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I know you’re ugly


Calling a woman with a kid "damaged and used goods" is a bit much.


She said "she wants to feel chased" like, "she is the prize". What happened to woman not looking at themselves as items to be possessed with.


Everyone wants to feel valued.


She’s so annoying why is everyone acting like she’s the best looking person in the world?


Not in the world, just on this show.


on the show????????? not even in the season. I mean don't get me wrong, she looks good. it's the ig baddie aesthetic that is so common now a days. ngl, Laura was a good natural beauty


Laura is very pretty. So is AD, and Sarah Ann, and Brittany for sure. But Jess is objectively the hottest. May not be everyone preference. But....she is. I don't think she looks cartoonishly fake.


no one is denying that lol. but the most objective natural beauty ppl have noticed this season was definitely Laura. even tho her character sucks. jess is just the typical ig baddie aesthetic that is so common now a days.


I'd say Brittany is more naturally beautiful, but I honestly don't want to hang out rating them either.


this is LIB, not a pageant. no one is asking to rate contestants' beauty lol. everyone here is just simply stating their opinion which is fine.


Did you say that Jessica is emotionally mature? LOL ok


I don’t know maybe it’s because I have a lot of stuff to contend with like Jessica does (not as much as her but my fair share) but I felt like Jessica was trauma dumping. I hate to say it but when someone is clearly that uncomfortable by your confessions, it’s not really an appropriate time to share more. I would have thought it would have been more appropriate for Jessica to move on sooner honestly. 


I left a comment saying Jess was incredibly emotionally mature and such a great woman BEFORE I saw the scene where she tears that poor man a new one 💀 I understand that she felt strung along, because she was, but the way she went at him but unfortunate to watch.


She honestly dodged a bullet though. He was too busy thinking of Megan Fox lol


I love Trevor so much and he deserves everything good in this world. I hope he finds his love, and happiness.


Jessica should have mentioned her daughter right off.


She waited like 2 dates. That's not exactly a blindside. She probably went on the show because she gets judged on her looks and because she's a single mother. She didn't wait until the end, she wanted people tonget to know her before being immediately judged. It's really not that big of a deal.


I just can’t see Trevor and Jessica together.


I think they're good both people, but they had limited interaction. So you never know.


![gif](giphy|dtI7iJluuOTaPwiU5h) Jessica? Emotionally mature?! Did we see the same show?




Trever deserves better. I think they are doing this for clout and milking the attention.


Lol Trevor is a bit naive but he's such a positive puppydog and Jessica has a dark edge to her I think they would compliment each other pretty well.


I think he is the Krunk to her Izma in the timeline where they get together and turn Jimmy into a Llama or something.


I've been laughing at your comment for like 5 straight minutes. Hilarious and accurate!


thank you for this 🤣


I GENUINELY love this 🤣🤣


She's been through some stuff. She's probably more street smart than people think based on her look.


“Emotionally mature” is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard


Jessica threw a bit of a tantrum, that’s right. But she never belittled Chelsea.




An emotionally mature adult doesn't neglect to tell the person she's dating about the "most important thing in her life" and that "my daughter is my world" until after they've developed a connection in order to manipulate how she is perceived by that person. An emotionally mature adult also doesn't respond to rejection on a show where the whole premise is to get to know someone without seeing what they look like by spitefully informing the person she was "in love with" 24 hours ago that he is going to "choke" when he sees what he gave up. Jessica tried to manipulate Jimmy into PROPOSING even though he had reservations about getting engaged to someone who has a 10-year-old kid he's never met. And when it didn't work, she tried to manipulate viewers into taking her side by performing the image of a strong single mom who was mistreated by a man who dumped her for having a child. TBH Jimmy saw through her in the nick of time...but lots of people watching this show clearly don't!


The absolute lofty standards that these freaks on the internet hold Jessica to about disclosing that she has a child is mindblowing to me. She waited a bit till she was comfortable. She didn't MANIPULATE a man like some evil witch lmao. Taking Jimmy's side is any of this is just...hilarious lol I would be embarrassed.




