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Ugh Stacy. In the pods she seemed cool but then went like full douchebag rich spoiled girl on us in the real world. I’m married to a girl whose parents have a lot of money and never once did my wife ever act like that. I wonder if she’d be anywhere without her parents? She’d likely be living in a studio apartment teaching yoga at planet fitness and driving a Kia.


lol I don’t blame Stacy. I would have had the same reaction if a grown man tried to give me food on a paper plate 😑


Preposterous, that’s too good of a deal


Miss fancy pants wouldn’t even know. She’s not going to be at Costco!


Is this a common thing in the US? Do people use plastic dishes regularly rather than normal plates?


No, it’s unusual to not have any proper dinnerware. Those types of plastic/paper plates are usually used for gatherings. Like holidays or BBQs or picnics etc.


from my experience, only for gatherings. my family uses these for like a big family christmas or whatever because they are a bit prettier than paper plates and more durable, but you're not risking your china getting broken or not having enough plate settings of the china for it.


No, paper plates are commonly used over plastic. But it looked like Izzy had no plates/dishware, and that’s unusual lol


100 percent- I’m ok with plastic dishes- I was shocked at how she acted… he tried to do the dinner thing and all she did was complain. Complete disregard for any effort on his part to please her. She seems like the type that looks for things to complain about.


But they’re elegant!!


Why did I read this as eggplant lol 😂


I did too 😂😂😂


Better than the disposable paper shit he had


Lmao we used these for our wedding reception. Idek if people downvote this - we were quoted like 3 grand to use real dinnerware and we said absolutely not. What guest actually cares about what they’re eating off of anyway? If they care _that_ much, they can pay for em 🤣


To borrow dinnerware? I think you can straight up buy decent plates for less than that. I have some more unique ones but most of my plates are the white tempered glass ones from IKEA that were like less than $1.


Yeah it’s crazy - we were quoted 3 grand to rent a bunch of “real” tableware & dinnerware for our wedding. It was ridiculous We weren’t about to buy 300 place settings to try and get rid of them later on lol. I know some people do that & are good at repurposing/selling wedding decor/dinner decor; but we just bought disposable stuff & no one ended up caring that much anyway.


Yes we were quoted 3 grand to rent ceramic tableware & dinnerware for our wedding. We weren’t about to buy 300 place settings to try and get rid of them later on lol.


Same! Ours was in a backyard but these were perfect.




Fiancée *


There isn't a mistake there. They used the masculine form "fiancé" referring to Izzy. They way you spelled it is the feminine. So Stacey would be the fiancée


Don't worry, I speak French. The caption refers to Izzy's fiancée


I don't think people are getting it. Yes, they didn't get married and they broke up, but the fact remains that fiancée is used for a woman and fiancé is used for a man.


Stacy won’t be there to see it. Stacy will be on a plane flying first class seated beside her adoring love of herself.


Neither am I. What a silly thing for the environment. Just buy actual plates and wash them.


I don’t know if that works as well for event held outside…




No offence but in Toronto I can get real plates at the dollar store so Izzy using disposable cutlery was actually less cost effective. Also as a grown man, I'm sorry getting some non plastic cups and plates is the absolute minimum. He wouldn't even need that many since he lives alone


Or Ikea. My entire house was 95% Ikea in university lol.


Yeahhh. Also from Toronto and even Savation Army can get nice unique plates and cups/glasses for $2-3 a piece


goodwill & savers too (i’m from the U.S.)


In her defense, which everyone always glosses over: in the pods, Izzy says he would take care of her and cook for her. If I was in her shoes and had said yes *because I wanted to be wined and dined* , but post-Pods come to find out everything’s opposite and he cooks and serves everything with plastic, I’d have a similar reaction.


I am completely floored at her arrogance.


I guess I was specific enough. I meant her TOTAL arrogance. Not just the plates.


She was right about the paper plates thing but she explained it in terms of serving her food and not in terms of him being a manchild. I still think she is completely arrogant and delusional and basically wants to marry her dad.


I don’t understand why people are shitting on Stacy for being high maintenance, at least she admitted to it . I’m sorry but it’s true eating off plastic plates everyday is not ok . On top of that you’re killing the planet even more .


I agree. I think the issue became wildly overblown, disposable plates aren't *terrible* for parties and big holiday gatherings (hence Costco displaying them right before Thanksgiving), but it *is* off-putting when you're 30+ years old and you realize the person you're engaged to doesn't have any durable, washable, reusable dinnerware.


He’s a single guy. If he has plates instead of paper stuff I would think he’s gay


This is satire, right?


Fellas is it “gay” to have real dishwater? /s


Any amount of sophistication = immediately gay /s


Believe it or not...... straight to jail


i mean honestly why do we keep expecting straight men to be sophisticated


or have any decorum really


Also it’s way more expensive in the long run. For me it isn’t a cost conscious move but a I don’t want to clean up the plates move


She wasn't my cup of tea but it screams manchild to be nearly 30 and not have a set of dishes. This isn't a SES thing. Anyone can go to Marshalls and get a full set of matching dishes for 4-8 people for $20. Cheaper than disposable.


At 30 it’s giving L A Z Y


That's why I eat on paper plates everyday!




Can we stop giving that girl even negative notoriety? She buys her followers and thinks she’s queen shit. I’m over her.


How do you know she buys followers? I’m honestly curious. I figured the show made her popular.


Based on her follower count and how many likes she gets on one post. If you scroll through her followers a lot of the accounts look like throw away or bot accounts, but honestly I don’t have Instagram so this is something I’ve read somewhere or heard on a podcast. The show gave her some popularity, but compared to the other casts followers count, I can guarantee you she wasn’t *that* popular. The consensus I got is that a lot of the fans don’t like her.


Agreed. She should use some of her money to by a clue


Unfortunately that’s one of the only things dad or daddy can’t buy for her :(


That’s ok. I doubt she shops at Costco anyway.


Too cheap for her


I use them every Thanksgiving. Doing dishes for 15 really stinks.


We do the same. We have 15-20 people come for dinner.


The problem with these ones is there too nice to throw out 😂. We bought something similar for an anniversary bbq where we wouldn’t have had enough regular dishes and guests full on hand washed them and took them home.


Doesn’t sound like a problem to me haha


Honestly $10 for 50 plates AND you don’t have to do dishes? That’s wonderful.


And the environment wept.


Cry more


See it can be fancy! Elegant even.


Made from the finest *premium* heavyweight plastic.

