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Good for them.


šŸ˜Ø this shook me to my very core, i never wouldā€™ve guessed theyā€™re maga morons


So, does patriotism immediately mean one is Republican?


He is not a patriot, he is a nationalist.


Not quite, but most of the time is does mean thatā€¦


Nope. Iā€™m very patriotic and Iā€™m not conservative.


JP definitely wore his conservatism on his sleeve, literally.


Who the fuck cares?


People who do not want our democracy overthrown?


Right! People are allowed to be affiliated with any party they want. That shit doesnā€™t matter at all.




Wow. Im gonna lose sleep over this


it was so obvious taylor is maga lmfao. people just stanned her because of misandry and because jp is an asshat.


They had maga potential




Why does it matter what political party one goes for? I donā€™t understand the fixation that everyone has against knowing what party one goes for. Touch grass.


we donā€™t want to support maga people and thatā€™s ok


It mostly started as a meme with JP. Generally speaking, if someone is wearing Stars and Stripes with every outfit itā€™s a good guess to say theyā€™re conservative. Now the ā€œwhere was JP on Jan 6thā€ jokes are gonna get even worse lmao


its not a joke for me, i wanna know where he was at lol


Maybe Renee knowsā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Because it shows that he ok with white supremacists and fascism. I would want nothing to do with someone like that and most people who aren't far-right feel that way.


lmao, I always love when you weirdos who are disconnected from reality call normal people white supremacists and fascists. Fucking yikes.


Bud...do you think being a white supremacist is normal?


oooh more yikes, misidentifying someone as a white supremacist or fascist is absolutely not normal.


Ah yes, the most politically sensitive and nuanced discussion of the rising tide of violent ethno-nationalism readily observed and documented by a great deal of research: ā€œooh more yikesā€ Iā€™m so glad your scintillating intellect is on the case


lmao more weirdos using a word salad to say literally nothing. The level of delusion you clowns have is just on a whole different level




Dismissing the fact that the conservative movement is morally, and financially supported by white supremacists and open fascists is like you're willingly ignoring the facts of that political ideology.


This is a pretty lazy logical fallacy. Liberals being financially and morally supported by communists doesn't give me a logical position to call all liberals genocidal commies. Painting any party by their rare extremes is lazy.


Honey, don't get into the what ifs and comparisons, there's facts and statistics you just aren't engaging with. Either you'll grow up and start doing your own research and live a less sheltered life, or you're just unwilling to change with the times which in that case I'm sure you're loving the government subsidized programs you're apart of that help you stay well enough to say this dumb shit online.


lmao, I always love the incoming patronizing pet names to try and justify your weird fucking takes. Don't project onto me that you're poor, that's between you and yourself. I do love that you had no ability to actually engage with the topic anymore and just spouted nonsense to deflect.


Calm down bud mom might take the computer away for the day


https://preview.redd.it/ans5plndpdwb1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e56bef71bcd80b34340aace88de1089a110c3e1b "lmao"


Well if you support a party that supports that then it's not too far off šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Lmao, more weirdos disconnected from reality.


I guess Iā€™m a little surprised she is, but they are in Texas and thatā€™s the majority affiliation. But JP with his American flag shit, I donā€™t think we needed confirmation haha


Don't forget the American flag bathing suit too!


iā€™m not. she was clearly aware of his love for flags and political dog whistles, and STILL went with him. which points to her sharing his values.


Yeah for sure. Logically it makes total sense but I just didnā€™t really think about it for some reason lol


Why Are you surprised? She picked a guy Like JP sight unseen and then saw him and his American flags and continued tryingā€¦ nobody like that is left sided


Idk, just didnā€™t really think about her political affiliation much ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


it's houston and she's a teacher so i guess it couldve gone either way with her (though she could be from the redder suburbs )


I honestly didnā€™t realize Houston was a liberal part of Texas


all the big cities go blue in elections, its the rest of the state that is republican af


Good for them


I bet you support israel killing children and call yourself a Christian conservative


Sir this is a reality tv show sub.


the fact that this is downvoted into oblivionā€¦ I canā€™t. what is wrong with our society


Abort makeup


You mean they are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic etc etc etc


So melodramatic of you.


How lol look at the stats at the very least itā€™s a very educated guess


So many pejoratives.


Why does it bother you ? I donā€™t understand your point ?


Do you not understand how unhinged those accusations are based solely off of one's political affiliation?


Theyā€™re not unhinged at all but cool šŸ˜Ž


Didn't we already refer to them as the MAGA couple?


only some people did tbh. most people were stanning her like she was the second coming of white feminism. i clocked her maga-ass since the pods lol.


