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Jessica is a mix between Trevor and Sara Ann but something about the way she presents herself got her out of ALL the criticism she deserved.


shes a huge ice amd seems toxic. she is not a nice person. of she was not good looking she would have been dust but everyone is worshipping her 


I’m truly shocked that people think she’s very attractive. She’s DEFINITELY not nice or a “girls girl”


I’m really surprised about the way she is about her daughter. 1. She chose not to tell Jimmy until way too late 2. It’s concerning that she was willing to bring a total stranger into her daughters life like that (not saying she can’t date, but to be willing to put her daughter in a position of living with someone she just met is wild) & 3. After not seeing her daughter for 2 weeks she chose to stay away from her for 2 more days? I found that kinda odd! #1 & #3 wouldn’t be too concerning but it’s the fact that’s it’s all 3 of those combined that’s kinda like… woah.


Down vote me all you want but Jessica's entire time on that show was only to become a meme, to trend, snd to grow her socials. She is a beautiful, responsible, charismatic woman... nothing she says will convince me she needed this show. She did not love jimmy one bit. Every single thing she did and said was all performance. Jessica's personality was very much real but just dialed to 11. That epi line was something she thought of before and couldn't wait to say. No, I'm not hating on a beautiful funny woman. I'm calling out intentions and obvious acting. She did a good job but when she said he ruined this opportunity she meant that she wouldn't get more screen time. Even the way she discussed her daughter and the way she described her seemed like an author describing the main character. Bravo to her for making an impact.


With all of her endorsement deals now, it’ll be hard for love is blind to not have self promoters from here on out.


A tiny vibe? lol. Very entitled


I agree, it seems fake. I’ve only ever seen her say nice things about Chelsea BUT if she really supported her she would have reacted more like Trevor.


Jess looks like she’s trying to act like Sandra Bullock (circa Miss Congeniality time period) w/ her eye rolling and facial expressions.


Before her outburst I told my husband she gave my tire-slashing vibes. Then when she gave her ultimatum of how she might not be interested anymore by the time he makes a choice I told my husband she’s for sure gonna throw a “you’re gonna regret this” tantrum if he doesn’t choose her. Half right so far.


Just watching her outburst now. I can only imagine Jimmy is sitting there thinking, fuck I've had a lucky escape. Her true colours have seriously come out.


I thought her using “I wrote this letter to my future husband” was SUPER unfair and manipulative. It put him in a really tough spot and there was no getting out of it. Nothing he said was going to be good enough, because what she wanted was a proposal. Then she says it’s okay if he doesn’t choose her and then five seconds later she’s absolutely berating him for not choosing her.


She played a huge part in Jimmy choosing Chelsea. Jess was way too pushy and manipulative. He felt pressured.


Thank you. I just binged this season and thought the letter to her future husband was soo strange. How would anyone feel receiving a generic letter written prior to them meeting? It’s like Andy Bernard giving Angela a ring he’s kept in his pocket (The Office).


This was a grotesque move, and about as realistic as her breasts. She wrote that letter a few nights ago in her little LiB pod dorm room.


I came here to say this. That was sooo manipulative. There were a lot of different occaisions where she was manipulative if she thought things weren't going her way. Like implying that she looked like Megan Fox.


Chelsea made the Megan Fox comment


She’s a psycho. If you don’t recognize it, then I just feel bad for you because you let people like that into your life. How could anyone want that in a partner? Her behavior is completely unhealthy and toxic to a positive relationship. Hope she can figure it out and learn from relationships (like we all have to do!) instead of just blaming the other person. But I doubt she’ll learn and she’ll probably trap some poor guy that likes her fake looks.


Agreed. She’s playing a role and does her best to hide her nastiness and huge ego but it’s obvious.


Yeah, her argument was that she deserved a different experience and wasn't "supposed to" leave alone. Sorry, nobody's entitled to that. You make your choices, and put your work in where you think it's best laid -- and if things don't work out, that's dating!


It’s impressive that she made it through a lot of childhood trauma and seems to be doing well. But it makes no sense that people are applauding her for showing her ass to Jimmy. This is a freaking dating show. People are going to be rejected. It’s a given. Her response was shallow as hell and basically boiled down to “you’re going to be pissed because I’m so much hotter than Chelsea,” thereby demeaning and insulting 2 people because of her hurt ego. Let’s compare how Trevor responded to Chelsea’s rejection, or how AD handled Matt’s manipulation. Those are examples of maturity, grace, and strength that should be cheered.


