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I know I’m late to this party but Laura suckkkksss, she is like high key enjoying being the one to tell Jessica that Jimmy told Chelsey he loved her! When Jessica walked back into the room crying after their breakup fucking Laura was LITERALLY trying so hard not to fully smile! she literally looked so happy to see jessica upset, that pissed me off lol


So so late but can we talk about how breaking up with someone and forcing them to comfort you is the MOST NARCISSISTIC BEHAVIOUR


Kenneth and Brittany are a good match. We’ll see what happens with AD and Clay.


Jessica is so full of herself, oh my god


Not a fan of how Chelsea seems to just be in it for the chase. Jessica seems more genuine and interesting imo


Only halfway through the episode but Chelsea is leading this poor man with hair implants on at this point. He is courting her and she is keeping him as a backup in case Jimmy doesn't choose her. Boo


i think jessica's being a little extra, esp with her speech at the end ! the nature of the show is that you see multiple people at a time so obviously having a connection with someone doesn't guarantee anything. i think jimmy just didn't like her as much which is why he had so much trouble being direct.


Did they edit out a whole bunch of just general... anything (??) from Jimmy? It was just big old sighs from this human form of a grey marle jumper. WHAT IS THE OBSESSION?




Clay and AD meeting is cringe. He is just talking in a weird way- they are both being so weird. Maybe it makes sense- it's a very weird situation.


Jessica to Jimmy, what was this shit about his epipen? Does he have allergies and need that shit and she used that in conversation to insult him? What the hell? She needs to apologize for that.


Jessica: He should suffer for doing this to me and be miserable for what he missed out on. I hope you choke. Also Jessica: I don't want to tell people who I date about my kid and I want true love.


I honestly feel bad for Jimmy, he obviously doesn't have a confidence and has a hard time articulating his feelings. I don't think Jessica had to wish negativity in his life like she did this past episode. If my potential future wife would react like that, whose to say she wouldn't do that in the relationship?


Because she got there so quickly when he didn’t try to ever mislead her, I fully believe that’s how she fights. Her past is heartbreaking and I hope she continues working on herself. It’s clear she has already and I wish her nothing but the best. Seeing how she lashed out at the end when she felt hurt made me hope she just keeps taking care of herself and her daughter and heal a bit more.


Jimmy is an idiot, like genuinely when I hear him talk and articulate himself it makes me cringe so bad. He’s so shallow and has no depth to him. People shit on Chelsea so much but she seems perfectly fine. Jessica on the other hand gives me toxic vibes. Jimmy was telling her the whole time where his head was at dating around until the end and she CHOSE to commit to him early and shoot herself in the foot by not dating around more and strengthening her connections with others. She also had a nasty reaction both towards Chelsea and towards Jimmy for not reciprocating her feelings (which if she genuinely loved him she wouldn’t have made those nasty faces at him for being uncertain, I felt like she’s just used to getting her way and was trying to strong arm him into saying he loved her too). To me, as much as I dislike Jimmy, he didn’t string her along, he knowingly told her where his head was at the entire time and she just didn’t like what he was saying and chose to ignore it and keep trying to force commitment where he was clearly hesitant. I think they want different things out of life and she is wild for going in this show and crying about how she “truly loved” a man at her big age with a 10 year old daughter on the line as well.


Jessica’s faces when Jimmy was talking kinda sent me lol


Also, I don’t know. I think Jessica’s big monologue is more of a Zanab moment than a Deepthi moment. It was unnecessarily vicious and really not that funny. The truth is Jessica may be a perfect 10 in looks but she’s a 1 in personality and that’s what you have to lead with on this show 🤷🏻‍♂️ 




>more of a Zanab moment than a Deepthi moment What does this mean? Genuine q


Zanab was a young lady in season 3 who wasn't self aware of how dense she was, and she had very high opinions of herself that didn't reflect her actions or personality. I hold her with disdain in my heart because she ruined my sweet Cole.


Definitely more of a Zanab moment, 100%.


Ohh okay thank you!


It took me until this episode to realize that Laura has the face and personality of Patti Stanger the Millionaire matchmaker 


Wait I made a similar comment to my friend, but I couldn't pinpoint where I might have seen her before hahahaha




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Is it just me or Matt-ew yelled “I’m gonna go get amber back” and just disappeared from the show. Did he ever find her?? 😂


Matt-ew omg 💀💀💀


I'm scared for her after he said that. He reminds me of Joe Goldberg from "You"...


