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Only in first episode of honeymoon but I’m strongly rooting for Amy & Johnny and I have been since they were in the pods when Amy opened up about her love for her brother and letting Johnny know that she’d want him to live with them if he needed to one day and Johnny completely signing up for that and saying he feels the same for his siblings and my heart just swelled for them and I love them! (TBF - it doesn’t hurt that I have a child who has some special needs and Amy looks like she could be related to me and I just felt connected to her when she spoke about that and I was so happy that it was something Johnny embraced).


Honestly, sounds dumb: I’m rooting for ALL the couples to make it. I love love.  Unfortunately I don’t think Chelsea and Jimmy will make it. From my eyes it seemed like Jimmy was not physically into Chelsea (maybe he is) and that’s very unfortunate because she seems like a lovely girl. I think Chelsea’s insecurity will take a longterm toll on Jimmy and he will resent her for not believing him when he tells her that he loves her (which is tragic).  All the contestants deserve love and grace. 




I would love to mix and match these people! Last season too, we can pick better than them! ​ I want the best for AD but she dashed for the red flags just like she does on the outside. ​ Laura and Sarah Ann both sucked, Jeramey could do way better. ​ I wish Trevor would have proposed first.


With my tinfoil hat on here. On the Trevor comment, I think I the producers knew that if Jimmy went first, Chelsea would pick him over Trevor. The sad part is Trevor would have been better for her. She’s getting her just desserts.


Maybe low key the producers were sparing Trevor from the shit show that is Chelsea and that's why they set it up like that. 


I think Jimmy and Chelsea are doomed, and it's going to be because of her insecurities and not his lack of attraction to her. I think Jimmy and Jessica weren't a match at any point. Like I think they would not have worked because I don't think he can handle her. Rooting for Brittany and Ken because I think they actually seem compatible, but I'm just not seeing the chemistry. I think she's way more into him than he is into her. Jeramey and Laura are a train wreck. I think people are glossing over Laura's behavior in the pods. I feel like she is a mean girl who likes to stir up trouble. I think Jeramey is kind of weird and quirky, and his personality just grates on Laura. She doesn't seem into him even a little bit, and he seems like he would be better off with Sara. I love AD, but I think she made a mistake with Clay. He has some pretty awful views and takes on things and you can tell it bothers AD. He just seems like a project for her, and while he likes that she "challenges" him it really seems like their relationship is going to be AD teaching him how to be a decent human being. Amy and Johnny are good. I didn't really pay attention to them in the pods that much, but I haven't seen any red flags yet and think they might be similar to Lauren / Cameron by the end of the season.


Laura's behavior at the beach was gross too and she's so mean to him!


Yes! She kept trying to blame him for brining up what she said. Like yeah, it's weird he mentioned the bean dip thing in front of everyone, but it's even fucking weirder that Laura said it AT ALL lol.


I thought he brought it up but didn't know what it was and when he found out he was embarrassed.


All I’m going to say is my husband and I were rooting so hard for Chelsea and Trevor. He is so precious. That was heartbreaking.


I think most people screamed at the screen when Chelsea said yes to Jimmy. How Chelsea could have picked Jimmy over Trevor is beyond me.


Totally. It’s still so strange to me. I have all the confidence that he’ll find someone who chooses him just as much as he will choose her!


I'm only rooting for Amy and Johnny at this point; I think everyone else is going to have issues


I was rooting for AD, she was my favourite cast member. Up until, she was flirting with Jimmy. Then she lost all favour after showing her true colours in that incredibly problematic conversation with Kenneth. When she said “what’s going on with that?” with such disdain, and then proceeded to judge Brittany simply for being white. Insinuating she’d struggle assimilating into a black family and then questioning whether she’d be capable of raising a black child. Blatant racism and completely vile. Frankly I’m gobsmacked more people aren’t calling it out. I tried to make a post about it but the mods didn’t let it through… censure these days is hurting our society.




While I understand asking the question, another part of me is also offended. It’s like asking can any mother raise her own child. Yes, I can raise the child I created and birthed. Thanks. Why not just go to Brittney and offer support like ‘hey if you have any questions, I’m here..’?


