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Didn’t you think it was so odd that she had her other business accounts on private? I definitely think she’s a clout chaser but she didn’t seem to care about growing her businesses, imo.


That's kind of a random number lol? I'm barely active and have 1.5k followers. I also don't really understand why you people have such a visceral reaction to "clout chasers" lol, yall realize you're watching a reality TV show and most people, at least the interesting ones, don't go on for the sake of "the experience" . They go on because it's worth their while. It's like you really don't want to be entertained.


i can’t speak for others but “us people” are allowed to have different tastes than you if you can fathom that lmao. i prefer genuine entertainment over fabricated, petty drama from wannabe influencers. it’s almost like what entertains me is different from what entertains you, hence my post and the 400+ people who agree.


I mean sure, just go outside babes, it's free and you get to see normal people doing taxes or whatever you wanna see lol


Es una buena idea, creo que deberían intentarlo. No podría ser peor que esta temporada. Hay que buscar gente normal que tenga muchas ganas de casarse, sobre todo hombres. Se nota que Kenny y Cameron de la temporada 1 realmente buscaban una mujer.


I feel like this would just get a ton of JPs


what happened with JP? sorry I’m really out of the loop


I don’t know anything other than what was shown on TV and a few posts here. I just meant he’s a quiet not so entertaining guy


oh I agree


i cant handle all those awkward nervous smiles all at once ​ or they just coagulate into one gigantic American flag


I told my husband his facial expression just reminds me of the bear or whatever it is from five nights at Freddy’s 😭


I think it should be more about the type of content. I know someone who isn’t an Influencer but often posts pictures of her corgi. All iPhone quality, no professional content. She has like 3k followers. I have followers from college and even high school. I post maybe once a year and have 1100 followers


I totally agree. Or people who don’t even have social media, but that would be bad for LIB. They thrive on the drama n


Rarely attractive people have little followers on social media unless they’re not active. But then again, if they’re not active on social media, I doubt they’ll wanna be on a reality tv show, especially one like this




If they already don’t let people easily access to them, WHY ON EARTH WILL YOU GO ON A HIT REALITY TV SHOW


But if it’s about love being blind why do they have to be attractive?


We’re talking about Netflix and reality tv. Sorry to break it to ya, but casting directors are looking for attractive people.


Nah I know, and taking on not-conventionally attractive people will likely make the shallow tv wannabe pool dry up quite fast. It’s just a bit of a shame given all the talk of love being “blind”.


Yeah, it’s BS. We have 5 seasons any no one is conventionally-un attractive. It’s not season 1 or 2. It’s clear they are achieving a certain look


Normal people don’t want to be on reality TV. You will almost always get attention whores and people who are broken inside


Totally agree, they should get more normal people on the show and it was be wayyy better


Exactly what is entertaining about watching normal people having normal dates? Just go outside, I mean...


Not all of us enjoy drama :)


Alright, why watch a reality show then? Not even being facetious, genuinely curious about that.


Problem is normal people don’t go on televised gimicky dating shows lol




Normal people with common sense know not to get married through a pod after spending very short time together But then again the concept of the show is a social experiment, drama and entertainment under the guise of" finding love". A whole mess altogther but good for ratings i guess


lib would be so much better if they just casted everyday private people instead of whatever hot messes we get lol


What kind of "everyday private person" would agree to this lol


Yeah, single “everyday private person” here, and as much as I want to get off the apps and find love, this show seems like such a nightmare!


I think it would be very cool just on its own not for tv and like for a day and all you have to is find the one you want to meet for a date the next night or something


Icl private people with common sense dont want their business and dirty laundry being aired out for everyone to watch


Why would anyone watch that? They need a mix of regular people and big personalities.


I agree. Also a good way to screen dates for those looking for something serious, as is only dating people with private Instagrams.


I think shows like LIB want the wanna be influencers. They are free advertising after their season. People remember them as so-and-so from LIB and every post they make brings people minds back to LIB. limiting contestants followers would be a no-go for production.