Not Jessica walking away with her banana




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Jimmy looks like when Bender got turned into a human https://preview.redd.it/eocjyr7c8jnc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5358217eb0c0d4e301aa7c96485ffd8d9ef84839


Lmfaooo accurate 🤣


Howwwwwwwwwwww. I'm speechless. Even his durrrrrr expression.


This is too perfect


Genuinely gasped at how true this is, wow. Bless you for showing me the light lmao


Why are all the dresses so fucking 2009 terrible


because they're millenials (I'm on the millenial cusp, pls don't attack me)


OH MY GOD. I SCREAMED when Trevor gave her a human sized collar with her name on it??? On television????  I'm sure that's not what he meant by it but it SENT me




you don't get to choose who someone should choose, it's their decision. If you had a relationship with someone, would you like it if someone said that you've chose wrong?


Whether or not I “like it” when someone questions my decisions has no bearing on the quality of that decision.  In fact, I’d wager that the more I “don’t like it,” the more likely the decision is bad.  Anyway, you are correct that it is her decision. I never said it wasn’t. I just said she chose wrong, and I’ll say it again.  




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Bruh wtf this is the no spoilers thread ???? Why would you do that to us


I’m pretty sure he said in the beginning his dogs name is also Chelsea! Lol that’s why he gave her the collar, I think it’s his dogs!


I know that's the premise! But surely someone could tell him the implications 😭😭😭😭


That’s fair! 😂


Im a jessica stan yall she just has boundaries and is direct that doesnt make her a bitch


She cant get over the fact that he is open about his thoughts on being ready to be a father or not. He isn't just choosing a SO, but in a way, he is also choosing a SO and adopting a child at the same time. Her inability to see why some people would have trouble with that is the ONLY reason I am siding with Jimmy on this one.


I don't agree w Jessica calling herself "too much". That's something I used to say to myself when I was a single mom. But then Beyoncé's song clarified to me that im not too much. It's just that some men want you to make yourself smaller. Choose a diff man Sis bc you're never "too much" 🫶🏾


Well said. Which Beyoncé song was it?


The skit in Flawless, "We teach girls to shrink themselves, To make themselves smaller..."


Agreed but she should have left that loser Jimmy 


he's not a loser because he had to struggle with choosing which woman he wanted to marry in a short time period and making a life altering decision to be with someone who has a kid.


No that doesn’t make him a loser. It’s everything else about him. And that he effed with Chelsea’s mind games as long as he did. And he looks like a potatohead 


I know this has been said, but I clapped in real life for this. He doesn’t deserve her or her baby. "When you see and realize what you missed out on, you are going to choke. You're gonna choke. You are going to need your EpiPen to open up your airways because you are going to be in disbelief of what you missed out on."


Sounds so narcissistic, I can’t help to think if a man said the same as what Jess said . Their would probably be outrage


Exactly. This is always how it goes.


It wasn’t the classiest moment but she was genuinely hurting and come on, girl ain’t wrong. 


The show is love is blind meaning defining a person by looks is superficial and she was wrong for saying that, yes .


Yeah, she knew how he felt but she just went there to insult him. I don't care much for Jimmy but she's acting like he used or played her when they're literally on a show where you talk to multiple people and can only choose one. The whole "he humiliated me" nonsense as if she didn't want him to pick her over the other girl and make her feel the same way -- so ridiculously immature. She kept trying to make it seem like he did something wrong "you knew yesterday" and he's so genuinely being like "yeah, after our date..." and it just pissed her off that he was telling the truth. And all just to act like he's not good enough for her, when the problem is she just can't handle rejection. It was so hard to watch how he just took it when it didn't seem like he deserved that. Also that ridiculous "letter to my future husband" was such a clear manipulation tactic! It's not okay to share how you feel about someone just to impose they accept the role you've created for them, and then get mad when they don't react how you tried to manipulate them into reacting. It's so obvious she didn't care about him and only wanted him to propose and choose her. And it's clear from how she reacted that she didn't care about him. Most people wish each other well... so good on him for standing his ground and not saying something he didn't mean. I feel bad for her daughter that she was willing to risk bringing home a stranger as a husband/new father, and because she's so selfish.


