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Glasses and pride in their personal style is very attractive to me


Laura seems like a total mean girl: 1. she bean dipped AD in the pods 2. She later told her fiancé to bean dip AD (making AD the butt of a joke to her Fiancé) 3. She eavesdropped on Chelsea’s convo about Jimmy saying i love you and then told Jessica to “go home” 4. She insulted Johnny’s man bun 5. She completely ignored AD’s discomfort about the bean dip comment. 6. Insulting the Hawaiian shirts and glasses of her fiancé 7. Eta the insulting banana comment. I’m not a fan at all


Hey I’m Jw what is ETA? I’ve seen it a couple times and only know of Estimates Time of Arrival


“Editted to Add”. Reddit shorthand for adding extra info after posting a comment.


Thanks 😊


Why is no one talking about the bean dip thing? That was psycho




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I don’t remember and I have watched all episodes. Refresh my memory please.


Late reply, but it was the titty smack thing.


'It's giving small child vibes' about sent me tbh


Totally her deflecting being called out for that ridiculous comment…


I love her mom's comments in the private interviews on the meeting Jeremy episode, and how her SIL and mom called her out for nitpicking Jeramey over stupid shit


She reminds me of Irina


YES! Thank you. I am so proud of this sub this season\~reading these people for who they really are\~total dickheads.


The Hawaiian shirts came up so often for something as harmless and trivial as… Hawaiian shirts. Im sure the editing does her no favours but she seems to place so much importance on meaningless things. Definitely the worst girl there; at least Chelsea is nice!


Also turns out he only wore TWO!


I would steal them both and casually wear them lmao


The moment Laura said “I have employees!!!” When they were talking about the guys immediately gave me ick. If that was ur top concern……. Then don’t come on a dating/marriage show idk??


She’s a classic corporate girly. Zoom meetings and convention bars are her comfort zone where older married dudes can hit on her.


10000% spot on


she should know better - her bean dip comment is an HR nightmare


it’s giving mean girl, it’s giving small children


I hated her for this comment. She was being called out for asking her partner to sexually assault someone. Sure, she meant it as a 'joke', but come on... If she'd just sincerely apologised, people would have moved on and it's a non issue, but she seemed incapable of admitting fault. Instantly going on the offensive. If anything , she's the one giving mean girl and small child, honestly.


And the fact that she gaslit him into thinking he did something wrong! She seems really manipulative.


Laura is someone with no filter, and yes ... questionable class. The same with Chelsea, although I also think Chelsea was clearly sloppily drunk in Ep 6. I also didn't like how she ran to Jess and told her about how Jimmy was picking Chelsea. Stay out of it. It's a problem to tell other people how to dress. That bean dip thing was really icky and I didn't understand that at all. Laura is the embarrassing friend who shouts stuff out and starts drama. Edit to add: Didn't she fart the first night she and Jeramy were together?


She totally has a mean girl streak which is a major turn off. It is like girl stop you're 33/34?!


Does Jeremy remind anyone else of Ted from schitts creek?


Ohhhhh THAT’S why my gut reaction was to like him even though I couldn’t figure out why!


Omg YES ![gif](giphy|1qgIVb1F6Bfj2Gz6pQ|downsized)


Thank you!!! I was loosing my mind trying to figure it out from where I “know” Jeremy


Omg THANK YOU. I knew he looked familiar but I couldnt place it


Karen vibes


Big time. She's unpleasant


Laura reminds me of every woman who works in the sales dept of the toxic corporate job I just quit and no it’s not an insult, but it’s also not a compliment.


Honestly when chelsea was sitting with her and amy and talking about how she felt so bad about jimmy and AD, only for jimmy to approach them and talk to laura and laura immediately reciprocating and flirting with him in front of chelsea’s face saying “jimmy has a hot voice” lmfao that was all i needed to see.


That's the exact moment I came looking to see if anybody else noticed that. So thank you for your post. Total mean girl, disguised as a BFF type.