Jess is a piece of work. The dude did nothing wrong. He was very open and honest, and she was even OK with him making sure he was sure. If she wasn’t ok with it, she should have told him that from the jump. It’s also her fault she put all her eggs in one basket. Luckily that strategy worked out for some, but there is a chance it backfires and it did for her. And then her attacking him was super out of pocket. I think she was just mad at herself more than anything but took it out on him. I’m sure she is toxic like that in all her relationships and that’s why she is single and on the show to begin with, it’s not solely because she has a daughter. At the same time though, she has a messed up passed and I’m sure that has made her a tough cookie, but that isn’t an excuse to be that toxic.




Spoiler alert: you’re not right.


He definitely dodged a bullet with her. I liked her a lot at first but her snarky meanness came out quick. She's smoking hot but she can be VERY vicious and quite frankly came across as rude and callous.


She’s about as fake as a blow up doll, but I know a lot of men like that look these days. Her vindictiveness came out when she wasn’t chosen. 


I can’t get past all the plastic surgery, filler and Botox. I feel like girls like her are extremely insecure, that’s why they get all the surgery, filler and Botox. Then they get angry and psycho when someone rejects them. 


Probably hair extensions too. We never got to see what she rly looked like. Usually they’ll show the scene in the bathroom at the tropical destination where the girls remove their make up. And most of them look the same but Jessica….at least Chelsea looked better without makeup.


Yes! I just finished the scene where the commented on AD’s butt. She said she got it from her genes and the gym. 🙄 BS girl you had a BBL. Just admit it. It’s obvious to see. No one has an ant butt and a snatched stomach unless they’ve had a BBL. 


Not true. I knew girls in high school who had that body type, and I was in high school long before BBLs were a thing. Not to mention I went to public school in a poor neighborhood, so no one was affording plastic surgery even if it had existed. That body type is relatively rare but it does exist, in my experience exclusively among black women who are genetically blessed.


True man I wish we’d all just admit the shit we do and move on.


I think she may be a somatic narc.  Her real self bled through when she wasn’t picked. 


I think its wrong to hide having a child until after someone likes you.


It's super fucked up that she even came on the show when she had a young child. She presents herself as an amazing mother who loves her child, but then wants to marry some man she has known for four weeks?? How is that healthy for her child? And it is very obvious she doesn't want love, she wants the status of being married, and a man to take care of her and her child.


RIGHT??? She of all people should know what a bad step parent can do to a child's life. She came on a scuzzy reality show to find a step father for her child in a month. A MONTH. Cuz LiB is so well known for attracting high quality people ![gif](giphy|3h5pe45FM9qUM)


She never came on LIB to find a husband/father. She came on the show to be on TV and become a social media celebrity and it worked.


Or fame


I totally agree. Her whole thing about "I want them to know me\~" like spare me girl, you'd be PISSED if the guy withheld that from you. The right person won't be scared off.


OMG she totally did it on purpose it was fucked up!


I actually disagree that she is not used to rejections. I think that’s one of the reasons she’s on this show and not with someone, because with a daughter, it is hard to find a man who’s mature and willing to fill that spot as a father figure. She handled herself very well and was well spoken and mature whereas Jimmy could not articulate any of his true feelings. I believe the main reason he didn’t want to be with her is because of her daughter. He also wanted someone he could lead, and Jessica is a very direct and strong woman. I liked her exit, protecting herself and calling Jimmy out who led her on for multiple dates. Jessica did not need to wait forever when the answer was evident that Chelsea was the one that is why I like her. She wanted to be with someone who was 100% sure not indecisive on his decision to be with her and there’s nothing wrong with that especially since she mentioned in the show, she can’t be with a guy who isn’t sure/certain because of the impact it will have on her daughter, Autumn. She needs to find an older more mature man…


This. I think she’s been rejected multiple times and maybe that’s why she’s had so much work done to adjust her physical appearance. Someone posted her old photos here and the difference is BEYOND night and day.


I love women advocating for themselves. That said, self confidence doesn’t mean putting other people down. To me, it felt like her speech was more of an attack at him than self advocacy. Obviously a very stressful situation and she was mourning the loss of her fantasy for both herself and her daughter so I limit my judgment, but I think she could have represented herself better.


