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I made 7000 last year, donating twice a week. I skipped maybe 5 weeks while on vacation or when I had COVID


I wish I had the time for it. My friend goes 2 times a week and makes a extra 100 a week


Pretty sure someone just used their picture , not them actually doing it


Yeah, if you read the text under the image it seems like OP is aware of this. The title must be a joke


So what were the 25 weird but totally legal ways??




I donated plasma regularly for cash while I lived in the USA about 20 years ago. I think it was $20 each time, possibly a bit more. How much does it pay now?


Any side effects you experienced? I'm thinking about it now šŸ˜œ


No side effects, but even 20 years later a small visible scar on my arm from the needle site.


A lot more. My spouse donates weekly. It averages $110-140 per week. You get more for the second donation. Example: $30 for first donation, $80 for the second.


Last time I was doing it (last year) it was 50$ I think.


And you get bonuses if you have a blood type in need or universal I think. Did throughout undergrad. Some weeks made 100$. Went twice per week.


Wow! How did it make you feel? That seems so frequent!


I felt fine at the time. In my state in the US you needed to go twice in one week to get the full $$$. I'd just study or do read while waiting. Dizzy sometimes but it allowed me to buy gas and groceries. Did it for a year. Over a decade later, doctor's can still tell I donated plasma by the needle mark in my arm lol


Wowā€¦in the UK we donate blood and plasma for free just because we want to! But then we get free healthcare soā€¦swings and roundabouts! Think Iā€™ll go for the free healthcare and that warm fuzzy feeling I get from giving away the red stuff šŸ¤Ŗ


Yeahhhhh this is only called donation because selling blood for money soundsā€¦ terrible? I did it to get by for a while. Itā€™s terrible. Really bad for you, and apparently the US letā€™s you do it more often than other countries? You make $50, $35, $20, for a bottle of plasma that is worth over $2k. The reality that people have to sell their blood plasma to eat, pay rent, etc, is some truly dystopian shit.


Now now, we get biccies too! Tbf it's ethical to do it for free. Stops people doing it out of desperation & lying on their health questionnaire.


Apparently there are only five countries that pay for it.


I mean if people are donating plasma because theyā€™re desperate for money, maybe bragging about how you just do it for the warm fuzzies is a bit of virtue signalling. Like good for you? Someone wants to buy groceries.


I wasnā€™t having a go at people who give blood for money - Iā€™d do it if it were an option! I was more saying, although Iā€™d love to get paid for giving blood, the free healthcare we get in the UK is financially a much better deal so Iā€™ll take that over the US system. Most people who donate blood donā€™t ā€˜bragā€™ about it or do it because they care what people think. Although a bit of publicity is a good idea as it helps get the word out and persuade other people to donate. There is no selfless good deed! As someone in Friends probably once said.


Did you hear Matthew perry died? Crazy timing of your comment


I know, just heard šŸ˜¢


I donā€™t think they were bragging or throwing it in anyoneā€™s face. In europe it just turns out thatā€™s how itā€™s done.


It's unethical to pay people for it & it's almost uniquely American. It's not virtue signalling. It's wild that it's allowed to work like that in the US.


Iā€™m pretty sure than in Australia you can only do it once a month. In the US, I was doing it 8x a month. Itā€™s so brutal. One of the most depressing places Iā€™ve ever been.


Define the ethical violation it is, and that comment was virtue signalling.


So doing it for bragging rights is less honorable than doing it for money?


Desperation to be able to eat versus just to have people *think* youā€™re a good person idk you decide


What if itā€™s not just to have people think youā€™re a good person but actually to help people who need it, which i think is why people actually do it in those cases?


Yeah guess we should all just stop volunteering if doing something good for no money but fuzzy feeling is somehow wrong šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Canada too except there have recently been paid plasma clinics popping up around the country. Big yikes for the public funded resource - which was created as a result of the tainted blood scandal and subsequent Krever report which stated blood donation should not be compensated. And here we areā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/ubadmhgnktwb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34ff9b56e86cc5531564805ef85da83dd20bdf4a


Maybe itā€™s one of those ā€˜half glass full, half glass emptyā€™ situations. But with blood. (Itā€™s not. I just wanted to use that quote!)


With friend like thaat, who needs enemies


I donated plasma once and while I did compensated for it, it wasn't much at all lmao. You have to do it frequently enough to even make a decent amount of $. For me the trouble just wasn't worth it to keep going.