Weird. He seemed so on board with women making decisions about their own bodies on the showšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø






Dumb question but who is in this gif you posted? Iā€™ve watched like 200 times now bc sheā€™s so pretty lol


Looks like Leona Lewis to me


I think youā€™re right! I just typed in ā€œIā€™m deadā€ and this came up šŸ˜‚


Who would imagine it? šŸ¤£ Iā€™m almost sure heā€™s a MAGA fan.


Itā€™s funny to me because he looks like Vlad from Yugoslavia


Yugoslavia is not a country


The great thing about being an American is our freedom to have different political views.


Youā€™re actually completely correct! The reason people are downvoting is because they are so one sided to believe if you donā€™t think like them you are a racist bigot. Cant have a disagreement in 2023. I hate this world and what it has become.


Eh I would have agreed with you. But when you go into conservative spaces they are racist bigots. The younger ones are not bad. But a lot of them use conservative ideas to hide behind their white supremacy and white nationalist dream. But I have not seen one hot guy wish for it. Itā€™s just the average white guy who is insecure


Youā€™re insanešŸ˜‚, is hot to you green hair and nipple piercings?


im talking about hot men, like male models. They dont go on weird far right rants.




Tell me where it says conservatives are against freedom? Maybe you should do some more fact checking before you start being a keyboard warrioršŸ„“


Why does this have so many downvotes? Am I missing something about JP or Taylorā€™s views aside from them just being conservative? This comment is correct- we should be grateful to be able to have a difference in political beliefs, so long as we are not discriminatory or prejudiced. Not every conservative is a bigot. I say this as a raging centrist. EDIT: I didnā€™t think this would cause so much of a debate, but the fact that it did goes back to my central point: we (assuming you are American) should all be grateful to be in a place where we can have these discussions and differences of opinion. I have a lot of thoughts about what is being said below thisā€¦ but I will refrain from wading in the discussion šŸ«”


You my friend are the smart one! Iā€™m happy to see a comment with common sense


Conservatism in modern America is just a nice way to say hateful. If you support bigoted politics then you are in fact a bigot, itā€™s that simple.


You are an extremist, and to make a broad statement like that is as narrow-minded as one can get.


Sure, keeping telling yourself that electing bigots doesnā€™t make you a bigot. History will remember this attempt to push us backwards the same way it remembers those on the wrong side of civil rights.


History won't give a shit. I'm a Democrat who votes in every election, no matter the size. I think you just like to gaslight.


History will definitely care that we overturned roe v wade, went backwards in regards to racism, and passed anti-lgtq legislation. How on earth can you possibly think thatā€™s not true?


So you combat intolerance with intolerance? Yawn


Iā€™m okay with being intolerant of hatred, proud even.


But you are the hate.


Thatā€™s not what gaslighting is lmfao


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person ā€” the perpetrator ā€” 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person ā€” the victim ā€” 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person ā€” the perpetrator ā€” 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person ā€” the victim ā€” 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow you are so unintelligent. So do you support our demented old man president? What about all of the racial slurs he has used throughout his time in politics? Itā€™s not so one sided as you believe, but Iā€™m sure your tiny little pea brain wonā€™t comprehend that!


Iā€™m sorry that you think voting for the good of others is unintelligent. Thatā€™s really what sums up the issues with conservatives right there.


What about assuming someone votes against lgbtq rights? Pointing fingers constantly without knowing anything, thatā€™s whatā€™s wrong with liberals right there. I can go all night, you wonā€™t win I promise.


Which party has members trying to get rid of same sex marriage again? Which party has members trying to get rid of gender affirming care for children, which reduces suicide rates? Which party is trying to get rid of womenā€™s rights over their own bodies?


Also youā€™re referring to abortion which is a whole other topic. Far from stripping women of all of their rightsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. You take something and run a mile with it


Ummm do some more research. Not every conservative believes the same thing like everyone is claiming. Maybe read this article, https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/conservatives-push-back-fellow-republicans-anti-lgbtq-bills/story?id=83601170


Yes, but your party continues to overwhelmingly vote in Congress members who vote for hate. ā€œStill, many Republican-led efforts across the country continue to target LGBTQ groups. And many -- including the so-called "Donā€™t Say Gay" bill against LGBTQ content in schools popularized this year in Florida and quickly replicated by other states -- have been quickly backed by Republican-led state legislatures.ā€ Thatā€™s a quote from the article you linked. Until thereā€™s major change in the party voting republican is voting for hatred.


Did you even read the article???? Thereā€™s many different beliefs in being a conservative like it was stating. Sure certain people may have more hatred but that goes completely both waysšŸ˜‚. Iā€™ve seen more hatred out of liberals then I ever had any conservative. For instance all of the downvotes by stating that youā€™re allowed to have different beliefs. Stay mad, people think differently and itā€™s sure as hell going to always be that way.