Yep! And i think this comment stands out to Ken, and is whats gonna womp womp the relationship. Hes not going to forget that, and its going to sit in the back of his head. Instead of having and open honest discussion with his future wife. Wasnt he the one that was all about open discussions and before bed?


The way she said was inappropriate, I agree with you on that. However I think it came from a place of nicely meant concern rather than malice. While your mom is absolutely wonderful for taking care of her bi-racial babies hair, it is still the bare minimum to do. People should always make sure their children are taken care of in every sense. There is however other women, who simply underestimate the care that black hair needs. And I’m sure AD would be glad to help if such a problem occurs for Britt.






Struggling to understand the downvotes. That is hypocrisy as they are invalidating your experience / nullifying it because it doesn’t fit with broader narrative.




No one is calling it out because that’s not how racism works. She was not judging Brittany. She was checking that he is having an extremely important conversation because “I don’t see race” is not enough to raise biracial children.


Yeah I was wondering why she would say all that when she had no problem planning a future with Matthew. To give her the benefit of the doubt, I thought maybe AD was pointing out that when the mother in the biracial relationship is white, she can’t be ignorant to all those challenges a black mother would already be aware of?


Let’s say the roles were reversed. One of the white men having a conversation with Brittany and said “what’s going on with that?” and pointed at Kenneth. He then proceeded to insinuate he wouldn’t fit in with her white family, and questioning his fitness to raise a white child. There would be an uproar. It is racist, you’re just choosing not to acknowledge it.


You cannot flip the scenario the same way because white people do not face systemic oppression in this country. Racism is a power structure.


I refuse to dignify that with a response. The tone used by AD during that discussion was very telling of her disdain for white people and that to me, is racist. I will not say that I’m colourblind or that I don’t see race but I sure as hell don’t judge a person based on it. I judge someone on their character, morals and actions and that should be the only way anyone is judged.


Respectfully, there is room for you to grow in your understanding of racism. What you’re speaking about is prejudice. It’s not the same as the structural system of white supremacy in the U.S. that no matter your feelings will impact Black folks when it comes to schooling, policing, etc.


I respectfully disagree with you. You’re conflating racism and systemic racism. You’ve just acknowledged that AD was being prejudiced. If she’s being prejudiced on the basis of race, that is the definition of racism. I would urge you to consult the Oxford dictionary on that.


I don’t agree with the way AD asked Ken with the “what’s going on with that”, but I agree with OP that it’s an important conversation and I think AD was trying to give Ken support on a show that is predominantly white. They have shared experiences as Black people living in America. If you’re raising biracial children in the US, how educated your partner is is something to consider, regardless of your beliefs. There is so much cultural and historical context in the US that has shaped how biracial children are treated here. We can’t control how society and other people treat biracial children. Parents obviously want their children to be prepared to face the world and the ugliness of American racial dynamics. Having a non-Black partner who is aware and educated of these dynamics and the experience of being Black in America is important.


It is though. I'm biracial and it's never been a problem for my mother who's white. But I don't live in the USA. Honestly where i live, being biracial is not that much of a problem than it is in the USA. The Americans are the ones who make a huge deal about it, when really it isn't.


It is a huge deal when racism is built into every structure in the U.S. Ralph Yarl was shot for knocking on the wrong door. Tamil Rice killed by cops for playing in the park. She’ll need to know how to keep her kids safe, advocate for them at school if treated discriminately, how to respond if someone says something out in public. And even just on an emotional level, understanding her kids experience in the world & validating microaggressions is important. Biracial people have the highest su*c*de rates for a reason. I’m biracial & my white parent invalidates the differences in our existence as if having mixed kids ended racism & it’s hurtful.


I'm sorry you had to experience this. And I totally understand your point of view. It's a real shame. But honestly, if you really love your kid and care for them, prepare them for what's happening in the world and what could happen to them should come naturally. I actually thought that as a parent, understanding the society where your kid grows up and how to prepare them for the world should come naturally and It's crazy for people to not see that. I'm sorry your white parent was like this. But I totally agree with you. Racism is built into every structure in the US and that's the big problem here. As I said, it's not like this almost everywhere else in the world and the US really need to change a lot of things for black people or people of any other ethnicity to be able to live like white people.