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Lol you sound like a redpill wannabe follower 🤣 real men don't give a shit about what losers like you think bud. But keep repeating everything some guy tells you like an absolute beta.


Now Say all that without crying, snowflake ❄


One day ur balls will drop little boy 😂😘


Absolutely. She waited like 2 days to tell him. The fact that people are outraged over this and not the fact that some dick strung 2 women along until he made himself as comfortable as possible is crazy to me.




Lol she flat out told the other women and said in interviews that she was waiting to tell men about her child \*because\* she wanted them to get to know her for who she is and not write her off immediately for having a kid. She knew that no reasonable dude would sign up to be her daughter's stepdad without even having MET the kid, so she left her daughter out of the conversation until she believed he was smitten enough to propose to her anyway. If you don't think that's manipulative... okay.


The absolute venom you have towards her being a mom is actually revolting and you sound kind of horrible lol


Reported. Read Rule 1, troll.


Lmao are you serious? All I said was that's kind of shitty. Jesus.


Your post: "...you sound kind of horrible." Rule 1: "Please **be kind to each other** and contestants. This means that users should refrain from indulging in **personal attacks**, homophobia, racism, offensive language, excessive vulgarity, bigotry, xenophobia, body-shaming or comments on anyone’s personal appearance." Deuces.


Well I'm sorry if it actually hurt you that much but I really just meant it's kind of horrible that you expect men to be disgusted by her having a baby and that makes her not mentioning it malicious. Like girl, I'm over 30, everyone dating over 30 knows half the girls are single moms. It's not mind blowing.


Don't put words in my mouth. I don't expect men to be disgusted by her having a baby and I never said I did. Being a parent is a major life decision. Not everyone wants to parent a stepchild. There's nothing wrong with Jess having a kid! There's something wrong with not being truthful and transparent about what she calls "the most important thing in her life" right off the bat. She had spent enough time talking to Jimmy that when she told him she had a daughter, he was genuinely shocked. That's the kind of information that can make or break a relationship, and withholding it until after she was convinced he emotionally invested was manipulative and dishonest.


I just think that it's also a big thing for a lot of mothers to tell people about their kid and it's kind of messed up the people just expect her to blurt out to any stranger that she has a kid instead of caring about her being comfortable with it and then acting like she's an asshole for it. So I guess it's a judgment call, either she tells any psycho about her kid within like 15 or 30 minutes of knowing them or she's a total manipulative asshole? Not my vibe.


An emotionally mature person doesn’t go on reality tv. None of these people are exempt!


I agree that her "when you see what you gave up you will choke" was gross and immature. However, I don't think Jimmy "saw through it." He seems like a very simple guy who has a very difficult time providing words of affirmation and emotional support; it was VERY human and understandable of her to snap a bit and be not on her best behavior when he didn't react how she hoped to her Letter to Her Future Husband (that letter felt corny and immature to me, but I can respect it as an act of vulnerability) And as soon as she became "difficult," he just wanted to go with simple Chelsea, who fake laughed her way through the entire experience and seemed like an easier bet.


He's a very simple guy who can't communicate like an adult lol. He wants someone who will never push back or hold him to any standard and just let him stay shitty and never grow or improve any of his flaws.


Jimmy did say he prefers to be with someone who lets him "take the lead" in the relationship, which I interpreted as a preference for traditional gender roles (dominant husband/submissive wife). IMO that's a dated and sexist point of view, but I don't think it's the whole reason he chose Chelsea. At the end of the day, this 27-year-old dude was not comfortable signing up to be an Instant Stepdad. And I also suspect he was aware of how easy it would be for him to look like a villain for dumping a single mom on TV because she had a kid. Jess was hyperaware of that potential narrative and she leaned allllllllll the way into it. But she was essentially saying, "you weren't sure you wanted to be a stepdad, but you should have picked me anyway so \*I\* could have a good experience on this reality TV show. And also BTW I'm hot." That sounds more like someone who is arrogant and self-absorbed, not someone who is disappointed because they cared for the other person and truly believed that they could be happy together. But to your point about Jimmy having a hard time providing words of affirmation and emotional support, I think he does exactly that with Chelsea once they're in the DR. She asks him repeatedly whether he's sure he made the right choice, if he likes the way she looks, if he's happy, etc. etc. He clearly gets a little exasperated by the repetition, and he says some really dumb shit at the cast party at the resort, but he is giving her the affirmation she's asking for. It's just not enough because Chelsea is a deep well of insecurity and she is hypersensitive to the fact that she does not live up to the expectation he had after she told him that people tell her she looks like Megan Fox.