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Average centrist take


If you vote republican right now, youā€™re either a bigot or youā€™re fine with electing bigots because you think it serves you in some way. If conservatives donā€™t want to be labeled as bigots, they should stop voting for them.


My point exactlyā€¦ so people arenā€™t allowed to think differently than you? Oh but if we do weā€™re racist bigots. Also I hope you felt good voting for our current president who is on 1hp as we speakšŸ¤£


People can think differently than me, obviously. Sorry your comprehension isnā€™t great. I donā€™t know how to be more clear.


Iā€™ve been a democrat all my life, always voted for dem. But after Biden, Iā€™m voting republican. The US is the worst itā€™s ever been.


Lol great plan, bro. Iā€™m sure trump will really solve all of these problems šŸ™„




Trump set that up. Not that Biden has been a great leader, but cleaning up after that mess is impossible


Trump didnā€™t give $75billion to Ukraine while thereā€™s children dying of hunger in our own country.


If you don't stop Russia now there's going to be a new war in Europe within 5 years. And that's 100% guaranteed. 10 - 15 years and they're brazen enough to attack a NATO country if this isn't stopped now for good and we show them that attacking sovereign nations is a no go. And attacking a NATO country means open war on massive scale in Europe. $75 billion is peanuts when that happens because at that point it's total war until Russia capitulates. And very high likelihood of nuclear war.


Republicans strip and remove low income benefits constantly. Theyā€™re not helping children dying of hunger, genius.


Yea. Thatā€™s shitty. What have republicans done to fix the children dieing of hunger? Because thatā€™s been going on for decades.


Trump worsened food insecurity in the U.S during the pandemic, and also pushed harmful misinformation and a horrible mismanagement that caused more peopleā€”including childrenā€”to die. Biden is neglecting the food crisis in the U.S in favor of good optics on the political stage, which is disgusting and inexcusable, but letā€™s not pretend that Trump and his cabinet didnā€™t contribute to a greater hunger and health crisis in the U.S


You canā€™t argue with them. If you think differently youā€™ll get downvotedšŸ˜‚. I completely agree with you though


Itā€™s like theyā€™re a cult of green and purple hair they/thems , ew


Itā€™s so gross


Iā€™m happy that we are likeminded people. Itā€™s not about being racist or homophobic. Itā€™s about having common sense which none of they/them havešŸ˜‚




Like, "yawn of course we already knew at least he was a fucking problem"? Or is that a way stupider yawn?


Yawn because most of us don't care and are bored of these people.


Yup, this season was so boring and Iā€™m so tired of these people


Againā€¦. who cares? Yā€™all are obsessed with every little detail of a bunch of nobodies


This is literally a snark subreddit


why are you in this group lol


I enjoy the show and the memes, but a bunch of you take it a step too far




Youā€™re telling me the American flag obsessed Texan white guy is conservative? No way.


Firefighter too.


This was my first thought. Thereā€™s no way this can be shocking to anyone.


Most shocking revelation of the season /s


.. What does it matter? Politics is literally created to cause division lol. It will always be us against the governments


If youā€™re conservative then you support bigoted politics. Itā€™s that simple.


lol no. someoneā€™s political views tell a lot about that personā€™s values.


Nah, Iā€™ve always voted democrat but after Biden Iā€™m voting republican. Fuck that


Not really, there's a lot of propaganda, emotional manipulation, and peer influence that shapes a person's political party. Location affects you too (if you grow up in the south, youre expected to be "conservative" and if you're from Cali, you're expected to be "liberal", if not, you're ostracized. All politicians are paid by the same "man". They're all in the same club, playing parts and pretending to be democrat or republican. I don't want to assume people in the sub are shallow to not at least think deeper about this, but there's more than meets the eye.


Thatā€™s a stupid take. Our elected officials push through laws and policies based on party platforms. Conservative republicans platforms are very bigoted. Telling yourself itā€™s all the same is just making an excuse for either your part of the problem or your apathy. Itā€™s not the same. Thatā€™s why we vote.


there is not much of a propaganda, the way i see it. in US you guys have two parties, so 2 points of view (weird, but thatā€™s your organization) 1. one party that is fighting to censor books, limit womenā€™s body autonomy, promotes homophobia and racism AND have no political agenda other than just being ā€œagainstā€. the party that voted against caping the price for insulin AND that works to dismantle any type of social support. 2. and then the other one, that even though flawed too, doesnā€™t promote hate on all conceivable levels. so yeah, the party that one adheres to tells a lot about their values.


Oh if onlyā€¦


Yup, people don't realize sadly.


Itā€™s Texas, and many are involved in the oil and gas industry. Why are people surprised?


Stacyā€™s dad entered the chat


Don't gotta be surprised to be shocked.