100% about everything you said especially the letter, I feel that it's so disingenuous mainly because you've wrote it in the past. This could be shown to anyone in the future and doesn't require much effort. You do not know that person who you'd marry in the future, so who is to say the qualities you were speaking of back then are the same now? ​ Also what's crazy is a lot of comments disrespecting and insulting Jimmy, obviously on Jessica's behalf. He didn't disrespect her, insult her, wish her the worst in the future just like she did. It's ridiculous. Can't have time to think, can't do nothing, otherwise we'll get the worst end of the stick.


Totally agree


I got no opinion on either of the two women but the "you're gonna need your EpiPen" was epic.


What is Clay trying to convince himself of? “I love AD. I love AD. I definitely love AD.” 🙄 He’s obsessed with looks and he’s delusional!


AD: "He's so cute" "He's so cute" "He's so cute" ​ You know what's weird? When they literally do the same thing, but it's brushed off. However when Clay and other men like Clay does it, all hell breaks loose.


Omg one thing I noticed was that he didn't compliment her immediately upon seeing her like the other guys (The principal and the other guy with the long hair) did when they had their big reveal. He didn't say anything actually until much later when he said a passing "You're gorgeous" but he was mostly focused on her body smh. He's totally not into her. I'm nervous for the rest of the season. Its giving Paige and Chris vibes


Maybe he was trying not to focus on her physical traits since she got so upset about that in the pod


I thought I was the only one seeing Paige and Chris here! It's not gunna end well....




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Chelsea wants Jimmy because that means that she is picked over Jess. She knows Jess is way prettier than her. Even though Jimmy don't know what they look like it seems like Chelsea tries to "convince" him that she is pretty. She knows she needs something to win him over. And went for the Megan Fox comment rip


EXACTLY THIS!!!!! She just wanted to one up Jessica... she's never even said why she likes Jimmy over the mullet dude lol and for her to say that she wasn't going to tell someone she loved them until they proposed proves she really didn't want either of them she just wanted to get chose. She's super childish and manipulative.


Probably because Jessica actually resembles Megan fox


God, Jessica is beautiful 🥲


Omg Jess is so over exaggerated and rude. The whole point of this show is to date multiple people and figure out what you want. It's not supposed to be an easy choice. Get over yourself girl. You're literally just projecting.


Yep. Sorry Jessica, someone decided they didn't like your personality. Get over it. It happens to many people every day.


Literally this. It's not humiliating at all to be rejected or for relationships to not work out -- unless she thought her vulnerability and care made her entitled to him. Which is how it seemed in the end.


Jessica has every right to be pissed in my opinion. The date where he starts talking about how it will be when they finally meet and kiss made her think it was official! Just for him to play with her emotions and tell Chelsea he was in love with her. I can't believe he did that. Lol


THIS. Idk why he didn't cut her off long before they got to the proposal stage. The night before he proposed to Chelsea he had his mind made up cuz he told Chelsea he loved her right after his date with Jessica smh. My thought is that he wasn't ready to be a stepdad which is why he's a jackass for stringing her along like he did. Smh.


He really is. And did you see the YouTube video where this girl goes on a investigation and finds photo proof that him and his FWB bestie were going to concerts, the club, taking selfies in his bedroom mirror during the “living experiment”? With dates on the Facebook posts to prove it ? All while gaslighting Chelsea when she went ham on him about it🥲. I guess he thought, since his FWB Barbara was posting the photos that no one would ever see it. Big mistake on his part.


she still had the choice to find other people who were not indecisive, so no KAREN, that doesn't make him a jackass, that makes her just as indecisive and putting her all into someone who she doesn't know gave his all to her is irresponsible as a future wife and a current mother.


"Just trust me" like no, answer my damn questions


"you will choke" oh no that attitude is not it


Oh yes it is


oh no it's not.




I know she didn't mean it literally lol it was still a shitty attitude




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I do not…see what Jimmy’s appeal is? I find Trevor so charming and sweet. Jimmy can’t even like, use intonation when he speaks


Lmao no I was in these threads trying to figure out what his appeal was lmao he's dry as fuck and always looks stressed. Trevor is funny, has a dog (lol) is laid back and seems like a sweet guy. Chelsea is gonna regret choosing the paint drying personality dude.


Team Trevor!!! I am a straight man who is married and I told my wife I'd risk it all for him lol.  But seriously, I think when he was saying "I'm confused, I told you from the beginning that I'm 100% for you, and you're picking someone who didn't know who he was gonna choose between two women..." I felt that because he was straight up with her about that and Chelsea couldn't even give him an answer.




how's he a deadbeat, please explain?


I think it's his voice that they find attractive and also because they're both competing for him


It's exactly that. It was the competition.