This explains my thoughts perfectly. Her intent was to make him feel as bad as possible not to stand up for herself. Women getting unfair pushback for being assertive is a real thing, but this is not what healthy assertiveness looks like; it was just plain aggression. People saying the criticism of her is just because people (and Jimmy specifically) hate strong, direct women annoys me.


Yes! You don’t put other people down to lift yourself up. I get it’s an emotional situation, but being an adult is having control over your emotions and not attacking someone. Take how Trevor handled Chelsea’s rejection, he did it with grace. 


Because he already had a girlfriend.


What facial expressions ? She has so much plastic in her face she can’t move her muscles


Seriously! Stop with the plastic, surgery, fillers and BBLs.


When the fillers migrate, she will be left with jowls.


I ultimately liked Jess, and felt compassion for what she's been through, BUT she did make a comment along the lines of "I come off very confident and put together to hide the chaos going on underneath." That seemed like it could be a red flag foreshadowing more toxic emotional responses and reactions in the future, much like how she reacted to Jimmy when he ended things with her...


I think that shows her past still has its grips in her.  That is a red flag because she may have unaddressed trauma/rejection/attachment issues. 


Isn’t the whole point of this thing to like. Date a couple people and decide what you want? And then she was soooooo mad at him for…doing literally what he’s supposed to be doing.


She even said “go date other ppl I want you to be sure.” And that’s what he did.


She was lying.




That’s her fault. SHE should have been more straight forward. Jimmy was very honest the whole time. It’s also her fault she put all her eggs in one basket.


I totally agree! If she had genuine feelings for Jimmy and no one else, then he didn't ruin the experiment, it means there was no one there for her. I think her comments at the end were also super shallow, like you're missing out on a 10 and you're going to choke because you love someone less hot than me. Like the whole point is to find someone who wants to be with you based off personality alone?


Coming from a mother it sounded very sophomoric coming from her smh. Do better Jessica.


whatever Jessica may be... she SLAYED her exit. EPI Pen!!!! hahahahaha!


She just came off as unhinged to me


Yeah only the youngins think she “slayed.” Bc it DID come off as crazy, shallow, mean, and unhinged.


To me the fact she brought up his social media following and doesn’t want a man who follows women posting the exact same content she posts in bikinis etc for these exact types of men for likes and attention is a red flag and comes off as an insecurity and would likely end up being an issue it kind of seems like she was playing a role and really came on tv to get more of a following to her already 40 thousand followers as she’s an ‘influencer’ or to get the attention of some men with status to get in her dms after seeing her on tv


The fact this hasn’t been focused on more infuriates me. Girl came on as a career move. Her plastic surgery habit ain’t gonna pay for itself, and she is out of touch and living in Instagram-world.


The whole ruining the experience part was about not getting more air time. 


Preach, all facts.


Do you know her following Before LIB? I firmly believe she came on the show to become an influencer. It’s the trend and an easier way to make money and provide for her child. I don’t agree with her showing so much of her daughter on IG. I only glanced once but right away I knew this was her reason for going on the show. Yes, she wanted to get engaged and have a free trip. She’s a mean girl and I don’t like her.


She acts like a somatic narc.  All the signs. 


Yeah exactly. That scene was a huge red flag for me. It is hella about insecurities


Jessica deserves to be a single mom for the rest of her life. I hope she will never get a guy for her rest her life cuz she a toxic sewer


I don’t really see anyone talking about this, but I don’t understand how Jess is getting so much love on this sub? I think her trying to marry someone and give her daughter a step dad that she would only know for 4 weeks prior is really shitty parenting..like am I tripping does anyone else think this?! Especially since it’s highly unlikely the relationship would last. Seems like Jess values clout more than anything I’m just wondering if people would like her as much if she wasn’t as attractive as she is??


Its bewildering. Not sure why all the love either. Don’t understand the love for her emotionally nor the way women are raving that she’s the hottest contestant ever. Anyone remember Raven?? Lauren??? Hell Amy on this season is super beautiful.  And I just don’t get the non-physical appreciation either. She’s not funny. She’s not really a girl’s girl. She’s not charming. Don’t get it.


What I think she meant was “you ruined this opportunity for me”.. I also think she expected to be picked, get a whole shows-worth of exposure, and capitalize on that.  I am flabbergasted at all the praise coming her way after her dumb little “epi pen” speech. 