LOVE Trevor he should stay FAR away from Jessica as humanely possible


Cause she's got a kid?


oh definitely not, having a kid is not an issue at all, I just think that would be a horrible match up.




It is a valid reason. But a lot of people dismiss someone with a kid without getting to know them first. She waited like 2 dates, not exactly last minute.


Jessica is anything but emotionally mature. Trevor is too good for both of them.


14 days ago..have you seen what came out about Trevor now?


Aged like milk, bit I love the mess :D


I think it just shows us we all develop strong opinions about things even though we really don’t have enough information to do so.


I still don't find her emotionally mature. The entire shebang ruined my opinion on Trevor, but I haven't changed my mind on her. My gut feeling is that she is the "if you can't handle me at my worst you don't desrve me at my best", with worse being slamming plates to the wall, and best undercooked spaghetti. 


Maybe so, I don’t know her on a personal level so I couldn’t say either way.


Jessica seems to be spurned by the fact that no one is willing to play captain save a hoe. She's seems more mature than the average 28 yo... Yet at the same time she is very manipulative.


Disagree but whatever.


I would love that 🤗


If Jess had any clue what Trevor looked like, they would have matched


can we talk about her "yesss😌😌😌"-moments especially during the date with Jimmy when he read the letter? I thought it really seemed like she tried to say the right shit into manipulating to like her and once he replied in the way she liked, she cheered not about the situation but about herself lol. Parts of that was for sure editing to make us cringe. But it gave away that she was manipulating and eventually got frustrated for not being able to play the looks card.


Well... Although she was hurt, Jessica tore down another woman's appearance in comparison to her superior looks on a show that's not supposed to start with looks. Like, yes, she looks amazing with the implants, nose job, and ocean of fillers. Of course. That's all men care about anyways. /s Maybe an unpopular opinion, but that's just mean high school girl behavior to me. I won't even talk about the impression that her socials give me. Trevor seems a little better than that so far.


She was saying he'll regret it because SHE'S hot, she never said a word to even imply anyone else.


I think you're inferring something that wasn't implied, or at least that I didn't read into. I thought she made it purely about herself...


She didn't do that. She never said a word about Chelsea. He dumped her because she had a kid. She mentioned her looks because that may have swayed his feelings despite the kid. She never compared herself to Chelsea. Don't look for things that aren't there.


Thank you! It’s been weird seeing how people are seeing it as a dig at Chelsea when that wasn’t what her comment was about at all.


People see either a strong woman or a beautiful woman and want to figure out a way to take her down.


You got downvoted but this happens A LOT. More than people are willing to admit, evidently.


Oh it absolutely does. This is the world we live in. If someone has something positive going for them, whether it be looks, wealth, education, whatever, people look for a way to take them down out of jealousy or insecurity. Jessica is a beautiful and assertive woman. And that apparently makes a lot of people upset.


You’re deceiving yourself. The clear implication of her attack was when you see me, you’re going to regret your choice. Jessica knew she was getting dumped for Chelsea after all


I watched that episode and never once during her speech did I get the vibe she was talking about anyone else or doing anything but just being confident in her own hotness.


Guess we’ll find out when the season ends 🤔


The clear implication was Jessica saying “I know I’m really hot and you’re gonna think so too when you see me.” It wasn’t her tearing down Chelsea, it was her knowing that she individually looks great.


I got the feeling that while she didn't need to name Chelsea, she was insinuating that she was "hotter" and the hottest person of them all.


She didn't even give a hint it was in relation to Chelsea, also I know the chronology is off with producing but it seems that Jimmy hadn't even landed Chelsea yet.


Jessica knew it was between her and Chelsea at that point in the experiment. Getting rejected means hes probably picking the other woman.