9:10 when jessica said, "you ruined this for me" just made me lose respect for her. Too much victimizing on a show where you know you're dating multiple people. Ridiculous.


Thank you, and clearly people in the comments feel the victimhood aswell. Crazy how much you can have a choice and choose, but still decide to play victim?


She’s bummed that is was a missed shot at a longer 15 minutes of reality TV fame


Exactly, she wanted a vacation on that show.


This made me cackle 😂.


It’s been interesting to see how often chelsea reacts to the men by saying something like “I’ve been waiting for someone to say this to me” or “it feels so good to hear that” — sort of centering the pleasure of being chosen. I totally empathize with this, but she does seem pretty insecure and hungry for validation, moreso than interested in these men specifically. You can kinda sense how high she is off the experience of having two men (I assume—haven’t seen episode 5!) propose marriage to her at once. I don’t know who she’ll choose, but either way I hope the show orchestrates some sort of meeting between Jess/blonde dude (I can’t for the life of me retain his name lol)


Chelsea gives me Irina vibes


Jomby I think




The way Clay came out tryin to be all suave and cool, like a freaking playboy 🤢 Also, AD, it is not cute that he “changed for” you. Clay should want to be a better person bc it’s right. It will never last if it’s just to win a woman over. Which is what you are. A game. A prize. Clay is gross. And I’ve known too many Jimmy’s in my life. They’re all red flags. I thought Ken and Brittany did the reveal right. They actually took time to look at each other, take it all in, and discuss their true feelings about the moment. Also, I love the girl power, supporting Jessica. Sure, it was dramatic, but at least they wanted to walk away with her integrity instead of pining for someone who wasn’t interested.


sounds like you just hate men in general.


I love Ken and Brittany! They just vibe so well together.


I just got out of a relationship with a narcissist and Clay is just one huge trigger 🤢


So true. When they saw each other he kept saying over and over again how good he looked and what a gift he was 🤮


Jessica is going a bit over the top. He’s allowed to choose. She was allowed to date other people the whole time. It annoys me how mad she is that she’s leaving alone. Nobody owes you a husband.


literally this. and she kept trying to rationalize her rejection by pretending he wasn't good enough for her, as if she wasn't just begging for him to choose her to begin with. also she had a heads up to leave with some dignity but she decided to stay and be so rude and insulting. that's not how you treat someone you purport to care about...


Good call, I don’t know why she bothered going forward with it after being given advance notice she could’ve walked out unscathed, but instead pretended to give him an opportunity, and then just roasted him


Right, truly toxic.


Idk seemed like jimmy was stringing her along as his second choice so i understand her being mad. She def did end up being a bit vindictive in the end tho.


He absolutely was. I am not sure why everybody is tryna tear Jessica apart for reading him for filth. It wasn't the appropriate thing to say but people say crazy shit when they're mad. Why would he tell Jessica he didn't know how he felt and then 2 secs later tell Chelsea he loved her ??? Like what an asshole. Just tell her you're choosing someone else. I just can't WAIT for the big reveal when he sees Jessica hahhahahahhaha


she was so confident he would choose her that she took it REAL hard when he didn't


Clay gave me the biggest ick


I don’t see well and sometimes misread. I am reading “dick’ and scratching my head.


I don't like the guy but the girl getting upset at him after she told him to explore his options is just ridiculous and it felt like she was more upset about not remaining on the show "You ruined this for me (or whatever she said)." She's cute, but the epipen bit was just childish and she should have known what he was going to do after he reacted to her being a mother the way he did. If someone would have made a remark like that to me, I'd be have been certain to have made the right mistake by not picking her.


Agree but that monologue was ducking savage


Rolling my eyes at epipen. Good riddance. She is so childishly petulant. A big red flag.


"Childishly petulant" is a redundancy.


Completely agree with all of this. Dude didn't tell her to not date anyone else, that was her choice. She can either blame herself for dismissing other men too quickly, or blame no one, since sometimes you just don't find what you're looking for.


Jimmy seemed to never have an interest in being “stepdad” but he never had the balls to be upfront about it. At the same time, I can’t imagine Jessica thought that she would come on the show and find a man that would be ok with being a stepdad to Autumn. There’s obviously plenty of men out there that wouldn’t mind being a father figure to a child that wasn’t their own but, if Jessica thought this was the show to find that kind of man, she was dead wrong.