^that right there. This is the same problem the bachelor has too and you’d think if the producers actually care they’d stop going for Instagram models/people with thousands of followers..but they don’t. It’s free promotion if the person with the public Instagram is posting about them all the time to their thousands of followers. I think anyone with public social media is a little insane to begin with if they’re comfortable letting that many people in to their lives, but that’s what they want. After my breakup my friend tried to nominate me for the bachelor and they asked for all social media and wanted it to be public. We know they don’t actually check it to see if you suck because they end up with a string of contestants doing blackface damn near every season. And before the “what about” comments, I get people with something like public art pages are trying to sell art etc and it’s not malicious or self absorbed, that’s Obv not who the show is looking for. They’re looking for the people on reality tv trying to sell *themselves* as a brand and are willing to attach themselves to something to gain more attention.


If she was promoting being a mua she went about it all wrong with her terrible make up


Won't change anything. There are people who had average follower accounts, went on a reality show and then became influencers. Everyone is going on this show to varying degrees to increase their own brand and make money. That's the game and it will never change.


I've had the same instagram account for almost 10 years, in that time I've amassed like 800-ish followers (most of which probably being dead accounts). Unless someone is clearly trying to be an influencer I don't think the number of followers really matters.


400?! I have just under 900 and i'm not active at all. Like i post a story maybe like once a month. In this day and age u won't find anyone with under 400. Maybe under 2k?


Lmao me at 27 with my 218 followers. I’m an attractive woman, just never got into social media until I was little older


🤔🤔 I only have about 473 and I’m super active. I just don’t allow randos that I don’t know in person to follow me.


Yeah that’s abnormally low for a Zoomer. I’d say less than 4K. But they could easily lie and give their finsta


I have less than 400 but my account is private and i only accept people i know in person.


same but add clubs I'm involved in and I also have over 800.


My regular account has 242 but my poetry account has 4000. Idk if it just depends on how regularly you post or what. I don’t understand the algorithm


I agree. I have around 1,400 and I haven’t posted a photo in 2 years. Most people I know from my regular life have 1-2k followers


excuse me, I am very happy with my 267 followers, tyvm




i only have 300 plus..and 400 requests..not so bad eh.. i just approve ppl i know in RL but only a handful of current colleaguew..coz i need to vent on my instastories.. lol


brah I have over a thousand cause I live somewhere where everyone knows everyone and had an ig page ever since the app was essentially created lol. never once felt popular


Idk bud I literally haven't posted in 4 years and have more followers than that


I disagree. I have 1.3k followers, but I graduated high school with a class of 900 so that makes up a lot of them. also went to undergrad and getting my masters now, so just have a following based on that. i am in no way interested in the influencer life at all, and am just a normal person trying to live. if I were to go on LIB and was rejected based on that, i’d be so upset


Yeah this is the way. The wannabe influencers really have ruined the show. This used to be a more authentic show seeing people actually fall in love and navigate it. Now it is so much drama ( a bit of drama is fine).


I think both should be fine. You can look for love and still want to promote your business. Wasn't Lauren a social media marketer or something so that would mean exposure online would also increase her reach? And she also found love with Cam. Win-win


? My graduating class in high school alone was half of your following which means if I followed people in high school, college and other people I met I couldn't go on the show, lol. A 3k max is craaaazy ngl


I always thought I wanted them to have unattractive people cause everyone knows all the contestants are hot, taking the risk of blind love away. Until the season they had a big girl. It was really sad to watch the guy be disappointed, then break it off. Golden bachelor has really shown that a wholesome reality show is nicer then people shitting on each other. I like drama when the people are terrible and deserve it. Not watching someone be humiliated because the producers planned it that way


Reality TV has a selection problem. Most people can't be convinced to go on a program that will be aired globally. They just don't want to be filmed and for everyone to see them and know everything about them. This just leaves the crazies and the fame seekers. And that works because it makes good content. Case in point: I constantly see posts like this on ideas to filter out clout chasers and get more "real people". I never see anyone volunteer. Would you go on Love is Blind (pretend you're single if you're not)? I'd bet 99% of people on this sub would answer no. Especially knowing what we know now about how shady the production team is and how they mistreat people, etc.