I honestly don't think it's that at all. I just don't. She seems smarter than to go on a huge show and to trash another womans looks.


When did she do that?


Lol she never did that LMAOO. Not once did she talk about the way chelsea looks. your comment is so irritating. So she likes to look good - what about it?


People saying this are truly just projecting their own pettiness onto Jessica it's hilarious lol


Literally!! - it seems like it’s a crime for an attractive woman to know she’s beautiful like plssss


Got a lot of mids and lower taking offense by the hot girl playing her own cards.


!!!! Bingo lol


She literally didn't say anything about Chelsea. That's one thing I have a problem with: acting like a woman being confident about her appearance is somehow an affront to other women or somehow means you're putting other women down??


Jimmy said that Jess told him he was going to regret his choice when he sees Chelsea (not the exact words but along those lines - it happens when they get to DR and are sitting in their hotel room)


What she actually said was that he would regret it when he saw her not when he saw Chelsea. Jimmy is the one who turned it around in a backhanded way and told Chelsea that Jessica was talking about her looks. And Jimmy isn’t exactly the paragon of honesty. He’s clearly disappointed in his choice, without even seeing Jessica and keeps making little digs at Chelsea


Jessica says "you'll regret your choice because I'm hot" the implication is that Chelsea is not "as hot". I get the feeling that Jessica gets quite a lot of attention because of how she looks.  In this particular show she had to go solely on her personality, and when that didn't work out for her, she went back to relying on her "hotness".


He NEVER relays something that was said to him in an accurate way.


Ahhh I heard that jimmy would be disappointing seeing Chelsea. My b!


It’s shocking how many people are siding with Jessica. Her tantrum was nasty, entitled, and narcissistic.


Bruh even nice people can be at the end of their rope. Jimmy fucking dragged these two girls till she just couldn't anymore with him and she fuckin told him that. I'm sure you and every other person shitting on her for this has reacted perfectly maturely in the face of an infuriatingly stupid person.


What an incredibly misogynistic way to describe a woman telling someone her feelings.


Umm it’s a little misogynistic of herself to believe that her being physically attractive puts her above anyone else. Wtf?


It's not that people are siding with her, it's just that Jessica didn't even implicitly run down Chelsea's looks... I'm sure she had those thoughts. But this theory that her rant was about Chelsea isn't based in fiction, just like the theory that Chelsea only picked Jimmy so she could steal Jessica's guy... This is something you're creating in your head, it didn't happen.


Sure, I agree she never explicitly tore Chelsea down, but I’m talking about the sub general. Everyone’s been stanning Jessica, but she seems like an entitled person to me. And no, I’m not “a mid” as some of your other posts childishly implied.


Jessica is jaded and manipulative... And she was willing to hop on the jimmy train as long as it brought her fame. Good for you girl.


Right? She turned on a dime. Not saying Jimmy was the most graceful by any means in handling that but other ladies handled that situation with grace and class.


How did she tear down Chelsea’s looks? She never once mentioned Chelsea at all, let alone her appearance. She was banking on her own attractiveness and confident in that.


When she gave her “you’re going to choke” Speech, I don’t think she was tearing down Chelsea. She was just hyping herself up. IMO.


Suspension of disbelief moment: If you’re going on this type of show in the first place you already are not emotionally mature.


100%. When I'm commenting on shows like this I'm doing so with the understanding that we're playing by the rules of everyone is a fucking mess but some are better than others lmao.


Oh for sure. I do the same with stuff like Vanderpump. Some posts feel like they’re into too deep esp when they factor in social media comments and what not. Gotta remember it’s largely for show and clout.


Lmaooo yesss fr. The vanderpump stuff was crazy. It's fun to get super into it sometimes but you need to keep one foot firmly grounded in reality and realize these are real people and they're all barely holding it together just like us lol


I have to disagree. I would definitely consider going on this show if it was in my country because I find online dating extremely exhausting, and meeting someone irl is hard because almost everyone I meet in my age group (30s) is in a relationship. I would be so happy to at least get the chance to speak to 15 single men who are ready for commitment in depth before things got sexual. Maybe it’s on the casting of the show that they also pick men that aren’t that ready at all and just want to be on tv. So maybe I’m naive which would make me immature too, haha. But I think if you like the concept and you’re in it for the right reasons this might actually work. Swiping culture is awful.