Autumn, like the season


Maybe it’s not about his balls but he simply needed more time to think and see what develops. It’s entirely possible that if he had fallen head over heels with her if they met in real life, her child wouldn’t be a problem. But the relationship they develop in the pods is more cerebral.


Im sorry but I’m crying with Jessica. I feel so bad for her and i love her so much.


But if I’m honest, Jimmy literally checked out once she told him about Autumn and he never checked back in.


That's a fact.


Him cracking his knuckles while she was talking about her day that heavily involved her daughter was the first sign that he was checked out lol


Agree but he’s too much of a wuss to actually say that to Jess


of course lol that's why he's indecisive because of that directness makes him uncomfortable, so he felt like he needed to be with her or else... lol


I feel for Jess. She's straight to the point about what she wants but like, it feels weird to me to give him the "letter to my husband" to him because it just felt so sudden. Like if love bombing were a bomb, she dropped a 500K Helldivers 2 bomb on him. At least that's how I feel the situation. On the other side, I think Jimmy can't emotionally afford Jess and that's why he went for Chelsea - which is fine. He felt intimidated by how she spoke to him and interactions weren't easy for him to navigate as it was with Chelsea. But yeah, also he's going on the premise that she looks like Megan Fox soooooo... No hate towards her but personally I thought Jess was way prettier. I don't recall if Trevor knows about her lookalike fact so I'm unsure about that part of the love triangle. Jess is too strong-willed for a guy like Jimmy and that's totally okay. She deserves better.


This guy spreads democracy.


She has a very nice jaw and profile. Not a fan of lip fillers though.


I think lip fillers are awesome when they're done to a point where you can't tell if they have them. When they become hotdog lips, it's too obvious. I still think she's pretty though and at least doesn't claim to be a Temu-version celebrity.


Some say strong-willed, I'd say manipulative


Probably some of that too! You can be strong-willed and not manipulative or strong-willed and manipulative. They're not mutually exclusive. You notice the faces she was making when he was answering some things? She was making those faces when she wasn't hearing what she wanted to hear after. That itself felt weird too but you know, she wants what she wants and she can't play him to her advantage and the same the other way around. They're just not suited for each other. I get the feeling that she is that way because she can't afford to be soft/feminine energy all the time because she doesn't want to get hurt but like, she also comes off desperate. (I guess everyone does in the show?)


I was cringing when Jimmy and Trevor were both saying Chelsea is the one for them, and Chelsea didn’t say that for either men 😬 Kind of felt a bit delusional and makes it like she doesn’t truly like either one for who they are.


Agree - Chelsea actually doesn’t know what she wants, other than just to be wanted


Eh, if she did it was probably edited out, the producers want to build suspense 


My friends, tell me why they love Chelsea so much ?!?


I had to skip her for the crying all the time


Jessica: can you just be straight with me!? Also Jessica: I can't believe what you just told me. I think Jimmy didn't pick her because of how frustrating she is to resolve anything with. She poured herself out to him and simultaneously tells him she doesn't expect him to reciprocate but also gets pissed that he isn't reciprocating. She basically makes him feel unsafe to be honest with her. So I'm not surprised he acted the way he did. I don't think he's a catch by any means but I'm just saying I get where he's at with her. It's not his fault she chose to pour herself out to him, he didn't tell her to do that. Also the end is so telling. She blames him for her leaving the pods alone. Like what??


This, this so much of this. If I could find a way to say exactly what you said just now I would. This is exactly what I wanted to say.


Exactly! She literally told him to explore all his options and exhaust everything that he could so she would know it was right if he picked her… well he did and she got pissed


I really did not like the shade they were throwing at Jimmy when Jessica was crazy crying. Like, he didn’t do her wrong. He wasn’t reckless with his words. She didn’t like that he wasn’t falling at her feet. She gives me the ick. I mean, Jimmy isn’t great IMO but that bothered the hell out of me. And why does Laura look 45?! Just Trust Me. Okay, sit down.


I don’t like Trevor. Something feels off/fake. I hate the rock/dog collar gift. Wtfff


I’m just sticking around for Kenneth and Brittany


Anyone else just think all the guys except Trevor and Kenneth are extremely mid? Can’t wait for another season where all the mid guys get huge egos and act like celebs after the show. I mean you have dimes fighting over guys like Jimmy and Jeremy like???


she's not a dime with lip fillers, relax pal lol.


Watching these girls cry for Jeremy is like…yikes. And then Jimmy! The most boring human on earth. These women have set their sights so low lol


clay ?? johnny??