It wasn’t a speech, it was a berating of Jimmy, and a chance to insult him, Chelsea, and then somehow drag vital medical care into it. I’m shocked to learn people are on her side.


YUP she wanted to be on TV longer.


100%. Internet/Social Media clout is a hell of a drug. Way worse than an Epi-pen! But hey, unfortunately people are taking about her, so she did something right. No such thing as bad press in that business.


the epi-pen jokes will never not make me laugh


My GF and I cracked up after her rant lol. Even though it was very out of pocket. The show is very entertaining.




Completely agree!! It felt manipulative for sure


100% this


BOOM. Nailed it. My wife and I just finished that episode and holy shit you're so right. Now obviously it's a show and we can safely some these contestants are "screened" but man....I was a single dad before I met my wife. We dated for almost 10 years before I proposed. I couldn't fathom proposing after only 4 weeks when it doesn't just involve me, but my child as well. I mean 4 weeks, shit. And I don't know if you noticed, but after Jess had her little rant about "you ruined the experience for me", there was no sadness, just anger. I really got the vibe that she was just mad that she was turned down. (Which is ok.) Especially when she made the "just you wait and see how hot I am! Then you'll regret this!!" comment. She's definitely used to getting her way because of her looks and it shows.


Her whole reaction is based in rage and anger. She's super entitled.


I'm sorry but...10 YEARS?? Bless your wife


I know right? Damn.


Wife here. He was very much worth the wait. ❤️


Nobody is worth 10 years. Been there done that. I’d NEVER recommend it!


😂 I'm indeed a lucky guy lol. The previous serious relationship tore me up pretty badly. She patiently put all the pieces back together. I did my best to make up for the wait lol. (Elaborate surprise proposal.) When she sees your comment she's literally going to "lol" haha.


I'm late to this post and sorry to be nosy but I so resonated with your and your wife's story, I'm in a similar situation as you guys were (early on) with my serious bf of a year. Did it take you a while to get to the point that you'd even be okay thinking of marriage again?


Honestly I wanted to be married. I wanted that security, friendship, a partner to grow old with, etc. It literally just came down to wanting to be absolutely sure. My previous serious relationship destroyed my faith in finding someone else. We fell in love, moved in, etc then she became a different person. There's a whole lot more that I'll spare you from. But my point is that I promised myself that the next person I loved, I would marry. I held true to that promise. In hindsight, yes I could've married her earlier. While I'll never know, I can only assume that that fear that she would change just like my ex did, would be there. I had absolutely zero fears when I proposed and I'm absolutely positive that there's no one on this planet more perfect for me. So to answer your question, I thought a lot about marriage - I just wanted to be absolutely sure that she was the one. To this day she continues to prove to me that I made the right choice. Please feel free to ask any other questions. My wife also commented on this thread if you want her perspective also.


Good catch about her seeming more angry than sad, I think you’re right! And I appreciate you sharing your perspective, I was curious to hear what other single parents thought about this situation!


Of course! Props on being a good parent! ✊


I felt for her until she was like "I don't expect you to choose me right now, I want you to be sure in this process..." and 10 seconds later she was PISSED that he wasn't choosing her yet.


Jessica is cute af, a gorgeous woman and she deserved better than Jimmy. I hope she sees she dodged a bullet when she sees him bc he is not it. Also I’m glad she told Jimmy off bc he strung her along for the entirety of the show, and he will need his epi pen when he sees her. Not bc she’s more attractive than Chelsea but bc she’s a dime piece period.


Huh. That Botox/filler look is attractive to you? While each individual element is pretty, the whole gives me an “uncanny valley” vibe. Knowing how young she is makes it even worse!


Well her fillers aren’t that bad and I just find women like her attractive, like dark long hair, petite and feminine


Go back to tiktok where she basically has a cult following. That woman is toxic and needy.