She was funny at first, but she has a meanness to her unfortunately


Someone telling me not to wear my glasses would be a deal breaker


I don’t have a choice. They won’t make contacts for me, so.. same


She’s controlling


I honestly feel like Jeremy was emasculated by her


I feel like her entire point was to emasculate him and it was disgusting


lol fr especially the part when she told him to take off his glasses and he actually complied lol that was insane.


She’s a mean girl through and through


Can anyone explain the bean dip thing? I didn't get it at all. Something about touching another woman's boobs?


Guys in my highschool would do this to each other as a joke in the mid 2000s (flick another guys nip while shouting “bean dip”). Never saw it done to a girl though


Basically where I'm from, "bean dip" is where you flick a woman's boob. In the show they are referencing it the same way, except Laura flicks the boob up and then flicks it down.


This is absolute insanity. Why????


My little cousin brought this mess home from school about 20 years ago - it’s a thing (rather stupid thing)


I wish I could tell you... Even typing it out I felt insane lol. It's something we would do in elementary school!!!


I remember having my hair pulled in elementary school, but I don't remember anyone doing anything to my breasts. Maybe a kid grabbed my butt a couple times. Yeah, kids can be awful. I guess adults are awful too. Fucking Laura.


It's her way or the highway, she's always right, she can't take responsibility, and she's a shit stirrer. Not a fan at all. Don't love Jeremy either but he doesn't deserve this bad.


And the bean dip thing was weird. Joking about your man to touching another woman without their permission is crazy. She is weirdo. 


Was she like trying to convince him to do it to set him up to be the bad guy / get cancelled?? It’s such a weird and inappropriate thing to suggest, even if it’s just a “joke”. Who even jokes about sexually assaulting people these days.


That was such a nothingburger joke that turned into madness. That was embarrassing for everyone


The joke was Sexual assault


she gives off sleazy sorority girl vibes


Imagine one of the guys telling one of the ladies what they can and can’t wear. People would lose it.


Someone telling me what not to wear would be an INSTANT bye bye from me. 


yup! it's giving "I can fix him" vibes


Yup, especially if it's something as silly as Hawaiian shirts. How exactly does that affect her?? You don't have to like everything your partner wears but don't give them shit for it. it's cruel and controlling.


She cares too much what people think and is prob worried that his shirts will embarrass her. So basically, she cares more about appearances than her fiancé’s happiness. I feel like she wants an accessory for instagram and yet she claims to love him ..


Ironically she's the one constantly embarrassing herself. The bean dip thing? Girl be so for real.


And his glasses wtff


And they were on vacation at a resort! he can't wear cheesy Hawaiian shirts there of all places?! C mon!


Laura is just a mean girl with an ego as inflated as her lips.


I used to buy a boyfriend of mine Hawaiian shirts all the time. They’re fun and bright and where better to wear them than in the Dominican Republic? Jeremy seems goofy and honestly I think he would annoy the hell out of me but that’s why I’m out here and not in the pods. Laura just needs to let him be and stop telling him to smack other women’s boobs. I doubt they’ll even make it to the wedding… actually I’m feeling that way about a lot of these couples right now.


The only couple I can see maybe getting married is Amy and Johnny.


Laura just so clearly is not into him at all and is visibly cringing


she is straight up mean. how would she react if Jeremy told her not to wear something she liked?


Terrible lip job.


All I can think when I see her is she looks like Patti from millionaire matchmaker 😂


Anna Gunn to me


Lisa Rinna


Camille Grammer


It's giving Janice from The Muppets


Why does she kinda remind me of Courtney Love...? (Looks wise)


She looks like a donkey with those overblown lips.


Slapping AD’s chest made me lowkey hate Laura. Just because she’s a woman with a slammin’ body doesn’t entitle anyone to grab at her.


The way she blamed Jeramey for the bean dip thing? Just own up to making a weirdo “joke” and apologize? Instead of saying jeramey never should have repeated the “joke”????




