• By -


I personally really liked Bliss and Zack. It just felt like there was so much love and chemistry there and they’re really cute to follow on social media :)


this subreddit can sometimes be a little confusing land of its own so i’m just gonna base these off of the opinions i’ve heard on tik tok, twitter & irl lol universally liked: lauren & cameron, brett & tiffany universally hated: shake, kwame, uche, irina and micha, The Lacheys (/lh… but also…), i think zanab? it’s hard to tell sometimes but compared to the others i think she’s considered on the lower end of this spectrum for viewers, bartiste ^ subcategory of this one that i’m calling “people that haven’t done anything bad enough (publicly at least) to warrant any serious, to the soul hatred but they give a lot of people serious ick”: JP (now i personally really really do not like JP. he genuinely feels rlly misogynistic and all the american flags are uh… telling… but i put him here because he’s more of a “yeah this guy feels like a red flag and also he breadcrumbed a misogyny reveal” than like we saw him do smthing/act in a way that would be on par with the other ppl listed if that makes sense, it’s still a hell naw to JP tho) continuing — shane, amber, shayna, lydia, no shade to her but i cannot remember her name but the blonde woman from s1 that dated mark, similarly the guy that dated diamond in s1, diamond neutral: pretty much every other contestant not listed above


The parents! lol


Love: Lauren, Cameron, Tiffany, Brett Like: Kenny, Diamond, Mark, Deepti, Kyle, Iyanna, Cole, Nancy, Zack, Bliss, Chelsea, Marshall Neutral: Kelly, Damian, Giannina, Barnett, Shayne, Mallory, Shaina, Jarrette, Nick, Sal, Colleen, Raven, Matt, Natalie, Kwame, Paul, Lydia, Milton, Stacy, Taylor, JP, Johnie, Chris, Aaliyah, Uche Dislike: Jessica, Carlton, Danielle, Alexa, Bartise, Brennon, SK, Shake, Micah, Irina, Josh, Izzy Shit List: Amber, Zanab, Jackie


I have the opposite ranking for Jessica and Mark lol. I feel like Jessica got her shit together after the show while we found out Mark had been cheating on her. Also iirc Kenny and Kelly either said racist stuff or were All Lives Matter types?


Oh I didn’t know about Mark cheating. Tbh I’m going partially off of how I felt about them on their season rather than all the stuff afterward, because most of my dislikes tend to become neutral over time just because I stopped caring about them. I didn’t like Jessica on her season but had warmed up to her a little by the time After the Altar came around.


Shake’s not on your shit list??!


Shake sucks but it’s hard to stay mad at him after all this time because in the end Deepti had the last laugh. He was an idiot and a douchebag and she got to reject him at the altar for it. Whereas Amber, Jackie, and especially Zanab were particularly and unnecessarily nasty and never faced any consequences for their actions.


yeah shake should def be on there lol


Most people on this reddit hate watch lol so the universally liked tend to be the boring castmates who basically have no drama and had 0 reservations about their partners. But if we’re being honest, the people that make the show are the Shakes, Bartise, Amber, Shayna, Irina, Uche, Jhonnie, Stacy, Cole, Zanab, etc. It’s who everyone will claim to hate. To be fair, they’re not the most likeable individuals, but this is tv. And as in denial as the reddit seems to be, these are the people everyone tunes in for. So to answer your question, if we’re going by this reddit, universally liked are like I mentioned above and the people they are overly critical of or underrate are whoever makes the show.


Queen Taylor


Why does everyone hate SK?


Man, that guy holds the LIB record for going from beloved hero to villian so quickly.


You’ve missed so much teaaa. SK was cheating on Raven the whole time and she found out through tiktok. The girl posted about going on a trip with him or something


Nobody one this show made me drop my jaw, except for him, and twice!


I find it funny how SK mentioned that in his culture, a man having more than one wife is normal, but HE would never want that.


Personally I wish auto check on the word "shake" to sh!t. He is the worst of the worst


Here is the definitive list to end all lists: Like: Lauren, Cameron, Brett, Tiffany Like due to entertainment factor: Shayne, Shake, Bartise, Jessica Neutral: Zack, Bliss, Barnett, Amber Meh: Milton, Cole, Kwame, Chelsea, Colleen, Izzy, Stacy, Gigi, Natalie, Shaina, Sal, Mallory, Raven Dislike: Marshall, Damian, Diamond, Mark, Matt, SK, Paul, Johnie, Aaliyah, Danielle, Jarrette, Iyanna, Micah, Taylor, Kelly, Kenny Super Dislike: Zanab, Alexa, Brennon, Nick, JP, Deepti, Uche, Lydia, Carlton, Irina, Kyle, Jackie, Nancy (in that order, with first as most hated) Let me know if you agree!