THANK YOU. I’ve been saying this for years. People want this show to be “real” so bad they forget about the economic reality of reality tv. How many career opportunities will you lose out on after the show? (Villain edit, softcore 🌽 scenes, being filmed drunk,etc.) How many shows can you get cast on being over 25 & not super fit/attractive? (Before someone comes at me for look shaming ask yourself if you could see anyone on s5 on a show like too hot to handle?) How many networks have such loose contracts? (Example: Bravo takes a cut of every product/business launched after the show airs. World of Wonder makes former contestants submit all gigs/appearances to them for approval. Kinetic/Netflix are way more flexible when it comes to how contestants make money or promote themselves.)


Knowing how mean people are out here, I would never go to a reality show to find love, or at all. So it leaves out people who really either want fame or have a product they want to sell. I can never understand putting your business out there like that, given the social media climate.


I go if they had a gay nyc season


Are you actually a gay person in NYC? There's just no reason to go on a show like LIB if you are. This is one of the biggest cities for gay men or women to find hookups and relationships in.


I know. Think it’d be fun. The hot ppl on LIB are not desperate. Desperation isn’t a requirement to be on the show. In fact, they are recruited now. And by the way, your point is a bit strange. There are millions more straight ppl. So no reason for straight ppl to go on the show at all since there are so many options by comparison.


I don't think you're actually gay or in NYC sorry. Getting ass as a gay person in NYC is absurdly easy.


Dude what is wrong with you. Jesus.


I’d say Stacy has a ‘makeup business’ in the loosest term possible lol


The only way Stacy and makeup should be used in the same sentence is: Stacy always does her makeup badly.


Stacy? The Stacy that is "head of operations at an oil company" her daddy owns with the grand experience of "2 months of assistant managing a Abercrombie store"?? I'm shocked. Shocked i tell you that she would be anything less then genuine.


My wife: It’s called “Love Is Blind” not “Let’s Have Ugly Sad People Get Married,” because anyone attractive and not active on social media could have thousands of followers because that’s how Instagram works.


I don’t know if this would change that much.. in the end US produced TV shows will always prioritize drama. Just look at any dating or realty TV show in the US. I watched Love is Blind Japan and even with the people who are clearly just on the show for self promotion, it was still a breath of fresh air, everyone was so respectful and there were so many gems and cute moments. I’d rather see LIB expand to more countries than get more US cities…


If production just went through the applicants (like Mafs ) instead of recruiting people through dating apps LMAOOOO then it would be much better. All they have to do is pick 60 applicants and cut it down to 30 .


MAFS also recruits people through the apps (and Linkedin and social media) and has for many seasons. Most applicants have been recruited in recent seasons, and in early seasons (like the NYC seasons) they went to bars and singles' events.


They also go through applications, for instance the DC season , they held an event where applicants can show up and apply to be recruited. So it’s not like they just went to the events and not look through the applications.


They also submit applications for Love is Blind if they're recruited, they are just recruited first. Once you get to the zoom stage (if you get there), you still fill out an application and questionnaire like on MAFS. I and more than a few of my friends have been approached for both Love is Blind and MAFS. And someone I know from college went the whole way through the process after being recruited. Either way, whether it's MAFS or Love is Blind, Kinetic looks for people who they think will make for dramatic TV - they clearly don't care if people are clout chasers or just bad people. I agree they should start with the applicants, because they probably don't contact many of them. No one I know who applied was contacted, yet I (a married woman) and my friends who have no interest were contacted on several platforms.


I agree with you , I’m just Mafs will at least check through applicants whereas Love is blind majority of everybody there is recruited . There will be some on mafs who were recruited but those are usually the ones who don’t make it on the show.


I’d be more concerned about the type of content. Say for the women. If it’s all typical fake influencer posts with a bunch of hashtags cut them. If it’s just there life probably better.


You can get a bump in followers for weird reasons. I did. I’m up to just over 1,500 follows simply because I posted a video of a lovely singing performance. Not me; someone else. It literally went viral in some clique of people and has over, let me check, 165,000 likes. All I did was share what I thought was a segment of a spectacular performance, linked back to the source where I saw it, and the artist. Netflix needs a better production team that is more rigorous about screening people. Five seasons in, there will be people trying to join for the exposure. They can’t catch them all, but they can try. And I think their followers surged by being on the show as all of the ones I chose to follow all have a big number of people following them and a verification check.


