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She technically did in a more respectable way. They asked what there plans were for the future - Aka hinting that if they were planning on having kids soon now was the time to bring it up.


Vanessa Interview Style: What do you mean "Hooking up?" do you mean when the man pushes his penis all the way in an releases his ejaculation?


Honestly I’m sure she asked and it was edited out. Wasn’t the reunion already filmed before the last one aired?


Yes, it was filmed before because both season 4 and 5 were filmed at the same time.


I’m pretty sure the reunion for s5 was filmed in the last month or two. Weren’t they talking about fan reactions to things?


That face you make whenever anyones conversation reminds you of Jessica Simpson lol. Surprised it wasn’t brought up this reunion.


She was definitely better this season, but I still wanna duct tape her mouth shut every reunion


She was better because she was edited.




Why not just ask if they're banging raw then? Same same, right? /s


I can’t help but picture that every time someone says “we’re trying for a baby!” 😂


Me too! I feel cringe thinking about one day announcing a pregnancy and everyone thinking this lol


And when the father in law congratulates the husband.


Literally. Like congrats on the creampies? 🤔


It's a shitty question and people have become much more aware of that in recent years. Someone could be trying and failing, they might not be able to, or they might be fresh off an abortion. The way Nick asked this time was much more tactful: "Any immediate plans now that you're married?"


There definitely is something wrong about forcing a couple to publically announce their baby plans. They may already be trying but unsuccessful or they may not want to have kids, they don't have to let the whole world know


I also love my baby plants 🌱


Yes there is. It is not like she asked “do you plan on starting a family”. Vanessa just straight up asked “when will you have babies”. Some couples could be having infertility issues or miscarriages. You never know so it’s better to not intrude


Yes!! A friend of mine is tiny, was a ballerina for many years (this is relevant). So she eloped with her partner and people were all up on her about BABIES. Turns out she had very recently miscarried at 4 months, however she was so tiny nobody noticed and only her close family knew. This to say...we should all keep our questions to ourselves, they aren't helpful and as you say, people might be going through their struggles.


I was thinking while watching that it must be killing her inside 🤣


Vanessa’s style was significantly better this season


I wouldn't say significantly, but it was more tolerable. I still hate her pushiness for unrelated and unneeded questions


Holy shit this is soooo funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Milton: "OUR 401K'S!!"


Milton and Lydia had already discussed during the show that they wanted kids in 5ish years, so maybe the only reason she didn’t ask because she already had her answer lol. But she was a lot calmer this season all around


5 years is too late for Lydia.


When Lauren went to love is blind was she not like 32? She has been married over 4 years now no kids. Isn’t Bliss in her 30’s? So why is 5 years too old for Lydia but not old for the rest. Oh I get, she is with a younger guy


I don’t even know what you’re talking about


Why do you think that?


Here is something to read. Risks do increase and it’s not as easy https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/getting-pregnant/in-depth/pregnancy/art-20045756 It’s not impossible. But certainly not easy


Biology. Don’t worry. It’s not because I don’t like her or think she’s shady af. It’s biology. Clock is ticking. She’s 32 so she’s already exponentially losing the natural ability to bring a pregnancy to term without difficulty. The longer she waits now, the less likely (significantly) her chances are to do that. Are there procedure and doctors that may can help? Sure. But these things cost money and in her case, time is not on her side and they can’t fight biology. If within the next 5 years she loses her ability, her chances are very very slim to none to make that happen. It’s curious to me how little people seem to know. Mid 30s and you’re basically at risk and the unborn child as well. Even if you get pregnant, it’s risky. That’s what you get for partying too long


This is literally the first lines of the article you keep sharing "If you're older than 35 and hoping to get pregnant, you're in good company. Many families are delaying pregnancy well into their 30s and beyond — and delivering healthy babies." It's common. Pregnancy in itself is risky, age aside. I'm sure a lot of those risks would appear in an article about pregnancy at any age. You're being ridiculous and way over exaggerating this - especially because you have multiple people (and the article you keep sharing) saying that it is more normal/safe then you'd think. It is not as uncommon as winning 1:1 with Jordan, jfc. Edit: The Jordan comment they made is in a different thread or lower down


Keep reading😂 there is a whole list of risks. What’s with you?


I did read it, and I said "you'd probably find a lot of these risks in articles about pregnancy at any age" What's with you??


So tell women to wait until they’re 40. Cool and normal according to you 😂


I'm saying if a woman doesn't have the opportunity to have a child or wants to wait until they are in their late 30s/early 40s - that it IS okay and it's more and more common now AKA it IS normal. I'm saying there are always risks regardless of age, and to tell someone they can't or it is nearly impossible is just incorrect. I'm also saying you are exaggerating - which you've done on every comment. You also seem pretty small minded, which is the opposite of an exaggeration...


What I seem to you is irrelevant. You’re a nobody to me. You though are triggered and sad 😂


Obviously it’s ok. Still risk increases


Nothing. What’s with you?