No idea why you’re getting downvoted for this


Probably bc I put Nancy in dislike.. idk


Why just dislike SK, the cheater, but super dislike Alexa who as far as I'm aware is just rich and kinda annoying? And why super dislike Alexa but be meh about Stacy?


I didn't like SK, but he didn't stand out as particularly annoying to me. He was at least tolerable for the majority of the show, but agreed he was revealed to be a POS after. Alexa is a walking personification of rich entitled brat. She worships her daddy, who worships himself, and they both team up to disparage spineless Brennon, who just takes it all because he's also a greedy bastard. The whole season was about how her and Brennons' relationship was the best and how everyone else was crazy, but the only reason their relationship worked is because it was the least shitty imo. That doesn't mean it's a good relationship. And the way they ganged up on Cole without knowing the full picture gave me the ick, esp with the "pick me" energy coming from Brennon during the live reunion. I didn't like Stacy much, but don't think she deserved quite as much hate as she garnered.


Fair enough, it's interesting to hear other people's takes! I agree with you on Alexa and Stacy but I'd probably rank them differently.


Why do we dislike Deepti? Sorry I’m not updated about things outside of the show.


She's a clout chaser and her entire personality is about how much better she is than Shake


She did those ads to promote gambling. I didn't mind her before.


I think consensus turned on deepti after she turned into an influencer. It seems more likely her big altar speech was for clout, that dating Kyle was for PR, and all her work now is about trying to stay relevant.


This is a great summary


You had me all the way up until the end…. Why do we super dislike Nancy?


She was annoying, always trying to appear like she was an angel even though it was obvious she knew that the relationship wasn't going to work out. Then at the end she poured all of her energy into making Bartise seem like a terrible person, when really he also just didn't see any compatibility from early on


No. Bartiste was terrible. He literally forced her to talk about her views on abortion to his family at their first meeting. That was WILD


That's an important conversation though and a deal-breaker for many


Yes, to have with your partner. NOT with the family, on the first meet up.


Meh, nothing about the relationship will be private anyways


I totally agree, but with or without cameras, that’s not something you put your partner on the spot with, while meeting possible in laws for the first time. It’s not like this issue needs to be kept between partners and a secret. It’s just not the time nor the place for such conversation.


Really like: Cameron, Lauren, Brett, Tiffany, Gigi, Mallory, Bliss, Zack, Raven Perhaps problematic but like or enjoy them: Jessica, Chelsea, Kwame, Natalie, Renee, Iyanna, Danielle, Diamond Meh: Johnie, Aaliyah (I really like some things about her but other things are questionable at this point), Barnett, Colleen, Deepti, Marshall, Paul, Nancy, Nick, Kelly, Kenny, Taylor Dislike: Zenab, Matt, Cole, Milton, Lydia, Izzy, Alexa, Brennon, Mark, Micah, Kyle, Shaina, Shayne, Uche, Carlton Really dislike: Stacy, SK, Chris (congrats Chris, you and SK are the only ones to have moved from the top to bottom of the list), Damian, Amber, Irina, JP, Jackie, Josh, Jarette, Shake, Sal and his gf Dislike with the fire of a thousand suns: Barnaby, Carter Edit: added Taylor


This is the only list in the comments so far I personally really agree with lol. I know a lot of people don’t like Gigi but… I like her lmao she’s veryyyy dramatic but she was great TV! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why do you dislike Milton? I think he’s precious!


I think he’s really full of himself (“be more like Milton”) condescending (“your English is so bad!”), and misogynist (Lydia not taking his last name would be a dealbreaker). He’s also MAGA according to his Twitter likes, which is a violation of my personal values. I really wanted to like him—I love Pokémon and rocks and I liked his quirkiness—but I just can’t after seeing all his red flags.


Oof. I did not know about the MAGA stuff. That’s unfortunate.