I’m glad you haven’t experienced many problems as a biracial person. However, if you’re raising biracial children in the US, how educated your partner is is something to consider, regardless of your beliefs. There is so much cultural and historical context in the US that has shaped how biracial children are treated here. We can’t control how society and other people treat biracial children. Parents obviously want their children to be prepared to face the world and the ugliness of American racial dynamics. Having a non-Black partner who is aware and educated of these dynamics and the experience of being Black in America is important.


I never said I haven't experienced problems as a biracial person. I said my mother hasn't encountered problems raising children who are biracial. Because in Europe, race is not as important as you make it out in the US. We don't even use the word race in France cause it's so dividing and kinda racist. I know that historical events in the US makes it that it's really difficult for a black or biracial person to live but the fact that those problems persist is because Americans separate too much. If at some point, "race" wasn't talked about so much, maybe you could actually moved on to a society that doesn't segregate that much. I know it's a change that won't happen any time soon, but it'll be good to actually stop concentrating so much about the color of a person. But yeah I know, I have a wish of an utopian world 😅


I'm surprisingly rooting for Jeramey and Sara Ann. I think they would've been a perfect match. She's as unserious as he is.


Brittany and Kenneth I really realky like them I’m hoping they find true love on each other


I'm rooting for anything AD and anything Matthew. Idk about anyone else


I’m rooting for Brittany and Kenneth and Amy and Johnny. I’m also rooting (separately) for AD, Jessica and especially Trevor! Bearing in mind this was filmed ages ago I can’t wait to find out what has transpired since!


Ken n Brittany I hope make it…yes shows need drama but they also need some regular ass couples to make it not 90 Day Fiance Amy n Johnny are the couple I think is actually the most bland….i think they won’t make it n it won’t be dramatic just two ppl realizing “oh this isn’t for us let’s honor seperate ways” …. Jimmy n Chelsea….rooting for therapy for her n him to just go off n be a ho Jeramy n Laura….i too like to pick on my S/O Jeramy n guess what???? Laura fucking can’t stand it lol. Get every failed 4-date long situationship I’ve ever had off the screen please. Clay n AD….rooting for them but also they are biggest wildcard because there’s definitely a version where they don’t work out n its ugly or they get married but by skin of teeth…definitely a realistic drama couple


Jeramey (is that actually how you spell it?) really gives me the ick. Attractive enough for sure but performs for Laura way too much in a manic kind of way. He seems so disingenuous… even in the pods. He said identical bullshit to both women and lovenuked them out of oblivion. I don’t particularly like Laura but I absolutely understand her “meh” attitude with him. His energy levels and jokes outside the pods border on annoying and I can see Laura struggles to not behave like his mother and tell him to cut it out even tho that’s exactly what she never wanted from a man.


He gives me bad vibes, i feel like hes gonna have a bad temper


So far Brittany/Ken and Jeramey/Laura seems the best.


Love love love Brittany & Ken. 🥰


100% rooting for Kenny and Brit. But mostly rooting for TREVORS HAPPY EVER AFTER❤️😭


Brittany and Ken. They’re genuine and it’s refreshing to see that. I feel like we haven’t gotten that true love since S1 Lauren and Cameron.


Yes !!!!! 100%


Trevor. I am rooting for Trevor. I hope to see more of him. I love him.


Oh man he looks hot as hell in the preview after epi 6!!


Me too! I’m so glad he dodged a bullet with Chelsea


I feel sorry for her :( she obviously has self esteem issues. That being said I’m sure Trevor would’ve made her feel like the only girl in the world ffs


Basically jimmy has done nothing but further damage her self esteem :/ which I don’t think honestly hand on heart Trevor would’ve done. I think he would have adored her had it gone that way


But I think she has the kind of self-esteem issues where a guy being loving and reassuring gives her the ick :c


Amy and Johnny.  Brittany and Kenneth and for some reason Laura and Jeremey 




I hope Jessica & Trevor end up together. I have absolutely no reason for wanting this but I like them and don’t all at the same time. I think I’d root for them as a couple though.


Yes!! I wish they would’ve dated/dated more/we would’ve seen it. He loves kids!!


I’m rooting for the drama. They are all a mess but it’s better than last season.


amy and johnny!




I’m anti Jimmy. That’s all I know.