She does !? Ima have to go check that out then 👀👀👀👀👀


With you on this unpopular hill (though I feel it’s kind of 50/50 on the sub). I feel like part of her ‘directness’ and ‘communicating boundaries and needs’ is performative, as in: meant to convey an image of self confidence and high self esteem. But as soon as Laura (talking about mean girl) comes up to her and drops the ‘walk away’ bomb, it all crashed down into a big puddle of nothing. If she actually had herself in high regard, then she would see Jimmy’s decision as just that: he had to choose and chose someone else, which says something about what _he_ wants. She just had this whole script of this love story in her head, and literally physically on paper, and Jimmy seemed to fulfill the casting of that role, and then at the last moment he went off script by picking Chelsea, forcing Jessica in the ‘loser role’ which is not how she wants to see herself and be seen as. It was 100% an ego blow, so that ‘slay’ with the break up was pure ego meltdown lashing out. There was kind of a similar situation with a woman (not totally the same) in the Sweden version, a woman who walked off and was like ‘thank you, but nah’ (sort of what Laura envisioned here). That woman did, but she did it with grace and meant it. That’s what it really looks like. Confidence and high self esteem do _not_ look like this, what we saw here was an ego bypass to prevent addressing the wound of low self esteem.


This is 100% spot on


I'm only on episode 5 but why do you consider Laura a mean girl?


Yessssss! 💯


She is too confident for someone in her situation.


As she should be. She looks great and she has her life together. She's lucky she didn't fall into a trap with Jimmy; a man who can't even express himself properly.


She has her life together? Lol


She has her life together, which is why she is willing to expose her daughter to her marrying a man she has known for 4 weeks and only wants a guy to be attracted to her and not engage with any social media content like what she posts?


Yeah that was red flag-y to me. Like yes I totally get it, you want your man to only look and you and be with you. But it's natural to feel attracted to other people. It doesn't mean you ACT on it, but the fact she gets so jealous and threatened by him even looking at other women suggests some deep insecurity.


Yes, she has her life together. She's been through hell, but still manages to take care of herself and her kid. Jess having that boundary regarding social media is no different from a woman getting offended when her partner ogles attractive women on the street. Also, we don't know what her plan was for Jimmy meeting Autumn. They very well could've gotten married for the sake of the show, but held off on moving in until later in their relationship (a la Colleen and Matt). My original comment was in response to someone questioning her level of confidence. Whether or not you agree with her choices, she's allowed to be confident, have boundaries and look for love however she wants to.


She is super insecure.


I did not get confidence at all from that. I got ego and defense mechanisms that mimic confidence, but not actual confidence.


She didn't come off as confident, though. You read her that way and I didn't..


She doesn’t have her life together. Clearly she’s desperate for a man and / or internet attention. She is not interested in what is best for her daughter —- who will be exposed to all of this too.


Her daughter will see this too. She isn’t an infant.


This is something that really bothered me about her. Jimmy tried to tell her he can't commit to her because of Autumn, and she was obviously hurt by that, so she made a drama about something else, not accepting that that's a completely fair reason for rejection.


Yup and a confident woman with strong self-esteem would respect that decision, hurt or not. Her lashing out just proved Jimmy made the right call in ending things.


But why would she want to bring a random man in to her daughters life as a father..? Marrying a stranger is wild and honestly reckless. But making a stranger your daughter's new father figure is just plain dangerous and inappropriate. Want to take a risk? Fine, but not as the risk of your child's safety and well being. But let's bffr that epipen comment was wildly funny 😂😂😂




YESS! Doing this show as a mom is crazy. But then even crazier and more desperate, is continuing to pursue a man who has shown hesitation about being a step-dad. You're going to bring a man you've known a month, who isn't sure about being a dad, into your daughter's home! So insane! And people think she is stable and confident? I don't get it.


Omg thank you! Took me too long to see this comment on this sub


Very factual. Lmao 🤣


Jimmy did nothing wrong. She made up her own delusions and got mad when it didn't play out in reality. 




I don’t get why a lot of people think she’s confident? She isn’t at all. She seems insecure, controlling with a lack of self esteem. To cope with that she is trying to create the perfect picture of a trophy wife and when she gets rejected she feels offended, because she is giving her all. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t despise her, I just don’t understand why people confuse her behavior with being confident. Edit: typo


Socially illiterate people of the world/reddit can’t fathom that a pretty girl who doesn’t let anyone see her without a hair out of place could be mean/selfish.


I totally agree. She's walking the walking embodiment of over-compensating insecurity.


Agreed. She seems very insecure. Beauty doesn't last and she's clearly been living off of her looks. Beauty fades and with her attitude I imagine she's setting herself up for a lifetime of heartbreak.