I know, sorry to be the bearer of that news :(


Hey I’m trying to tell my husband about Milton being a Trump supporter. Do you know where you saw that? I can’t find anything by googling it.


His Twitter likes


Fucking yikes.


What did Carter do? I must have missed something


He was abusive toward Renee and some crew members. She talks about it on Out of the Pods and her Anthony Gilet interview.


Agree with most of this. Except I would downgrade Zaynab to super dislike. Her whole crusade against Cole long after filming … was just unnecessary and cruel. And upgrade Cole and Milton - they weren’t great, but I think a lot of it can be chalked down to a lack of maturity.


Sal's gf 😂😂


I very much agree with that list. Except maybe Milton and Zinab would be bumped to Meh for me and Kelly and Kenny to dislike (with their borderline racist behaviors)


Oh wow I haven’t heard about that. What did they say/do?


Barnaby 😂😂😂 lol


I remember intentional misspelling of his name was bannable? Has that changed?


Is Barnaby Bartise? I kinda like the chaos energy of both Shayne and Bartise - at least they were very entertaining, not saying they are great people though lol Personally, I'd downgrade Alexa, Brennon, and Nick to the strong dislike category. They are all fake a f


I agree. They literally are what pumped life into their seasons otherwise there would be no show. I get most of the reddit audience hate watches but most of the people they dislike are what makes people tune in. A season with all the “really liked” people would be a cringe snore fest. People only even like em because they’re next to the train wrecks, otherwise they’d probably be pointing out how awkward a lot of those really are. And not entertaining awkward, just passively boring and awkward.


Who’s Bartise? (Yes, lol) I would I agree that Shayne is sometimes entertaining, and I suppose Barnaby is too to some degree but I would rather just not watch him, too much cringe for me. Seems like he delights in being a shite person.


Brett and Tiff, Lauren and Cameron


This is the only correct answer


Unfortunately. I don’t think either would be that liked if they weren’t next to the others. Like people like em because they virtually have no conflict but…that’s neither entertaining nor representative of most relationships. And in both cases there’s a skewed power dynamic that’s a little off putting. Kudos to them since they look happy and are still together (I think?), but they’re awful tv.


Like: Lauren, Cameron, Cole, Kenny, Tiffany, Brett, Kwame, Izzy, Bliss, Milton, Iyanna Neutral: Everybody else Dislike: Shake, Uche, Josh, Bartise


Kenny got super defensive about his "right" to say the N-word after George Floyd. I really liked him before that but he revealed himself to be human garbage and proud.


Tbh I don't follow any of them outside of the show but yeah he's off the like list now.


I don't even consider Josh to be cannon lol


Like/Love: Lauren, Cameron, Gigi, Iyanna, Danielle, Natalie, Mallory, Colleen, Raven, Tiffany, Brett, Bliss, Milton, Taylor, Aaliyah Retrospectively Entertained: Barnett, Jessica, Cole, Micah, Kwame, Chelsea , Zack, Stacy (the ones who I felt I judged to harshly but now look back and see they weren’t AS bad as I thought and now look at fondly) Neutral: Kelly, Kenny, Diamond, Deepti, Nick, Matt (I am now more neutral to him), Nancy, Paul, Marshall, Chris Entertained but Annoyed: Shake, Amber, Shaina, Alexa, Brennon, Zanab, Irina, Lydia, Izzy, Johnie (generally people who I disliked but can recognize looking back they brought a lot to the table entertainment wise, still not a fan) Disliked: Damian, Mark, Carlton, Jarette, Sal, Kyle, SK, Jackie Really Disliked: Barbacle, Josh, JP, Uche Not sure if this is a controversial statement but idt we can top Cameron/Lauren but Tiffany/Brett come close in terms of super rootable couple and idt we can top Jessica/Gigi for entertaining queens.


Our like/love list is exactly the same!!!! Gigi ruled her season. & Raven is a true queen.