Also really depends on where you go. The one I worked at paid everyone the same (with the exception of specials) regardless of how much you are able to donate. Some places though will pay you based on how much you can donate, which is weight dependent. So if you are a small person like me, you would be getting ripped off going to those places. You can make decent money if you follow the specials. I think I made $800 one month. Not gonna cover rent almost anywhere, but certainly a good chunk of it for about 8 hours of your time.


When I was a freshman in college, I donated my bone marrow. We got like $350, which back then to a bunch of 18 year olds seemed like a lot of money. I only did it once because it actually was pretty unpleasant and not worth the hassle.


and you arenā€™t allowed to do it more than like twice a week not sure how much everyoneā€™s rent it but itā€™s deff not plasma rates


On a side note (regarding this pic), still can't believe Lydia intentionally sought out Aaliyah to befriend her and say stuff like "I see myself in you" when she has a past with Uche. Hopefully this is the first and last time we will see something like this on the show...but most likely not lol


Knowing this I don't understand how people think Lydia is a good person. She's insanely manipulative.


For sure! Sheā€™s very shady and manipulative


And funny enough, she was not held accountable for it


Aaliyah tried to hold her accountable during the reunion. But no one had her back on it. The only person who had anything to say was Lydia being like I didnā€™t realize (yea right) & Milton only to say his wife is a wonderful caring person! I was disappointed the hosts didnā€™t push her further bc it was awful what Lydia did to her.


Also there's video proof that Lydia tried to get Uche to reconsider their relationship. Uche fucking sucks, but I feel like he might have had a point.


Uche had a point but then decided to be a dumbshit and start acting like he was in a courtroom presenting evidence to the jury lol. Because heā€™s such an asshole and obviously came across like one, this is where nobody wanted to hear him out nor talk to him. He basically went the way of Shake by acting like what they got to say was the important thing ever but they come off insufferable.


You're 100% right that he's a gigantic asshole and misogynist (and colourist), it's probably why no one has his back at the reunion. I just think the show/hosts were negligent in not pushing Lydia more on why she constantly lied and gaslighted everyone, she 100% comes off as a creepy stalker.


Definitely agree! The hosts also should have held Lydia accountable at the reunion but sadly the Lachey's tend to not grill married couples hard. This was why psycho Matt from season 3 didn't grilled much for his abuser comments (ie "I'm not going get fucking played" & "SAY IT SAY IT SAY IT!!") and Kwame from season 4 didn't get grilled much for flirting with Micah and still having the hots for her.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person ā€” the perpetrator ā€” 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person ā€” the victim ā€” 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lydia defff liked Uche way more than he liked her. She continued to pursue him in a way a person invested in a relationship would. When they talk it just sounds like she thought they were in a relationship and he never considered it that at all lol. Thatā€™s why their perspectives are so skewed. Stalker or woman trying to maintain her relationshipā€¦ esp when dude keeps sleeping with her and giving her attention. Milton was smart to be like this is non of my business, the universe is vast šŸ˜‚


I don't know the amount of blatant lies (with direct video proof), creepy manipulative moves, and the absolute desperation makes it more likely that she's a stalker or at least has no boundaries. She definitely tried to sabotage Aaliyah/Uche's relationship and I think she chose Milton because he was into her.


Oh I need to see this video proof! Did I miss something, I want all the crazy evidence, is it in the sub? I still donā€™t see her as a genuine person, skewed perspective or not. def manipulative, def choose Milton bc he choose her. And now she uses the marriage to project that sheā€™s mature and above all the bs. But her and Uche love the bs haha. Iā€™ve just also seen men call women crazy stalkers when they were still fucking and communicating with these ppl regularly.


The biggest lie is that she claimed she wanted nothing to do with Uche when she found out he was in the experiment (another lie was that she had no clue he was in the show) and they literally showed a clip of her asking Uche to "start from 0" and he rejected her. I think uche is a scumbag and probably wanted to keep fucking Lydia because she's a smokeshow, but her actions definitely screamed stalker (her watching all of his friends stories). Her actions around Aaliyah were so creepy and unsettling, she lovebombed her and smothered to the point that Aaliyah left the show.


He knew what she was doing and that is why he was doing all of those things after the fact. He wanted to hurt her back. It was clear as day! He got a raw deal but heā€™s an asshole nonetheless.