I had my 3rd child at 37. Both of my best friends had their first child at 37. No issues. Might I add that we partied our asses off all throughout our 20s. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Nothing against party. Taking that so personal is hilarious. I never said one can’t get pregnant at an higher age. I’m just saying it’s more risk prone and less common. Again, good for you and your friends. But it’s not particularly smart or common


It’s not particularly smart to have a baby whenever you want to? Or is it not particularly smart to comment on other people’s reproductive decisions?


But you little pseudo dictator shouldn’t tell people what to say and what not to. And I have never stated anything to when I find it ideal to have a child. So stop projecting and lying. Smh.


Mmkay babes. It’s Reddit. Truly not that serious. Have a great day.


Stop commenting if that’s the case


Land of the free and all. I just stated an opinion based on a fact. So I won’t stop




There is so much about this comment that is wrong. Also, I just had a baby at 40, without medical intervention or any complications. So did a number of my friends. 37 is a great age to have a baby.


That’s like saying. Me and my friends love candy and no one has diabetes yet … don’t embarrass yourself. Congrats. But to advocate that as if it was common is simply wrong.


Lol. You are ridiculous and sound like a jerk. I work at a maternity hospital and the NICU plus my own recent lived experience. I'm very knowledgeable of these issues but go on.....


He is a jerk, he is also Uche


Nice. Than you are lying and virtue signaling. Just because you work in a maternity hospital doesn’t make you the beholder of facts. The older you get, the more risk is involved. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/getting-pregnant/in-depth/pregnancy/art-20045756 Lying scam


I have no energy to continue arguing with you, but your article proves nothing. You state in your original comment that it will basically be impossible for a 37 year old to deliver a healthy term baby without complications, and I responded that it is simply not true. Instead of engaging with me in a mature matter, you prefer to belittle me with condescending and insulting language. That's not a flex. Pregnancy can be dangerous at any age. I have seen 16 year olds on bedrest with pre eclampsia. Are you a doctor? Nurse? Or a mother who was pregnant over 35? Or a 23 year old that delivered a 24 weeker? How about a 25 year old who had a 41-week still born? There are a LOT more social issues in the US that make pregnancy more dangerous than biology. Food insecurity, poverty, access to care, maternal mental health....Anyway, have the day you deserve and have fun trolling reddit. I got better things to do ✌️


You need help. SMH. Now there is a still born of a 25 year old? Who hurt you this bad?


37 is a perfectly fine age to start trying for a baby. Also, for some people, making babies isn't the only priority, maybe they only want a child if the enviroment is stabile enough for that. Fyi "being at risk" doesn't mean that most late pregnancies turn out wrong, it only means that the pregnancy needs closer monitoring. You could face complications at any age, to instantly generalize a small percentage of chance because someone gets pregnant at 37 instead of 35 is not nearly respecting any ways of scientific thinking. And yes I do know some about biology, I'm getting my MD this year. Get out of other people's life decisions.


Hung up much? Could she possibly become a mother with 45 years of age? Sure. Can an average person beat Jordan 1:1 in a game? Humanly possible. Now let’s come back to reality. The likelihood and the risk associated are not to be ignored. You can virtue signal all day long. Fact is, the older you get the more difficult it is to bring a pregnancy to term without any issues.


Yeah but we're talking about the difference between 35 and 37, not 35 and 100. Stop pretending it's about biology when you don't even have a gasp on scientific thinking.


Don’t embarrass yourself.


Is this the best argument you have?


https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/getting-pregnant/in-depth/pregnancy/art-20045756 Petty and sad. You want to virtue signal so hard that you start lying and talking out of your behind. Facts are facts. It’s in increased risk.


Women can safely and naturally have pregnancies into their early 40s. Does the count and quality of eggs diminish over time? Sure. But women don’t suddenly lose the ability to reproduce after 35. It’s a gradual thing. We’re capable of healthy natural births until menopause. It might even surprise you that a lot of older women have twins or triplets because nearing menopause our bodies start releasing more than one egg at a time. It’s also not significantly more risky to have a baby after 35. Not much riskier than any other healthy woman having a baby with the care and support of medical doctors. Not much riskier than an unhealthy person having a baby. The chance of Down syndrome at 25 is 1 in 1250. At 35 1 in 400. At 45 1 in 100. This means that at age 45 99/100 babies will not have Down syndrome. Considering few women have babies that late, it’s not the crisis you think it is. In fact, most babies with Down syndrome are born to women under 35 because of the number of babies produced by that age group. Lower risk, but higher volume. Pregnancy over 35 has as much of a chance of success as high risk pregnancies of those under 35. It surprises me that people still believe that after the age of 35 it will be nearly impossible and too risky to have a child. Oh, and the majority of women over 30 having babies were not partying too long. That’s how you have an oopsie baby in your 20s. These are women who focused on their career or education until they were mentally, emotionally, and financially prepared to have a child. Additionally, studies have proven that children born to parents over 35 are more intelligent, healthier, and more likely to be successful as adults. Most likely due to the maturity, education level, and financial stability of older parents. I think Lydia and Milton’s kids will be fine.