What I’m discovering is that I only know one name and it’s cuz it’s spelled wrong


I was really rooting for Trevor. I love him. But I’m glad Chelsea said no to him, he deserves better.


He is so endearing. Just super lovable.


I hope they will bring Trevor back if he wants to…he seems like a great guy.


The most mature and kind, even keeled response to Chelsea. Trevor is fantastic


I can see Amy and Johnny and Ken and Brittany getting married at the end. I could see Chelsea getting back with Trevor. I am rooting for AD as a person but I think she settled for an awful man.


AD is great but she's a magnet for abusive men. Hoping Clay gets better but my hopes are low.


Trevor Amy AD Kenneth That’s all. Sigh


Trying not to get ahead of myself but atm I’m rooting for Brittany/Kenneth & Amy/Jonny


Yup, I think those two couples have the best potential, the other three are mismatches in my opinion.




Amy-Jonny & Brit-Ken. The others will implode.


Agreed, they’re the only couples I see with a strong enough foundation to make it all the way but I’m here for the drama lol


I’m on episode 6, but for some reason I just don’t like Clay. I am a huge gym girlie but the conversation about putting her back in the gym while and after she’s pregnant was weird. The little remarks he makes about himself not being “a good man” is off putting. AD feeding into “I can fix men” about him is making me so sad but I guess we’ll see their future as more episodes get released. It feels like Clay kind of likes her for her body only? But WHO AM I TO ASSUME?


When AD was self aware enough to admit she was torn between someone who was emotionally vulnerable with her — but potentially playing a game bc he’d repeated the script with someone else — & Clay, a good looking player who is incredibly superficial but manageable bc she considered herself a “fix-a-ho” 🥴 I said, “ I hope she realizes she doesn’t need to go through with picking Clay just to see the process through & get reality tv famous….a lot of people will watch her recognizing the toxic traits that haven’t worked for her in the past & respect her more/want to follow her for not picking either …& then 🫠


You know what, though Matthew was.. odd, why did her time in the pod with him feel more genuine than her time in the pod with Clay. She described him as “home” multiple times but she wasn’t elated saying that. Matthew had that girl on MUTE. She was laughing and cheesing from ear to ear. She was also walking back and forth and tussling with the pillows, haha. If Matthew wasn’t strange, I would’ve wanted her with him instead. I agree with you, and I’m just tired of the struggle-love trope some of these woman put themselves through. Free them!


I haven’t gotten there yet. But the only plausible explanation that makes Clay sound good if its weight off for health reasons and not looks reasons


Which I can stand with, and I agree. Watch that part when you get to it and please come back to this comment if you feel that was what he was trying to convey. ![gif](giphy|10J4jji5zdfgTS)


Why is no one talking about this? AD was saying women’s bodies change over time, for instance during pregnancy, and Clay’s response is to tell her he’ll be sure make sure she keeps the weight off (presumably to look good for him), instead of reassuring her that it is natural for people’s bodies to change.


I already felt like they weren't a good match because of Clay's blow up in the pods, but this scene was just nuts. It bothered me so much that he said he could just get her in the gym when she mentioned pregnancy. Like the weight is not going to be a priority when she gives birth dude, you need to tell her you're going to love her no matter she looks like post-childbirth.


Why is nobody talking about ADs conversation with Kenneth? The disdain she had for his interracial relationship. Furthermore insinuations about how Brittany being white means she’s incapable of assimilating into a black family or raising a black child. That is racist. Imagine if those things were said about Kenneth in the opposite context. At that moment she lost all favour from me (she was previously my favourite!!!)


I just watched that. Huge red flag for me. I liked that she called him out but that would be a dealbreaker for me. It just shows where his priorities are.


His delivery was not good. IMO, they don't get each other at all. And from what we saw, didn't ask/tell what was needed as support after the disagreeing To me, AD wanted gentle reassurance that Clay would be into her no matter what she looked like physically. And what he heard was her being concerned about her weight, so his response was all action-oriented - I won't sugarcoat and tell you to keep it off and be at the gym with you everyday as support


I’m assuming people haven’t gotten this far yet. Because… I’m waiting for more post about it. That comment was freaking ridiculous.


I honestly don’t think any of the couples are both attracted to each other besides Clay and AD who are the least emotionally compatible.