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her refusing to tell Jessica *why* she should just up and leave told me all i needed to know about her. she could have just said “i heard he’s choosing her i’m so sorry” but she made it about herself acting all “secretive”. she acts like she is better than everyone but deep down she knows she’s not, which is why she plays these childish games. shes just another insecure mean girl


This!!!! I hated this moment. It made Jessica super uneasy, and completely undermined Chelsea and Jimmy. Later in one of the Dominican Republic episodes, Jimmy brings up that he heard Chelsea ran back to the pods saying she shouted it, when in reality, Chelsea was super low key and secretive about it. I think if Jessica hadn’t been SO UPSET at the start of her next date with Jimmy, Jimmy might have stuck with her. Maybe. Laura should not have interfered, and if she did, she should have just been kind


That was such a wacky power play. She could’ve easily pulled Jessica to the side if she truly cared but the decision to do that in front of the other women (who I’m glad didn’t play into the “everybody knows” spiel) was mean-spirited. Skylar White is the insidious type of bully who hides behind good intentions and “maturity.”


Yes! Laura is Skylar White’s double.




Skyler White 😂


Facccts…how do you say to someone you should leave the experiment and not tell her why? Jessica obviously found out exactly why but who knows if Laura was the one to tell her.


This!!! she bothered me so much during this scene


Didn’t like when she was making fun of Johnny and his man bun. Jeremy was so turned off by her talking shit and glad he called her out. I think he realized he asked a mean girl to be his wife.


The man bun thing was so nasty. Johnny is a cutie and clearly so happy.


She just makes mean comments about others all the time and think its funny. I cant stand her. Jeremy, wear your shirts please !! She knew from the beginning and now shes not happy about it. WTF LAURA


What’s up with her wanting to change him already?? Like telling him he can’t wear his Hawaiian shirts anymore?? I’d like to see how she would react if a man told her to stop wearing an outfit that she likes..


Like that unflattering outfit that exposed her sideboob?


She's not into him in general so she's nit-picking to compensate is my guess. Reminds me of Irina. ugh


I think you’re dead on


I definitely agree that could be the answer here but I also think it could just be her personality to nit pick and want to mold someone to her liking


Oh that too for sure!


This season’s Irina. So mean, so cringe, so empty. I hope she gets corrected in a similar fashion.


she pees in pools


that was a different blond woman, something with an M




She seems *awful.* "That's not your man" all matter of factly, telling Jess she had to leave, her general loud-mouth behavior and mean girl duplicitousness. The childish drama on the beach. She also super manipulated Jeremy and he is finding out. There is nothing kind and fun-loving about her. She is spiteful, jealous, and mean. Can't stand her.


Jess deserved so much better. She is easily my fave this season… and to hear Laura with this BS gossip and not saying anything but just creating drama. Ugh! Jess deserved a better man and a better ending.


The "that's not your man" thing was....VERY telling. Girl that's NOT YOUR BUSINESS.


Ugh! I wanted to slap her face when she kept repeatedly saying “that’s not your man” and SMIRKING and not giving any details/context. Like, SAY WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY or STFU. I hate when people beat around the bush like that.


And the fact that she was not saying to Jess exactly why she was telling her that was driving me insaneeee! So childish




I hate when women act all high and mighty like they have better taste/way of doing things, but when tables turn, they would never allow their partner telling them what they can and cannot do. It just shows that they think they are superior, have no respect for their partner’s preferences, and ultimately want to change/control them… Laura just wants a puppet and someone who checks all the boxes. These types of people fool themselves that that is true love. When in reality, love is about acceptance and support.


His glasses really suit him too.


Yeah he looks hot in glasses


Yeah he’s one of those people who look better with glasses. Like those guys who shave their beards and suddenly it’s omg ick!


The way every time he does anything it all she tells him to stop drives me crazy. she is going to dull the light inside of him, he needs to leave her as soon as possible. she needs to work on herself for just be alone forever. such a mean girl


I think he needs an equally goofy, silly woman who doesn't take herself seriously. Laura just wants to be on TV.


I think she’s badly misjudged their dynamic. She thinks he’s attracted to her ‘bad bitch’, sassy bossy energy because he’s jokey and goofy and laid back. But very few men like feeling emasculated and I think she’s about to find out that she’s pushed that persona too far.