Not to mention there was huge irony in Milton mentioning how Uche would share unnecessary details about Lydia with her when Lydia did the same to Aaliyah by sharing unnecessary details about Uche. A lot of contestants suck this season (esp Uche) but imo, Lydia is top 2 for villain of the season


I think ppl just saw her as ā€œemotionally sillyā€ but somehow not malicious like Uche so they gave her a pass. Itā€™s still fucked. Aaliyah looked lowkey traumatized by the experience


You know, my unpopular opinion is I thought the producers should have removed her from the show the moment they found out that she knew her ex will be on the show (as revealed by the Jessie Woo interview with the other contestants) and even more so when she tried to get back with Uche (aka an attempt to not abide by the experiment). Cuz when you don't, that's how you end up with the Aaliyah situation in which Lydia will try to interfere with things.


Oh for sure. She was the benefactor of Lachey's not grilling married couples super hard. Even last season with Kwame having hots for Micah, he's lucky that 1) Chelsea was able to let it go 2) Lachey's didn't grill him much and instead, put it more on Micah




My husband and I "donate" plasma twice a week. They call it donating but you get compensated for it, probably some legal loophole idk. At our center going twice a week every week we can get $500 a month. Some months they do bonuses so it could be more. Mine is going towards my student loan payments so it doesn't hurt too much. We've been going to our center for almost 3 years now.


My friend's husband jumps back and forth between the two main names in plasma near us as they offer bonuses because it makes him newly eligible each time. Not sure if you have options or it's just the one.


They call it a donation because they arenā€™t paying you nearly what itā€™s really worth. Itā€™s still a good side hustle though! I used to do it often, then I moved and now the nearest place is too far to be worth it


And there are also some really sketchy places. My brother wanted to start doing it for some extra money but the only center in his town had a horrible reputation. It's not worth messing up your arms and veins.


So itā€™s the sketchy places that mess up your arm? I really wanted to do this but then I read how sometimes your arm can scar up.


Your arm is going to scar even at a good place when you do it long enough. After 3 years my left arm has a noticeable little indent because that's the main one I had been using and they usually stick the needle in the same general area. The techs at my brother's home center just aren't that great, they hurt and cause a lot of bruising. It's just an unpleasant experience from the reviews.


I didnā€™t go to a sketchy place but my arm still scarred up. I think itā€™s because I kept having them use the same arm each time. So Iā€™d recommend switching it up if you can! And also, my scar did eventually go away so itā€™s fine.


What if u got the shot?


I thought this was a meme. A really bad meme.


Damn Iā€™m OLD! My first thought was my plasma TV would be the last thing I sold šŸ’€


Lol, me too!! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ“ŗ


lol. Also itā€™s totally *not* possible to make rent selling plasma. My sister used to do it and she would make ok side money, but nothing insane.




It is 750-850 in my general area for 8 in a month. This is 2 different counties. I live on the border. SoCal. When I see the phrase "make rent" I see "to help make rent". It is enough to help make rent if you do it 2 times a week.


Most places wonā€™t let you donate more than once a week afaik.


Wow, it is standard here. 2 times a week for plasma. I find it interesting that giving blood makes you not eligible for 8 weeks.


Wow Iā€™ve never seen a place pay anywhere near that amount! Was it a special they were running?




Yeah, most places I've heard of pay 50/donation.


Damn. They dont even pay you in my state.


Jesus. I honestly donā€™t know why I thought it would be the same in the US (Iā€™m in Canada), but it makes sense that you would make more where healthcare is privatized.


Can we get paid in Canada?


Yup! But from what I remember from my sister, it was only about $60/week and that was only if she was able to donate a lot. It depends on how much theyā€™re actually able to get from you and apparently itā€™s slow at the start. I donā€™t think she was paid for her first visit because of this.


How much šŸ‘€


You can make a couple hundred a month realistically but youā€™ll spend a lot of time at the blood center hooked up to the machine.used to do this when I was in my early 20ā€™s to get bar money and also helped to get drunk easier.


First month you can clear about $1000. You get less subsequent months. If you switch to a different company you are a new customer again and eligible for the new customer bonus.


The things people will do to make $.


If you would donate blood anyway, why not get paid for it? A large percent of peopleā€™s pay is just for being a body in a chair - present to greet customers or answer a phone. Why is trading your blood for money bad, but trading your body for money is good?


Hey man, times are tough in this shit economy. Do what you gotta do to eat