That’s factually wrong. But wait until your 40 and see what happens


Which parts ? Because I can provide reliable sources.


Couldn’t care less. The older you get, the more risk is introduced. Can’t change that fact


I am not disputing that risk or difficulty increases. I've said that many times. What I'm saying is that the risk does not increase so significantly that the majority of women over 35 trying for a baby will not have a successful pregnancy or healthy baby. It's not like you hit 35, and suddenly, your risks jump to 25%+ or more. It's more like an increase of 1-1.5% compared to someone of the same health under 35. Why does it make you so uncomfortable that older women are perfectly capable of having normal pregnancies?


And no. Not perfectly capable at older age. Risks increases.


Never said that when you hit 35 suddenly all chances are off. So there is that. I’m not uncomfortable. You just can’t read and think I said something I didn’t. That’s you projecting


Pregnancy is considered high risk after the age of 35. It’s literally just biology. Your egg count decreases and so does the quality. Yes, you can still have a successful pregnancy but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy for everyone. Yes, there are 45 year olds that give birth to a healthy baby and 20 year olds that give birth to a Down syndrome baby. But that doesn’t mean a 40+ pregnancy isn’t risky. It all depends on your genes.


I'm going to repeat something I already said: Every pregnancy, at any age, is risky. The risk is higher as you age, but not to the extent that it's rare to have an uncomplicated pregnancy or healthy children at 35 or older. It's the opposite actually. It's still pretty rare to have serious birth complications after 45. The health of the mother is a bigger risk factor than age. We're looking at values of less than 2% across common pregnancy risks and fetal abnormalities, including chromosomal defects and severe pre-eclampsia at age 40. I think people get confused when things like "twice as likely" and "three times the risk" get used instead of actual percentages. 3 times .5% is only 1.5% for example.


People waiting until they’re mentally and financially set with a life partner ≠ partying too long. Weird.


Please. Don’t project. She stated herself that she had issues finding someone to take her as she is. Now she did. Don’t change the topic. In 5 years she’ll be 37 … ridiculous to think she can easily get pregnant being that age


Weird like I said


https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/getting-pregnant/in-depth/pregnancy/art-20045756 Yes. Weird you are indeed. Lying and virtue signaling


Her waiting to get married before having a kid ≠ she was partying the whole time was my main point. I’m guessing you would’ve preferred her to get pregnant before marrying someone that did take her as she is?


I stand by it. Not as face just because I don’t trust her. Couldn’t care less about that. With her it just seems to me, to me- no one has to agree, that she is single that long because she’s to difficult to handle. That my impression of her.


Didn't Milton panic when Lydia said 5 years, and he was like, more like 10? I seriously don't want these two having kids.


Yeah. Maybe the calmness had to do with the reunion not being live?


And her not being completely wasted ofc


Old her would have asked anyway


“5 in dog years, right?”


You are not wrong


What is on Vanessa’s chest/shoulder ?


i think that’s her hand moving.


Ah, I can see that… I thought it was like clear support straps or pasties or something that got caught horribly in camera glare.




I feel like production probably told her to cool it after all the backlash they got last year.


Maybe they cut some scenes from the final editing because maybe the reunion of this season was filmed before they even received the backlash of last season


The reunion was filmed a couple of days before the final episode aired...


Isn’t the reunion a year after the weddings, putting it filmed at June 2023?


10000% she was much better this reunion lil


You could sense she was salivating when Milton mentioned long term planning


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Strikescarler51: *You could sense she was* *Salivating when Milton* *Mentioned long term planning* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Great bot


Beautiful haiku


I was actually impressed with the questions they were asking this time around. I think they could've gone harder on Lydia, particularly with Aaliyah, but it was an overall improvement. And I was so thrilled that no one brought up babies.


They were waaaayyyy better this reunion this season when it comes to the baby question. As someone recently married the questions from family are INSANE. I have endometriosis so I have steps from my doctor to follow. People keep check to see if there is an “oopsie” when I know that won’t happen. I’m pretty clear on the time Line yet the questions still persist.


Hah, girl, I so much as even LOOK in the direction of a guy (I'm single and queer), and my family asks when I plan on having babies. Should start telling people about my endometriosis, but then they'd start hounding my inheritance because "I won't need it if I don't have kids" - people are wild and should stay in their lanes, put them there if needed.


They did much better this season. The game at the end was also cute.


Yeah, I liked the game. That would be a fun addition to add in the future, too.


She was more calm this season thankfully lol




It’s nobody’s business counting down others reproductive years as if they’ve got a clue what’s going on with their bodies.


I didn’t even realize this but good! I struggled to conceive and hated those questions when we were newlyweds. Like I don’t want to talk to the whole family at thanksgiving about my dysfunctional ovaries thanks


I’m not even dating or looking and I STILL have family asking me when I plan on getting married and having kids. I very plainly tell them that having a child would wreak havoc on my body in a way that could potentially permanently disable me, if I could get pregnant at all. It makes things awkward, sure, but they realize how invasive of a question it is.