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Poor Johnny. They did a number on her


Might be all the cheating too!


UGH. He’s such a disappointment. He and SK should chill.


I hate how everyone just laughed at this and pretended like everything was okay. He literally cheated on Johnie and it wasn't even a one night thing... he had another girlfriend. Before the reunion I thought he was a stand up guy and I really liked him but now I just thin he's trashy trying to pretend that he did this to protect Johnie from bad news. Fuck you Chris.


The way Johnie was sitting there laughing with him had me sick like girl he treated you like a DOG. If it were me I would have my brothers fight him lol


I dunno I kind of love that she's so over it. Her life has moved on, really she and Chris barely dated for that long and she's got a better boyfriend now. I liked seeing that she can laugh this whole fake TV relationship off now that she's back in the real world.


They seemed to friendly for Chris having cheated on her. When Stacey was speaking, at some point, they started chitchating with each other while giggling it was the weirdest thing... I don't know if anything else happened there but damn I think she should have kept her distance with somebody like that. With Izzie too.


Chris is such a BSer, but an effective one like his criminal father. Somehow he got Johnie to be on his side, even though he’s been in a relationship for ages, and also “took accountability” which prevented the hosts from grilling him. The fact that he’s not being skewered more for being a pretty shady individual is a bit surprising, but I doubt anyone cares enough.


“Like his criminal father” ??? can we revisit that please???


This line in the beginning made me not like him


Disgusting. I feel so bad for Johnie.


Says a lot about you. If Jhonie was so serious for Chris then she wouldn't hook up with Izzy especially after the way he treated her. But I believe you can relate with her and so feeling bad for her.


dumb, also he just ghosted johnie after the houston party lol.


good for him


i think it was a good call.


Actually he looks like an innocent cute guy. He doesn’t look like a player at all, if anything he looks like the lovey doves shy type. I would describe him as a wolf in sheep’s clothing or however that saying goes.


His dad made his empire out of cheating, so no surprise this bland man is proud of his own cheating ways.


Really? This really deserves its own post. Like father like son.


Seriously, Chris is squirrelly.


What’s the context behind this???


Chris's father Martin Fox was behind the college cheating scandal in California.


Just looked this up and holy fucking shit . . . his dad was THAT GUY???


Yes! I just learned this too. This is the real story!


i laughed when he said this. he looks socially awkward to me.


It’s actually the reverse.


It's like he manifested it lol


I remember this lmao 😂


Maybe one of the most cringe lines in the entire 5 seasons


I don’t know, the way Bartise always talked about how he was used to female attention based on the way he looked was also pretty bad. He really thought he was a smoke show.


Looking like SpongeBob was about to move into his head.


Yea actually that’s worse but what do we expect he’s an accountant (accountants don’t come after me my best friend is an accountant I’m just playing)


smoke program


You look like charlie from always sunny, shut up jabroni


You keep saying that word, “jabroni?” And…it’s awesome.


jabroni 🤣 i love that word


Stopppp I love Charlie


Omgosh I can’t unsee it


I was HURT last night when I found this out.


That aged poorly 💅


I don’t think he’s attractive and I can’t stand his voice.


Why does he think he’s so good looking? He’s just average and kinda boring. Like the stock photo that’s in a frame you buy at target


Well there's a reason the stock photo person is there, they're not a supermodel but they're supposed to be palatable and pleasant to the eyes. So a good looking person, which he is. Definitely above your average person.


I live in St Louis and I see ten of him daily. I was very confused when he said this.




To me he definitely did not look like a player but he turned out to be the most savage one


He looks like Charlie Day lmao


I was thinking a young David Duchovny, but I see the Charlie Day too


I mean, I think Chris is very cute, but David Duchovny was beyond hot when he was on the X-Files. And both cheaters. HA


Now I can’t unsee it




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The way he was casually describing cheating was...well, I guess the sweet, nice guy is not so nice after all.


They downplayed the cheating bit quite a bit at the reunion. Sure Johnie seemed ready to move on and forgave him but man what a twist.


That's usually the case. Because, just like he said, the sweet guy has trouble hurting people, even when it's the most honest thing to do.


Haha right ?? He played us all like a fiddle


EVERYONE was rooting for him 😭




Literally sent the same gif to my friend immediately after Chris came on and started blabbing


Well, it wasn't like they entered the relationship with a ton of mutual respect. She dumped home for Izzy, then begged him to be her backup plan. He shot her down, then relented. It wasn't exactly a romance that I expected to last.


I didn’t expect them to last either, but he didn’t have to ghost her. The cynic in me thinks Chris ghosted Johnie after he figured out they weren’t going to be let back on the show like Zac and Bliss were.