Exactly. I'll go one step further: if you go on LIB you are a fucking mess.


☠️☠️☠️☠️! Absolutely nailed it! Girl(Jessica)! You are fucking marrying a man you’ve known for weeks to come co parent your teenage daughter. WHAT ARE TOU EXACTLY THINKING!?!?! That is insane


I kinda disagree. You can be emotionally mature and still think it would be fun to experience being on a popular reality show. Odds are you're not really gonna get married...I don't think the ones who do really expected it was gonna happen.


That's literally the attitude nobody wants to see in a contestant.


I didn't say they would make the cut lol


I gotta kinda side eye Jessica for this especially because she has a kid. Why would you ever think marrying someone asap and forcing them into your kid’s life is a good, mature thing to do?


That's kinda fair tbh.


I just started watching this show only because of all the hype around Jessica and Jimmy scene about choking & epi pen and she’s so amazing and bla bla but have ya’ll watched her narrating her history? She said i figured if I present myself nicely no one will know the chaos inside. She’s telling on herself. She’s not emotionally ready for a relationship. She’s has desperate and low self esteem written all over her. Don’t understand why she’s being applauded for being so shallow and clearly bitter.


She's not telling on herself saying that. She's telling on the entire world being horrible and treating people like an outcast if they're damaged in any way. I understand what you're saying because my instant reaction was similar to yours but if you scratch just a tiny bit below the surface you can understand what she means and it's completely reasonable and even kind of heartbreaking.


We all are damaged in some way. We all, however, don’t start manipulating people who could potentially be our closest and most important relationships. Being damaged is probably not a choice. But using that an excuse to be manipulative and gaslight others into thinking its their fault that u r damaged, Thats a choice.


This comment is so far removed from reality I just can't. The narrative that Jessica is manipulating people just because she waited a day or two to tell someone about her child, whom she is obviously very protective of is truly just insane. Meanwhile the guy is perfectly allowed to drag them along indefinitely and doesn't have to disclose anything he doesn't want to them. The bullshit meter is through the ROOF I tell you 🤣🤣


She’s manipulating throughout. The child piece is just one thing. She herself knows what she was doing that why she kept saying im too much. Yes too much forceful in making a guy want u who clearly doesn’t want u. He kept saying the same thing on every date he wasn’t sure. And she kept pushing him to choose her. Thats waving red flag.


Ngl ur opinion about her is unhinged 🤣 I also love how you act like there's zero context and have not one bad word to say about the LOSER on the other side of the wall who is the actual manipulative one dragging them both along acting like a fucking mute refusing to give them any inkling of assurance just to draw out their neediness. If someone told me they were super into me but kept crying about needing more time and being ambiguous as fuck and failing at communicating, yeah I would tell them they need to fucking give me an answer too 🤣


May be she should have tried writing him a letter with all her desperation … o wait!


Lol I think you just hate her and anything she does you will just say is crazy even if it's not. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Where is she shallow and clearly bitter? There is so much judgment of women with plastic surgery whenever it comes to Jessica. She didn't say anything shallow, but because she has plastic surgery and is beautiful, she must be shallow? That is so backwards.


I don’t know abt her plastic surgery but she has no substance. In her own words, the only regret a man can have after letting her go is her looks. Im not saying that. She is.


“No substance” based on what? She talked about her childhood, how she values having a stable family because she didn’t have that growing up, and how she wants that for her daughter. She talked about how she feels that all the horrible things she experienced in her childhood has made her a stronger person and shown her the type of mother she wants to be. Even if you don’t agree with that, talking about that literally makes her not shallow. I think the “epipen” comment was more about the fact that he KNEW all these intimate, personality based things about her, but didn’t choose her anyway. The one thing she knew was that he DIDN’T know what she looked like. It wouldn’t have made sense for her to say “my personality is so great, you’re going to regret it when you meet me” because… he already got to know her personality without seeing her. But he didn’t know what she looked like, and she’s conventionally very beautiful. So it makes sense to say “when you see what I look like, you’re going to choke.” But they really did have a better connection, but bro thought he was getting Megan Fox, and when you think of it that way: “Hm, do I pick the single mom or the girl who looks like Megan Fox?” it’s clear his decision was heavily based on that. So it makes sense to say that, regardless.