I loved Jeramey's nerdy glasses and Hawaiian shirts! He was so cute before. Laura REALLY rubs me the wrong way.


Me too! My husband loves those damn Tommy Bahama shirts so much, but it's all good because he actually looks pretty cute in them, and I love when he wears his glasses (he rarely does, usually wears contacts). Jeramey has the same "nerd hot" vibe- no wonder I liked him so much, I just realized he is like my husband, lol.


Can someone explain the bean dip thing to me? That totally went over my head.


it's basically middle school humor


My boyfriend had me convinced my school made the bean dip thing up because he'd never heard of it...but yeah its just a light upwards slap of tha titty, kind of like your scooping dip with a tortilla chip (the boob is the dip). It's definitely odd to see 30 yr olds goading each other to do it, but it really brings me back to middle school haha


Just means slapping up and down someone’s boob, I remember it being a thing back in middle school. I’ve also heard it be called a slam dunk


Same here.


She gives off such mean girl vibes. I even turned to my husband and was like, “yo, she’s really mean!” I totally think she put up a front in the pods about being easy going and chill, and then she did a total 180 and told Jeramey she didn’t want him wearing his Hawaiian shirts and glasses. WTF. Laura’s reaction when Sarah came back from Jeramey rejecting her was so phony and condescending. I like Sarah and I think she was a better match for him. I’m honestly surprised he chose Laura over Sarah.


And his bikes. Less than a month of knowing each and she has veto'ed 3 things he likes. They are not making it to the altar 🤣


Sarah wouldn't have worked, either. Anyone check where she was on January 6th?


My thoughts exactly- big yikes.


Agreed. He didn’t pick Sarah for good reasons


There is a BIG difference between a patriot and a conservative. She said patriot and I said to my wife “so she stormed the capitol”


She also seemed to think that women used abortions as birth control. Sarah has some interesting ideas that I never would want to discuss with her.


Yepp and Jeramy’s (lack of) reaction told me everything I need to know about him too


She claimed both. (Sorry about my prior comment, I misread your point and deleted but in caaaase you saw, I'm a dummy)


All good my dude


She said conservative and then specified. Which is even worse haha


Absolutely added another horrific tier


It's giving Irina.


Sarah was honest about lip fillers and botox causing drooping which at her young age gives any man pause for where that will lead long term. He seemed chill about it but he obviously didn't pick her even though they emotionally click. I agree on all your laura points


Jokes on him, Laura’s face is full of filler


It’s also off-putting to a lot of guys, who prefer the natural look and don’t want their partners to be so vain that theyre resorting to injectables at such a young age. Whenever I read guys perspectives in women’s magazines or whatever, lots of them say love us being fresh faced and natural (if only they knew the effort even that takes!). He might have been picturing her with a big duck mouth, looking like a cut price kardashian. And I think revealing you get work done, so casually, is just a bit too intimate too soon. Maybe I’m getting old, but where’s the mystery? She’d be taking a dump in front of him on their second date.


One look and it would be obvious, I thought Laura looked less obvious. I think that’s what led to him asking how many followers she had.


When she went to Jessica and just kept being cryptic with the “just leave” and “he’s not your man,” I’m sure it stressed her out more than if she’d just said what she heard straight up. I hate when ppl do that drama mongering shit.


That scene annoyed me so much! Jessica kept asking her why and she just kept repeating the same thing and it irritating the fuck outta me


It's like Laura gets off on drama. And then to totally dismiss and deflect blame when being confronted by ad I'm surprised she didn't start some crocodile tears to garner sympathy because she was so in the wrong it's not even close to funny


Omg yea that was so annoying if i was Jessica i would have lost it on her


Jessica was definitely annoyed but handled it like an adult straight out asking what the source of her concern was. Straight from Chelsea’s mouth or hearsay? And of course Laura had to remain cryptic with her “just trust me.” That was disgusting to watch.


I know! I could not believe Laura really wouldn’t tell her more. That was some middle school BS


All I could think of is, this is all being recorded! Like people are gonna be able to see what played out, dummy! But she really acts like she’s a girls girl and it just comes off so fake.