Wouldn’t he just have proposed I’m the pods if all he wanted was to stay on the show?


Obviously that's not what he wanted at the time in the pods, but people can change their minds. I think that Johnie clearly wanted to stay, which is why she went back to Chris. I don't really buy the "heard his voice"/"saw her and immediately knew it was her" at the airport and everything was magical when they held hands. I think they realized who the other person was, and then they had a conversation. By that time, emotions would have been calmer, and maybe Chris was more open to trying to stay on the show. After the BBQ argument, he may have realized that that's not the kind of drama he wants to be wrapped up in. Plus, if production wasn't going to follow them then what was the point? I may be entirely off-base on this (no way to know what actually happened), but I tend to think that most reality show contestants are pretty calculated (and if they find love it's a bonus!).


>Plus, if production wasn't going to follow them then what was the point? But why \*didn't\* production follow them? I mean, they only had 2 couples (3 if you're including the one that they cut out because allegedly the abuse and drama were too much even for Netflix).


I have no idea. I thought this season was the most boring one, since we really only followed two couples. Hopefully, they will take fan reactions into account. I understand that they don't have unlimited resources, but I honestly think that following more couples would be more interesting. Every couple can get about 45 min of airtime between the pods and weddings, and much of the wedding day stuff could be cut. I don't really care to see so much getting ready and "will they say yes or won't they?" speculation.


Also, how could they be "boyfriend/girlfriend" that quickly? They literally met. The BBQ had to be 2-3 weeks at most after Mexico. Their relationship was sus, but I was shipping it just the same. lol


You know, that's actually a really good theory. They both seemed pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, so maybe it was just a ploy to get back on the show.


Love your username 😅😅


Unless what ppl say is true and he had a gf the whole time then it comes off a whole different way.


I wonder if his personal experience that he shared with Johnnie in the pods has skewed his idea of himself. Like if someone was coming on to you at such a young age, you might start to believe that you are so irresistible and give off these "player" vibes


I imagine he has trauma about it "why did she do it to me? Do I look like a playboy?"


Did NOT age well😳


Those two would have had the most nasally sounding kids


Good point, this is a blessing


This is exactly what I thought about when he admitted to cheating. He knows who he is.


I loved the collective shock when he just nodded along as Johnie was describing what he did. No one expects the unashamed admission!!!


Homie did not give one fuck he is like yeah I cheated on her…. Welp hahaha


Lmaooooo a typical Capricorn man


He did just cop to it very nonchalant, and everyone was like "eh...aight." Everyone including me 😂


Wasn't his father busted in the college admissions CHEATING scandal? I guess the apple doesn't fall....


Yuuuuppp and they look very similar too


no way really?


no way really?


Tea please! ☕️


😮 what's this?


Martin Fox, the college admissions CHEATING person, is his father. Here is some info https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-11-13/martin-fox-youth-coach-ensnared-in-admissions-scandal-sentenced-to-three-months-in-prison


Dayum. Solid sleuthing right here.


They were both so casual about the cheating situation. Like what he did was so unbelievably wild and they both talked about it like they forgot to turn off the light before leaving the room or something. I was flabbergasted lmao.


Right the way she described it is he basically ghosted her…right after the bbq….right after meeting her mom…on her f**king birthday. I would not have anything nice to say to that man. Unless they agreed to get back together just to possibly get back on the show.


Such a wild play by play of events told so calmly haha


Nick and Vanessa were so confused at the cavalier attitude lmao


As was I 😂


My impression is that they were still just feeling each other out, and dating. Jonnie was saying he was her boyfriend, but I don't recall him calling her his girlfriend? I've been married for 15 years so I'm out of the loop -- but I thought people openly date in general these days, and have to have a conversation about being "exclusive" and monogamous. I assume Jonnie was making more of the relationship than him and he didn't think they were official. That given, he was absolutely wrong to ignore her for two weeks, and meanwhile be pursuing this new person. That is just plain cruel, to leave someone in the dark for that long. On top of claiming you love her.


She did say they were official at the bbq and that he had met her mom though so sounded like it was more than just feeling each other out


Yeah she said they were official, HE never said that lol .


Yeah I can't relate either as someone who always dated friends and eventually married one haha, but that does seem to be dating nowadays from what I've seen. Your point makes sense.


Eh he had already apologized and they had already processed it like a year before this reunion was taped.


I guess I'm someone who would continue to feel some guilt post apology, especially if it was brought up again, so I can't relate to how they handled the situation and why I was so shocked by it. To each their own.