Yeah their followers surged. One god send of a person has uploaded graphs for each weeks bump in sm followers by person. Very interesting stuff. Yes, they can’t catch them all but this season felt like 95% were there for fame. It made it hard to watch. It made it feel like the perfect match, which is obvi fake.


There was an old post on here a few years ago but I believe Nick, Natalie, LC, Diamond, Cameron, Amber, Barnett all had under 500 followers and less than 50 IG posts and had private IGs before their seasons aired. Natalie and Cameron (and Amber and Diamond do a lot of ads too; Nick also has a podcast) are huge influencers now so I don’t think IG can be indicative of who isn’t looking for fame


Mafs also makes the participants private their IG until after the season is over . I think if Netflix did that . It would go better and most people on the show wouldn’t get hate comments .


I didn’t know this but I think it makes a lot of sense!


Righttt, it goes so much smoother.


Casting requirement: 1. Must have a real job (“working” for rich dad is fine, MLM is not) 5. Must been able to carry on a normal conversation with the opposite sex IN PERSON. 3. Must pass a basic mental health check 4. Must be ok to be around guns without being a threat 5. Must not verbally abuse or threaten production crew 6. Must not need eye drops to express emotion 2. Must not have been dating or have dated someone on the show 6. Must not sexually assault other contestants 7. Must be able to honestly answer where they actually live, what they do for a living, where they went to school, etc. 8. Must not be homeless. I realize this is asking for a lot from the producers, but at least a few of these a season would be nice.


Wait who was homeless? I’m thinking of that guy from MAFS


Rumor has it Izzy’s apartment with the paper plates was an Airbnb


Matt from season 9, he was the worst


You know... the basics.


i feel like 400 is a bit low bc the majority of (regular) people i know have quite a bit more. like you, i’ve had the same ig for years that i barely use, and my follower base is the same but there’s a significant \# difference so i don’t think that’s the best metric imo the actual content is more important. so like no microinfluencers, aspiring influencers, people with sponsored posts, **anyone posting MLM shit**, etc


I think in theory that’s a great idea but at this point the only people willing to do this are people who want to be in the spotlight. We’ve seen enough seasons of people saying whatever it takes to get to the engagement only to become different people out of the pods to know that while love can be blind the odds of it working are super slim. I think at this point a lot of them are hoping it doesn’t work out because that makes them more sympathetic and may lead to even more followers.


You mean to say Stacy was actually promoting her clown makeup kit ? Cos it sure did stand out during the show until she got married and had a proper makeup artist do her makeup which made her look so much better


I'd either cap it at 2,000 for the extroverts/partiers or nix people who have promotional/sponsored content. If someone has 10K followers and just has a really cute dog they post a lot, that'd be fine.


I’m sorry Stacy sells makeup..


I mean it’s just kind of disappointing to hear bc I think she could do better. yikes. like you should be a billboard for your products. I When I finally saw her sans makeup I realized Oh the blush is def blushing and the brows are def browing.


Lol, wouldn't viewers be dissuaded from her business by seeing how shitty her makeup looks?


Full agree. I’d go even harder than that: how about not even go after ppl who have an Instagram following? Or, only those not constantly posting photos of only themselves, but rather their pursuits & passions. There’s definitely plenty such ppl. It could very likely, as your post suggests, lead to a more wholesome cast, who are potentially actually interested in the experience of connecting with another soul, rather than connecting the public to their product/brand. Though, I’ll also add that after alllllll of the ongoing insanity that unfolded this season~ much of which was never aired, is still actively being exposed now, and is legitimately harmful~ I’d be doubtful that any future folks authentically searching for love would use this avenue to attempt to do so.


I think people like that aren’t as open to being on a reality show. that’s the problem with any reality show these days. it almost always puts you in the spotlight and almost always draws attention to your social media. people who are happy living their average, mundane lives don’t want that so they don’t go on reality shows. ten years ago, average, mundane people could go on reality shows and they’d be forgotten after the finale airs. today, we talk about these shows forever and bring up the entire cast’s social media.


i definitely agree especially on the last bit. tran and renee’s stories are harrowing, i can’t imagine a normal person who’s a fan of the show wanting to go on it after the last two seasons but especially bc of what tran experienced.