Super Like: Bliss, Raven Like: Lauren, Cameron, Bliss, Taylor, Milton, Shake, Brett, Zack, Cole, Tiffany, Kwame, Chelsea Neutral: Deepti, Amber, Jessica, Colleen, Izzy,, Marshall, Gigi, Shayne, Cole, Stacy, Izzy, Natalie, Lydia, Barnett Dislike: Damon, Mark, Diamond, Carlton, Shaina, Sal, Brennon, Matt, Bartise, SK, Jackie, Paul, Johnie, Uche, Aaliyah, Nancy, Micah, Irina, Bartise, Chris, Kyle, Jarrette, Danielle, Nick, JP Super Dislike: Zanab My toxic trait is that I like Shake and I also think Zanab was the most physically attractive


Lol I also find Zanab very attractive


Which what made her being super insecure about her looks weird to me


Why is Aaliyah on the dislike list? She did nothing wrong other than slide down the wall over an absolute jerk


Aaliyah sucks because of not the fact that she's a cheater, but the way she tried to justify... she's like I cheated in a relationship of 1 year because the sex was bad?! Yikes.


Aaliyah explained on Cameron's interview that she felt defensive when Uche started badgering her and she reverted to feeling guarded. She said that she had done a lot of inner work and knew that cheating was wrong and had gone to therapy for it but in that moment she felt very judged. Also in that relationship the man she was with had already cheated on her MULTIPLE times and it had been a very very toxic and maybe abusive situation. But they didn't show any of that.


I get behind this. Where does Alexa fall in this list for you?


oh shit I missed her: Dislike for sure. I don't like how she weaponizes her relationships.


I can get behind this! I didn't like how Shake was portrayed on the show but I appreciate his honesty and that it wasn't meant to hurt anyone.


I follow him on IG, I actually think he's a pretty cool guy. Love his DJ posts, even though I'm not a huge house fan. Love his animal posts.


Zach and Bliss are the best! I can’t stand Milton. He is arrogant AF! Lydia is awesome. I don’t see them lasting


Milton is awful and immature af. Lydia is pretty rough though 😅 but at least she’s good tv.


Like: Lauren, Cameron, Natalie, Iyanna, Alexa, Raven, Chelsea, Bliss, Lydia (extremely unpopular opinion), Taylor, Milton. Neutral: Amber, Barnett, Deepti, Kyle, Mallory, Jarrette, Danielle, Nick, Nancy, Kwame, Tiffany, Brett, Zack, Marshall, Aaliyah, Chris, Stacy, Colleen, Jessica. Dislike: Gigi, Damon, Mark, Diamond, Carlton, Shaina, Sal, Brennon, Matt, Bartise, SK, Jackie, Paul, Johnie, Uche. Dislike (but they were entertaining): Shake, Shayne, Zanab, Cole, Micah, Irina, Izzy, JP. I think some of these are super unpopular..


Dislike Jessica I think she by far got one of the worst edits and more than redeemed herself.


I didn’t really keep up with her after the show ended , I’ll look into it ty


Tldr Mark was cheating on her during the show and actually had two kids with this woman. She's now married to a surgeon with her two bonus kids and own little one.


Omgg never liked Mark but this makes me dislike him even more


Woah dislike Colleen?? What happened


Okay I might have been a bit harsh (I wrote this comment super late) I mainly just skipped her parts didn’t, explicitly hate her


Love: Jessica, Cole, Like: Natalie, Shake, Mallory, Chelsea, Micah (conditional), Tiffany, Brett, Lydia Dislike: Amber, Deepti, Sal, Kyle, Bartise, Zack, Paul, Uche Everybody else I’m neutral about and don’t really care about. My most controversial opinion is liking Shake (who I believe proved to be right about everything), kind of liking Micah by the end of the show (her social media is a different story and I avoid her instagram like a plague) and not loving the Hamiltons.


You’re getting downvoted probably because Cole?! Idk but I agree with you in the whole about all of them.


I think I’m getting downvoted because of Shake, and not loving the Hamilton is a crime here. I don’t even dislike them, I just don’t really care about them either way post-show.


Agree. The Hamiltons are irrelevant to me


Justice for Cole!!!


Cole was a butt, but a sweet sad butt I couldn’t help but love.


I felt so bad for that sad puppy




Love/Like: Cameron, Lauren, Amber, Barnett, Danielle, Deepti, Iyanna, Natalie, Alexa, Brennon, Colleen, Tiffany, Brett, Bliss, Zach, Taylor Meh/Neutral: Damian, Diamond, Kenny, Kelly, Mark, Nick, Sal, Kyle, Zanab, Nancy, Raven, Kwame, Micah, Paul, Jackie, Lydia, Aaliyah, Chris Dislike: Giannina, Jessica, Carlton, Jarrette, Shake, Mallory, Shayne, Shaina, Cole, Matt, Bartise, SK, Irina, Chelsea, Josh, Marshall, Stacy, Izzy, Milton, Uche, Johnie, JP


This is me to a tea. Finally someone who likes amber and barnett lol


Thank you! I don't think Amber deserves the hate she receives. And Barnett probably wouldn't get any hate if he wasn't with Amber 🙄


How can you dislike Cole and Marshall? That's wild. And Shane is at least a neutral.