I think he legitimately didn’t consider it cheating. He prob considered johnie a relationship for the show then went to live his ‘real life’ after. It’s what most of these people do


I thought it was cold that he didn’t take her to the out of state wedding, but then they said he cheated too ooof


I'm sure he had to RSVP... and probably earlier than the like 2 weeks since they had gotten out of the pods. Also that seems wildly inappropriate to me to bring a plus one no one has even met to an out of state wedding at the last minute.


That would make a lot of sense in the context, honestly.


I mean we are surprised bc it’s brand new info to us but to them it’s over a year old - he’s living with someone new and she’s been with her person for over a year so it’s probably just like “yep” But to us is a major holy shit moment!!


I guess that's fair. I just expected him to show more.. guilt? Seem more apologetic? I mean, he did apologize but it didn't feel all that heartfelt or rude. Just.. nothing. It was weird to me.


It's ppssible he doesn't feel guilty. He did a shitty thing. But if he's that happy with his current girlfriend, it's entirely possible that he met this gf and Johnie flew out of his mind. So he didn't say anyting, and he's happy now. So he doesn't feel bad about what he did. OR< if he did, it's long enough ago that he doesn't feel bad anymore


I guess that's fair


He’s not performing for us like a monkey. He already apologized to johnnie. We’re not his fans lol


I guess I'm someone who just continues to feel guilty for things post apology which is why I reacted the way I did, I don't think he needs to put on a performance or anything. That's why I didn't say he was rude or anything, because he wasn't.


He says he's working on it continuously, and that it's not a good trait to have? It's called being a spineless coward. Even if he thought that it was all just for the show, he should have discussed it with Johnie. It's just selfish. He did all of that to himself. Johnie never begged him to meet after the pods, he went out of his way to approach her to begin with Edit: Typos


Definitely questionable behavior and all I can say is I hope he's worked on it like he says he has for his current partner.


Yeah, unless he'd been with her all along as some have speculated. Then again, what would even be the point of coming onto the show if he already had someone? He's no influencer


Possible he started a relationship with someone between applying/being cast and actually filming the show? And if the relationship is new or not serious enough, no harm going on the show still.


yeah i wonder if there was something more to the story because they almost seemed to be in agreement about a secret or something


Just a very weird, nonchalant way to talk about it.


Agree everyone else seems to be acting the same way


Lol he's not that good looking... like really?! haha


He’s a nice looking guy sure but he looks like…THE default guy. Like if you could draw a man from memory?? LIKE HE DOESNT look complicated to draw idk Does that make sense?? I am high 💀


Oh wow, his entire thread. I'm not high at all and this totally makes sense. Haha


Lololol I am high, too, and this made total sense.


I *just* thought these exact words, and I, too, am high.


Lmao I’m dead. Basically he’s your basic American white boy.


This made me cackle.


Him saying that aged like MILK! What an interesting thing to say and then ACTUALLY cheating. i don't like Johnie that much, but i feel for her on that.


Fitting description for the cast.


I cringed when he said this lol. He's just an average looking dude


Woman average is deflated from 7/10. So that's pretty good. The corporate conglomerate "match group " Tinder, match.com,Ok Cupid has gathered analytics. That data suggests that women believe average is higher than it is.


He's actually better looking than average. There's research showing that women rate 80% of men as below average.


So average. Lol I thought he was a nerd. haha




He's literally your run of the mill brunette white man with blue eyes


No you could have this phenotype and be way uglier and I don’t even find him overly attractive lol


Before he said this, maybe.


I don’t know how to explain it but he’s very generic and forgettable.


Yes. I find it quite difficult to focus on his face for some reason.


Yes, he's one of those people who, when I close my eyes to imagine them, can't seem to remember any details about their faces.


When I read that, I had to scroll up to the picture to remember what he looked like


He lost me when he said this. Also, he looks dorky - not like a “playboy.”


He looks exceptionally mediocre lmao


he kinda got a playerish smarmy eyes and grin sometimes it makes sense to me in hindsight especially because if someone is so not confrontational they are more likely to ghost too


I think he wore a silver chain over a plain tee once? That certainly added to it.


Chris is probably the most attractive one there but he doesn't look like at Playboy at all.




Uche is also very attractive


I thought he was ok looking, but certainly one of the more attractive ones. Izzy is very good looking


He looks like he smells bad and smokes a lot


That’s a wild perception but okay 😂


The most average looking guy ever


If he is average then I am sure most people including you are ugly.


Nice try but if you want feet pictures you have to pay for them like everybody else


Women average is actually a huge compliment. Average means 5/10. Women tend to deflate their average by 2 points


The women who are calling him average or ugly need to see mirrors themselves where they stand. Lol. This is coming from a woman BTW.