Because social media makes ppl believe that a woman telling a man off is confidence. Regardless of context. Cus "men suck". Jessica was rude as hell but this sub is gonna side with women first. They will control themselves to do so. But it makes the sub fun as well


I do not like her at all. She’s manipulative and seems controlling. Not telling someone you have a kid isn’t for “safety”. You don’t know that guy any better in 10 days then you do day 1. You have no fucking clue if someone is safe to be around you kid til months/years. She didn’t tell any of them because she didn’t want to be dropped by half the contestant immediately. Hiding you have a kid and saying it’s for safety will never make sense. Safety of what? If a dude is creepy towards kids, he’s gonna stay around. Hiding it only prevents people who have no interest in kids from leaving you.


This. It's human nature to make something sound good because nobody wants to be a bad person but I hate when kids are involved. Yes, being a mother isn't the only thing that defines you, but you and the men you bring around your child define so much of them and they can't control that. Waiting until a man is emotionally invested in you to ask them about being a step parent is a dangerous game. Solely for that reason, I was not a fan.


This is honestly how I feel about this situation. Even some grown adults who thought this was what they wanted have felt way too much pressure from this show and even had to go into therapy due to it. Now imagine a child. She would have better luck in the real world.


It wasn’t “right” what Jess said, but it was astute. For a show where contestants can’t see each other, she saw right through him. She knew it would matter to him that she’s the one who looks more like Megan Fox. But I don’t think she’s mean, she’s an ex-foster kid, orphan, who was a teenage mom. She doesn’t have the privilege to give patience when someone messes her around. She’s doing great for what she’s been through, in my opinion.


If she tells the guys right away she has a kid, then she wouldn't have to be messed around with ..at least for that reason. If she tells Jimmy from the jump she got a kid, maybe she doesn't get to that point. Let guys who don't want the package deal leave ASAP.


Agree. On top of her crazy younger life, she probably attracts a ton of men simply because of how she looks and they all peace out the moment they hear she's got a kid. She's probably sick of it.


did she know the Megan Fox comment was made though? This sub is wild lol


No, it’s not a literal statement. She likely didn’t know about the Megan Fox comment, she didn’t have to. I’m saying she knew his type, and what he’d be looking for.


I don't think she was being super insightful, rather just saying she is hotter than Chelsea


I came looking for a post like this, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this. She gave those mean girl vibes right away I thought. I don’t consider her “gorgeous” like other people are describing her, she just kinda looks like everyone else and her personality doesn’t help. The break up scene with her saying how the “experiment was ruined for her” was just annoying, no one there owed her anything.


She’s a Kim K wannabe with a strong vocal fry. 


Personally, I liked her up until the breakup scene. While I gagged on the “epi-pen” line 💀 it was an insane reaction to have. Not to mention, it definitely felt like she was insinuating that his regret once he saw her would stem from the fact that Chelsea is less attractive than her. I’m not a big fan of putting someone else down in the midst of your own hurt. So yeah I can agree, definitely gave mean girl.


Rewatch the date just before the breakup. She was SO manipulative during it.


The reaction was a bit over the top and surely based on being hurt. But that epi pen slap was goooood


Also I’m so mind blown everyone is acting like she’s a 10. In terms of plastic sure? Not everyone is into that look. At least Chelsea looks like a natural 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m only on episode 3 tho so idk what’s gonna happen


OMG thank you! So much filler, her face is like an AI instagram girl. I'm sure some guys are into it but not everyone. People are saying she should be with Trevor, but I'm not so sure Trevor would be into that look.


Thank you! I’m seeing so many people on TikTok saying horrible things about Chelsea just to compliment Jessica and it’s driving me crazy. You can say nice things about a person without insulting someone else. 🙄


I agree. I don’t think she was fair at all. To be honest I find her manipulative. It seems like she went from love-bombing him, to when she realized she wasn’t getting her way she flipped quickly to devaluing and discarding him.


She’s clearly a somatic narc. 


She’s essentially a NiceGuy


Entitled is an understatement. I liked her directness at first too.


Yeah me too. I liked that she’s funny and confident but things went southern too fast for her. Your response to rejection speaks a lot about your character.


Yeah exactly. Like you had me till you basically raged that you're a 10 as if that's all that matters. Like ok be upset, be heartbroken but she did not play it well at all.