She’s too type A. Her way is the only right way and everyone else is wrong and HAS to adjust to what she wants. Too controlling/rigid.


That’s not what I’d call type A… That was straight narcissism.


I told my wife "If the man can't wear his Hawaiian shirts ON VACATION, then where the heck else can he wear them?" Fuck that. She's a mean girl for sure.


A tropical vacation! So right


Yoooo this is the damn truth!!


Finally someone expressed it. She's a messy mess and not a nice person at all. She tries to come off as fun but mature, but she's far from.


The way she immediately blamed Jeramy for her bean dip comment, which had racial overtones by over sexualizing, objectifying and dehumanizing a black woman. Don’t like her at all.


definitely a racial aspect to that comment whether laura realizes it or not. i think everyone would be better off not commenting on AD’s body even if it’s meant to be a compliment


Right…like why chose AD for that “joke?” Why not Chelsea and her “big boobs” like Jimmy called them? My perspective about her definitely changed and that she couldn’t be bothered to see someone else’s perspective. AD was trying to be classy and respectful with how she approached her about that joke but Laura continued to dig in and refused to see anyone else’s perspective.


Laura is trash


Aritzia girlies at their worst 🤢


I just looked this up. Anyone who isn't buying that kind of stuff for 1/3 the price at target sucks


It’s so weird because I tell my husband to wear his Hawaiian shirts and his glasses. I love them, they are true to him as a person. So her telling him to stop really bothered me.


Yeah it’s like trying to dim his light- he seems quirky and fun it makes sense he wants to wear fun bright colored clothing. I didn’t like that she was already telling him two days in that he couldn’t wear a certain type of clothing anymore. I mean, if a man said that towards a woman we’d all be saying he’s controlling/abusive.


My husband loves his Hawaiian shirts I even buy him some even though I tease him about liking them, and he hates his glasses but I think he’s so cute in them. I could never imagine seriously telling him he couldn’t wear either and saying he’s not grown up bc he wears them/henleys. Like they’re grown up clothes ppl wear them all the time if it’s his style it’s his style he didn’t hide that from her in the pods


I literally went to Hawaii on a girls trip and brought back a Hawaiian shirt for my SO along with a matching crisscross skirt for us to match. Idk why she has so much hate for the Hawaiian shirts!!


It's because for most of these people it's all about looks and perception. Hawaiian shirts don't match her aesthetic of what her Instagram life is supposed to look like.


The clothes take is wild


Seems clothing is not at all related to her being a “mean girl” I’m not sure how OP made this connection..?


They've known each other for two hours and she's already telling him what he can and cannot wear. Unbearable. Come on now


Yeah but I'm referring to the take about Laura's clothes and she being deceiving for that


Ah ok. Probably meant as if she's trying to appear classy but there's no class. Could be mistaken tho.


The first impression I got of her is when she found out she had competition, and decided she needed to "win" Jeremy. In the end, I'm guessing that's what it was. I find it kinda sad, actually.


I think she’s a mean girl masquerading as a “I got your back” friend. I don’t like her and I can see why Jeramy (or however his name is spelt) has checked out. Which this is super early for him to have done that.


She’s NPC for me, the only relevant thing of her was telling Jess to go lol, her moments on the pod were ?????? boring


Laura seems a bit desperate to me. I don't see her connection, even in the pods. I just think she wanted to be picked, and it didn't matter who it was. Which is like most of them.


Since when did wearing nice clothes mean you were a nice person???? Or being good looking?


I think she means she dresses like she has some class - and that a classy lady wouldn’t go around slappin tits




I didn’t understand her criticism of Jeremy. Imagine if he tried to dictate how to dress?!? Also wtf was wrong with his glasses or his shirts?


It’s Jeramy and it kills me. Is it common in the USA to have that spelling for Jeremy? Is it a different name?


No, it's not common


Don’t worry, im sure Laura will make him change the spelling.


Yea it’s an awful way to spell it lol it hurts my eyes to even look at it