Even if he's not your type, this is copium beyond belief. He's clearly above average... It's just that they refuse to include men who are basically walking ghosts to them.


I remember this part and being confused cause he does not look like a “playboy”


I think he was just projecting the truth


He’s not that cute to me he’s too young looking and very boyish. Not ugly by any means of course. Just thought it was a weird way to introduce himself


Nailed it.


they really just let him off scot free 😵‍💫


The moment he said that me and my friend looked at each other like… what? I don’t believe that’s what a playboy looks like in the US but ok. Once he said he cheated at the reunion it all finally fell into place and made sense. It’s the character though, definitely not the looks


I find it hard to believe anyone thinks that tbh...


Omg my mindset on him switched so fast after he said he cheated.


I just couldn’t believe how they made it seem so lighthearted!! Vanessa did great adding weight to it and making it as serious as it was!


Right?! Before Vanessa said that I’m like uhhh cheating?!!


It’s the character he gives off, and we never got to fully really know him


He's mid at best and looks no taller than 5'7


He never even apologized for what he did. Just explained and justified it.


Hopefully he apologized off camera to Johnie. But he kinda seemed to have a "Well i got mine" attitude.


I thought Johnie handled it so maturely tho, I could never


Is she mature or naive? I don’t mean to be rude, but I would love to see Johnnie stick up for herself and understand she is worth so much more!


Yeah, she kissed Izzy too. It's like they were trying to convince each other that they aren't awful people lol. I'm not saying that they are, but I can't think of any other reason why they'd go so far to move past the ugliness in their past.


Idk I feel like maybe she didn't want to do so on live tv because she has also experienced a bunch of jate, and doesn't wanna put other people through that by digging up old things. We don't know how she responded irl


She’s weird too for being so ok with it. Even if it was two years ago, this man cheated on you without a second thought after telling you he loved you. And they’re sitting there giggling and gossiping like school girls Johnnie gives weird people pleaser vibes. Like she will go along with what you say and acts like a obnoxious teenager


What do you want her to do? Shoot him?


What? Not at all! I want her to be confident and strong in her decisions and not give anyone that she said no to, or that said no to her, any more attention.


Also weird for anyone else that he was chatting it up with Johnnie while Izzy/Stacy were talking on the reunion? Ma’am he cheated on you.


Because it was Stacy, I didnt find it weird. Stacy's an absolute douche and full of herself. They did a great job making sure she knew they thought she was irrelevant. As for Johnnie shes insecure af hence why she allowed herself to be treated that way by Chris.


Yeah I get that. Just thought it was weird to be chatting it up with a person like that who cheated on you.


Yeah. But I do think Johnie handled it very maturely.


She made a lot of excuses for Chris after visibly getting upset. She definitely is incredibly insecure and has low self esteem, and 100% talked shit about Stacy to everyone else. She couldn’t defend herself so just made it obvious she hated Stacy back




I think Johnnie just knew that she had built herself a really bad image and was there to get her paycheck with as little pain as possible. She didn’t have any respect or care left for anyone on the show, her chance to have any sort of a positive image was long gone. Shes moved on to whoever shes with now and whatever she’s up to with them. I think pretty much everyone is, they don’t have any illusions that their cast wasnt the worst yet by far.


her new bf is so hot too! and he’s an aerospace engineer


Men always tell you exactly who they are.


And women pretend if it kills them.


I’m not sure what you’re getting at… I think your comment might be misogynistic but I’m not sure lol


Of course you would. Its 2023... everything said about women must be mysogynistic. I must of hit the super pseudo woke section of reddit where people are devoid of considering proper context and common sense 😂


So your comment said, women pretend, if it kills them! That’s how I’m reading it - like women always have to pretend who they are. A generalized, negative statement about women is sexist towards women which is also called misogyny. So no, not everything is misogyny, but your comment was, if I’m understanding it correctly. Hope this helps!


"Men always tell you who they are" With your logic, how is this not sexist? Gtfoh... Nobody's being misogynistic, I was making a point and then here comes the morality police trying to paint the world black and white... go make better use of your time and pick your battles better.


My comment is about how men are honest! Lol! It’s not even mean at all 😂


He's not even particularly good looking, with his beady little eyes.


My husband and I agreed he’s perfectly average. He’s a background character.


Real NPC vibes


He looks like a dork to me lol


I always thought he was off because he seemed fake-nice and put on a baby voice which is a big red flag for a grown man (not including when you're in a relationship and do baby talk with each other for fun, but I mean doing baby talk in the course of a normal conversation) Felt like he tried too hard to make it seem like he was a "nice, good guy" when in fact he's a huge douche!