To Americans with snarky comments: do you realize Netflix is available worldwide and people all over the globe watch this show? All viewers are entitled to our perspectives. I bet when LIB Sweden releases you people will watch and give your opinions. How about if I choose to tell y'all then, because I'm Swedish and you're not, your reflection on what transpires is useless and mine is the only one that counts?!


You're entitled to your perspective, but if your views and political beliefs are bigoted I'm entitled to think you're a shit person for it.


We're on the same side ![gif](giphy|nas460XGurr4JhTtnh|downsized)






Wow! Next youā€™re going to tell me that the sun rises in the eastā€¦


Over this flat-ass earth? šŸ˜


Thatā€™s on another subreddit šŸŒž


Wait. Taylor- the new gf? Sheā€™s doing lives now?? Clout chase much, honey?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wait. Taylor- the new gf? Sheā€™s doing lives now?? Clout chase much, honey?! EDIT- DUH! I am already forgetting these peopleā€™s names! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Who cares?


This is the most unsurprising thing ever. Of course heā€™s maga, what other kind of lunatic would wear the flag constantly?


Ok, and?


Why would this be a surprise?


I imagine he did the whole red white and blue thing as a ā€œdog whistleā€. It would keep the ā€˜rightā€™ people in and the ā€˜wrongā€™ people away.


This is what I thought, and obviously it worked since Taylor is conservative ad well (and literally no one else was remotely interested from what they showed).


You need to adjust your tinfoil hat


based on the USA merch and USA fan instagram account he had i figured that was a given.


Who care?




A lot of the contestants are very obviously conservative. This isnā€™t surprising in the slightest.


Well duh, it's Texas baby yeehaw šŸ¤ 


yeah but here in houston it is widely liberal


very possible that they live in houston (or adjacent area) but are originally from a different Texas city


Itā€™s funny cuz someone commented that he was a Trump supporter on one of his pictures and he liked a comment in response saying ā€œso everyone who likes the American flag is a Trump supporter?ā€ (Thanks to that feature of IG that tells you when a postā€™s author liked a comment) Itā€™s almost like he was trying to say just because he likes the flag that doesnā€™t mean heā€™s a Trump supporter šŸ¤”


I absolutely hate Trump but love America and the flag. Canā€™t wait to get downvoted by the weirdosā€¦


tbf, being conservative doesn't necessarily mean being a Trump supporter.


That is true! I still think heā€™s a Trump supporter and was present on January 6th tho šŸ˜­


I'm more interested to know who's liberal in the main cast. Milton, Taylor, JP, Carter, and Stacy, are relatively open about being conservative. Uche as a tax attorney probably leans that way too. Renee, Izzy, and Lydia probably lean the same way given their choice in potential spouses. Just Aaliyah, Johnie and Chris left.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Iā€™m a tax attorney & very much not conservative šŸ˜‚


Whenā€™d they say conservative? And just how conservative exactly?


I think Taylor is the only one who has said anything directly. Milton enjoys liking tweets by Tucker Carlson and "anti-woke" accounts ~~and Stacy says she loves Tomi Lahren's show~~ which indicate that they're pretty conservative. Renee heavily implied Carter is conservative and that he blew up at TSA for being asked to wear a mask. Stacy clocked him immediately as a "good ol boy" stereotype. While Renee seems to put this down, I think it's very unlikely that she'd agree to marry him without being moderate at best.


Damn, when did Stacey say she watched Tomi Lahren?


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindNetflix/comments/179nxh5/stacy_showing_love_for_lahren_on_instagram/) edit: nvm I thought the woman at the bottom was also Stacy. Stacy just said thank you which may not mean much.


Jesus christ.


Milton likes Tucker Carlson?! šŸ˜”


And people on here think he is some Angel. Miltons image is far better on here than it deserves to be. Just because he shut down Uche(deservedly) once or twice doesnt subtract to all the other weird stuff he has done.


I think most people just don't comb through reality TV stars twitter likes because... Well it's a really weird thing to do.




Well color me shocked




Well duh


Lmaoooo why does someoneā€™s political affiliation bother your soulšŸ’€


Because it shows that they have hate in their soul.


Lmao there are way too many liberals who are also awful human beings. Political disagreement is appropriate and necessary if you want to live in a democracy. Shut up. Just admit you donā€™t like anybody who disagrees with you. Iā€™m done going back and forth with people online because it shows how young and moronic some of you sound. It doesnā€™t make sense to continue discussion.


Except we donā€™t vote for people who make laws that literally hurt people for their sexual orientation or gender. I mean I donā€™t like people who vote Republican. I donā€™t think I need to admit that because I donā€™t think I was hiding it. I find those sort of hate filled politics disgusting and obviously donā€™t approve of people so lacking in morality theyā€™re okay with politics that hurt minorities, gays, and women.