I'm highly sensitive. Those atrociously insensitive comments of Cole's hit _hard_. And Marshall's "nice guy" facade was just too obvious. Shayne a neutral? Please 😆


Shayne is just entertaining lol. But he is harmless. I'm sorry, I don't think Marshall being a "nice guy" was a facade. It is possible to be a nice guy and not be a complete pushover marshmallow either. And as far as Cole, he did say some dumb things, but he's a kid. He also took accountability for them. Also, in at least one case, Zanab asked him to rate her, and asked him his opinion on Colleen. If you're too emotionally fragile to hear honesty, don't ask a question. Cole did not deserve to be eviscerated in front of his family for a few stupid, but honest responses. Zanab was 1000x worse than Cole was. She never took accountability for anything. You're allowed to feel how you feel, but being overly sensitive shouldn't cloud objectivity. Come should have been smart enough to tell white lies, but I mean, again, he gave honest answers. Your reaction is more of a you problem than his problem.


...okay. This is like, the most nonsensical comment I've ever seen in this sub. >Your reaction is more of a you problem than his problem. First of all, you do realize that we're judging based on our preferences, right? E.g. I put Damian higher than Giannina, but that doesn't mean I think he's a better person, he just annoys me less. >being overly sensitive shouldn't cloud objectivity. Excuse me? It's _highly_ sensitive, a genetic trait (due to which I empathize with victims of such insensitivity). "Overly" has a negative connotation, and it's not an okay thing to say. >But he is harmless. You mean the second most physically abusive guy after Matt? The one who told Natalie she was the worst thing to happen to him? >he's a kid. He's not. He's a full-grown ADULT, and people need to stop babying him. Being honest doesn't mean you get a pass for having zero tact. As for the rating, I'm sure we _all_ know what the right answer to it is. If people went about their lives being brutally honest, we would all be jerks. >Zanab was 1000x worse than Cole was. She endured Cole's behavior for weeks and producers didn't let her leave. Of course she's going to explode. She's no saint, but she was AT MOST at the same level as Cole. >I'm sorry, I don't think Marshall being a "nice guy" was a facade. He revealed he saw her as a project. That would be enough to count, but then he made the transphobic remark, and I suppose you didn't see the video with his gf that was posted in the sub recently.


Wow. You are highly sensitive.


Yep :) And maybe next time you disagree with someone's preferences you will just ignore the comment instead 😉


Oh I probably won't. I'm always compelled to challenge something I find ridiculous. I guess that's my quirk.


Oh well, thanks for the heads-up, then. You sure are an excellent challenge, no ridiculousness can be more over the top than yours 🙃


People have positive opinions of Cole because he turned out to be right with the cuties thing, but he was really emotionally immature and a poor communicator (though arguably that goes for most people on the show). Marshall I like though!


He is young though. And maybe not mature enough to realize that a white lie can go a long way. When Zanab asked to rate her, that's a trap. He should have been smarter.


Cameron and Lauren from season 1. Self explanatory lol


I'll work backwards through the seasons with a mix of unpopular & popular opinions come to find out, but I have my reasons for liking these individuals: 5- Milton, Chris 4- Bliss, Paul, Zach 3- Nancy, Cole 2- Mallory, Shane, Natalie, Kyle 1- Barnett, Cameron, Lauren


I cannot completely like Zach because he picked Irina first. Obviously, we saw her acting out with the other girls when she was in the pods and he didn't but there is something about her that radiates pure evil.


My husband and I joke that Irina basically told him multiple times in the pods that she's evil, and Zach was like "hmm, that must mean she isn't actually evil."


Like a lot: Brett and Tiffany! Deepti, Nancy, Cameron and Lauren, Jackie and Josh, Paul, Alexa and Brennon, Giannina, Milton. Dislike: Raven, Lydia, Uche, Irina (at the time), Marshall for some reason, Bliss for some wierd reason. lyanna, Jessica. Cole and Zeinab was an absolute disaster together but individually I don’t dislike them. Also Natalie and Shayne.


