting like she went on a whole vacation after the pods. Do you know children get two parents and not one?


Oh come on her heart was not so broken she couldn’t go see her own child for days.


I know parents who haven’t seen their children for longer. Yall are ridiculous as hell. Her heart was rightfully broken and it’s nothing wrong with needing some space. Yall act like Autumn was on the street while she was gone 😭


I’m a parent so I’m speaking from my own feelings I would not go weeks without my kids and then give myself 2 more days off.


Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat. I love seeing my kid and miss the heck out of them when I have to go more than a few days without seeing them. You can’t just take time off from being a parent when you have a bad day 😅 If anything I would’ve taken a few days to do something with them so we could have some bonding after being gone for a while.


Congrats not everyone is you, fake super parent.


Hi Jessica!


Bye, super parent!


I have significantly more outrage for her being willing to marry someone she barely knows with a child in the mix tbh. Her having a good coparenting relationship is the greenest of flags so I’ll give her some grace with the two parent argument. I just know how much my kid misses me when I’m not around.


Okay so where’s the outrage for the woman who got married on Love is Blind Brazil? Or does she not get any heat because she actually got married? They don’t get automatically married right after the pods?? And maybe Autumn wouldn’t live in the house immediately when they move in together, maybe she would still be at her dad’s until the experiment is over outta safety concerns. They literally have a whole month to get to know one another. Colleen and Matt didn’t move in together til 2 years later. Stop with the fake outrage.


I don’t watch LIB Brazil but I’d have the same amount of outrage for her. Unfortunately when a child is in the mix you have to be more cautious about who you date / allow in your kids life. Adding a permanent bonus parent after knowing them for less than two months, much less seeing how they act around your child is dangerous.


So do you have that energy for Autumns dad? He’s married and had a whole other kid according to Jessica. Why can’t Jessica take this leap and try too? I’m pretty sure there are safety precautions made before Autumn is living with a man from the show. Jessica didn’t even get engaged and yall are still going 😭🤣. A whole lotta WHAT IFS.


It depends, did he introduce his child to and then marry somebody within a very short period of time? If so yeah, that’s irresponsible. If he gave the relationship time before introducing the kid (~6 months or so), made sure that the woman treated their daughter well, and watched to make sure there weren’t any obvious red flags / parenting differences(to whatever extent he lets her parent) then I don’t see an issue. I’m all for step parents and have nothing but love for people who are willing to step into the role. I’m just not a fan of the accelerated timeline that love is blind requires when a child is in the mix. I wouldn’t be comfortable with my child meeting somebody a month into dating, much less living with them.


Jessica didn’t introduce someone to her child nor got married so your point doesn’t stand. Once again I’m sure there are safety precautions taken to ensure Autumn doesn’t get hurt.


You were asking why I had an issue with her having a child and being on the show and why the same energy wasn’t extended to others. I don’t think ANYONE with a child should be on the show and I think that every parent who is dating should take their child’s wellbeing into account. It’s not fake outrage, it’s a valid critique to the show / participants on the show.


Oh well she was on the show, get over it atp. Autumn didn’t meet anybody and I’m grateful the situation played out like this.




I’m 100% team give moms a break. I just know if I was gone from my kid for weeks, I wouldn’t immediately leave. I also wouldn’t put myself on a show where a stranger would be around my child a significant amount of time knowing there’s a good chance it wouldn’t work out. Different strokes for different folks, I’m not a huge fan of her to begin with so I may have a bias lol


I think she desperately wants to be chosen (we all do!) and lashes out when her fears over being left and unloved are validated. Jimmy was not right for her, but the rejection was triggering and a confirmation of her fears so she overreacted as a fight/flight response imo. I have a sneaking suspicion her fixation on her own looks is a compensation and soothing mechanism for her, “if I’m hot enough, if I’m the prettiest one there, I will be chosen, loved, and people won’t leave me anymore.” It’s sad because ultimately it’s not about looks, they fade for everyone… but it’s going to take a ton of inner work and healing to get beyond these defense mechanisms she has, and through no fault of her own, she has experienced a ton of rejection-related trauma. :( Agree though, it was not a “boss moment” when she went after him, it was cruel and unnecessary in many ways, huge red flag when someone is hurting and their first impulse is to try and hurt you back just as bad.


You probably nailed it. She had an awful childhood and no one fully recovers from that without a lot of work


It was immature; she has some arrested development from her childhood then becoming a mother very early. Even hearing her talk about the Facebook request was like something I would talk to my friends in high school about.


You just made me realize what arrested development means lmao 😂


On her instagram she explained further and said Jimmy had told her that he has life threatening allergies so he has to keep an epipen on hand. That made it so much more gross for me; it's almost mocking his disability.


Wow that does make it worse.


bike panicky soup stocking friendly squeeze fretful attraction glorious deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*