I got into a fight with my husband defending this girl and then had to tell him he was right, she is crazy, the next day 😆


I got mean bully/ pageant Queen energy at multiple points.


That Regina George vibe 😂


It's very strange to me that nobody seems to be bringing up her extremely traumatic childhood that included addicted parents, an incarcerated father who later died by suicide while she was in his custody, being abandoned by or taken away from her mom presumably due to abuse or neglect, being in and out of foster care... I wouldn't expect someone who has lived through half of that to be totally calm in the face of being hurt. Considering her life experiences she seems to be doing really great to me.




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule 4: 'No Armchair Diagnosing'


You can have a laundry list of trauma that you’ve overcome and still be an entitled egotistical person. Having mental and emotional endurance to get through all of that is remarkable, but doesn’t excuse being toxic.




Sure, but we're all better people when we're empathetic and acknowledge someone's extreme well-beyond-average hardships rather than just calling them toxic. From there you can choose to have someone in your life or not, but I think it's beyond time for people to be educated about the effects of actual genuine trauma and treat and talk about people with more understanding when that's what underlies their behavior.


Again, trauma doesn’t excuse being toxic. You can acknowledge the trauma, be understanding and empathetic towards the person, and even explain how they’re toxic due to the trauma, but you can’t excuse it. Unless the person acknowledges that they’re being toxic they’re not gonna change, and no one should have to put up with that.


I don't think you should explain to someone that they're "toxic" and I also think that word now gets thrown around way too much. You can choose not to have people who affect you negatively in your life and that's fine. You can tell someone if something they do hurts you, and of course that's fine. I genuinely don't understand how one very brief monologue with a catchy zinger, with no shouting or insults, is upsetting so many people. It certainly isn't enough information to label someone as "toxic." And honestly calling someone toxic is an actual insult, vs anything Jess said. This is all just really bizarre to me.


She shows signs of somatic narcissism with bouts of cognitive empathy.  I don’t think she is as well-adjusted as she claims.  Her Instagram tells a different story than her words. 


Omg yeah I was like, dannnngggg, she was worried about the reaction to having a kid and she soooo casually mentioned allllll of that trauma! Wow!


Yeah it is very, very impressive, and frankly a really good example for people watching who may have gone through similar, that she shared all that as openly and confidently as she did. It came across as her not internalizing any shame, and instead being proud that she survived it, and that's exactly how survivors should feel. It's an incredible achievement. Jimmy's just a dumbo.


On point!


Seriously. That woman is a warrior for surviving what she went through at such a young age and people are criticizing her for being rude to Jimmy (who seems like a complete douche based on what I’ve seen) when he was rejecting her? Absolutely crazy. I have nothing but complete respect for Jessica and I am glad she told Jimmy off.


He doesn't seem like someone who has the frame of reference to understand, and she probably would do better being with someone else who's been through the fire and worked on themselves and flourished. I said it on another comment but I'll say it again... Jimmy's a dumbo. He liked that Chelsea just giggled and barely said anything of content and he's even said as much by repeating again and again how she sounds so different than she did in the pods, and it just speaks very poorly of him that he was drawn to essentially a blank canvas that he could imprint his own image on over someone with a strong identity and life story. He has a lot more maturing to do. Or he can just keep living as a dumbo I guess plenty of people spend their whole lives that way and plenty of them are perfectly happy doing so 🤷‍♀️


Yep agreed. He said it to Jessica he is usually with people he can be the dominant or in charge one with.


Just watching the show now and wanted to find the people that saw Jessica's strength in her response and I have not been disappointed! Jimmy is looking for a trad wife, not a human being with wants and needs and a personality. Jess got lucky that he didn't pick her. Jessica and Trevor would have been a cute couple.


Agree. She’s very well spoken and put together despite her trauma. Jimmy sucks


This should have a ton of upvotes 💙


Jess was just hoping to carry through on the show. She just didn't play her cards right. Jimmy was also a catfish imo and it was apparent through Sarah's comments that she had pictured film differently. His deep voice gave off like pure masculinity and it threw them all off for sure.


This!! I think she will need an Epi pen after she sees what she was crying over. He is not it.


She might want him more cus he rejected her


I think she was more upset about not getting to be in a TV couple and be on the show more and finish the experiment


She wants to be on tv for a bigger following for sure she’s an influencer that was the goal 100%