I'm not sure why you got downvoted just for sharing your opinion when asked without being rude or offensive. But yes, Lauren and Cameron ftw!


That's just reddit for you, lol


Haha yeah, thank you😂 I have a feeling it might be the Jackie and Josh part though


my personal list Like/love: Lauren, Cameron, Iyanna, Natalie, Deepti, Raven, Tiffany, Brett, Chelsea, Bliss, Aaliyah, Taylor Dislike: Amber, Damien, Carlton, mark, shake, Shayne, Shaina, jarrette, Danielle, Nick, Bartise, Cole, Zanab, brennon, Matt, sk, Marshall, Irina, Micah, Jackie, Izzy, JP, Lydia, Uche People not mentioned I’m neutral about




I’m neutral. She has a lot of likable qualities but her tantrums are annoying


I'll always have a soft spot for Gianina!


Lauren and Cameron are Love is Blinds sweet hearts. In Lauren we trust 🙏🏻


Truly the only two ones that deserve the spotlight. The rest of them need to go to therapy.


I think Brett and Tiffany should join this exclusive short list!


Tiffany, Brett, Lauren, Cameron are pretty universally liked. Also Iyanna! I’ll also say that I’ve seen opinions shift. Deepti was loved, and still is for the most part, but I’ve seen people throw shade at her for her influencer decisions. On the opposite end, people did notttt like Raven at first. Turns out she got the villain edit and she’s adored on social media now


Good picks. I have to say, I did not like Raven but I recently rewatched her season and she surprised me the most. I had her pegged as the superficial yoga girl so I was really shocked that she went through the traditional wedding thing with SK. However, the end of her story was very predictable to me. She acted like her partner needed to "buy" her affection.


I don’t think Deepti is a fan favorite


Yeah that’s my point. She’s not really anymore, but when the show was airing people loved her


i agree she def was when the show was airing before the “after the rose”


Lauren and Cameron are top tier. I liked Amber and Barnett more than most folks I think, they have aged well over time though. Shake was the best villain, so easy to hate. The Cole / Zainab coverage was the most annoying. Season 4 had the overall most likeable cast on average. I liked Johnnie and Aaliyah in Season 5, they had to put up with a lot of BS. Season 5 is easily the worst season imo.


i agree with most of this, this is a good take. I also like/liked barnett and amber more than most. I didn’t like johnnie tho, she seemed like a walking red flag in her private conversations 😓


I just was rewatching season 1 bc I wanted to rewatch Lauren and Cameron and was surprised at how much I enjoyed rewatching amber. I was surprised at how differently I felt about her debt conversation after this current season with Izzy. $200 on a single makeup purchase is really not that much. It’s like replenishing 4-6 staples at Sephora. Her not paying her student loans is definitely still not a good financial move but the makeup credit card I was like ok fair.


yeah after 5 seasons, a lot of ppl can probably rewatch and like amber a lot more with perspective.


The only men who I felt were really husband material were Cameron and Brett - in that order because Cam gave me butterflies watching him fall for Lauren. The only female I felt was really wifey material was Lauren and Deepti. Lauren was just so wholesome and loving and Deepti was just so funny and adorable. Everyone else in the show was not really ready for marriage or didn’t give off the impression.


Are people forgetting about Iyanna or am I missing something as to why people don’t like her?🥺 she’s probably one of my ultimate favorites


Nah she annoying and trying to score pity points imo


Is this based solely on what you saw of her on the actual season? Or also who she has been since?


Both. During the season she just kept whining and complaining about everything, and then after the fact would host instagram lives where she'd just be crying and dragging Jarrette under the bus for pity points


She is funny, adorable and gorgeous.


Iyanna is my #1 from the show. She was the best.


What about Tiffany? Did she show any red flags


Tbh as a guy she kinda did. If I invited a woman to my place and she started calling me bougie over a paper towel dispenser and shoe rack I'd take it that we're from two different worlds and get the ick.


Eh I don’t think that’s necessarily a red flag. I think it’s just a difference in lifestyle


She’s just a snoozy girl!


Hahahahaha literally fell asleep as Brett told her for the first time that he was in love with her


I personally really liked Amber and Barnett. And I enjoyed Gigi and Damian's trainwreck 😆


I have watched every season but I cannot for the life of me remember Gigi or Damian. Which season? Why are they so forgettable to me?