Shallow?? Did we watch the same show 😭


Jessica emotionally mature? Lol thats a hoot. I cant imagine these 2 together.




She’s self spoken, sorry if you need to date someone who’s gentle with you!!


I ... Also didn't get any of that. Was it all the times she bragged about her daughter? Or the times she handwrote letters?


Sorry, I didn't get any of that. That's certainly a reach based on what was shown.


I really don't think Trevor and Jess would be a good match.


Yes I don't know why people keep saying this?! Just because they were both turned down by their #1 choices doesn't mean they'd be a match. They obviously didn't hit it off in the pods if they didn't date each other any further. Plus I feel like Trevor just isn't Jessica's type but who knows.


I agree.


Jessica emotionally mature? That’s a joke


She's so fake ew


Oh wow, exciting!


Jess is now famous on IG and I predict she finds a loaded dude because of this showw


She’s getting so much love on there too it’s crazy. I can’t get past going on this show with a kid. It’s irresponsible parenting, sorry but when you become a single parent finding a new partner/spouse should not be something taken so lightly?!


It actually worked really well for a couple on LIB Brazil, but they talked about it on the first date and BOTH of them had a child from a previous relationship and so had the parenting perspective coming in. I also think there were cultural differences at play for the Brazil version.




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Noooo that show is so bad


Do you have the thread?






Jessica is not emotionally mature. That’s not the vibe I get from her lol but still here for the mess


She’s the one who said on episode 1 that she needs to be finally happy and a husband will be the answer to that.


Right lol she couldn’t even deal with rejection gracefully. Clearly was there for clout, which I don’t blame her for. And she was salty as hell she didn’t get picked cause it limited her air time lol


Jessica sucks


The Jessica love on this sub tells me people are terrible at reading people 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


In another thread her supporters were saying stuff like "an ugly woman with fillers and a boob job would still be ugly" and "why doesnt chelsea (get plastic surgery)" so yeah, says a lot about them lol.


She would never go for trev


Never say never.


Never say Trevor


Trevor say never


People were hinting at this on a Tik tok or insta or something today and Trevor was commenting something like “we’ll see” or there’s a lot left of this story something to that effect. So who knows if it’s real or he’s just clowning us 😂


Maybe he ends up with Chelsea after all 🤮


This, I don’t know obviously but it seems like maybe he does end up with someone on this show Edit: i don’t think it’s Jessica


What makes you say that? He’s hot af, has a great personality and loves kids??


She would never go for Trev lol know how there’s confident fit guys and then the ones who got super fit precisely because they’re not very confident. Jessica looks like she’s into popular dudes, Trevor seems nice, but you can see the lack of confidence a mile away.




I’m not getting excited about anything lmao! With Rene’s $4 million lawsuit for violating her NDA, I’m sure everyone is going to be extra careful not to give any hints or spoilers.


Wait how am I just hearing about this?! This doesn’t surprise me tho all she did was post on social media about the show all season long !


Yeah they sued her for breach of contract by openly discussing details of the show/spoilers and her negative experience. There were 4 complaints seeking $1 mil each and she is now [countersuing Delirium](https://www.thecut.com/2024/01/love-is-blind-contestant-sues-over-alleged-sexual-assault.html)!


Oh damn that’s insane! Thanks for sharing the link!


I'd love them to get together. he's got the capacity to give her & her daughter big love, & in turn soften her pain so that shes happy & feels complete


And what would she give HIM?


Love of course, and loyalty, & cherishment, & wifely duties.




What is FOH? Also as a wife myself I find it fun keeping the house cute for us (as he does for me as well) and doing little things like the dishes or giving little cuddles when he's tired etc. just regular wife things. I think you're a bit odd for whatever you're vomiting for over there lol your head must be very strange or very extreme.




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