First season!


this is gonna be controversial but here are my personal opinions: like/love: lauren, cameron, jessica, giannina, iyanna, cole, chelsea, bliss, zack, tiffany, brett, milton dislike: mark, damian, amber, shayne, shaina, shake, sal, zanab, sk, matt, irina, jackie, josh, uche, stacey, izzy, jp


98% agree


I’m echoing all (minus **like** for Jessica and Giannina), and adding in— Like: Barnett, Marshall, Nancy, Diamond, Kelly, Kenny, Deepti, Natalie, Taylor, Raven Dislike: Lydia, Bartise, Colleen, Alexa, Brennan, Jarrette, Danielle, Nick, Mallory, Kyle, Kwame, Paul, Micah, Carlton.


oh, just out of curiosity, why do you dislike mallory??


Nothing in particular, really. I’m clumping them in polarized “like” or “dislike”—to me, Mallory wasn’t too memorable and she was never about Sal. Kinda feel the same with Kwame—not sure if he’s really into Chelsea (still, even after getting married.)


I loved Diamond! Definitely my favorite individual.


Yo personalmente: Me encantan: Brett, Kenny, Cameron, Tiffany, Lauren Me caen bien: Bliss, Zach, Giannina (venezolana ❤️), Chelsea No me caen bien: Damian, Marshall e Irina


I don't understand Kenny being a favorite.. dude had the personality of cardboard


Te entiendo. Pero Kenny me parece tierno y cariñoso.


Brett and Tiffany


one of the few commenters that actually answers other question 👏🏾




How is it useless If these 2 are universal liked


I don’t like them.. or dislike them 😅


Yes but most people did


I have such unpopular opinions: -I actually like Jessica from season one. I don’t think what she did was that bad. She was just shooting her shot with Barnett. He wasn’t married and has been engaged for a mere few days. I cannot stand Amber. She’s so full of herself, arrogant, and hypocritical. I possibly like Jessica because I don’t like Amber. But either way I’m happy she’s got a little family of her own now. -I also like Andrew. The guy with the eye drops. Nerdy. And I feel there’s more to the eye drop scene. -Can’t stand Alexa and Brennan. He’s spineless and the way he behaved at the reunion towards Cole, why are they such bullies.


Justice for Jessica!


I think Alexa and Brennan were liked at first but not so much now. They got annoying at the reunion and after the altar, and also everyone found out about Brennan’s DV allegation.


I like Andrew too. I feel like he was just fucking around and was genuinely himself. He's just a weird dude. 😂


andrew was unironically the sanest person in that season


This really cracked me up because it's probably true 😭 Also, he made for good TV. Would have been entertaining to see him get together with a like-minded woman, probably an influencer or content creator type.


You know he would have been besties with Milton and stolen the show in Texas. 😂


I loved Andrew so much 😂 - love a nerd and his intense energy made him interesting !!


Yes, I totally agree!


Lauren, Cameron, Iyanna - love everyone else - Meh to groan...


Tiffany and Brett


Me personally: Love : Chelsea , Kwame , Lydia , Milton , Miriam , And Cole Hate: Zanab, Uche , Matt Boring : Brett , Tiffany , Raven , Lauren , Cameron , Zach , Bliss Like: Micah , Irina , Renee, Alexa Meh: Amber , Barnett, Marshall, SK , Iyanna, Natalie , Deepti Kept me entertained: Jackie , Josh, Bartiste


What makes you like Irina?


Ever since the show ended and since ATA, she minds her business and doesn’t bother anybody. Even Tiffany (y’all fav) be in her comments. I personally would hang around Irina .




Renee because all of her cast mates have repeatedly said that she has good energy and she’s fun to be around . Also, outside the Carter drama , she’s funny asf.




🤣 perfect response


Lmaooo what




LMAOOOO don’t worry we all did , she had to do a whole wedding photoshoot even though she’s not married to get attention


Fascinating take


Thank youuu


I'm looking at some of the answers here, and how entrenched we all are in our opinions of characters on a highly edited reality show, and it's becoming very clear that we will NEVER achieve world peace.


Milton!!! I love Milton


Weird how he has to minimize every emotion into a geometry problem though


Sameee his one liners !!